
KillerCookiehi there00:52
Bob2016Hi.  plasmashell and krunner aren't starting automatically.  what should I reinstall to fix that?01:08
sithlord48what kde version ?01:17
sithlord48Bob2016:  does it same to hang at the log in screen?01:17
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Bob2016sithlord48: 5.4?  and it doesn't hang at all.  It opens to a screen with cairo-dock (a startup app) and conky (another) against a black background.  If I launch konsole from cairo-dock and then launch plasmashell and krunner manually, they seem to run fine (in fact that's how I'm logged-in now).01:58
sithlord48Bob2016:  iirc thats was common w/ 5.401:59
sithlord48Bob2016:  if possible you might want ot enable the backports repo and get new kde stack01:59
Bob2016sithlord48: you mean upgrade to 5.5?  I'm not sure i'm not already using 5.5... Let me check...02:06
Bob2016sithlord48: is 5.5 stable at this point?02:07
Bob2016looks like i am on 5.4.302:07
Bob2016do you promise this is a good idea?02:09
Bob2016its listing like 200 packages that will be held back if I press "Y"02:10
Bob2016ok let's see if dist-upgrade breaks everything02:12
sithlord48there will be alot of packages to upgrade.02:16
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emWhen I leave my laptop unused, and then resume it, I find that tons of stuff is added to the screen and moved around, stuff added randomly to the panel, totally ruined.. Id love any advice for how to fix this since otherwise Kubuntu just can't be used. Here is an image of what I find when I start the computer: http://i.imgur.com/0wYFlY3.jpg03:14
emthen I have to delete the panel, create a new one, delete all that crap on the desktop, its a big pain and only to have it randoly messed up again next time.03:14
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Bob2016Dangit :( I just updated from 5.4.3 to 5.5 because plasmashell wasn't autostarting.  Now it still doesn't autostart, but it also segfaults when I launch it manually03:30
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valorieem: have you locked both your bottom panel and your desktop, using the little "hamburger" menu?03:48
valorie||| on its side03:49
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dark-jediEvery time I go to install something, I get package warnings: "This version of <package> is from an untrusted source..."04:28
dark-jediAnyone else get warnings like that?04:28
dark-jediAre Ubuntu Wily sources all untrusted? Cause this message is getting annoying.04:29
valoriedark-jedi: I've not gotten that warning04:59
valorieI would `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` if I were you05:00
valoriesounds like perhaps some security updates have not been installed05:00
dark-jediThanks valorie I'll check that out.05:03
valoriegood luck05:04
=== Lakii^ is now known as Lakii
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lordievaderGood morning.08:31
arm1ecan someone help me to add my owncloud account. It is mentioned in the online accounts settings but there is no owncloud option.08:39
meenai'm not looking forward for systemd on servers.09:34
yossarianukhi - if you are in the unfortunate position of having to connect to an exchange server for work what is the best way of doing so nowadays via Linux/Ubuntu ? not done so for years....09:38
lordievadermeena: Why not? It is much better than that dreaded upstart.09:38
meenalordievader: it's very big, very opaque, has very bad defaults (as we've found yesterday) and an absolutely toxic community.09:39
lordievaderMeh, defaults are rarely correct for a given system. Overall I like systemd a lot.09:40
meenalordievader: i do agree that, from a technical starting point, it's better than an event-based system that tracks processes using ptrace.09:40
meenayossarianuk: i generally used their web-interface which was always very good… but i haven't touched an exchange system in half a decade, so, i don't know.09:40
meenalordievader: ok. so, right now, i'm trying to find out what happens when i shutdown (or reboot, or halt) my system. i.e.: which tasks will be executed (or killed) in which order.09:41
meenalordievader: i was trying to affect a reordering. i want my dm-crypt to be unmounted after my other dm-devices, where my root and swap partitions are on.09:42
meenathis: https://gist.github.com/2b61286f12371387beb1e3b968b18be1 didn't do anything.09:43
yossarianukmeena: cheers09:43
meenayossarianuk:  i've heard that evolution sorta kinda works.09:43
meenai honestly don't know. i'm trying to get away from email XD09:44
yossarianukmeena: I used to use evolution - cheers.09:45
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BluesKajHowdy all13:21
BluesKajhowdy all, again13:25
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BluesKaj'Morning Smurphy13:44
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SmurphySo - I'll be taking the plane Saturday morning... Traveling to Santa Clara/CA ...14:13
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BluesKajhi bonsoir14:36
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=== ordipat is now known as foormea
foormeahiya. what do you suggest for remote backup-ing? i'm seeing a few options: duplicity, remote-sync, unison. which is better? unison seems to be cross-platform which sounds nice, but i'm wondering if it's doing okay with file permissions17:18
BluesKajfoormea, rsync works well17:37
lordievaderOr dirvish, wich is based on rsync.17:40
delatjuayou can do great things with rsync in a couple of script17:54
foormeaok. thanks BluesKaj and lordievader17:54
foormeaduplicity seems pretty nice as the remote copy is easily encrypted and single-filed17:58
foormeainstead of having a mirror17:58
foormeathere is no easy way with rsync to do that, is there? rsync just supports making a full mirror?17:59
BluesKajfoormea, afaik  once the first implementation is finished only the changes between duplicate folders is synced18:07
foormeayeah, this i understand, what i mean is i think rsync stops at making a mirror in an efficient way18:13
lordievaderYou can tell rsync to make a new copy using hardlinks to files that haven't changed. Thus everytime it runs you have a full backup.18:28
lordievaderThat is what dirvish does.18:29
=== fireant_ is now known as fireant327
merikehi, I've been wanting to try beta2 but got stuck in the installer with inactive forward button18:50
merikeis there a bug on that or how do I find out why it gets stuck?18:51
soeeare you sure all required fields were filled ?18:52
merikewell, it's the preparing to install screen which only has two checkboxes that shouldn't be required for all I know18:54
merikelike downloading updates during install and get third party software18:55
jonathan_zzI installed 15.10 and then upgraded. That didn't go perfect either, but at least I was able to continue using the shell :p.18:57
jonathan_zzSaved me a DVD :).18:58
jonathan_zzalthough it took a long time.18:58
jonathan_zzI must say.18:58
jonathan_zzBefore I thought Kubuntu 14.10 was the best I had used.18:58
jonathan_zzAnd, I have tried 15.04.18:59
jonathan_zzBut I do believe the system is much better now.18:59
jonathan_zzI still don't like Breeze and atm my system is not very pretty, but at least I have Oxygen icons (important to me).18:59
jonathan_zzthe oxygen icons only work when I select e.g. Air as the theme, many themes will show Breeze icons when I select them.19:00
merikeunless that top left battery like icon means something I don't grasp.. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=256xv05&s=9#.Vv1zZ4a0uUs19:00
jonathan_zzit is probably supposed to mean a laptop not on wall power?19:01
jonathan_zzor maybe it thinks you have enough.19:02
merikejonathan_zz: except it is on wall power19:03
merikeand even the battery is full19:03
fireant_Does anyone else here have Astericks installed under Cent OS?19:14
lordievaderfireant_: I get the feeling you are in the wrong channel ;)19:16
Picifireant_: probably not, since this is #kubuntu, not #centos or #asterisk19:16
* fireant_ slaps himself round the head. soz19:16
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jonathan_zzmerike: I am sure you tried restarting. Otherwise I couldn't know. I didn't even use it to get into this system. You can always try to see if there is some process you can kill and start again.19:40
merikejonathan_zz: I did try another machine with another OS, strangely enough got stuck same place19:44
merikebut according to google it cannot be that widespread problem19:44
meriketrying 15.10 and upgrade route now19:44
jonathan_zzmerike: another OS? you mean doing a VM install?20:15
merikejonathan_zz: yes, easiest way to try it out (usually)20:16
jonathan_zzmerike: I saw bootcamp (I think) on the Mac today, it was so much easier to use than VirtualBox.20:17
merikeI don't do Macs :)20:21
merikeVirtualbox is also easy with 15.10, not sure what the 16.4 issue is about20:21
jonathan_zzI mean on Windows VirtualBox is just another program.20:22
jonathan_zzon the Mac it is integrated into the os.20:22
Hekpwow thats a busy one20:41
Hekphi people20:41
jonathan_zzyou spent 30 seconds in a channel and you said wow thats a busy one :).20:54
=== sajjad is now known as martouss
amichairhi, I'm getting inconsistent errors running apt-get update. I see that archive.ubuntu.com resolves to 10 different ip addresses, but most of them return 404 when requesting e.g. Is this normal?21:15
ronnocamichair: no. must be a temporary issue. you can, however, find the fastest server to you and use that one exclusevely via Muon (depending on your OS version), or command line (ex. http://tuxdiary.com/2015/06/13/find-fastest-ubuntu-mirror-cmdline/)21:34
amichairronnoc: thanks, I know how to workaround, just wondering about the source of the problem21:34
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ronnocI did notice updates d/ling much slower this morning than normal21:35
ronnocbut I'm assuming that the it's a temporary thing, as it's happened in the past21:35
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