
magespawngood morning03:25
Kilosmorning everyone04:35
Kiloshi Cryterion 05:36
chesedomorning Kilos Cryterion and all others07:21
Kiloshi chesedo 07:22
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy inetpro anton_may 07:22
Kilosi logged in early today to help make up for yesterday07:33
magespawngood morning07:39
unlaudableKilos, :D07:48
Kiloshi unlaudable 07:49
Kilossomething for uncapped peeps to look at07:52
Kiloskinda hangout thing i think07:52
unlaudablepopey is an ubuntu guy I think... the Ubuntu Mate guy? mattermost is chat thing like Slack07:57
magespawnhi Kilos unlaudable 08:01
Kiloshi magespawn 08:04
Kilosyes popey does lotsa buntu work08:04
magespawnyet another way to communicate08:04
Kilosthey want to have chat sessions where they can share all experiences and ideas08:05
Kilosso they are testing out different avenues08:07
inetprogood morning to everyone, oh and Kilos as well08:08
* Kilos smiles08:08
inetproKilos: oh I like that!08:21
Kilosthe popey thing?08:22
inetprono, mattermost 08:22
Kilosi go see08:22
inetproan open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative08:22
* inetpro has to check it out later08:23
Kilossome must join popeys one to show it can work08:23
inetprosuperfly: di you see that ^^ ?08:23
inetproMaaz: coffee on08:24
* Maaz washes some mugs08:24
inetproglad to see he can still wash the mugs08:24
KilosMaaz coffee please08:24
MaazKilos: Sure08:24
chesedoKilos: you know where we can get more info on it before signing up?08:24
chesedoMaaz: coffee please08:25
Maazchesedo: Okay08:25
inetprochesedo: http://www.mattermost.org/08:25
chesedoMaaz: with rusk08:25
Maazchesedo: Excuse me?08:25
chesedoty inetpro08:25
KilosMaaz with cremora08:25
MaazAh! At last someone with taste08:25
KilosMaaz and milk08:25
MaazNow you're talking08:25
KilosMaaz rusks please08:25
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos08:25
inetproYC-funded nogal08:26
Kiloswhats YC08:26
inetproapparently "the world's most powerful start-up incubator"08:27
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro, Kilos and chesedo!08:28
inetproMaaz: dankie08:28
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend08:28
KilosMaaz thanks man08:28
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)08:28
Kilosjoin popey man it for testing purposes08:29
chesedoMaaz: ty08:29
MaazYou are welcome chesedo08:29
inetproKilos: have you joined?08:30
Kilos busy trying to figure a username with numbers and other characters that i wont forget08:31
magespawninetpro it might be an idea to set one up08:31
inetpromagespawn: we need proper stable resources 08:32
inetprosomething that can last a lifetime08:32
magespawnindeed, i was thinking of getting myself a vps, there is one i found for R99, limited to 400GB of traffic per month 08:33
magespawndon't know if it will last a lifetime though08:34
Kilossjoe thats a serious kinda user name required08:36
Kiloshow can one remember all that and the symbols08:39
Kilosfor testing only it should be easier08:40
chesedoKilos: doesn't kde have an eWallet?08:40
Kilosi think i have it turned off, it drove me nuts some time back08:41
chesedoyea, same thing08:41
Kiloswb superfly 08:42
Kilosthats hard work08:45
chesedoKilos: you there yet?08:45
* chesedo does not see you08:45
Kilosnope it keeps giving me that message of what to use08:46
chesedoreload page and just try kilos08:46
chesedogot through with my nick only08:46
Kilosya that worked08:49
Kilosyou see me now?08:49
thatgraemeguyfeels like I'm in some weird alternate reality08:50
chesedothatgraemeguy: this outlines it better for me - http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/03/ubuntu-on-windows.html?utm_source=omgubuntu08:51
chesedoKilos: yes... replied08:51
Kilosisnt that flashing thing on the right of the write message block eating data08:51
chesedolol, do not think so (it would be a scripts doing that)08:52
Kilosor so just text then same as here?08:52
chesedokind of... notice how the entire history is there and you were not logged in08:53
thatgraemeguythanks chesedo, interesting stuff08:53
chesedoyw thatgraemeguy08:53
chesedoKilos: seems like one can comment and reply on messages too08:57
Kilosquite snazzy08:57
chesedoand has markdown support (yiipppee)08:57
Kiloswhatever that might be08:58
chesedoooo, and you can link to a specific mesage somehow08:59
Kilosi havent heard any sound alerts08:59
Kilosah i found the help page09:01
chesedoKilos: that flashing thing is also a quick guide helper09:09
Kilosah i turned it off09:10
Kiloslet me know when you find the audio alerts 09:10
chesedoin settings it states to configure it in browser09:10
Kiloshaha i cant find setting09:11
chesedothree dots, top left09:11
Kiloshi mazal 09:45
magespawnchesedo: thanks for that link09:53
magespawnstill makes me wonder why though? and raises so many questions09:53
chesedoyw magespawn09:55
Kiloshi Guest81407 10:58
Kilosi go have lunch11:01
Kilosinetpro i see your posts in popups but they not showing in that new thing so i gotta see what im doing wrong11:02
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
thatgraemeguy16.04 upgrade done14:01
thatgraemeguyall my fonts look nicer14:01
magespawnhome time chat later all14:05
inetprowell done thatgraemeguy15:07
inetproanyone done any server upgrades to 16.04 yet?15:08
thatgraemeguyinetpro: no way, servers can wait until the first point release at least16:28
pavlushka-o/ all16:51
pavlushka-Facing huge packet loss, talked to my local reseller, now logged in through android.16:54
Cryterionhmm, getting tired of this irc client, grrr16:54
Cryterionhi everyone16:54
Kiloshi Cryterion 16:55
Cryterionheya Kilos, pavlushka16:55
Cryterionhow you feeling today Kilos16:55
Kilosnot bad ty Cryterion and you?16:55
pavlushka-Heya Cryterion!!16:56
Cryterionall gud, just tired, been a long day16:56
* Cryterion waits for the mosquito's to find him16:57
Cryterionmiggies atm, grrr, they get stuck in your hair16:58
Kilosterrible things16:59
Kilosi go eat16:59
Cryterionproblem is it's too hot and humid to close the door, and the light attracts them16:59
pavlushka-What miggies?16:59
Cryterionoh kwl16:59
Cryterionmiggies are tiny little bugs17:00
Cryterionthat fly17:00
Cryterionabout 1mm wide and 2mm long17:00
pavlushka-Actually I asked Kilos what he will eat? Kidding.17:00
Cryterionthen you get the longer 5mm ones17:00
CryterionHe'll need a few thousand of them, I'm I could collect enough tonight!17:01
pavlushka-Cryterion,  lucky you.17:01
CryterionWhat packet loses were you expriencing earlier17:02
pavlushka-Experiencing now, that's why using android phone and the nick is pavlushka- now bcoz of that.17:04
Cryterionwhich network given the problems17:05
pavlushka-I m in the most remote place from our capital and the ISP is at the capital. I m connected through a  reseller.17:06
CryterionYou're in Germany17:07
pavlushka-Its 500 km away17:07
Cryterionwhois reports Germany17:07
pavlushka-Our capital is Dhaka, Bangladesh17:08
pavlushka-I wish i could be in Germany!!! :((17:09
Cryterionah, are any of Seacom cables down, I'll check, but that normally affect all networks together17:09
pavlushka-Not sure, may be.17:10
Cryterionlol, looking at what happening there, although my roots come from there, I wouldn't want to go now17:10
CryterionI'd rather take my chances here in SA17:11
pavlushka-I am talking about just for travelling17:11
pavlushka-I love my country enough not to leave permanently17:12
Cryterionah, I wanted to awhile ago, but the political situation in most of the EU is becoming a major problem17:13
pavlushka-No offence, Cryterion,  no way i was pointing you.17:14
CryterionNo Prob :), never took it that ay17:14
pavlushka-I was just talking about my choice.17:14
pavlushka-That's good,17:15
CryterionYou'll welcome to go as a tourist, nothing wrong with that, just check with ISIS where, when, and what they'll blow up!17:16
pavlushka-In irc, the great thing what happened to me is Kilos.17:16
pavlushka-Yeah, lol17:16
CryterionHe's a great guy17:16
CryterionVery helpfull, and if he can't help, he'll find someone that can help17:17
CryterionOut of curiosity, what sort of work do you do?17:17
Kiloslemme catch up17:20
pavlushka-We own a small tea farm, i look after that very badly.17:20
pavlushka-I am a math graduate, so I am good at calculating the profit but not farming.17:22
Kilosdont skinner bout me17:22
pavlushka-So at the end i had to calculate the loss.17:22
Cryterionhmm, growing things can be difficult, must talk to those plants17:22
Cryterionbut you must have some good people working for you?17:23
CryterionKilos : skinner?17:23
Kilosuse my name in vain17:24
Cryterionwhere, was all positve!17:24
Kilosja thats embarrasing17:24
Kilosi get shy because i did nothing17:25
CryterionWe all Love you Kilos, get over it ;)17:25
pavlushka-Kilos, bad!!  talking native, i dont understand any.17:27
Cryterionwhat irc client do you all use? 17:27
Kilosyou on unity can use hexchat17:28
pavlushka-Its hexchat for me17:28
Kilosthe serious kde guys use quassel17:28
pavlushka-Now androidirc17:28
Kilosi spose you could too Cryterion 17:29
Cryterionxchat atm, think I've used hexchat before, works better than xchat in my opinion17:29
Kilosthen you can bounce with it17:29
Cryterionandchat on phone, but for desktop looking at a ne one17:29
Kilospavlushka- i had pap and boerewors for supper and salad17:29
Kilosnope pan done17:30
Cryteriongrrr, doesn't taste the same17:30
Kilospavlushka- how can you say great when thats native food17:31
Kilosi dont know if you guys have an equivalent for pap17:31
Kilosit i s made from ground up maize17:31
CryterionKilos it's a std delicacy here17:31
Kilosboerewors is a south african sausage17:32
Kilospavlushka- did you read your email17:32
pavlushka-Yep, i was gonna ask17:33
Kilosbeat you17:33
pavlushka-And i guessed boerewors is non veg17:33
pavlushka-Ya, bit clumsy with the tiny phone17:34
Kilosmince and spices and fat put into an intestine17:34
Kilosfat sausage as long as you like17:34
Cryterionit's a long sausage, the ingredients are what make it what it is17:34
Kilosone day when you are rich pavlushka- import some or come taste it here17:35
Kilosdone over coals is the best way but takes time and more effort17:36
KilosCryterion that new chat thing is quite cool hey17:37
CryterionJust send a recipe Kilos17:37
Kilossuperfly you have seen it17:37
Cryterionwhich chat thing?17:37
pavlushka-Sure, i would love to17:37
Kilosoh my17:37
Kiloswas chesedo 17:37
Kilosi get link17:37
Cryterionok, been out all day, so prob missed17:38
inetprothatgraemeguy: I like your reasoning17:38
Cryterionoh, got the email, never got to look yet17:38
pavlushka-I failed bcoz of my bad connection.17:39
Kilospavlushka- you will have to import the packet of herbs and spices17:39
chesedowhat ever it is, i didn't do it :P17:39
inetprogood evening everyone17:39
Kiloshi inetpro 17:39
Cryterionis thatgraemeguy even around inetpro?17:39
chesedohi inetpro17:39
Cryterionhe's away17:39
Cryterionand hi guys17:39
Kilosno afk at night17:39
pavlushka-Good evening inetpro17:39
Cryterionhe upgraded to 16.10 today17:40
chesedoCryterion: did he use a time machine?17:40
pavlushka-Might be17:40
Cryteriondon't know, but he's in an isp, commented on font differences, maybe got the number wrong lol 16.0417:41
Kilosinetpro winter is here at night and mornings hey17:43
Kilostime for serious leathers17:43
Cryterionon it's way, but we didn't really have one last year17:43
inetprotalking about font17:43
* inetpro setting default fixed font to Hack17:43
Kilosoh have those beetles moved on now17:43
CryterionWell us on the east coast didn't17:43
inetproKilos: no man, it was only cold on Sunday and Monday evening17:44
Kilosi get cold in gthe morning opening gates17:44
* inetpro should look out for the beetles again17:44
Kilosand feeding fowls17:44
* Cryterion chases more bugs away17:45
Kilosthey most be gone and left behind eggs for next year17:45
KilosCryterion where are the canles17:45
inetprosuperfly: the Hack font is awesome17:46
Kiloshe is giving us the cold shoulder again17:47
inetproKilos: why?17:48
Kilosmost likely busy17:49
Kilosits too early man17:49
Kilosfor you as well17:49
Kilos40 mins early17:49
Kilosfamily time17:49
pavlushkaSure, goodnight guys17:49
Kilosnight then pavlushka sleep well17:50
inetpropavlushka: sleeping already?17:50
Kilossort your isp tomorrow17:50
inetprogood night pavlushka17:50
Kilosya they weaker there inetpro  no pap17:50
pavlushkaIts 11.50 pm here17:50
Kilosor boeries17:51
inetprowhere's that?17:51
Kilosgo sleep man you night owl17:51
Kilosbangalory ville17:51
inetprowhat's that, India?17:51
Cryterioninetpro bangladesh is a country of it own17:56
inetproCryterion: I know17:56
* inetpro had no idea where bangalory ville was17:57
Kilosi tease them17:57
Kilosstrange i still make friends17:57
inetproKilos: I thought so, but I assumed you meant Bangalore with that :-)17:58
Kiloswhere is bangalore17:59
inetprothe capital of India's southern Karnataka state17:59
Kilosthats the next mission17:59
Kilostrying to wake up india locos17:59
Kilosand you and fly caused all my overloaded work schedule18:00
* inetpro reading about how a high school replaced IRC with Mattermost18:01
Kilosmattermost is quite cool18:01
Kilosbut ill rather close that down than irc18:01
Kilosspose im old fashioned18:02
KilosCryterion did you look at mattermost yet18:02
inetprosee, that's why we need them to build the thing with federation and integration in mind18:02
Kilosbefore the bugs carry you away18:02
Kilostell me inetpro 18:02
Kiloscan one run it locally or is it hosted somewhere else18:03
CryterionKilos I just filled in signup info18:03
inetproKilos: locally would be possible but really doff18:03
Kiloswas a major job that trying the username the way they advise18:04
inetprounless you have an internal network with many people18:04
Kiloswe just use our nicks18:04
inetproKilos: I have no idea what you're talking about18:04
Kilosis the hosting free18:04
Kilosthat was for Cryterion man18:04
Kiloskeep up18:04
* inetpro just filled in email address, username and password18:04
* Kilos ducks18:04
Kilosi tried the username the the way the popup windows says18:05
inetproKilos: you understand how IRC works?18:05
Kilosno i just use it18:05
Kiloswith servers all over yes18:05
superflyinetpro: yes. yes it is. Noto is as well. Kubuntu moved away from Ubuntu to Noto. I'm in font heaven.18:12
Trixar_zaWhat is Mattermost18:12
Trixar_zaOh and hai18:12
Kilosgo see Trixar_za 18:12
inetproKilos: did you look at my link?18:12
Kiloslooking now18:13
inetproTrixar_za: https://mattermost.popey.com/18:13
inetproTrixar_za: or http://www.mattermost.org/ for the real thing18:15
Kilosis it xmpp inetpro 18:15
inetproKilos: no18:15
Kilosso why then18:15
Kiloswhy xmpp irc stuff18:16
* Cryterion starts eating dinner :)18:16
inetproI said that is the type of interconnection that we need with mattermost and irc18:16
Kiloseat slow18:16
Trixar_zaSo it's like IRC with Jabber features and an client advancement?18:16
Kilossavour every mouthful18:16
inetproTrixar_za: it's like slack18:16
inetproan open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative18:16
inetproTrixar_za: have you never used slack?18:20
inetpromattermost.popey.com is running on a 512MB digital ocean droplet18:20
superflyIf instructions ever tell you to "sudo npm -g ..." run for your life. That's a terrible way to install something that's not part of your package manager.18:21
Kiloswhat did you break superfly 18:21
Cryterionrather add the package repository18:22
superflyKilos: nothing, because I never do that.18:22
superflyKilos: but other people do... <Trixar_za> https://github.com/erming/shout18:22
Trixar_zaPoint is - IRC can be made to have similiar features. That can support emoticons, embedded pictures and video (from links), pretty much everything that makes mattermost so special.18:22
Trixar_zaWell, the clients for it anyway18:22
superflyCryterion: or, create a non-priviledged user and install it in the user account, and then create init scripts or systemd thingies18:23
superflyTrixar_za: totally, and I agree with you :-) I'm also not really into slack or mattermost18:23
inetprosuperfly: what's that, Node.js stuff?18:23
superflyinetpro: yes, sortof18:24
inetproTrixar_za: I agree, but IRC does not appeal to many people... not sure why18:24
Cryterionif you don't trust the source, yes agree there superfly, some when you do trust, add repository only then18:25
inetprohaving said that, perhaps I should look into that link of yours above18:25
Trixar_zaThe learning curve probably. But clients can be made to simplify it. I remember this one site from when I was a teen, teenchat, that I'm pretty sure used IRC as a backend. The site just simplified the process of joining and creating channels18:26
Cryterionjust a java or html5 client in a browser now18:26
Trixar_zaStill, I'm pretty sure IRC will always survive somehow. It's too stubborn not to survive18:27
CryterionThe network will always be there, clients will come and go18:28
Kilosi love irc18:28
Kilosand that new thing aint got audio alerts18:29
Kilosand my konversation has emoticons as well18:30
superflyTrixar_za: yeah, I don't think IRC is going to fade away18:33
MaNIits still better at some things then many of the new 'alternatives' it just lacks some shiny gimmicks, probably at some point we will see IRC start to add new features and catch up again18:37
MaNIthe industry usually goes in cycles like that18:37
inetproI have so many groups on whatsapp with so many different people it's sickening18:38
inetproand somehow the masses just use it without needing any training18:38
inetproslack and mattermost just add a little bit more structure to it all 18:38
inetproand integration with other services makes it just an awesome tool to simplify communication and coordination of projects18:38
Kilosinetpro may i have permission to sleep now18:39
inetproanybody have anything against Kilos going to sleep?18:40
Kilosthats better than a why anyway18:40
inetproKilos: go for it18:40
Kilosty inetpro 18:41
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:41
inetprogood night oom18:41
inetprooh I see now where that npm comment from superfly comes from18:50
LangjanHi inetpro hoe gaan dit?18:57
LangjanHave you sorted your bugs out?18:58
Cryterionnope, I got plenty flying around here, you want some?18:59
LangjanNo thks, maybe find somebody who eats them?19:00
CryterionThat's what I'm trying to do....19:01
inetprohi Langjan, not sure whether they are still there19:02
LangjanWhich emoji is :)?19:02
inetpro:) is jsut a colon and a bracket19:03
LangjanHopefully they will be on their way when the cycle of whatever they do is over...19:03
Cryterionnot sure on the emoji's is this better (:19:03
Cryterionascii, always works ;)19:04
LangjanSorry I thought that :) has a meaning that I still need to learn19:04
LangjanNever too old to learn19:04
inetproascii rules them all19:05
Cryterionwhat does it mean to you?19:05
LangjanNothing, just a question mark19:05
Cryterion:) happy ;) wink :( sad etc19:05
LangjanOK thks, will keep that handy19:06
CryterionI still remember looking at ascii artwork, that reminds me, I'll find the link for starwars19:06
Cryterionmaaz: google Starwars Ubuntu Terminal19:07
MaazCryterion: "How to Watch Star Wars in Terminal - Instructables" http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Watch-Star-Wars-in-Terminal/ :: "Watch Star Wars in the Ubuntu terminal - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GZ5OUYooHE :: "Top 10 Linux Easter Eggs | DigitalOcean" https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/top-10-linux-easter-eggs :: "Watch ASCII19:07
MaazStar Wars movie on terminal ubuntu 11.10" http://ubuntuportal.com/2011/10/watch-ascii-star-…19:07
inetpro( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)19:07
Cryteriontelnet towel.blinkenlights.nl19:10
Cryterionin terminal, it waorks19:10
Cryterionmaaz: tell Kilos Put in terminal telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl19:11
MaazCryterion: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:11
* Cryterion sees everyone is watching starwars now19:12
LangjanLink gets a 404 error19:13
LangjanThe one Maaz put up19:14
inetprowhich one?19:14
inetprooh that one has clearly been cut off at the end19:15
inetprocharacter limits 19:15
Langjaninetpro, Kilos tried to help and suggested perhaps you would know, am not getting joy trying to reinstall Google Earth in Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit19:18
inetproLangjan: oh my, you're still on that?19:19
LangjanWelll I gave up last time but yes, still not getting it right19:19
inetprowhat makes you prefer GE over the google maps web interface?19:19
inetprowe've been talking about it here and the general consensus seems to be that it's a waste of time19:20
Langjanperhaps I have not tried to make it work yet, going to outlying areas19:20
inetproat least a waste of time IMHO19:21
inetproin my humble opinion19:21
inetprosomebody, I think superfly, compared it with skype19:21
Cryteriontype in terminal 19:21
Langjanoh, ok - its just been one of my little playgrounds that I go to now and then19:22
Cryterionit's a telnet thing, you need telnet before the addr19:22
inetproCryterion: he's talking about Google Earth now19:22
LangjanStrange that it worked fine until I did the fresh install the other day19:22
Cryterionhate it19:23
inetprowell clearly you need all the dependancies that go with it19:23
Langjaninstalling it or using it?19:23
Langjanthe hate thing19:23
inetproafter all this time it seems google has not learnt to play nice with the open source communities19:24
inetprothey want all of the cake and are not interested in sharing 19:24
LangjanI'm just wondering what happened or changed since a few days ago when it was working19:24
Cryterionthink it needed a few extra packages, one being in email one that wasn't in repository that I had to manually install to get it to work, so I stopped there, as why the F does it need that package19:25
inetprothe right for them would be to submit a proper package in the official repositories19:25
inetproright way*19:25
LangjanAgreed, whats the point of one thats useless19:26
LangjanBetter off without it19:26
Cryterionthe site works fine for me, as does inetpro, so why bother about the app19:27
inetproreminds me of the old days of RPM dependancy hell19:27
Cryterionreminds me of flying eproms around the country19:27
Cryterionit worked!19:28
LangjanIs Google maps web interface something more than just Google maps? 19:28
Cryterionsate images and everything19:28
Cryterionfull functionallity19:29
Cryterionthe app just wants to sky in my opinion19:30
Cryterionspy* sky19:30
inetpronot sure what more you need than sattelite, traffic, transit, terrain19:30
inetproall available on the web interface19:30
Cryterionnormal map is there, even street view19:31
Cryterioncan take a virtual walk down the road on there19:31
LangjanI see what you mean, its all there. Thanks19:31
Cryterionno prob19:31
LangjanNow you tell me! lol19:31
Langjaninetpro,  hope your tree survives19:32
Cryterioninetpro was helping you earlier, I tried to say but only got through now :)19:32
Cryterionsorry inetpro19:33
inetproLangjan: you mean my trees, and I hope so to19:33
inetproCryterion: np19:33
LangjanOK thanks guys, keep up the good work19:33
inetproLangjan: it's actually quite interesting19:33
Cryterionat least it sorted ;)19:33
inetproaround the Heatherdale graveyard there are plenty of these trees19:34
inetproall look very healty19:34
inetproeven got out of the car to go inspect and found no beetles there19:34
inetpronot far away from here19:35
Cryterionyou can even put in specific geo-co-ordinates in the search, and it'll get you there19:35
LangjanI have found if you boost the trees immunity they become much less prone to bug infestation19:36
LangjanSame as with humans19:36
inetproyep, I probably need to look at feeding them a bit 19:37
inetprohi Guest8140719:37
LangjanBest feed is trace elements from rock dust19:37
Cryteriondepends on what you boost them with19:38
Langjanand cheapest19:38
inetproLangjan: interesting idea, not sure what that means19:38
Cryterionvaries from tree to tree19:38
LangjanNature's store of trace elements is in rock, all trees benefit from it, one application lasts for many years19:39
Cryterionwhat tree is it inetpro?19:39
inetproCryterion: Karee19:39
=== Guest81407 is now known as zipper
LangjanI wrote a little booklet, can mail it to you - interesting subject19:40
inetprothat would be Rhus lancea19:40
inetproLangjan: wow, that would be very nice19:40
inetproyou still have my address?19:41
Langjanlet me have your email addres please, I think I did have it but cannot see it now 19:41
Cryterionhas edible berries btw19:41
LangjanKaree? Did'nt know that19:42
Cryterionbrown-yellow berries19:42
CryterionI'm looking it up in one of Kieth Kirsten's books I have on hand19:42
LangjanOk inetpro  will you let me have you email please? 19:43
inetproLangjan: sent you an email19:44
LangjanOK thks19:44
Langjanok the booklet is there19:45
inetprogot it, thanks a mill!19:45
Langjanmy plesier19:46
Cryterionabout the best I can offer right now file:///home/cryterion/Pictures/IMG_20160331_214325.jpg19:46
Cryterionthat's better19:46
LangjanI never spray my fruit trees, when they become vulnerable I just re-introduce some rock dust19:47
inetproCryterion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhus_lancea19:47
inetproLangjan: sounds very very interesting indeed19:48
LangjanIt is, crops like veggies also respond amazingly19:48
inetpromakes sense as well19:48
Cryterionwell now you know, you can you karee jam and send it off to all of us now ;)19:49
LangjanMy wifey will send you the recipe19:49
Cryterionjam is easy, you need the fruit to do it19:50
inetproCryterion: give him your email address as well19:50
inetproam sure you'll enjoy that also19:50
LangjanOr just orward it19:50
Langjanthe booklet19:50
* inetpro don't want to forward without permission19:51
Langjanno prob19:51
Langjanhes right spot-on with good ethics19:51
LangjanOK guys gotta go, enjoy a good night's rest19:52
inetpronag oom19:52
inetproweereens baie dankie!19:52
LangjanGoeienag inetpro en my dank aan jou19:53
Langjan'gnight Cryterion 19:53
Langjanslaap lekker19:53
Cryterionya ook19:54

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