
=== zul_ is now known as zul
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cpaelzerjamespage: hi08:15
cpaelzerjamespage: fyi I got success with the dpdk upload, now my ovs-dpdk seems to work fine08:15
cpaelzerjamespage: I wanted to ask if you need help or just want to discuss about you charming it08:15
cpaelzerjamespage: also I'm interested in what you decided regardig the user/permission of the vhost-user sockets08:16
jamespagecpaelzer, just getting a ceph rc out of the way and then I'll re-focus on the work I was doing last week on testing ovs+dpdk+openstack08:16
jamespageI hit some unrelated blockers which inhibited progress a bit...08:17
cpaelzerjamespage: sure, just wanted to offer help more than tracking on that remaining bug :-)08:17
cpaelzerme going on with testing might help to get off some inhibitors you didn't hit yet upfront, so I just go on until you let me know08:18
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randymarsh9is the userspace the type of syntax the command line takes?14:03
randymarsh9for example bash?14:03
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tewardif I have a question about the base ubuntu-server metapackage, who do I bother?15:03
naccrandymarsh9: sorry, can you rephrase your question?15:07
Seveasteward: that'll depend on the question. Try in here and see what happens.15:07
tewardSeveas: the quesiton being why is lxc and everything on the server seed itself, as part of the `ubuntu-server` metapackage in Xenial15:12
tewardeverything directly related*15:12
ogra_teward, yeah, guiven it is now part of every ubuntu default install it should probably rather be in ubuntu-standard15:13
tewardogra_: i'm still scratching my head as to why this was done, maybe I missed an email chain, but...15:13
tewardogra_: seems like a massive change, esp. if we have to load container support into every default install15:14
tewardi'm just left scratching my head is all15:14
crazybluekhow to prevent net lag when ubuntu  dhclient renews ip due lease time on dynamic ip given by dhcp server on another device ?15:19
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|eod
randymarsh9anyone know why there is a slash to separate librrd-dev and libmailtools-perl for the apt-get install on this page:17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libitm1:amd64 (4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libmpfr4:amd64 (3.1.2-1) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libquadmath0:amd64 (4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libtsan0:amd64 (4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libmpc3:amd64 (1.0.1-1ubuntu1) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up binutils (2.24-5ubuntu14) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6.7) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up linux-libc-dev:amd64 (3.13.0-83.127) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up libc6-dev:amd64 (2.19-0ubuntu6.7) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up cpp-4.8 (4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) ...17:12
randymarsh9Setting up cpp (4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6) ...17:12
naccrandymarsh9: uh, line continuation?17:15
randymarsh9nacc: so ignore that?17:15
naccrandymarsh9: i really don't think you should be going down the route of building your own packages if you don't know what that is, but that's your choice :) you can keep it there or not, it's just meant to indicate it's all one line (and if you were to c&p, it'll hopefully include the enter at the end)17:17
randymarsh9nacc: i'm following diffrent guides on how to setup a netflow monitor and the last one did not work so i was doing this one17:18
randymarsh9stupid file doesn't even exist on their server17:20
randymarsh9so the green file mean they are executables correct?17:37
randymarsh9when i do ls17:38
sarnolddoublecheck with ls -l17:40
randymarsh9does the first part (-) mean it's a file?17:43
randymarsh9i see -rwxr-xr-x17:43
sarnoldyes; it would be 'd' for a directory, 'c' for a character device, 'b' for block device, 'l' for a symlink .. I can't recall what sockets/pipes/fifos get..17:46
naccsarnold: --^17:48
naccfor sockets, at least17:49
sarnoldthanks nacc :)17:49
randymarsh9how come i can't execute the file just by typing it's name when i am in the same directory as said executable?17:50
randymarsh9it tells me command not found17:50
mallardrandymarsh9: You need to use ./executable17:50
randymarsh9i have to type "./" before it17:50
randymarsh9is that just how linux works?17:50
mallardIt has to be on your $PATH17:50
naccit has to do with your PATH17:50
randymarsh9i understand that17:51
randymarsh9but if i am in the same directory?17:51
randymarsh9it doesn't care?17:51
mallardIts like that for security reasons17:51
naccit has to be in your PATH; I dont' think you understand that17:51
tewardrandymarsh9: this isn't Windows17:51
randymarsh9teward: yes that's how i'm used to doing it17:51
mallardIf you unzipped something and it had a nasty executable called ls inside, you would run it instead of the real ls17:51
tewardrandymarsh9: if the directory you are in is not in your $PATH variable, it must be prefixed with ./ to indicate you are executing something in the current directory17:51
randymarsh9mallard: excellent point17:52
tewardrandymarsh9: otherwise, you have to add the unzipped location to the $PATH variable17:52
mallardIf you really wanted I think you can put . on your path by putting a ; on its own at the end, but you shouldn't do that17:52
sarnolddon't do that :)17:52
tewardand also, mallard raises that good security point :P17:52
tewardand yes, you should not do that17:52
tewardso don't edit your path that way17:52
randymarsh9cool thanks17:54
randymarsh9next thing you know i'll be doing my own packages17:55
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randymarsh9dang way over my head here18:31
randymarsh9anybody have a netflow setup running on their ubuntu box?18:31
randymarsh9tried nfsen w/ nfdump so far and can't get it working18:31
randymarsh9any other recommendations?18:32
randymarsh9or know a good channel to ask in?18:32
DirtyCajunjust for specificity... prepending a : to the beginning or appending it to the end of your PATH will yield that result, but changes weather it searches before the rest or after randymarsh918:40
randymarsh9DirtyCajun: cool good to know thanks18:41
DirtyCajunalso permenantly changing it is a security risk but changing it for your session only is just "frowned upon"18:43
DirtyCajunin which you would just type PATH=$PATH:18:43
RoyKor PATH=$PATH:/whateveryouwanttoaddinthepath18:44
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lordievaderrandymarsh9: 'Can't get it working', what are you running into?18:46
randymarsh9lordievader: when i would run "./nfsen start" instead of saying something like OK or succeeded I got a bunch of weird output about line 44, 66 etc. and some message about rerunning the config (which after rerunning would still yield the same result)18:49
randymarsh9honestly i think it's because of following several different guides on setting this up18:50
randymarsh9and something somewhere got screwed up so i'm just going to wipe the whole install and start fresh using 1 decent looking guide i found18:51
randymarsh9and make sure i understand every step i'm doing18:51
randymarsh9feel like second time around i should be able to get it working18:51
lordievaderrandymarsh9: Oh, that is normal. Nfsen spews out a bunch of perl stuff, but if it doesn't error you are good to go.18:52
lordievaderCan you pastebin the output by the way?18:52
randymarsh9lordievader: damn already reformatting18:58
randymarsh9where were you 20 min ago before i gave up all hope?!?18:59
randymarsh9jk. that's good to know if i encounter it again. is there a command i can run to see if it actually is running in the background? will top do it?18:59
sarnoldps auxw19:00
randymarsh9sarnold: difference between ps and top is ps is screenshot and top is realtime right?19:02
lordievaderRead the man page of both applications ;)19:03
randymarsh9how come they don't teach this stuff in school19:04
randymarsh9if i get this working i will be so happy19:05
sarnoldthey really should teach how to read manpages in school :) hehe19:05
randymarsh9man is incredibly useful19:06
randymarsh9used it like 6 times today19:06
randymarsh9surprised there's no man page on "cd" though19:07
sarnold'cd' can't be implemented as a stand-alone command19:07
randymarsh9yes it can19:07
sarnoldit's a shell built-in, because that's the only way it can affect the current working directory of the process19:07
sarnoldso it's documented in your shell's manpage19:08
randymarsh9if you run cd on its own it takes you to some directory i haven't quite figured out yet19:08
lordievaderrandymarsh9: That is not the point sarnold is trying to make. Suppose cd is a program. It would start up, chande dir, and exit. Leaving you in the original dir you where in.19:08
lordievaderThe parent didn't change dirs, only the child did.19:09
sarnoldrandymarsh9: 'cd' with no parameters changes directories to your home directory19:09
randymarsh9so only programs have man pages?19:10
sarnoldno, but shell built-ins often don't19:10
randymarsh9cool thx19:11
tarpmanfor extra fun, sometimes there's a program and a shell builtin with the same name (e.g. 'echo' or 'test'), and the man page documents the program, but what you're actually running is the builtin...19:12
JanCconfiguration files or concepts or libraries/library functions all could all have manpages19:12
JanCoh, and I do have a manpage for 'cd'19:14
randymarsh9anyone know why i would want to make a link between two files?19:14
sarnoldJanC: hah, so there is, in 1posix :) I've never noticed..19:14
randymarsh9does it mean if i edit one i am editting the other?19:14
JanCrandymarsh9: in case of hardlinks yes (they are just another name for the same file), in case of symlinks it depends (they are special files that refer to other files, and some applications might not follow symlinks, e.g. for security reasons)19:19
JanCbut in general, yes you would be editing the same file19:20
randymarsh9JanC: ok ty19:21
tarpmanthe usual write to a new file, fsync, rename dance probably breaks hardlinks though, I guess?19:22
RoyKany idea if it's possible to enable the L3 cache on a celeron? lshw reports it to be disabled...19:39
patdk-wkroyk, they are disabled on the die19:41
sarnoldhow rude19:42
sarnoldif it's just a configuration option that the bios doesn't export, maybe gross tricks like this could do it http://timetobleed.com/enabling-bios-options-on-a-live-server-with-no-rebooting/19:42
sarnoldbut if they've burned a fuse, well .. no luck there.19:43
RoyKpatdk-wk: just strange it's visible, then19:43
patdk-wkwell, it exists on the die19:44
randymarsh9is there man page for directories?19:45
patdk-wkbasically, it's the server cpu19:45
patdk-wkjust reclassed for desktop19:45
randymarsh9like if i want to know what /usr/src/ is for can is there a way to put man in front of that?19:45
tarpmanrandymarsh9: man 7 hier19:45
tarpman"description of the filesystem hierarchy"19:46
RoyKpatdk-wk: I guess a few people have tried to hack that, then, without much success :P19:47
randymarsh9tarpman: thx19:47
randymarsh9just curious what is the point of adding the 7?19:47
randymarsh9man hier seems to work ok too19:47
tarpmanrandymarsh9: habit. sometimes there are pages with the same name in different sections. e.g. printf(1) and printf(3) are very different things19:48
randymarsh9so page 7?19:48
randymarsh9does the 7 mean page 7?19:48
tarpmansection 719:49
randymarsh9cool thx19:49
patdk-wkvery important19:49
tarpmanrandymarsh9: the man(1) page has a list of the sections near the top19:49
patdk-wkexpecially when the program and config man pages are the same name19:49
tarpman(in case it wasn't clear, the (1) is the section there)19:49
patdk-wkor if you want the libc function vs the shell function19:49
randymarsh9you can do a man man19:52
randymarsh9pretty sweet19:52
tarpmanrandymarsh9: perfect example of why to specify the section...  you probably wanted 'man 1 man', but there's 'man 7 man' too... ;)19:53
tarpmanrandymarsh9: see also: 'whatis man'19:54
randymarsh9there's a whatis command ???19:55
randymarsh9so cool19:55
randymarsh9did you guys know about the whereis command?20:13
randymarsh9pretty useful stuff for you experts20:13
RoyKit just searches PATH for the command20:13
RoyKrandymarsh9: 'type' is another command that works somewhat the same way, only lists more stuff20:14
Piciand apropos20:15
tarpmanand 'which', and 'command', and ...20:17
mallardMy favourite command is poweroff.20:18
mallardOpens a portal to that game "outside"20:19
randymarsh9does clean install of ubuntu server enable firewall by default or no?20:29
tewarddefine "enable firewall" :P20:31
randymarsh9is the firewall turned on by default?20:33
tewardrandymarsh9: define 'turned on'.20:33
tewardif you mean "Turned on and blocking traffic" then I haven't seen that yet on a default install20:33
tewardbecause "blocking traffic" varies use case to use case to use case20:33
tewardthere's no 'default' I believe that fits "most situations"20:33
randymarsh9just curious thanks20:34
tewardrandymarsh9: usually a server admin will set the firewall up as needed.  :P20:35
tewardrather than rely on defaults20:35
tewardoop which reminds me i have a default grub on this VM that is evil20:35
tewardrandymarsh9: sudo ufw enable   <--- will turn on a 'default' firewall setup, but I don't like ufw, 'cause I like manipulating via iptables ;)20:36
randymarsh9ya that's the command i used to disable it20:38
tewardi think you mean enable.20:38
randymarsh9no i turned it off because this thing isn't working20:38
tewardwell, that's because you didn't set up the firewall to do what yo uwant it to ;)20:38
randymarsh9thought it had to do with fireall but doesn't look like it20:38
tewardalso "this thing isn't working" = vague20:38
teward... grrr stupid grub20:39
teward*goes to fix a server*20:39
randymarsh9if i do "ls -l" i see this output: drwxr-xr-x 9 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 30 16:03 directory_name20:48
randymarsh9why is www-data there twice20:48
randymarsh9is one the user and one the group?20:48
mallardThere's the user and the group20:48
randymarsh9and is that the owner of the directory?20:48
randymarsh9ok good20:49
randymarsh9so there's also a root user and a root group?20:49
mallardyeah, each user usually has their own group too20:49
randymarsh9when installing a pacakge "apt-get install program_name" grabs it from the repositories and "wget package_url" grabs it from the specified website right?21:20
tewardrandymarsh9: apt-get install will install the package from the repositories.  wget doesn't install anything21:21
tewardwget is used to download the URL.21:21
tewardif the URL is to a .deb it downloads the .deb to either the current directory, or the path defined in the -O option (if it wasn't provided, then it downloads to the directory you are in)21:21
tewardit doesn't install anything21:21
tewardapt-get downloads, then installs, the package from a repository.21:22
jrwrenand a repository is just a file store with some files in specific places. Might be a website (http), or ftp, or other.21:23
mallardyou should keep a copy of the repositories on a large collection of floppy disks21:23
mallardit's a great conversation piece21:23
jrwrenbeen there, done that, glad I do not anymore. ;]21:24
sarnoldheh I did a slackware install back in the day that was 53 floppies.21:25
sarnoldlatex was ~dozen, x11 was ~dozen..21:26
randymarsh9does ubuntu server hide file extensions by default?21:58
rattkingrandymarsh9 linux doesnt use extensions the same way other operating systems do..21:58
randymarsh9how does linux differentiate between an executable and a plain text file?21:59
randymarsh9when i do an ls it knows it's an executable but how?21:59
tarpmanrandymarsh9: by the executable (+x) bit in the permissions21:59
tarpmanrandymarsh9: there are plain text files that are executable: scripts.22:00
rattkingby the file mode22:00
randymarsh9ok cool thx22:01
rattkingthe tool 'file' can tell you more about a file22:02
jrwrenbecause... magic!22:02
rattkinglol yes “magic number" :)22:03
jrwrenthere is nothing magic about magic.22:03
sarnoldjrwren: hehe22:03
randymarsh9very cool that's like the whatis tool for commands22:05
mwhudsona bug in file (actually in the magic file) resulted in the best bug ever22:06
mwhudson"my printer doesn't work on tuesdays"22:06
JanChehe, I remember that one22:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248619 in file (Ubuntu Karmic) "duplicate for #255161 file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file (OOo does not print on Tuesdays)" [High,Fix released]22:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248619 in file (Ubuntu Karmic) "duplicate for #255161 file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file (OOo does not print on Tuesdays)" [High,Fix released]22:10
JanCthat's where somebody discovers first that the bug happens on Tuesdays22:11
hallynhelp i've forgotten how to bzr22:13
tewardhallyn: hail git :P22:13
tewardhallyn: you broke it, what's wrong :P22:13
sarnoldhallyn: step one, be sure to have some free time..22:14
hallyni've forgotten how to push a private branch of serverguide22:14
hallyn(sadly it is not yet avaialble over lp+git)22:14
hallynok sun finally came out - bbl22:22
sarnoldpoor bzr never had a chance against the sun22:23

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