
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
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cpaelzerrbasak: I'm currently triaging bugs and IIRC there was a tag to be set when a bug report really identified a regression due to an update/merge right?11:46
rbasakcpaelzer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags#Regression_specific11:46
rbasakcpaelzer: but that doesn't really apply to Xenial I don't think.11:47
rbasak(during development)11:47
cpaelzerit is a regression that occured precise->trusty11:47
rbasakThen regression-release11:47
rbasakOh, and it would apply to Xenial it seems.11:47
cpaelzerrbasak: that link you send has internal server error atm -for moe11:47
rbasakregression-release is "A bug in a release that was not present in a previous release. Should be used together with a separate tag for the release the regression was found in. This also applies to a development release where an update introduces a regression prior to its official release."11:48
rbasakThere are a few others too.11:48
rbasakSo for you "regression-release trusty"11:48
cpaelzerI'll refresh that page later and hope I get to see the content on that link11:48
=== askb_ is now known as askb

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