
dkdeolwhere's everybody?00:03
SeldonI'm learning to use gpg. Anyone use it? The gpg --gen-key command ask me to choice between 4 options00:06
Seldon(1) RSA and RSA (default)00:06
reductioSeldon, I use protonmail, have you tried it?00:06
Seldon(2) DSA and Elgamal, (3) DSA (sign only),  (4) RSA (sign only)00:06
k1lSeldon: there is seahorse which is a gui for that00:07
Seldoncan't find a guide to explain to me the difference between them00:08
k1lSeldon: they are different encryption technics.00:08
reductiothey are different crypto algorithms, some people prefer elgamal, buy id say the default is ok00:10
k1lSeldon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto00:10
dkdeolcould someone fix my gstreamer? it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list00:11
k1ldkdeol: which ubuntu exactly? which program exactly?00:12
dkdeolk1l: 15.10 / any gstreamer-based00:12
k1ldkdeol: desktop?`which program _exactly_ ?00:13
dkdeolk1l: xfce; EVERY program00:14
dkdeol(every gstreamer based)00:14
k1ldid you make changes to pulseaudio? did you install the codecs?00:14
Seldonreductio, k1l, i'm interested to the theory too. The howto on the official ubuntu documentation is strictly practical.00:15
k1lwhat does syslog tell about that error?00:15
k1lwhat happens when you start "every" program in terminal? does it produce any errors?00:15
dkdeolk1l: syslog?00:15
k1ldkdeol: you know: details matter a lot. just repeating "my car doesnt work" will not make it easier to help you00:16
dkdeolk1l: in terminal there is no errors00:17
dkdeolk1l: and I have no idea what do you mean by syslog00:17
Seldonfor who is interested to the topic, i found this right now: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/72581/new-pgp-key-rsa-rsa-or-dsa-elgamal00:17
reductioSeldon, the theory gets very complicated, and i don't quite remember the detalis. Its much broader than your question, but in matters crypto i highly recommend dan boneh's MOOC on coursera00:17
k1ldkdeol: /var/log there is syslog and dmesg as logfiles00:17
dkdeolthere is a lot of junk00:18
reductioDoes anyone here have experience with recordmydesktop? I can't get it to record my audio output :( I've tried changing every setting on alsamixer and kmix, with no success...00:20
dkdeoli don't see anything sound-related in syslog00:22
SeldonIt's very late here. See you tomorrow. Thank you all.00:24
poradaxthanks seldon00:25
reductioseeya Seldon00:25
BenderRodriguezBig day for Ubuntu today00:28
poradaxwhy bender00:29
dkdeolwhy the channel is dead?00:31
sabotagebeatsbecause no one needs help rn :)00:31
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wjlafranceMajor Microsoft announcement. Ubuntu is basically being packaged as a Windows app and running on Windows. Not a recompile like cygwin. More like a backwards wine to run ELF on Windows.00:32
sabotagebeatsi heard about that00:33
sabotagebeatswhat does that even mean00:33
wjlafranceFor actual Ubuntu users? Probably nothing. For this channel? Probably a decent amount of new friends.00:34
compdocI heard that too. something about the bash shell when you open a command prompt00:34
sabotagebeatsis that good? lol00:34
sabotagebeatsso wait, is dos going away00:34
sabotagebeatsso you will just have various command line options i'm guessing?00:35
wjlafranceI don't think so. I think it's more like "Ubuntu on top of Windows" in the way that wine is "Windows on top of Linux"00:35
sabotagebeatsone will be unix and one will be powershell and one will be dos?00:35
wjlafranceI'm guessing this is #ubuntu-offtopic territory though00:36
Hydr0p0nXthat's how i read it, ubuntu on top of windows00:36
dkdeolsabotagebeats: what dos00:37
dkdeolcould someone fix my gstreamer? it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list00:38
poradaxhow can i install dolby atmos00:38
Hydr0p0nXback on topic, anyone help w/ automount bluray, dvd, and cd drive ?  I can get blurays to automount by enabling it in settings but dvd's don't, adding to /etc/fstab makes dvd's automount but not bluray ,  4.2.0-34-generic #39~14.04.1-Ubuntu00:40
Hydr0p0nXporadax, what do you mean "install" dolby atmos?00:41
dkdeolwhy the channel is dead?00:49
Hydr0p0nXporadax, atmos requires a source that supports it and (usually) a receiver that can decode and play it back, there's licensing involved in that00:54
Hydr0p0nXif you just want it to play back over HDMI or optical, it's just setting the audio out to bitstream or PCM depending on what your receiver handles better00:55
poradaxso how can i do it00:55
Hydr0p0nXdo you have an atmos capale source?00:55
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intokUbuntu 15.04 64, tried updating Chromium and it tells me that it is in an "inconsistent state" and to try reinstalling it, try that, and it says the same thing, try a removal, same yet again. So now I am left with a Chromium that is completely unusable.00:57
k1lintok: upgrade your system to 15.10, since 15.04 is dead00:58
intokeh, I typed the wrong version00:58
poradaxtry ubuntu 14.04 intok00:59
k1lintok: "lsb_release -d" will show the number00:59
poradaxclick 'about this computer"00:59
intokits 15.10, I just haven't had any previous issues00:59
k1lintok: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade01:00
k1lintok: afterwards please mark the output and copy it to paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here01:00
poradaxsudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade|pastebin01:01
HetroErectuskil: i use regular chrome btw, for the ability to play online video which alot lacks in chromium01:02
HetroErectusid just remove chromium and install chrome01:02
k1lchromium can play online videos too.01:02
HetroErectusit can but several sites it cant01:03
HetroErectusnetflix forexample didnt run01:03
HetroErectuscause it use copyrighted video which chromium is allergic too01:04
HetroErectuswhich is fine in a way, but since i use netflix i had to make the switch01:04
HetroErectusoh sorry, my messages were for intok01:10
HetroErectusanyway thats my suggestion01:10
intokheres the current error dump http://pastebin.com/vLvJVRMg01:13
k1lintok: sudo apt purge chromium-browser01:14
intokStill errored on purge http://pastebin.com/WN6ZMydV01:16
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k1lintok: sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq chromium-browser01:17
mykhailykHey, do you guys consider Ubuntu as an Operating System? Or only Linux kernel is an operating system ?01:19
k1lmykhailyk: such philosophic questions are better suited in #ubuntu-offtopic :)01:20
floopsiHey all.01:22
dkdeolcould someone fix my gstreamer? it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list01:24
Revian1I have an app that seems to prevent the computer from shutting down. I hit the shutdown button and the computer goes to a black screen and stays there until I hit the power button, then shuts down. The app is Plank (Ubuntu repos). How do I solve this?01:27
Revian1I'm guessing Plank doesn't exit cleanly01:27
CodeS3chow to remove EFI partition in ubuntu ?01:28
Revian1!info plank01:29
ubottuplank (source: plank): Elegant, simple, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.1-1 (wily), package size 35 kB, installed size 235 kB01:29
dkdeolwhy the channel is dead?01:33
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wafflejockRevian1: should probably just search for or file a bug with plank if you're sure it only happens when that's running02:09
Revian1wafflejock: I'm pretty sure. I try to remember to exit Plank before a shutdown and the issue disappears. That, and others have stated the same experience.02:10
wafflejockRevian1: someone on SO said it happened to them with that program too http://askubuntu.com/questions/558975/ubuntu-hanging-on-shutdown-reboot02:11
wafflejockRevian1: no upvotes so not sure if it really works but they posted a possible workaround02:11
Revian1wafflejock: Oh, nice. Thank you!02:11
wafflejocknp let me know if it works out or not02:12
wafflejockalways curious for future reference, personally using Gnome and Dash to Dock extension right now... oh is Plank a new version of Docky?02:13
Revian1wafflejock: Ah, yes, I see the reference to Plank and the solution looks to be a good one. Thanks again02:15
wafflejockyup no prob, looks like Plank and Docky are just similar but not the same exactly can't tell though02:16
WicaeedWhen using NIC bonding, does the balance-rr option require any special switch configurations to recognize the bond? Will balance-rr bonding work if you have one port (of a dual port NIC) on a separate TOR switch?02:16
WicaeedI imagine with using the 802.3ad option and wanted to do a cross-switch LACP config, you are required to run either Cisco VPC or an MLAG on the upstream switches02:17
dkdeolmy gstreamer has suddenly broken. it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list02:18
feneconone of the nvidia drivers worked :(02:22
Revian1wafflejock: Yes! Adding the line 'X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=13' to the .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart works perfectly :)02:24
Bashing-omfeneco: What card ? Hybrid graphics ?02:24
wafflejockRevian1: sweet! :) glad to hear it02:24
fenecoBashing-om: nvidia gtx 56002:25
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Bashing-omfeneco: I dount what I find .. lemme double check .. what returns ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga  ' ?02:28
zandubaAlguém do Brasil?02:35
dkdeolwhere's everyone?02:36
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:36
zandubai'm asking the same thing02:36
zandubaThanks ubottu02:36
fenecoBashing-om: http://termbin.com/vd2f02:36
Bashing-omfeneco: I am convinced. see: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/101423/en-us . Nvidia recommends the 361 version driver . only available in PPA or in 16.04 .02:40
fenecoBashing-om: can't I install manually?02:40
Bashing-omfeneco: By manually you mean as a download from nvidia ? that is the means of last resort .02:41
krabadorubunìtu devs made an official ppa for nvidia drivers02:42
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SchrodingersScatofficial ppa? that sounds conflicted02:42
Bashing-omkrabador: A fact ^ and they have the 361 version driver .02:43
fenecoBashing-om: I see, but I can't get the nvidia driver to work via additional utility on 14.04, so I gotta try to install manually02:43
fenecoI tried all the available options, and all led to the same situation02:44
krabadorthat https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa02:44
fenecoand I can't do anything02:44
Bashing-omfeneco: That is easy peasy .. IF an OEM install has not been attempted .02:44
fenecobut to tell you the truth, I have no hope it will work with the 361, I tried all official options and didn't work02:46
lee_G750jmhello all02:46
Bashing-omfeneco: Faint heart never won fair operating system .02:47
lee_G750jmany familiar with apparmor02:47
fenecoas the next release of Ubuntu is so close, I think I will wait a bit, and try again later02:47
fenecofor now, I can use nouveau02:47
Bashing-omfeneco: If you are gamming .. the 352 version driver may have  limited vdpau decoding support .02:48
fenecoI plan do some gaming Bashing-om02:48
fenecoso, better option should be wait a bit for 16.04 release02:49
Ben64or use the ppa shown above02:49
Ben64or, install 16.04 now02:49
Bashing-omfeneco: K, 16.04 repo does contain the 361 driver . http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia-361&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all .02:49
fenecowhat would be the difference between nvidia-driver and nvidia-driver updates?02:50
Bashing-omfeneco: Minor patches . Else would be a new version number .02:51
fenecoBashing-om: so I just download the .deb and install?02:53
Ben64no no no02:53
fenecoBen64: why not?02:53
Ben64because you're not on 16.0402:53
fenecoso I should not install these drivers on 14.04?02:57
Ben64feneco: the nvidia drivers for linux added support for the GTX 560 nearly 5 years ago, in version 275.09.0702:57
Ben64so the ones in 14.04 will work02:57
dkdeolmy gstreamer has suddenly broken. it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list02:57
fenecoBen64: the problem is that they aren't working, so should be something else, I guess02:59
JUDAS_GOATi was p stoked to see Amazon selling Ubuntu Notebooks and Tablets02:59
Ben64feneco: is it a desktop? laptop? multiple graphics cards?02:59
JUDAS_GOATanyway the free shipping alone...also You get $15 credit, how could you not sign up? https://www.amazon.com/gp/prime?_encoding=UTF8&ref=mrp_10002_shr_cpbd_rf_d&refcust=NAYMSO7HV45IDDZ3I6QUFUHRCE02:59
Ben64JUDAS_GOAT: stop that02:59
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fenecoBen64: it's a desktop, only the nvida gtx 56003:00
Ben64feneco: then it will work03:00
fenecoBen64: when I use the additional drivers utility to install and reboot, after the login screen, the desktop freezes03:00
fenecoso it's not working03:00
Ben64what do you mean the desktop freezes03:01
fenecoBen64: yes, also the mouse and keyboard don't work, and the unity sidebar gets default color, no transparency03:02
Ben64maybe try using not unity03:03
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fenecoit's what's built in03:05
Bashing-omfeneco: Are you fully updated ?03:05
fenecoBashing-om: yes03:05
Spiderunity is the best thing thing to hit a computer screen since the mouse cursor03:07
feneconothing against Unity, it works well with nouveau, but some animations lags, something I don't expect on a GTX56003:08
Spideri was joking btw03:08
dkdeolwhy is this channel dead?03:11
fenecofor now I will wait the 16.04 release03:11
fenecothen try again03:11
fenecothank you Ben64  Bashing-om03:12
fenecothanks krabador03:12
Ben64feneco: it probably won't change anything...03:12
SchrodingersScatdkdeol: it comes and goes like the tide, no one can explain it, like the tide.03:13
fenecoBen64: if ti doesn't work, I will try another distro03:13
Ben64feneco: or you can solve it now03:13
fenecowhat else could I do?03:13
Spiderdkdeol, the chan is dead because everyone is too busy enjoying windows 1003:13
fenecoBen64: any ideas on what could I try now?03:13
Ben64i already gave you a suggestion03:14
Spidertry ubuntu mate03:15
fenecoBen64: to use this https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa or install 16.04 beta?03:15
Ben64yep, or not use unity03:15
dkdeoli remember in 2013 people were chatting nonstop here03:16
Spidermate is actually decent03:16
Ben64dkdeol: this isn't a chat channel, it's support03:16
SchrodingersScat!support | dkdeol03:16
ubottudkdeol: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com03:16
fenecoBen64: after adding this ppa, the driver will show up on additional drivers utility?03:19
Ben64maybe. you could install the package by name though03:19
dkdeolmy gstreamer has suddenly broken. it doesn't produce any sound and isn't shown in the mixer app list03:24
dkdeolyear of linux on desktop my $%^03:26
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fenecoBen64: what do you mean by not use unity?03:35
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krabadorfeneco, a pleasure.03:39
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jwashhi everyone, i can connect to services like my znc and ftp server on my local network on my server, but not from outside. my router is successfully forwarding other services to other computers, any ideas where ican start checking to resolve the issue?03:53
jwashi disable my firewall and still get nothing from the outside03:53
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greydronHi guys. Could you recommend me where I could find any site which explains IRC at beginner level?04:12
Triffid_Huntergreydron: hmm, like RFC1459?04:14
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de-factoWTF? *Native* ubuntu linux programs like bash on windows 10 without virtual machine? http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/03/ubuntu-on-windows.html04:35
gr33nbitsany way already to control radeon opensource drivers fan speed?04:35
flybackis it hard to recompile the whole distro with cpu specific optimizations?04:35
de-factois that an early april fools joke or do those guys at MS really open to the linux worlds?04:36
flybackOH FUCK ME04:36
flybackI HATE APRIL 1ST04:36
flybackcause it's days and days04:36
flybackand days and days04:36
flybackof not being able to read news04:36
flybackI HATE IT04:36
* flyback blames canada04:36
flybackguess I am getting old04:38
flybackjust don't find it funny anymore04:38
de-factoflyback if you really are after recompiling a whole distro you will probably waste a load of more time and energy than if you just go for the binaries for your arch04:38
daxwhat on earth04:39
dave0x6dDid something just come out?04:39
flybackthat's what she said?04:40
dave0x6dGot a notice about userspace Ubuntu on Win10.04:40
flybackyeah that was on slash earlier04:40
flybackeither amazing or I smell a canuck04:40
daxflyback: #ubuntu, as you are very much aware, is for Ubuntu technical support. Take the other nonsense elsewhere.04:40
daxNoteOn: don't notice the channel, thanks04:40
dave0x6ddax: is NoteOn an OP?04:41
daxdave0x6d: no04:42
dave0x6dOh. Can't you disable notices?04:42
daxdave0x6d: no04:42
gr33nbitsstill no way to control radeon fan speed with opensource drivers i guess, sadly have to change profile to low or Ubuntu will burn the card04:43
NoteOnnotice? sorry im not good for english..04:43
daxNoteOn: don't do whatever you did to send "From the Canyon Edge: Ubuntu on Windows -- The Ubuntu Userspace for Windows Developers" to the channel, then04:44
NoteOnok ic.04:45
* flyback notes dax must not been laid longer than him04:45
jak2000win10 on ubuntu?04:50
jak2000how to work this?04:50
cfhowlettjak2000, wait for the official announce like the rest of us04:50
cfhowlettalso: note the date04:50
KnownSyntaxMaybe one day, Windows will be a hybrid OS, part Linux, part DOS, but full open sourced.04:50
cfhowlettin the meantime, in the real world, the topic of this channel is ubuntu support.04:51
jak2000in win 10 display a cion named: ubuntu?04:54
cfhowlettjak2000, ask #windows about ubuntu support on windows04:54
reisiojak2000: a cion?04:55
daxjak2000: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support. #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss are for non-support chat.04:55
reisiojak2000: your question is hard to interpret04:58
jak2000dax ok04:58
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dixiannyshoepphi, anyone knows how to update the system using a folder? have a folder with updated packages. and actualize the system with that folder.05:20
cfhowlettdixiannyshoepp, what kind of packages?? and why not use the standard update process?05:21
dixiannyshoepp<cfhowlett> deb packages. I want to create a URL to a folder and use it as a repository.05:23
dixiannyshoeppcfhowlett, deb packages. I want to create a URL to a folder and use it as a repository.05:23
cfhowletthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal, dixiannyshoepp05:24
jsgrantIf there is a "Ubuntu Certification" webpage, does that likely mean that the uefi implementation and hardware is good-to-go for most other Unix-like Linux Distros?05:28
jsgrantPage of interest, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201305-13633/05:28
cfhowlettjsgrant, that page references *ubuntu* not other OS.05:28
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jsgrantcfhowlett: Well, yeah, but the inference I think is a relatively reasonable one to make?05:29
jsgrantThe "Standard images of Ubuntu may not work at all on the system or may not work well, though Canonical and computer manufacturers will try to certify the system with future standard releases of Ubuntu." bit has me a bit worried, either way.05:30
dixiannyshoeppcfhowlett, gracias05:30
cfhowlettdixiannyshoepp, happy2help!05:30
jsgrantBut I'm assuming that's just a compulsory line of legalese.05:31
cfhowlettjsgrant, that alone should be sufficient to inform that other OS are not covered by the certification.  long story short, make a test USB of your favorite OS, go to the store and boot it up.05:31
cfhowlettor select a known *nix friendly device05:32
jsgrantcfhowlett: Well not to be covered by certification, yeah, but fair. I guess the kicker is seeing if that box of interest is on the floor, and too if I a worker will allow me to boot inot a live session. :^P But, I guess if it's worth the effort I'll TIAS regardless, yeah.05:33
cfhowlettoh, you mean *ask* permission?   :)05:33
shinodaHi, can anyone tell me how to turn off the dragging effect that takes place when you hold Alt on a window? It interferes with my usage of a program05:34
jsgrantYeah, as said though, not even sure if it's on the floor to go the good-boy route or not; Just saw the box on-sale for a "good enough" 300 usd. Says "in-store only", but that doens't mean there's a display unit out. :^P05:35
cfhowlettjsgrant, if there's a service counter, ask to see the display model?05:38
cfhowlettI choose a demo model in an obscure corner and go to town :)05:38
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jsgrantcfhowlett: Yeah, this shop I go to is typically pretty educated; So if they have a box up and running, they'll probably have a guy that would let me do everything above board and that.05:40
cfhowlettsweet!  I'd suggest a actual live session test then.05:41
jsgrantStill eyeing up if this box is the best bang for buck, I can pick up next-day. I'm between that, or just trying to live off a RPi3 as a desktop. Which isn't horrid, but the lack of mem is horrid.05:41
jsgrantWow, I'm doing that sleep-deprived, echo phrasing thing. :^I05:42
hateballshinoda: http://askubuntu.com/questions/521423/how-can-i-disable-altclick-window-dragging05:43
shinodaHow do I get newly installed programs to show up in my Unity Dash?05:53
baizonshinoda: they will show up automatically after dash has done a refresh, or you can log out and back in to make it manually05:56
unicornjediI need some help with kodi,,. Their support channel are like barren. Can someone PM me?06:07
cfhowlettunicornjedi, kodi?  not an ubuntu OS so not supported here06:07
hateballcfhowlett: You can run Kodi on Ubuntu06:08
unicornjedicfhowlett: kodi is based off ubuntu... Im asking for a PM06:08
unicornjediso I don't clog this channel06:08
hateballI am assuming this is Kodi the media player?06:08
unicornjedihateball: sure?06:09
unicornjedican you pm me? if you know about it?06:09
hateballunicornjedi: Well is the problem running Kodi on Ubuntu, or is the problem running another distro specifically built for running Kodi?06:09
unicornjedithe latter?06:10
unicornjedithis is pointless goodbye06:10
reisiowell he was right06:11
cfhowlettwell - that escalated quickly06:11
reisioit is pointless to not specify the problem06:11
newbsduserhello, iam looking for a test utility for generating accounting requests for freeradius server, i tried radtest but it generates authentication requests... i also asked it in freeradius channel but i wanted to ask it here, too06:17
cfhowlettperhaps a question for #ubuntu-server ... as I have zero idea what you are talking about ...06:18
Scootyubuntu on windows 10, what does that really do?06:20
hateball!ot | Scooty06:21
ubottuScooty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:21
cfhowlettScooty, wait for official announcement and release.06:21
Scooty@cfhowlett I guess I'll have to, if no one knows about it...cygwin came to my mind quickly and I wonder if there are significant advantages06:23
cfhowlettScooty, consider it to be in beta at present.  we will see.06:24
cfhowlettklasa1it, we see you.  ask your ubuntu question06:24
trento_fansomeone recently told told me; 'linux is best best when you're drunk, and windows is best when you're sober.'06:29
trento_fanthank god i'm drunk alot06:30
trento_fan- 1 best06:30
cfhowlett!ot | trento_fan please06:30
ubottutrento_fan please: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:30
Scootycfhowlett, thanks06:33
cfhowletthappy2help! Scooty06:33
Tetsuo55hello, could you help me update my ubuntu 14.04 git version from 1.9.1 to 2.8.y06:47
kulelu88How do I 'correctly' setup a network bridge for an LXC container ? Both my container and host are ubuntu 14.0406:51
kulelu88_crazy_girl_: why are you sending private messages?07:00
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Raikiabash is coming to windows 10 :-o whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat07:03
somsip!ot | Raikia07:05
ubottuRaikia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:05
Raikiayes, i am aware, if you read the article, canonical is helping msft with it, hence why its relevant to ubuntu07:05
cfhowlettits beta so not supported here07:06
cfhowlettso OT07:06
kulelu88it's a support channel, not a banter one. that 1 is #ubuntu-offtopic07:06
somsipRaikia: it's not an ubuntu support issue though, so please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic07:06
kulelu88is the flockport method the only way of creating a network bridge: https://www.flockport.com/lxc-networking-guide/ ?07:09
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HanIt seems flockport is just a nice frontend.07:18
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lee_G750jmhello all07:23
yellabs-r2nice to see you07:23
yellabs-r2ask if you have a quest07:23
stacy-need help with a joomla template07:23
stacy-hi yellabs.. can you please help me with joomla?07:24
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kulelu88stacy-: try #joomla07:24
stacy-kuleu88.. i havent had a response from #joomla for 3 days07:24
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Guest76635i have a bootable usb how can i format that ?07:25
Guest76635i have a bootable usb how can i format that ?07:25
Guest76635i have a bootable usb how can i format that ?07:25
yellabs-r2i dont know joomla that well, more a wordpress fan07:26
daxstacy-: that doesn't make joomla on-topic for here07:26
stacy-any joomla part time expert in here? please message me07:26
dm_hi i am dm could you please give me a linux registration code?07:27
Guest76635i have a bootable usb how can i format that ?07:28
Guest76635in terminal07:28
dm_i have a hardware question but must get a registration code for linux mint07:28
daxdm_: so ask the Linux Mint people? This is #ubuntu07:28
daxGuest76635: mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdXY, adjust XY to the relevant partition label07:28
dm_yeah wish i was still running unbuntu07:28
llutzdm_: its still free, get a copy and install07:29
kulelu88stacy-: I'll see if I can help. let me join joomla channel07:29
Guest76635dax, how can i know my usb name in terminal ?07:29
stacy-thanks kulelu07:29
stacy-kulelu..can you also suggest some other content managagers for use with ubuntu07:30
dm_think i will, I really preferred it to the mint esp cinnamon07:30
yellabs-r2there is someone for you in joomla channel07:30
geirhaGuest76635: sudo fdisk -l07:30
yellabs-r2good luck07:30
trijntjeGuest76635: you should be able to format a disk from the file manager07:32
geirhaGuest76635: That lists all hard drives, including usb ones07:32
thibaud_Question. Why is Ubuntu distributed insecurely by default? The download page with ISO, checksums, and signatures is served over plain HTTP, http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.4/ . And the key server hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com uses HKP which uses HTTP on TCP port 11371 which is plain text too. It's the TOFU problem of trust on first use.07:32
Guest76635i cant forrmat from file manager07:33
trijntjethibaud_: ease of use I'd guess, if you want a secure download you can use the torrent download07:33
Guest76635 /dev/sdb1p207:34
thibaud_The workaround is to manually go over HTTPS to https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xEFE21092 but the average user won't know.07:34
Guest76635 /dev/sdb1p207:34
Guest76635what should i do to format from terminal i have 2 part07:35
llutzthibaud_: the average user doesn't care07:35
trijntjeGuest76635: install gparted, its a graphical program to format stuff. If you do it from the terminal you might mess up07:35
geirhaGuest76635: Doesn't look like you're on ubuntu there ...07:35
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thibaud_llutz: correct, the average user doesn't care. But it's irresponsible for Canonical to provide a major Linux distribution insecurely by default.07:36
trijntjethibaud_: but I agree its silly to use http, maybe you can file a bug against the ubuntu website?07:36
llutzthibaud_: so go and inform canonical about that07:36
thibaud_trijntje: Yes, I will.07:36
Guest76635geirha, i am on ubuntu07:37
thibaud_llutz: I will file a bug report. I have seen lots of complaints on forums though. I am starting to believe it is done on purpose as a backdoor for state agents.07:37
thibaud_Most of their website is served over HTTPS (good), whereas the critical part - ISO, checksums, signatures, keys - are served insecurely.07:37
trijntjethibaud_: meh, unlikely, clever people can use torrent to download ubuntu, which has built-in checksums07:37
Guest76635i dont have a good internet at moment07:38
Guest76635how can i do that in terminal07:38
thibaud_trijntje: what about the average user? If we want non techie people to adopt Linux and Ubuntu then we must do so securely. And if we talk about security then we must take care of that part too.07:39
trijntjethibaud_: I agree, I was just refering to your comment about evil state agents. Most users don't even verify the md5sum07:39
thibaud_It's one more argument against Canonical.07:40
trijntjeif you don't trust canonical, you cant use ubuntu anyway07:40
hateballSometimes I wonder why !ot even exists07:40
llutzthibaud_: non-techie people give a s.... on thinks like security07:40
thibaud_trijntje: Yes, there are many problems with Canonical and Ubuntu, non free software, breach of privacy, etc.07:41
trijntjebut again, I agree that canonical is wrong to serve these files over http, so please file a bug07:41
thibaud_llutz: so it is up to us to let non techie people about the risks of downloading Ubuntu insecurely07:42
thibaud_lluts: * to let them know07:42
trijntjeand I also agree with hateball that this should be in #ubuntu-offtopic07:42
Guest76635sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1p107:42
Guest76635mke2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)07:42
Guest76635Could not stat /dev/sdb1p1 --- No such file or directory07:42
thibaud_why is this offtopic?07:43
llutzthibaud_: this is for technical support07:43
cfhowlettthibaud_, this is the support channel.07:43
thibaud_Are the Download page and VerifyIsoHowto not part of tech support?07:44
cfhowlettthibaud_, you obviously feel passionately about this.  suggest you 1.  file a bug  2. propose the fix.    ranting / complaining in this channel *will not* lead to changes.07:45
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found07:45
Guest76635Could not stat /dev/sdb1p1 --- No such file or directory07:45
Guest76635sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1p107:45
Guest76635mke2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)07:45
Guest76635Could not stat /dev/sdb1p1 --- No such file or directory07:45
trijntjethibaud_: bashing canonical isn't, just discuss it it offtopic please07:45
thibaud_cfhowlett: Mostly, I wanted a confirmation from techie people that this problem is indeed present. I'll do as suggested. Thanks.07:45
geirhaGuest76635: /dev/sdb1p1 is not a valid device node in ubuntu07:46
cfhowletthappy2help! thibaud_07:46
trijntjeGuest76635: you are going to wreck your system, I agree with geirha: your not even running ubuntu07:46
Guest76635what do you say this ?07:47
Guest76635i am on ubuntu 14.0407:47
trijntjeGuest76635: what is the output of lsb_release -a07:47
geirhaGuest76635: then where did you get /dev/sdb1p1 from?07:47
Guest76635No LSB modules are available.07:47
Guest76635Distributor ID:Ubuntu07:47
Guest76635Description:Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS07:47
llutzGuest76635:  /dev/sdb1p1 is a partitioned partition, how did you create that?07:48
cfhowlettinception partitioning ... ?07:48
Guest76635my friend got my usb flash07:48
trijntjeare you on a raspberry pi? I think they use the p1 format07:48
Guest76635he has xp07:48
Guest76635windows xp07:48
cfhowlettoff-topic *and* a dead OS.  your friend is not helping here ...07:48
Guest76635i see my usb flash in this mode now07:48
Guest76635i used sudo fdisk -l07:49
trijntjeGuest76635: install gparted, its much easier to use07:49
llutzGuest76635: is there anything on the usb-flash you still need? if not, just remove all partitions using fdisk and create 1 primary new07:50
trijntjeit will show you your own harddisk and the usb drives, and let you format it any way you want07:50
Guest76635dev/sdb contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table.  However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should.  Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables.  Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an msdos partition table.  Is this a GPT partition table?07:52
Guest76635what is problem i see when i open gparted07:52
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Guest76635dev/sdb contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table.  However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should.  Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables.  Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an msdos partition table.  Is this a GPT partition table?07:55
rocketeerHi, PowerTOP claims that my latop is eating nearly ten watts for the wifi alone: p 9.16 W     94.4 pkts/s                Device         Network interface: wlan0 (iwlwifi)07:56
cfhowlettGuest76635, sudo gdisk -l07:56
Guest76635GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.807:58
Guest76635Problem opening -l for reading! Error is 2.07:58
Guest76635The specified file does not exist!07:58
Guest76635what should i do ?07:58
cfhowlettno mention of gpt?07:58
rocketeerInterestingly, it claims that the laptop as a whole is only consuming 9.09 watts, so clearly something is amiss. power statistics (from the dash) gives a third (and seemingly unrelated) number. Any ideas?07:59
Guest76635i dont know what is problem on my usb flash07:59
cfhowlettGuest76635, this is an ubuntu boot USB?07:59
Guest76635cfhowlett, yes08:00
Guest76635what should i do?08:00
cfhowlettthen it should not even be formatted ext4!  delete all partitions, format the drive as ntfs / fat32 and use the startup disk creator to make a proper ubuntu USB08:01
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:01
Guest76635cfhowlett, i just need to format that08:02
cfhowlettsee the link08:02
Guest76635i created it bootable i need to fornat that08:02
cfhowlettyou did it wrong08:02
Guest76635i need to run in terminal08:04
Guest76635i need to delete all data on it08:04
Guest76635but i cant08:04
RongXianwhich command to search user?08:04
llutzRongXian: getent passwd <username>08:05
RongXiani mean irc08:06
RongXianllutz: thanks anyway08:10
soupnanodesukarIs this for real, or am I being april fooled? https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/5378288908:17
soupnanodesukarI've been seeing Windows supports Linux natively stuff for the last 24 hours.08:18
hateballThat's great, do you have an Ubuntu support question?08:18
soupnanodesukarEither this has to be most elaborate April fools joke ever, or Microsoft has lost its marbles.08:18
Seveassoupnanodesukar: if it's an april fools, they have the right people on the inside of it. Very credible people are talking about their work with it.08:19
Seveasbut we won't know until tomorrow, so let's stick to ubuntu-on-linux support for now :)08:19
soupnanodesukarOh, okay. I honestly thought it was a joke.08:20
ubottuCanonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality has not yet been released. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.08:21
mia_Hi all, how can I list all of the devices that are connected to the same router via ubuntu08:21
mia_it does not have to be a console command08:21
lotuspsychjeMyrtti: tnx for the trigger :p08:21
mia_can be an app as well I'll be using it through the desktop interface08:22
Myrttilotuspsychje: not mine ;-)08:22
lotuspsychjeMyrtti: for spread then :p08:22
Myrttidon't overdo it tho :-P08:22
lotuspsychjeMyrtti: wanna join discuss also?08:22
Myrttilotuspsychje: I would, if I'd be interested to discuss it :-P08:22
lotuspsychjelike you wish08:23
MyrttiI've not used Windows for over 10 years, so my knowledge and interest on the subject is limited to 'aha"08:24
macopythonIs there a way to remove current command output ? I used echo -e "\033c\e[3J" but it all previous command history. Any help ?08:24
Myrttimacopython: 'clear'08:25
macopythonIt keeps previous history of same command08:25
hateballmacopython: I gave you a suggestion yesterday which you promptly ignored08:25
lotuspsychjeMyrtti: its not for that i asked to join discuss, because other volunteers have gathered there :p08:25
macopythonhateball what was that ? I might did it by mistake.08:26
hateballmacopython: "cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit"08:26
hateballmacopython: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/191999/how-to-clear-bash-history-completely08:26
macopythonI want to clean screen output08:27
macopythonof current command08:27
macopythonI don't want to clear history08:27
hateballThen I don't get what you're asking, if neither "clear" or deleting bash history does what you're trying to do08:28
macopythonLet me show you08:30
llutzmacopython:you mean if you run "cmd1 ; cmd2 ; cmd3" you want to clear only output of cmd2 but keep all the rest?08:30
hateballmacopython: If you don't want to show the output of a command, you can redirect it to /dev/null08:31
hateballsuch as "ls > /dev/null"08:32
macopythonI have python utility which gets data from server every 2 second. At a time screen shows command of output but if you scroll up it shows old output too.08:32
macopythonCurrently I am using "clear"08:32
macopythonWhich just gives me feel of live updating data but the previous data remains on screen buffer08:33
hateballReduce the backscroll in your terminal, or have the python app issue clear before outputting new results then08:33
macopythonI am clearing previous output using "clear" from python08:34
zzarrhello! I have bought a laptop of a friend, I'm going to install a ssd in it, I was wondering if I should use full disk encryption or not08:35
soupnanodesukarmacopython: use subprocess.Popen and don't pass stdout to the subprocess. Use the returned value's communicate method.08:35
lotuspsychjezzarr: your own choice, do you need encryption?08:36
macopythonsoupnanodesukar: Subprocess to execute "clear" comand ?08:36
zzarrlotuspsychje, I know, but is it stable?08:37
macopythonsoupnanodesukar: See the idle behavior at http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=2016033015uQqMoPvZ7Fcek6JlNrAAN7&file=output_XTdcwh.gif08:37
zzarrI have read much about issues with corruption08:37
zzarrI don't need encryption, but I thought I'd test it08:38
lotuspsychjezzarr: encryption should work fine...08:38
macopythonI executed ltop command, it showed real time output. When I press Ctrl + C to stop it. It hides everything and just display ltop: Goodbye08:38
lotuspsychjezzarr: but if you not really need it, i would not go for it08:38
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zzarrlotuspsychje, no, you're right08:40
lotuspsychjezzarr: in my opinion, sensitive data should not be on a daily use pc but stored external08:41
zzarrlotuspsychje, in that case I'm doing it right in your opinion, nice to hear :-)08:42
pewmuhlotuspsychje: i agree with sensitive data being stored externally, would you recommend VeraCrypt?08:43
zzarrI thought of it more like a test of a feature then that I really need to protect my data08:44
mcphailmacopython: if you want to fully control what is shown or removed from the terminal, you may require to program something with the (n)curses library or read a lot about terminal control codes. Neither is a simple task and is going to take some time and effort on your part08:44
lotuspsychjepewmuh: didnt test this before, cant find on repos?08:44
pewmuhit's a fork of TrueCrypt08:45
macopythonmcphail: I see08:45
llutzpewmuh: it wasn't audited yet, so either you trust it and use it, or not08:46
pewmuhllutz: true08:46
mcphailmacopython: remember the standard terminal just mimics a line-fed printer08:47
macopythonmcphail: Ok.08:50
pewmuhthe output of "sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdb1" on my encrypted flash drive using DISKS in Trusty shows the hash spec being sha1 ...what the frig? this isn't 2005!08:50
nrosvallso, ubuntu is coming to windows 1008:51
macopythonllutz, mcphail, hateball, soupnanodesukar, Myrtti: Thanks all for help08:51
nrosvallthat is. weird.08:51
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | nrosvall08:52
ubottunrosvall: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality has not yet been released. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.08:52
macopythonubottu: Wow08:52
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/08:52
macopythonEventually Microsoft may acquire Ubuntu :)08:52
nrosvallHope not.08:53
macopythonWhy not nrosvall?08:53
macopythonUbuntu is great but I heard that canonical is not doing well financially08:53
lotuspsychjek1l: can you check if this is normal behaviour on ubottu: wow ?08:54
mcphailmacopython: nrosvall: please follow the bot's instructions. This discussion is not on-topic in this channel08:54
llutzlotuspsychje: "wow" from world of warcraft08:54
mcphaillotuspsychje: old world of warcraft factoid08:54
nrosvallWell canonical sucks at selling anything, I think.08:54
macopythonSure mcphail. Sorry for that08:54
anes_pafriends , can use sqlite3 for an app which distributed through .deb packages?08:54
nrosvallmcphail, true, sorry08:54
lotuspsychjellutz, mcclurmc but should it spam in channel with a !trigger?08:55
k1llotuspsychje: yep, that is normal behaviour.08:55
llutzlotuspsychje: ? ubottu was addressed08:55
Myrttianes_pa: most probably yes, unless they've done stuff wrong08:55
macopythonBy "Wow" I mean to say "I wondered"08:56
macopythonNothing related to World of Warcraft08:56
anes_paMyrtti:  my application is a daisy player08:56
anes_paMyrtti: i need to store the Recently played books08:56
llutzmacopython: unfortunately the bot makes no difference :)08:56
macopythonllutz: I see08:57
josemotanethi everyone, i'm getting a hash sum mismatch for some sources. Is anyone facing the same issue as of today?08:57
adrian_1908hello. If I have a  "failed to fetch (...) Hash Sum mismatch" during apt-get update, it's usually something temporary to just wait out, right?08:57
anes_paMyrtti: the application normally use pickle for purpose08:57
anes_paMyrtti:  but if we use sqlite3 is it good?08:57
k1ladrian_1908: yes08:57
adrian_1908ok, thanks.08:58
anes_paMyrtti:problem is i don't know it's exact usage08:58
Myrttianes_pa: I can only give you an answer on that on general level. If they've not done things stupidly, if the app is built to require sqlite3 and you've installed sqlite3 via package management, and the audio app via deb, it probably should work unless they've done things horribly wrong08:58
anes_paMyrtti:  we need to create database programmatically?09:00
Myrttianes_pa: I've never used the app you're talking about, or know how it's used. All I said was that if the app requires sqlite3, it probably works fine with the one installed from the package management. If you want help with an app that can't be installed via the normal routes, you need to ask for support from them.09:01
ZoderUgg2i have a mod_mono apache configuration that works with monoserver4, and if i disable the mod_mono  then the  configured fastcgi php does work.   I would like to make sure if .php then  fastcgi should work, now the .php is catched by the mono mod09:06
ZoderUgg2who could help with mono server as fastcgi?09:10
hateballZoderUgg2: Seems more likely in #apache or #ubuntu-server09:10
ZoderUgg2aha ok09:10
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pblockHi, I was using LDAP user account but LDAP server crashed this morning. Is it still possible to use my account? I still have my home directory.09:22
NTQWhat do you think about Plesk as an administration interface for an Ubuntu server?09:23
mantradomacopython: you could always exit the terminal and come back in09:24
kLOsanyon ehere using ssmtp with gmail?09:30
kLOssince today i'm getting auth error for some reason :-/09:30
llutzkLOs: get a app-specific password from gmail, use that09:31
kLOsi have that09:31
kLOsi'm using it for ages but just today it stopped working09:31
kLOsi'm reading something about missign tls certificates but not sure if that the issue09:31
kLOsalso not sure why simply today it stops working...09:31
unlokerdAlguien Español?...09:32
Myrtti!es | unlokerd09:32
ubottuunlokerd: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:32
SeveaskLOs: did you set you raccount to enable less secure apps (which is google-speak for anything not using 2fa)?09:32
kLOsmaybe not let me check09:33
unlokerdok. Gracias09:33
kLOsdoesnt seem to be relevant when using 2 step authentication09:36
yossarianukhi - if you are in the unfortunate position of having to connect to an exchange server for work what is the best way of doing so nowadays via Linux/Ubuntu ? not done so for years....09:36
kLOsanyone knows where to find ca-bundle.crt in ubuntu?09:36
Triffid_HunterkLOs: my odroid has it at /usr/share/apps/kssl/ca-bundle.crt09:37
kLOsthanks but that seems to be different09:38
hateballyossarianuk: web client?09:38
kLOsseems to be this here /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt09:38
llutzyossarianuk: maybe http://davmail.sourceforge.net/index.html09:44
kLOsmhm still ntohing09:44
yossarianukcheers - i guess i'll just experiment until I find a good solution - used to use evolution...09:44
kLOsmaybe i should try postfix....09:45
llutzkLOs: if you have a cert-problem, postfix won't fix it09:49
kLOsif i have a cert problem09:50
kLOsi dont know tbh09:50
kLOswhy would i have it out of the blue09:50
yossarianukI assume ubuntu is dead now after yesterdays news....09:50
yossarianukanyone who 'partners' with Microsoft doesn't last long...09:51
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | yossarianuk09:51
ubottuyossarianuk: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality has not yet been released. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.09:51
llutzyossarianuk: so as windows was dead, after wine was developed?09:51
yossarianukwine didn't partner with them...09:52
k1lyossarianuk: we focus on actual support issues in here. please use #ubuntu-dicsuss or #ubuntu-offtopic09:53
dennisdIs there an ubuntu alternative to FreeNAS? I try to minimize the OS flavors on a bunch of servers, by migrating as much as possible to ubuntu, but I can't seem to find a decent NAS interface (compared to FreeNAS).09:57
k1ldennisd: what services do you want? ubuntu can run most (if not all) services, too09:59
geertnjoin #raaf09:59
kLOsi fixed it10:00
kLOshad to change the hostname to localhost10:00
dennisdk1l: actually the services for zfs are not the problem. I'm looking for a decent web interface which interacts with them.10:01
mobius1anyone able to help me setup a sftp on ubuntu server 14.04. Tried following some guides but it doesnt seem to be working10:05
k1lmobius1: the ssh-server already includes a sftp server10:05
mobius1ok maybe i worded it wrong. configure :)10:06
geek876Hi all, wanted to know how ext4 would return files from a folder to application ? Will it be alpha-sorted by default or un-predictable ? We migrated from BTRFS to EXT4 and our application (tomcat) is reading config files (from a directory) in non-alpha, random order. With BTRFS, it used to always load them in alpha-order which is what is expected by app server.10:14
tytanHello everyone, I have a computer containing an Intel i7 4790K on an ASUS Z97-P with 16GB DDR3 memory. At the moment I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS amd64. My rootfs is on a 2.5" S-ATA SSD and I want to upgrade to a M.2 NVMe SSD. I plan to upgrade when Ubuntu 16.04 LTS amd64 is released. Will this work?10:15
mcphailgeek876: different filesystems do this differently. It is the responsibility of the client software to clean it up10:15
mcphailgeek876: from my experience, HFS and NTFS return in a different order from ext410:16
hateballtytan: You'll still need to clone your OS, regardless of 14.04 or 16.0410:17
geek876mcphail: Thanks. Are there any mount flags in ext4 or other mechanism to force it to be in one way or other ? We want alpha-sorted order10:17
tytanSo no native installation on that?10:17
hateballtytan: Well it's up to you. You could do a clean install and migrate userdata.10:17
hateballtytan: Or you could clone old device to new device, and then re-purpose old device for whatever you wish10:18
tytanhateball: Well, all my user related stuff is located on a server so a fresh installation is what I'm looking for =) I just wanted to make sure I know what I'm doing when I upgrade. do you think I could clone the OS using dd and resync?10:19
hateballtytan: Yes that should be no problem. I personally use clonezilla since it's simple and uses partclone instead of dd when possible10:20
hateballtytan: and if you're looking for a clean install... well then you wont be cloning10:21
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mobius1so anyone able to help me configure my sftp? i am trying to configure my sftp to have 1 user with complete access to the entire hdd and another to be limited to 1 dir.10:23
mobius1I have tried following guides and end up with either the server refusing to connect or it connecting but not displaying anything10:23
mcphailgeek876: not that I know of. As I said, it is the responsibility of your software to deal with this correctly10:24
mcphailgeek876: I've debugged a couple of popular programs which ignored this and had subtle bugs as a result10:25
hary_potertired of jews, lies, poverty and bad sound? add me to qox. my id is EEEDE72B6187425700FCA07D1B3FC2D49C6C5B6BDAEFA819D35976E8860B2E7DFDF6FC49EAF510:29
taserian@search joel spencer10:30
soupnanodesukargeek876: look up qsort10:31
bowersbrosHey, I just ran ubuntu-support-status on my machine, but the dates seem a bit strange. Can anybody help me understand it, have i got config issues?10:34
mcphailhary_poter: please take your spam and your hatred elsewhere10:34
hary_potermcphail: shut up racist10:35
hateballbowersbros: have you release-upgraded the machine? perhaps there are legacy packages you have not removed.10:35
hateballbowersbros: Have you ran "sudo apt-get autoremove" recently? If not you could do that and re-run ubuntu-support-status10:35
bowersbrosNo i haven't. it is a 2 day old Digital Ocean droplet though. Shouldn't be out of date (?)10:35
hateballwell, no idea what sort of image a VPS provider might deploy10:36
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bowersbrosNothing to be removed10:36
mcphailikonia: thanks10:37
ikoniasorry for missing it in the first place10:37
JediMasterhi guys, I'm trying to benchmark a network filesystem and wondering how I can see where a bottleneck is? I've got a 1GB file created with dd using urandom, I can easily see the time before/after cp'ing the file from the local disk to the network drive, but as this is a VM with a disk on a SAN I'm thinking the 'local' drive on the VM may be the bottleneck, what's the best way of testing read speed and write speed alone?10:39
ikoniaJediMaster: use something like dd to write to the local file system to get an idea of through put10:40
hateballJediMaster: there are tools like bonnie++ to benchmark10:41
JediMasterikonia, what would you use as the source for dd, /dev/zero for pure speed?10:41
ikonia /dev/zero ?10:42
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ikoniaand to be honest "pure speed" doesn't matter, what does matter is throughput10:42
JediMasterikonia, dd if=/dev/zero of=...10:42
ikoniaJediMaster: the path to the file sytem you want10:42
JediMasteryes, I was trying to point out that if the 'in file' was a slow device it would skew the benchmark for writing10:43
ikoniaJediMaster: no it won't10:43
ikoniaas you'll see a lower read rate,10:43
ikoniaso you'll know your read is slower10:44
ikoniaand you'll know you have a problem to fix first10:44
JediMasterikonia, what I mean is that dd only shows the throughput and not read & write speed10:44
ikoniaJediMaster: right, but you're supposed to watch it via things like iostat and vmstate to judge what your machine is running10:45
ikoniadd is just the enabler10:45
ikoniaI assumed you where monitoring your machine if you're doing diags on i/o throughput10:45
JediMasterikonia, dd if=/dev/zero of=zero-data-test-file.dat bs=1048576 count=1024 produces 571MB/sec, with /devc/urandom it's 9MB/sec10:48
hxmexists an alternative to beep command?10:52
frostschutzurandom is slow, even on very fast machines...10:52
geirhahxm: to do what?10:52
hxmto execute a beep sound in the pcspeaker10:53
geirhadunno. pcspeakers are rare these days; most things will just use the sound system10:56
k1lbowersbros: run it with attached "--show-unsupported"10:57
ikoniaJediMaster: why is that a surprise ?11:04
b00b00whats the best practice to extract from a line sperated with spaces 1 column (space from each side i call column that case) based on a string equal to "some_pattern" ? thanks11:09
b00b00i gues awk could do that, anyone know how?11:10
bowersbrosk1l: Sorry for delay: http://pastie.org/1078051111:10
geirhab00b00: If it's just one line, you might as well use the shell11:11
geirhab00b00: or do you mean extract the first field of all lines matching "some_pattern"? then yes, awk.  awk '/some_pattern/{print $1}' file11:14
R13oseHow do I get my mouse pointer back after this disappeared?11:19
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k1lbowersbros: that might be stuff from universe or from 3rd party installs11:22
Ron11HI, How can I diable ubuntu 14.03 lts interent connection11:28
Ron11apt-get works for me11:28
Ron11although curl does not work11:28
MonkeyDustRon11  can you ping
Ron11But apt-get works11:29
februarycheck internet11:30
Swanihow do i force to install a backport Package in ubuntu?11:30
Ron11How can I make sure that I disconncted?11:30
ikoniaapt-get maybe going through a proxy11:30
ikoniaping/imcp is not a fair test11:31
ikoniaRon11: explain your setup11:31
Ron11i did11:31
Ron11I have a proxy11:31
Ron11I did11:31
ikoniayou did what ?11:31
Ron11export http_proxy=""11:31
Ron11export https_proxy=""11:31
Ron11export ftp_proxy=""11:31
ikoniawhat's your question then ?11:32
Ron11I can use apt-get11:32
Ron11when I try11:32
ikoniayes, because it's http traffic11:32
Ron11apt-get insall cowsay11:32
Ron11it's works11:33
Ron11I want to disable any connection from the internet11:33
Ben64unplug the cable11:33
hateballpull the plug11:33
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Ron11I read that in the previous versions11:33
ikoniait's not connected to the internet11:33
ikoniais your question "how do I stop apt using a proxy"11:33
llutzRon11: grep -r Proxy /etc/apt/*11:33
Ron11nmcli nm enable false11:33
ikoniais your question "how do I stop apt using a proxy"11:33
Ron11grep -r Proxy /etc/apt/*  I get empty11:34
Ron11"grep -r Proxy /etc/apt/* " , I get empty11:34
ikoniais your question "how do I stop apt using a proxy"11:34
Ron11My question is how to disable internet via command11:34
ikoniait is disabled11:35
Ron11terminal command11:35
ikoniawhy do you think it's not disabled11:35
Ron11such as http://askubuntu.com/questions/434660/disable-internet-connection-from-terminal11:35
ikoniawhy do you think it's not disabled11:35
Ron11because apt-get is working11:35
ikoniabecause you have set the proxy variable11:35
ikoniaas I've said 4 times now11:35
ikoniaso it will go out of the proxy11:35
ikoniabecause you've told it to11:35
Ron11but my proxy is empty11:36
ikoniano it's not11:36
ikoniayou've set http_proxy11:36
ikoniaapt is http traffic11:36
Ron11How can I check if I have values in it?11:36
ikoniayou just told me you set it11:36
ikoniawhat are you checking now ?11:36
llutzRon11: echo $http_proxy11:36
Ron11I set it to null11:36
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ikoniaok - this is not for me11:36
* inteus facepalms11:37
Guest51808alguna chica de habla ispana?11:37
ikoniaRon11: what is the default gateway of the machine11:37
Ben64Ron11: what do you actually want to do? what is your goal here?11:37
Ron11thank you llutz11:37
Ron11My goal is11:37
Ron11to connect the ubuntu computer just over ssh11:37
Ron11and to disconnected from the internet11:37
ikoniaput up a firewal11:37
Ron11I want to install packages via salt11:37
Ben64ssh requires network11:37
Ron11ufw enable?11:38
ikoniaor change the router to stop routing your traffic11:38
ikoniaor talk to the person who maintains salt11:38
ikoniaand ask him to exclude your machine11:38
Ron11ikomnia thank but you didn't understand what I wrote11:39
Ron11thank you11:39
ikoniapretty sure I do11:39
ikoniayou want your machine on the network - but not accessible to internet/from internet sources ?11:39
R13oseAny thoughts on my question?11:39
Ron11but How can exclude my machine from salt11:39
ikoniaRon11: so then my comments are valid11:40
ikoniaRon11: you talk tot he person who maintains your salt setup11:40
Ron11What's is the meaninig of it11:40
Ron11I want to check salt11:40
ikoniaor you do the other steps I've said11:40
Swanihow can i activate backports for ubuntu 14.04?11:40
ikoniameaning of what ?11:40
ikoniaRon11: who maintains your salt infrastructure ?11:40
Ron11to exclude my machine11:40
Ron11I did11:40
ikoniayou can't11:40
Ron11and do :)11:40
k1l!backports | Swani11:40
ubottuSwani: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:40
ikoniaas you don't seem to understand it11:41
k1lSwani: you need to name the backports while installing. its explained in the link11:41
Ron11ikonia, what is the exclude will give me11:41
Ron11I want to check if the salt-master will connect with the ubuntu computer just with ssh11:42
Ron11to confirm it11:42
Ron11What is the meaning of exclude it from salt11:42
Ron11I turn on the ufw to be enable11:44
Ron11and apt-get is working11:44
Ron11sudo ufw default deny outgoing11:44
Ron11also try it11:44
Ron11What can be the problem?11:44
Swanik1l thx seems there i no newer package even in backports11:46
Ben64Swani: not every package is in backports11:47
Ron11If I am using chmod 0 /usr/bin/apt-get11:47
Ron11is it good enoght?11:47
bekksRon11: What are you trying to do?11:48
bekksUsing chmod 0 is the wrong way, for whatever you are trying :)11:48
k1lRon11: that doesnt make sense at all11:48
k1lRon11: what do you want to do? right now it looks like you want to damage the system11:48
Ron11disable any connection11:48
Ron11disable apt-get11:48
bekksRon11: Why?11:48
bekksRon11: What are you actually trying to achieve?11:49
Ron11I want to make sure I have any connection to internet11:49
Ron11to install any package11:49
Ron11or curl11:49
bekksRon11: Why dont you want updates?11:49
Ron11or wget11:49
k1lRon11: disableing apt-get is dumb if there is another connection to the internet since you miss all securtiy updates then11:49
bekksRon11: And dont press enter as a punctuation sign.11:49
Ron11This is a computer the I clone from VM11:49
Ron11It's for checking11:50
bekksRon11: That doesnt make sense at all.11:50
Ron11I need to be able to connect this computer just over ssh11:50
bekksThen use host-only networking.11:50
bekksBecause you are trying to shoot your knees, both of them , simultaneously.11:50
Ron11Why is refers to tyour previous note11:50
Ron11It just for testing11:51
bekksGood luck then.11:51
k1lRon11: then block all connections in the ufwiptables except the ssh port.11:51
R13oseHow do I get my mouse pointer back after this disappeared?11:51
bekksYou have been warned11:51
Ron11How can I do it?11:51
Ron11I did11:51
Ron11sudo ufw default deny outgoing11:51
Ron11but it does not work11:51
Ron11How can I disable the connection to outside except ssh via ufw?11:52
baizonRon11: take gufw and configure it11:52
Ron11and why chmod 0 /usr/bin/apt-get isn't good?11:53
bekksBecause that will not disable any connections, but break your package manager.11:53
Ron11I know11:54
Ron11to make sure apt-get disable11:54
Ben64but then the rest of the internet still works, you just have no security updates = bad11:55
Ron11I disable the proxy11:55
Ron11curl not working11:56
bekksRon11: That doesnt disable connections.11:56
Ron11ufw is enable11:56
bekksYou are trying to break your system, not disabling all connections.11:56
Ron11What can I do to make sure11:56
Ron11that I haven't any connection?11:56
bekksYou have been told what to do.11:57
Ron11How can I set it via ufw?11:57
bekksThat question was answered as well.11:57
k1lRon11: configure (g)ufw or iptables11:57
Ron11sudo ufw default deny outgoing11:57
Ron11I asked if this command isn't good enogh11:57
bekksRon11: You are asking the same things again, as just a few minutes ago.11:57
k1lRon11: no11:57
bekksRead the answer you have been given please.11:58
Ron11I don't see it11:58
Ron11Can you please copy and paste again11:58
bekksHow about just reading the answers? :)11:58
Ron11I read11:59
Ron11But I don't see any comment about the command11:59
bekksbecause no one gave you a specific full command.11:59
bekksYou have been told to use ufs or gufw.11:59
bekksAnd you have been told to disable all connections but ssh.11:59
chayonBest IRC Client for ubuntu?12:04
MonkeyDustchayon  try a way, choose the one you like most12:05
heral462Depends on the definition, "best". for an average user or..? I would say xchat.12:06
R13oseoh my12:06
pavloshexchat works well12:06
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:06
vitimitiheral462, XChat is quite deprecated compared to its fork, HexChat, which you should recommend instead12:06
heral462maybe i should try that too.12:07
ptr_2hello friends, I have got quite a big problem with Ubuntu and I wanted to ask some advanced users for help here12:21
ptr_2if you have some time to spare for me I'd be grateful12:21
l4m8d4_ptr_2: just ask your question12:22
BlackDexptr_2: just ask12:22
ptr_2okay, so first I have to say that currently I have no access to the system because right now I have only one computer available and I have to be on Windows to talk to you guys12:23
ptr_2but my problem is12:23
ptr_2I recently wanted to instal realtek audio drivers for Linux and failed because of incomplete documentation (translated from chinese by what I assume to be google translate)12:24
ptr_2and I followed some steps from the internet to reinstall Alsa or Pulseaudio (I can't remember all of the steps, I didn't save the website)12:24
ptr_2and then when I rebooted Ubuntu I saw that I've got only "dummy output"12:25
ptr_2the thing is, Ubuntu recognizes my devices when I use that command which displays them in the terminal window (I forgot the command exactly but you probably know which command it is)12:25
ptr_2so then I read that it's good to reinstall (after purging) alsa12:26
ptr_2I followed the advice of the user markbuntu here12:27
ptr_2post #312:27
ptr_2after installing gdm and rebooting I no longer could've seen the login screen, the screen was black12:27
ptr_2using CTRL+F1 I was able to log in so everything works back-end, it's just the front-end that was missing12:28
Ben64that's a lot of really weird stuff to do to solve a seemingly unrelated problem12:28
ptr_2oh and when I was installing gdm it asked me to select between two options12:28
Ben64yeah, gdm isn't the default anymore12:29
ptr_2"gdm" and "light[...]" (i don't remember the second option fully)12:29
Ben64you're using a post from nearly 7 years ago12:29
ptr_2yes, so I guess that's why I couldn't see the login screen12:29
meenaah, right.12:29
Ben64i also don't see a scenario in which you purge alsa to end well12:30
ptr_2when I reinstalled gdm I used the "light[something]"option which probably was the default before installing gdm, this allowed me to see the login screen again, everything went back to normal.... but after inputing my login data i was stuck in a login loop, it just kept coming back to the login screen12:30
ptr_2yes, I will take care of alsa later12:30
ptr_2I need to fix the login problem first12:30
ptr_2I can login with the console mode by using CTRL+ALT+F112:30
Ben64easy mode - reinstall ubuntu12:31
ptr_2I just am stuck in a login loop when I try to login from the graphical representation of that login12:31
ptr_2and please forgive me for those phrases that aren't exactly correct, I am a noob in Ubuntu, first time user12:31
ptr_2I planned on reinstalling it, but do you know of any fixes, even if it means it's gonna be a bit of work?12:32
ptr_2I think I want to learn something before I try to reinstall it, even if it means breaking it even more12:32
ptr_2I guess I won't learn anything if I don't break anything12:33
Ben64ok well, in removing alsa you've likely broken your system. it seems very unlikely that you'd need to "reinstall audio drivers". drivers in linux are in the kernel or modules, it's not like windows.12:33
ikoniaI'm not sure this is a good learning exercise12:33
auronandaceptr_2: practising by breaking stuff is probably a better approach when confined to a VM12:33
ptr_2auronandace: do you suggest I can break something hardware-wise why trying to fix this problem?12:34
auronandaceptr_2: if you have important data on your laptop then it is bestto confine the damage to a VM12:35
ptr_2it's on my second drive, all important data is on my first one12:35
auronandaceptr_2: a VM can be a good practise ground, but as has been said breaking stuff is not the best way to lean12:35
Ben64what you should learn is not to run things posted on a forum 7 years ago12:36
Ben64this channel is always open, and offers much more recent advice12:36
auronandaceptr_2: you should be relieved that you are not experimenting with partitioning then12:36
ptr_2yes, I forgot to check the date12:36
mikepapaWhat channel I can look for help with virtual machines?12:37
popeymikepapa: depends what kind of help12:37
MonkeyDustmikepapa  start here12:37
popeymikepapa: ask your question12:37
l4m8d4popey: Is this the popey from LAS btw? Not that I want to disturb the channel, but...12:39
ptr_2I am curious, what is LAS?12:40
l4m8d4popey: Thanks for participating there and for your work on ubuntu, you're a big win for the show and ubuntu - I just felt the need to say that :D12:41
Justushi, I'm looking for a way to manage a couple of input video streams (h264) on an ubuntu server, preferably remote12:41
Justusdoes anybody know software I could use for that purpose12:41
popeythanks l4m8d412:41
popeyJustus: OBS?12:41
mikepapaOk. I'm not good with that, so I decided to use Virtual Machine Manager. Nice GUI, etc. I managed to install Ubuntu in guest, and now I'm trying to give it access to graphics card. I've read several articles on that, and confirmed that IOMMU should work on my system. Vd-t is on, etc. Now when I add device in Virtual Machine Manager to guest it shous up there (is listed by lspci), but I cannot find any way to actually make it work.12:41
popeyJustus: https://obsproject.com/12:41
Justus@popey: isn't that with a UI?12:41
mikepapaIs it possible to do PCI Passthrough using VMM?12:42
popeyJustus: yeah12:42
bekksmikepapa: Because when you enable that, you'd instantly would have no graphical access anymore on your host.12:42
Justuswell, as I said ubuntu _server_12:42
ptr_2Justus: IIRC it has an API12:42
popeyJustus: ok, that doesn't mean "no gui" but fair enough12:42
ptr_2Justus: if I am right you can run it without GUI if you use it's API, I suppose it could work with Python but I never read the documentation12:43
mikepapabekks: host works with Intel build-in GPU. I don't use nVidia on host. I believe I should somehow detach it from host. I was hoping VMM will do that for me.12:43
Justusptr_2: sounds like a looooot of tinkering ^^12:44
deus_hi guys.12:44
ptr_2Justus: not really if you ever programmed anything in your life12:44
ptr_2Justus: I guess it's just simple API calls to start/stop streaming or recording12:44
bekksmikepapa: you cannot detach it, since then the vm would have no access to it. You need to unload all drivers, though.12:45
averageCanonical & Microsoft merger maybe ?12:45
MonkeyDustaverage  we know of it ... #ubuntu-offtopic12:45
averageMonkeyDust: so you're sending me to offtopic because I'm talking about Ubuntu ?12:46
averagean interesting suggestion12:47
popeyit's not a support question average12:47
popeythis is a support channel12:47
deus_can someone tell me the name of that terminal run Media player again? it wasnt mkv...12:48
popeymoc ?12:48
mikepapabekks: so I need to blacklist that. Actually I see that nVidia uses vfio-pci driver. Did I mess up something on the way, when I was trying to do this without VMM? Or it's ok?12:48
MonkeyDustdeus_  mpv12:49
deus_AH! ofcourse thx !12:49
bekksmikepapa: Where do you see that?12:49
MonkeyDustdeus_  asketh and thou shalt be answered12:49
mikepapabekks: on host "lspci -vv"12:49
deus_its the linux way ^12:50
trijntjedeus_: mpd?12:50
deus_no mpv was correct ^ already installed it12:50
mikepapabekks: what's even worse. I can see, that my nVidia uses nouveau on guest. So it actually got correct driver there. But still I have no way to get any video on it.12:51
bekksmikepapa: So the card is already in use by the guest.12:51
bekksmikepapa: You could try using nvidia in your guest.12:51
mikepapabekks: Yeah. I'll try to do that. At the moment, when I switch monitor source it goes to power save mode. So there is no signal from nVidia at all.12:53
bekksmikepapa: Do you see any boot output when on that monitor when booting your vm?12:53
mikepapabekks: no. Only on vm's fake cirrus video.12:54
bekksmikepapa: did you disable/unconfigure that cirrus stuff?12:54
mikepapabekks: Now I did. let's see.12:55
mikepapabekks: no signal. On either DVI, or HDMI port.12:56
rillehWoops, sorry12:56
instigatorHello. is it possible to use the diff command to only show the difference between 2 files without showing other details such as 4,5d3 or <12:58
Pici_instigator: like diff -y  filea fileb  ?13:01
deus_hey guys, wasnt there a way to have a starter for MPV in your menu ? i remember having it like that in my Gnome installation and i could just drag videos onto the window13:09
ikoniawhat's mpv ?13:10
MonkeyDustinfo mpv13:11
MonkeyDust!info mpv13:11
ubottumpv (source: mpv): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 840 kB, installed size 2078 kB13:11
lee_G750jmno more vlc13:11
deus_vlc is too bloated xD13:11
deus_so no1 knows? damn. wanted to get a newcomer to use mpv, but he wont fiddle with the terminal. too unsure13:13
ikoniacan you not just create a shortcut on the luancher ?13:14
deus_mpv doesnt stay open without input. or is there a command for it to just open empty?13:14
ikoniadon't you need the gui wrapper13:15
ikoniaeg: mplayer was the commandline, but there was a gtk front end to launch it13:15
MonkeyDustdeus_  navigate to /usr/share/applications/ ... drag the mpv icon to the launcher13:15
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deus_ah. so its actually there just not in the launcher? let me check monkey.13:15
deus_aha! thx again monkey! u R best!13:17
minimecdeus_: It makes no sense to create a launcher mpv. I would rather change the 'open with' settings in the file manager for the movie files.13:17
deus_correct, but this is for a linux newby who is used to start the prgram first13:18
deus_so if he cant find it in the menu... he might ghet scared ^13:18
adrian_1908deus_: can't he just click on video files to play them? that's how I use mpv.13:19
Harishello all13:19
HarisI have trusty on a box. now, someone added an additional LAN IP to it, via GUI. I can't find it anywhere in /etc/network/interfaces or in output of ifconfig. where did its config go ? I can ping the IP, but as far as its being on the system, I cannot verify it via shell ?13:20
minimecdeus_: But still. He can't do anything with that starter. You might create a zenity script that opens a box and he can maybe drag a file in. I am not even sure wether something like this is possibl.13:20
deus_ofcourse.. but you know Windows krills ;) he basically wants to have a tangible program. if it only appears when he interacts with other files but he cant look at it or do something with it on its own, he will most likely say: nah! better use VLC ! thats at least a program!13:20
deus_oh no. monkeys idea from above worked. the icon is in the usr/share/applications13:21
deus_if you click it, u get an empty window with a message to "drag something in"13:21
Harisguys ?13:21
BluesKajHowdy all13:22
cfhowlett!patience | Haris13:22
ubottuHaris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:22
minimecdeus_: Oh. Didn't know that... What versioni of ubuntu you use. I don't have that launcher in /usr/share/applications fo mpv, using 14.0413:23
lee_G750jmok need a project  eggdrop or  scrapy13:23
deus_Ubuntu MATE 15.1013:23
minimecdeus_: Ok. thx13:23
BluesKajhowdy all, again13:25
Picilee_G750jm: what?13:25
mcphailHaris: Ubuntu has used networkmanager for years. The /etc/network/interfaces file isn't used byt default. If you edit /etc/network/interfaces, networkmanager will be disabled. There is a command line interface to networkmanager13:26
Harishow can I check existing configured IPs ? I'm concerned, the config done may not survive a box reboot13:26
BluesKajhey MonkeyDust13:26
hateballHaris: ifconfig13:27
Harisifconfig output doesn't show the additional IP13:28
BluesKajHaris, where are they configged?13:28
HarisI have screenshot of it having been done via GUI, from the remote tech team13:28
HarisI can ping it. but I can't find it configured via ifconfig output13:28
BluesKajtry ip addr13:29
hateballHaris: is it eth0 or some such? It could be in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/13:29
HarisI'm logged in to shell as root. but I'm not sure where the config was done13:29
Harisor if it it'll survive a cold reboot13:29
Harisshould be eth0:013:29
Harisok, its present in file under that path on one box. will that config survive a cold reboot ?13:30
hateballThat's the idea13:31
BluesKajhateball, dhcp or static?13:31
hateballBluesKaj: Hmm?13:31
hateballIf it's configured static the IP should be noted for that particular connection13:32
BluesKajhateball, i use static ips on my router for all devices on the lan13:33
iputrahow to change wlp8s013:35
iputrahow to change netword interface name ?13:36
sunlitAhoy. Is there a way to limit CPU speed when it starts overheating? I'm running 14.04 on an AMD Phenom 9550 (and it shut down yesterday due to heat from using darktable.)13:37
bekksiputra: Why do you need to change that?13:37
MonkeyDustiputra  first: dmesg | grep -i eth ... notice 'rename' ... then read this http://askubuntu.com/questions/217635/how-to-rename-an-ethernet-interface13:38
cfhowlett!fans | sunlit13:38
cfhowlett!lmsensors | sunlit13:39
ubottusunlit: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.13:39
iputrabekks: because that i can't use aircrack-ng13:40
iputraMonkeyDust: i've try but in my linux version did13:40
sunlitthanks cfhowlett. I installed lmsensors yesterday, but I don't think it automatically clocks down the cpu? or does it? I also tried to find a governor which would do that, but that also does not seem to exist.13:41
iputraMonkeyDust: i've try but in my ubuntu, this files 70-persistent-net.rules is nothing13:42
MonkeyDustsunlit  install indicator-cpufreq, an interactive applet13:42
cfhowlettsunlit, pretty sure sensors only addresses fan control, not cpu.  bit surprised that darktable would throw you out like that ... never happened on my dell m380013:42
minimecsunlit: install indicator-cpufreq and set the speed to 'conservative' or 'powersave'13:43
tocotronGuys, Ubuntu 15.04 is shipping version 1.7 of Django. The Django website states that this is an insecure and no longer supported version13:43
cfhowletttocotron, 15.04 is dead and no longer supported.  upgrade13:43
tocotron15.10, sorry13:43
sunlitthanks, I also have indicator-cpufreq (since yesterday). If I set it to powersave I think it runs the cpu at lowest speed and keeps it that way.13:44
MonkeyDustsunlit  and install thermald13:45
sunlitcfhowlett: yes that was the first time darktable did that, was pretty surprised as well.13:45
sunlitthermald sounds great, thanks MonkeyDust13:47
Picitocotron: Ubuntu generally does not provide new releases for applications within a given Ubuntu release.  Since going from one django release to the next (not point release upgrades) tends to introduce major code changes, it would be a problem to push that on users.  I suppose django could be a good candidate for backported packages, but I don't see any available for it13:47
arcadehow to dual boot with ubuntu windo713:47
Picitocotron: If you need to install a newer release yourself, I suggest setting up a virtualenv and installing from pip.13:47
tocotronPici: Yes, that's what I've been doing, thanks13:48
k1larcade: install windows, intsall ubuntu. choose OS to boot in grub13:48
meldronHey guys anybody tried installing the new ubuntu to a zfs file system?13:49
MonkeyDustmeldron  new = 16.04? if yes: #ubuntu+113:50
roberto_hi :)13:55
roberto_Hi guys :)13:56
roberto_Is it possible via IRC to create a private chat with other users ?13:58
roberto_(first time with this)13:58
cfhowlett!pm | robertj13:58
ubotturobertj: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:58
meldronMonkeyDust: yes, thanks13:59
Piciroberto_: you can use /msg nickname hello!  but keep in mind what ubottu said above.13:59
roberto_Got it thanks14:00
PiciSlightly interesting for anyone paying attention, django 1.8 is considered by the django project to be an LTS release and thats what is shipping in 16.04 currently. That is all.14:01
falutried to upgrade ubuntu server (on openvz) from 15.04 to 15.10. rsyslog froze the upgrade in the middle. the upgrade worked after i purged rsyslog. now it's on 15.10 but rsyslog cannot be installed (it just hangs during installation).14:07
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Guest18974Hello Ubuntu user ! :)14:07
ikoniafalu: versy few containers will work as an upgrade14:07
james7611Hello Ubntu users ! :)14:10
balancinhello there14:11
RhoarinHello there, I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 and I can not operate my network printer, a Lexmark 4438-WE2. My Win7 PCs work fine with it and I can scan or print documents on wifi in my local network. Can you help me? Tnx14:11
balancinhow I can put a result of an command (like a date) in a param from other command ? Some like that "docker --name=`date`'-test'"14:12
faluikonia: that's too bad. so i would have to downgrade to 14.04 or switch hosts to have a supported release. do you think even though everything except rsyslog seems to be running just fine that i cannot trust this upgraded 15.10?14:12
ikoniafalu: you can't downgrade14:12
ikoniayour host should provide the version14:12
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faluikonia: i meant downgrade by reinstall :)14:13
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EriC^^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              14:14
EriC^^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              14:14
EriC^^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               /close14:14
roothow I can put a result of an command (like a date) in a param from other command ? Some like that "docker --name=`date`'-test'"14:14
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MonkeyDustroot  with $(command here)14:15
Guest71205Thanks !!!!!14:15
RhoarinHello there, I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 and I can not operate my network printer, a Lexmark 4438-WE2. My Win7 PCs work fine with it and I can scan or print documents on wifi in my local network. Can you help me? Tnx14:15
iongraphixanybody home?14:15
grobda24Hi, having trouble finding a multi-core cpu burn tester. Was looking at http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/06/lbench-multi-threaded-benchmarking-tool-ubuntu-linux/ but does not seem to exist anymore. Is anything out there ?14:16
loli1hello, do you know how to add UNLIMITED roatations in logrotate, using the "rotate" tag?14:16
adrian_1908grobda24: do you just want to test stability under load or?14:17
iongraphixI am looking for a way to verify the integrity of linux kernel modules over the internet14:18
trijntjeiongraphix: what do you mean? All ubuntu packages are signed, and cannot be modified without ubuntu noticing14:20
Whirhi, I get the following error from apt-get upgrade:14:22
Whirdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/smbclient_2%3a4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13_amd64.deb (--unpack):14:22
Whir unable to install (supposed) new info file `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sums': Is a directory14:22
WhirI tried dpkg-reconfigure -a14:22
Whirand cleared the /var/cache/14:22
grobda24Whir: either error in package or "md5sums" already existed as dir when its trying to create a file ?14:24
Whirgrobda24: I do not understand your 2nd point14:25
grobda24Whir is linux tries to create a *file* where there's already an existing directory of the same name you get that error.14:26
grobda24*where linux14:26
Whirthis dir does not exist14:26
grobda24Whir: ah, right, ok14:26
Whirso it is created in the process?14:26
grobda24Whir: looks like a package bug, maybe try another release14:27
iongraphixI am looking for a way to verify linux kernel modules over the internet.14:27
llutzloli1: there is no such option, just set "rotate 1000000..lotsofzeroshere..."14:27
rud0lfgreetings! can i ask a question about installing ubuntu 16.04 here or should i go #ubuntu+1 ?14:27
iongraphixcan anyone point me to a kernel discussion channel14:27
llutzrud0lf:  #ubuntu+114:28
Whirgrobda24: I could also live without samba I guess14:28
rud0lfok, thanks14:28
trijntjeiongraphix: I still don't understand what you mean. Can you be more clear about your question?14:28
Whirgrobda24: what you mean by 'try another release' ?14:28
popeyiongraphix: #ubuntu-kernel14:29
Beelsebobheya, I'm trying to get gstreamer's ffmpeg plugin installed, and I can't seem to get xenial to understand that I want to use trusty-media's repository; it keeps telling me14:30
BeelsebobE: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/mc3man/trusty-media/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.14:30
BeelsebobN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.14:30
BeelsebobI've told apt Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories true; in apt.conf14:30
Beelsebobam I missing something?14:30
MonkeyDustBeelsebob  you too, #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 questions14:31
BeelsebobMonkeyDust: thanks14:31
pezdispenserHi,  Is there a way to output sound to HDMI aswell as original analog output simultaneously?  thanks14:48
pezdispenserHi,  Is there a way to output sound to HDMI aswell as original analog output simultaneously?  thanks14:55
arca_voragoAny tips on getting openjdk 8 to launch something?14:57
tgm4883arca_vorago: what tips are you looking for? Run java and the app?14:58
minimecpezdispenser: This should be a good start... http://askubuntu.com/questions/78174/play-sound-through-two-or-more-outputs-devices14:59
arca_voragono, I'm looking for information on what openjdk expects when launching a jnlp14:59
arca_voragoGetting error codes14:59
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pezdispenserminimec:  I've followed that page, installed paprefs, eneabled simultaneous ouput,  problem is in my pulseaudio under output there is no option to choose simultaneous output,  just choose one or the other,  even after restarting pulse audio15:02
kitaromoHi there15:03
pezdispenserhi kitaromo15:04
kitaromoIs there any video player abale to to shoy .ttml subtitle format15:04
kitaromoyoutube-dl produce ttml format15:04
kitaromottml format file are produced by youtube-dl as a health working format instead of new vtt format used by youtube.15:05
minimecpezdispenser: I have done something similar a long time ago. Do you have the pavucontrol package installed? I have both paprefs and pavucontrol with 14.04 and do have the 'simultaneous Output' tab15:08
arca_voragoGot it, ended up installing iceadtea-netx and usuing javaws to launch15:08
arca_vorago**** java15:09
pezdispenserminimec:  i do not, I did not see that in forums before coming here, thanks I will try/research that , thanks ( :15:09
minimecpezdispenser: Let's hope for the best.15:09
moat_joeWhat would it take to get "April 21, 2016" added as the release date for 16.04 on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:12
naccmoat_joe: it hasn't been released yet?15:13
MonkeyDustmoat_joe  a launchpad account, maybe15:13
naccmoat_joe: I assume that's why there is no date attached yet15:13
pezdispenserminimec:  thanks so much,  got them both working ;)15:14
moat_joePreviously it was just blank (even though the date was already announced).15:15
moat_joeWould be nice if there were just an api endpoint for "these releases are currently supported".15:15
naccmoat_joe: well it's in the packages themselves, iirc15:15
nacc'Supported: ...'15:16
moat_joethe ubuntu-desktop package?15:16
BluesKajmoat_joe, that's because it's listed here , and not ready for release until apr 21,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule15:16
naccmoat_joe: and rmadison only lists currently supported releases15:16
MonkeyDustmoat_joe  remember 6.06, it was released in .06, not in .0415:17
moat_joeI understand that it's not released yet, my issue is that "April 2016" is not a date, and is today > "April 2016" doesn't have a well defined answer15:17
MonkeyDustmoat_joe  true15:18
naccmoat_joe: but it's in the future section regardless right now15:19
moat_joeyeah, I'll cut over to using just the current table15:20
naccmoat_joe: also, looking at the history, it has never been blank for Xenial or had a date on tha tpage15:20
moat_joeDid the row just get added then?15:20
nacchasn't been changed since it was introduce in october 201515:20
minimecpezdispenser: I see your problem. Load the module with 'pacmd load-module module-combine' in a terminal.15:21
=== karen is now known as Guest81938
stacy-please advice on a easy to learn CTM for ubuntu15:31
proudlinuxuserHello, my usb-storage is only mounted when he is pluged *before* I turn the computer on.15:31
SheepolutionI ran sudo apt-get dist-update for the first time since I installed Ubuntu and now everything is messed up :( [Ubuntu 14.04.4]15:33
tewardSheepolution: define 'messed up' in context please15:34
Sheepolutionteward: The biggest problem is the screen resolution not being 1920x1080 anymore15:34
stacy-can soembody please advice on an easy to learn content manager for websites in ubuntu?15:35
IngenieroDeToroI would check and see if you need a different set of display drivers for your new dist version15:35
MonkeyDuststacy-  you mean an html editor?15:35
IngenieroDeTorostacy- or a CMS?15:36
IngenieroDeToroWordPress is the worlds leading CMS15:36
stacy-the joomal in my ubuntu is messed up with permission rights and unusable15:37
IngenieroDeTorothat would have been my second pick15:37
stacy-ingenierdetoro.. i cant use wordpress because of firewalls15:37
stacy-is there anything besides joomal?\15:37
stacy-joomal is very difficult for me to pickup15:38
llutzstacy-: typo315:38
SheepolutionAlso when I try to start Krita, it says: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3215:38
bekksWhy cant you use Wordpress because of firewalls? Those firewalls will inhibit the use of any other CMS, too.15:38
stacy-llutz.. typo3?15:38
llutzstacy-: https://typo3.org/15:38
stacy-llutz.. what do i need to do to start it?15:39
stacy-is typo easy to use15:39
llutzstacy-: read the documentation, as with every other cms15:39
stacy-i just need a simple test webstore15:40
proudlinuxuserMy usb-storage is only mounted when he is pluged *before* I turn the computer on.15:40
nacc!patience | proudlinuxuser15:40
ubottuproudlinuxuser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:40
egofluxWhat's up15:40
tgm4883stacy-: webstore as in a place to buy things, or webstore as in a place to store things for later retrieval?15:41
naccproudlinuxuser: if you plug it in after boot, what does dmesg say, if anything?15:41
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MonkeyDustproudlinuxuser  in a terminla, type  tail -f /var/log/syslog15:44
MonkeyDustproudlinuxuser  then un/plug the stick15:44
proudlinuxuser@nacc, after typing lsusb: Bus 003 Device 006: ID 13fe:4100 Kingston Technology Company Inc. Flash drive15:45
tgm4883stacy-: don't PM users unless they say you can. Keep chat in here as it's logged and will help everyone15:47
InkJoyHello everyone15:49
stacy-any way you can teach in private?.. i dont want people logging my info in ubuntu15:49
InkJoycan everyone see my messages?15:49
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tgm4883stacy-: no, I'm not teaching you anything. If you have questions, ask them here so anyone can answer15:50
InkJoymTeK,  was that to me? xD15:50
mTeKYes InkJoy15:50
InkJoyThank you15:50
egofluxI can teach you some things in private if you want15:50
MonkeyDustInkJoy  change your font color to be more readable15:51
mTeKIn my bouncer his font is just black15:51
InkJoyHow do i do that? I'm using Hexchat15:51
tgm4883Sounds like you need a better bouncer15:51
egofluxEveryone's messages are different colors in my client15:52
egofluxTesting out this Droid app15:52
InkJoyegoflux,  so you can see me properly?15:52
mTeKtgm4883: I'm using quassel15:52
egofluxInkJoy: I suppose I can15:53
InkJoyThanks egoflux15:53
mTeKI had courling tuned off15:53
Gegsitelooks like Kingston sucks with hibernate at ubuntu15:56
MonkeyDustGegsite  mind your language15:56
Gegsitenor the new (installed on the ssd) and the old hdd setup now hibernate...15:56
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Gegsiteits looks like the ssd keep stopping the machine to go hibernate15:58
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mTeKwhere are debconf preeseeding options stored for each package?16:00
Gegsitehmm anyone else got spam from _krazy_girl ... (write it right)16:03
GegsiteI do16:04
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proudlinuxuserMonkydust, how long will the systelog take?16:05
proudlinuxuserBeacause he's running since several minutes...16:06
Kartagishow could ubuntu be reporting the same numbers about two different shares? http://paste.debian.net/423042/16:10
disc0veryanyone has skill on aufs root ?16:10
MonkeyDustproudlinuxuser  no, run it, then unplug and replug usb... do you see something change, is the stick detected16:10
milehighNVIDIA Stereo is broken on RHEL 7.2? I opened a bug with NVIDIA and they claim it's an issue with the GNOME software shipped in 7.2 and not a driver issue...16:12
MonkeyDustmilehigh  this is ubuntu support16:12
tewardmilehigh: RHEL is not Ubuntu16:12
tewardmilehigh: this is not RHEL support, so you are in the wrong channel.16:12
disc0veryis it possible to resize an aufs partition of a live cd/usb ?16:13
rahuldevis there any good tool like vpn so I can browse some websites that are not open on my internet service.16:13
proudlinuxusermilehig, Did you look for an driver-update?16:13
milehighlol, sorry16:13
krawallfirst time a female nick queryd me16:14
disc0verykrawall: was that a bot? :))16:14
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k1lkrawall: please report such things in #ubuntu-ops if the users are in here so the op team can take actions16:16
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link0802Hi guys. Can you help me please? Can't login to last.fm in rythmbox 3.3, ubuntu 15.10. Last.fm show error "Token expired. Please return to Rhythmbox and try again."16:16
link0802Try to set any default browser, wait some time, use ppa with new version & plugins. No one try was success16:17
link0802By default ubuntu 15.10 have rythmbox 3.2 and it has this issue too. So I upgrade it to rythmbox 3.3 but it doesn't help16:17
link0802 Also I do purge, config remove and etc. Zero result16:17
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jespersonHey, I'm having a bit of an issue. I installed the latest prop drivers from nvidia and I can't start any PlayonLinux games (worked an hour ago). I think it can't find my opengl libs but I'm not sure...16:21
jespersonI tried reverting to the drivers I used before but with no difference16:21
Gegsiteso anyone has a clue why I cant make my PC to "suspend"?16:31
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jespersonGegsite, do you have any swap?16:31
Gegsitejesperson, I do, it is 4 GB16:32
jespersonHave you tried this: http://chriseiffel.com/everything-linux/how-i-got-suspend-and-hibernate-working-in-linux-ubuntu-11-04-mint-11/16:33
zykotick9Gegsite: is it a swap partition?  is it slightly larger then your physical memory?  are you using non-free graphics drivers?  hibernation is tricky!  good luck.16:34
MikelevelGegsite~ suspend or hibernate?16:35
Mikelevelits not the same16:35
MonkeyDustGegsite  hiberation made my system unstable and slow, also 4GB, careful with it16:35
Gegsitesuspend.. it is the menu up right16:36
zykotick9Gegsite: suspend  is much easier...  i don't think the swap stuff plays a part with suspend.  good luck.16:37
MonkeyDustsuspend is 'save to ram', hibernate is 'save to disk'16:37
Gegsiteits keep awaike....16:38
Gegsiteor just my fan still turning16:38
kallo82i have dell latitude e5470 bought it last week , i had to format like 10 times since then cause when i run the usual update for my pre-installed ubuntu 14.04.2 it starts to show me we're sorry internal error16:49
kallo82any idea ?16:49
kallo82also some of the pre installed software like "dell my linux" stop responding16:49
nacckallo82: check RAM, check disk for smart errors?16:50
kallo82My hard is fully SSD and has no issues , RAMs are DDR4 (8GB)16:51
kallo82i believe if it were hardware issues i would still should see errors16:52
kallo82but  idont at the moment16:53
kallo82any suggestion on how to determine reasons16:53
kallo82is it because of kernal update ?16:53
ApteryxHi! Could anyone suggest a good SSTP client?16:53
ApteryxPPTP is blocked, and sstp-client (sourceforge project) is super slow when dealing with svn. I compared throughput between PPTP and SSTP, and PPTP was orders faster for some SVN operations (svn log --diff -r startrev:endrev, for example).16:54
kallo82Any help on my above question16:56
kallo82i have dell latitude e5470 bought it last week , i had to format like 10 times since then cause when i run the usual update for my pre-installed ubuntu 14.04.2 it starts to show me we're sorry internal error, should i update and keep seeing this internal error or keep it the way its without updates ?16:58
robairtwhy the hell do razer notification get pushed to my desktop17:00
robairtI even have set razer.insider to the block list and it still freaking pops up17:00
MonkeyDust!info razer17:00
ubottuPackage razer does not exist in wily17:00
MonkeyDust!find razer17:00
ubottuFile razer found in picon-usenix, seqan-apps17:00
di-erzjoin #rust-ru17:06
MyrttiGegsite: mind a pm?17:09
weeirc8086my xscreensaver refuses to login me -- says 'wrong password'17:17
weeirc8086on lubuntu17:17
weeirc8086I have multiple keyboard layouts.17:18
weeirc8086is there an alternative screenlocker that I could install?17:19
foormeahiya. what do you suggest for remote backup-ing? i'm seeing a few options: duplicity, remote-sync, unison. which is better? unison seems to be cross-platform which sounds nice, but i'm wondering if it's doing okay with file permissions17:19
k1l_foormea: unison is basically 2-way-rsync17:23
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skinuxDoes Ubuntu have tools/commands that allow more control as Fedora/other enterprise systems do?17:24
k1l_foormea: and it needs the same major version of unison on both machines.17:24
k1l_skinux: what do you mean exactly?17:24
naccskinux: that question seems very vague to me17:24
k1l_(and fedora is not the enterprise distribution. rhel is)17:25
stef__hello, im new to ubuntu mate and i just installed synaptic package manager, a tool i used allot with linux mint. but i cannot find it? i know this sounds dumb but i expected it to be in applications -> system tools, it seem im wrong17:25
SCHAAP137stef__, try looking in System -> Administration17:26
stef__SCHAAP137, thanks, thats it17:27
ActionParsnipskinux: what do you want to achieve?17:28
skinuxI've simply always heard people say Ubuntu isn't their first choice because other distros offer much more control.17:28
ActionParsnipnever understood the fascination with Synaptic, you have software centre.....17:28
ActionParsnipskinux: its Linux, lots of control.17:29
skinuxSo, people saying that are just biased or don't know what they're talking about?17:29
ActionParsnipskinux: probably a bit of both17:29
SCHAAP137skinux, Ubuntu offers the same degree of control as other linuxes. You could say that it has more things preinstalled, that might be true. But it has nice and secure defaults, compared to other distros.17:30
k1l_skinux: imho the people talk about the automatic setup. but you still can change the settings. ubuntu was the one shipping a desktop installer which made it easy for beginners. others said that this is not needed.17:30
DArqueBishopskinux: my experience is that when someone mentions a distribution "giving you more control", what they mean is that the distro doesn't have newbie-friendly configuration systems as the default and force you to wade through config files.17:35
django_hey ubuntunistas17:37
django_how can i record my computer work17:37
django_i wanna make a youtube channel17:37
ActionParsnipdjango_: recordmydesktop-gtk or kazam are 2 options I can think of quickly17:38
DJones!screencast | django_ This should have some links tohelpyou,17:38
ubottudjango_ This should have some links tohelpyou,: Some programs to capture your screen are Kazam, Vokoscreen & Simple Screen Recorder. Also ffmpeg/libav with x11grab option on the command line. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:38
baizondjango_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/4428/how-to-create-a-screencast17:38
ph8-Hi all, i'm wondering if I can full disk encrypt my install of 15.10 without wiping and reinstalling, can anyone point me in the right direction?17:39
ActionParsnipph8-: could use it as an excuse to wipe the install off and install Xenial. Xenial is LTS and supported til April 2021. Wily has only a short lifespan17:40
ActionParsnipph8-: you can restore your userdat from your backups to the encrypted file system17:40
nicomachusworth mentioning that xenial is still beta for another 3 weeks.17:41
ActionParsnipits the long game :)17:41
ph8-well i'm starting a job next week with my own kit17:47
ph8-is Xenial going to be a suicidal choice? :)17:47
ph8-Isn't there normally a "massive" drop of stuff once something leaves beta that adds on surprise themeing etc that's not in the beta?17:48
tewardph8-: Xenial isn't even released yet - questions for it in #ubuntu+117:48
ph8-I don't remember running a beta that goes to stable being the best thing in the past17:48
tewardph8-: i'd stick with an actually supported release though17:48
ph8-My inclination also i think :)17:48
ph8-But we think full reinstall only for disk encryption?17:48
ph8-It's kinda fine, i can just back my home up - just not ideal17:48
ph8-But hardly a standard operation :)17:48
pikapikapikachucan someone help me17:56
rud0lfjust ask17:56
pikapikapikachui need help with morse code17:56
MonkeyDustpikapikapikachu  start with a question17:56
MonkeyDustpikapikapikachu  this is ubuntu support17:56
pikapikapikachucan you point me in the right direction?17:56
llutz!alis | pikapikapikachu17:57
ubottupikapikapikachu: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http17:57
pikapikapikachuits a fun project incase anybody wants to have a look17:57
pikapikapikachuthanks guys17:57
DiamondSwordhello.. I have two hdd on my pc, I've Windows on SSD and some important files on SATA HDD. I have enough space on SATA HDD but not much on SSD, so I'm thinking to install ubuntu on some part of the SATA HDD without loosing my important files there.. can I do that? I wonder if this is possible..17:59
baizonDiamondSword: yes its possible18:00
baizonDiamondSword: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/gg309169.aspx18:00
frainfreezematter fact I was wondering the same .-.18:00
DiamondSwordalso grub will be installed where? on my SSD or SATA HDD ? I'm asking this because I wonder will I need GRUB to boot into Windows ?18:00
baizonDiamondSword: you can select where to install grub18:00
DiamondSwordon my situation where do you advise to install GRUB, baizon ?18:01
baizonDiamondSword: i would recommend to install grub on the same drive where you got your linux system18:01
DiamondSwordso on the SATA HDD18:01
frainfreezebaizon, but windows on the SSD doesnt get affected?18:01
reisioand also to have that drive be the first drive18:01
DiamondSwordbaizon, do you think this will any affect on my Windows system?18:02
reisioif you don't write to the Windows drive, it won't be affected18:02
baizonfrainfreeze: if he boots from the hdd, then not18:02
DiamondSwordfor example think that some day I deleted linux partititon while I was on Windows.. then will I be able to Windows without a problem?18:02
baizonDiamondSword: yes18:03
DiamondSwordwhat desktop environment do you use?18:05
DiamondSwordUnity mostly?18:05
EriC^^DiamondSword: what does it matter?18:06
kallo82Hello , lshw is causing me ubuntu 14.04 internal error , its version is B.02.1618:06
SquarismSo release tonight?18:06
kallo82Should i reinstall it18:06
EriC^^DiamondSword: ah, i thought that was your opening question18:06
pikapikapikachuhow to see list of channels?18:06
DiamondSwordEriC^^, do you think Canonical will always go on with Unity all the time?18:07
DiamondSwordbecause I won't like to be fooled.18:07
EriC^^what do you mean by fooled?18:07
MonkeyDustDiamondSword  if you don't like unity, use something else18:07
DiamondSwordI tried XFCE with ubuntu on virtualbox,  you know Unity is the default DE with Ubuntu18:07
EriC^^pikapikapikachu: /msg alis list <string> shows related channels18:08
MonkeyDustDiamondSword  because the phone interface looks the same, convergence etc18:08
DiamondSwordMonkeyDust, Unity is a derivative of XFCE or Gnome?18:08
kallo82any idea how to fix lshw ? it hangs on PCI sys and then shows nothing , also it is causing internal error message when i first login to ubuntu18:08
MonkeyDustDiamondSword  unity is a compiz layer iver gnome318:09
nicomachuskallo82: what? lshw shouldn't cause internal errors like that.18:09
nicomachusand AFAIK it can't be reinstalled.18:09
naccSquarism: no, xenial releases (current schedule) 4/21: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule18:09
DiamondSworddo you also realize gnome is slowly going to be  ios.. as interface18:09
DiamondSwordI like linux, not ios18:09
MonkeyDustDiamondSword  discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic18:10
naccDiamondSword: offtopic18:10
kallo82nicomachus: in the description of the message "sorry ubuntu is experiencing an internal error" i see /usr/bin/lshw18:10
DiamondSwordohh ok18:10
DiamondSwordthank you al for help18:10
kallo82nicomachus: im also unable to use this command to list my hardware drivers18:10
Squarismnacc, thanx18:11
nicomachusI have never seen that before... odd. when did this start kallo82?18:11
OldbloodAnyone have Firefox freezing for a while on pages with a few gifs?18:11
reisiowith a few thousand, sure18:11
reisioyou're out of ram18:11
reisiounfortunately you cannot realistically add so much ram to cover any stupid webpage18:11
Oldbloodno way I have 16 Gig18:11
reisiothere'll always be a stupider webpage18:11
kallo82nicomachus, right after i update my 14.04.218:11
SquarismWill unity8 be default WM in 16.04?18:11
Oldbloodonly like 2.5 in use18:11
nicomachusSquarism: no.18:11
nicomachusmaybe in 16.10.18:12
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kallo82nicomachus: as i have autoremoved it and reinstalled it but it is still not working18:13
kallo82version of lshw : B.02.1618:13
Squarismnicomachus, ok. Has its status changed from 15.10? I mean will it be presented to "non-expert" users as a valid choice for typical productivity work? Or more a "at your own risk" !!EXPERIMENTAL!!18:14
nicomachusSquarism: perhaps ask in #ubuntu+1, that's where xenial support is.18:15
bekksSquarism: 16.04 will be stable upon release.18:15
nicomachusbekks: he's asking about Unity 818:15
bekksWhatever Unity version will be included in 16.04 will be stable too :)18:15
nicomachuswhich will be 7. with an option for 8. and he's asking if that option for 8 will be stable, I think.18:16
Squarismwell i heard rumors 16.04 would be the release when unity8 would be made an "accessible option"18:17
bekksSquarism: 16.04 will be released, no matter whats up with Unity8.18:18
kallo82Ive almost searched everywhere about this issue, is there any place i can go to find an answer ?18:18
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EriC^^unity8 can be tried right now by installing a package18:18
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Squarismbekks, sure it will. Im mostly curious about unity818:19
EriC^^i think it comes out with 16.1018:19
bekksSquarism: So try it out? :)18:19
Squarismi guess i will when 16.04 arrives. On 14.04 still18:19
kallo82Is this really ubuntu support official channel ?18:21
reisioreally is18:21
nicomachuskallo82: yes, but your issue is a tough one.18:21
Picikallo82: really really18:21
kallo82nicomachus: there should be a solution somewhere18:22
EriC^^kallo82: what does sudo lshw give you?18:23
kallo82nicomachus: PCI (sysfs) , and then disappears with no results18:24
popeykallo82: is everything else operating normally?18:24
popeykallo82: what changed on your system recently?18:24
kallo82Update to 14.04.418:24
popeykallo82: what packages have you installed recently?18:24
popeykallo82: can you pastebin the file /var/log/dpkg.log ?18:24
kallo82popey: just regular updates that came up from update center18:25
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/aDLS2WH018:27
Bashing-omkallo82: I have to ask if you are allowing the sysyem time " lshw " to probe the hardware? .. after " PPCI (sysfs) " takes a bit .18:28
popeykallo82: have you rebooted since this update?18:28
kallo82popey: yes many times , when i first login it shows me that ubuntu is experiencing an internal error and send report (in description it is mentioned /usr/bin/lshw)18:29
popeydid you click the button to send the report?18:30
kallo82i had to autoremove lshw and reinstall it again , nothing changed18:30
kallo82yes of course18:30
popeyI can probably take a look at that report18:30
kallo82popey: yes please ! i appreciate your hand on this18:31
popeyif you go to system settings -> security & privacy -> diagnostics -> "Show previous reports"18:31
popeythat will open a window in your browser - can you private message me the url?18:31
popeynobody else can see what's in there, just a precaution18:31
kallo82Bashing-om: yes , but it disappears in a while and return to new line18:31
lucas-arghey guys, i have a question, if you were to install ubuntu in a computer, would you go with 16.04 beta or stay with 14.04 until 2017?? would you use ppas?18:32
Bashing-omkallo82: Poking at it : same result when ' sudo lshw -C display ' is input ?18:32
popeykallo82: we have about 300 reports of lshw failing in this way18:33
reisiolucas-arg: waiting is silly18:33
popeyare they all from you? :)18:33
reisiolucas-arg: you can upgrade a beta to a "final", if that's all you're worried about18:34
TJ-kallo82: popey: there was a weird bug in the underlying libraries I recall some time ago, due to bad entries in sysfs if I recall correctly18:35
popeythere's been a ton of people with this issue in the last 3 days18:35
popeysome going back to the start of the year18:36
TJ-chase the recent upgrades :)18:36
skypcehello all , i want share ubuntu liquorix kernel 4.4.6, the link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-zaIRs7FBg18:37
TJ-kallo82: is the system running an LTS enablement kernel?18:37
popeykallo82: I'd be inclined to recommend you switch to the hw kernel18:37
marjinal1stIs there a GUI app (like GPG Suite) for encryption, in Ubuntu?18:37
popeyTJ-: no, they're on Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_6418:37
popey!hwe | kallo8218:38
ubottukallo82: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:38
kallo82popey: i dont know this ubuntu was preinstalled on my dell laptop18:38
kallo82i just got it few days ago18:38
popeyokay, so you're on kernel 3.1918:38
popeywe have a newer kernel you can try18:39
kallo82yes after the update its 3.1918:39
popeybasically run the command on the page I linked to18:39
kallo82it was 2. something18:39
popeythe HWE kernel will take you up to 4.218:39
popeybasically run this:-18:39
popey sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily18:39
TJ-kallo82: have you tried "sudo strace -o /tmp/lshw.strace.log -f lshw" to capture what it is doing?18:40
kallo82TJ-: i will try that right away18:41
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/RmqLFfUi18:41
popeykallo82: have you added some PPAs to this?18:41
popeyand using GNOME Shell or some other desktop?18:42
TJ-kallo82: you can "pastebinit /tmp/lshw.strace.log" after, so we can see what it got up to18:42
kallo82TJ-: when i ran the command i had again the internal error but this time /usr/bin/strace18:42
TJ-kallo82: the bug was in strace? that points to some underlying core library issue18:43
kallo82popey: No have not added any PPA, should i add any ?18:43
popeykallo82: what PPAs have you added to this system?18:43
* TJ- suspects on-disk file corruption18:43
kallo82popey: there are dell PPAs that came with the OS18:44
TJ-kallo82: has the system run out of space recently ("df -h") ?18:44
kallo82popey: i added teamjava to install oracle java18:44
popeyTJ-: no, there's a ton of people with this issue18:44
popeyits not isolated to the hardware on this machine18:44
kallo82Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on18:45
kallo82udev            3.9G  4.0K  3.9G   1% /dev18:45
kallo82tmpfs           787M  1.5M  786M   1% /run18:45
kallo82/dev/sda3       217G   31G  175G  16% /18:45
kallo82none            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup18:45
kallo82none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock18:45
TJ-kallo82: did strace capture any output at all before it BUGed ?18:45
joasiaI cant mount ntfs partition becouse get error and info thah windows want correctly shutdown, but my windows dont want startup correctly and I want mount ntfs partition and copy files18:45
joasiais any way to repair it ntfs partition under ubuntu? I dont know mayby fsck??18:46
kallo82TJ-: i didnt try that before the update18:47
kallo82all of these issues happened right after the update18:47
popeykallo82: how did you update?18:48
popeyusing the graphical update tool?18:48
TJ-kallo82: popey the (only) common library is libc.so.6, and the eglibc packages shows security patches dated feb 16th. does that date tie in with these problems beginning?18:48
Xero0042joasia: Check this out http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/fix-corrupted-windows-ntfs-filesystem-ubuntu/18:48
kallo82popey: yes i ran apt-get update and then used the graphical tool18:48
llutzjoasia: sudo ntfsfix -d /dev/sdXY                may work, may cause damages, one doesn't know18:48
Jordan_Ujoasia: Please pastebin the exact error message.18:49
popeyTJ-: yes18:49
joasiajoasia, this my error : Failed to mount '/dev/sdb3': Operation not permitted18:49
joasiaThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown18:49
joasiaWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume18:49
TJ-popey: looking at the changelog then, I'm guessing its a knock-on from the NSS/resolver fixes18:49
popeyTJ-: http://imgur.com/OyOiSoc18:50
popeyI'm more concerned that the HWE update didn't work18:50
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popeyall of these errors indicate 3.19, not 4.x18:50
joasiantfsfix will destroy my data?18:51
Jordan_Ujoasia: It is strongly recommended to only use chkdsk from Windows, using a recovery disk/partition if needed, for repairing NTFS. It's also good to try to understand the root cause of this problem. Is the hard drive hardware failing?18:51
joasiaI dont want format it18:51
llutzjoasia: no, but theres always a small risk, when using such tools18:52
kallo82popey: TJ- : Should i format and just keep the system without update ?18:52
TJ-popey: I'll look at the security patches; maybe there's a regression vis-a-vis the kernel interfaces18:52
joasiaJordan_U, disk is working but windows dont startup ... only windows logo start18:52
popeykallo82: dont format18:52
popeyTJ-: could be, thanks18:53
popeykallo82: can you open a terminal, and run the following:-18:53
joasiaJordan_U, but my data was on D partition so I only need repair filesystem on D18:53
popeykallo82: sudo apt update18:53
popeykallo82: sudo apt dist-upgrade18:53
popeykallo82: and pastebin the entirety of it18:53
joasiawill try ntfsfix18:53
DiamondSwordbaizon, http://askubuntu.com/a/29096818:55
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/FxaQZqzT18:55
DiamondSword"The problem is that grub (Linux bootloader that usually would provide the menu at boot where you can chose which OS you want to start) is installed on the second HD where Ubuntu is and if you boot to grub (that is, use the HD where Ubuntu is as the first boot drive) and chose Windows then it won't start."18:55
DiamondSwordbaizon, you said yes, no problem but they say if you do that, then Windows won't boot18:56
popeykallo82: okay, now could you please "sudo apt install linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily" and pastebin18:56
joasiaworking ... thanks a lot :)18:57
popeykallo82: ooh, hang on, scratch that18:57
popeykallo82: i need to speak to a developer about this18:57
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/duSVAu7e18:58
Jordan_UDiamondSword: If grub's boot sector is installed to the drive containing Ubuntu, and Windows is on a different drive, then installing grub won't touch the Windows drive at all.18:59
popeykallo82: okay, so you need:- sudo apt install linux-generic-lts-wily xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily18:59
popeywhich I just tested here18:59
TJ-popey: from debian/patches/any/CVE-2015-7547.diff  :  "+ /* If the current buffer is not the the static user-supplied buffer then we can reallocate it */"  -- immediately makes me supicious. If it gets that wrong it could end up trying to mess with the calling process's memory allocation by free()ing/ realloc()ing .. when the caller tries to free() there'd be a bug18:59
DiamondSwordJordan_U, ok it's ok but will I be able to boot into Windows with Grub which is installed D drive? (I have Windows on C drive)18:59
popeyTJ-: fun18:59
popeykallo82: that command should work.19:00
Jordan_UDiamondSword: Yes.19:00
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/4ppsYqAs19:00
kallo82popey: it didnt :-(19:00
popeykallo82: hmmmm19:01
DiamondSwordJordan_U, how can it be possible? because you say if I install ubuntu on D drive, that doesn't touch on Windows so how does Ubuntu know I have a Windows OS on another drive that is C drive?19:01
popeykallo82: ahh, I'm following clues, one moment19:01
kallo82popey: ok thank you for your time i appreciate it19:02
sstoryIsn't it a security issue for /sbin and /usr/sbin  to have 755 perms?19:04
popeykallo82: okay, lets try just the kernel:- sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-wily19:05
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Jordan_UDiamondSword: os-prober, called by grub-mkconfig, called by update-grub will do *read only* mounts of all of your drives/partitions to search for other OSs to add entries for in grub's menu. grub-install doesn't even do that (as it doesn't generate a grub.cfg) and neither *writes* to the Windows drive.19:05
TJ-sstory: in what way?19:05
kallo82popey: its working , updating19:06
baizonDiamondSword: like i said, i got it this way and it works19:06
llutzsstory: not really. having access to the programs doesnt mean you can use them. most need root-rights to be "harmfull"19:06
popeykallo82: okay. can you pastebin when done?19:06
sstoryTJ: Well, I'm just thinking since sbin is for super users, that other people should be able to get to useradd userdel, etc19:06
kallo82popey: i will surely do19:06
DiamondSwordI'll make some free space on D drive and boot into Ubuntu installer.19:07
TJ-sstory: but those tools check the effective UID and won't work if it isn't correct19:07
DiamondSwordI'll install Ubuntu beside my important files on D drive.19:07
jonathan_zzsstory: OpenSUSE disallows normal /sbin usage but it is super annoying. Think. Even ifconfig is in /usr/sbin or something.19:07
sstoryTJ: OK.  I guess it just looked wierd19:07
DiamondSwordI have my Windows on C drive and I hope I can boot both Windows and Ubuntu after all.19:07
sstoryjonathan_zz: ok. Thanks!19:07
masterdoctoranyone running on a Raspberry Pi19:07
llutzjonathan_zz: opensuse doesn't disallow that, they just don't put */sbin/ into users PATH19:07
sstoryDiamondSword: I have a machine with Win 7 and Ubuntu and it boots fine.19:08
jonathan_zzI know that.19:08
FoxMulderHey guys19:08
DiamondSwordok then.19:08
sstoryDIamondSword: I have a grub loader on it and set it choose Ubuntu by default.19:08
kallo82popey: popey: http://pastebin.com/zeTp2u6d19:08
Jordan_UDiamondSword: Note that by default, on BIOS based systems, Ubuntu's installer installs grub's boot sector to what it thinks is the "first" drive even if that isn't the drive containing Ubuntu.19:08
DiamondSwordI'll just install it, I don't know how to make it to select Ubuntu by default.19:08
mikepapaI'm lost. I cannot launch any virtual machine with virt-manager, that has no Cirrus video. Same moment I remove it from system, VM stops working. Not even trying to boot. Why?19:08
jonathan_zzIt means constantly having to use the full path.19:09
sstoryDiamondSword: Of course wisdom says: install Windoze first.  Check your BIOS if new because many settings need to be changed to "Legacy" sometimes for Linux to boot.19:09
llutzjonathan_zz: it means editing your PATH-var once19:09
jonathan_zzWhat's worse is the error message.19:09
sstoryDiamondSword: I think you can do that afterward.19:09
TJ-kallo82: if you want to pin the cause down you could install the libc6 symbols and run 'lshw' under gdb (the debugger) and then when it crashes use "bT full" to generate a stack trace.19:09
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jonathan_zzNo it doesn't mean that, unless you are inclined to at that point.19:09
ThePendulumbit of a generic linux question maybe, but often software is put under a mirror link instead of a direct link to the source; is there any way to download the target file instead of the mirroring script from the command line?19:09
koimaroIs there any file manager to have 3 (or maybe more) columns like this: http://s21.uploadcdn.net/i/00027/hkj93uvatwus.png (I tried dolphin. It just can split in to column)19:10
kallo82popey: whats gdb ?19:10
TJ-kallo82: on an amd64 64-bit install you'd probably want http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/e/eglibc/libc6-dbgsym_2.19-0ubuntu6.7_amd64.ddeb  - 'gdb' is the GNU debugger19:11
popeykallo82: looks like the update worked.19:11
TJ-kallo82: make notes; then once you have your package problems solved, if the issue persists you can use this to gather detailed, useful, data19:12
popeyTJ-: you sure we want to do that ?19:12
TJ-popey: only if it continues to affect the system. installing the debug symbols won't hurt19:12
popeykallo82: looks like the kernel update worked19:12
popeysure, but advanced.19:12
kallo82popey: so whats the next step ?19:12
popeyin theory, reboot and the lshw issue may go away19:12
jonathan_zzUbuntu will correctly search its database and provide you with hints (Debian) about the program you are using or trying to find, but suse will just provide you with some useless error message if you type the wrong command.19:12
TJ-popey: well, only 3 commands... wget, dpkg -i, and gdb lshw19:12
TJ-popey: and as we have a hot issue with an active user a fast way to get the data required19:13
jonathan_zzthat was really the most frustrating thing about OpenSUSE for me. :P.19:13
DiamondSwordswap area should be logical or primary ?19:13
llutzDiamondSword: no difference19:13
jonathan_zzI would never reserve primary for swap if you have only 4.19:14
jonathan_zzif you use 2 primaries for Linux, you have 2 left for Windows if you need to.......19:14
TJ-or 126 if its GPT :)19:15
jonathan_zzthen there is no logical :p.19:15
sstoryDiamondSword: If grub is installed, you'll see a list. In Ubuntu, you can edit (carefully) /etc/default to make changes and have the menu stay around a few seconds to choose from. After editing, run update-grub to update the real config file19:16
kallo82popey: Hello back19:16
kallo82I rebooted19:16
llutzno need for msdos-layout today19:16
kallo82and by running uname -a i see it worked19:16
kallo82its 4.219:16
jonathan_zzbesides, booting windows from gpt is not always possible :p.19:16
DiamondSwordok sstory thank you, I'll try to edit grub after install19:17
DiamondSwordhope I never need it :)19:17
jonathan_zzthere must also be gui programs to edit grub, there is one for kde.19:17
sstoryDiamondSword: Well in replacing Windoze with Ubuntu--trial... it is nice to be able to fall back to it for a while if an emergency came up, but eventually I hope to be rid of it too19:18
kallo82popey: now im able to navigate lshw ! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART !19:18
DiamondSwordsstory, :)19:20
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jonathan_zzoh it's gone from the standard repo: kde-config-grub2.19:20
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tnxHi! I am running Kubuntu 14.04 and need help with my Wacom tablet. When I go to the KDE tablet settings, it says that it didn't find the KDE service for tablets and that I shall start this. I don't have a clue how to start the KDE service for tablets unfortunately, can anyone help me out here?19:25
popeykallo82: yay! working now?19:26
popeysuper news19:26
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kallo82popey: yes working now but i feel the laptop is a little laggy , mouse hangs on a little then move as it should, has this anything to do with the kernal update ?19:27
popeyhm, that shouldn't happen :(19:28
tnxThe tablet itself works, but I don't have pressure sensitivity or the ability to customize buttons or something else I would need the KDE settings for.19:28
Bashing-ompopey: kallo82 Did the graphics driver break in the kernel upgrade ?19:30
tty1Hey guys... so i have some python script.. is there a way to make it run on bootup AND have its output displayed on the screen (without needing the user to login).. this is console only.19:31
kallo82Bashing-om: popey : Yes now vlc is weirdly running ! ill upload a photo19:31
Jordan_Utty1: What does this script do?19:33
tty1Jordan_U: prints stuff to the screen (no input), talks to some comports, and does a tcp connection in the background19:33
popeykallo82: hmm, lets try something19:33
kallo82popey: yes please19:33
kallo82popey: do you want me to show you the result of sudo lshw ?19:34
popeyno, thanks.19:34
popeykallo82: try:-19:34
popeykallo82: sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily19:35
popeynow we're on the new kernel19:35
scalper_i installed the latest ubuntu, i installed lamp server, apache is working correctly, i can open html files local but php files arent opening, i get a 500 error, what could cause this trouble?19:36
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/NRrC2UHv19:36
scalper_i asume apache has rights to read the files because it will render html files correctly in the browser19:36
Mathisenwould you say that Plex Mediaserver is a good chooice for streaming my music ?? or is there better alternatives out there ?19:36
jonathan_zztnx: Only thing I can find is: http://askubuntu.com/questions/462158/kde-config-tablet-on-ubuntu19:37
jonathan_zztnx: that person changed a single value in a single file, and then executed kded4, not sure about anything else.19:38
=== scalper_ is now known as scalper
popeykallo82: ahh - try with this:- sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily19:38
popey(added --install-recommends)19:38
jonathan_zztnx: the file to change would be: /usr/share/kde4/services/kded/wacomtablet.desktop. And the value was: X-KDE-Kded-phase=0 (instead of =1)19:39
SeldonNever liked Unity 7 so much, but after seeing this video i think Unity 8 is pretty awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItFoz92zNm019:39
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/wsCkErCA19:39
llutzscalper: check your apache-logs19:40
Bashing-om!info xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily trusty19:41
ubottuxserver-xorg-core-lts-wily (source: xorg-server-lts-wily): Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.17.2-1ubuntu9.1~trusty1 (trusty), package size 1220 kB, installed size 3811 kB19:41
wutfi installed docker using the install script on ubuntu, but it's not running and i don't see how to start it19:41
Jordan_Utty1: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html I think printing to tty1 is the default.19:41
aleks__Hi everyone19:42
tnxOkay, I did that, thanks! kded4 didn't seem to do anything, so I am quickly going to reboot to see if it worked.19:42
Bashing-om!info libgbm1-lts-wily trsuty19:42
ubottu'trsuty' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed19:42
Bashing-om!info libgbm1-lts-wily trusty19:42
ubottulibgbm1-lts-wily (source: mesa-lts-wily): generic buffer management API -- runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 11.0.2-1ubuntu4~trusty1 (trusty), package size 22 kB, installed size 141 kB19:42
maverick1992did you guys hear about linux bash shell running on windows19:43
popeykallo82: sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily libclutter-1.0-0 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 libcogl15 libclutter-gst-2.0-0 gstreamer1.0-clutter libegl1-mesa-lts-wily libgbm1-lts-wily libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-wily19:43
aleks__I have a security/privacy question. I have a fresh install XFCE desktop. Upon start ip I can see Firefox makes outgoing connections to CloudFront or Amazon CDN19:43
maverick1992its gonna happen in a future release of windows 1019:43
srulihow can i disable my internal mic in modprobe (not soundcard only mic)19:43
maverick1992just get a mac19:43
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/9BGjua3j19:43
Jordan_U!ot | maverick199219:44
ubottumaverick1992: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:44
popeykallo82: ooh, getting there19:44
aleks__I have a security/privacy question. I have a fresh install XFCE desktop. Upon start ip I can see Firefox makes outgoing connections to CloudFront or Amazon CDN. How can this unwanted behaviour be stoped - I have turned off all options from the program's settings and I have tried disabling all add-ons19:44
TJ-aleks__: probably for the latest anti-spam/malware lists19:44
LJHSLDJHSDLJHI'm wondering what might be the reason that when I type the names of newly installed applications in Dash but nothing appears!19:44
aleks__@ TJ - this is also stopped19:44
LJHSLDJHSDLJHubuntu 15.1019:44
scalperi believe i've forgotten to output the error's i used to work with by default (in the browser)19:45
TJ-aleks__: is this any help? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-stop-firefox-making-automatic-connections?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=Firefox+makes+unrequested+connections19:46
pingwindyktatorhey. I want to create bash script that keeps some process running. if that process ends, it will re-run it. how to do that?19:46
popeykallo82: what if you "sudo apt remove libgl1-mesa-dri" then re-run the previous command?19:46
pingwindyktatorit will be great if there wont be any possibility to stop that script19:46
popeydoes the first work?19:46
kallo82popey: it tells me that the package is not installed19:47
tty1Jordan_U: thanks that should do it19:47
tnxjonathan_zz, unfortunately it didn't work19:47
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/vPJCGZVt19:47
popeykallo82: ok19:47
aleks__@ TJ - it's probably something in this19:48
LJHSLDJHSDLJHDoes anyone experience the same issue with 15.10?19:48
aleks__@ TJ - I need to check all the options mentioned in this Mozilla article19:48
aleks__@ TJ - thank you :)19:48
bithushhello, I am currently a Linux Mint user as I really like Cinnamon but would like to switch to Ubuntu, what is the best way to get Cinnamon on Ubuntu?19:48
aleks__@ TJ - what do you think about Chromium - it also makes outgoing connections - but to Google19:48
aleks__and I have also stopped all possible visible options inside the program19:49
tty1any idea how i stop the the screen from going off automatically?19:49
popeykallo82: sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily libclutter-1.0-0 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 libcogl15 libclutter-gst-2.0-0 gstreamer1.0-clutter libegl1-mesa-lts-wily libgbm1-lts-wily libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-wily libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-wily libegl1-mesa-drivers-lts-wily libgles2-mesa-lts-wily libgles1-mesa-lts-wily19:49
tty1console, not xwindows19:49
k1l_bithush: install the cinnamon package from the ubuntu repos.19:49
tulipsokay this is driving me nuts... i have installed different versions and derivants of ubuntu and they are all having the same problem on my computer after a couple hours (fresh install)19:49
tulipsthe computer just freezes and I cannot go into F1-F6 shells19:49
tgm4883tulips: so a kernel panic probably19:50
nickzwhat is kernel panic basically?19:50
tulipson both LTS and latest19:50
tnxI think it is like a bluescreen on Windows, nickz.19:50
tulipshow do i work with this?19:50
tgm4883tnx: +119:50
kallo82popey: http://pastebin.com/psiiJW3719:51
TJ-tulips: system freeze across multiple versions often indicates an underlying problem with fan control (cooling) not working as intended, leading to eventual overheat events19:51
popeykallo82: so close :)19:51
Jordan_Utulips: Have you run memtest86+ or another memory checker?19:51
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jonathan_zztnx: sorry to hear. Maybe you can find more, but apparently it has been a common bug.19:52
tulipsi dont know about any tools19:52
nickzi installed linux by editing some script _noapic, pressing tab in the installation ubuntu menu. when i didnt do it, it got me stuck later on, why?19:52
popeykallo82: sorry about this!19:52
popeykallo82: sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-core-lts-wily xserver-xorg-lts-wily xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-wily xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-wily libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-wily libclutter-1.0-0 libclutter-gtk-1.0-0 libcogl15 libclutter-gst-2.0-0 gstreamer1.0-clutter libegl1-mesa-lts-wily libgbm1-lts-wily libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-wily libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-wily libgles2-mesa-lts-wily libgles1-mesa-lts-wily19:52
tulipsJordan_U: ... dont know about any tools19:52
bithushk1l_: is it in the repos?19:52
tulipsJordan_U: what would be the best tool to run?19:52
k1l_!info cinnamon | bithush19:53
ubottubithush: cinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.13-1ubuntu2 (wily), package size 316 kB, installed size 1238 kB19:53
kallo82popey: its ok ! its working now :-)19:53
kallo82popey: updating19:53
bithushoh nice!19:53
popeywhen that finishes, reboot again19:53
kallo82popey: i will19:53
tnxIs there any other graphic tool able to configure a tablet? I know it is possible via command line too, but I am too stupid for this.19:53
scalpersolved anything19:53
pingwindyktatorcan someone help me? I want to create bash script that keeps some process running. if that process ends, it will re-run it. how to do that?19:53
jonathan_zztnx: it will probably take less time to find out how to do it, than it will to fix this bug :p.19:54
aleks__Hey, is there any technical and easy option to stop Chromium browser to phone to home to Google - or this is software design19:54
k1l_aleks__: chromium is the same code as google chrome but without the google code. so what is the issue?19:55
bekkschromium doesnt phone home.19:55
aleks__@kll - upon start up chromium calls various IP even though its set to about:blank19:55
aleks__it calls to 1e100.net19:55
bekksDisable all addons, etc.19:56
aleks__@Bekks - you can try netstat -t -u -c to see19:56
aleks__I have no addons in Chromium and I stopped all options to check malware sites, etc.19:56
bekksAnd whats so horrible about 1e100.net?19:56
k1l_aleks__: then switch the search engine for the url bar.19:56
kallo82popey: just rebooted19:57
kallo82popey: hello back19:57
aleks__@kll - search engine is set to DuckDuck go, it makes the 1e100 connections upon start up with no page opened, types, requested19:57
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tnxOh well, I will do that tomorrow, it's too late for something like this now. Anyways, thank you for helping, jonathan_zz.19:58
aleks__If you have chromium, just open it, start terminal, type sudo netstat -t -u -c and you will see it19:58
bekksAnd whats so horrible about 1e100.net?19:59
aleks__1e100.net is google19:59
bekksAnd whats so horrible about it?19:59
aleks__encrypted HTTPS outgoing connections - unwanted - this is the horrible19:59
bekksDid you read what it is for?19:59
linuxalguem do brasil19:59
aleks__who know what is sends them19:59
k1l_!br  | linux19:59
ubottulinux: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:59
aleks__and why it has to "call" them19:59
popeykallo82: ok19:59
bekksaleks__: if you are able to use netstat, you are able to use tcpdump as well.19:59
popeykallo82: hows it going?20:00
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:00
bekksaleks__: if not, just read this: https://support.google.com/faqs/answer/174717?hl=en20:00
aleks__but its encrypted20:00
k1l_aleks__: that might be due to the plugins hosted by google20:00
kallo82popey: mouse still lags :-(20:00
k1l_aleks__: better ask the chromium guys what exactly is send there20:00
kallo82popey: is there any command that determines where the issue is ?20:01
aleks__@kll - yeah, they are google employees - they won't tell the truth :)20:01
popeykallo82: :(20:02
k1l_aleks__: then dont use it, if you cant trust anything.20:02
TJ-kallo82: popey any indications of delays/freezes in dmesg ?20:02
popeykallo82: what type of mouse?20:02
aleks__@kll , I was supposed to trust it as it's open source _ I can even open its source code but I am not a developer and I am not good at it20:03
popeykallo82: touchpad or external mouse?20:03
TJ-aleks__: why not just block the process from making any outgoing connections in the firewall?20:03
aleks__but to me this is definitely security issue20:03
kallo82popey: wireless mouse, the sam used to work before the update (when it was 14.04.2)20:03
=== GarrettShields_ is now known as GarrettShields
aleks__@ TJ - if I block chromium from any outgoing connection, then I'd better uninstall it20:03
aleks__remove it20:03
kallo82popey: maybe i should change the mouse ?20:03
tgm4883aleks__: maybe use firefox?20:03
EdganI am on Ubuntu 14.04/trusty, and trying to install ruby gems. I can do some via apt-get, and I can do others via gem install. gem list doesn't seem to know about gems installed via apt-get, and if I run a command from a gem installed via gem install, it can't find the gems I installed via apt-get. But I can run irb, and require a gem installed via apt-get. WTF?20:04
k1l_aleks__: you assume its a security issue. but you dont know. so either dont use it at all or ask the chromium guys to explain20:04
kallo82popey: no external20:04
kallo82popey: want me to try the touchpad ?20:04
tgm4883or option C) dig through the code and figure it out. or D) Pay someone to dig through the code and figure it out20:04
aleks__@tgm4883 @kll - I use firefox and chromoium - chromium works better on any site20:04
k1l_aleks__: non browser devs will not know what is going on there. so this is just pointless in here.20:04
aleks__@kll - do you mean I ask them in their site or there is some IRC channel ?20:05
k1l_!alis | aleks__20:05
ubottualeks__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http20:05
k1l_aleks__: or file a bug in their bugtracker.20:05
aleks__@kll - there is already simiar "bug" but is not even triaged20:07
kallo82popey: good news20:07
ubottuDebian bug 792580 in chromium "chromium: Chromium calls home even in incognito mode with safe browsing turned off" [Important,Open]20:07
popeykallo82: go on :)20:07
Zephyhello. i've read about people setting up their parent's laptop with linux. what kind of desktop environment would you suggest for that case?20:07
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kallo82popey: i changed the USB port and now it seems to be resolved20:07
popeyI have heard some people find it works after removing the usb dongle and re-adding it20:07
popeysorry about that20:08
kallo82popey: you have been such a great help ! thank you for your time ! Big fan of you by now :-D20:08
k1l_aleks__: i doubt we can help you on that hunt in here. and a bug in debian wont help here. talk to the chromium guys. or if you dont trust them, dont use chromium at all.20:09
minimecZephy: Default unity. My mom likes the 'big icons' on the left. She has all the important apps 'sticky' there and can switch windows, if more than one is open.20:09
aleks__@kll - well, kll, honestly, I don't trust Google that much but I had to load chromium because firefox is ugly slow on some pages and there is page I use which works fine with chromium is utterly slow with firefox20:10
aleks__that's the only reason20:10
aleks__but , anyway, thank you ! :)20:10
Zephyminimec, was thinking about that or gnome 3. i think kde and the others are a bit too techy for my parents.20:10
tgm4883"I don't trust Google".... Uses Chromium20:11
TJ-aleks__: pages are slow due to abusing Javascript usually - disable it (or try the umatrix add-on)20:11
minimecZephy: For me, staying on default settings is also a plus, when it comes to update/upgrade.20:12
Zephyminimec, sounds reasonable. any pitfalls i should look out for? im usually only using scientific linux at work.20:12
minimecZephy: That machine had a 12.04 installation and will get 16.04 during summer.20:13
aleks__@ TJ - I will check umatrix20:13
aleks__thank you20:13
Zephyminimec, ill test 15.10 with them tomorrow.20:13
minimecZephy: Don't take one of these hybrid GPU machines. I guess your parents are no gamers. Intel CPU/GPU is normally painless. ;)20:13
minimecZephy: ... talking about laptops ...20:14
Zephyminimec, i got them a sweet thinkpad 56020:14
Zephyonboard gpu20:14
aleks__I am leaving, thank you for all who posted. Bye20:15
Zephyboth cpu and gpu from intel20:15
Zephyonly "intensive" gaming that will be done on the laptop, will be mahjong by my mother minimec :D20:15
GreenDayi run kubuntu20:17
jonathan_zzGreenDay: I've heard about it.20:19
jonathan_zzKubuntu I mean :p.20:19
minimecZephy: Ubuntu Mate could also be a solution, if they are used to the 'old desktop paradigm'.20:19
jonathan_zzif I needed to give my parents anything, I would give them no computer at all, but a netbook running Windows 10, that they can forget about and not have to worry having spent so much money for something they don't use anyway :P.20:21
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jonathan_zzmaybe something that had 3 big buttons on the screen for playing random music.20:23
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jonathan_zzthat would be abou the extent of their capability to use a computer :p.20:23
ph8-woah, do i have to use LVM if i want to do full disk encryption now?20:29
ph8-LVM's always just overcomplicated things in my experience20:30
ph8-am i missing something about why LVM is useful?20:30
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
HetroErectus<-- just open sourced his dads printer20:30
HetroErectusCISS ... open source ink :)20:30
Zephyminimec, nah fuck it. they have to adapt anyway, since they were using vista beforehand. and nice big icons are never a bad thing =)20:31
LTJohnGood morning20:35
LTJohncan you help me with registering on ubuntuforums.org ?20:35
Bashing-omLTJohn: Join #ubuntuforums for that assistance .20:36
LTJohnBashing-om: thank you20:36
Bashing-omLTJohn: :) pleased to help .20:36
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flambard`homehi all, quick question: what are the usual step to enable a daemon? (in my particular case it has a /etc/init.d/ rc script)20:41
flambard`homerc-update doesn't seem to exist20:41
tulipsokay i got memtest running on my laptop....20:41
flambard`homeand /etc/init.d/daemon status just exits, and it looks like there might be several reasons for it, so what's the generic course of action?20:42
MonkeyDustflambard`home  sudo service blah start20:42
tulipsafter running memtest, what else should i run to determine the cause for my laptop freezing?20:42
flambard`homeMonkeyDust, thanks, doesn't look like it's doing anything20:43
flambard`home(I would assume for the same reason /etc/init.d version is not doing anything, whatever that reason might be)20:44
sparrI am getting different results from `service foo status` and `/etc/init.d/foo status`. How can I tell what `service` is doing?20:44
llutzflambard`home: what ubuntu-version?20:44
ltelmotulips: Make sure your cooling fans are running , if it gets hot it can lock up20:45
guntbertflambard`home: currently systemd is used, so    sudo systemctl start  servicename20:45
flambard`homellutz: sorry for being dumb, but I'm not sure, doesn't look like /etc/motd exists either, uname -a doesn't state distro version20:45
llutzflambard`home: cat /etc/issue20:45
flambard`homellutz: oh, thanks, it's 14.04.4 LTS20:46
llutzso no systemd20:46
tulipsltelmp, sometimes the fans do run.... but how do i know if they are running when they should?20:46
tulipsthey run fast when the machine locks up20:46
flambard`homellutz, guntbert: right, I think it's init.d + upstart20:46
=== retentiveboy is now known as pdugas
llutzflambard`home: upstart actually with a wrapper for old sysV-init scripts in init.d, but "service ..." should do anyways20:47
ltelmotulips: if they are moving air they should be okay20:47
flambard`homellutz: I see. Well, I recall there's usually another step to "enable" a daemon, used to be rc-update20:48
flambard`homellutz: or editing some global config (gentooish/BSD). Can't figure out what that's supposed to be in Ubuntu 1420:49
llutzflambard`home: insserv20:49
flambard`homellutz: is that a comand? cause "insserv: command not found" :(20:49
llutzmy bad, seem to be from "those days", not actual anymore.20:50
flambard`homehmm, I guess it's "service runlevel"20:52
flambard`homeor maybe "update-rc.d foobar defaults"20:53
llutzflambard`home: that was always working. i thought you used that without success20:54
flambard`homellutz: nah, I'm just poking in the dark.20:54
flambard`homeserver --status-all shows my daemon with a lovely [ - ] mark, but that's it20:55
flambard`homeservice* --status-all20:55
jonathan_zzI say kill the beast.20:55
jonathan_zzIf it can't run around, it can't destroy the babies either.20:55
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Bashing-omflambard`home: 'sudo service <service> restart ' ??20:57
flambard`homeBashing-om: I wish21:00
tulipshow many passses should i let memtest run?21:01
DEFWAREshow ip21:02
flambard`homeI'm suspecting it's one of those, but as far as I can tell everything is fine. I guess time to add some echo's :/21:02
flambard`homeOK, /cat/default/foobar reveals "ENABLED=0"21:04
flambard`homephew, finally. who would've though.21:04
flambard`homethanks everyone, sorry for wasting your time21:04
flambard`homecat /etc/default/foobar *21:05
InglipzHey all.21:06
tulipshow many passes should you let memtest go?21:06
InglipzCould anyone help me with a slight hdd issue? My 1T drive is split between two volumes (sda and sdb) and I think it may have to do with an incorrect dd command I used a few month earlier.21:07
llutzInglipz: pastebin "sudo parted -l" please21:09
Bashing-omInglipz: I do not mind looking .. be aware sda is the 1st physical hard drive while sdb - the b- is the 2nd hard drive .21:10
Whiskettulips: depends what you're trying to do21:10
GreenDaymy flash is always outdated and i must activate it always under FF... :/21:10
tulipsWhisket, im trying to determine the reason for all of my computer freezes21:10
tulipsi have an aspire 574921:10
Whiskettulips: then I'd run it until it freezes -- if it does freeze21:11
tulipswindows doesnt freeze but a lot of nixes i have tried freeze a lot21:11
sparraha! /usr/sbin/service clears the environment before running /etc/init.d/foo21:11
tulipsand i dont wanna go back to windows21:11
InglipzThanks for the help. I'll post it in a sec, I'm on tablet right now (live usb on my laptop)21:13
tulipsWhisket, how long should be enough tho?21:13
Whiskettulips: sounds like drivers. if you think it's the memory you can run memtest until it dies or do something memory intensive until it dies21:13
llutztulips: let it go for 24hrs21:13
Whisketthe average amount of time between freezes21:13
InglipzBut I fon't care about the data on it. Incan nuke the drive if needed21:13
Whisketyeah 24hrs is probably okay21:14
ColomboHi all. I have limit on my home on computer at work. It is quite small (20 gigs). I am interested in enlarging it. I googled a bit and saw "quota" and that there must be stuff in fstab etc. but there seems to be nothing on fstab.21:14
tulipscant you pull information about a crash from a log tho?21:14
Whiskettulips: from vmcore21:15
InglipzBashing-om, llutz : http://pastebin.com/YKY3y9SS21:15
tulipsWhisket, can you point me on how to pull from that log?21:15
Bashing-omInglipz: Look'n .21:16
InglipzI already removed individual partk21:16
InglipzPartitions on bith, but can't "merge" them*21:16
InglipzBashing-om thanks!21:16
llutzInglipz: those are different drives, you cannot merge21:17
InglipzSdc is the flash drive, but I'm almost certain that sda and sdb got split for some reason. Also pretty sure that's because of wrongful dd command21:18
Whiskettulips: you need the file from /var/crash. more info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/kernel-crash-dump.html Once you get one  someone can load it into crash and look at it21:18
llutzInglipz: there is sda, an hitachi 1GB s-ata, sdb an kingstom msata 24gb21:18
llutzInglipz: and correct, sdc the 16gb flashdrive21:19
ltelmotulips: i looked that laptop is a standard I3 Intel and if you say it runs windows fine, I agree sounds like a driver issue21:19
gartralhello all, I have an issue. I'm trying to update a 12.04 system via reinstall with 15.04, and I can't wipe /dev/sda because when I try to create a new partition table i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/15571301/21:19
llutzhitachi 1TB*21:19
srulihow can i disable internal mic without disabling full audio? (mute is not enough, to enable i want it to require sudo)21:19
tulipsltelmp, how do i know what drivers to load?21:19
Inglipzllutz: the issue is that sdb didn't appear before (1 month or so). Now it does even when no usb drives are connected.21:19
MonkeyDustgartral  15.04 is dead21:20
gartralMonkeyDust: oop! I meant 15.1021:20
tulipsltelmp, driver manager doesnt show any drivers21:20
gartralhello all, I have an issue. I'm trying to update a 12.04 system via reinstall with 15.10, and I can't wipe /dev/sda because when I try to create a new partition table i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/15571301/21:20
InglipzIt used to be a full 1 to sda partition. I know I don't have two drives or any ssd on my machine either. It's not the worst issue but I find it extremely weird.21:21
llutzInglipz: is that a notebook?21:21
ltelmotulips: read here https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads21:22
zwarag /wc21:23
ltelmotulips: thats about all i know21:23
Inglipzllutz: Asus Rog. Single 1To hdd, I checked the specs, no ssd or anything.21:24
Bashing-omgartral: Can not modify partitions that are mounted (in use) .. Need to work from a live environment .21:24
=== tom_ is now known as Guest42761
gartralBashing-om: I AM.. I figured it out. I had to open gparted and deactivate the automatically mounted LVM partition21:25
rud0lfis there something special that application.desktop launcher does to the application?21:26
Bashing-omInglipz: A thought;  ' pastebin /proc/mounts ' Lets see if there is an old mount around that at some point you failed to unmount a device ???21:26
rud0lfwhen i launch eclipse's ELF file directly, it runs smoothly21:26
llutzInglipz: recheck using "sudo lshw -class disk"21:26
Bashing-omgartral: :) You do good work .21:26
rud0lfbut when i make .desktop for it it won't run any code, and even executing by elf wwon't change it21:27
gartralBashing-om: no... it's still throwing that same error... wtf?!21:27
amichairhi, I'm getting inconsistent errors running apt-get update. I see that archive.ubuntu.com resolves to 10 different ip addresses, but most of them return 404 when requesting e.g., and the root url looks like a test webserver installation page. Is this normal?21:28
Bashing-omgartral: Swap partition ? Sometimes the live will use the installed swap partition , Can be turned off in gparted .21:28
=== sagar is now known as Guest46152
gartralBashing-om: nope, it's the /home encrypted LVM... it refuses to just be turned off21:29
Inglipzllutz: I'm probably stupid, but I can't print the output. The command works though.21:29
k1l_amichair: change the mirror in the system settings21:30
llutzInglipz: just check the output, there should be 3 *disk statements listing the drives21:30
gartralBashing-om: http://i.imgur.com/9iFMkhS.png http://i.imgur.com/FGk0JzU.png http://i.imgur.com/oO42bkM.png21:30
Bashing-omInglipz: The result is a URL back in terminal .. Pass that link back here .21:30
amichairk1l_: I know how to work around the problem with mirrors... but I'm wondering as to the source of the problem - what's going on with the official repos? are they being hacked? badly maintained? am I missing something?21:30
GabitIf I press ctrl+x on apt (when viewing file diff), will it kill apt process as well? How do I exit?21:31
k1l_amichair: its an issue from your DNS.21:31
gartralBashing-om: first is the LVM is active, second, i deactivated it, third is it's back to active21:31
MonkeyDustGabit  ctrl c21:31
GabitMonkeyDust: thanks =)21:31
InglipzBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/yCxPML7c21:32
amichairk1l_: I tried an external (online) DNS server, and it resolves to the same 10 IPs... do you see something else? were there any recent changes?21:32
Gabitdid not work :D21:32
MonkeyDustGabit  repeatedly21:32
GabitI press H, and Less menu opened. I think I got it :D21:32
k1l_amichair: "the servers" are several hundred of servers all around the world.21:33
amichairk1l_: archive.ubuntu.com resolves to hundreds of ip addresses?21:33
k1l_amichair: yes. its a loadbalancer21:34
GabitRight answer was Q. Live and learn. I usually just run with it, but this was server, did not wanna f up.21:34
Inglipzllutz: got it. http://pastebin.com/LpH89Jm921:35
amichairk1l_: is it normal that many of them (I see 6/10) are empty webservers that look like they've just been installed?21:35
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k1l_amichair: no. they should not be in the rotation then.21:36
Bashing-omInglipz: Lots about that /proc/mounts I do not recognize ! Is that from a liveUSB ?21:36
amichairk1l_: btw I've tried 3 different DNS servers, all returning the same 10 IPs21:36
llutzInglipz: there's something missing, "cat /proc/scsi/scsi "21:37
k1l_amichair: #ubuntu-mirrors for more info21:37
amichairk1l_: great, thanks!21:38
InglipzBashing-om: Yes I'm doing a clean install of Antergos (adios dualboot!)21:38
Inglipzllutz: http://pastebin.com/LN4bdw7q21:40
Bashing-omgartral: I know little about LVM ( encryption ??) .. but as is the logical partition sda5 uses all the space in the extended partition sda2 . I would think that one would have to unlock that extended partition .21:40
reisiolvm is convenient for encryption, but that's not its sole or primary purpose21:40
llutzInglipz: there are 3 drives, no doubt. just go and partition /dev/sda to your needs, install your OS and then find a use for that 24GB ssd21:41
llutzInglipz: nobody here can tell you, where that drive came from, but it has nothing to do with dd or something like that.21:42
Inglipzllutz: Well okay. Seems awfully weird though but I doesn't matter that much I guess. Thanks a lot for your time !21:42
Bashing-omllutz: Inglipz A new install ? that 24 Gig drive may be raided for ssrt .21:42
reisioInglipz: laptop?21:42
reisioyeah a lot of laptops come with crazy preconfigured raid configs21:43
reisiowhich Windows pretends is one drive, and things seeing reality see as the two drive they are21:43
llutzInglipz: parted -a optimal /dev/sda mkpart primary 0% 100%21:43
llutzreisio: but not with two different hardware/vendor IDs21:43
reisioprimary ext4 0% 100%21:43
reisiollutz: wouldn't think so, no21:44
llutzreisio: fyi /proc/scsi/scsi: http://pastebin.com/LN4bdw7q21:44
Inglipz"Could not stat device /dev/sda - Not a directory"21:45
reisioInglipz: it's actually parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos; parted -a optimal -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext4 0% 100% or the like21:46
reisiodunno what you're doing, though21:46
* reisio just got here21:46
dave__como veo herramienta escritorio remoto21:46
Inglipzreisio: Yep laptop with 1To hdd.21:46
cfhowlett!es | dave__21:46
ubottudave__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:46
Inglipzreisio: Full Antergos install.21:46
llutzInglipz: support ends here, then21:47
reisioI was just thinking how superfluous that factoid was, myself :p21:48
Inglipzllutz: I'll try that last command and just do a full install on that sda if it doesn't work. Thanks for the support21:48
dave__support no21:49
Ladon!es | dave__21:50
ubottudave__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:50
cfhowlettdave__, no english, no support21:50
dave__como entro21:50
Bashing-omTJ-: Are you free to look at an LVM situation - gartral : http://i.imgur.com/9iFMkhS.png . Looks as the poster wants to install 15.10 .21:52
MonkeyDustdave__  stop21:52
cfhowlettdave__, no mas!21:53
SeveasBashing-om: where's the lvm setup? I only see a pv. Not the vg that it goes into or the lv's to put filesystems on :)21:53
dave__eblen español21:54
dave__ablen español21:54
k1l_!es | dave__21:54
ubottudave__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:54
Bashing-omSeveas: Got me .. LVM not in my tool box .. maybe on other drives ??21:54
SeveasBashing-om: heh, I can see LVM isn't in your toolbox, that suggestion makes no sense :)21:55
k1l_dave__: read the bots message and join the spanish channel.21:55
agressiveMonkIs anybody alive out there?21:55
k1l_!ask | agressiveMonk21:55
ubottuagressiveMonk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:55
SeveasBashing-om: basically with this partition setup, the ubuntu installed can just do its thing. What's the problem installing?21:55
SeveasagressiveMonk: we're all zombies21:56
* reisio destroys Seveas' brain21:56
agressiveMonkFella, i have a question to ask21:56
reisiothe rest of us are, anyway21:56
reisioagressiveMonk: prove it21:56
agressiveMonkcan you guide me a bit?21:56
reisioa byte, perhaps21:56
SeveasagressiveMonk: not if you don't ask the question :)21:56
cfhowlett!ask | agressiveMonk21:56
ubottuagressiveMonk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:56
reisio"the spice"21:56
Seveas"the spice girls"21:57
reisio"it's the question that drives us"21:57
Specmmm spice21:57
agressiveMonkI want to know if Counter Strike: Global Offensive runs better on Ubuntu than Windows21:57
agressiveMonkcan you tell me if it does?21:57
cfhowletteasy and free to test for yourself.21:57
reisioagressiveMonk: that a steam native?21:57
cfhowlett!steam | agressiveMonk,21:58
ubottuagressiveMonk,: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.21:58
reisioagressiveMonk: cross platform games are usually more performant on Unix systems21:58
cfhowlettagressiveMonk, as noted above, ask #ubuntu-steam21:58
agressiveMonk:) thanks for replies, i will discuss with #ubuntu-steam21:59
=== xrosnight is now known as kde_user
cristian_how re you doing guys?22:04
reisiosuper ok22:04
cristian_fine at univ22:04
cristian_right now22:04
reisionot me, I'm at apt22:04
cfhowlettyour ubuntu question, cristian_ ??22:04
reisionot me, I'm at apt ?? ftfm22:05
cristian_can i share wife like a hotspot with other computer?22:05
reisiobahahah :p22:05
kde_userhello guys.   i used two extra monitors  with my laptop in ubuntu. 1) VGA out monitor 2) USB -> DVI displaylink monitor.    but after upgrading system,/or plymouth I found : VGA monitor not showing. The laptop only recognize the displaylink(via USB) monitor but the laptop monitor has a KDE wallpaper, but my mouth can not get in. Also, in system settings, Section Display, I only found 1 monitor.22:06
reisiocristian_: look into hostapd22:06
kde_userand it's only the displaylink USB monitor.22:06
kde_userhow to fix this?22:06
MonkeyDust!ics to share your wife | cristian_22:06
ubottuMonkeyDust: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:06
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing22:06
SeveasMonkeyDust: horrible, horrible typo :)22:08
lucianHello there, I'm using ubuntu 15.10, it does work well with ctrl+alt+(1|2|3), when I enter the graphical mode with ctrl+alt+F7 it just freezes. The /var/syslog has a lot of ^@ after this:  [<ffffffff817f2d72>] entry_SYSCALL_64_fastpath+0x16/0x75    Does anyone know what is this problem??22:08
Bashing-omgartral: We have been in discussion . seems GParted no can do .. must use the terminal to mess about with LVM .22:08
Seveaslucian: that does look like a kernel panic. Can you pastebin the last 30 lines before the ^@'s please22:09
lucian@Seveas Sure22:09
lucian[<ffffffffc0309930>] radeon_resume_kms+0x210/0x3d0 [radeon] [<ffffffffc0307143>] radeon_pmops_runtime_resume+0x73/0xb0 [radeon] [<ffffffff8141571f>] pci_pm_runtime_resume+0x7f/0xb0 [<ffffffff81519bc9>] vga_switcheroo_runtime_resume+0x39/0x40 [<ffffffff8152b737>] __rpm_callback+0x37/0x80 [<ffffffff81519b90>] ? vga_switcheroo_runtime_suspend+0x60/0x60 [<ffffffff8152b7a8>] rpm_callback+0x28/0x90 [<ffffffff81519b90>] ? vga_switcheroo_runt22:09
gde33is in "remove obsolete packages?" the >no longer needed (5) menu suppose to not fold out?22:11
Seveaslucian: that's not 30 lines and not a pastebin....22:11
gde33ahh I have to click the >22:11
gde33can one have vlc run the hevc h.265?22:17
\nigde33, yes22:17
cfhowlettgde33, yep22:18
gde33I've upgraded vlc to 2.2.1 but it wont play them22:18
=== sabotagebts is now known as sabotagebeats
gde33I have to:  sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-*     ?22:19
reisiogde33: sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde26522:20
gde33ah that sounds more specific22:20
reisiomight need a ppa, actually <shrug> http://askubuntu.com/questions/362745/how-to-install-h-265-hevc-codec-on-ubuntu-linux22:21
gde33I already added that to install 2.2.1 :)22:21
gde33it works, jay!22:21
gde33now if only I could find a torrent client that doesn't want to check all my files first22:22
lucianHello there, I'm using ubuntu 15.10, it does work well with ctrl+alt+(1|2|3), when I enter the graphical mode with ctrl+alt+F7 it just freezes. The /var/syslog has a lot of ^@ after this:  [<ffffffff817f2d72>] entry_SYSCALL_64_fastpath+0x16/0x75    Does anyone know what is this problem?? Here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/hvp3TTA222:22
reisiogde33: what's wrong with that22:22
gde33well.... I admit sticking an 8TB on an usb 2 was a briliant idea on my behalf22:23
Seveaslucian: as I said, pastebin the log...22:23
reisiogde33: heh22:23
lucianSeveas I posted the link to the log22:23
Seveaslucian: where?22:23
lucianthis is the link with the log: http://pastebin.com/hvp3TTA222:24
Seveasah. doh. irc clent made that message look ood22:24
halvorsHi. How to change the permission of a folder from drw-r----- to -rw-r-----22:24
reisiohalvors: why for?22:24
k1l_halvors: that doesnt make sense22:25
lucianSeveas: I see, I'm using freenode, how can I post weblinks?22:25
Seveaslucian: ok, looks like we need a bit more of the log. Everything starting from the first line with [<ffff (and preferably the last 10 or so lines before that as well22:25
Seveaslucian: no, you posted it fine, my client was misleading me :)22:25
Seveashalvors: the d isn't a permission. It means 'this is a directory' :)22:25
lucianSeveas this is much of the log http://pastebin.com/9JCdRPu222:28
Seveaslucian: so, not a kernel panic but not much better. Hangs in the radion code. Can you try an older Ubuntu version, or maybe the beta of 16.04?22:30
lucianSeveas I think this is a GPU problem, this is also happening with Windows OS, os maybe just a GPU driver problem22:31
lucianSeveas there's an onboard GPU with the Intel CPU, and the Radeon GPU on this laptop, on a live usb it's working all fine22:32
=== Jac is now known as Guest28912
lucianseveas ?22:43
stochastixummmm, is it true?22:44
stochastixI got to the april fools part22:45
stochastixits not even april 1 yet what the crap22:45
terrasapiendoes this mean we're going to get a talking paper clip in 16.04?22:47
reisiojumping the gun is traditional april fools22:48
Seveasstochastix: it's april 1 in .eu. Do not believe the internet.22:48
reisioplus, it's already April 1 in some countries22:48
stochastixYea, if I saw it tomorrow i never would have fallen for it lol22:48
reisiogood practice to disbelieve the internet every day of the year, TBH22:48
Seveasthat too22:49
stochastixI still hate Microsoft even more because of the article ha.22:49
stochastixGood lasting effect.22:49
SeveasMicrosoft is pretty awesome22:50
SeveasDon't hate :)22:50
stochastixNow we need an article. Canonical buys Microsoft and removes all of the spyware out of windows 10.22:51
kmysti just did a fresh install of server 14.04.4 amd64, i login and see two disclaimers :)22:52
ubottuCanonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality has not yet been released. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.22:52
stochastixSo, is MS going to give ubuntu the same flavor and let MS apps run in linux? No more wine?22:54
stochastixI guess MS doesnt realize, we dont run linux for the programs. We run Linux for get the crap away from microsoft. Why would I want to run22:55
stochastixwell, now that i think if it, I was wishing that I could run konversation irc client in win7 the other say lol22:55
k1l_stochastix: #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss please22:55
stochastixoops, heh22:56
stochastixfunny how talking about running applications in linux or vice versa is now off tipic heh22:57
k1l_stochastix: funny how many more hints you need to check you are still in the wrong channel for your chitchat.22:58
stochastixk, Ill ask a real ques22:59
\nistochastix, I fell the same way as you. I'm leaving gb22:59
gde33can I have irc:// [web] links open kvirc?23:00
stochastixwell actually i need to ask in kubuntu maybe, nevermind.23:00
bet0xOnly a Microsoft monkey and someone at Ubuntu will call "Linux on Windows" something wich doesn't have a Linux Kernel (without the kernel there is no Linux). Please dear moron who invented this shit, stop calling it "Linux on Windows" because you are porting just GNU Tools and a bunch of open source software, nothing else.23:01
stochastixbet0x:  lol good point23:03
docmurIs it possible to allow a user to use sudo <command> but not sudo -s, aka not elevate up the root user23:03
bet0xstochastix, the last insult from MS and Canonical23:03
EriC^^docmur: yes, you add him to /etc/sudoers using visudo23:03
gde33this article kept me laughing for years http://www.infoworld.com/article/2683823/microsoft-windows/the--linuxification--of-windows-has-begun.html23:03
EriC^^docmur: user ALL: (ALL) /path/to/command23:04
bet0xStop calling it Linux on Windows, geez23:04
stochastixgde33: resistance is futile :)23:04
k1l_!ubuwin | stochastix gde33 bet0x23:04
ubottustochastix gde33 bet0x: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality has not yet been released. For discussion, see #ubuntu-offtopic and/or #ubuntu-discuss.23:04
docmurright but what if I want him / her to execute all the commands root could, just not do something like sudo -s, would I have to add a new command line for each command?23:04
EriC^^docmur: that's kind of pointless now isn't it23:05
k1l_docmur: you could set the command to not ask for pw23:06
noraatepernosHow do you know if memcached is paging to disk?23:17
masqueradeI'm running Ubuntu 15.10 and don't seem to have the vcan kernel module. I can't seem to find any documentation about its removal or any package that it could be installed via. Anyone have any tips for next places I should look?23:18
naccmasquerade: is it just not loaded?23:23
naccmasquerade: in 16.04, at least, it appears to be a module23:24
maakuSo on 15.10 and later, udev is renaming vlans from "eth1.50" to "rename5". Anyone know how to stop this?23:24
masqueradenacc: Well, no, but I figured it out just now, it apparently is in linux-image-extra23:25
TJ-maaku: that's an artifact of udevd's renaming code. It would suggests the name it is trying to use as the destination is already present23:28
TJ-maaku: was the system release-upgraded from 14.04 at any time, or is it a fresh clean installation?23:31
maakufresh clean23:31
maakui found this debian bug that exactly describes the problem, currently reading https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=41234823:31
ubottuDebian bug 412348 in udev "vlan interfaces get renamed by udev" [Important,Open]23:31
TJ-maaku: is the 'biosdevname' package installed?23:31
maakudpkg --get-selections | grep biosdevname == nothing23:32
TJ-maaku: ok, so one less possible interaction. That's good.23:32
TJ-maaku: the process is kernel says 'new IF = eth0', systemd-udevd says right, lets rename that blighter to reflect its hardware connection (e.g. enp3s0 - Ethernet, Port 2, Slot 0), but because there are several udev processes running in parallel that may conflict it does eth0 > rename1 > enp3s0. Now, if enp3s0 is already there for some reason the 2nd renaming fails and the interface gets left on the rename123:35
TJ-maaku: in these times of systemd-udevd this conflict should never be able to occur since the physical interface names are always going to be unique. However, for virtual interfaces that isn't true. If you've got multiple virtual interfaces it is possible this is being triggered23:36
maakuTJ-: so the problem as I understand it is because this is a vlan interface, it shares the same mac address etc. as eth123:36
maakuso udev is trying to rename it eth123:36
TJ-maaku: I'd hope it isn't that silly (MAC address shouldn't be considered), but I've not looked at that area of code recently.23:37
TJ-maaku: I've got vlan interfaces without any issues. how many vlan IFs is the system bringing up at start-up?23:37
maakuTJ-: well to get around other stupidity I have a udev rule to rename eth1 from it's original persistent name23:37
TJ-maaku: hmmm; have you tried disabling that local rule for a test?23:38
maakudoing that now23:38
maakuor rather rewriting the rules..23:38
maakuThe other stupidity btw is that because it is a USB ethernet is has a name enxXXYYZZXXYYZZ, so a vlan of enxXXYYZZXXYYZZ.50 would exceed the maximum 15 char limit23:39
TJ-maaku: you can also have udev do some extensive logging23:39
maakuThe other stupidity btw is that because it is a USB ethernet is has a name enxXXYYZZXXYYZZ, so a vlan of enxXXYYZZXXYYZZ.50 would exceed the maximum 15 char limit23:39
TJ-maaku: yes; it was rather an oversight to do that23:39
TJ-maaku: if only originally Linux had put the IFs in the file-system like everything else; then all you need is a symlink like with block devices23:40
sruliis it possible to make a ecryptfs with a keyfile instead of pass?23:50
maakuTJ-: rewriting the udev rule to be specific to the physical interface, not the vlan solved the problem23:56
zykotick9sruli: <sidenote> if you can, consider using luks instead... ymmv.  good luck.23:56
maakuunfortunately the only rule I could devise to identify the physical interface was ATTR{ifindex}=="3" ... which seems super hacky23:56
srulizykotick9: need to sync it with other PC, cant use luks23:57
zykotick9sruli: understood.  best of luck.  it was just a <sidenote> ;)23:57
LisandriahI've tried installing ubuntu 14.04.4 3 times now and it always just boots into a busybox screen, does that mean my hd has problems?23:58

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