
naamikreisio, roygbiv: Yeah, at the moment I configured .bashrc to only prompt user instead of localhost:user. So to get output of date you run the command like PS1="..." date "\$"?00:01
k1lnaamik: not needed on bash.00:01
fenecohow can I hide/disable sound devices from ubuntu sound settings? (14.04)00:01
EriC^^PS1=".. $(date) ..\$"00:02
EriC^^naamik: ^00:02
naamikThanks EriC^^00:02
reisiono need to escape the $ in this case, FYI00:02
roygbivnaamik, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/bash-prompt-escape-sequences.html00:02
reisio"$?" is kewl prompt output, too00:03
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k1lnaamik: see the the "man bash" at chapter prompting. it already includes prompt strings for time00:03
Maratusreisio: I found I just needed to edit something in the settings manager and I've got no titles on my fullscreen windows now. Problem solved.00:06
reisiooh, thought you wanted no borders :p00:06
cjcpaelzer: moo00:09
=== dave4925_ is now known as Illumitardi
BeladonaHow to upgrade from 14 lts to 15 lts  in command line?00:27
k1lBeladona: there is no 15 LTS version00:27
devfulanoAlgum br ?00:27
Beladonak1l,  there is alpha00:27
k1lBeladona: 14.04 is the latest LTS. the next one will be 16.04 LTS.00:27
k1l!br | devfulano00:28
ubottudevfulano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:28
Beladonak1l,  there is alpha, stable will be in april00:28
Beladonak1l,  oh ok00:28
k1lBeladona: i know. you said "15 LTS"00:28
Beladonak1l,  so16 lts00:28
Bashing-omBeladona: Best to await the .1 release of 16.04 and do the LTS-LTS upgrade .00:28
BeladonaBashing-om,  I did lts to lts upgrade a few days a go. I forgot commands00:28
k1lBeladona: its always yearyear.monthmonth. so "16 lts" is not correct name00:29
Bashing-omBeladona: One needs to go through the EOL process as 15.04 is in that category .00:29
k1lBeladona: what output do you get from "lsb_release -d"?00:30
Beladonak1l,  when i say 16. it means 16.x00:30
k1lBeladona: there are 2 ubuntu releases each year. so please be more precise.00:30
xanguaBeladona: 16.04 or 16.10?00:30
Beladonak1l,  Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS00:30
Beladonaxangua,  if its 16.x lts, iam ok00:31
Beladonaeven beta00:31
k1lBeladona: #ubuntu+1 for the alpha/beta ubuntus00:31
Beladonaits just a matter of one month when it will be stable. I want to setup now00:31
Beladonak1l,  ok00:31
MiaHow can I see the list of last failed login attemps00:36
Miaor --- how can I read/parse btmp files00:36
k1lMia: auth.log in /var/log00:37
Mialastb command shows failed login attemps but there are MANY in my server00:42
Miahow can I limit this to display only a few00:43
rhorseHi, everyone. I just was messing around with the usermod command and now my password doesn't work. Yea, I know. Is there a way to reset it or start a new user and start over. This is a brand new install.00:45
Fuchspage it to less, Mia00:45
Fuchswhatevercommand | less00:45
Miahow Fuchs00:45
Miaoh okay00:45
Fuchsthen you can scroll with up/down/pgup/pgdown/space, and search with /00:45
Fuchsq quits it00:45
Fuchsyou're welcome00:45
Miawhen I do lastb | less I see many entries00:46
sebsebsebrhorse: I guess you could try the recovery mode from Grub the boot loader, then go into the root terminal00:46
sebsebsebrhorse: passwd username00:46
Miadoes this mean someone is trying to bruteforce my server password00:46
sebsebsebrhorse: that normally works to re set forgototn passwords, so I guess could work for what you did to00:46
k1lrhorse: what command exactly? maybe you deleted the user from all the groups?00:47
rhorsesebsebseb: OK, lemme try that00:47
rhorsek1l: usermod username -p password00:48
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FuchsMia: hard to say from here. In general I recommend putting ssh on a non-standard port, not allowing root login and best only allow login via keys, not password00:48
rhorsesebsebseb: thanks your officially a great guy.00:49
=== Waka is now known as Norki
sebsebsebrhorse: that worked?00:49
lotuspsychjei'm interested in a f.lux alternative without a ppa, to disable the 'blue' light in monitors to preserve the health of eyes, any hints?00:49
sebsebsebrhorse: ok good :)00:49
MiaFuchs, I see - how can I change my password based login system to key based ?00:50
NorkiOk so I have Ubuntu on a small partition of an external HDD with some permanence. Used it a bit a while ago...and then all of a sudden it has no more disk space in home and such and can't do stuff.00:50
FuchsMia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys  is a good ressource on that00:50
FuchsMia: make sure to read it carefully and not disable password login until you tested whether the keys work as expected00:51
sebsebsebNorki: ok how big was your  your / root00:51
k1lrhorse: the usermod -p doesnt work with plaintext. so better use passwd when you want to change a password00:51
NorkiSo what exactly happened and/or where do I look for stuff to dl.00:51
sebsebsebNorki: I also assume you did't have a sperate /holme so00:51
NorkiThe partition was set as 7GB but it seems it only shows 2.2 GB. All used.00:51
sebsebsebNorki: yes that's not much for Ubuntu00:51
NorkiIt wasn't before. Used Transmition for a while.00:51
sebsebsebNorki: or any other Linux distro for that matter these days00:52
NorkiAnd then all of a sudden couldnt anymore cause no space/mem whatever.00:52
sebsebsebNorki: espeically if you got /home as part of it which you will do by default, and then your putting phtos and music and whatever in there big files00:52
MiaFuchs, do I have to carry my key file with me all the time00:52
lotuspsychjeNorki: clean your system overall with bleachbit, purge unwanted packages, clean browsers cache,..00:52
MiaI use my username/password based login a lot00:52
NorkiMmm...I see,  Iguess I fucked up since idk what kind of files it has to keep updating.00:52
Mialike everywhere00:52
NorkiI have no music files/etc there.00:52
NorkiThat's the thing.00:52
winrystal /help00:52
sebsebsebNorki: yeah, but any updates the packags will go in root to00:52
NorkiI didnt store anything on it, it just stop existing.00:53
NorkiRight, sucks lol...00:53
NorkiWill try that bleachbit thing, whatsit?00:53
sebsebsebNorki: you could in a way try what lotuspsychje suggested but really you just need to try and re size the partion if you got space00:53
sebsebsebNorki: I don't think you need Bleachbit00:53
NorkiSec,trying stuff.00:53
sebsebsebNorki: it's a bit like a Windows rubbish cleaing program but for Linux00:53
FuchsMia: yes00:53
sebsebsebNorki: it's a new install?00:53
NorkiYeah well I wouldnt even be able to install it haha.00:54
FuchsMia: or use the host that has it for in-between00:54
sebsebsebNorki: well yeah indeed if your on 100%00:54
NorkiNo, old, I just wanted to clear enough mem to do some stuff here before resetting the whole thing.00:54
MiaFuchs, what do you mean00:54
lotuspsychjesebsebseb: i never got any issues with it, and cleaned multiple gigs on rather fresh installs with it00:54
NorkiBrowser cache...00:54
NorkiThink I tried that and it didn't work...00:54
sebsebsebNorki: re install and make the partition bigger next time, or use a Live CD and try and make the one you got bigger, but you'll need unpartiitoned space on your hard disk to be able to re size it00:54
sebsebsebNorki: be that space that happens to be there since whatever, or that you take from Windows or whatever00:55
sebsebsebNorki: also having a seperate /home can be uesful :)00:55
FuchsMia: what I wrote. But in general: yes, you then need your key along00:55
NorkiI experimented with a lot of stuff...This is not something I am actively using, just part of an experiment, etc.00:56
sebsebsebNorki: ok so no big deal if you remove that install, and start over then?00:56
NorkiWant to save some stuff from here tho, but i need Mem for that.00:56
sebsebsebNorki: what kind of stuff?00:56
NorkiI.e. got to clear some space now if I can.00:56
NorkiI can't even Prnt Screen because of it lol.00:56
sebsebsebNorki: yes you want an Ubuntu Live Media (or actaully for any distro really a Live Media )00:56
NorkiBut yeah next time will do something else...00:57
sebsebsebNorki: then you can access your partiotn and do things with it from that00:57
NorkiI did this one long ago.00:57
NorkiThen I installed Ubuntu on a comp too with a partition that was larger but still not enough.00:57
NorkiI.e. I only found out later I need more space haha.00:57
NorkiWill do live ones or diff distros next if I still use this partition.00:57
sebsebsebNorki: Live Media can take data off it the partition, but also re size if there's space to use to re size it with00:57
lotuspsychjeNorki: purge the bigger packages, use the lightweight alternatives to save room also00:57
andrejHow do I stop "aptitude -y upgrade" from prompting me about restarting the quagga daemon?00:58
NorkiI just want to clear space now. Where is clearing browser? Not in Mozilla it seems.00:58
sebsebsebNorki: just remember to take anything off using the Live MEdia onto an external hard disk or something, since Live Media's only boot up into RAM, and anything you do will later be gone after that00:58
NorkiIk, but ty.00:58
NorkiI love live modes because they are like deep freeze. Got some on sticks.00:58
sebsebsebNorki: right so boot one up, and then do stuff with your partiton that you watn to do and :)00:59
lotuspsychjeNorki: wich ubuntu version did you have?00:59
NorkiI did this long ago so its no longer supported.00:59
NorkiSpace just cleared out of nowhere...00:59
NorkiMust be automated...00:59
NorkiJust 90 MB but should do lol.00:59
sebsebsebNorki: in your install you can probably remove somting a purge though or something like lotuspsychje suggested00:59
NorkiWill look into it...which folder?01:00
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andrejin Linux land that's called a directory :}01:00
NorkiI see some stuff in tmp too01:01
NorkiCan I just delete all of them?01:01
NorkiJust some debconf.01:01
lotuspsychjeNorki: you can also use the disk analyzer icon, to see the biggest usage01:01
sebsebsebNorki: and if your on a unsupported version your meant to upgrade it really to a supported one :d01:02
NorkiUsed it when I logged in, but it shows weird numbers cause its part of an external HDD01:02
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:02
andrejNorki: some files in /tmp may actually be held (be in use); deleting them may result in unexpected behaviour01:02
NorkiAh here we go01:03
Norkivar Cache01:03
NorkiDisk Analyser...01:03
lotuspsychjeNorki: its like a pie icon01:03
NorkiYeah I mean thats where I got it from. Started it when I booted just now01:03
NorkiCan probably work something out, brb..01:04
NorkiOk that did it enough for me to save what I wanted. Thanks.01:16
leeg750jmis there a rule of thumb when using apparmor01:31
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leeg750jmi i enforced most of the profiles that came with it01:32
leeg750jmbut i am not sure if that was a good idea01:32
lotuspsychje!apparmor | leeg750jm can this help?01:33
ubottuleeg750jm can this help?: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor01:33
leeg750jmi have that bookmarked01:34
l4m8d4Hey guys, is it possible to upgrade an existing 15.10 install to 16.04 beta until the stable gets released and then upgrade to it?01:34
EriC^^l4m8d4: yes, sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:34
l4m8d4Because my laptop is skylake and has weird problems that I suspect, are due to the 4.2 kernel. Since 16.04 has kernel 4.4 I thought it could be worth a try01:34
leeg750jmi am only securing apps that access the net01:35
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: just keep in mind that 16.04 is still in development and things can still break in this stage01:35
leeg750jmthats it01:35
l4m8d4EriC^^: Ok. Thanks!01:35
EriC^^l4m8d4: np01:35
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l4m8d4lotuspsychje: Yep, I have that in mind. I will do a btrfs snapshot before upgrading01:35
DaniKittenWho is using Ubuntu Precise Pangolin on 201601:37
l4m8d4The thing is, I basically have a trade-off there between the old software and unstable computer, or the nearly final beta version (if I am reading the situation correctly)01:37
l4m8d4which could fix almost all of my problems :D01:37
lotuspsychjeDaniKitten: precise is still a supported versions, so much users do01:37
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: What is precise again? 12.04?01:37
lotuspsychje!precise | l4m8d401:38
ubottul4m8d4: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120401:38
DaniKittenUbuntu 12.04 runs better than 14.04 on my PC01:38
lotuspsychje!discuss | DaniKitten01:38
ubottuDaniKitten: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.01:38
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: Wow, that's older than debian oldstable.01:39
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: i would rather suggest you upgrade on final, or clean install 16.04 beta2/daily now and upgrade on final01:40
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: The thing is, it would take a lot of work to do a clean reinstall. The only thing that I worry about right now is the oibaf repo. It may break on 16.04, right?01:41
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: external repos arent supported here, so be carefull when upgrade in this stage01:42
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: maybe try the most official way, wait until 16.04 is final, disable your ppa and upgrade from 15.10?01:43
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: Well, the problem is, my new laptop is a skylake system, and skylake isn't even supported on 15.10 if I remember correctly01:44
Bashing-oml4m8d4: Has not the oibaf been turned over to https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ??01:44
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: few weeks from now, final comes out01:45
Bashing-oml4m8d4: Wait that is the mamarley PPA that has turned, I think .01:46
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: When final is out, will there be a way to bring 15.10 repos over to 16.04?01:46
l4m8d4So I could keep them maybe01:46
sebsebsebl4m8d4: once you have upgraded that's it01:46
sebsebsebl4m8d4: you got the 16.04 repos01:47
l4m8d4sebsebseb: Sorry, I mean third party repos like the oibaf graphics drivers for example01:47
sebsebsebl4m8d4: you shoudn't use 3rd party repos really,  only stuff supported by Ubuntu or  someone trusted for a ppa maybe01:48
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: if you mean your external ppa's, save the link into a txt, and add it back after upgrade/clean install01:48
l4m8d4sebsebseb: Saying I shouldn't use external repos on this machine is probably like saying I shouldn't use ubuntu (below 16.04) on the machine01:50
sebsebsebl4m8d4: well extenral ones aren't supported, so you got to trust that01:50
sebsebsebl4m8d4: offical repos havve proper testing01:50
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: another reason to try 16.04 clean, to see if your grapics gets proper support out of the box...without adding ppa01:56
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: Or I could just disable the ppa before upgrading01:57
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: why do you keep focussing on that ppa?01:58
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: I bought the laptop with this ppa preinstalled, I don't know what works if I disable it01:58
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: i hope not from a store? for what graphics card is this?01:59
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: What do you mean, you hope not from a store? It is the integrated graphics from a intel i5-6200u processor02:00
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: you say the laptop you bought has the ppa preinstalled02:00
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: ok lets try from the start...whats your ppa for exactly?02:01
rgb-oneI am doing a presentation entitled "Security in the Mobile Environment".Do you guys have any tips or interesting topics you reccommend?02:02
l4m8d4lotuspsychje: I bought the laptop from a german manufacturer for linux laptops. As a part of their standard install procedure for ubuntu 15.10 on skylake systems, they add the oibaf graphics drivers ppa.02:04
lotuspsychjel4m8d4: can you link me to that store in #ubuntu-discuss please?02:04
l4m8d4It is this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers02:04
rahuldevHow can I set ubuntu default brightness screen?02:05
xdevnullHello people, is there any Key-Shortcut to switch keyboard language?02:06
rgb-oneHow does the Ubuntu Phone approach security?02:07
lotuspsychje!touch | rgb-one02:08
ubotturgb-one: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:08
Jordan_Ul4m8d4: Most likely that ppa was needed for a fix / improvement that was made in a version of the driver newer than the one shipped in 15.10, but those improvements / fixes are most likely already included in the version that will be released with Ubuntu 16.04.02:09
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
Jordan_Ul4m8d4: I would recommend trying an Ubuntu 16.04 liveUSB session before upgrading, and if that works fine and seems to be using around the same amount power or less as your existing install, then you should be fine using 16.04 without any extra ppa. You have two options I can see for doing so...02:15
l4m8d4Jordan_U, lotuspsychje : Ok, I think my easiest route is to wait for final, do a snapshot, upgrade with disabled ppas, leave the ppas disabled, and just fallback to my old snapshots in case of problems. Thanks to you both02:20
Jordan_Ul4m8d4: Either install 16.04 from scratch (when it has been released). You can even keep your existing /home/ (even if it's not on a separate partition). Or you can use ppa-purge (which does more than just disable the ppa, it also reverts the packages back to their Ubuntu versions) before upgrading. To be extra cautious, you could try a *15.10* live system before doing the ppa purge to confirm that after02:20
Jordan_Uthe ppa-purge Ubuntu will just be getting slightly worse battery life, but will be fine for the duration of the upgrade after which battery life should be restored in 16.04.02:20
MarfiGood lord. #ubuntu has grown just a bit since 6.0602:21
Jordan_Ul4m8d4: *just* disabling the ppa, without ppa-purgeing, is a bad idea, and could prevent you from getting security and other updates for those packages, and possibly break upgrading.02:22
lotuspsychjeMarfi: correct, we recommend you try it again :p02:22
Marfilotuspsychje: I have it installed, don't worry. I'm an oldie to Ubuntu. :P02:23
l4m8d4Jordan_U: Okay, in that case I'll be purging the ppa, too. Also, I'm looking into getting a live image for 16.04 going for testing. Thanks!02:24
Jordan_Ul4m8d4: You're welcome.02:25
gallo_mobileany know a tut to install rtorrent, rutorrent and autodl-irssi on ubuntu 14.04 AND autotools works?02:39
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skweekanyone know anything about bluetooth audio ad2p sync?02:46
skweekbluetooth quailty sucks under ubuntu02:46
skweeka2dp doesn't activate by default, and manually switching to it doesn't actually set it for better bluetooth audio quality02:47
Guest55131am I muted?02:48
Beelsebobheya, I probably have a severe case of the dumb - I installed ubuntu server 16.04 daily.  The installer detected my (wireless) network card, and successfully setup a connection.  The installed system though appears to detect the card, but not connect to any network02:55
Beelsebobis additional config beyond what was done in the installer necessary?02:56
R13oseI have a mic that picks up clicking sounds might be my trackpad or keyboard or something else.  How do I make that stop?02:56
lalaGuest55131: No.02:57
Guest55131thanks @ lala02:58
l4m8d4R13ose: disable the microphone?02:58
lalaGuest55131: Anytime.02:58
R13osel4m8d4: I want to use this02:58
=== gallo_mobile is now known as elGALLO
l4m8d4R13ose: It sounds like your problem is the hardware, not the software, in this case, right? Or do you want to digitally filter out the clicking sounds by software?03:00
R13osel4m8d4: if possible03:01
l4m8d4R13ose: That is not something I have experience with, so you probably have to wait for someone else to help you with this.03:02
stychhaving a problem getting a second computer to connect to the internet, ubuntu isn't recognizing the wireless card03:03
Abe_is it a usb microphone?03:04
R13oseAbe_: laptop so on board mic I would believe03:04
Abe_stych: can you specify the network card which model and so on?03:05
stychAbe: just a sec, popping the case open03:06
Abe_just type this in03:07
Abe_lspci | grep -i net03:07
Abe_your network card should be listed there03:08
stychAbe: kk, just a sec03:09
Abe_R13ose: did you try a different microphone like webcam, if it's not "clicking" anymore it could be the microphone. i also use google to find any information about this.03:10
R13oseAbe_: in my  mic settings, when I click on a key or the trackpad on the laptop, the input level goes off meaning up and down.03:11
ulot0join #ubuntu-cn03:14
R13oseAbe_: I don't have a different mic03:15
Abe_R13ose: I could also assume that you have some sort of EMI interference, sometimes poeple hear their mouse over their speakers and stuff like that. but that's just a guessing. do you have any sound options, I would try to play around with that, like an equalizer that can reduce the clicking noise at least03:16
R13oseno equalizer app or settings but I have mic settings just input volume.03:17
R13oseAbe_: keyboard sound might be gone but not the trackpad03:17
Abe_I tried once to equalize movies, because sometimes their are too qiet and then very loud again. I downloaded an equalizer for linux and actually got pretty good results with that, you need the same thing but for a microphone03:20
rotyler3I need help, my chromebook also runs Ubuntu and it stopped working03:20
Abe_rotyler3: you need to be more specific03:21
rotyler3i have my chromebook set up that if i go to crosh and type sudo startunity it will start ubuntu and i can switch between chromeOS and ubuntu03:22
rotyler3but today for some reason it gives me a black screen03:22
rotyler3i can still switch between the two but ubuntu is a black screen03:22
giddleshello and goodmorning, im facing ufw problems after i copyed root system to an usb hdd... :(03:23
giddlesseems like an easy problem but i cant fix it.. :( anyone who can help?03:23
rotyler3i can copy the command line if you want03:24
giddlesthe problem is that it looks like the rights are not setuped proper: /lib and other stuff is owned by 1000..03:25
Abe_rotyler3: sorry that sounds odd hopefully somebody more technical than i am can help. i have to pass03:25
rotyler3ok thanks anyway03:25
rotyler3where could i get more help03:25
R13oseAbe_: which equalizer?03:26
Abe_R13ose: I am still looking for one. like I said "I would" try doing it that way. but first I would try a different microphone even if it's an old camera03:27
Abe_I only find sound equalizers myself right now03:28
R13oseAbe_: this is not a webcam, I am using.  This is a mic built into the laptop03:28
Abe_yes I know03:28
Abe_I am thinking about a filter, that filters the input sound03:29
yggdrasilhi, i clicked a link in chrome that said use application or download and clicked application and the remember check box. how does one reset that?03:29
Abe_R13ose: you could also ask in a forum to get more help03:31
Abe_just do both im still looking for a solution on the internet03:32
R13oseAbe_: I wasn't able to find one03:33
Abe_if you type "cat /proc/asound/cards" you can at least find the name of you microphone03:34
Abe_sorry that would be you soundcard sorry03:35
R13oseAbe_: HDA - Intel - HDA Intel PCH     Next Line:    HDA Intel PCH at 0xc0610000 irq 3203:36
Abe_yes sorry i was wrong03:37
giddlesso the first error the crappy firewall creates is: /var/log/gufw.log No such file or directory if i wanna add a rule he alerts:  uid is 0 but '/lib' is owned by 1000 | WARN: /lib is group writeable ....03:39
giddlesanyone any idea? whats wrong?03:39
thebrandonhey, does anybody feel like helping a guy out? :D03:41
p1und3rcan one use the android sdk to build android apps (using qt like qtcreator normally can?)03:41
somsipthebrandon: just ask your question and someone will help if they can03:42
somsipp1und3r: maybe you need the #android channel - this is ubuntu support03:42
p1und3ryes im talking about the ubuntu sdk03:42
p1und3rthe qtcreator rebranded for ubuntu03:42
somsipp1und3r: you said android sdk. What exactly are you referring to?03:43
p1und3ryou are familiar with ubuntu sdk, right?03:43
R13oseAbe_: any other thoughts?03:44
somsipp1und3r: do you mean the sdk for ubuntu touch?03:44
somsip!touch | p1und3r (clarity always helps)03:44
ubottup1und3r (clarity always helps): Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:44
p1und3rty fair enough03:45
somsipp1und3r: np :)03:45
Abe_R13ose: not really besides keep trying, go into your audio input setting see what you can do there. I cannot help there because i'm not using ubuntu unity at all.03:47
thebrandonI have successfully created a L2TP/IPSec PSK VPN server with internet access that I can connect to and use while inside my network. However, I want to access it remotely, outside my LAN (over the internet), and setup my server with DMZ on my router, but I still cannot access it from outside the network, can anyone help?03:47
R13oseAbe_: :(03:47
somsipthebrandon: possibly more of a #networking thing03:48
Abe_R13ose: I don't know what's picking up the noise, or why it is picking it up. soundcard? or really the microphone. don't they have an alsa equalizer in unity idk where you can play with the input sound  ?03:49
Abe_R13ose: aahhh03:52
Abe_R13ose: try getting pavu control  I think there is something like that03:53
Abe_sudo apt-get install pavucontrol. I know they have input settings03:54
Abe_good luck03:54
Abe_need to go for a minute03:54
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Abe_but even that wouldn't be a solution just a cheap workaround03:56
R13oseAbe_: trackpad is still making noise03:59
guest91041is it recommended that only one, apt or rpm, should be used at once?04:01
JackJackhallo hallo. Was wondering if anyone could tell me if it's possible to have two different linux distros on the same pc. Right now I have Kodibuntu running and would like to install Kali Linux.04:07
somsipJackJack: yes, but neither of those are supported here so you'll need to follow generic dual boot instructions04:08
JackJackawesome. just google them up or are they on reddit somewhere.04:09
somsipJackJack: this might help, but you wil need to research more on Kali dual boot yourself https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-install-Kali-Linux-on-Ubuntu-and-Dual-Boot04:11
JackJackmany thanks. much appriciated. :)04:12
Abe_R13ose: I am sorry i was hoping you could at least reduce the noise. well go to forum they might help you better there04:13
Abe_you could remove pavucontrol also if you don't have a use for it. it was at least worth a try04:14
Abe_there is also the alsamixer if you type alsamixer into terminal. it looks complicated but you might give it also a try. you just need to figure out the controls in there :D04:18
Abe_R13ose: nope are just arrow keys, should be easy.04:19
Nene1how to download only security updates04:19
Nene1i am using ubuntu14.0404:19
Nene1i used this command apt-get -s dist-upgrade |grep "^Inst" |grep -i securi04:20
somsipNene1: automatic or manually?04:20
Nene1somsip: manual04:20
Abe_sudo unattended-upgrades04:21
Nene1Abe_: i used this command apt-get -s dist-upgrade |grep "^Inst" |grep -i securi04:22
Nene1but no pkgs listed04:22
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somsipNene1: are there any?04:22
Nene1but if i use unattended-upgrades it is showing few pkgs04:22
Abe_never did this... always just do a full dist-upgrade04:22
Nene1Abe_: i want to create a local repo for only security updates and test them first04:24
Abe_Nene1: okay04:24
Nene1Abe_: i commented out all lines in mirror.list file except this ----> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse04:25
Abe_I need all my programs on the newest version anyway so im happy it updates all my programs to. so I don't have to do it manually04:25
Nene1so i will get only security updates??04:26
Abe_idk i just gave what google gave me :D04:26
Nene1Abe_: ok thanks... any idea from which mirror we get security updates???04:27
Abe_isn't is like security.ubutnu.com or something?04:29
Abe_security.ubuntu.com do you mean that no idea04:29
elGALLOanyone know a tut to install rtorrent, rutorrent and autodl-irssi on ubuntu 14.04 AND autotools works?04:30
Nene1somsip: any idea???04:30
linociscohi all04:30
somsipNene1: no04:30
linociscowhenever I opened attachment in thunderbird for office documents like xlsx, docx, default is now gedit. How can I choose other like LibreOffice. File Path please04:31
linociscowhenever I opened attachment in thunderbird for office documents like xlsx, docx, default is now gedit. How can I choose other like LibreOffice?. File Path please04:31
jushur!patience | linocisco04:32
ubottulinocisco: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:32
Abe_linocisco: you just want to change your default applications?04:36
linociscoAbe_, yes. change first and then it shows "other" to change myself. I dont know where to browse04:36
Abe_To set the default application for a specific file type, locate a file of that type in the file manager, right-click it, and select Properties. Click the Open With tab and select the application you want to use for that file type. Use the Set as default button to make the application the default application04:37
Abe_seek 12:0004:46
eskimorrisasked on gamingonlinux but didn't get a response. <eskimorris> hey there. Hoping to use my Lenovo G50 to emulate gamecube games. does anyone know how to increase the available memory for an apu?04:46
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TrollishGeekHi there :)05:13
guest91037is it recommended to use apt OR rpm rather than apt and rpm?05:15
\9gurulhu: use apt, not rpm05:18
guest91037do they interfere with each other?05:19
=== MrXXIV_ is now known as MrXXIV
\9I think so05:19
\9also whoops wrong highlight05:19
zrneelyAnyone know how to disable the sound when you plug in/unplug your charging cable on a laptop running Ubuntu 15.04?05:30
zrneelyWithout muting everything :p05:31
TrollishGeekHello zrneely Try to open the Sound control panel in System, then click on the "Sound Effects" part, and turn "Notification volume" to 005:34
TrollishGeekI hope it'll help you ;)05:34
zrneelyoh god thank you so much TrollishGeek05:35
zrneelyMy laptop charger has a spotty connection, so now I don't hear the click-click, clock-clock constantly05:35
zrneelyThis is also much cheaper than buying a new charger :)05:36
TrollishGeekOkay ! Yes, for sure !05:36
TrollishGeekThen, you'll still hear your music playing, but noth05:36
TrollishGeeknothing anymore as system notifications ;)05:36
zrneelyTrollishGeek: Definitely better than what I had before05:37
TrollishGeekThat's cool ;)05:37
TrollishGeekYou know what ? I'm on Ubuntu since October 2015, and I actually began helping people ^^05:38
TrollishGeek(and I'm french) ;)05:38
TrollishGeekzrneely, if you want a private chat (about Ubuntu), you're welcome ;)05:47
zrneelyI think I should go to bed or keep working, but thanks for the offer. That was actually my only issue, I'm happy with my setup now that that's solved05:50
TrollishGeekOkay, no problem, bye ;)05:51
TrollishGeekIf anyone needs help on basic Ubuntu operations, I can help ;)06:04
cpaelzercj: hi, currently replying to your mail - nice that more join our "team" to package dpdk, but feel free to catch me here on IRC06:18
cpaelzercj: my TZ is CEST, so you "moo" was a bit at night for me :-)06:18
somsipj2bv16: what's the problem?06:21
j2bv16no problem here06:22
somsipj2bv16: So what are you trying to trigger with !mods ?06:23
j2bv16are you afraid of something?06:23
j2bv16just testing this client06:23
somsipj2bv16: <sigh> just trying to help, but may be easier to ignore instead.06:24
j2bv16its okay06:24
Gallomimiauh, what happened to my menubar clock? how can i restore it without rebooting/logging out?06:28
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bartaner#join proftpd06:47
argoniiMy time once again went back.06:54
argoniiEvery time I reboot my clock resets back to one hour behind.06:55
argoniiIt's not keeping up with daylight savings.06:55
argoniiI'm using Ubuntu MATE. Why is it misbehaving like this?06:55
argoniiClock 1.10.1 is what I have.06:57
argoniiIt's a MATE product.06:58
argoniiIt appears my hardware doesn't recognize DST and keeps resetting the clock?06:58
argoniiSays here06:58
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argoniimy time and date is being synchronized to servers.06:59
argoniiNow I get it.06:59
argoniiMy time zone was set wrong.06:59
rufit might be your netwokrk equipment06:59
rufouter /switch .. etc06:59
Seveasargonii: yeah, that'll mess with your time :) What was it set to?06:59
jushuror just your bios dont like to allow the software to adjust the hardware clock07:00
argoniiI need Mountain Time. It was set to Pacific.07:00
argoniiChanged it to America/Denver now.07:01
Seveas@now America/Denver07:02
ubottuCurrent time in America/Denver: March 30 2016, 01:02:5007:02
argoniiYes. And now my time updated automatically in accord with that.07:03
argoniiVery nice.07:03
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argoniiJust had a MATE crash in user bin marco.07:04
argonii"Mate uses marco, a fork of metacity, which is already running. If you want desktop effects back, you will need to use Compiz."07:05
argoniiWhich is considered the most stable version of Ubuntu?07:05
SeveasUbuntu 14.04.307:05
Seveasor .4 if that's out already07:05
argoniiMATE 15.10 crashes maybe once a day.07:05
argoniiHowever, that is quite old. I meant most stable in term of the DE flavor.07:06
argoniiI prefer to use fresher software.07:06
Seveasubuntu itself07:06
argoniiYou think the Unity version is the most stable?07:06
Seveasit doesn't crash on me07:07
rambo3what is the development status of wubi ?07:07
hateball!wubi | rambo307:07
ubotturambo3: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.07:07
alimjI have a request for HTTPS/SSL availability on a Canonical owned website/forum.07:07
alimjEven if it would be self signed07:08
Seveasalimj: then you should contact canonical :)07:08
alimjSeveas: So the question would be, where would be the Canonical IRC channel? Isn't Ubuntu Canonical ;-)07:09
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:09
Seveasalimj: there is no Canonical IRC channel. Check the contact section on canonical.com.07:11
Seveasand no, Ubuntu and Canonical aren't the same thing :)07:11
alimjSeveas: let's say, who would be responsible for ubuntu(.country) domain if it is owned and hosted on a canonical server?07:13
Seveasalimj: the canonical sysadmins.07:14
alimjOk. Never mind. Thanks for the answer o/07:15
javamaster999_/www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=INSERT-YOUR-KEY&source=en&target=de&q=Hello world07:15
traubisodahi there07:21
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traubisodaif I reinstall mysql, will my databases be wiped?07:22
Gallomimiatraubisoda: no those should be saved, well, wherever they're saved. i recommed making a backup of said files07:22
traubisodaGallomimia: thanks!07:23
Gallomimiaon the subject of clocks.... menubar clock in unity (ubuntu 14.04) disappeared. settings are greyed out. how do i restore?07:23
rambo3traubisoda: dpkg-reconfigure should work07:23
Gallomimiatraubisoda: what if the "uninstall" script deletes the files? save em. in fact get in the habit of backing the databases up. sql_dump is your friend.07:24
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traubisodaGallomimia: well, I was stupid and didn't dump my databases before mysql upgrade, and now the service wont start, so I can't dump :/ but I found the database files and made a copy of them07:26
Gallomimiayeah that's good stuff.07:26
Gallomimiai've heard of the service won't start problem before. it's a config file problem07:27
Gallomimiashould see some hints about it in log files07:27
traubisodaGallomimia: all of the logs are empty, and dpkg-reconfigure didn't help either07:28
traubisodaguess I'm out of options :D07:28
Gallomimiaeh. do a google search. it's not the first nor second time i've heard of this. in fact i think i had it once. i forget the specifics07:28
Gallomimiaand not ALL The log files are empty :P your system, and the services, will have error messages07:29
traubisodaI meant the mysql related logs :) Seems like my conf was a mess...07:30
bobdobbs`Hi. I rebooted after my ubuntu machine after my mouse went crazy. After my reboot I can't start x07:34
bobdobbs`Google tells me that this might be because I was running wireshark in a kde session.07:34
bobdobbs`when I try to start gdm I get a message about a file called .ICEauthority... which doesn't exist07:35
AaranHi, wondering if someone can help with this http://fpaste.org/347319/32330714/07:35
bobdobbs`I get "cannot remove /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority07:35
bobdobbs`but that file doesn't exist07:36
hateballbobdobbs`: make sure ~/.Xauthority is owned by you07:36
lotuspsychjeAaran: remove external ppa's and sudo apt-get update07:36
bobdobbs`hateball: it is07:36
hateballbobdobbs`: oh I read too fast07:36
bobdobbs`hateball: all good. I'm way outta my depth here. I have no idea what to do when X goes nuts.07:37
AaranI looked in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ but could not figure out which one is causing the issue07:37
lotuspsychjeAaran: i think you installed intel driver ppa?07:37
AaranYes I believe so07:37
Aaran-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   84 Mar 22 11:45 intellinuxgraphics.list07:38
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Aaran07:38
ubottuAaran: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:38
bobdobbs`hateball: 'ls -al | grep root' tells me that nothing in my homedir is owned by root07:38
LauxleyHi, i have this problem - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/313504 - but can't figure out how to quickfix it (i just need it for a one shot scan), can anyone walk me through it ?07:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313504 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Scanimage/usbfs device IO error with Canon MP700 scanner" [Medium,Confirmed]07:38
hateballbobdobbs`: did you check /var/lib as root or yourself? Your regular user likely does not have permissions07:38
bobdobbs`hateball: I'm not sure. I'll check as root now07:39
lotuspsychjeLauxley: wich ubuntu version are you on mate?07:39
hateballbobdobbs`: you should be able to "sudo rm /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority" and reboot07:39
bobdobbs`as root now: that file does not exist07:40
Lauxleylotuspsychje: 14.0407:40
lotuspsychjeLauxley: up to date to latest 14.04.4?07:40
Lauxleylotuspsychje: yes07:40
hateballbobdobbs`: sudo ls -la /var/lib/gdm/ |nc termbin.com 999907:41
Aaranwith ppa-purge what is the correct ppa name? I tried sudo ppa-purge intellinuxgraphics.list without luck07:41
Lauxleylotuspsychje: hmm wait i don't know07:41
lotuspsychjeAaran: check your sources.list for the right addline07:42
adam2I am having trouble with an HDMI video signal.  What information should I post to the forums?07:42
hateballbobdobbs`: that'll give you a link that would be nice if we could have a look at :)07:42
bobdobbs`hateball: 'nc getaddrinfo07:42
bobdobbs`: Name or service not known'07:43
lotuspsychjeLauxley: try a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:43
bad_ipAnyone here that has enterprise LDAP experience?07:43
hateballbobdobbs`: oh. you have no network connection on that machine then?07:43
lotuspsychje!ldap | bad_ip07:43
ubottubad_ip: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer07:43
bobdobbs`hateball: oh. does that use netcat to push to a patebin?07:43
hateballbobdobbs`: yes07:43
bobdobbs`hateball: I must have a connection: I'm on that machine07:43
bad_iplotuspsychje, do you think before you type?07:43
bad_ipI asked if anyone has experience with enterprise LDAP, not what it is.07:44
bobdobbs`hateball: ah!  did you forget a domain suffix?07:44
lotuspsychjebad_ip: this channel is not about experiences, but ubuntu support07:44
adam2To clarify, what system information should I provide in my forum post if I'm having problems with HDMI video?07:45
lotuspsychjebad_ip: maybe if you would ask a specific issue, other could try to help?07:45
bobdobbs`hateball: if I visit that url on my iphone I don't really see much07:45
bad_ipasking about architecture is a platform specific question 2/5 times07:45
hateballbobdobbs`: And no ~/.ICEAuthority ?07:45
hateballbobdobbs`: no it shouldnt really contain much07:45
bobdobbs`that's right. the file doesn't exist07:46
bad_iplotuspsychje, I was looking for someone with professional experience on a broad scale, hence I asked the question07:46
hateballbobdobbs`: also, are you trying to start gdm manually now after a crash? or did you try a reboot?07:46
lotuspsychjebad_ip: thats not how this channel works, ask your issue in on line to the channel regarding ubuntu/ldap07:46
bad_ipUbuntu has a great online community and a garbage IRC channel07:47
bad_iproger that07:47
bobdobbs`well, first my mouses started misbehaving. clicks stopped working. I've had the issue throughout the day. Possibly related to starting a gui programme as root. So I rebooted.07:47
bobdobbs`the first few times I didn't have any issues.07:47
bobdobbs`but this time, after reboot I only get terminal access07:47
atralheavensorry I was disconnected07:47
bobdobbs`So... I tried started x manually using gdm07:48
AaranJust had a look in sources.list and cannot see anything related, everything is *.ubuntu.*07:48
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Lauxleylotuspsychje: i'm up to date07:48
hateballbobdobbs`: So you did "sudo service gdm start" ?07:48
lotuspsychjeAaran: check your sources in software perhaps, see that intel ppa?07:48
bobdobbs`hateball: no. I tried to start it by invoking the binary07:49
lotuspsychjeLauxley: this bug is originally yours? or you just affected too?07:49
bobdobbs`I'll try 'service gdm restart'07:49
hateballbobdobbs`: Also, are you even running gdm?07:49
Lauxleylotuspsychje: i'm affected07:49
hateballbobdobbs`: As if you are on any recent ubuntu, you're likely running lightdm07:49
lotuspsychjeLauxley: and did you write your follow up to the existing bug?07:49
atralheavenHello, I want to set a cronjob to be done everyday at 12AM, I used an online tool to generate it, it said "* 12 * * * command" but now its running the command every minute since 12AM!07:49
Lauxleylotuspsychje: no07:49
lotuspsychjeLauxley: here's what we can try, if you still have previous kernels in your list, boot a previous kernel and test scanner from there, then add your experience to the bug also, attach logs,syslog,dmesg etc07:50
Lauxleyadditional info http://paste.ubuntu.com/15557990/07:50
Mac_Vee1What is the best method for keeping NVIDIA driver's updated on 15.10?07:51
bobdobbs`hateball: that worked! thank you07:51
bobdobbs`'service restart gdm'07:51
lotuspsychjeMac_Vee1: ubuntu updates will get you all latest packages on your system07:51
Mac_Vee1I want to use the latest propritary NVIDIA driver with my GTX 980 GPU. Should I just down the the .run that NVIDIA has on their website and install it?07:52
Aarantwo intel related items in software "Intel Graphics drivers wiley" in other software, and Unknown: Unknown in additional drivers07:52
lotuspsychjeMac_Vee1: so the best approach is to choose the best driver for your system07:52
hateballMac_Vee1: You can use this PPA https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa at your own risk (I use it, works great)07:52
hateballbobdobbs`: :)07:53
Mac_Vee1hateball: does that PPA account for various GTX GPU performance difference?07:53
Mac_Vee1there are a lot of different levels of GTX cards.07:53
hateballMac_Vee1: I'm not sure I understand your question. It's just the official driver, packaged neatly07:53
DiamondSwordhello, how to permanently remove a program on ubuntu, with all its dependencies and libraries?07:54
Mac_Vee1ok, so NVIDIA only makes one single Linux driver then?07:54
hateballMac_Vee1: Yes07:54
lotuspsychjeDiamondcite: normally sudo apt-get pyrge package will also remove dependecies07:54
hateballMac_Vee1: The exception being that some older gen cards are not supported after 340.xx07:54
DiamondSwordI've found apt-get --purge remove program_name but I'm not sure if it's what I need ..07:54
Mac_Vee1Sorry let me ask the question differently. I always wondered about this. With Windows it is very important to have the correct NVIDIA driver for the GPU model.07:54
DiamondSwordlotuspsychje, without two dashes ?07:55
Mac_Vee1but I understand the default Nvidia driver is meant to work with all NVIDIA GPU models.07:55
lotuspsychjeDiamondSword: sudo apt-get purge package should work07:55
Mac_Vee1Are you sure there are not different NVIDIA Proprietary (LINUX) GPU drivers though?07:55
Mac_Vee1certainly makes it much easier than dealing with a bunch of different drivers versions. ;-)07:56
lotuspsychjeMac_Vee1: can you tell us wich driver you have active right now?07:56
DiamondSwordlotuspsychje, thank you ~07:56
Mac_Vee1I think this is a good question though because NVIDIA even has special versions of drivers for Quadro Professional models.07:57
Mac_Vee1one for general use07:57
Mac_Vee1and one for certain CAD packages for example.07:57
Mac_Vee1but that is with Windows of course.07:57
Cablegunmasterall my windows open up just a little bit too high on my screen everytime with everywindow xD.07:57
Cablegunmasterhow can I change this? , is there a compiz setting im not aware off?07:57
Mac_Vee1Actually I am setting up a new Ubuntu install07:57
Mac_Vee1Have not swapped out the default driver for the NVIDIA one.07:58
Mac_Vee1but I need full graphic access for some things like OpenCL07:58
Mac_Vee1and CUDA07:58
CablegunmasterMac_Veel , tried swapping on linux xD. my experience is you could break your gui xd. which in terms made me delete a xorg config file07:58
Mac_Vee1it seems the NVIDIA driver is the only option.07:58
Mac_Vee1well I have a backup ;P08:00
Mac_Vee1hope I don't break anything08:00
Mac_Vee1have used the NVIDIA propitiatory drivers in the past and they worked great.08:00
hateballMac_Vee1: Yes you need proprietary driver for CUDA, but you should be fine using the PPA and then installing cuda from nvidia08:01
Mac_Vee1hateball: thanks for the help! I am going to give this PPA a shot ;-)08:03
Mac_Vee1have a nice night gents08:03
Mac_Vee1and ladies too08:04
hateballMac_Vee1: note that if you game, the later drivers have some quirks08:04
Mac_Vee1does the PPA automatically update my system to the latest NVIDIA driver?08:04
Mac_Vee1once I add the PPA I mean?08:04
hateballMac_Vee1: check this https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/44zqau/nvidia_36128_and_glvnd_with_steam_games/08:05
hateballMac_Vee1: no, you'll need to apt-get install nvidia-364 for instance. and if a newer version comes, apt-get install nvidia-XXX and so on08:05
=== EOIP is now known as crocodilehunter
hateballMac_Vee1: Read the information on the PPA, it notes which are stable and which are beta etc08:06
Lauxleylotuspsychje: previous kernerl didn't do anything but rebooting the printer somehow worked ...08:07
lotuspsychje!yay | Lauxley08:07
ubottuLauxley: Glad you made it! :-)08:07
Lauxleysad thing is the resolution is so bad it's unusable08:08
Mac_Vee1so what exactly is the main purpose of the PPA then?08:08
Mac_Vee1just to read which driver versions are stable?08:08
=== atralhea- is now known as atralheaven
Mac_Vee1does PPA stand for "___Public Announcement?"08:09
Mac_Vee1this info is very helpful and I appreciate it very much BTW08:10
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:10
hateballMac_Vee1: ^08:10
hateballMac_Vee1: It relieves you of the pain and misery of manually installing things from random places08:11
AaranOk I seem to have totally broke my apt-get I now get this error when I try to remove a package http://fpaste.org/347324/45932548/08:11
hateballAaran: And you did as suggested?08:12
lotuspsychjeAaran: are you on 15.04?08:12
Mac_Vee1right, okay thanks hateball08:12
AaranI think so08:12
hateball!eolupgrade | Aaran08:12
ubottuAaran: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:12
lotuspsychjeAaran: check lsb_release -a please?08:12
Mac_Vee1soon I can Steam some games on Ubuntu ;-)08:13
eoli3ni removed network-manager08:13
eoli3nand added eth0 declaration in /etc/network/interfaces on xenial beta08:13
lotuspsychjeAaran: what happens when you sudo apt-get purge kde-telepathy-minimal08:13
eoli3nand when i ifup eth0 it says : cannot bring up eth008:13
lotuspsychjeeoli3n: #ubuntu+1 for xenial please08:14
eoli3ncannot find device eth008:14
eoli3nok thx08:14
Aaransame error I think08:14
lotuspsychjeAaran: can you pastebin us your sources.list please?08:15
raul_may someone help me with the installation of  CA certificates??08:17
raul_no to install them in firefox08:17
lotuspsychjeAaran: ok seems good now08:18
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo apt-get autoremove perhaps?08:19
Aaransame error08:19
lotuspsychje!info kde-telepathy08:19
ubottukde-telepathy (source: meta-kde-telepathy): metapackage for installing all the KDE Telepathy components. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.04.20ubuntu1 (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 26 kB08:19
Aaranhmm well it does say try with -f08:20
lotuspsychjeAaran: you can try08:20
AaranE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.08:20
Aaranhttp://fpaste.org/347333/45932604/   is that safe to run?08:21
lotuspsychjeAaran: yes08:21
lotuspsychjeAaran: seems like things got scramlbed somehow08:23
Aaran:( any fix or do I need to reinstall08:24
lotuspsychjeAaran: did you install manual packages .deb before os something?08:24
Aarana while ago I think I installed n1 with a .deb08:25
Aaranis there a command to see all installed apps by method?08:25
hateballlotuspsychje, Aaran I recall someone in #kubuntu having this issue when switching from unity to kde plasma08:26
lotuspsychjeAaran: can you try sudo apt-get purge kde-config-telepathy-accounts08:26
Aaransame error08:27
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo dpkg -P kde-config-telepathy-accounts08:28
Aarandpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove kde-config-telepathy-accounts which isn't installed08:28
lotuspsychjeAaran: ok, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:29
lotuspsychjeAaran: try to remove this ppa: http://ppa.launchpad.net/cpug-devs/ppa/ubuntu/dists/wily/main/binary-amd64/Packages08:31
Aaranwhats the process for that ?08:31
lotuspsychjeAaran: ppapurge again08:31
macopythonhow to clear terminal complete ?. If I use "clear", I still can see old data if I scroll up. Any help ?08:35
Aaransorry, whats the full ppa-purge command I am looking to run?08:36
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Aaran08:36
ubottuAaran: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html08:36
joobmacopython, hit CTRL-L08:37
AaranYeah but I was having trouble figuring out the correct repository name08:37
hateballmacopython: Are you sure you want to remove it forever? if so: cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history08:38
llutzmacopython:   clear; echo -e "\033c\e[3J"08:38
lotuspsychjeAaran: maybe this one? https://launchpad.net/~cpug-devs/+archive/ubuntu/ppa08:38
lotuspsychjeAaran: no i meant the ppa from that url08:40
lotuspsychjeAaran: ppa:cpug-devs/ppa08:40
AaranWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: cpug-devs/ppa ppa08:43
bluefive#firefox is dead. I just had my Plugin Container for Firefox using 8 MB of RAM and 100% of CPU.08:45
bluefiveIt was trying to do something with Flash.08:45
bluefiveWould this be resolved if I install the proprietary software for Ubuntu (such as Flash)?08:46
bluefiveI can view Flash just fine but I'm using the open source codecs which may be inferior?08:46
lotuspsychjeAaran: can you see the ppa in your software/sources? try remove from there?08:46
Aaranin Software & Updates ? I can see it yes http://ppa.launchpad.net/cpug-devs/ppa/ubuntu08:48
lotuspsychjeAaran: yep remove that one08:48
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AaranOk removed08:49
lotuspsychjeAaran: ok try again sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade now08:50
bluefiveFirefox CPU keeps going to 100%.08:50
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo apt-get autoremove08:51
bluefiveWhich browser isn't so crazy with the CPU?08:51
Aaransame error08:51
lotuspsychjeAaran: then sudo apt-get -f install08:51
Guest12940im a bout to sound retarded here but anyone know where to find the  official ps4 os08:51
hateballbluefive: Is this only when you try accessing things with Adobe Flash?08:51
hateball!ot | Guest1294008:51
ubottuGuest12940: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:51
bluefiveNo. Right now I am just browsing. No Flash as far as I know.08:52
hateballbluefive: What are you browsing? Flash can be anywhere. If you go to www.google.com there are no flash elements, does the browser still use 100% cpu?08:52
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo dpkg -P kde-telepathy-minimal08:52
bluefivehateball, YouTube, Amazon, Bloomberg, INK361 etc.08:53
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo dpkg -P kde-telepathy08:54
Aaranno errors from that08:54
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:55
bluefiveINK361 seems to be the culprit.08:55
Aaransame error as before08:55
hateballbluefive: I dont see any flash there, but there's a ton of javascript that can chew up CPU. What sort of machine are you using?08:55
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo apt-get purge kde-telepathy08:56
bluefivehateball, 1.9 GHz dual core.08:56
bluefivehateball, Would you think with all that Javascript that I would benefit from a hyperthreading CPU?08:57
Aaransame error08:57
hateballbluefive: You could try with a different browser, see if that makes any difference08:57
bluefiveI have no hyperthreading.08:57
hateballbluefive: That shouldnt be needed. I am seeing nowhere such high loads in Chromium08:58
bluefiveI'll try Chromium.08:58
bluefivehateball, Are you looking at a tag where the page is full of pictures?08:58
hateballbluefive: I was just looking at the frontpage, I am not familiar with this site08:58
hateballFirefox seemed to spike considerably more CPU, but it chilled down after a bit08:59
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo dpkg -P unity-scope-gdrive08:59
bluefivehateball, Ah. You have to put a tag in and browse the photos to see how it performs.08:59
Aaranthat ran fine08:59
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo dpkg -P account-plugin-google08:59
bluefiveMy Firefox has completely locked up on it now.08:59
Aaranthat also ran fine09:00
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo dpkg -P account-plugin-facebook09:00
bluefiveI've terminated the FF process and will now  try Chromium.09:00
arthurBotHello, when i download a new package from packages.ubuntu.com, where am i suppose to put it ?09:00
bluefiveHow does Chromium compare to Midori?09:00
Aaranalso ran fine09:00
lotuspsychjeAaran: last one: sudo apt-get install -f09:00
Aaranran fine09:01
rilleharthurBot: Use apt-get to install packages09:01
lotuspsychjeAaran: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:01
rillehapt-get install <package>09:01
bluefiveFirefox with one window open watching YouTube is using 20 to 60% of the CPU.09:01
bluefiveDoes that seem right?09:01
Aaranthat seems to have ran09:02
AaranThe following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-signed-generic linux-signed-image-generic09:02
lotuspsychje!yay | Aaran09:02
ubottuAaran: Glad you made it! :-)09:02
Aaranis that normal ?09:02
lotuspsychjeAaran: yeah09:02
AaranOk thats good news thanks for all the help, what was causing the issue?09:02
lotuspsychjeAaran: now please dont mess with ppa's in the future lol09:02
bluefiveChromium now using 80% of my CPU on Ink361.09:03
arthurBotrilleh, but i have to download the package first ? cause when i type sudo apt-get install i3blocks, it responds that the package doesnt existe09:03
lotuspsychjeAaran: looks like that last one was this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/621284/unmet-dependencies-when-trying-to-install-kde-plasma-5-3-on-ubuntu-15-0409:03
bluefiveWhat is "exe" process?09:03
rilleharthurBot: Then use dpkg -i i3blocks09:04
rillehBut the package is there for me09:04
Aaranohh ok that would make sence as I was hoping to try KDE09:04
Aaranso that does mean that its removed my KDE attempt ?09:04
rilleharthurBot: What does apt-cache search i3blocks say?09:04
lotuspsychjeAaran: try kde from wich?09:05
arthurBotrilleh, ( my translation from french : )  imposible to find i3blocks package09:06
macopythonOk llutz09:06
macopython:joob, Ctrl + L is similar to clear command09:07
AaranI tried apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:07
bluefiveWhat is this process called "EXE"?09:07
hateballlotuspsychje, Aaran: Would removing the conflicting account-plugin-* packages break anything? I am not using ubuntu-desktop so I dunno what depends on what09:07
hateballIf not, you should be able to just remove that stuff and install kubuntu-desktop09:07
hateballOf course.... if you actually need the IM plugin stuff under unity, that'll break09:08
macopythonllutz, what is that actually ?09:08
rilleharthurBot: Allright, what version of Ubunut do you use?09:08
AaranI think I will just leave it for the time being I dont want to break everything again09:09
arthurBotrilleh, 14.04 trusty09:09
lotuspsychjeAaran: good, i need some coffee :p09:10
AaranRight im out thanks again09:10
rilleharthurBot: Okay, that explains it09:10
rilleharthurBot: Just install it with dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb09:10
rillehShould be fine09:10
arthurBotrilleh, alright thx a lot09:11
llutzmacopython: clear scrollback09:11
llutzmacopython: "man 4 console_codes"  >ECMA-48 CSI sequences >J   ED  > ESC [ 3 J: erase whole display including scroll-back09:15
macopythonSure llutz. Thank you09:16
macopythonllutz, what is \033c ?. There is no description for 3 J too in man pages09:23
llutzmacopython: thats "escape"09:24
llutzmacopython: octal notation, decimal 27, ESC09:25
macopythonOk llutz09:34
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macopythonThere is no description for 3 J too in man pages. What is that ? There is only 1 J and 2 J in man pages09:35
llutzmacopython:  what version? it's in 2012-08-0509:35
horiz0nI am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS09:35
horiz0nbut for some reason it keeps failing during installation of kernel-generic09:36
horiz0nwhat is wrong?09:36
horiz0nany idea?09:36
llutzmacopython: man 4 console_codes |less -p"3 J"09:36
macopythonI am sorry. It is there. I was checking by mistake in CentOS 609:39
llutzmacopython: from manpages-3.54-1ubuntu109:39
macopythonIn Ubuntu it is available09:39
llutzmacopython: ah ok09:39
macopythonAny idea about centos6 ?09:39
macopythonOk. Thanks anyways09:39
macopythonllutz, Where can I learn all these internal things ?09:40
cfhowlett#centos ?09:40
macopythonI am studying Linux but I don't see such internal things anywhere09:40
macopythonI know cfhowlett :)09:40
llutzmacopython: learning by doing :) one get used to it when working with linux for ~ 20 yrs09:40
macopythonllutz, omg. It is too far for me:). My total experience is 2.5 years :(09:41
macopythonI am Python developer by profile09:41
macopythonAnyone working at Canonical ?09:42
cfhowlettthey don't really hang here.09:42
macopythonI see09:42
horiz0nno one I am afraid09:42
macopythonWhere do they hang then ?09:43
horiz0nno where09:43
cfhowlett!contribute | macopython09:43
ubottumacopython: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu09:43
horiz0ngood luck with looking for help on their forum09:43
macopythonI want to work at Canonical :)09:43
horiz0nyou can get info how to install or uninstall package09:43
llutzmacopython: lots of stuff is explained in man-pages, the problem is to find the correct terms to look for09:43
horiz0nnothing more09:43
macopythonAgree. llutx09:43
cfhowlettmacopython, not the place for that discussion.  strangely enough. canonical.com09:44
macopythonok @cfhowlett. Sorry for that :)09:44
k1lhoriz0n: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/package-management.html09:44
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Guest34431I know09:46
horiz0nk1l: what should I look for?09:48
k1lhoriz0n: you wanted info how to install or uninstall packages. that is what the packagemanagement does. there are several frontends like apt or the software-center09:49
horiz0nno, I am asking what is wrong.09:49
horiz0nThis error appears during installation of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS09:50
horiz0nnot during installation specific package09:50
k1lhoriz0n: there is an issue in your picture. but its not naming the real issue since that happend before that picture was taken.09:54
k1lhoriz0n: what setup did you install?09:54
poradaxhow do I install all the preinstalled apps09:54
k1lporadax: install ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-standard09:55
horiz0ncustom from preseed09:55
horiz0nbut in meantime I found this:09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1317602 in linux (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic 3.13.0-24.46 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Confirmed]09:56
horiz0n1,5 year old bug09:56
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k1lhoriz0n: does your cpu have PAE?09:58
Arch358,687 + items totaling 128.0 TB Free space 91.9 GB whoo!09:58
horiz0nCore i709:58
horiz0nyes it has09:58
horiz0nlet me change d-i pkgsel/upgrade select full-upgrade to none09:59
horiz0nin my preseed09:59
horiz0nand test09:59
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horiz0nalmost the same preseed works fine with Debian Wheezy and Jessie10:01
jgcampbell300has anyone here setup an apt-mirror for ubuntu debain mint cinnamon and mate ?10:06
mantradoCan MAAS be used to house generic servers for research and development; ie LAMP, DHCP, DNS etc? or is KVM a better fit?10:10
poradaxk1l not working10:10
jgcampbell300is there a command to find out how large all the repositorys are i want to mirror ?10:11
k1lporadax: what exactly?10:11
=== isp_unwork is now known as isp
poradaxall of it10:12
k1lhoriz0n: "d-i pkgsel/upgrade select none"  should work, they say10:12
k1lporoplease give more info what you have, what you do, what error you get10:13
k1lporadax: please give more info what you have, what you do, what error you get10:13
mantradojgcampbell300:777GB of disk space for the Ubuntu package archive. 17GB for Ubuntu release CD images. according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors10:14
poradaxmissing destination file operand after "10:15
horiz0nk1l: yes, this is what I am testing now.10:16
horiz0nI think this can be related to UEFI10:16
horiz0nhowever I'll try to make a full upgrade after installation10:17
k1lporadax: please put all your command and output into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here10:17
horiz0nand then we will see10:17
jgcampbell300mantrado: thank you10:17
horiz0nthe reason I am suspecting it is related to UEFI is because the only change I've made is disable UEFI in BIOS10:17
horiz0nthe same preseed with full-upgrade option was working fine10:18
horiz0nbefore easter10:18
jgcampbell300so that makes me wonder if ubuntu is built on debain and mint is from ubuntu (i think) then if i mirror debain will i get them all10:19
k1ljgcampbell300: no.10:20
k1ljgcampbell300: if you want to mirror mint repos please ask them what repos you need then.10:20
jgcampbell300well i run a bunch of debain servers ... ubuntu and mint desktops ... just trying to figgure out the best way to get all of what i need in the most effecent way10:21
jgcampbell300may have to go with apt-cache10:21
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Guest4873this is k sorry for the lag10:22
Guest4873I had a question was wondering if ill find an answer if possible10:23
popey!ask | Guest487310:23
ubottuGuest4873: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:23
Guest4873my software center has disappeared and my permissions are slowly not being in my control10:24
Guest4873i do not what I pressed to do this10:24
k1lporadax: sudo apt install packagename10:24
cfhowlettporadax, or sudo apt install packagename10:25
poradaxnow working10:25
Guest4873i do not know what i did to have my computer to act like this... thank you ill check it out10:25
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l0gichi, i am having some trouble with the smart card reader from my thinkpad w530. opensc-tool -l just says "No smart card readers found." i'm using 14.04 lts11:07
jgcampbell300so i had a thought ... apt-mirror ... I have 40 computers in 40 diffrent locations ... with a ton of small files on each of them that needs to be synced ... could i setup a private repository and use apt-mirror ... or is there a better way to get the same info on all of them11:10
jgcampbell300has to be secure data transfer ... ive been using vpns11:11
jgcampbell300shurly theres something out there that is already built to do something likethis11:11
linociscoword file is not automatically opened by Libre Office11:12
linociscowhat do I do?11:12
jgcampbell300linocisco: what do you mean ... on linux ... what is trying to open it11:12
jgcampbell300linocisco: http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubuntu-4-ways/ File Associations is how you change the program that opens it11:14
l0gicany ideas on why my card reader isn't working? (yes, i did install libccid in addition to opensc)11:14
MonkeyDustlinocisco  what happens when you try11:14
linociscoMonkeyDust, just dialogbox to save11:14
linociscoMonkeyDust, just dialogbox to save when I clicked on "Open"11:14
k1llinocisco: what ubuntu exactly? what file extension? how was libreoffice installed?11:14
k1llinocisco: click where?11:15
linociscoMonkeyDust, actually it is opening attachment from Thunderbird using Exquila11:15
MonkeyDustlinocisco  maybe first 'save as' and then open11:15
k1llinocisco: then save it first11:15
MonkeyDust!info exquila11:15
ubottuPackage exquila does not exist in wily11:15
k1llinocisco: its only saved read-only as attachment. so you cant change stuff anyway11:15
linociscok1l, it can directly be opened before11:15
MonkeyDustlinocisco  can you save and open?11:16
cfhowlettjgcampbell300, sounds like you want a private mirror11:19
k1ljgcampbell300: do you want a package mirror or do you want file-sync?11:20
l0gicnever mind. fixed it by apt-get purge opensc pcscd libccid, and reinstalling11:24
jgcampbell300k1l: well im setting up a package cache for now for updates etc ... but just made me think about another issue i have been dealing with involving file-sync11:35
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=== Gill_ is now known as Gill
sobersabrehi guys. in the company there's a domain mycompany.local and avahi is running, dns resolving messes up and user cannot resolve those addresses. I've tried editing /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf and setting domain-name=mycompany.local12:04
sobersabreIt didn't help much.12:04
sobersabrewhat shall I do ?12:04
MonkeyDustsobersabre  is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server12:06
sobersabreMonkeyDust: it's a laptop, so disabling network manager and avahi also is "sub-optimal"12:06
sobersabreI'm more interested in customizing avahi settings to allow proper resolving for that specific domain.12:07
sobersabreMonkeyDust: so... what's your idea ?12:08
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Guest90969hi all12:10
MonkeyDustsobersabre  is this useful http://askubuntu.com/questions/2631/access-server-by-host-name12:17
BluesKajHi folks12:22
beastwick987Can anyone help me with a fakeRAID setup and dual booting Windows 10? I've already setup a RAID 0 through my BIOS and installed Windows 10, but when I run the Ubuntu install I don't see one large disk, I see it all split up as /dev/mapper/<string>/part. How come fakeRAID isn't supported or detected?12:25
ikoniabecause fake raid is a joke12:26
beastwick987Also I understand the RAID risks, I am using RAID 0 for performance as I had two 1 tb drives lying around.12:26
ikoniaand depends on OS drivers, normally windows to work12:26
beastwick987I would get a hardware controller but they are expensive :(12:26
beastwick987why is it a joke? should I not do it?12:27
beastwick987I read about (and can see) a nice performance bump12:27
ikoniabecause it's a toy thats not really raid12:27
ikoniait's basically a software raid stack thats put into the OS so depends on drivers12:27
beastwick987so there are no linux drivers?12:27
ikoniaso how well your drivers work/are supported depends on your raid availability12:27
ikoniabecause the people who make them don't make linux drivers normally12:28
beastwick987I see, so I would have to check my mobos drivers for a linux raid driver (which prob doesn't exist)12:28
ikoniaI suspect if it's not in the kernel - it's not worth discussing12:28
ikoniaas if it's not in the kernel you'll need to maintain your initrd too12:28
beastwick987I saw that I could use mdadm12:28
ikoniaas your OS needs to be able to see the disks before it boots12:28
ikoniamdadm won't work for windows12:29
beastwick987I don't care about Windows, I care about linux booting. I just want them to share the RAID or that's just not how this works12:29
ikoniaand you can't boot from raid0 - you'll need a physical partition or raid1 partition to boot from12:29
ikoniayou're not going to be able to share the raid12:29
beastwick987wow that really sucks12:29
ikonianot really12:29
beastwick987You can't share  a RAID under any circumstances?12:30
beastwick987like if I got a hardware controller?12:30
ikoniayou can with a hardware controller12:30
ikoniabecause then it doesn't depend on the OS to see the disk and build the raid12:30
beastwick987do you know of any inexpensive ones :) ?12:30
Arch_thinking about mdad thags12:31
ziz15does anyone knows if there will be a flash update for chromium 32bit on linux now that chrome support has ended??thanks12:32
ikoniaziz15: I doubt there will be12:32
ikoniabeastwick987: have a look online12:32
ikoniaand define in expensive12:32
beastwick987not like $10012:33
k1lziz15: 32bit chromium doesnt use the chrome flash12:33
ikoniayou'll struggle for less than %100 - check evay12:34
MonkeyDustziz15  i guess pepperflash is what you want, find it in the repos  https://wiki.debian.org/PepperFlashPlayer12:36
Arch_whats mdctl12:36
ikoniametadata raid controller command12:38
ikonianot sure if it's still valid or a symlink to mdadm these days12:38
Arch_ok, ikonia12:39
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jnoob22anyone else on 14.04 get issues with running apt-get update ?12:57
MonkeyDustjnoob22  that's a yes/no question ... what brings you here12:57
jnoob22this one among many I got that it couldn't find: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty/main Translation-en_US12:58
jnoob22was saying the ip address was now wrong12:58
jnoob22i ran sudo apt-get update --fix-missing which seemed to do it but now many of the repos have a 'Ign' in front of them. I'm wondering what kind of impact this will have going forward.12:59
jnoob22I wish I could share the error but I seemed to have cleared my terminal buffer in all the excitement :-)12:59
MonkeyDustjnoob22  does only that ppa cause the error?12:59
jnoob22MonkeyDust, no many of them12:59
jnoob22I can get a list and post them to dpaste if you're up for a look.13:00
MonkeyDustjnoob22  many ppa's, you mean?13:00
beastwick987ikonia I think you can install Windows and Linux in a fakeRAID13:00
beastwick987at least I am reading some stuff that says it is possible13:00
jnoob22MonkeyDust, yes13:00
beastwick987interestingly enough i'll tell you what I did tho so far13:01
beastwick987I setup my fakeraid and installed windows13:01
MonkeyDustjnoob22  ok, so the question sound ppa related, not 14.04 related13:01
hrobi'm deeply confused by the service scripts on ubuntu13:01
beastwick987I then installed Ubuntu inside VirtualBox using my native disk as storage, (not a VDI)13:01
beastwick987when I boot the Ubuntu installer13:01
jnoob22MonkeyDust, perhaps but I like to give my version as well.13:01
hrobso granted I should not use init.d it says13:01
beastwick987I see the entries for the Linux parts13:01
MonkeyDustjnoob22  version of what13:01
beastwick987I am wondering if I run mdadm and rebuild the array, maybe it will work?13:02
hrobso I then use $ service cron status13:02
jnoob22MonkeyDust, nm dont worry about it.13:02
hrobto check my cron is up,  the service script returns instructions that I should not use init.d13:02
hrobwell I'm not13:02
beastwick987but that won't help me right, because mdadm needs to be loaded before the OS, but there won't be a way to boot13:02
jnoob22for anyone that may be interested... these had an issue with their ip address for some reason ... http://dpaste.com/3R5G8WC13:02
sobersabreMonkeyDust: it's a rabbit whole. eventually I did read the fine manual of avahi-daemon.conf and configured it properly.13:04
hrobcron is listed as a service under $ services --status-all13:05
jameshow are you13:06
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hrobyet... if I do... services cron status ,   I get "unknown job: cron"13:07
MonkeyDustsobersabre  great13:07
Welastevilhi folks!13:07
Guest9514how are u?13:07
WelastevilI'm having problems with apt-get after installing "terminology"13:07
WelastevilI'm fine! thanks13:07
Guest9514hello from texas, us13:07
Guest9514and u?13:08
MonkeyDust!ot | Guest951413:08
ubottuGuest9514: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:08
hrobare these the wonders of System V13:08
WelastevilKursk city13:08
hrobthat we were waiting for13:08
Guest9514oh, i am from houston13:08
Guest9514 but i borned in tampa13:08
MonkeyDustGuest9514  Welastevil go to #ubuntu-offtopic for casual chat13:09
WelastevilE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).13:09
WelastevilE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).13:09
Welasteviland wen I tryed it...13:09
k1lWelastevil: put all error and output to paste.ubuntu.com13:09
k1lWelastevil: and not only the few lines13:09
Welasteviljust one secnd13:10
Welasteviltake a look!13:12
horiz0nI am trying to make a local mirror, but only for trusty for now13:13
horiz0nunfortunately rsync -a --progress rsync://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu /data/linux/ubuntu-security13:13
horiz0ndownloads everything13:13
horiz0nhow can I limit it to rsync only trusty-security?13:13
MonkeyDustWelastevil  I picked this up in this channel ... save it as 'fixpackages' ... make executable with 'chmod +x fixpackages' ... then run it with './fixpackages' ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/15121279/13:15
Welasteviland after apt-get install -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/15559364/13:15
k1lWelastevil: one of your 3rd party PPAs or .deb installs ruins your system13:15
Welastevilyeah...so, what do you recomend Kil?13:16
k1lWelastevil: apt-cache policy terminology13:16
Welasteviltake a look kil13:17
k1loh nice. even 2 PPAs provide that package in different versions.13:18
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Welastevileven following your instructions at that site13:20
Welastevillook how it ends...13:20
k1lWelastevil: dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libelementary_201603242216-12490~ubuntu14.04.1_amd64.deb (--unpack):13:20
WelastevilE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:20
k1l trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libelementary.so.1.17.99', which is also in package libefl 201603292132-31957~ubuntu14.04.113:21
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k1lthat is the issue.13:21
WelastevilI see....13:21
k1lone PPA package is trying to handle stuff that another (ppa)package already handles. so you got a bunch of bad PPAs there13:21
Welastevilis it possible to solve?13:21
k1lWelastevil: file bug against those bad packages so the PPA maintainer gets its stuff right.13:22
k1lin the meantime remove the PPAs with ppa-purge to use the official ubuntu packages, that dont have that wrong depencies.13:22
Welastevilsorry my ingorance.. but how to do that?13:22
k1lWelastevil: or (very dirty) force the install of that pacakge manually13:23
mikecmpbllhi all. is it necessary to have port 25 accept incoming connections for postfix to just send mail? (x-posted to #postfix)13:24
k1lWelastevil: do which method?13:25
scogiam95Hi to all guys! I've a question for you, There are two bugs, one of the ALSA drivers, missing a module for an audio codec and the corresponding module to make it work with the intel sst cherry trail. The other bug inquiries concerning the touchpad, is recognized as a mouse and do not go clicking and scrolling with two fingers. I opened two reports on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/156322913:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1563229 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "Touchpad recognised as mouse FTE1000" [Medium,Triaged]13:25
WelastevilI tryed ppa13:25
scogiam95https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1563110 in a comment, in the reporting of the touchpad, it was written that the problem is related to the upstream kernel, then create a bug report for kernel.org. Now I did not understand how to do a bug report in kernel.org, in particular, I did not understand the part 5:13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1563110 in linux (Ubuntu) "No sound on Asus e200ha, intel sst with cx2072x codec" [Medium,Confirmed]13:25
Welastevilbut I dont have it installed...and can not install due to that issue13:25
ikoniabeastwick987: I didn't say you can't do it13:25
k1lWelastevil: your ppas brought you into that issue. dont spam your system with ppas.13:25
ikoniabeastwick987: I said it depends if linux will support your card13:26
ikoniaand the performance/stability of it will depend on the driver support you have for that fakeraid controller13:26
Welastevilso...what exactly to do at first?13:26
k1lWelastevil: you could run "sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libelementary_201603242216-12490~ubuntu14.04.1_amd64.deb"  that will force the package to install.13:26
k1lWelastevil: but in the long term you should really go through your PPAs and rething if you really want to keep them and use ppa-purge to get rid of them then.13:27
minimecWelastevil: Maybe wait a day or two. What I see is, that libefl has bin updated yesterday. Just install enlightenment without elementary. Elementary is 'just' the terminal application for enlightenment. You can use the window manager without it.13:27
Welastevilthanks so much guys!13:28
WelastevilIn this channel, usually I get nice adivices! diferently from #maosx13:29
AnticomHi all. Is there a pendant to PROMPT_COMMAND which would be executed just before the command i'm going to run in my current shell?13:29
scogiam95Guys anyone can help me, please!13:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:29
WelastevilI installed ppa purge!13:29
MonkeyDustAnticom  you want to run a command on opening a shell?13:30
WelastevilKil, you REALY fixed my machine!13:31
daedricAnticom: which shell ?13:31
AnticomMonkeyDust: i'd like to include a time delta in my PS1 and i would do that by simply comparing two time stamps of which one would come from PROMPT_COMMAND. However if i take both timestamps there the ammount of time i've waited between two consecutive commands is added to my time delta aswell13:31
Anticomdaedric: bash, sorry i didn't mention that13:31
Anticomis that rather a question for #bash?13:31
daedricAnticom: sorry can't help you with bash :)13:31
Anticomdaedric: dang zsh guys :D13:31
MonkeyDustAnticom  zsh, not bash?13:32
Anticom^ MonkeyDust13:32
Anticomiirc daedric is into zsh13:32
MonkeyDustAnticom  yes, then i guess it's more for #bash13:32
daedricAnticom: you guessed right even though I'm experimenting fish ATM13:35
daedricI've mixed feeling13:35
daedricbut the completion is definitly better, a bit like when you migrate from bash to zsh :P13:35
Anticomdaedric: i wanted to look at other shells for a long time now... still haven't found time yet .__. It's just so comfy sticking with what you've got already :)13:36
daedricCan't blame you13:37
MonkeyDusti'm testing trash13:38
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WelastevilI'm glad using UBUNTU!!!!13:47
Guest18729we are anonymous13:48
Guest18729we are legion13:48
walkergak tau13:48
Guest18729we do not forgive13:49
walkerikeh ikeh kimochi daskey13:49
WelastevilYou told you are from Texas....13:49
Guest18729we do not forget13:49
MonkeyDustGuest18729  and you're in the wrong channel13:49
walkerfuck ikeh13:49
WelastevilSheldom Cooper is from texas as well13:49
Guest18729expect us.13:49
walkeriteh iteh beb13:49
walkeryamate daskurasay sempay13:50
HesulanIs there a more appropriate channel to discuss the Ubuntu/Windows10 partnership thing? (http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-and-canonical-partner-to-bring-ubuntu-to-windows-10/)  I'm curious about the specifics, and fascinated by the long-term implications.13:53
hateball!ot | Hesulan13:54
ubottuHesulan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:54
DJonesHesulan: Probably #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss would be best for that13:54
mistralolwhere do i go to report a kernel bug?13:55
mistralolin ubuntu13:55
HesulanAh, thanks! Actually, I think I tried joining those channels once before and found I was already banned from one (which is odd, because I'd never really used IRC before last week)...13:55
k1l!bug | mistralol13:55
ubottumistralol: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:55
k1lmistralol: file it against the linux-image-.... package from your kernel13:56
dewwiiwalker: hello13:57
HesulanYeah, apparently I'm banned from #ubuntu-offtopic, even though I've never been in there before. Could anyone here check on that for me and figure out why?13:57
MonkeyDustHesulan  or ask in #freenode13:59
Pici!register | Hesulan13:59
ubottuHesulan: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:59
Pici-offtopic requires nick registration now, sorry.13:59
HesulanAh! Okay, thanks. Maybe there should be a notice or something about that. Or maybe there is, and I just wasn't paying enough attention.14:01
ThePerHey! I have a question regarding Ubuntu 16.04. Is it possible to pre-upgrade my servers and still be on the "stable"/ released version when it comes out? I guess it should not be a problem as its close to release?14:01
MonkeyDustThePer  #ubuntu+114:02
rexwin__ssmtp: Cannot open smtp.gmail.com:58714:02
EriC^^ThePer: 3 weeks to go14:02
rexwin__when I send an email using ssmtp, i get 501 5.5.4 connection14:02
EriC^^ThePer: if you upgrade now and keep updating the packages you'll be on the "stable" release when it comes out14:02
randooh sheesh yall, twas a dream14:03
ThePerEric: so it should be close to 100% save if i upgrade when code freeze is out?14:03
EriC^^code freeze?14:03
ThePeror package freeze. Where they dont allow new packages to get into the release14:03
rexwin__Invalid response: 501 5.5.4 connection14:04
ThePerApril 7th KernelFreeze14:04
SchrodingersScatrexwin__: mailhub=smtp.gmail.com:587 , rewriteDomain=gmail.com , UseTLS=Yes, UseSTARTTLS=Yes , are some of my settings.14:04
ThePerApril 14th FinalFreeze14:04
EriC^^ThePer: oh no idea14:04
EriC^^ThePer: all i know is that if you upgrade now it will be the pre-release, if you keep updating when it comes out you'll have the same system, dunno about the safety etc14:05
ThePerEriC^^: Thanks!14:05
nishadI need help with pointing apache2 to a different folder14:05
rexwin__SchrodingersScat, I have done that following http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Configure-the-server/Install-ssmtp.html. it worked for several weeks but now i get these messages14:05
HesulanBtw, that link about registering - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - doesn't work for me. I get "Internal Server Error".14:06
llutzrexwin__: do you use gmail 3-factor-auth?14:06
EriC^^Hesulan: /nickserv register <password> <email>14:06
SchrodingersScatrexwin__: works perfectly here14:06
llutz2-factor *14:06
rexwin__I have allow less secure apps on and dont know about 3-factor suth14:07
SchrodingersScatrexwin__: have you logged into the account manually? maybe you've been flagged and need to clear a warning? otherwise check your settings14:07
HesulanThanks, I'll figure it out, just thought I'd mention it in case anyone here wanted to fix it or anything.14:07
Hesulanfigured it out*14:08
nishadI need help with pointing apache2 to a different folder, can anyone please help14:08
rexwin__I can log into my account manually and there is no mail from google about anything..14:09
llutzrexwin__: read about gmail and how to create an app-specific password for ssmtp14:09
robotdevil1what is kernel version in the current stable ubuntu?14:09
k1l!info linux-image-generic | robotdevil114:10
ubotturobotdevil1: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB14:10
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jairhello all14:17
aq2Hello jair14:17
jairI am running LTS 14.04.4 64bit and I am getting this error: http://paste.debian.net/422759/14:18
jairaq2: this is the first time I see an error like this....14:19
k1ljair: the PPA you are using is rubbish14:19
MonkeyDustjair  disable this    http://ppa.launchpad.net/enlightenment-git/ppa/ubuntu/14:20
jairk1l: to be honest this is just the standard on this OS14:21
k1ljair: no.14:21
jairMonkeyDust: alright14:21
MonkeyDustjair  what's the ouput of   cat /etc/issue14:21
aq2jair: What version of ubuntu is it?14:21
jairone second14:21
aq2MonkeyDust: That won't tell anything about his flavour/desktop14:21
k1ljair: the enlightenment PPA you are using ships a package now that has broken depencies. or more in fact is trying to handle stuff that belongs to another package.14:22
jairhere: http://paste.debian.net/422762/14:22
k1ljair: you can force to install that package and overwrite the stuff from the original packge14:22
jairI tried as you can see on the previous paste14:22
jairdisable the ppa I guess?14:23
jairbut then I need to run some kind of clean command?14:23
k1ljair: no, forcing like in using dpkg to do it. which is a dirty workaround14:23
aq2What version of Ubuntu is this?14:23
MonkeyDustaq2  he just showed14:23
aq2he did?14:24
k1laq2: its his enlightenement git nightly PPA that is doing that mess14:24
aq2that doesn't tell anything about his flavour14:24
jairaq2: what do you mean? it say everything: http://paste.debian.net/422762/14:24
jairthat is the version of Ubuntu14:24
k1laq2: flavor doesnt matter. its the PPA that is the issue14:25
jairso I should disable this ppa?14:25
k1ljair: "sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libefl_201603292132-31957~ubuntu14.04.1_amd64.deb"14:25
aq2Right, i was just wondering if the ppa had came with a flavor14:25
jairalright let me try14:25
k1lthat is the dirty workaround if you want to keep that PPA. but you should tell them to get their stuff sorted asap14:25
aq2You don't need sudo because you're already root14:25
k1laq2: no, there is no flavor for that14:26
jairalright.  Looks like the installation got rid of the error, by the way I did not have to disable the ppa14:27
minimecjair: We had that same problem just some minutes ago in this channel. I would uninstall the elementary and libelementary package and use e17 without the elementary terminal.14:28
jairhere: paste.debian.net/422766/14:29
BenderRodriguezcongradulations ubuntu14:29
BenderRodriguezMicrosoft just saved this community14:29
k1lsomeone should file a bug against their PPA and tell the maintainer14:29
jairthis is what happened following the instructions of k1l14:29
jairminimec: paste.debian.net/422766/14:30
jairminimec: is this OK?14:30
k1ljair: as i said: itsa  dirty workaround. but it "works"14:30
jairk1l: Thank you very much looks like the error went away, but perhaps because we installed the local version14:30
jairk1l: hahaha sure14:31
jairbut what is going on? how can I file the bug? or it is already filed? minimec ?14:31
minimecjair: I would 'sudo apt-get remove elementary libelementary'. That will probably be enough. The elementary terminal will be removed. You will have to use gnome-terminal or xterm instead.14:32
k1l!bug | jair14:32
ubottujair: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:32
k1ljair: use "ubuntu-bug  libefl "14:32
jairI will file it and paste all the errors14:32
aq2"or any of its derivatives" does that include mint? i hope not14:33
jairthe ones I just pasted on the paste.debian.net14:33
jairI will think so14:33
minimecjair: It is possible that elementary gets an update too in some hours or days. Otherwise, file a bug. I stopped using these e17 ppa's for years now, because they were often buggy. I would recommend the bodhilinux repositories. But bodhilinux still uses e17, not e2*14:33
jairminimec: well let's file the bug14:34
jairminimec: I believe the solution will be to fix it on the repository14:34
minimecjair: with the enlightenment version you have installed now, I agee.14:38
minimecjair: I still use a very old version of e17. I stay on that one. ;)14:39
jairminimec: I am not sure what is the package libefl for14:42
jairminimec: but I will definitely prepare the bug summary14:42
minimecjair: libefl is one of the core libraries of enlightenment. https://www.enlightenment.org/14:43
rexwin__is there a way to clean up crontab file like erase it to default file?14:44
llutzrexwin__: since user-crontabs are empty by default, crontab -r14:45
rexwin__i got that14:46
hobbilysomeone care to explain how this is a good idea http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-and-canonical-partner-to-bring-ubuntu-to-windows-10/14:46
mcphailhobbily: that is a question for #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss. This channel is just for support questions14:47
llutzhobbily:  #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss14:47
MonkeyDusthobbily  #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss14:47
MonkeyDustllutz  was faster14:47
llutzmcphail was faster .)14:47
hobbilysupport as in there are ubuntu devs in here?14:47
hobbilywho do i talk to to prevent this from happening14:48
hobbilythis is really wrong14:48
hobbilyreally wrong14:48
hobbilyits a crime14:48
MonkeyDusthobbily  you know where to discuss it, not here14:48
bugrumIs there any documentation on issues with bootstrapping a node in juju? I'm trying to find the location of some sort of logfile that can give me details as to why juju isn't bootstrapping an environment on a particular node14:48
mcphailhobbily: you have been told (3 times) to discuss in another channel14:48
jairminimec: OK14:48
jairminimec: thank you very much, enlightment is the desktop manager?14:49
jairlike gnome or kde14:49
minimecjair: Exactly14:50
insecuritywhat on earth!14:53
insecurityplease tell me it's an early april fools joke14:53
jairminimec: that is interesting it might be an april 1st joke14:53
scwizardhello in /etc/resolv.conf I have:15:09
VenkoHey guys, better late than never15:09
scwizardsearch ec2.internal15:09
scwizardhow do I change the search to something else?15:09
VenkoI don't know if anyone remembers me but I was the guy that wants to buy his grandma a new computer for Ubuntu15:09
MonkeyDustscwizard  sudo -e /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base15:09
scwizardMonkeyDust: I did this, and I ended up with two values for search15:10
scwizardMonkeyDust: which didn't produce the desired effect15:10
VenkoWell I just got her current specs back: 937.4 MB RAM, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3400+, Gallium 0.4 on ATI RS480 onboard gpu, 193.9GB HDD15:10
scwizardMonkeyDust: that file as empty and I added a search line and ran sudo resolvconf -u, and then I had both values15:10
scwizardwhich didn't fix my problem15:10
scwizardMonkeyDust: do you think DHCP is automagically deciding what search line to use?15:12
scwizardMonkeyDust: I added: /etc/network/interfaces.d/15:13
MonkeyDustscwizard  better adress the channel, not me personally15:14
scwizarderm under /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.conf I added: dns-search mydomain.com15:14
scwizardand then I ran sudo resolvconf -u15:14
scwizardbut no change15:14
scwizardok what worked was15:18
scwizardadding the dns search line to eth0.conf15:18
scwizardthen running: sudo ifdown --exclude=lo -a && sudo ifup --exclude=lo -a15:18
scwizardthen running: sudo resolvconf -u15:18
mistawrighthi guys i need some help. I am trying to get a pecl module installed but it keeps failing. i am using php7 on this server as well. I am having an issue with pecl install dbx15:19
mistawrightit keeps failing15:19
naccmistawright: can you pastebin the output? what ubuntu?15:20
mistawrightnacc, 14.0415:24
naccmistawright: php7 is not supported there15:25
naccmistawright: please contact the owner of the PPA you are using15:25
mistawrightnacc, would that affect pecl modules?15:25
lernermy hdd is making strange noises, "clack"s. I have been told my hdd is dying. So far no corrupted data, but I had twice bad superblocks in a week. Am I going to have those regularly from now on?15:26
Gamoder_Hi everyone, is there a way (I guess there is, but is there a simple way) to delete all files in a folder which have the same name and size then files in another folder? Or, is there a way to mv files, but in a way that files are not overwritten if they exist and are of equal size, but deleted in the source and else, overwritten?15:26
naccmistawright: i believe `pecl` is provided by the php-pear package, which is phpX specific.15:26
Gamoder_reason is that I have a mv operation of a whole folder (instead of folder/*) where somehow inbetween the operation failed and so I there are some (or rather: 1) file which is incomplete in the target folder15:27
MonkeyDustGamoder_  someone else had a similar question, just yeserday... or was it you ... i'll check the logs15:27
Gamoder_I don't think it was me15:27
Gamoder_nope, haven't even been here yesterday15:27
zykotick9Gamoder_: my two suggestions would be 1) rsync and 2) fslint (a gui to compare file sets)15:28
Gamoder_I am headless15:28
mistawrightnacc, http://pastebin.com/XKsfUBRm where else would i be able to find a fix for this possibly15:28
Gamoder_(I mean, the device is headless, it's an odroid)15:28
zykotick9Gamoder_: fdupes is a terminal program that does similar things...15:28
naccmistawright: dunno, as I said, it's not supported. On first glance, that pecl extension is not supported with php715:29
naccmistawright: or at least that version of it15:30
Gamoder_fdupes is somehow stuck at 11%15:30
MonkeyDustGamoder_  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15560255/15:32
Tin_mananybody here know how to fix ssh keys on my ubuntu server i've seemed to messed them up, and can't log in from any client. I've read a bunch, but reluctant to mess it up any further.15:32
Gamoder_yeah, thanks15:32
Gamoder_but I know all files are equal if they have the same name15:32
Gamoder_since I started a mv command15:32
llutzTin_man: the error you get is?15:33
Gamoder_(but according to the rsync documentation, I should hather have used that since it allows resume)15:33
MonkeyDustTin_man  you could delete ~/.ssh/authorized_keys15:33
Tin_manon ubuntu i get ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused15:33
lernerwould you buy any of the software advertised here to repair broken hdds? https://superuser.com/questions/171195/how-to-check-the-health-of-a-hard-drive mine is "clacking"15:33
llutzTin_man: that means that there is no ssh-service listening at all on ip:port15:33
ikonialerner: no15:33
ikonialerner: try ##hardware if you want recommendations15:34
Tin_manon kubuntu i get another one after 3 password tries15:34
llutzlerner: the only thing to buy when a hdd is clacking, is a new hdd15:34
zykotick9llutz: +115:34
llutzTin_man: nmap -p 22
Silver^Hi there, Was wondering if someone could tell me the diffrence between Aquarius M10 FHD vs Aquarius M10 HD, cant compare them on the store site, Also do you know if MediaTek released sources for their MT8163A, they been very bad complying with GPL licenses previously15:36
MonkeyDustSilver^  how is that ubuntu related?15:36
llutzSilver^: wrong channel15:36
Tin_manllutz, not currently installed15:37
Silver^Oh, thought it was a general Ubuntu channel, does Cannonical have other channels for their ubuntu branded tablets?15:37
insecurityubuntu mothership livestream: https://channel9.msdn.com/15:38
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:38
Tin_manwhats weird is i can still login with my file manager in kubuntu, but it's through fish://15:38
Tin_mani thought maybe just purge ssh service off the server an then re-install it.15:38
Tin_manwith my backup config file, i don't have any of my keys backed up15:39
MonkeyDustTin_man  the keys sit in ~/.ssh/15:43
Tin_manwell i deleted the last key, thinking that would solve it, and logged back in with a new key, but the server frowned on that..15:44
Tin_manso now not only clueless, i'm keyless15:45
Bassemhow can i select text between two dots with double click15:46
Tin_mani looked around on the server side, and didn't see where it stored any keys like the client side, which i read some where that there loaded to memory15:46
Tin_mani sure don't want to have to re-install my server again, took me 2 days to set up Cups..15:47
llutzTin_man: do you still have console access on the server? if so, "sudo lsof -i :22"15:48
Tin_manok brb15:49
Tin_mannothing happened just gave my prompt back ..15:51
llutzTin_man: pgrep ssh15:51
Tin_manis it i:22 or i: 22 cause the text split here on my end15:51
llutzTin_man: -i<space>:2215:52
Tin_mannothing happened just gave my prompt back ..15:53
llutzTin_man: that means that there is no ssh-service listening at all15:53
llutzTin_man: however your fish: works then15:53
llutzTin_man: sudo service ssh restart15:53
Tin_manok, i'll be right back i think i fiddled with turning it off just in case i was going to purge it..15:54
Tin_manok brb i rebooted, i'll try those commands again15:55
Tin_manllutz, ok the lsof command : sshd 818 root 3u Jpv4 9341 oto then next line 4u instead of 3u and 9343 instead of 934116:01
Tin_manpg command 81816:01
egpIs there a simplistic sendmail replacement (like ssmtp) that supports multiple relay servers?  For example I currently use ssmtp but it routes any @from.com through the single set of smtp host/user/pass credentials, I'd like to have @from2.com use a 2nd set of host/user/credentials16:01
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llutzTin_man: so your sshd is up and running (pid 818)16:02
Tin_manyes here is what i get when trying to log in16:02
Tin_manThe authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.16:02
Tin_manECDSA key fingerprint is ae:b0:2f:97:41:93:da:f9:06:07:5e:3d:8b:7e:a1:f4.16:02
Tin_manAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes16:02
Tin_manWarning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.16:02
Tin_mandave@'s password:16:02
llutzTin_man: try to ssh from other host again, use ssh -vv user@host         to get verbose output on error16:02
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llutz!paste | Tin_man16:03
ubottuTin_man: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:03
Welastevilhi people!16:03
WelastevilI'm havin trouble installing terminology in Macosx16:03
Welastevilmaybe someone can help?16:03
MonkeyDustWelastevil  this is ubuntu support16:04
llutz!topic | Welastevil16:04
ubottuWelastevil: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:04
Welastevilat #macosx no one wants to help16:04
llutzgo away16:04
Welastevilues I know!16:04
Welastevilbut UNIX is UNIX right?16:04
llutzthen ask in #unix16:04
MonkeyDustWelastevil  you're in the wrong channel16:04
Welasteviljust take a ook at it please...16:04
WelastevilI have tryed at #macosx16:05
Welastevilbelieve me! no one even answer16:05
llutzbtw linux != unix   and now go16:05
MonkeyDustWelastevil  stop16:05
Bassemhow can i select text between two dots with double click16:05
alvin_can you help me guys this my problem i want to resize my /dev/sda1 and it is my root partition16:07
Mikerhinosalvin_, you could do it booting on a live CD/USB I guess16:08
alvin_thanks for you response Mikerhinos i'm using virtualbox16:09
alvin_i'm on windows 7 and i have a virtualbox that i install ubuntu16:10
Guest18280Hi all, wondering if anyone could help me, been searching all day for a simple tutorial to follow that would create a script that automatically updates the hosts file on Ubuntu desktop and phone with the one hosted at : http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm16:10
Guest18280found this : http://www.putorius.net/2012/01/block-unwanted-advertisements-on.html but it seems out of date/broken?16:10
Mikerhinosalvin_, oh, isn't it possible to mount an ISO on virtual CD reader ? Maybe you can "boot" image on it.16:11
ubuntu887I have an Ubuntu vps, and was wondering if I can receive mail on it (as my user account). Is that easy to set up?16:11
daedricMikerhinos: you can mount a iso with virtualbox and boot on it, how did you install you os ?16:12
llutzubuntu887: mail from local or from outside?16:12
daedricubuntu887: it is possible, no it is not easy to set tup16:12
daedricset up16:12
ubuntu887First it wasn't working, and the message said it couldn't connect, so I did ufw allow 2516:12
MrXXIV_Jesus. Bash is coming to Windows16:12
llutzwin-bash exists since agese16:12
llutzwin-bash exists since ages16:12
MrXXIV_Alright, zip it.16:13
ubuntu887But now there's a different error, 454 4.7.1 (address) relay access denied16:13
MrXXIV_Microsoft BUILD is up right now16:13
naccMrXXIV_: offtopic16:13
llutzubuntu887: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix16:13
ubuntu887llutz, from outside (as in, send an email to myusername@host.name.of.the.server16:13
WJ3rdHi, I am running 14.04.4 live dvd and i mounted my private data in /tmp/.  All I want to do is re-mount it so that I can have write access.  Does anyone know how I can perform that one task?16:15
ubuntu887Sorry, got disconnected16:16
ubuntu887Did anyone say anything?16:17
llutzubuntu887: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix16:17
medinahola alguien en espa;ol16:17
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ubuntu887!es | medina16:18
ubottumedina: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:18
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medinaes que no me abre el chrome16:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:18
alvin_yeap it is possible to mount iso16:19
naccWJ3rd: mount -o remount,rw /tmp ?16:19
zykotick9WJ3rd: just so i'm sure... you know the system uses /tmp for stuff right?  you probably don't want to be mounting stuff there!  you might want to check out /mnt for temporary mounts.16:21
mrchairmanSometimes when I'm typing on my laptop too fast, ubuntu jumbles up the words by moving the curser to the middle. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?16:21
daedricmrchairman: you probably hit your trackpad16:22
zykotick9mrchairman: touchpad touches perhaps?16:22
WJ3rdi am just editing some things and then unmounting16:22
mrchairmandaedric, zykotick9 any idea how to minimize this?16:22
daedricIIRC you have an option to deactivate the trackpad when typing16:22
mrchairmanThanks, I just set it. Also slowed the track pad down... hope that fixes it16:23
WJ3rdnacc wouldnt i need more arguments16:23
mrchairmanI got ubuntu on a touch screen, dell inspiron 15 3000, it's great.16:23
naccWJ3rd: you should still use /mnt rather htan /tmp, but what other arguments wuld you need?16:24
WJ3rdnacc the source16:25
WJ3rdmount /dev/... -o remount,rw /mnt/...16:25
WJ3rdanother question... does anyone know... can i have something mounted twice in two different directories?16:26
naccWJ3rd: you said it was already mounted16:26
zykotick9WJ3rd: is this an extX filesystem or windows fat/ntfs?16:26
WJ3rdnacc yes it is mounted but how would  mount know what to remount16:27
naccWJ3rd: by the mountpoint16:27
naccWJ3rd: mount -o remount,rw /tmp says to remount whatever is mounted at /tmp16:27
WJ3rdnacc by being in the directory of the existing mount point?16:27
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naccWJ3rd: no, if you are in that directory, i think the remount will fail16:27
naccas it will be in use16:28
WJ3rdnacc i will try that after i am done using it... but do you expect that the fact that it is an encrypted drive will matter when remounting at this point?16:31
WJ3rdi.e. is the key stored in the ubuntu session somehow, and will it be accessed at that point16:32
naccWJ3rd: not sure16:32
WJ3rdat that point when i attempt to remount16:32
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COL_Member|75443I have gigabit network and with windows I always got that speed but since installing ubuntu the speed never goes over 400mbps  anyone has a clue what this can be16:35
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alvin_hi guys can you help me in my problem i just want to resize my root partition in my virtualbox ubuntu hosting in windows 716:42
Edganalvin_: is the root filesystem lvm?16:44
Tin_manllutz, thanks for your help, i finally resolved the problem, by creating a new key and pushing it up to server..16:44
Edganalvin_: You want to make it bigger?16:45
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:45
alvin_i want to resize the root partition16:45
Edganalvin_: Is there free lvm space in that volume group?16:45
alvin_i have unallocated g16:46
MonkeyDustalvin_  http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/extendlv.html16:46
Edganalvin_: the root filesystem is ext4?16:47
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MonkeyDustalvin_  in Ubuntu there's VBoxManage, ask in ##windows, maybe there's something similar16:54
MikerhinosI'm on Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 and the mouse button swap (I'm left handed) doesn't work, in the gnome settings panel or dconf editor, I can activate it but it has no effect (still right handed)16:56
MonkeyDustMikerhinos  #ubuntu+1 for 16.0416:56
MikerhinosMonkeyDust, Thanks, was pretty sure that I wasn't in the good chan lol17:00
hcn_acrippshey folks; I'm attempting to cross-compile a specific kernel version for arm, and it doesn't have support for gcc5, so I had to install gcc4.9 ... I know that I can cross compile using CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- ... but this will use the default system version ... does anyone know how I would specify the toolchain version to use?17:06
TechnobliteratorCan anyone help me install a third-party driver? I'm trying to get https://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux to work so I can use an Archer T4U wifi adapter, but it has no install.sh file so I can't finish it17:08
Technobliteratorwas following the instructions http://askubuntu.com/questions/533408/trying-to-install-wireless-archer-t4u-driver here17:09
fenecoHi, I tried to change drivers from noveau to nvidia and now I can't pass from the login screen on Ubuntu 14.0417:13
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lernerhow do you backup? I just copied my home dir into another hdd... is there an automated way of doing it as root? the other unit is encrypted17:17
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:17
MonkeyDusti use rsync to backup my /home17:18
=== occult is now known as Occult
k1l_feneco: see xorg.0.log in /var/log what is going wrong17:21
fenecok1l_: before you answered I started purging nvidia drivers and I'm trying to install nouveau again17:25
k1l_feneco: you dont need to install it. if you remove the nvidia there should be the nouveau automatically.17:25
zrneelyfeneco: I do not envy you. Have you made sure the .Xauthority file in your home directory has the correct permissions? I remember that being a common problem with the login screen.17:26
lotuspsychjefeneco: wich graphics card do you have?17:26
fenecozrneely: I didn't make any things, I just went to Ubuntu driver utility and chose nvidia tested, now I'm unable to boot17:27
k1l_feneco: what is "uname -a"17:27
fenecolotuspsychje: I have a gtx56017:27
fenecok1l_: Linux 4.2.0 34 generic Ubuntu 14.04.1 x86_x8417:29
k1l_feneco: you might need xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-lts-wily then17:29
lotuspsychjeEmmarof: welcome, how can we help you?17:29
fenecoIt's already installed17:30
EmmarofPlease I've installed netbeans with jdk bundle in my home directory but I am finding it difficult to launch17:30
fenecoI will just try to reboot then17:30
k1l_feneco: that you dont need that other package17:30
fenecoI will reboot and cross my fingers k1l_17:30
WJ3rdcan one install a ubuntu and assign a new user to use an older /home directory from an earlier ubuntu installation?17:31
EriC^^WJ3rd: yeah17:31
fenecok1l_: it worked17:32
fenecoBut I want to use nvidia drivers to better performance17:32
fenecoHow should I do it?17:32
WJ3rdEriC^^ easy?17:32
EriC^^WJ3rd: yeah17:32
EmmarofI am  to navigate to  /netbeans-install-directory/bin/netbeans but they keep giving me a  /netbeans-8.0.2/bin/netbeans: No such file or director17:32
lotuspsychjefeneco: does nouveau dont get the performance you need?17:32
fenecolotuspsychje: unity is slow on nouveau17:33
Emmaroflotuspsychje, any help for me?17:33
fenecoI wonder if I will be able to run any games with it17:33
lotuspsychjefeneco: up to date to 14.04.4?17:33
fenecolotuspsychje: pretty much17:34
k1l_Emmarof: use the "tab" key to let the foldernames autocomplete. so you dont have typos there17:35
fenecoI noticed that on gnome performance went Better with nvidia drivers17:35
k1l_feneco: "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | nc termbin.com 9999"17:35
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fenecok1l_: http://termbin.com/04lm17:37
fenecoim on unity again :D17:37
fenecoi will try to install these drivers later :/17:38
k1l_feneco: hmm. i would suggest to use apt to install the nvidia packages and look at the output if there is an issue.17:39
fenecok1l_: is there any difference from installing using apt instead of using Additional Drivers utility?17:40
k1l_feneco: you could upload the /var/log/Xorg.0.log or the 1.log to paste.ubuntu.com if there is a hint from that failed boot17:40
Technobliteratoralright, now I'm confused17:40
Technobliteratorwhy is "make install" not working?17:40
k1l_feneco: no. just the output is shown on terminal17:40
lotuspsychje!compile | Technobliterator17:40
ubottuTechnobliterator: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall17:40
fenecok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15561574/17:42
k1l_feneco: is that xorg.0.log?17:43
fenecok1l_: yes17:43
k1l_feneco: (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)     <- that makes sense since we removed the nvidia17:43
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k1l_feneco: can you show the xorg.1.log?17:43
=== GodFoddar is now known as rccie
jAyenGreenAfter I add a new user, set the passwd, and add the username to the AllowUsers line in ssh config, ssh asks for the password but does not accept it17:44
kolsheti have just installed ubuntu17:45
fenecok1l_: there's no such file on /var/log http://termbin.com/rexq17:45
kolshethave a look https://s29.postimg.org/tcbl59oc7/Screenshot+from+2016-03-30+23-12-46.png17:45
k1l_feneco: try the .old one17:45
kolshetthings become blur at times17:45
lotuspsychjekolshet: graphics card chipset and ubuntu version please?17:45
fenecok1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15561603/17:46
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kolshetgraphics :::: 0:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)17:47
WJ3rdEriC^^ do you have a link illustrating how to perform that task17:47
kolshetubuntu version is latest one17:47
WJ3rdor just google?17:47
kolshet ubuntu17:48
lotuspsychjekolshet: latest as in 15.10?17:48
EriC^^WJ3rd: "man usermod"17:48
kolshetyes that one17:48
lotuspsychjekolshet: no hybrid graphics card with nvidia or so right?17:48
lotuspsychjekolshet: wich one please?17:48
kolshetno external graphics17:49
kolshetwith nvidia or any other thing17:49
k1l_feneco: hmm, dont know then why exactly that fails.17:49
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=== GodFoddar is now known as GodFodder
lotuspsychjekolshet: pastebin sudo lshw -C video please17:49
HamRadioWhat do you guys think of putting ubuntu on top of  Windows 10?17:51
lotuspsychje!discuss | HamRadio17:51
ubottuHamRadio: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.17:51
kolshetlotuspsychje : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15561629/17:51
fenecok1l_: I can't see when it happens, I guess I will just try to install another driver version later17:51
HamRadioThanks lotuspsychje!17:51
lotuspsychjekolshet: ok, did you try other ubuntu versions?17:51
fenecofunny thing is that on ubuntu gnome 14.04 I could install it and the performance of gnome-shell got far better than on nouveau17:52
kolshetyes, 12.04 LTS i386 was working perfect17:52
kolshetthis 15.10 amd64 is showing blurs17:53
lotuspsychjekolshet: you could try 14.04 LTS perhaps, or file a bug against 15.1017:53
kolshetyeah, may be17:53
kolshetlotuspsychje : lets see if it fades away after sometime17:53
lotuspsychjefeneco: lsb_release -a17:54
lotuspsychjekolshet: can we have a look at your syslog (pastebin)?17:54
fenecolotuspsychje: http://termbin.com/4j9u17:55
WJ3rdfor shrinking partitions is the best practice to use an ubuntu live dvd17:55
lotuspsychjefeneco: can you tell us what kind of drivers, showup your additional drivers section plz?17:55
kolshetsyslog? what command in terminal ?17:55
WJ3rdor g-parted?17:55
lotuspsychjekolshet: paste the whole thing from /var/log/syslog into pastebin17:56
fenecolotuspsychje: sure17:56
kurtjk2013ive downlaoded and installed tor but it wont run what might i be doing wrong. i used apt-get17:56
fenecolotuspsychje: check the link above17:56
lotuspsychjefeneco: ok tell me wich drivers you all tested please?17:57
fenecolotuspsychje: the one I tried was the first one, which says "tested", 352.6317:57
jAyenGreenmore info, ssh -v gets to Next authentication method: keyboard interactive, but when the password is entered, it repeats and asks for the password again17:57
lotuspsychjefeneco: can you try the 340-updates or 352-updates and reboot plz?17:58
lotuspsychjefeneco: if things go wrong, sudo apt-get purge nvidia to get back inside your desktop17:58
EriC^^feneco: sudo apt-get purge nvidia*17:58
fenecolotuspsychje: I can't right now because I have to work in this computer right now, but I will try later and tell you, ok?17:59
Callekanyone know of a ppa for mercurial updates, and/or if the latest (3.7.3) update is going to be available in 15.10 soon (given its security issues over all prior versions)17:59
lotuspsychjefeneco: sure thing17:59
fenecothanks :)17:59
lotuspsychje!ppa | Callek17:59
ubottuCallek: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:59
naccCallek: given that xenial only has 3.6.2, it seems unlikely18:00
Calleklotuspsychje: yes, I know what ppa's are (I added one for official git stable releases)18:00
EOBeavI can use PPA's in xubuntu as well, correct?18:00
kolshetlotuspsychje : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15561857/18:00
naccEOBeav: yes18:00
CallekI'm happy if Ubuntu's official releases just backport the sec fixes in hg3.7.3 as well, and it ships to me soon18:00
EOBeavnacc, that's what I thought, thx18:00
Callekjust trying to find a better update than trying to use pip for systemwide ;-)18:01
EOBeavI'm going to have to install something lighter on my laptop18:01
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kolshetlotuspsychje : hope u got it http://paste.ubuntu.com/15561857/18:07
lotuspsychjekolshet: yep im still looking mate18:08
kolshetlotuspsychje ;)18:08
OtterCoderHey, I've gotten into an odd catch-22 with apt. I'm trying to apt-get purge terminology, because it's got a broken dependancy, but every time I try to remove the package, it complains about the missing dep and balks.18:09
lotuspsychjekolshet: i would go for a bug mate, add your story and logs to the bug or try a different ubuntu version to test18:11
lotuspsychje!bug | kolshet18:11
ubottukolshet: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:11
=== squeaky is now known as Guest37635
lotuspsychjekolshet: did you clean install or upgraded?18:12
kolshetlotuspsychje : ok, will file it. Just for records.18:12
kolshetlotuspsychje : upgraded18:12
lotuspsychjekolshet: from wich version?18:13
onlnrhow can I find ubuntu image hash for desktop images. I only find some powerpc and ppc64 http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/INSTALL/Ubuntu/dvd-releases/releases/15.10/release/18:13
kolshet12.04 LTS i386 to 15.10 amd6418:13
onlnrto see if my image match18:13
lotuspsychjekolshet: i pretty sure a clean install would fix this + cable internet enabled + updates enabled during setup18:14
kolshetlotuspsychje : then let me try that18:14
lotuspsychjekolshet: try before you bug :p18:15
kolshetbecause i want to get a good install & rest18:15
kolshetyeah, I'll18:15
lotuspsychjekolshet: maybe also try an lts?18:15
kolshetgoing for Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS18:15
lotuspsychjekolshet: ok great18:15
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kolshetlotuspsychje : thanks !18:18
lotuspsychjekolshet: your welcome18:18
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lotuspsychje!register | chandangoopta18:22
ubottuchandangoopta: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:22
chandangooptathanks @lotuspsychje18:22
=== chandangoopta is now known as sandesh
WJ3rdfor shrinking partitions is the best practice to use an ubuntu live dvd or gparted?18:30
EriC^^WJ3rd: ubuntu live dvd's gparted18:31
ahmethi guys18:36
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giuliohi everyone18:40
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Gallomimiahello. i need to know how to fix the missing menubar clock18:43
Gallomimiahi ahmet what are you trying to do?18:44
HanGallomimia, he already succeeded ;-)18:44
Gallomimiaah yes18:44
Gallomimiahad to hide joins and leaves18:44
=== rxc_ is now known as rxc
HanGallomimia, I see you are on one of those free VMs from amazon, is that right?18:45
HanSo awesome.18:45
Gallomimiai find it handy. i run my quassel core on it18:45
Gallomimialow enough bandwidth that it costs nothing18:46
DirtyCajunI run a few AWS VMs. they are great18:46
Gallomimiai find it an interesting idea18:46
HanI have a real VM from transip, but then again my demands are a bit larger.18:46
Gallomimiabut with the exception of getting big ones or using the GPU instances, i've noticed a lot of other places that are cheaper, seem to have better performance18:46
HanBut I have an amazon thing as well.18:47
Gallomimiahowever, with the free one from amazon, can't beat that price.18:47
naccHan: Gallomimia: offtopic? :)18:47
DirtyCajunHan amazons PaaS is expandable to whatever your "larger demands" are. might just not be free.18:47
Gallomimiait is offtopic yes18:47
Gallomimiacan anyone tell me how to fix the missing menu bar clock in unity? ubuntu 14.0418:48
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DirtyCajunGallomimia: Kkillall unity-panel-service18:48
DirtyCajunkillall not kk18:48
Gallomimiata very much18:49
sandeshyadav  /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER sandeshyadav shdhurfjoqdb18:52
JeDasandeshyadav: do that again without the spaces18:52
lee_G750jmhey all18:52
chandangoopta /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER chandangoopta ztjeytcpnobo18:57
Technobliteratoryou may need to change your password18:57
DirtyCajunthat is #2 now in 5 min18:58
chandangooptawe both are friends :P18:58
chandangooptanewbie, trying to register ourselves18:58
tgm4883 /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER tgm4883 Hunter218:58
Piciits not a password18:59
mcphailCan we stop the nickserv spam, please?18:59
IngenieroDeToroit's like watching America's Funniest Home Videos... the content isn't good at all, but for some reason you like watching18:59
chandangoopta@IngenieroDeToro hahaha18:59
chandangoopta@mcphail we are done registering. no more spams :)19:00
IngenieroDeToroI just want to reach out and say @chandangoopta you do realize that by putting that command in the chat window, you may not have accomplished what you were trying to do19:01
chandangoopta@IngenieroDeToro  I had no idea what I was tryingn to do.19:02
Technobliteratorcan anyone help me set up a USB driver for a wifi adapter?19:03
TechnobliteratorI've been stuck on this thing for several hours and nowhere online have I been able to solve my problem19:04
=== Occult is now known as occult
hkm_msg me for new Batman v Superman movie19:10
lotuspsychje!warez | hkm_19:10
ubottuhkm_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:10
hkm_i need to KILL 3TB bandwidth :O19:10
hkm_thats the ONLY way to do it19:10
hkm_i have only 24hours19:11
mcphailhkm_: stop that, please19:11
hkm_stop what19:11
hkm_this is NETWORKING19:11
pavlosTechnobliterator, do you see the wifi in 'lsusb'19:11
lernersince last time I logged in this room there have been no more clacks...19:12
lernerfrom my hdd19:12
lernerdoes that mean my hdd is not dying?19:12
llutzlerner: ##hardware19:13
ubottuIntoTheWild27: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:14
keremi need to talk about a strange bug in Xenial Xerus19:17
lotuspsychjekerem:  #ubuntu+1 please19:17
keremhow can i join that channel?19:17
ubottuIntoTheWild27: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:17
Hankerem, /join #ubuntu+119:18
=== kerem is now known as psycrafts
SubCoolSomeone please help me, im doing something stupid wrong. I am trying to install kubuntu to VirtualBox, 4.0 - but when i boot, it error's with acpi errors.19:19
jimbo75has anyone got around building a kernel to include amdgpu support for HD7790  and test vulkan ?19:20
=== kevin is now known as Guest78809
CyberGabberSubCool: Maybe try to disable acpi, by entering the following commansd in CLI:  VBoxManage modifyvm "HereYourVirtualMachineName" --acpi off19:29
ubottuIntoTheWild27: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:30
CyberGabberSubCool: Or go to the folder of that VM, and edit the .vbox file -> search in it for the part <BIOS></BIOS>, in in youw will find <ACPI enabled="true"/>  edit that to false19:31
SubCoolCyberGabber: i've disabled it from the GUi, still appears..19:34
SubCoolim using an older version of the Virtualbox, but this is just weird.19:34
Mika__Hmm i made bootable puppy linux for USB and randomly it hangs/freezes at boot up (i have tested with 3 bootloaders now). Even this is ubuntu room i think i can ask this here, because it happens so early stage. that it isn't distro related problem i think.19:34
SubCooli thought maybe setup efsi or whatever it was, but i know it was particular to fix19:34
TheMontyChristanybody have "talk" installed?19:36
TheMontyChristI keep getting party no logged on19:36
TheMontyChristeven though I have two terminals connected19:36
TheMontyChristtalk blah pts/019:36
TheMontyChristor pts119:36
TheMontyChristor whateever I see in "w"19:36
TheMontyChristlemme restate19:38
TheMontyChristwhat's preferred19:38
TheMontyChristI just recalled talk being rather handy back in the 90's19:39
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=== Guest41444 is now known as Melbarius
mkinklesWindows 10 has a Ubuntu userland!?19:41
mkinklesan* I don't know how to feel.19:41
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=== Melbarius is now known as Melbarius_
Melbarius_Is there a Ubuntu phone channel on IRC already?19:49
kostkon!touch | Melbarius_19:50
ubottuMelbarius_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:50
tewardMelbarius_: perhaps #ubuntu-touch19:50
Melbarius_ubottu: thank you19:52
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:52
Melbarius_teward: thank you19:52
Melbarius_i just got trolled by the bot RIP19:52
=== satan is now known as Guest19228
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=== jay is now known as Guest1832
WJ3rdgparted or live dvd for shrinking existing ubuntu partitions?20:06
tewardWJ3rd: you need to use a Live environment if you are editing the partitions in use by your current system20:06
tewardotherwise you can have some... breakage.20:06
WJ3rdteward ^^ yes, gparted live  or ubuntu live, which is better.  your vote counts20:07
tewardWJ3rd: either, but I've found Ubuntu Live to be a bit faster20:09
wtfpackageweird situation. I ran this installer for erlang (https://www.erlang-solutions.com/resources/download.html), accidentally for squeeze. I'm running wily, so apt-get gives me the wrong version. -- however, I can't find it in my  /etc/apt/sources.list -- if I run synaptic, its "source" appears as "es-erlang", but that's not listed in my sources.... how do I remove a package from apt sources when its source isn't listed in the sources20:13
tewardwtfpackage: There's not just sources.list - refer to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and check all the files in that subdir to see if it's referred to there for sources20:13
llutzwtfpackage: look at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*20:14
Piciwtfpackage: or did you install using dpkg/gdebi?20:14
wtfpackage@teward @llutz found it! it writes to a file called erlang-solutions.list20:16
=== marianne is now known as Guest41038
tewardwtfpackage: you should edit that file then accordingly to point it at the right version(s) to check for :)20:16
=== cyphase is now known as Guest40233
Guest1832my modifier keys press themselves randomly. does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?20:17
MonkeyDustGuest1832  your pc has becomeme a sentient being?20:18
=== Petru is now known as Guest42993
llutzGuest1832: get the cat out of your room, clean the keyboard20:18
MonkeyDustGuest1832  otherwise, try cleaning your keyboard20:18
wtfpackage@teward installed! also TIL. assumed it was a single file all this time, never had to deal with it tho. thanks.20:18
=== Guest42993 is now known as Petru7
Guest1832lol. kb is clean its a brand new machine20:19
Guest1832may be becoming sentient i suppose20:19
Guest41038hello, does anyone know of an app the simulates the little desktop tab with the weather and stocks and emails and such?20:19
Guest1832It works fine when im running windows *ptooey*20:20
Guest1832Guest41038: what de are you running?20:21
Guest41038Guest1832: 14.04 desktop and a 15.10 laptop both ubuntu20:22
Guest1832have you tried conky?20:23
hidconI love ubuntu 16.04!20:23
hidconIt is amazing.20:24
Guest41038Guest1832: nope, couldn't even think of the name of it and I hate searching through the software20:24
Guest1832type "sudo apt install conky"20:25
Guest1832without the quotes20:25
Guest41038Guest1832: thanks, installing now20:26
hidconWho here uses Windows?20:26
hidcon*Not starting a flame war or trolling*20:26
hidconI ask because I have been debating going full-ubuntu.20:27
llutzhidcon: neither 16.04 nor windows are ontopic here20:27
Guest1832Guest41038; ya man. you might still have to get the conky manager.20:27
hidconllutz:  Oh. Apologies.20:27
Guest41038Guest1832: ok so I'm not installing it exactly now, reading up on it first, but it seems to be what I was looking for20:27
Guest1832It's AWESome!20:28
=== Optiprism2 is now known as Optiprism
Guest1832if I werent using KDE I'd have it running right now20:28
OptiprismHow do I run a .run file? ./ doesn't work because of insufficient permissions and sudo ./ says command not found20:29
Guest41038Guest1832: and I'm just sitting here basically waiting for the new LTS to be released... not much of a Beta person20:29
trijntjeOptiprism: dont sudo random stuff, you will break your system ;)20:29
k1l_Optiprism: what .run is it? can you show the exact command and output?20:29
MonkeyDustOptiprism  do you know what it does?20:30
OptiprismIt's the qt installer from the website qt.io20:30
* zykotick9 things .run files are generally a bad idea... ymmv.20:30
k1l_Optiprism: oh boy, that is going to be a mess then20:30
MonkeyDustOptiprism  what do you want to do or achieve20:30
trijntjeOptiprism: what are you trying to do, install something? There's probably a better way to achieve what you want20:31
Optiprisminstall the newest qt in a folder so I can point cmake to it20:31
Guest1832Guest41038: Ya i use Kubuntu20:31
Guest1832So anyone have any ideas about my KB that don't involve it being haunted? lol20:31
Guest41038Guest1832: Are there a lot of differences between ubuntu and kubuntu?20:32
Guest1832Guest41038: I'ts a different DE (Desktop Environment)20:32
Guest1832Guest41038: It's KDE20:33
MonkeyDustGuest41038  http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ#cMfLqdM20:34
OptiprismThis just seems needlessly complicated, on windows I'd have run a .exe20:34
Guest41038Guest1832: hummm, maybe I should try it. But then again I have a project PC sitting here and it's FreeBSD that i need to get up and running first20:34
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest46066
=== Guest1832 is now known as Jaggro
Guest41038Guest1832: the unix box has KDE loaded20:35
Optiprismok I figured it out, had to chmod +x it20:35
Guest41038MonkeyDust: thank you for the link20:35
JaggroGuest41038: Not sure if you'd want to run a server on Kubuntu if that's what youre doing20:36
trijntjeOptiprism: i'm still not clear on what you want to do, but my advice would be to get a .deb file, or just the source directly20:36
Guest41038Jaggro: it's FreeBSD 1020:36
OptiprismI was trying to install qt 5.6 from the official qt website because I need a newer version because the newer version is only included in 16.04 and 16.04 refuses to load for me after a few days20:37
trijntjeOptiprism: do you have a link?20:38
JaggroGuest41038: Don't really know much about FreeBSD, looks cool tho20:38
tertiaryhow would I go about disabling nouveau when installing ubuntu?20:39
Guest41038Jaggro: I managed to get it installed and on my network, but I'm having trouble moving files. The answer is out there somewhere, but I just haven't had time to chase it down20:40
trijntjeOptiprism: I'd try the offline installer for linux, or just try to get 16.04 to work. It will be released in less then a month, and its been very stable for me20:41
Optiprismwhat's the big deal, aren't .run files equivalent to .exe files? They are distributed the same way and appear to do the same thing20:43
trijntjeOptiprism: well, you can try to run it of course if you want, I have no idea what .run files do. Ubuntu uses .deb files20:43
k1l_Optiprism: the problem is, that this is not windows20:44
trijntjeso at your own risk, you can make the .run file executalble (chmod u+x qt.run) and execute it20:44
k1l_Optiprism: so ubuntu already provides a system to install programs. and you load now 3rd party stuff from the side. and since your system already uses qt, that might have sideeffects up to a non working desktop.20:45
k1l_Optiprism: and most .run installers install not into a seperate folder, but into the system folders20:46
OptiprismWell if anything goes wrong I'll try paving over with 16.0420:48
craigbass76Just got a server (14.04) installed, but I'm not sure how to set up the network so it sticks after a reboot.  I put relevant info in /etc/network/interfaces, ran ifdown and ifup and I thought I was good.  After a reboot though, eth0 isn't set up20:49
k1l_craigbass76: what did you put in the file (use a pastebin) and what network setup is it? (router with dhcp or static ip?)20:50
craigbass76k1l_, Pretty much this: http://pastebin.com/jrx41fnA  Like I said, I did an ifdown eth0 and an ifup eth0, and I was on the network.  Just thought it was weird that it wasn't persistent after a reboot.20:52
soLucienguys .. do you think running ubuntu on ms windows is an april fool's joke ?20:52
craigbass76k1l_, I work with fedora all the time at work, and I'm used to how they do it.  Surprised the googling I've done hasn'thelped me with this yet...20:53
auronandacesoLucien: never heard of a VM?20:53
craigbass76soLucien, Hadn't thought of that -- maybe20:53
jonnycoatssoLucien: Nope, new strategy. The new Microsoft20:53
llutzcraigbass76: auto eth0          missing20:53
soLucienauronandace they partenered up20:53
soLucienit's not VM based20:53
=== Earl__ is now known as Earl--
soLucienit's like MS will write the libraries that allow ubuntu to work natively on windows20:54
brontosaurusrexisnt this about container level?20:54
soLucienubuntu apps20:54
k1l_soLucien: better talk in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic about that. we try to focus on tehcnical issue support in here20:54
wwwiif you make an Ubuntu desktop application,  will it run on other linux flavones20:54
soLucienalright , sorry k1l_20:54
k1l_craigbass76: not anything in "dmesg" about it?20:56
craigbass76k1l_, I was missing that auto line.  :P20:57
drcasperhi guys.. i'm thinking of running ubuntuserver / FOG from a hyper-v vm. will there be a performance issue when unicasting to 30+ pc's at a time ?21:03
whatwhatUbuntu wily 15.10, trying to get inadyn working as a service. I can run it manually and it works.21:13
whatwhatMar 30 15:11:02 MemberDesk systemd[1]: Starting LSB: DynDNS client... Mar 30 15:11:02 MemberDesk inadyn[10535]: * inadyn: Not starting. Disabled in /etc/default/inadyn Mar 30 15:11:02 MemberDesk systemd[1]: Started LSB: DynDNS client.21:13
whatwhatis the error I get in syslog21:13
jinettehello everyone, I'd like to copy a whole partition on a drive onto another drive. if the partition is sda1, and the target drive is sdb, would this be the right command: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb ?21:14
whatwhatjinette: Sounds right, I used that command in android to do a copy. IDK if the partitions have to be the same size though.21:15
llutzjinette: create a partition sdb1 first, then use dd21:16
whatwhatoh right.21:16
whatwhatcause /sdb isn't a partition21:16
jinettellutz, but, as whatwhat also refers to, I thought the target drive would better be larger, no?21:16
llutzjinette: make sdb1 bigger then, resize the filesystem later21:16
whatwhatidk if it has to be identical or larger. not smaller!21:17
whatwhati use high level tools like Gparted... so idk21:17
jinettellutz, whatwhat, thank you, I'll create a partition..if I'm not mistaken, I was here once hinted at that a larger target drive would be better21:18
whatwhatgenerally people upsize, yeah21:18
whatwhatidk how low level dd is tho21:18
jinetteI have just a question occured to me..the partition to be copied is encrypted. is it ok to create the target partition encrypted, or will it hinder the copying?21:20
jinetteor will the original partition be copied with its encryption, should I just create a partition with the same fs?21:21
jinetteah..nonsensical question, sorry21:23
coulbourneHas anyone had experience with a Syslinux "boot error" message when booting from an ubuntu live-usb? No more detailed message just the Syslinux credits and then "Boot Error"21:26
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
tehow do i install themes in ubuntu mate?21:50
dkdeoli have a weird issue: suddenly all my gstreamer apps stopped producing sound, and their volume control always show 100%21:50
tei'll try that again, how do i install themes in ubuntu mate?21:51
k1l_!themes | te21:52
ubottute: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:52
tehow to i install one? i already have one...21:52
nooneelsete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9HfxP-Ic7w21:53
nooneelsete: first result at google's :D21:53
k1l_te: put them into .themes folder in your home21:53
testarting from root (doesn't make sense)21:54
k1l_i really hope you dont run gui as root21:55
teStarting from HDrive21:55
teCan Lubuntu themes be installed in Ubuntu MATE?21:58
teyes huh22:00
duckycrayfishThis is a chat.22:06
CyberGabberSubCool: /part22:07
Bashing-omduckycrayfish: Nope, support. chat in #ubuntu-oftopic :)22:08
dkdeoli have a weird issue: suddenly all my gstreamer apps stopped producing sound, and their volume control always show 100%22:09
Bashing-om!sound | dkdeol Maybe help here ?22:12
ubottudkdeol Maybe help here ?: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:12
odroidhola a todos22:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:13
LJHSLDJHSDLJHI've installed Okular from terminal but it won't appear on the programs list when I type its name in the unity launcher!22:18
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
nes.login password 1234522:40
kurtjk2013using ubuntu mate how can i make compiz do more.22:40
xanguakurtjk2013: do more what?22:41
k1l_nes: no bots here22:42
k1l_!irc | nes22:46
ubottunes: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:46
kurtjk2013configure more features in compiz22:49
kurtjk2013i dont see where i can configure compiz22:49
k1l_kurtjk2013: use "ccsm"22:49
kurtjk2013thank you so much apparently i dont have the compiz manager installed was the issue22:50
kurtjk2013i sometimes feel so dumb22:50
psxka ndonje shqipetar ketu?22:57
dkdeoli have a weird issue: suddenly all my gstreamer apps stopped producing sound, and their volume control always show 100%22:58
dkdeolthey don't even appear in mixer app list23:01
=== isReKT2000 is now known as Guest25579
karen__Hi, guys, what would happen if I turned off the firewall? I mean, is that not so safe? kinda a linux newbie here.23:06
=== nooneelse is now known as Guest43221
karen__I just want to turn off the firewall, because I think we could play "lan" on minecraft if it were turned off.23:07
k1l_karen__: on ubuntu its about the programs that listen on the ports.23:07
karen__So, in other words, what does that mean?23:08
karen__I mean, I'm not getting everybody and their son trying to pry in on me if the firewall was turned off?23:08
k1l_you have a port. if there is a program listening make sure that program is safe. if there is no program listening on a port, there is no way in.23:08
karen__hummm how do i know if there is a program listening?23:09
k1l_karen__: which ubuntu is it exactly?23:10
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
EriC^^karen__: the firewall is turned off by default23:10
karen__Well, when I went into the terminal and got "gufw", it said the firewall was on.23:11
EriC^^yeah, that's not default :p23:11
karen__sooo, you mean, what? like I say, totally a dunce here.23:12
k1l_karen__: if its again linux lite, then again, use their support. we cant know what they all changed23:12
EriC^^anyways like k1l said if no program is using the port then you'll be ok23:12
karen__ok thanks guys23:13
pixelmalinaminsk belarus23:17
JUDAS_GOATi was p stoked to see Amazon selling Ubuntu Notebooks and Tablets23:27
JUDAS_GOATyou guys seen the Ubuntu phones?23:28
JUDAS_GOATanyway the free shipping alone...also You get $15 credit, how could you not sign up? https://www.amazon.com/gp/prime?_encoding=UTF8&ref=mrp_10002_shr_cpbd_rf_d&refcust=NAYMSO7HV45IDDZ3I6QUFUHRCE23:29
JUDAS_GOATplus prime video23:29
dkdeolcould someone fix my gstreamer?23:30
JUDAS_GOATdkdeol does it say plugin missing?23:30
k1lJUDAS_GOAT: no spam in here23:30
JUDAS_GOAToh right sorry23:30
dkdeolJUDAS_GOAT: no. it doesn't produce sound23:30
Ben64dkdeol: explain what you're doing fully23:31
JUDAS_GOATits probably alsa ?23:31
dkdeolBen64: i'm playing sound but it doesn't get registered in the mixer23:32
dkdeoland obviously produced at all.23:32
Ben64can you go into more detail? playing what sound, how23:32
dkdeolaplay and flash work fine // mp3s by gstreamer-based players23:33
Ben64which player23:34
dkdeolBen64: totem and rhytmbox23:35
Ben64dkdeol: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:35
dkdeolBen64: no23:36
dkdeolBen64: why?23:37
Ben64because you want to be able to play mp323:37
dkdeolBen64: i am able to play mp323:37
Ben64not according to you23:37
dkdeolthe problem is with sound, not the codec23:37
dkdeolvolume control withing the apps is broken too, as it resets to 100% each time23:39
dkdeolcould someone fix my gstreamer? it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list23:51
JhonPhetentonHello !23:56
WizardGedhas the meizu pro 5 been delayed?23:57
emanuelno devs here is it23:58
=== Wicaeed_ is now known as Wicaeed

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