
bluesabregreat, bug exists in new version00:00
bluesabreflocculant: uploaded today's new blueman package along with my patch.. if accepted, tomorrow should look better01:01
bluesabreflocculant: new mugshot in -staging... did what I could, phone numbers are now disabled for non-sudoers (same limitation as in the Users & Groups app)02:05
bluesabreflocculant: if you can spot check that, I'm planning on doing a new release of it tomorrow which I will then upload02:06
bluesabrepersonal goal of having things uploaded before april 1 :)02:06
bluesabrejjfrv8: new "catfish-daily" package in https://code.launchpad.net/~catfish-search/+archive/ubuntu/ppa should resolve the localtime vs UTC issues you were seeing02:39
bluesabrenight all02:39
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flocculantbluesabre: with blueman -  2.0.4-1ubuntu1 from repos - get the crash06:56
flocculantthat doesn't fix what your patch does06:57
flocculantbluesabre: mugshot - normal user can change anything that isn't disabled, including .face, added admin user can do as much as original admin user can - looks good to me - thanks :)07:01
bluesabreflocculant: your fix should be in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/2.0.4-1ubuntu209:49
bluesabreflocculant: thanks, new mugshot and catfish packages to be uploaded tonight09:51
jjfrv8bluesabre, tried to get the daily package to test catfish but could not add the ppa. Comm error retrieving the key.11:55
flocculantbluesabre: cool12:30
bluesabrejjfrv8: You can go to package details on the ppa and download the .deb if you want12:48
jjfrv8bluesabre, I didn't realize that. Unfortunately I won't be able to do it until this evening and that might be too late to help you.12:53
flocculantknome: I have gone through the existing unpublished small details posts now - and there is a draft panel one for me to fill in properly16:52
knomeflocculant, cool19:57
flocculantknome: ahah - question for you :)20:01
flocculantPanel layout switching < switching? what do you mean by that? 20:01
knomeflocculant, the idea was to highlight the xfpanel-switcher20:05
knomeflocculant, and if the article wasn't too long at that point, maybe quickly talk about creating one20:05
flocculantoh rightio - that wasn't immediately obvious :)20:06
knomesorry... :P20:07
flocculantno worries :)20:07
* knome should work a bit on the wiki and the draft articles20:07
ochosievening everyone20:08
ochosijust to let y'all know, i'll be gone (holidays) till wednesday20:08
flocculanthi ochosi :)20:08
flocculantand have a good one :D20:08
knomeochosi, where to?20:09
ochosireturning to venice20:15
ochosiknome: just an idea, for the media manager articles, adding some screenshots would be nice20:17
knomeflocculant, https://xubuntu.org/?p=3766&preview=true20:24
knomeochosi, o'rly? thanks for volunteering ;)20:24
flocculantha ha 20:24
flocculantknome: wondered why it looked familiar ... then remembered :p20:25
knomeflocculant, hahah20:25
knomeflocculant, it's cleaned up now and ready for publishing20:25
flocculantDo X and Y ? 20:26
knomei just changed that...20:26
flocculantyup - looks good20:26
ochosiknome: yeah, as i said, going on holidays, practically left already ;)20:27
flocculantochosi: first holiday with 3 of you? 20:28
knomeochosi, too bad then ;)20:28
ochosiflocculant: yup20:28
flocculantmy first was 3 months old when we took gim to family in spain 20:28
ochosiflocculant: yeah, we waited a little longer (plus we don't have family there, just friends ;))20:32
ochosianywho, have fun everyone, ochosi out20:32
knomehave fun20:33
knomebecause it's going to end when you get back20:33
flocculantknome: https://xubuntu.org/?p=3830&preview=true20:38
flocculantit is so good to not see that blueman crash \o/ 20:40
knomejust close your eyes..20:51
flocculantknome: just one point re the menu edit post ... why  go to Menu → Settings Manager → Menu Editor and not right click on menu select edit apps 20:53
knomeflocculant, what do you mean20:55
knome(refresh draft)20:55
flocculantI can understand the plodding way in the docs :p20:56

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