
dholbachgood morning06:50
davidcalledholbach: when is the d.u.c meeting with Thibaut?07:57
dholbachaucune idée07:57
dholbachah, 17:00 - it's in dpm's calendar07:58
dpmdholbach, davidcalle, invitations sent08:01
davidcalledpm: thanks and welcome back :)08:02
dpmdavidcalle, thanks :)08:02
dpmI've invited you guys to another documentation meeting tomorrow08:02
dpmafter the chat I had with ev last week, davidcalle's suggestion with hosting scopes documentation in markdown, and the snappy docs being in github08:03
dholbachdpm, so we drop the snappy docs from dev.u.c?08:04
davidcalledpm: yes, just seen it08:04
davidcalledholbach: I think it's about their upstream location before reaching duc (?)08:04
dpmdholbach, yeah, not really about dropping documentation, I think we need to have d.u.c as the central place for docs08:05
dpmdavidcalle, yea08:05
dpmh :)08:05
dholbachok... so just where we import it from? ok08:05
dholbachbzr and git are both fine ... once we land the newest we should be good to go08:05
davidcalledpm: dholbach: btw, deployment: I need to sync up with Mike today to see if he wants to continue solving the pip issue (currently blocking) or if we revert pip updates we have in trunk and deploy today.08:07
dpmdavidcalle, I'm still catching up. Would you mind giving me the tl;dr about this pip issue?08:08
dholbachfeel free to revert the pip cache update08:08
dholbachI think it'd be nice if we could solve it some time soon, so we can regularly benefit from upstream fixes08:08
dholbachbut if we can get all the other stuff for now and then look into updating, that's absolutely fine with me too08:08
davidcalledpm: the charm we are using to handle the django part of the deployment is not behaving well with upgraded pip dependencies: it tries to pull some of them from the web (which doesn't work) instead of the dependencies branch.08:10
davidcalledholbach: I think Mike wanted to dig a bit deeper first08:10
dholbachthanks davidcalle08:11
dholbachyou both are heroes08:11
davidcalledpm: we don't need this depenendency upgrade right now, so we will likely revert it and keep all the other goodness08:12
davidcalle"depenendency" -> we dug too deep!08:12
dpmdavidcalle, could you remind me where our mojo spec lives?11:01
davidcalledpm, trunk of https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-is/canonical-mojo-specs in ue/mojo-ue-devportal11:02
dpmawesome, thanks11:03
dpmdholbach, does the markdown importer for snappy docs support both LP and github?11:20
dholbachdpm, yes11:23
dholbachalthough I haven't tried with LP git yet11:23
dpmdholbach, thanks. Np, I was asking just to have a rough idea11:27
dholbachbut in general, yes, both is possible11:28
dpmdholbach, davidcalle, do you know which formats the API docs importer for the phone supports? I know of qdoc, doxygen...11:30
dpmbut I can't remember how the JS API docs are imported, for instance11:31
dholbachimport_cordova.py  import_qdoc.py    import_yuidoc.py11:31
dholbachimport_doxygen.py  import_sphinx.py11:31
dholbachdpm, ^11:31
dpmah, nice, thanks!11:32
dholbachI think the JS bits were YUI11:33
dholbachbut I'm not 100% certain11:33
dholbachyep, just checked11:34
dpmcool, thanks11:44
dpmdavidcalle, dholbach, so I think looking at the site, a review of the IA would make sense. I think the phone part dominates quite a bit, and the snappy/IoT/core/$whichevernameoftheday is something we put there in between because we needed it, but now it's growing on it's own and disconnected from the rest of the site11:46
dpmpun intended: I think we need to converge there too :)11:46
davidcalledpm: dholbach: I'm all for convergence, but let's make sure we are not converging our topics "too early" and diverge too much from the reality of what's available.11:55
dpmdavidcalle, I probably shouldn't have used "converge", and I do see your point. I think things like Personal are definitely not yet there to put them in the site, so I agree here. But I think we need to a) think about and bear in mind convergence in the future, for app developers and b) most importantly now, have a clear journey for app developers by 16.04, given all the technologies that will be available12:00
davidcalledholbach: I do agree that Snappy is not IoT only, but that's where all the focus is, as per Thibaut/Didier proposal12:00
dholbachdavidcalle, dpm, I'm agreeing with all you're saying12:01
dholbachmaybe we can think of something that'c clearer12:01
dpmok, we're done then, let's go to the bar :)12:02
dpmIn any case, there are enough technologies and mixes atm that we need to be careful how we present them not to confuse folks12:04
dpmi.e. we haven't even started talking about the unity 8 session preview on the desktop or libertine12:05
* dpm sees them as low priority for d.u.c in any case12:05
dholbachdavidcalle, dpm: how about continuing to call it Core and keep linking from ubuntu.com/things and other places? :)12:09
davidcalledholbach: that's a possibility, yes. We can do this and find a way to provide clear IoT paths on the landing page.12:11
dholbachbut opening a Phone section and moving apps and scopes there, makes a lot of sense12:11
dpmdholbach, I'm not sure. I think "IoT" or "Things" is easier to understand for developers, as "Core" is very much an Ubuntu-specific term12:12
dholbachit'll be interesting to see how we move/extend/rename that once we have unity8 on the desktop12:12
dpmI think that's where Personal will come in12:12
dholbachdpm, IoT and things is easier to understand, it's just that Core is already more generic than IoT and what we have in terms of docs in unspecific to IoT (as I said earlier) ... I was just trying to come up with something which reflected the immediate reality well, and it was our status quo O:-)12:14
dholbachdavidcalle, would we move the snappy/community bits into community too?=12:15
davidcalledholbach: great idea12:15
davidcalleThat's something we could converge without too much confusion12:16
dholbachyep, agreed12:16
davidcalleUse case: a developer who wants to publish an app for "Ubuntu 16.04". What's his clear path. Do we explain "Core" to him or do we put a sign saying "Desktop". Maybe we can do both: a persistent call to action on the landing page for Desktop apps: "Ubuntu Core allows you to etc." and a Core menu entry, both reaching the same page. Now, let's say we do the12:23
davidcallesame thing for an IoT board/app developer. Do we end up with a confusing landing page?12:23
* davidcalle is thinking out loud12:23
dholbachWhatever we decide to call the tabs or nav links on the page, we're going to need a very clear landing page. :-)12:24
dpmyep, I was going to say the same thing as dholbach :)12:24
dholbachmaybe we could even have a "ship an app" landing page on the top level? :-)12:26
davidcalleNew top level IA proposal: Design it | Craft it | Ship it  ;-)12:27
dpmI think we should go the minimalistic way - "Do it"12:28
dholbachdavidcalle for president!12:28
dholbachyou have my vote12:28
davidcalleSpeaking of clear landing pages: http://jp.ubuntu.com-master.demo.haus/12:28
* davidcalle finds the first grey row of ^ very nice and clear12:29
davidcalledpm, "Do it", then a maze of choices: "Pick your technology", "Pick your target", "Pick your framework"... :)12:31
davidcalledholbach: <312:31
dpmof course, let's just hide the complexity under the top level :)12:31
dholbachI'll try again to see if I can log into unity8 - bbiab12:32
* davidcalle brb, fetching coffee12:32
dpmdholbach, any luck?12:35
dholbachdpm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1543192 I'm afraid not12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1543192 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Medium,Confirmed]12:35
dholbachbut maybe that's unrelated - what I'm doing is:12:36
dholbach - log out from unity7, see lightdm pop up12:36
dholbach - try to login to unity8, see something flicker, see lightdm pop back up again12:36
dholbach - try to login to unity7, see something flicker, see lightdm pop back up again12:36
dholbachso I need to go back to the console to restart lightdm12:36
dholbachand then I can go and login to unity712:37
davidcalledpm: dholbach: I've sent you an invite to a Chrome app, just to try and brainstorm more visually, feel free to play with it, I need to be afk for a short moment12:48
dpmok, thanks!12:48
dpmdholbach, what I had to do was to ensure that the cgmanager service was running12:48
dpmunrelated, but another trick12:49
=== enyc_ is now known as enyc
dholbachdavidcalle, nice work!13:59
dholbachdavidcalle, in the coggle thing13:59
davidcalleAh! Thanks, trying to figure a way to get all our options in front of us14:00
dholbachdavidcalle, would it make sense in proposal 2 to have "unity7 snaps" under "core" and "writing a unity8 app" in "personal"?14:03
davidcalledholbach: makes sense14:05
dholbachdavidcalle, I just added them to the proposal... not in an attempt to make this final, but to visualise where the "desktop" section would go14:05
dholbachfeel free to rearrange or rephrase14:06
dpmdholbach, davidcalle, I think I'm going to add a link to the coggle thing in the proposal doc14:10
dpmdavidcalle, is proposal #1 yours? I like it, but I'm not too sure about "Store" - it might lead to think that we're offering a web view to the store, which we aren't14:15
dholbachdpm, there are discussion about moving the /publish docs to myapps itself14:16
davidcalledpm: I just wasn't sure about keeping a verb when the rest are nouns. Store is a bit misleading, I agree.14:17
dpmdavidcalle, and another question, do we need to explicitly invite people to see coggle, or can we just share the link?14:17
dholbachwell... we had the discussions since we started developer.u.c, but beuno recently said they'd do it14:17
davidcalledholbach: I don't see this happening soon honsetly14:17
dholbachand assigned the bug to stevenbiscuit14:17
dpmdholbach, yeah, good point I remember that, but I don't think much has happened14:17
dholbachbut that was 3 weeks ago14:17
dholbachI can find out what's happening14:18
dholbachit'd give us the benefit of handing over maintenance to them and they'd probably be quicker to update screenshots and stuff if necessary14:18
davidcalledpm: I think you can simply share the link, invite is only to add editors. btw, do you have the "+" button at the top to add editors?14:18
dpmI do, thanks14:18
dholbachthat's a really neat tool14:19
dpmit is! I wished it had existed when we did the IA rearrangements in d.u.c in the past14:20
dpmor that we had known about it. Good call davidcalle14:20
dpmhey didrocks o/14:30
didrockshey dpm :)14:30
davidcalledpm: dholbach: stumbled upon it earlier today ;)14:32
davidcalleHey didrocks o/14:32
dpmdavidcalle, it makes IA rearrangement even fun ;)14:32
didrockshey davidcalle!14:33
davidcalledpm: let's create a Django app for it -> Link it to Django CMS -> Manage our live IA with it -> Call it "Juju for Docs"14:37
dholbachdavidcalle, somebody should create a djangocms-redirect plugin :-P14:37
davidcalledholbach: heh :)14:38
davidcalleScrap "Juju for Docs", we call it "Make Your Own D.U.C" with public edit rights. IA problem solved.14:40
dholbachdavidcalle, dpm: stevenbiscuit replied and said "AFAIK yes, certainly the store related help documents are going to move under myapps."14:50
dpmdholbach, davidcalle, didrocks, related to the conversation we had today, I'd like to have (yet!) another chat about importing markdown documentation vs. the CMS. Would you guys have time some time tomorrow early?16:18
davidcalledpm: sure16:18
dpmah, I think Didier mentioned he had to go to another meeting right now16:19
davidcalledpm: btw, has the meeting about location of upstream doc been really moved to 9pm today?16:19
dpmdavidcalle, yeah, dholbach was pinging ev about this earlier on. I definitely can't do it at that time :/16:21
dpmdholbach, were you on that thread where they were discussing times?16:22
dpmI replied earlier on to say the time worked for me... and then they changed it16:22
dholbachdpm, I pinged ev in #canonical16:23
dpmdholbach, yeah, I saw that. He asked you to reply on that thread, but I'm not sure if you were in the CC, that's why I'm asking, as I didn't know if you'd seen it16:25
dholbachah sorry, no - I don't think I was CCed16:25
dpmdholbach, indeed you weren't. Replied with an alternative proposal and CC'd you16:32
dpmdavidcalle, it seems Peter has got only a slot available in his calendar tomorrow morning. Are you comfortable with being "the mojo spec expert" if mhall119 is not in there?16:34
dpmI bet mhall119 is chuckling at not being at the call :)16:34
* mhall119 is glad nobody can see him doing his happy dance16:36
didrocksdpm: isn't that on the one we would have tomorrow already?16:44
didrockswith Peters?16:45
didrocksI'm unsure I would have a slot TBH, I have some demo deadlines already before I go on holidays16:45
didrocksand etoomanymeetings ;)16:45
dpmdidrocks, with Peter it was about moving to a megamenu (I think that's what he calls it), I don't think he's interested in which format we use for importing16:46
didrocksI guess that was about this as well16:46
didrocksthe import16:46
didrocksbut if not, yeah, we need one for actions16:46
didrockscan we have one with Peter first to check, and then, if not addressed, we have the second one, mind you?16:46
dpmdidrocks, nw, I can have a chat with dholbach and davidcalle. I wanted to talk specifically about importing16:46
didrocksdpm: well, I guess this is about the generation of content16:47
didrockswhich is what my backend is doing, sounds related at least :p16:47
dpmit is indeed related, but to me it's more about going deeper into the change of moving from a CMS approach to an upstream import approach, which I'm not sure Peter would be interested in16:48
didrocksIIRC, Thibaut mentioned he was16:48
didrocks(but that was last week)16:48
didrocksso, let's see what the meeting is tomorrow with Peter on the technical side16:49
didrocksif not addressed, let's talk about that on Monday/Tuesday?16:49
didrocks(because yeah, this is part of the doc draft)16:49
dpmdavidcalle, dholbach, I've added the "Long-term proposal IA" to the coggle16:59
dholbachcool, thanks16:59
dpmok, and with this, I call it a day17:04
dpmsee you all tomorrow!17:04
dholbachsee you! :)17:04
davidcallemhall119: I've fixed the certificate situation for d.s.u.c20:59
davidcallemhall119: d.s.u.c deployed with the new changes :) Still missing the three branches Daniel wants, though.21:39
davidcallemhall119: merged (only 2, the 3rd was a components update) and deploying on staging.22:27

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