
LiftedKiltmarcoceppi: no I haven't had that problem with it yet00:00
marcoceppiLiftedKilt: :| I've it hit it twice, want to check if there's a bug00:03
mupBug #1564662 opened: Juju binaries should be stripped <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564662>00:08
cheryljmarcoceppi, LiftedKilt what provider?00:11
marcoceppicherylj: me, aws00:11
cheryljmarcoceppi: ah, I bet your deploys were to hosted environments00:12
cheryljand I bet that we only clean up the admin model00:12
cherylj(d'oh, I said environments)00:12
cheryljI've been switching between 1.25 and 2.0 too much today00:13
cheryljmarcoceppi: when you used kill-controller, was your controller machine alive?00:13
cheryljmarcoceppi: also, there's the rate-limiting bug00:13
cheryljbug 153762000:14
mupBug #1537620: ec2: destroy-controller blow the rate limit trying to delete security group - can leave instances around <2.0-count> <ci> <jujuqa> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1537620>00:14
mupBug #1564662 changed: Juju binaries should be stripped <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564662>00:23
mupBug #1564662 opened: Juju binaries should be stripped <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564662>00:32
mupBug #1564677 opened: Create one binary for juju and all plugins <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564677>00:32
katcoevening all00:33
mupBug #1564677 changed: Create one binary for juju and all plugins <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564677>00:35
katcomgz: lol is that some weird way of spelling my name?00:36
mupBug #1564677 opened: Create one binary for juju and all plugins <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564677>00:38
mgzkatco: it was just the musical version...00:38
katcomgz: or perhaps the japanese literal pronunciation00:38
mgzkatco: hm, I'd guess that would be キャットコ00:44
bogdanteleagamgz, そうです :p01:02
mgzbogdanteleaga: :)01:03
cheryljhey axw, can you take another look?  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4389/01:31
axwcherylj: looking01:32
mupBug #1564694 opened: Proxy updater fails with "permission denied" <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564694>01:32
axwcherylj: LGTM, thanks01:33
cheryljthanks, axw!01:33
menn0fucking fuck01:38
menn0thumper: this new default "default" model thing messes with migrations somewhat01:38
thumperin what way?01:38
menn0thumper: it means that you've got to remember to delete the "default" model on the target controller before you migrate01:38
thumperor just always create one called "to-migrate"01:39
menn0thumper: sure, but it's dumb that we're setting up people to fail01:39
thumperwe aren't going to be migrating the default model very often01:40
* thumper thinks01:40
mupBug #1564700 opened: juju 1.25 -- go 1.6 -- provider/joyent tests explode due to incorrect use of AddCleanup <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564700>01:56
davecheneymenn0: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/495702:12
menn0davecheney: will take a look in just a sec02:17
rick_h_menn0: can we juat warnfpr conflicting models?02:18
rick_h_menn0: seems we should do that anyway?02:18
rick_h_warn on conflicting models02:19
menn0rick_h_: warn and do what? rename the model and migrate it anyway, or abort?02:20
menn0thumper, rick_h_: FYI agent API connection cut over to the target controller during migration is sooo close02:23
menn0thumper, rick_h_: it's failing now because I didn't update the CA cert in the agent conf02:24
menn0thumper, rick_h_: and of course, there's currently no way to do that... so I'm going to have to add that02:24
menn0thumper, rick_h_: I've found a bunch of other stuff that isn't quite right along the way but I'm ignoring them for now02:25
menn0thumper: I put this up yesterday but it hasn't had a review. could you take a look please? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4370/02:29
menn0davecheney: as I said on the review, holy crap, ship it!02:32
menn0how did that get in?02:32
thumpermenn0: I'll look at the branch after my coffee break02:36
thumpermenn0: just submitted my gomaasapi merge for AllocateMachine02:36
menn0thumper: painful?02:37
menn0thumper: no rush on that PR actually02:37
thumpera bit time consuming02:37
thumperhad to refactor a few test classes02:37
thumperalso added explicit error types into gomaasapi02:37
menn0thumper: actually hold off with the review completely until I get the CA cert stuff done02:37
thumperso we don't leak net/http errors02:37
thumpermenn0: ack02:37
thumperadded other utility helpers etc02:37
thumpernext one will be much faster02:37
menn0ok cool02:38
* thumper -> coffee02:38
davecheneythrow your hands in the air for the joyent mock server that isn't safe for concurrent access!02:38
menn0davecheney: \?/02:43
menn0thumper: you *can* review this one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4397/02:44
rick_h_menno sorry at the airport. yea warn and abort02:44
menn0rick_h_: that's basically what will happen, although currently perhaps not as early as it could02:51
davecheneythumper: I need to fork the joyent/gomanta package02:54
davecheneyI cannot fix it from outside because of the way it's written02:54
davecheneyI thought I could dot he same hack we did with the maas mocks02:54
davecheneybut that won't work02:54
thumperdavecheney: can we just submit the fix to them?03:05
thumperwe can apply pressure to get it merged03:05
thumperespecially if it is just wrong03:05
davecheneyhow fast do you want it fixed ?03:06
davecheneyi'll make a gentlemans bet that they have abandoned that code03:06
davecheneywhy don't we cut over to our fork and then we can discuss upstreaming at a later date03:06
menn0thumper: pls review this one now: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4370/03:09
* menn0 tries out a migration again03:10
thumperaxw: we don't use environ Storage() any more do we?03:18
axwthumper: I think MAAS might be the only provider that needs it now, but it should be internal to the provider03:18
thumperwhat does maas use it for?03:18
axwthumper: perrito666 was working on excising the last bits, I'm not sure if it's finished03:18
axwthumper: for recording which machines host controllers03:19
thumpershould so just do that with tags03:19
axwthumper: tags don't work like that in MAAS03:19
axwwe do use tags in other providers03:19
axwthumper: why does it matter?03:20
thumperbecause we want to make another provider type under the covers for maas 2.003:20
axwthumper: I'm all for dropping maas/storage.go if we can, but I'm not sure what else we can use to record controllers in the environment03:22
thumperI'll think on it while dealing with maas 2 stuff03:22
axwwe can probably delete half of what's in there anyway03:23
menn0thumper: migration with api cutover worked!03:28
thumperfuck yeah!!!03:28
menn0thumper: I had to do some dodgy shit to make it happen though03:28
menn0thumper: the main problem is that the watchers coalesce events so it's easy for the minion to miss phases03:29
thumperthat is bad03:30
menn0thumper: more synchronisation is needed to fix that properly... it's something that had to happen anyway03:30
menn0thumper: also, the migration master is quite fragile if it gets interrupted03:31
menn0thumper: I know what to do there, but it requires API changes03:31
menn0axw: tyvm for fixing the concurrent bootstrap issue btw03:31
menn0axw: that's made my life a lot easier03:31
axwmenn0: cool, no worries03:32
thumperok, I'm outa here04:35
mupBug #1258027 changed: cloudinit: disable apt-get update/upgrade  <ubuntu-engineering> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1258027>05:36
rogpeppe1axw: hiya07:35
axwrogpeppe1: howdy07:35
rogpeppe1axw: i wonder if you could enlighten me as to exactly what a controller uuid is...07:36
rogpeppe1axw: can it be used just like any other model uuid?07:36
axwrogpeppe1: it's just the UUID of the admin model07:36
axwa special model07:36
rogpeppe1axw: ah, ok07:36
rogpeppe1axw: does it have a special set of API facades?07:36
axwrogpeppe1: you can use the Controller facade if you're not connected to a specific model07:37
axwI don't know if there are others07:37
rogpeppe1axw: but the admin model will always exist, presumably?07:37
rogpeppe1axw: and... is not connecting to a specific model actually supported?07:38
axwrogpeppe1: I don't know what would happen if you tried to delete it TBH07:38
rogpeppe1axw: i see that you're currently allowed to connect with no uuid, but it looks like it's legacy code07:38
rogpeppe1axw: at least, the comments seem to indicate that07:38
axwrogpeppe1: it works at least :)  probably not recommended07:39
rogpeppe1axw: ok, that's useful thanks. BTW, can you deploy services in the admin model?07:39
axwrogpeppe1: yes, for now at least07:40
axwno plans to change it, though I kinda wish we'd lock off controller machines by default07:40
rogpeppe1axw: i'm thinking there should be a doc comment somewhere describing all of this07:41
rogpeppe1axw: but perhaps i've not found it yet07:41
axwrogpeppe1: yeah, docs on internals are severely lacking07:41
rogpeppe1axw: to be fair, this isn't really internal07:42
axwI intend to write some when I'm not furiously coding for 2.0 :)07:42
axwyeah, true07:42
rogpeppe1axw: it's detail that users of the API need to know07:42
rogpeppe1axw: thanks for clearing this up anyway. i've never been quite sure about this stuff.07:43
axwrogpeppe1: np07:43
rogpeppe1axw: (and FWIW it seems that no-one else is either :-])07:43
axwme included... getting there tho07:43
rogpeppe1axw: one other thing: if i want to grant a user admin-level access, is it sufficient to pass params.ModeWriteAccess to GrantModel?08:20
rogpeppe1axw: it seems a bit odd to me that GrantModel takes a string not a ModelAccessPermission for that argument08:20
axwrogpeppe1: I believe so - you may want to double check with cmars, who added that. I'm pretty sure that's what you need to do tho08:21
rogpeppe1axw: ok, thanks. so "write" implies read permission and admin rights.08:21
rogpeppe1axw: i guess i could just use a string literal (shock, horror!)08:22
axwrogpeppe1: sorry, you need to give write access to the user on the admin model08:22
axwthat's my understanding anyway08:22
axwthat makes them an admin08:22
rogpeppe1axw: ah, i don't want them to get admin access to the controller08:22
axwrogpeppe1: write on any other model just gives them read/write access to that model, of course08:22
rogpeppe1axw: just the ability to do anything within the given model08:23
rogpeppe1axw: i guess i was confused by:08:23
rogpeppe1// ModelAdminAccess allows a user full control over the model.08:23
rogpeppe1ModelAdminAccess ModelAccess = "admin"08:23
axwrogpeppe1: somewhere along the line write gets translated to admin08:24
rogpeppe1axw: which i *think* is equivalent to "write" at the top level08:24
axwnot sure why there's two spellings08:24
rogpeppe1axw: i've seen at least three different representations of that same set of things08:24
axwrogpeppe1: yeah, I've seen them in params, juju/permissions (which should be core/permissions), and state08:25
axwwe could do without the one in state, that should just use the one in core/permissions08:25
rogpeppe1axw: i guess08:25
rogpeppe1axw: the one in juju/permission is an int though08:26
axwrogpeppe1: FYI, this branch adds the API for getting the list of users that have access to a model: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/495909:00
axwrogpeppe1: (included within results of ModelManager.ModelInfo)09:00
mupBug #1564791 opened: 2.0-beta3: LXD provider, jujud architecture mismatch <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564791>09:00
rogpeppe1axw: cool, looking09:00
axwrogpeppe1: I'm not in a hurry for a review, logging off now - would appreciate comments if it's missing what you need tho09:01
rogpeppe1axw: ok, will do it now so i remember :)09:01
dooferladfwereade: hangout?09:01
dooferladvoidspace: standup?09:03
voidspacedooferlad: omw - sorry09:04
voidspacedooferlad: babbageclunk: frobware: browser issues09:06
=== urulama_ is now known as urulama
voidspacebabbageclunk: frobware: drop-maas-1.8 landed apparently!10:29
voidspacewhich is great news10:29
frobwarevoidspace: yep, nice10:39
babbageclunkvoidspace: o/10:44
perrito666morning all11:02
voidspacebabbageclunk: right, daily report (so far) written up12:12
voidspacebabbageclunk: with obligatory rant written and then thrown away12:12
voidspacebabbageclunk: our merge failed - failing tests https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/494312:13
voidspacebabbageclunk: we can look at that after lunch, I'm going on lunch now12:13
mupBug #1564880 opened: modelmanager.Client.GrantModel should be idempotent <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564880>12:25
dooferladvoidspace / frobware: Smallest diff of the day if you can +1 it http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4400/diff/#13:27
babbageclunkMan, I do not understand "go test" at all13:38
natefinchperrito666: you went on vacation and decided to build a PPA?  I bet you're happy to get back to work, where it's less stressful and annoying13:43
perrito666natefinch: well I decided to try the software but for that I wanted it to be packaged13:43
natefinchperrito666: bah.  packaging go code in a PPA is a waste of time. That's the whole point13:44
perrito666natefinch: installing things in a server that are not in a package is an accident wairing to happen13:47
perrito666plus, deb packages not only hold the binary, they also hold a basic conf and permission setting13:48
perrito666unless you are the kind of person that enjoys writing systemd services and upstart jobs13:49
rogpeppe1anyone good at git spelunking here? i'd like to find the code review that the changes in 520a90f3cc6f2a2f9fcb967fa78ea625be19042c were reviewed in... anyone know a decent way of doing that?13:49
natefinchperrito666: that's true... though to be fair, you have to write all that to make the PPA :/13:49
=== lazyPower is now known as lazy|travel
rogpeppe1i see lots of commits around that time but none with a review comment13:50
perrito666rogpeppe1: lemme check13:50
rogpeppe1once upon a time, every commit to juju master had a link to the associated review :-\13:51
rogpeppe1perrito666: thanks13:51
perrito666rogpeppe1: that is the issue of merging13:51
rogpeppe1perrito666: i don't understand why13:51
perrito666rogpeppe1: well you can have N commits inside a merge, a sane approach would be to flatten them before the merge13:52
rogpeppe1perrito666: surely every commit in both the master branch and the merged branch should have been reviewed?13:52
natefinchprobably this one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3654/13:52
perrito666natefinch: nope13:52
natefinchhere ya go http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/3677/13:53
perrito666hint https://github.com/juju/juju/search?q=520a90f3cc6f2a2f9fcb967fa78ea625be19042c&type=Issues&utf8=%E2%9C%9313:53
natefinchI didn't do any git magic, just looked for reviews posted by andrew around the time of that commit that sounded likely :)13:54
perrito666you can actually look for the hash in github and filter by issues, prs are issues13:55
rogpeppe1perrito666: hmm, i wonder why the commit message doesn't have the reviewboard link, since https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/4237 shows it13:55
perrito666rogpeppe1: because the rb link is in the Pull Request not on the commit13:56
rogpeppe1perrito666: hmm, doesn't the bot ensure that the PR description is included in the commit message13:56
rogpeppe1perrito666: lots of them do, so why not this one?13:57
perrito666rogpeppe1: the merge request commit message is https://github.com/juju/juju/commit/b033024f0dc55e2bc371978828e7301a532fc92613:57
perrito666but the one you are looking at is https://github.com/juju/juju/commit/520a90f3cc6f2a2f9fcb967fa78ea625be19042c13:57
perrito666so, you are looking at andrews commit not the bots one13:58
perrito666git is fun like that13:58
rogpeppe1perrito666: yes i'm looking at andrew's commit13:58
rogpeppe1perrito666: (that's the one i'm interested in)13:58
rogpeppe1perrito666: ha, that commit message is in four places14:01
perrito666rogpeppe1: yes, this is what happens14:01
rogpeppe1perrito666: sorry, 3 places14:01
* perrito666 types14:01
rogpeppe1perrito666: i'd expect 2 places but not 314:01
perrito666rogpeppe1: http://i.imgur.com/6krXnLO.png14:02
perrito666so the message repeats in both the actual commit and the merge14:02
perrito666the merges the bot does are not proper code merges but tree merges14:02
perrito666where the commits by the pr are added to the tree and there is a "merge" commit marking said addition14:03
natefinchrogpeppe1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17818167/find-a-pull-request-on-github-where-a-commit-was-originally-created/17819027#1781902714:03
perrito666I am curious about the 3 places though, might come from more than one people merging that branch into their work and then PRing14:03
perrito666I believe that our current feature branch approach is not being so good and our not squashing neither14:03
natefinchrogpeppe1: that worked for me... beware, it adds pull requests to the branches you get from github, wich is a lot14:03
natefinchrogpeppe1: after doing that and git describe --all --contains <hash>    I get remotes/origin/pull/4282~1014:04
perrito666the good thing is, after using bzr during a couple of days I re discovered my love for git14:04
rogpeppe1perrito666: yeah, it's odd. i see both 520a90f3cc6f2a2f9fcb967fa78ea625be19042c and c839dfdf8f226760ebeaa7eb302a2f1972763cc1 neither of which are merges14:04
natefinchhmm.. which is ian merging master, which is not super useful actually14:05
perrito666no, I tend to rebase master, makes clearer trees14:05
perrito666I dont want to be steve jobs-y but, we are using it wrong14:06
rogpeppe1perrito666, natefinch: i'd like to come up with a script: showreview <commit>, which will automatically find the review link where the given commit was reviewed14:06
rogpeppe1perrito666, natefinch: do you think that's possible?14:06
rogpeppe1perrito666, natefinch: because i'm often doing some archeology using git blame, and that points me to a commit but then i want to know more about the context14:07
perrito666rogpeppe1: yes, graphical tool shows it so it should be14:07
rogpeppe1perrito666, natefinch: i.e. this was broken then, but was there a good reason for that?14:07
natefinchI think it must be possible, it's just tricky with all the merging we do, and as perrito666 said, I think we're doing it wrong14:07
perrito666rogpeppe1: you need to trace back on the commit graph until your commit and whatever next merge is there should be the one14:08
rogpeppe1perrito666, natefinch: interestingly despite having the same commit message, both those commits are actually quite different14:10
perrito666rogpeppe1: that might be because of the use of amend14:11
perrito666on one of them at least14:11
mbruzekDoes anyone know if we are building Juju 2.0 for ppc64le on 14.04 ? I have a partner trying to install and is so far unable14:11
mbruzekJuju 2.0 on ppc64le and 14.04 ...14:24
natefinchmbruzek: in theory, I think so?  AFAIK, we support ppc64le and 14.0414:24
mbruzeknatefinch: can you show me the binaries that the ppa supports?14:25
mbruzekI can't seem to find it...14:25
natefinchmbruzek: uh... I have no idea, I'm sorry.14:25
perrito666mbruzek: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/ppc64el/juju-core14:26
mbruzeknatefinch: OK I don't either.14:26
natefinchmbruzek: I try to stay away from launchpad and PPAs as much as possible14:26
mbruzeknatefinch: Munging your URL I found nothing: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/ppc64el/juju214:27
perrito666mbruzek: ah juju2 sorry I missread you14:27
perrito666no, I dont know about 214:27
voidspacebabbageclunk: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/496214:27
mbruzekperrito666: Thanks for link...14:27
mbruzekThis partner is only using LTS versions so since we haven't yet released 16.04 is a big ask of us14:28
natefinchrick_h_: ^ mbruzek is asking about juju2 on ppc64el.. do we have a PPA which supports that?14:29
natefinch(on trusty)14:29
natefincherrors.Errorf("(cannot happen)14:33
rogpeppe1natefinch, katco: you might be interested to see that subtest functionality has actually landed in go tip; not that it makes much difference in gocheck-land: http://tip.golang.org/pkg/testing/#T.Run14:34
natefinchrogpeppe1: ahh, cool, I knew they were working on that.  Is there explanation on how it should be used and what the output looks like?14:36
katcorogpeppe1: interesting... i wonder if niemeyer will update gocheck to take advantage14:36
rogpeppe1katco: i somewhat doubt it, but you never know14:36
rogpeppe1natefinch: suck it and see :)14:36
natefinchrogpeppe1: lol14:36
natefinchgah, there is so much charmstore logic littered around our code....14:37
niemeyerkatco: That's nice, makes sense for gocheck to support it.. we'll just need to wait until it's mainstream.. a couple of years at least :(14:43
katconiemeyer: hehe well it'll get there14:43
perrito666we need a gotpkg.in/hipstergocheck that implements features before they are mainstream :p14:44
voidspacefrobware: dooferlad: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4401/14:48
rick_h_natefinch: mbruzek i'm not sure we do. mgz and sinzui should be on soon and would know for sure15:17
mbruzekHi rick_h_: we got it sorted, abentley and perrito666 helped me out.15:17
mbruzekrick_h_: It turns out they needed to add the ppa:juju/devel ppa.15:18
mbruzekrick_h_: I want to update the devel docs to suggest the devel ppa, do you object to that in anyway?15:18
rick_h_mbruzek: pr and o'll look and see if there's something better?15:23
rick_h_mbruzek: i guees since it's not final we push folks at xenial as it's not either15:24
katcofwereade: hey we need you in a chat rq, do you have a moment?15:24
fwereadekatco, sure15:24
katcofwereade: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=115:24
mbruzekrick_h_: https://github.com/juju/docs/pull/95115:29
mbruzekrick_h_: The issue with the partner was resolved, but if this change was in the docs they might not have had the problem.15:29
dooferladfrobware: ping15:34
frobwaredooferlad: pong15:36
dooferladfrobware: are you making any progress with https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1556137 ?15:36
mupBug #1556137: Juju 2.0: cannot connect to LXC container when deploying bundle with LXC container placement with maas 1.9.1 as provider <2.0-count> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1556137>15:37
frobwaredooferlad: over and above the comment I added yesterday I'm doing nothing more...15:37
dooferladAre you free to jump in a hangout and discuss it?15:38
dooferladfrobware: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/sapphire?authuser=015:39
freyeshi there, the juju-core deb source used by ppa:juju/stable, where is it maintained?15:49
perrito666freyes: you mean the source for the package?15:50
freyesperrito666, yup, the debian/ directory15:50
niedbalskifreyes, checkout https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core15:59
freyesniedbalski, those are the debian sources for the packages that have been uploaded to the distro archives, I looking repository where the debian sources for juju-core are maintained16:01
niedbalskifreyes, ah stable ppa. I have no idea, maybe abentley mgz ^^ ?16:02
mgzfreyes: for xenial proposed packaging, see lp:~juju-qa/ubuntu/xenial/juju/xenial-2.0-beta316:04
mgzfreyes: I missed the initial question so I'm not sure what you're after16:04
freyesmgz, which one is used for ppa:juju/stable ?16:04
mgzfreyes: last time I think and ol version of lp:~juju-qa/juju-release-tools/packaging-juju-core-default but that is changing16:06
freyesmgz, thanks, I think that will work for what I want16:08
mgzfreyes: remember juju uses streams for everything but the client, so just rebuilding a debian package doesn't do much16:09
freyesmgz, yes, I'll use --upload-tools to make sure I use the version I have built16:10
mgzfreyes: if you're going to be using --upload-tools you can just use a go build, you don't need the debian bits16:11
freyesmgz, this is part of a longer story, I need to provide a user with a patched 1.25.0 version to fix an specific problem they are having16:12
freyesand then they'll be able to upgrade16:12
freyesmgz, funny, isn't it?16:12
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ericsnowkatco, natefinch: we're done talking, if you want to continue our standup16:27
katcoericsnow: sounds good brt16:28
mgzfreyes: I am interested in this, are you going to write up what you've done to mailing list or similar?16:29
natefinchericsnow, katco: sorry, was at lunch. Want to meet now, or ?17:48
ericsnownatefinch: we decided there probably wasn't much to discuss, unless you have anything17:49
natefinchericsnow: nah... really just need reviews on my branches so I can get them landed.. they're all dependent, so it makes things difficult the longer they stick around17:50
ericsnownatefinch: feeling your pain :/17:50
natefinchericsnow: maybe I'll just squash them all into a single commit17:55
ericsnownatefinch: that certainly makes rebasing easier17:56
natefinchericsnow: yeah, that's why I've started doing that for individual PRs17:56
mupBug #1565044 opened: s390x unit tests fail because not tools for arch <s390x> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1565044>18:59
perrito666apparently github now allows squashing on merge, oh the hapiness19:01
natefinchoh no way19:02
perrito666that would fix rogpeppe2 complain from today19:03
natefinchoh man, that's awesome19:06
natefinchand you can turn off the non-squash merge19:06
natefinchYet another problem with full stack tests:  Change a function deep in the stack... now try to find tests that need to update to test that function.19:25
natefinchSure, you can run the tests and fix ones that fail... but that doesn't mean there aren't tests that are passing and shouldn't be.19:25
natefinchoh crap20:32
natefinchevidently you need to remember to do --parent when you rbt post -u20:32
natefinchThis diff has been split across 120 pages20:33
natefinchericsnow: do you know if there's any way to remove an errant diff from a review?20:34
ericsnownatefinch: better to just push up the correct one20:34
natefinchericsnow: how do I do that?  rbt post complains the commit is already on reviewboard20:36
ericsnownatefinch: not sure20:37
ericsnownatefinch: perhaps add another commit?20:38
natefinchwell, as long as no one looks at changelist #2, we're all set :)20:41
natefinchericsnow: btw, just doing another rbt post -u with --parent added another changelist, and as long as you look at 0-N and skip the intermediary ones, it's fine20:44
ericsnownatefinch: yep20:44
mupBug #1565089 opened: create-model does not use the same config format as bootstrap <jujuqa> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1565089>21:17
=== urulama|afk is now known as urulama|eow

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