liuxg | I am now using Wily, how can I upgrade to 16.04 LTS? | 02:05 |
TheMuso | liuxg: You need to load update-manager and tell it to look for the development release. | 02:07 |
TheMuso | liuxg: update-manager -d should do it. | 02:07 |
liuxg | TheMuso, thanks. | 02:07 |
TheMuso | np | 02:07 |
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hikiko | Hi | 05:17 |
happyaron | hi hikiko | 05:25 |
hikiko | hi happyaron | 07:00 |
hikiko | how are you | 07:00 |
hikiko | ? | 07:00 |
happyaron | good, :) | 07:01 |
hikiko | :D | 07:01 |
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flexiondotorg | Trevinho, Morning. Can I draw your attention to this merge proposal - | 08:04 |
pitti | Uh, I forgot to greet this morning -- hello everyone, how are you? | 08:19 |
nrosvall | Hi, is the "Black Corners Around CSD Windows" going to be fixed before the final release of 16.04 | 08:37 |
andyrock | morning | 08:39 |
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jibel | hikiko|ln, any progress on fixing bug 1555237? | 11:23 |
ubot5` | bug 1555237 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 14.04.4→ 16.04 dies midway taking out the session." [Critical,In progress] | 11:23 |
jibel | it's blocking all the upgrade tests | 11:24 |
jibel | cyphermox, ^ | 11:24 |
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Sweet5hark1 | ricotz: libreoffice 5.1.2 tarballs in my personal staging ppa -- not tested/verified yet in any way, use at own risk ;) | 11:33 |
hikiko | jibel, if you read the comments you ll see it's not related to compiz, the packagers are working on it | 11:34 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, thanks (although no ~xenial1 suffix!) | 11:39 |
Sweet5hark1 | ricotz: urgh yeah | 11:40 |
jibel | hikiko, who is working on it? | 11:40 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, you know about the consequences doing so | 11:41 |
hikiko | slangasek afaik | 11:41 |
jibel | Trevinho, ^ is anyone from desktop working on this upgrade bug or is slangasek alone? | 11:46 |
hikiko | jibel, it | 11:48 |
hikiko | it's not related to the desktop | 11:48 |
hikiko | a systemd postupgrade script sends the sigkill to xserver | 11:48 |
hikiko | the packagers must find out which and why | 11:48 |
hikiko | it's not a desktop app that stops xserver | 11:49 |
hikiko | infinity, is also aware of the bug I think | 11:50 |
jibel | hikiko, it's a desktop upgrade bug, someone from desktop must be leading it, isn't it? I see it's still assigned to the release upgrader and cyphermox, but it seems inaccurate | 11:50 |
hikiko | no, systemd sends a signal to xserver and all the desktop crashes but it's systemd that must be debugged | 11:51 |
hikiko | we are not familar to that | 11:51 |
hikiko | a package upgrades | 11:51 |
hikiko | and a script of it | 11:51 |
hikiko | kills xserver | 11:51 |
hikiko | someone who knows about packaging etc | 11:52 |
hikiko | must find out what happens and fix it | 11:52 |
hikiko | see slangasek comments | 11:53 |
hikiko | maybe it should be reassigned | 11:53 |
hikiko | but there's not something compiz side or desktop side that is involved | 11:53 |
hikiko | these applications die because xserver dies | 11:54 |
hikiko | and xserver dies because he receives a kill signal from something that is part of systemd | 11:54 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, do you have a lo upload in the queue? | 11:54 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: currently building an rc -- no new final from upstream yet. Why? | 11:55 |
doko | | 11:55 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, I removed openjdk-7, but apparently a bit early | 11:56 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: yeah, subsequentcheckbase is partially containing manual deps for $reasons. I bumped the dep to openjdk-8 -- dunno when/how we still want to push that to the archive still though :/ | 12:03 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, are there any hardcoded paths? | 12:03 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: <- I dont think so. | 12:06 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: that subsquenttestbase stuff is only used to enable running the autopkgtests, no enduser should ever use it. | 12:06 |
doko | pitti, Sweet5hark1: so please ignore the libreoffice autopkg test failures for now, until we get a new libreoffice | 12:07 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: k. | 12:08 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, but please target it for this week if possible | 12:08 |
doko | and change the dep to default-jdk | 12:09 |
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Sweet5hark1 | doko: default-jdk -> done (locally). trying to get this in this week -> possible, but essentially would mean skipping all staged testing in the ppa, which is somewhat meh after beta ... | 12:12 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: anyway will try to find someone foolish enough to sponsor it .. | 12:12 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, new upstream? | 12:13 |
Sweet5hark1 | archive has 5.1.1~rc3=5.1.1 final. upstream status is 5.1.2~rc2 was tagged 44 hours ago, will likely be called rc2=final mid next week unless there is some horror story coming up (which is rare with these bugfix only minor releases) | 12:16 |
doko | or we can do just this dependency change | 12:16 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: sure -- would be playing it safe. TBH as we are quite late already and this is a LTS, Id prefer that. | 12:20 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: Ill prepare a 5.1.1 with the dep changed for direct sponsoring to the archive. 5.1.2 is for the ppa for now -- and w | 12:22 |
Sweet5hark1 | we can see if we need/can do another LO upload later still... | 12:22 |
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cyphermox | hikiko: how did you reach that conclusion? | 12:53 |
hikiko | cyphermox, gdb output of xserver shows that xserver stops by sigkill and that's why there's no error in the logs | 12:54 |
hikiko | plus syslog has some suspicious errors (see the bug comments) | 12:54 |
hikiko | that point out udisk2 upgrade | 12:54 |
hikiko | plus metacity crashes too and every wm | 12:55 |
hikiko | because the crash is caused *after* xserver is killed and it's normal | 12:55 |
hikiko | see slangansek comments and mine in the description cyphermox | 12:55 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
cyphermox | ok, so no reason to say it's systemd then. | 13:13 |
popey | cyphermox: i see you recently updated ubiquity slideshow - it's been noticed that we still refer to "Ubuntu Software Centre" when we probably should refer to "GNOME Software" - seems like some strings haven't been updated yet? | 13:16 |
cyphermox | popey: possible, I haven't changed it in any way, only sponsored uploads | 13:32 |
popey | ah, looks like Will changed some bits but not all | 13:32 |
cyphermox | Software Center is still accurate, depends if there is "Ubuntu" in front | 13:32 |
popey | I think upstream will be a bit upset with that | 13:32 |
cyphermox | he might have only changed ubuntu, not the flavors | 13:32 |
popey | well, I know they will. :) | 13:32 |
popey | they already noticed. | 13:32 |
cyphermox | oh, true, good point | 13:32 |
cyphermox | well, I can run a big sed through it | 13:33 |
popey | :) | 13:33 |
popey | That'd be a good start. | 13:33 |
cyphermox | popey: someone complained already? | 13:37 |
cyphermox | popey: I can't update everything, software-center still is in the archive, flavors may be using that rather than gnome-software | 13:40 |
popey | cyphermox: yeah, the upstream maintainer not so much complained but "noticed" | 13:40 |
hikiko | cyphermox, because systemd is the most possible program that has the rights/access to kill xserver and because udisks2 (slangancek's syslog paste) are controlled by systemd | 13:45 |
hikiko | anyway | 13:45 |
hikiko | even if it's not that | 13:45 |
hikiko | it's certainly not compiz | 13:45 |
hikiko | so I can't help much :/ | 13:46 |
cyphermox | hikiko: I know | 13:46 |
cyphermox | hikiko: but you also can't say it's systemd without checking, because it could just as well be upstart in this case. | 13:46 |
cyphermox | upstart is the currently used init system on trusty | 13:46 |
hikiko | oh, yes sorry I meant the init system :s/systemd/whatever init system is running at that time/ | 13:47 |
hikiko | right | 13:47 |
hikiko | :) | 13:47 |
hikiko | cyphermox, | 13:48 |
hikiko | I don't know if that info helps: | 13:49 |
hikiko | we only see the problem in amd64 never in i386 | 13:49 |
cyphermox | that seems quite unlikely, but if you say so | 13:51 |
cyphermox | I'll give it a try later | 13:51 |
cyphermox | fwiw the compiz crash I already fixed | 13:51 |
cyphermox | compiz or lightdm or whatever was crashing in part because it would ask dbus to fire login1, which it couldn't because of bad permissions on a setuid helper program -- I posit that failing to find logind around to confirm users and passwords, things exploded | 13:52 |
cyphermox | I no longer see the crash when a screensaver starts, but X still crashes, due to some other thing (the KILLs slangasek saw) | 13:52 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, and there is a reason for another build, there is still the hard-dep on openjdk-7-jdk | 13:59 |
Sweet5hark1 | ricotz: in subsequenttestbase or elsewhere? | 14:00 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, just there | 14:00 |
Sweet5hark1 | ricotz: see backlog | 14:01 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, I see, I pinged you yesterday about it too | 14:01 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, so if you are going to fix it please use a version like 1:5.1.2~rc2-0ubuntu2~ , I need to copy the successful build anyway for the backport builds | 14:25 |
ricotz | Sweet5hark1, are you still looking into updating some lo deps? e.g. liborcus and libpagemager are outdated | 14:44 |
ricotz | *libpagemaker | 14:44 |
doko | ricotz, liborcus is up to date | 15:10 |
ricotz | doko, I see, seems 0.11.x (in exp) is targeted for lo 5.2 | 15:13 |
doko | ricotz, please file a FFe then | 15:14 |
ricotz | doko, meaning xenial will have lo 5.1, and upstream is using orcus 0.9.x for 5.1 too | 15:15 |
om26er_ | Trevinho, Hi! | 15:34 |
Trevinho | om26er_: hey | 15:34 |
om26er_ | Trevinho, Did you see bug 1559748 ? | 15:35 |
ubot5` | bug 1559748 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Windows content appears transparent before fully being created" [Undecided,New] | 15:35 |
om26er_ | its like an empty frame is filled after the surface is created completely | 15:36 |
Trevinho | ochosi: yeah, I've noticed that sometimes, but I'm not sure whether we can do much... It's up to the window to draw its content, and it seems it's like "late"... on doing that | 15:43 |
Trevinho | new gtk would love to get some frame infos from WM, maybe but we don't support it so... | 15:43 |
Trevinho | ochosi: sorry, that was for om26er :P | 15:44 |
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doko | Sweet5hark1, that's a build fix for glibc-2.23: and -0ubuntu2 has the openjdk-7 removal | 18:13 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, looks like the tests are not built in parallel, but sequentially ... | 18:22 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: thx, great. no further fixup needed on LibreOffice side then? | 18:40 |
Sweet5hark1 | will put your change in git and rebase on top of it then ... | 18:41 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, I hope so. btw, why are the tests built sequentially? | 18:41 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, remember, there are two changes ... | 18:41 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: IIRC there was some race condition with high paralellisation. would need to look at the git log for the details. | 18:42 |
doko | Sweet5hark1, well, maybe for running, but not building the tests? | 18:43 |
Sweet5hark1 | doko: ah, yeah. building in parallel shouldnt be an issue, I guess. | 18:44 |
doko | rene tells me that he disabled building the tests during the build ... | 18:44 |
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robert_ancell | attente, how goes the updating? | 20:51 |
attente | robert_ancell: contemplating just making a single patch for each branch tbh... | 20:53 |
robert_ancell | attente, you mean merging wip/ubuntu-changes into one patch? | 20:54 |
robert_ancell | because wip/rancell/apt and wip/rancell/reviews should be a patch each | 20:55 |
attente | robert_ancell: okay, that makes life a lot easier. is there a reason why we're not flattening the ubuntu-changes patches in the first place? | 20:57 |
robert_ancell | attente, it just seemed like a lot of random things that didn't really relate to eachother | 20:58 |
robert_ancell | I was worried that it would make it harder to upstream / drop the various change | 20:58 |
robert_ancell | s | 20:58 |
robert_ancell | But obviously it makes it harder to deploy | 20:58 |
robert_ancell | (harder to deploy as separate patches) | 20:59 |
attente | yeah, makes sense actually | 20:59 |
robert_ancell | Was wondering if you had any clever ideas for bug 1564209 | 21:00 |
ubot5` | bug 1564209 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Doesn't recognise own reviews" [Medium,Triaged] | 21:00 |
robert_ancell | We don't seem to be able to know the U1 username, but I *think* you might be able to use GET on /api/v2/accounts and that might give it | 21:01 |
robert_ancell | It's not documented however | 21:01 |
robert_ancell | attente, ^ | 21:10 |
attente | robert_ancell: maybe we could just cache the username instead | 21:16 |
dobey | you're trying to figure out how to get the e-mail address for the u1 account? | 21:16 |
dobey | oh to compare reviews? | 21:16 |
attente | dobey: yeah, just to know which ones are ours. i guess we can just store it somewhere in libaccounts | 21:17 |
dobey | it is the consumer_key you need to compare | 21:17 |
dobey | at least, that is what we do in click scope | 21:17 |
attente | oh. is it? then we already have the consumer_key stored in libaccounts | 21:18 |
dobey | i don't know if the old reviews api has that in the json though | 21:19 |
dobey | what API are you using? | 21:19 |
robert_ancell | dobey, no, it's not the consumer key | 21:19 |
robert_ancell | dobey, so for my review my username is "robert-ancell" i.e. my launchpad account name | 21:20 |
robert_ancell | My consumer key is something like Ch8J3d | 21:20 |
dobey | robert_ancell: the consumer_key value should be the same as the open_id for your account | 21:20 |
robert_ancell | dobey, that's what I thought | 21:20 |
dobey | the review json should have the open_id in it too | 21:20 |
dobey | well, it is in the click reviews, at least | 21:21 |
robert_ancell | dobey, ah, so perhaps I need to port that change across | 21:22 |
dobey | there is no "username" for the u1 account actually. that "username" is your launchpad id | 21:22 |
robert_ancell | yeah | 21:22 |
dobey | so you either have to compare the openid/consumer_key (best way), or e-mail address (will work until you change your address) | 21:23 |
robert_ancell | dobey, the click reviews seem to set reviewer_username / reviewer_displayname the same as the old reviews system | 21:25 |
dobey | robert_ancell: yes | 21:26 |
dobey | robert_ancell: it's the same system, just different API endpoint, afaik | 21:26 |
robert_ancell | dobey, so a review response is . There's no cosumer_key there | 21:26 |
dobey | let me see what we're actually using in the click scope | 21:27 |
dobey | robert_ancell: hmm, looks like the server is sticking the consumer_key value in reviewer_username for the click reviews | 21:31 |
dobey | robert_ancell: oh, and it looks like it's doing that for most people there | 21:32 |
robert_ancell | yeah, that's what I first thought. But mine is not | 21:33 |
dobey | robert_ancell: maybe we can just ask for it to be changed to always return the consumer key there | 21:33 |
robert_ancell | dobey, so how does click scope match them? It works on my phone | 21:36 |
dobey | robert_ancell: it does consumer_key == reviewer_username | 21:38 |
dobey | robert_ancell: what app package name on the phone? | 21:38 |
robert_ancell | dobey, unav for example | 21:38 |
robert_ancell | What's the URL to get reviews for click? | 21:38 |
dobey | robert_ancell: | 21:39 |
robert_ancell | huh, so that's doing it correctly | 21:39 |
dobey | does software-center do editing correctly? | 21:40 |
robert_ancell | I *think* it remembers them locally by id, so it's cheating | 21:40 |
robert_ancell | But I haven't looked yet | 21:41 |
dobey | oh | 21:41 |
dobey | well if that's true, then we can change the server side without breaking software-center | 21:41 |
dobey | so that'd be a win | 21:41 |
robert_ancell | dobey, are you familiar with lp:rnrserver ? It just seems to be getting the username from a database afaict. Which is a worry... | 21:43 |
dobey | i am not | 21:44 |
dobey | but i added it to your bug | 21:44 |
robert_ancell | models.ForeignKey(User) is where it hits django and I'm lost | 21:44 |
dobey | and i'm asking if we can change the server to do this on the API | 21:44 |
robert_ancell | Which makes me worried that the database entries might sometimes have a username and sometimes a consumer_key? | 21:45 |
dobey | robert_ancell: if it is just pulling the value from the db, then i guess we'd just need to do something to sync all the consumer_key values in, and change the edit/create API calls to end up doing that | 21:45 |
dobey | robert_ancell: anyone without a launchpad username will presumably have it be the consumer key when submitting a review | 21:46 |
robert_ancell | yeah | 21:46 |
dobey | robert_ancell: the only thing i'd worry about is if software-center would be broken in this case, but i suppose probably not | 21:46 |
robert_ancell | hmm, software-center seems to be making that comparison. I'll check what is does for me | 21:47 |
dobey | oh? | 21:47 |
dobey | that's interesting | 21:47 |
robert_ancell | dobey, aha, it seems to get the username after sending a review (in the json response) | 21:49 |
robert_ancell | so I guess that handles the case it is a LP username | 21:50 |
robert_ancell | But means it wont work on first run | 21:50 |
dobey | huh | 21:51 |
dobey | and it caches that value somewhere? | 21:51 |
dobey | ah it does | 21:52 |
robert_ancell | I'm sure someone told me that s-c doesn't recognise your reviews on reinstall, which would explain that | 21:53 |
dobey | but we could also SRU a change to software-center to make it use the consumer_key from the u1 account; or we could just have a different open_id="" in the server json | 21:53 |
dobey | yeah | 21:53 |
dobey | it stores the "username" in a config file | 21:53 |
robert_ancell | yep | 21:53 |
dobey | so it also won't recognize your reviews on a different machine if you don't submit one on it | 21:54 |
robert_ancell | yes | 21:54 |
dobey | so it's broken anyway | 21:55 |
robert_ancell | I can't work out in lp:rnrserver where it's deciding to override consumer_key with launchpad ID | 21:55 |
dobey | so i think changing reviewr_name to always be the consumer key on the server would be the best option; and then we can maybe do a software-center SRU patch to make it use the consumer_key from the account | 21:56 |
dobey | yeah i don't know | 21:56 |
dobey | but i added rnr-server to the bug report, and pinged those people on irc :) | 21:56 |
dobey | noodles, since he's around now | 21:57 |
robert_ancell | dobey, ta | 21:59 |
robert_ancell | attente, do you think you'll get a gnome-software update done today? If not I'm keen to do one because there's some important fixes. | 22:00 |
robert_ancell | attente, or tomorrow, I forgot you're still on Thursday | 22:00 |
dobey | heh | 22:01 |
dobey | it's nigh time for dinner over on this side of the spheere | 22:01 |
attente | robert_ancell: sure, i'll do it. i'm just going to squash those other branches though | 22:04 |
robert_ancell | attente, how will you generate the patch? | 22:04 |
attente | robert_ancell: pretty much will just git diff gnome-3-20 against the branches (except wip/ubuntu-changes) | 22:06 |
robert_ancell | attente, not going to use git format-patch? | 22:06 |
dobey | robert_ancell, attente: i'd say go ahead and do the consumer_key == reviewer_username in gnome-software, and it will work for a very large number of people already, and we can fix the server behind the scenes to improve it for those who do have lp usernames currently | 22:06 |
robert_ancell | dobey, ok, thanks | 22:06 |
dobey | and plenty of comments on that bug now :) | 22:07 |
dobey | and now i have to go :) | 22:08 |
dobey | later | 22:08 |
attente | robert_ancell: how did you format the merge commits for wip/rancell/(apt|reviews)? when i try to, it tries to format patches for every single commit responsible for the merge | 22:49 |
robert_ancell | attente, I made a local branch and rebased all the changes into one commit | 23:47 |
robert_ancell | attente, but that was the first time, then I just cherry-picked the changes to my main rebased branch | 23:47 |
attente | robert_ancell: i think i'm just going to create a new commit that contains the diff, and format-patch that instead | 23:48 |
robert_ancell | attente, a commit to what? | 23:48 |
attente | robert_ancell: i've got a new branch that has all of the wip/ubuntu-changes cherry-picked, as well as merges of the other branches | 23:49 |
attente | but trying to git-format-patch those merges results in a large number of patches | 23:49 |
robert_ancell | attente, so that's the same as gnome-3-20 + debian/patches/*.patch then? | 23:49 |
attente | almost the same | 23:50 |
attente | robert_ancell: ok, i think that worked | 23:58 |
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