
Zathrususing cloud-init on CentOS 7.2 to inject a ssh key on their GenericCloud image (which has already had cloud-init run on it); I put my file in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/20-centos_sshkey.cfg. It does modify the default user's authorized_keys, but it's garbage: http://pastebin.centos.org/42526/02:17
waldiand what did you add to that config file?02:34
Zathrus#cloud-config / ssh_authorized_keys: /   - ssh-rsa [my key here]02:35
waldiplease show it verbatim02:36
ZathrusI've also confirmed that the authorized_keys file is empty if I do not add my file02:40
smoserZathrus, i think that that is fixed in trunk.14:12
smoseri do recall the bug.14:12
Zathrussmoser: sigh. Thanks -- I'll have to see if I can find that bug so I can at least request it get fixed in RHEL7. Until then I'll go the ISO route.14:14
cyrus_mchttp://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html#adding-a-yum-repository - how do you add multiple repositories within same .repo file18:51
stanguturiI am trying 'bzr push' and I am geting 'ssh connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Operation timed out' errors. Any idea if the remote server is down?21:42

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