
davecheneythumper: menn0 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/4931 part 3 or 400:13
davecheneypart 4 coming up00:13
davecheneythumper: i agree with your point00:31
davecheneygetShapshot, despite the huge comment, was never used except in one place ...00:32
davecheneyand the place where Ecfg is used00:32
davecheneyto take a "snapshot" of the config00:32
davecheneyit's called twice00:32
davecheneyso yeah, snapshot00:32
davecheneytwice ==00:32
davecheneyv1 := evc.Ecfg().somethign00:32
davecheneyv2 := env.Ecfg().something else00:32
davecheney^ v1 and v2 are not taken from the same snapshot ...00:32
menn0davecheney: sorry, have tradespeople coming out my ears00:58
menn0davecheney: never mind00:58
menn0davecheney: I see it's merging already00:58
davecheneymenn0: don't wrry, there are more changes coming01:06
davecheneyyou won't miss out01:06
menn0whoo hoo :)01:07
davecheney^ uh oh01:07
davecheneythe bot has stalled creating an aws instance01:07
davecheneycan anyone kick it in the head ?01:07
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
thumperhi ho, hi ho, it is off to the meeting we go02:01
thumpermenn0, davecheney, anastasiamac ^^^02:02
thumperand anyone else02:02
mgzdavecheney: I killed the stuck process02:03
davecheneymgz: thanks!02:07
natefinchdavecheney: 5 of us in team meeting btw02:13
mgzdavecheney: so...02:16
mgz# github.com/juju/juju/provider/gce02:16
mgzprovider/gce/environ_policy.go:35: env.archLock undefined (type *environ has no field or method archLock)02:16
mgzprovider/gce/environ_policy.go:36: env.archLock undefined (type *environ has no field or method archLock)02:16
davecheneymgz: oops, I didn't mean to remove that02:26
menn0thumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4370/ pls03:08
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== marlinc_ is now known as marlinc
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
davecheneylooks like AWS has gone to crap04:42
davecheneybuilds are taking hours04:42
fwereadevoidspace, dooferlad, frobware: anyone around?06:13
axwrogpeppe1: are you making any changes to the juju API to expose user access info? I'm going to need the same info for a new "show-model" command, so don't want to double up07:25
rogpeppe1axw: i haven't started yet and probably wasn't going to do it soon, so please go ahead07:26
axwok, will do07:26
rogpeppe1axw: perhaps we could align goals so we come up with a call that's sufficient for both of us?|07:26
axwrogpeppe1: yes, sounds good. I'll forward an email to you that has the details I'll need07:27
axwlet me know if you need more07:27
rogpeppe1axw: in particular, i'm after a controller-level call that lets me retrieve the users that have access to a model07:27
rogpeppe1axw: thanks07:27
rogpeppe1axw: as well as finding out what level of access they have07:28
axwrogpeppe1: yep, that's what I'll be adding - to the usermanager API07:28
axwrogpeppe1: admins and owners can see all the users, and non-admin/owner can see only their own access07:28
rogpeppe1axw: isn't the usermanager API a model-level API?07:28
axwprobably don't need to send the email, that's basically all there is to it07:28
* rogpeppe1 checks07:28
axwrogpeppe1: no, you can ListModels, it would be similar07:29
axwoh wait07:29
axwthat might be controllermanager ...07:29
rogpeppe1axw: i think i'd expect to find it in modelmanager07:29
rogpeppe1axw: along with Grant and Revoke07:29
axwrogpeppe1: yeah, I was lookign at the wrong thing, ListModels is in there07:30
axwso it would go in there07:30
rogpeppe1axw: ok, cool07:30
axwrogpeppe1: I'll poke you when I have something ready for review, so you can check if it'll fit your needs07:31
axwprobably not till tomorrow07:31
rogpeppe1axw: thanks07:33
rogpeppe1axw: reviewed http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4371/08:21
mupBug #1556293 changed: gce Invalid volume ID destroying environment <ci> <destroy-controller> <destroy-environment> <gce-provider> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.25:In Progress by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556293>08:26
frobwarevoidspace, babbageclunk: care to cast an eye over http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4364/10:14
voidspacefrobware: looking10:14
axwrogpeppe1: thanks, will address tomorrow. definitely agree about moving index closer to the package, that felt iffy11:18
rogpeppe1axw: cheers11:20
deanmanIs it possible to define on a bootstrapped node which interface to bind the agent to ?12:39
rogpeppe1anyone know a decent way of telling if, when connected to the juju API, one has connected to a controller or a model?12:51
mupBug #1564395 opened: newly created LXD container has zero network devices <bootstrap> <network> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564395>13:15
mupBug #1564397 opened: MAAS provider bridge script deletes /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate during bootstrap <bootstrap> <network> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564397>13:15
voidspacefrobware: dooferlad: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/494314:03
voidspacefrobware: dooferlad: in fact http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4380/14:04
voidspacefirst PR for the maas2 branch14:04
katco`ericsnow: natefinch: morning14:04
natefinchkatco`: morning14:05
=== katco` is now known as katco
katconatefinch: ericsnow: anything i can do to help?14:05
natefinchkatco: re-review my channels branch? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4269/14:06
katconatefinch: sure thing14:06
natefinchkatco: and if you're feeling ambitious, there's still some todos in that branch that need to be finished up, like storing channels in the DB for a charm14:07
natefinchkatco: oh hmm.. interesting, probably channel per service... interesting thought - you might have mysql-3 deployed from dev channel for one service and for stable for another service14:07
katconatefinch: i suppose that's possible... wondering why someone would do that14:09
katconatefinch: i'd say definitely per models14:09
katcoper model rather14:09
natefinchkatco: who knows why people do things?  maybe they were testing the service from dev channel, then publish it to stable and want to test again14:09
katcobut having 2 of the same service running, under different channels?14:09
natefinchkatco: the CLI will let you do it14:10
katconatefinch: but that's what i'm saying, wouldn't you spin up different models for that?14:10
katconatefinch: dev model, test, prod14:10
natefinchkatco: you should, but you don't have to14:10
katconatefinch: i mean if you weren't a crazy person i mean14:10
katconatefinch: but yes, if it's possible from the cli to do that, then we have to have data model integrity. no use second-guessing people's motivations14:11
natefinchericsnow, katco: man, I love that the resources tests are so fast.. go test github.com/juju/juju/resource/... takes 4.7 seconds on my machine.14:13
natefinchthere's no reason not to run them all the time14:14
katcoi dream of a day when all of juju's tests run that quickly14:14
katcoi need to make it happen14:14
dooferladcan someone tell me how to get started with the embedded GUI?14:14
katcomy life will be incomplete otherwise14:14
dooferladkatco: you need a faster computer with many, many cores.14:14
natefinchkatco: yeah, definitely14:14
katcodooferlad: no! we fix those tests! ;p14:15
katcodooferlad: i was looking at this earlier: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/155508314:15
mupBug #1555083: Certificate error when visiting the embedded Juju GUI <2.0-count> <juju-gui> <lxd> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1555083>14:15
natefinchdooferlad: you're still going to be limited to about 5 minutes as a lower bound... some test suites take that long by themselves14:15
mupBug #1564428 opened: destroying storage: destroying volumes: querying volume: The volume 'vol-214a99e7' does not exist. <ec2-provider> <kill-controller> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564428>14:15
katcodooferlad: i think you just run "juju gui"14:15
katcodooferlad: but have to compile the embedded-gui branch? dunno if it's in master14:15
dooferladnatefinch: that is where i am. 16 threads in this baby.14:16
dooferladkatco: I have compiled the embedded-gui branch and juju gui gives an error.14:16
dooferladjuju bootstrap --upload-tools lxd lxd14:16
dooferladjuju gui14:17
dooferladERROR Juju GUI is not available: GET Juju GUI not found14:17
katcodooferlad: i don't know, it's new to me as well14:17
rick_h_dooferlad: right now the gui doesn't pull the code from streams14:17
rick_h_dooferlad: work is still in progress on deliver14:18
rick_h_dooferlad: if you have a release tarball you can upload it manually14:18
dooferladrick_h_: ah, will find a release. Thanks!14:18
rick_h_dooferlad: in #juju-gui you can hit up the team on the instructions for supplying manuall (equiv of --upload-tools for the gui)14:18
* katco is so excited for 2.014:23
katcoso much goodness14:23
mupBug #1564428 changed: destroying storage: destroying volumes: querying volume: The volume 'vol-214a99e7' does not exist. <ec2-provider> <kill-controller> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564428>14:27
dooferladkatco: FYI, first download the latest GUI from https://jujucharms.com/juju-gui/ -- files section on the right, in /releases there is jujugui-2.1.1.tar.bz214:29
katcodooferlad: awesome ty14:30
dooferladkatco: then juju upgrade-gui ~/Downloads/jujugui-2.1.1.tar.bz2 (or whatever the path is)14:30
dooferladkatco: then just run "juju gui"14:30
dooferladit is magic!14:30
rick_h_dooferlad: <3 cool didn't realize you were on trunk. in beta3 there's some extra steps14:30
dooferladrick_h_: I am running off the embedded-gui branch since that seems like the right place to fix the bug I am looking at14:31
mupBug #1564428 opened: destroying storage: destroying volumes: querying volume: The volume 'vol-214a99e7' does not exist. <ec2-provider> <kill-controller> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564428>14:42
katcoericsnow: looks like bug 1560201 has been updated with a new repro script14:45
mupBug #1560201: The Client.WatchAll API command never responds when the model has no machines <2.0-count> <juju-release-support> <landscape> <juju-core:New for ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560201>14:45
mupBug #1564428 changed: destroying storage: destroying volumes: querying volume: The volume 'vol-214a99e7' does not exist. <ec2-provider> <kill-controller> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564428>14:45
ericsnowkatco: yeah, saw that14:45
katcoericsnow: standup time15:02
mupBug #1564452 opened: panic: unexpected machine id "8" <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564452>15:09
frobwarelooking for help on how I run upgrade-juju these days with admin and default (see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15568439/)15:23
frobwareeverytime I try in :default I get the error about "a hosted model cannot have a higher version than the server model"15:23
frobwarebut the version number gets bumped...15:24
voidspaceericsnow: you're OCR today I believe: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4380/15:25
voidspacefrobware: dooferlad: if you get a chance ^^^15:25
ericsnowvoidspace: k15:26
voidspaceericsnow: thanks :-)15:26
frobwarevoidspace: yep, will look in a bit.15:26
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: this a precursor to the macaroon PR, just making a bunch of functions take an args struct, so I can later add a macaroon to the struct: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/438216:17
natefinchericsnow: look at me, pulling things out into separate PRs like a good boy ;)16:17
mupBug #1564500 opened: Cannot test packages in proposed or other archives <jujuqa> <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564500>16:18
natefinchericsnow, katco: once that previous PR lands, this PR will clean up a lot (since it includes all those changes, too): http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4381/16:28
mupBug #1413050 changed: ec2 provider should not identify machines by security group <ec2-provider> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1413050>16:31
mupBug #1544662 changed: cannot bootstrap with mongodb3 and manual-provider <bootstrap> <manual-provider> <mongodb> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-release-tools:Fix Released by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1544662>16:31
mupBug #1564503 opened: arm64 unit tests have never passed <arm64> <jujuqa> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564503>16:31
* ericsnow pats natefinch on head16:34
mupBug #1564511 opened: cmd/jujud/reboot tests fail with lxd container running <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564511>17:01
mupBug #1564515 opened: help text for juju get-config needs improving <helpdocs> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564515>17:01
rogpeppe1natefinch: do you know about controller UUIDs by any chance?17:18
mupBug #1564524 opened: Unable to deploy openstack base using juju2 and maas 1.9 <cdo-qa> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564524>17:31
cheryljcan I get a review from someone?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4384/17:46
cheryljit's pretty easy17:46
natefinchrogpeppe1: not really17:48
rogpeppe1natefinch: ok17:48
natefinchcherylj: ship it17:50
cheryljthanks, natefinch!17:50
natefinchericsnow: +100 to making the charmstore ClientConfig use url.URL instead of string.... I was just complaining about that with the csclient params17:57
ericsnownatefinch: :)17:57
mupBug #1553539 changed: Win client cannot exec bash <2.0-count> <bootstrap> <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core made-model-workers:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1553539>18:01
mupBug #1557216 changed: MADE-model-worker stale master <ci> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core made-model-workers:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1557216>18:01
mupBug #1559712 changed: Backup-restore: could not start prepare restore mode <backup-restore> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core made-model-workers:Fix Released by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1559712>18:01
mupBug #1556293 opened: gce Invalid volume ID destroying environment <ci> <destroy-controller> <destroy-environment> <gce-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:Fix Committed by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556293>18:01
natefinchman, crazy crazy windy here today18:09
natefinchand super warm, so all the windows are open, so it's more obvious18:09
katcoericsnow: got some time to chat?18:11
ericsnowkatco: sure18:12
katcoericsnow: moonstone18:12
natefinchI need a parody of "Free Falling" that replaces all the lyrics with stuff about git... the chorus could be  ♬ And I'm re... I'm re-basing... ♬18:35
natefinch♬ she's a git girl, loves her repos... ♬18:37
natefinchgah, this rebase is killing me18:51
natefinchericsnow: did you perchance delete resource/api/server/server.go?18:57
ericsnownatefinch: otp18:57
mupBug #1564577 opened: Cannot Bootrap MAAS 2.0 alpha 4. Could not access file ***-provider-state requested map, got <nil> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564577>19:13
mupBug #1564577 changed: Cannot Bootrap MAAS 2.0 alpha 4. Could not access file ***-provider-state requested map, got <nil> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564577>19:25
katconatefinch: hey running about 5m late19:30
mupBug #1564577 opened: Cannot Bootrap MAAS 2.0 alpha 4. Could not access file ***-provider-state requested map, got <nil> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564577>19:31
katconatefinch: ok 15m late =/19:36
natefinchkatco: ok, was hacking away and lost track of time anyway19:38
natefinchericsnow, katco: whenever you're ready, that new card can be pointed20:31
katconatefinch: i'll hop in moonstone as soon as ericsnow responds20:33
ericsnownatefinch: I'm ready whenever :)20:33
mgzmwhudson: I want to talk to you about stripping20:46
natefinchmgz: get a room20:50
mgznatefinch: but it's more fun in public... :P20:50
rick_h_mgz: bit of discussion just went down in the other channel20:51
mgzrick_h_: I've read it20:51
rick_h_ah ok yay then20:51
mgzrick_h_: I think the right call is to not change the beta3 packaging right now20:52
rick_h_mgz: rgr, requires a teste run at least20:52
redirmgz where can I get more information about the multi-series stuff?20:54
mgzredir: a-linkin'20:55
mgzredir: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ID-r22-UIjl00UY_URXQo_vJNdRPqmSNv7vP8HI_E5U/edit "Multi Series Charms" heading20:58
davecheneyCI zero for two this morning21:11
davecheneyBAD RECORD MAC!21:11
redirmgz: tx21:13
mgzdavecheney: well, that's juju/mongo zero for two...21:19
mgzwe should talk about gating with go 1.6/mongo 3.2 shortly21:20
mupBug #1563585 changed: juju destroy-controller fails on existing controller after upgrade to Beta3 - ERROR getting controller environ: controller-uuid: expected string, got nothing <oil> <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563585>21:31
katcocherylj: hey are you coming to the release standup or busy with the sprint?21:32
cheryljkatco: I am busy at sprint, but can come give some updates if you'd like21:32
katcocherylj: np, it's ok21:33
cheryljI forgot alexis is out and wouldn't be able to fill in today21:33
cheryljsorry :/21:33
katcocherylj: np at all... don't worry about it21:33
menn0thumper, fwereade: I just noticed that MADE-model-workers has merged. woot!21:44
menn0thumper: would you mind removing the feature branch please?21:44
cheryljyeah, by the way, that merged ;)21:45
cheryljwe're merging drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2 now21:46
menn0cherylj: thanks! (curtis too but he's not around)21:46
cheryljhe's right next to me, I'll forward your message :)21:46
menn0cherylj: great :)21:47
menn0cherylj: is there a plan to remove merged branches from http://reports.vapour.ws/releases ?21:48
menn0cherylj: we've accumulated a lot there21:48
* cherylj brings it up with (nearly) the entire QA team21:49
mupBug #1563384 changed: could not exit restoring status: connection refused <backup-restore> <ci> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563384>21:55
mupBug #1563418 changed: TestModelDestroy fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core drop-maas-1.8-support-from-juju2:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1563418>21:55
mupBug #1564622 opened: Suggest juju1 upon first use of juju2 if there is an existing JUJU_HOME dir <juju-release-support> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564622>21:55
thumpermenn0: yay22:02
redirmgz http://paste.ubuntu.com/15571871/22:30
* menn0 wonders if the dep engine's cycle detection isn't quite right22:40
cheryljCan I get a review from someone?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4389/22:49
axwcherylj: looking22:56
menn0dep engine cycle detection is fine... hoorary for tests and well written code23:05
* menn0 had mucked up23:05
davecheneyping https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/490523:06
davecheney^ bot didn't pick it up23:06
menn0Go 1.6 compile time really sucks23:06
davecheneyprobably 'cos its on a dev branch23:06
davecheneyor something23:06
axwcherylj: reviewed23:10
cheryljthanks axw.  And, I can't use ec2ErrCode there because the error is wrapped by an intermediary call23:11
axwcherylj: ec2ErrCode(errors.Cause(err)) ?23:11
cheryljaxw: I can if I do it on the Cause23:11
cheryljif that's ok23:11
axwyes, please23:12
davecheneyec2ErrCode should probably do that internally23:19
cheryljsounds good23:19
arosalesHello :-)23:45
arosalesquick questions from #juju23:45
arosalesis maas 1.9 and juju 2.0 supported, or known to work?23:46
mgzarosales: yes23:49
arosalesmgz: ok, thanks23:50
mgzarosales: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/3830/job/maas-1_9-deploy-trusty-amd64/attempt/215323:50
mgzarosales: or just http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/3830 for all the maas 1.9 tests (including deploying centos and windows workloads, bundles, etc)23:51
arosalesmgz: thanks for the confirmation and links23:51
marcoceppiarosales: I tested it earlier on OB24, it works23:57
marcoceppihas anyone seen kill-controller fail?23:57
marcoceppior aware of an issue that kill-controller doesn't actually reap machines?23:58
LiftedKiltmarcoceppi: yes23:58
marcoceppiLiftedKilt: is there a bug for it?23:58
LiftedKiltmarcoceppi: It just hung after confirming I wanted to delete it23:58
marcoceppiLiftedKilt: I'm talking about it exiting and not cleaning up the environment23:58
LiftedKiltmarcoceppi: I'm not sure - I wiped everything and rebootstrapped23:58
marcoceppiI ran kill-controller, it killed one machine and then left the 22 others23:59
arosalesmarcoceppi: cool23:59

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