
deanmanHi, i would like to make a minor customization on the gui for a demo presentaiton. In detail, i would like to make a small border on the top frame. Any tips ?08:04
urulama_hi, deanman 09:23
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urulamadeanman: we don't really encourage to change the UI, as it's been thoroughly user tested and design carefully considered to be as it is09:24
urulamadeanman: may i ask what that border would gain you?09:24
deanmanit's some plain "beautifying" for demo purposes only09:26
urulamadeanman: and you need the gui to run in a real model? or just build it and run it in sanbox mode, no real models involved?09:27
urulamaasking as that has implications that you'll also have to build the gui and put it in a charm and deploy it 09:27
deanmanurulama, initially we simply modified a bit the css on a deployed gui charm, then we started considering whether we can tweak it even more and clone the code09:32
deanmanIt was a bit difficult to dig into this framework you are using, so that's why thought asking here, maybe some hints since we simply want a simple dib with a background color on top menu bar.09:34
urulamaantdillon: ^ can you give a quick pointer to deanman here, please09:39
urulamadeanman: changing deployed gui will be easy, otherwise you'll have to go through whole packaging and charming process09:39
urulamadeanman: as it's open source you can clone it and create your own charm, of course09:40
deanmanurulama, Thanks for the chat, well from first look it seems that the HTML is built somehow dynamically and we cannot change it once deploy, we can only customize the CSS.09:41
antdillondeanman, would you be able to add a top border to the html element via the inspector and show that in the presentation?09:42
deanmanantdillon, well i could but some would be checking the provided link offline so it wouldn't be the same exprience, but anyway, css customization it's fine for now. 09:44
deanmanurulama, Do you plan to update juju-gui for 2.0 ? Or any plans on changing the framework ?09:44
urulamadeanman: you mean juju 2.0?09:45
deanmanurulama, yeah!09:45
urulamadeanman: it's already supported, you can use beta3 or less with it09:45
urulamadeanman: framework? we use react, it's something we like :)09:45
antdillondeanman, if you have access to the deployed HTML you could add a css file to the header as a means to inject css remotely09:46
deanmanI meant the YUI library09:46
urulamadeanman: oh, yes :) that is in plan09:47
deanmanAny clues to which framework are you thiking to switch to ?09:49
urulamano final decision yet09:52
kjackalHey everyone, what is the process for removing a charm from the store? eg https://jujucharms.com/apache-zookeeper/trusty/0 that is not deployable anymore10:29
kjackalThat is revision 0 is not working. https://jujucharms.com/apache-zookeeper/trusty/1 is fine10:43
urulamakjackal: we don't remove revisions that are broken, but we do have a better publishing process in place, which will be announce soon16:09
urulamakjackal: i mean, if it's revision 0 and you already have revision 1, we don't remove revision 0 ATM16:09
kjackalthank you urulama, I assume there is on our roadmap to have a process to remove them at some point, right? Becuse the broken revision is the first hit in a google search16:11
urulamakjackal: yes, it is16:12
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* hatch waves to rick_h_16:45
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