
dholbachgood morning07:09
dholbachdavidcalle, do we have any news wrt deployment?07:37
davidcalledholbach, I need to check if Mike progressed on it yesterday. Will do that in 1h, currently fixing a flat tire...08:05
dholbachdavidcalle, thanks and good luck!08:05
davidcalleHalf-way between home and office :D08:05
* dholbach hugs davidcalle 08:12
davidcalledholbach: went faster than I expected, looking at the deployment.08:33
davidcalleThere have been a few changes: /me tries08:33
dholbachdavidcalle, what did we deploy where? :)08:34
davidcalledholbach: staging/167 dependencies/2808:35
davidcalledholbach: ~what we merged last week + a few fixes for the deployment08:37
dholbachand that's going to staging?08:37
dholbachI'm just asking because of https://code.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+activereviews08:37
davidcalledholbach: I know, I'll merge this as soon as the ¡$%#& thing is happy  :)08:38
davidcalleYes, to staging08:39
dholbachawesome, you're a hero <3 <3 <308:39
dholbachone of the MPs will allow us to fix stuff in the store data if necessary08:39
davidcalle"distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('pbr>=1.8')"08:45
dholbachI have it installed locally08:46
dholbachmaybe that's why it didn't fail08:46
dholbachmaybe time to add it to requirements.txt and to pipcache08:46
dholbachdo you have the full stacktrace?08:46
dholbachit'd be nice to figure out what exactly requires it08:46
dholbachcan we add comments to requirements.txt?08:47
dholbachthat way we could spell out what exactly needs it08:47
davidcalledholbach: pbr is in the dependencies branch08:48
davidcalledholbach: I'm adding it explicitely in requirements to see if it makes a difference08:54
* dholbach crosses fingers08:55
dholbachdoes it explode for you locally too?08:55
davidcalledholbach: works fine locally09:01
dholbachdavidcalle, do you have pbr installed?09:06
davidcalledholbach: I do. But I'm not sure the issue is explicitely with pbr, last week it was pilow missing in the exact same way.09:07
dholbachcan we run a local        ./env/bin/python -c 'import PIL'                to test?09:08
dholbachand do we have the full stacktrace?09:09
davidcalledholbach: sure, let me get you both09:11
dholbachor ./env/bin/python -c 'import pbr'09:11
davidcalledholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15558242/09:11
davidcalledholbach: I need to wait for machines to be fully up to ssh, in ~10 min09:12
dholbachdoes this indicate the dep chain? keystoneclient → positional → pbr?09:13
dholbachdavidcalle, no worries09:13
davidcalledholbach: I'm unsure09:14
dholbachthat's how I read the log09:14
davidcalledholbach: on the machine: no PIL, no pbr.09:22
dholbacheven though they're part of the cache?09:22
dholbachanything in env/lib/python2.*/*-packages/?09:22
davidcalledholbach: and running "pip install --exists-action=w --download pip-cache/ -r requirements.txt" on the machine, with a full pip-cache/, tries to download eg. beautifulsoup409:23
dholbachwhich pip version is it?09:23
davidcalleWow, just checked the version I'm running locally09:24
dholbachmaybe it needs a newer pip(?)09:25
dholbachpip-cache has pip-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl09:27
dholbachso that's not used either09:27
davidcalledholbach: there is no pip in the cache09:42
dholbachdavidcalle, it was removed in the meantime09:49
davidcalledholbach: should I try to add it to requirements?09:49
dholbachit was removed in r27..2809:50
dholbachI don't know if it's going to help09:50
dholbachbut maybe worth a try?09:51
davidcalledholbach: yeah, trying09:52
davidcalledholbach: I've tried several variations, without luck. I'm repushing the latest deployable version on staging. Let's not block importer fixes anymore. Do some of your changes require a components upgrade?10:25
dholbachno, not necessarily10:25
davidcalledholbach: looks like pip-cache install passed fine. I don't know if it's due to a specific new version of a component not working well on trusty or the lightweight checkout. If it's the latter, maybe we can use lightweight checkout only in a "make dev" context?10:29
dholbachhohum... I thought that was the case10:29
davidcalledholbach: looks like you are right10:30
davidcalledholbach: then, it's something else. Either a component that has been removed and is somehow essential in our staging stack or a buggy one.10:31
dholbachdavidcalle, maybe    ./env/bin/python -v -c 'import PIL'10:32
dholbachand ./env/bin/python -v -c 'import pbr'10:32
davidcalledholbach: I'll try it10:33
* davidcalle lunch, see you in a bit :)10:33
MoeHey everyone11:11
MoeI was wondering .. does anybody know what type of bluetooth keyboard and mouse are used for the Ubuntu tablet presentation on ubuntu.com/tablet ?11:12
MoeAnd if not .. who would be able to answer that question? :)11:12
davidcalleMoe: good question. Worth asking in #ubuntu-touch.13:03
Moedavidcalle: I did, they didn't no any specifics .. I was wondering about who to contact at Canonical concerning this :)13:26
davidcalleMoe: the best person would probably be yaili, who designed the page (see: http://design.canonical.com/2016/02/a-new-look-for-tablet/), she often comes in this chan, but she doesn't seem to be around today13:29
Moedavidcalle: That's great, thank you for the pointer <313:33
dholbachmaybe just send a mail to the mailing list?13:33
MoeI'll do that as well, cheers13:34
MoeIs it active though? The last email to the list shows as May 201513:34
davidcalleMoe: ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net is the most active one13:37
MoeAh, that one's different from the link in the topic .. I guess?13:45
dholbachMoe, this channel is about the website13:46
MoeAh right, sorry, I didn't see the obvious difference13:48
MoeMy bad13:48
dholbachno worries :)13:51
mhall119davidcalle: dholbach: was there a need to update the pip requirements after the last deployment?14:02
mhall119one of them is giving me all kinds of trouble during deployment14:03
davidcallemhall119: dholbach told me there wasn't, so I'm about to strip these changes. For now, I'm renewing the security cert of the site14:04
davidcallemhall119: *I"m about*, well, that's the plan, but if you have another idea... :)14:04
mhall119davidcalle: I'm working on staging atm, so please hold off on making any changes14:06
mhall119I've already done some work on the spec and dependencies branch14:06
davidcallemhall119: ok, note that I've downgraded staging to a working version, you need to change collect values and redeploy14:07
mhall119davidcalle: when did you do that?14:07
davidcallemhall119: this morning, which allowed to discover that our security cert is expired14:08
davidcalle(see #is)14:09
mhall119I love the "Oh yeah, that's something you guys are responsible for, surprise!"14:10
davidcalleReading the doc and still trying to figure out the value of $cn. Hint, it's not "developer.staging.ubuntu.com"14:11
davidcalleAnyway, I'm logging out of wendigo, good luck :)14:11
mhall119should change the motd on wendigo to "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"14:12
davidcallemhall119: any luck with wendigo?19:40
mhall119I'm trying to unknot the problem with our deps19:51
mhall119one of them is trying to pull in another dep, but it's always trying to get it from pypi.org rather than pip-cache19:52

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