
rvrHi :)13:40
dpmhey rvr :)13:41
dpmhi Gwaihir, around?13:41
dpmGwaihir, whenever you're online, a quick question: we're trying to release OTA10 for the phone, which came with new strings that have some suggestions that need review in Italian. If you've got some time, do you think you could either have a look at them or point the Italian translators to them?13:44
dpmThey're: https://translations.launchpad.net/unity8/trunk/+pots/unity8/it/+translate?start=0&batch=10&show=untranslated&field.alternative_language=&field.alternative_language-empty-marker=1&old_show=translated13:44
dpmAnd https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/indicator-session/+pots/indicator-session/it/+translate?show=untranslated13:44
nerochiarodpm: hi13:49
rvrnerochiaro: dpm asked Gwaihir to approve your translations as soon as he's available15:57
nerochiaroand hopefully check them before15:57

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