
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
RoadRunnerkeyboard layout question: my xubuntu before login shows a "en-CA" layout in panel but when I go into Keyboard layout this option isn't even in the list: only English (UK) and English (US). How/where do I fish en_CA out of?20:44
RoadRunneranybody around?22:52
xubuntu77wHello everyone -- is the software center being replaced in the new LTS release?23:03
xanguaReplaced with what?23:04
xubuntu77wgnome software center23:04
xubuntu77wI'm reffering to this article: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3017152/linux/ubuntu-16-04-lts-will-dump-the-ubuntu-software-center-for-gnome-software.html23:05
pleia2the beta images released on thursday have it23:06
xubuntu77wNow, is it the case that all changes to Ubuntu'23:06
xubuntu77wcarry over to the derivative distros?23:06
xanguaIf you mean Xubuntu, that would imply it ships with more gnome dependencies23:06
xubuntu77wSo the developers of Xubuntu essentially make interface changes to the Ubuntu releases by applying the XFCE environment?23:08
pleia2xubuntu77w: each flavor makes their own decision, we decided to use gnome software23:08
xubuntu77wI see23:08
pleia2interface, themes, different default packages, a lot goes into making an alternate flavor23:08
xubuntu77wRight, I understand that its much more complex than simply applying a new interface23:09
xubuntu77wThough I'm not very knowledgable about how that is done, as I am a very basic user23:09
xubuntu77wThanks for the info23:10
pleia2you're welcome23:10
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
xubuntu77wVery excited about the new release. Would it be not smart to download the current beta release?23:11
xubuntu77wOr would you say it's stable enough23:11
pleia2xubuntu77w: you'll want to read the release announcement so you're aware of the known issues http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-04-lts-beta-2/23:11
pleia2it's beta, so if you want a stable system, you should wait until the release :)23:12
xubuntu77wThanks, will do23:12
RoadRunnerpleia2: on the subject of flavors, have you, by any chance tried and can comment on using these themes with xubuntu http://nayk1982.deviantart.com/art/Greybird-dark-xfce-485266183 http://killhellokitty.deviantart.com/art/DeLoreanDark3-10-8-05232014-40865206323:12
pleia2RoadRunner: I haven't23:13
xubuntu77wDo you guys (the developers) work in conjunction with the Xfce team?23:14
xubuntu77wOr is xfce indepedent of xubuntu?23:14
pleia2some of the xubuntu developers are also xfce developers23:15
pleia2(and not everyone on our team is a "guy")23:15
xubuntu77wRight, my mistake23:15
RoadRunnerpleia2: a keyboard layout question, if I may?23:17
pleia2RoadRunner: I saw your question earlier and I don't know the answer, sorry :\23:17
knomemy gut feeling is that those are installed with some default package23:19
RoadRunnerknome: not certain which?23:21
knomenope, but i also have a gut feeling that if you remove that, you might be in problems23:22
RoadRunnerremove the default keyboard layout?23:22
knomesomething like that23:22
knomebut as i said, it's my gut feeling23:23
RoadRunnerhmm, I didn't actually remove anything in Keyboard layout choices (just added one) but the only one that was visible there was English(US).  It's interesting, cause I am in Canada and somehow something new it even though its not a visible choice...23:25
knomeRoadRunner, re: themes, the delorean one doesn't look like it supports recent gtk versions, and since the other is just a clone of greybird...23:28
RoadRunnerI am running 14.04, which gtk version is in it?23:29
knome!info gtk-3.0 trusty23:29
ubottulibgtk-3-0-dbg (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ libraries and debugging symbols. In component main, is extra. Version 3.10.8-0ubuntu1.6 (trusty), package size 4844 kB, installed size 16851 kB23:29
RoadRunnerknome: as I read delorean's requirements: gtk-3.10.* is supported23:32
RoadRunnerand one guy in comments actually says he is using it with ubuntu 14.0423:33
RoadRunneralso, any advice on how where I could learn how to customize greybird?23:35
knomewell, the gtk documentation is not the best there is...23:35
knomeand at this point, greybird is huge (and needs a SASS/sth rewrite)23:36
RoadRunnerok, if all I want is to have a light on dark look (reversal), are there specific areas in specific files you could just reffer me to?23:37
knomeRoadRunner, unfortunately it isn't that trivial...23:39
RoadRunnerit wasn't trivial under win either but I sorted it out (with some mentorship)...23:40
knomei guess i'm sorry to say it's likely even less trivial with gtk3 theming...23:41
knomethis is OLD so i can't recommend it for daily usage, but https://github.com/shimmerproject/Blackbird might get you some idea of the scale of the opeartion23:42
knomenote that greybird has been getting updates for a year longer, and even a year ago, blackbird wasn't "ready"23:43
knomeit might get you somewhere though.23:44
knomeand if you feel like helping out with greybird/blackbird, we do hang out on #shimmer and happily welcome new contributors23:44
RoadRunnerso is Blackbird an attempt to go exactly in the direction I am talking about?23:49
knomeit was/is supposed to be a dark theme with light text, yes23:50
RoadRunnerso when you say its old, is there a newer source (as in latest code...)?23:51
knomegreybird is "latest"23:51
knomeblackbird is a fork of greybird23:51
knomeand no, there is no newer code for blackbird than in that repository23:51
knomeanyway, it's soon 3am and it's time to go to bed23:52
knomegood night and good luck23:52
knomeand maybe we'll see you contributing to the shimmer project :P23:52
RoadRunnerthanks :)23:52

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