
magespawngood morning04:53
superflygood evening06:15
chesedomorning magespawn superfly and others06:21
dlPhreakMorning 06:46
inetprogood morning everbody07:41
mazalAre you still at last night superfly ?09:14
superflymazal: certainly wish I was... I could be sleeping09:14
mazalDo you guys in the big cities know a Chesa Nyama ?09:19
mazalFood place09:19
mazalOne opened here , looks promising09:21
superflyYa, I see the only one in the western cape is in Paark09:24
Cryterionhmmm, there's one near me09:57
magespawna new local fast food chain?10:07
thatgraemeguymy sister knows that, she lived in KZN for a few years10:56
thatgraemeguyI'm surprised they even bothered here, and in Paarl of all places10:57
thatgraemeguyons kan mos ons eie goed braai, wat se nonsens is dit?!?! :-p10:57
magespawnlater all14:00
pavlushkao/ all14:26
superflyWas wondering why it's so quiet in here, then I realised it's because oom Kilos is not here today 14:48
* pavlushka me too searching for Kilos!14:54
CryterionKilos gone awol again?14:58
pavlushkaI am worried for Kilos!15:01
pavlushkaIf some will meet Kilos, say Hi to him for me.16:35
Cryterionwill do16:36
pavlushkaThat will be so kind of you Cryterion !16:37
Cryterionmaaz: tell Kilos pavlushka said Hi, and is very worried about him being awol!16:37
MaazCryterion: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode16:37
Cryteriondone! ;)16:37
Cryterionpavlushka, that's how you get maaz to do things for you :)16:37
pavlushkaoh, I meant meeting in person.16:38
Cryterioneither way he'll get message, anything I could help with?16:39
pavlushkaNo, thank you, I'll tell you If I need any.16:39
Cryterionok kwl16:40
* Cryterion goes back to player illyriad16:41
Cryteriondamn typos creep in16:41
pavlushkaCryterion, right now I need help, what is kwl?16:41
Cryterionkwl mean cool, what do you need help with?16:42
pavlushkasorry, with this only. and I was kinda kidding.16:43
Cryterionlol, ;)16:43
pavlushkaI didn't know about the kwl though.16:44
pavlushkaHellooo Kilos ! 16:45
Kilosevening everyone , 16:45
Kiloswhat a long day at the hospital16:45
Kilosall good, just tired16:45
pavlushkatell me about it.16:45
Kilostoo much now16:45
Kilostime to eat and drink and rest16:45
pavlushkaget rest, I was just a little worried.16:46
Kiloswhole day without food or anything to drink16:46
Kilosty for that i got Cryterion s message16:46
Kilosim fine ty16:46
Cryterionyou all Kilos?16:47
Cryterionall good?16:47
Kiloshyes ty got meds for months so prostate will behave16:47
Cryterionkwl, just get better, deal?16:48
pavlushkathanks for peeking in Kilos ! 16:50
Kilosnp pavlushka 16:56
Kilosim fine ty16:56
Kilosi go eat17:03
* Cryterion lights a stink bomb and throws it into the room, then runs off17:49
Cryterionhow you doing Kilos17:49
* Kilos blocks nose and goes fishing17:49
Kilosfine ty lad and you?17:49
* Cryterion looks at his rods, and thinks, no fish fish there now17:50
CryterionAll good17:50
superflysup Cryterion, oom Kilos17:50
Cryterionheya superfly17:50
Kiloshi superfly 17:50
Cryterionyou just need to rest for a bit17:51
Kilosyeah rest is good17:51
superflyKilos: why does the hospital take so long? is it because you have to stand in a queue the whole day?17:51
Cryterion8hrs wait before an op, std17:52
Kilosyou dont need fish you just need the rest and open air17:52
Kilosyeah superfly major queues17:52
Cryterionyep, come done here, and move you onto the beach Kilos17:52
Kilosond misplaced files17:52
KilosCryterion i wish. im a beach bum by trade17:53
Cryterionbeach is 500m from my home17:53
* Kilos jealous17:54
Cryterionbut they locking down in fishing at Aliwal Should now :(17:54
Kilosall that moisture not good for tvs and pcs though17:54
Kilosyou dont know my story17:55
Cryterionhad it all my life on the coast so learnt hear to work around it17:55
CryterionI heard bit Kilos17:55
Kilosi spent years in toti]17:55
Cryterionjust get better, that's an order17:55
Kilos20 i think17:55
Kilosi am better man17:55
Kilosprostate only hassle17:56
Cryterionjust keep positive17:56
Kilosalways except when negative17:56
KilosMaaz kilos.blog17:57
MaazKilos: kilos.blog is http://mileyssignificantblog.blogspot.com/17:57
Kilosmost of it was removed for certain private reasons but the main idea is there i think17:57
Kilosactually forgot i was replacing what i had saved17:57
Kilossjoe its still long18:00
Kilosmorning inetpro 18:01
inetprooh hi Kilos18:05
Kilosyou in sync for a change18:05
* inetpro glad to see him still kicking and alive18:05
Cryterioninetpro been out of sync since last night18:06
Kilosoh Cryterion the fancy name was my daughters idea18:09
Kilosso what happened with mars and that other place last night18:10
Kilosya that one18:11
Cryterioneventually got focus on it, but still looks white18:11
Kilosall white18:12
Kilosstronger scope needed18:12
CryterionI need some more lenses for the scope, only got a 20mm and 4mm available, so can't get it big enough18:12
Cryterionthat's next, after I learn enough from this one18:12
Kilosso the moon is close enough right18:16
Kiloshave you seen the man on the moon18:16
* inetpro has only see the rabbit on the moon18:17
Cryterionsaturn is currently directly above the moon18:17
Cryterionthe moon is hollow btw18:18
Kilosno minerals18:18
Cryterionand made of cheese, so not sure why the rabbit is there?18:18
Cryterionskeptics say the moon only arrived about 13000years ago18:19
Cryterionalong with the "Black Knight"18:19
Kilosthe old time farmers must have struggled to know when to plant crops with no moon to go by18:20
Kilosmaybe thats why they were hunter gatherers18:21
Cryterionmaaz: google Black Knight Satellite18:21
MaazCryterion: "Black Knight satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Knight_satellite :: "20 Facts about the Black Knight Satellite - Ancient Code" http://www.ancient-code.com/20-facts-black-knight-satellite/ :: "The Black Knight Satellite: What's This Object Nikola Tesla ..." http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/11/30/the-18:21
Maazblack-knight-satellite-whats-this-object-nikola-tesla-concluded-was-extraterrestrial/ :: …18:21
Cryterionit's still in orbit today18:22
pavlushkaguys, you are killing me, laughing!18:22
Cryterionit's out there18:22
Kiloslaughter is great for wrinkles and weak eyesite pavlushka 18:23
Cryterionmaaz: google Youtube Dark Mission18:24
MaazCryterion: "NASA DARK MISSION - Richard Hoagland - National ... - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7YAwZ1bbD0 :: "DARK MISSION: Ancient ET Moon Discoveries - 3-HOUR ... - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptx7bkGCnhM :: "Richard C Hoagland - Dark Mission - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKSTSMzioxw :: "DARK MISSION Ancient ET Moon18:24
MaazDiscoveries 3 HOUR ... - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acqTYBqlQsw :: "What Happened O…18:24
Cryterionhmm, wrong one18:24
Kilosai! all the tube stuff18:24
Cryterionmaaz: google Youtube Moon Hoax18:24
MaazCryterion: "MOON HOAX TOTALLY PROVEN - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g3ku3ehzVM :: "Total Video Proof of Moon Landing hoax Released 2015 ... - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPEPRgfVlU4 :: "(weneverwenttothemoon.com) FAKE MOON LANDING ... - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhLSY5Kr7hA :: "Moon landing FAKE ...Neil Armstrong talks -18:24
MaazYouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFPiwnVL9ic :: "Secret Moon - NASA fake moon and ma…18:24
Kilosinetpro keep upman18:25
Cryterionhave to do that manual on the tube, Dark Mission - Moon Hoax, documentary18:25
Kilosso many conspiracy theories18:27
inetproKilos: farmers existed more than 13000 years ago?18:27
Kilosconspiracy theories abot conspiracy theories18:27
Kilosman inetpro the neanderthal man was there18:27
inetprono ways18:28
Kilosand big foots ancestors18:28
Kiloswe only been here 2000 years18:28
Kilosoh no18:28
Kilosits 2000 since the AB- bloods appeared18:29
inetprodouble that and then you get to almost 13K18:30
Kilosthey come from them nephilim guys i think18:30
Kilosthe giants that were naughty here with our chicks18:30
inetproKilos: are you at home?18:34
Kilosyessir why?18:37
Kilosmaybe head bit deurmekaar18:37
Kilosone of those head days18:37
inetprowhat did you do at hospital?18:38
Kiloswent for meds18:38
Kilosand nothink to eat or drink since 8pm last night18:38
Kilosmaybe brin dehydrated18:39
Kilosand bp hit 88/60 again18:39
* Kilos forgets the salt at times18:39
Kiloshi Na3iL 18:45
Na3iLHiya Kilos how are you18:45
Na3iL is it true that bash / ubuntu will be in windows 10? 18:45
Kilosi have no idea18:45
Kilosdholbach and then should know18:46
Na3iLI hope not :/18:46
pavlushka-Night all18:47
pavlushka-Night Kilos!18:48
Kilosoh my18:48
Kilosi wouldnt be surprized18:50
Kilossomething for free that they can then turn into a way to make more money18:50
Kilosoh no18:50
Kilosapril 1 soon18:50
Kiloslets hope its an april fools thing18:51
Na3iLI think it's not an april fool :/18:51
Kilosthere was talk of them sharing convergence or something like that, Mark will know18:53
CryterionNight everyone!19:18
Kilosnight Cryterion sleep lekker19:19
Kilosi follow19:19
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:19
Cryterionyou too19:19
Kilosnight inetpro superfly reat as well hey19:20
superflynight Kilos19:21
inetproohi superfly19:23
inetproyou're late19:23
superflyI have 30+ seconds of lag19:25
inetprosuperfly: adsl?19:26
inetprosuperfly: why so bad these days?19:43
superflyI don't knwo19:59

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