
JavezimHey all, how do you upgrade from samba 4.1.6 to 4.1.18+ on ubuntu 14.0401:44
naccJavezim: you don't, at least not in a supported way01:49
Javezimnacc: Hmm well apparently there are a few bug fixes in the latest version that we are seeing01:50
Javezimso is there anyway to do this?01:50
sarnolddownload tarball from samba.org, check signatures, build, install into /usr/local/, remove ubuntu-provided samba packages, integrate the ones you build..01:52
tewardthough I would expect it to have some quirks, since at that point you sacrifice the support of security updates (unless you recompile each version, etc.)01:55
tewardand some headaches :P01:55
JavezimYeah that sounds like way to much of a pain01:55
JavezimWell maybe someone can help with the actual issue we are having01:56
JavezimSamba keeps crashing when read/writing a file01:57
sarnoldif you can isolate the fixes you need you could prepare a debdiff for sponsoring..01:57
JavezimOutput from log level = 2 is here - pasted.co/8639748201:57
tewardpermit me to yell at you for not using the Ubuntu pastebin, if only because that pastebin attempted to launch a suspicious popup (my Snort network monitoring detected the weirdness in the popup, plus my popup blocker kicked in)01:58
JavezimThis error constantly occurs when reading/writing a file. We use Samba with Gluster and can't figure why this is happening on one of our setups but not another01:58
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newbsduserhello, iam looking for a test utility for generating accounting requests for freeradius server, i tried radtest but it generates authentication requests... i also asked it in freeradius channel but i wanted to ask it here, too06:18
lordievaderGood morning.08:31
ZoderUckhow to ensure all *.php files are handled by my fastcgi php  and not redirected to mod_mono,  mod_mono is required for  mvc app, that works.09:17
ndfsounds like a question for #php ;P09:21
ZoderUckaha and in #php they redirect me to #mvc ?09:27
stephankI'm trying to automate setup of EC2 instances (testing with xenial) that handle a lot of connections, and I'm running into conntrack limits ("table full, dropping packet"). I can raise the limit, but is there a way to disable connection tracking completely?11:24
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stephankThink I found a way that'll do. I was going to roundabout way of trying to remove LXC from cloud-init, but it executes too late I think. LXC is the only thing loading the kernel modules.11:33
stephankBut I instead found this, and it seems to leave the conntrack table empty now: http://serverfault.com/a/234572/4078311:33
RoyKhm... anyone remember what SAS' counterpart is for SATA's S.M.A.R.T. ? smartctl doesn't list much for SAS drives12:46
SlingRoyK: that should 'just work'12:46
RoyKSling: it doesn't12:46
RoyKSling: sata disk on a sas controller - fine - but SAS drives don't have S.M.A.R.T.12:47
Slingsas/scsi even tape devices support smart commands12:48
Slingor at least, smartctl can pull info from them12:48
RoyKSling: http://paste.debian.net/422987/12:48
RoyKso *some* info, but not everything I want12:49
RoyKor perhaps I'm just confused - completely different format (and I want this into munin)12:50
Slingit's also possible smart isn't enabled for the device12:50
Slingbut supported12:50
RoyKsee the paste - says it's enabled12:51
Slingah sorry can't open the paste right now12:51
patdk-wksas has smart12:53
patdk-wkit's just different :)12:53
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patdk-wkthat is normal expected results for smart from scsi/sas12:54
patdk-wkElements in grown defect list: 012:55
RoyKlet's see.... do echo -n "$i: "; smartctl -a /dev/$i | grep 'Elements in grown defect list' ; done # ;)12:58
patdk-wkit was the same for my scsi disks and fc disks back in 200013:03
patdk-wknothing has change13:03
patdk-wkonly smart was added to ide13:03
tewardjgrimm: ping, if you're not busy14:14
jgrimmteward, howdy14:16
tewardjgrimm: did you get the email I sent yesterday, or did my Snort firewall nom the message before it was sent?14:17
jgrimmteward i did, i have had a chance to chat with rbasak yet as he was out on pto earlier this week14:17
tewardyou did ask re: that in the server team meeting, so I sent to you and rbasak so you'd both be able to discuss and get back to me :P14:18
rbasakSorry teward, I've only been back today14:18
tewardrbasak: no problem, you didn't miss too much :014:18
teward:)  *14:18
tewardrbasak: review the email I sent to you and jgrimm, though.  further discussion on that issue may have to be off-channel14:19
jgrimmteward, ack.14:20
* teward goes back to poking his sbuild schroots to try and make them work again14:21
rbasakteward: reply sent14:21
tewardhasn't arrived yet, i'll look when it gets here.  Aaaand, thunderbird just blew up >.>14:23
tewardrbasak: any chance you can resend?  Looks like something somewhere ate the message14:31
teward(or it never sent out)14:31
rbasakteward: sorry, my fault. gpg agent issues. I sent unsigned.14:35
tewardrbasak: no problem :)14:36
tewardgot it14:36
teward(i'm having gpg-agent issues myself, but it's an issue with my Thunderbird blowing up)_14:36
rbasakThe default agent config seems to break when I'm using a screen from somewhere else.14:37
rbasakSeems to expect some sort of desktop session or DISPLAY connection or something I don't necessarily always have.14:37
rbasakWhich is wrong IMHO. I have a uid. That should be enough to reach my agent.14:37
jgrimmteward, +1 on rbasak's response to you14:38
jgrimmwrt nginx14:38
tewardjgrimm: rbasak: thank you both!  I thought it'd be a good idea to loop you both in on it!14:39
tewardjgrimm: rbasak: the only pending issue is 1.9.13, as it needs reviewed for a freeze exception14:40
tewardprobably going to poke -release at some point today to see if they can look at it before next thursday, but lets hope that lands14:40
jgrimmthanks teward14:41
rbasakteward: thanks. Your FFe request seems comprehensive.14:41
tewardrbasak: indeed.  I kept the same level of thoroughness as the last ;)14:42
jcastrorbasak: heya, welcome back, I see you're working on the FFe for juju-core14:43
rbasakjcastro: o/14:44
rbasakjcastro: it's not really in my hands right now.14:44
jcastrowell, our team specifically needs help with charm-tools14:45
jcastrobut we're unfamiliar with the distro process and were shepherded to "ask someone on -server, they have smart people, you guys make server tools."14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546776 in charm-tools (Ubuntu) "[FFe] charm-tools 2.0" [Undecided,Triaged]14:47
jcastroit's more of a "what do we do now?" question more than anything else14:47
fricklerjamespage: do you have packages ready for ceph 10.1.0 already? I just tested upgrading from 10.0.2 to 10.0.5 and that didn't work too well, sadly14:50
jamespagefrickler, not archive ready yet but you can try ppa:openstack-ubunut-testing/ceph-sru14:50
jamespagefrickler, amd64 is still building right now14:52
jamespagefrickler, I've been debugging some i386 build failures but with a 3 hour build loop it takes some time...14:52
jamespagejcastro, we get things uploaded....14:53
jamespagepitti +1'ed14:53
fricklerjamespage: great, thx15:01
tewardrbasak: insight please - FFe bug status == confirmed means what?15:04
rbasakteward: nothing really. Just that someone else is affected (ie. wants it)15:05
tewardso I should prod -release then :)15:05
jamespageteward, once a member of the release team comments with a +1 and marks it triaged, its approved15:24
tewardjamespage: ack, thanks, i'll keep that in mind going forward :)15:24
teward(this should be documented somewhere!  :P)15:24
acmehendelgoogle thinks that they can make a driverless car, but in reality they cant make a driverless car that copes with regular city traffic and drivers15:26
acmehendelthese billionairs are a bunch of control freak psychopaths15:26
acmehendeltheir algorithm sucks and it will always suck15:27
pmatulisacmehendel: thank you for the diatribe15:29
acmehendelyoure welcoime15:29
cagmzAnyone know why UTF charcters aren't showing up in on Windows using Tera Term (from my Ubuntu box)? I have set send/recieve to UTF-815:39
thebwtcagmz: are you getting the empty box? could be the glyphs aren't tehre.15:42
cagmzfor the infinity character, I get '8', and for an arrow, I get '?'15:43
cagmzhowever, using Bitvssh Tunnelier, both characters show up15:43
YamakasYerm is there some lsb release done ?22:16
halvorsHi. How to change the permission of a folder from drw-r----- to -rw-r-----22:24
sarnoldhalvors: what does that 'd' mean?22:25
RoyKhalvors: øh - d is dir, man ;)22:26
halvorsCause my problem is that rsyslog is unable to write to that directory somehow...22:27
RoyKtrying to tell syslog to log to a directory as opposed to a file? ;)22:28
halvorsNo that's not it.22:29
halvorsI have this in my rsyslog configuration: $template DynFile, "/home/hoursgaming/syslog/%$DAY%.%$MONTH%.%$YEAR%/%HOSTNAME%.log"22:29
halvors*.* -?DynFile22:29
halvorsBut the file is somehow never created.22:30
halvorsAnyone knows why that might be?22:37
halvorsHow can i check if rsyslog have problems writing the file?22:37
sarnoldmost of those things that look like variables are using %$..%22:38
sarnoldbut hostname does not22:38
halvorsThe problem seems to be that i'm unable to write to folders other than /var/log/syslog22:41
halvors/var/log i mean.22:41
sarnoldis your syslog daemon confined with apparmor? check dmesg or your auditd logs for DENIED lines22:44
patdk-lapI hate writing to /var/log23:03
patdk-lapit causes so many unneeded iops23:03
sarnolddo you use a loghost instead?23:06
sarnoldlet the loghost deal with the iops :D23:07

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