
=== Sazpaimon is now known as Sazpaimon_
=== Sazpaimon is now known as Sazpaimon_
daxcfhowlett: I note that the Ubuntu on Win10 stuff is not an April Fools day thing. For one thing, it was announced two days before April 1st04:54
cfhowlettehhh, true.  but msoft officially supporting ubuntu?04:55
cfhowlettseems ... sketchy.  and MSFT has made no such announcement, right?04:55
daxIt was announced during the Microsoft BUILD keynote04:56
cfhowlettI retract my former statement and bow my head in shame.04:56
cfhowlettgot link?04:56
daxIt's fine, I talked crap about it being a cygwin clone before I knew what I was talking about (it's not) :)04:56
Ben64looks like it's less a ubuntu on win10 and more of an app you download from the store that adds functionality04:56
daxit's basically mirror-universe WINE04:57
Ben64where everyone has goatees04:57
daxhttp://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/03/ubuntu-on-windows.html and http://www.hanselman.com/blog/DevelopersCanRunBashShellAndUsermodeUbuntuLinuxBinariesOnWindows10.aspx cover the details pretty well04:57
cfhowlettso ... nothing I can't live without then04:57
dax(first is Dustin from Canonical, second is his MSFT counterpart)04:57
Ben64it'll be cool for the rsync, grep, find, etc04:57
Ben64but mostly meh04:57
daxcfhowlett: indeed, it's not something most people are gonna be using by any means04:57
cfhowlettstill trying to process who would *want* to do this04:58
Ben64i wish every windows computer had rsync04:58
elkydevelopers who are stuck on windows because of corporate policies04:58
daxI use Windows in my day job. Having those sorts of command-line tools would be very nice.04:58
daxDual-booting and having to reboot to use them is tedious04:58
daxcygwin is clunky04:58
daxso, me :)04:58
Ben64on some random windows computer... ok i need to upload this file to my server...04:59
Ben64download winscp? :S04:59
cfhowlettthen again, I'm still for nuking any and all mentions of wubi, yet it still carried in the repos.04:59
elkywhy did you have to mention that :(04:59
cfhowlettI know, right?04:59
elkyi need trauma counselling.04:59
daxlol wubi04:59
cfhowlettsorry, elky04:59
daxisn't it still on the liveiso even04:59
Ben64who do we have to prod to get that deleted forever04:59
elkyit's probably only still around because sunk cost fallacy.05:00
cfhowlettit is.  and every, *EVERY* time someone comes crying that their "dual boot" broke or worse, broke their machine ...05:00
cfhowlettand we KNOW wubi has been a lost cause for years05:00
elkywe do. i'm not sure canonical people have had to deal with the fallout so much. it's not exactly the kind of thing the people who buy support are going to use.05:02
cfhowlettwubi was the direct cause of me quitting ubuntu for a few years05:02
cfhowlettin fact, wubi 9.04 had an infamous bug that many suffered from05:03
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:04
lotuspsychje!find 36106:26
ubot5`Found: libghc-chart-dev, libghc-chart-prof, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=361&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all06:26
lotuspsychje!find nvidia-36106:26
ubot5`Package/file nvidia-361 does not exist in wily06:27
ubot5`Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality has not yet been released. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.07:11
daxcfhowlett etc. ^ for all your redirection needs :)07:11
dax(just made it)07:11
daxIRC team will have to figure out if/how to support it when it's released, but until then that should work07:12
lordievaderGood morning.08:31
lotuspsychjehey lordievader08:31
lotuspsychjedax: url project locked on !svn trigger08:32
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje, how are you?08:34
lotuspsychjelordievader: fine mate tnx and you?08:41
lordievaderDoing okay, brewing coffee :)08:41
lotuspsychjedax: both url's dead on !alot08:46
l4m8d4_Wow, I think #ubuwin this is a typical case of "embrace, extend, extinguish", what do you guys say?12:01
Ben64i don't think ubuntu is planning anything nefarious like that12:05
l4m8d4_Ben64: Haha, that's a good one. Of course I am referring to microsoft, everyone who didn't get it12:06
BluesKajhowdy all, again13:25
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stochastixthere is no one in here to listen to me, This is like ubuntu version of free speech areas lol22:59
daftykinsi see users in here, just fine.22:59
stochastixYea, only 49 of us though :)23:00
daftykinsanyway, if you have something ubuntu to discuss - that's what is relevant here23:01
stochastixI was talking about MS getting ready to run linux apps in windows. Then I wondered if MS might do the same thing in return and make windows apps able to run more native in linux.23:02
stochastixguess I cant talk about that stuff in #ubuntu23:02
EriC^^!info bla > EriC^^23:05
daftykinswell i didn't actually see you say any of that23:05
daftykinsbut that's a stupid topic23:05
gde33I was kinda hoping ms would end with a gamers community competing with blizzard and sony for a market of children23:06
stochastixIm still waiting to play americas army in linux again lol23:06
stochastixone of these days23:07
daftykins#ubuntu has a lot of people that buy windows 10 based gaming laptops these days, then install ubuntu23:07
daftykinsstrikes me as extremely foolish, "oh hey let me just buy this and then try to game on it using something that doesn't run games well"23:08
daftykinsmight as well buy a car and take it out on the lake with some skis fitted, towed behind a boat23:08
daftykins"well it's not quite a water skiier, but hey it's getting better"23:08
stochastixSome brands like toshiba screw you and conspire with MS to change the ACPI standards23:08
gde33it is called dual boot23:09
stochastixSo when you run linux, nothing on your soutch bridge works half the time23:09
daftykinsno, often they have limited spec models that don't have enough space to put win10 beside ubuntu - and actually a lot of the time gde33 - since believe it or not i wasn't born yesterday, they are installing ubuntu as the sole OS.23:09
stochastixHP has usually been a good laptop to run linux on for me23:09
gde33daftykins: at least the ubuntu obstacle course doesn't involve killing things the whole day23:10
daftykinsi've no idea what that statement means23:11
gde33ubuntu is the best game ever :P23:11
daftykinsand have you not killed any processes recently? ;)23:11
gde33yes but not one after the other for years in a row23:12
gde33I always joke to my gamer friends that alcoholics and prisoners at least get outside the house23:12
daftykinsi'm gonna switch back to channels where i understand the folks now23:13

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