
rick_h_LiftedKilt: yea, odd. I've not really tried to just add a machine but we've got tests on that that pass.00:00
rick_h_LiftedKilt: but that's an odd one, will have to try to replicate00:00
arosalesc0s: good points you are uncovering though00:00
c0swell, too bad am not making much progress because of them ;)00:00
c0sah well00:01
arosalesspring XD looks interesting00:01
LiftedKiltrick_h_: I'll play with it some more tomorrow, but 99% sure all the wily charms fail for me00:01
LiftedKiltbut xenial and trusty work just fine00:01
c0sarosales: it is ... Pivotal seems to be super-hot about this... Althgough, it is more of a developer tool. ...00:01
arosalesc0s: its part of the dev process00:01
LiftedKiltrick_h_: leaving work now - thanks for the help00:02
arosalesc0s: the existence of springXD in itself is a proof point of the complexity at this layer00:02
c0sBut supposedly you can do something like00:02
c0s  xd> stream create kafka-source-test --definition "kafka --zkconnect=localhost:2181 --topic=event-stream | log"--deploy00:02
c0sand start consuming messages from a kafka topic00:02
c0syup, 'tis true sir00:02
arosalesc0s: interesting re springXD. It seems something is going to have to pari with kafka. I am not sure if thats Gobblin, Flume, springXD or something else00:04
arosalesrick_h_: would that be an issue with curtain and wiley?00:06
arosalesrick_h_: or was maas putting down a proper wiley that could be ssh'ed into00:06
rick_h_arosales: I'm not sure. I'd want to see the logs and see where it fell over from the machine and the juju logs00:06
rick_h_arosales: the not able to ssh I thought was a xenial lxd things, not maas/wily00:06
arosaleswell juju aside maas should be able to set down a wiley instance that one can ssh into00:07
arosalesat least from a debug perspective00:07
rick_h_arosales: yes00:07
c0sarosales: yes... needs to be defined. Just forcing a user to write their own sinks and consumer code might be too much for most...00:07
rick_h_arosales: he didn't have any ssh keys setp so not sure what it must have setup there since juju ssh failed.00:07
rick_h_arosales: should have tried juju ssh with --debug to see if anything jumped out00:08
arosalesc0s: agreed even if for a given set00:08
c0sok, I've created a card.00:09
arosalesc0s: thanks00:09
c0sSwitching off... was a long day00:09
c0syou're welcome arosales00:09
arosalesc0s: have a good evening00:09
arosalesrick_h_: well I am sure LiftedKilt will be back tomorrow, thanks for the help00:10
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stubtvansteenburgh: Some basic tests, but I've been blocked from testing 2.0 (an open bug that breaks the PostgreSQL charm)02:12
jamespagexnox, did you hit this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1564791 ?08:44
mupBug #1564791: 2.0-beta3: LXD provider, jujud architecture mismatch <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564791>08:44
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xnoxjamespage, no, because i bootstrap with uploading my own tools.09:21
xnoxjamespage, there are no s390x tools published yet.09:21
jamespagexnox, hmm09:22
jamespagexnox, ok trying with that now09:23
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deanmanis there any way to have a "private" charm store ? Something that the end-user can use with the GUI to deploy custom charms ?09:28
xnoxjamespage, but the bug is valid.... s390x should not try to download and use amd64 tools.09:29
magicaltroutdeanman: no that I am aware of09:30
jamespagedosaboy, apologies for not spotting this before but please can we move the context for the internal endpoint config option to charm-helpers please..09:35
dosaboyjamespage: sure09:44
jamespagedosaboy, thanks09:51
dosaboyjamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~hopem/charm-helpers/lp1456876/+merge/29070110:01
jamespagedosaboy, cough..10:02
jamespageunit test ?10:02
dosaboyjamespage: come on its Friday ;)10:02
dosaboyyeah sure10:02
dosaboyjamespage: done.10:16
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gnuoydosaboy, got anytime for https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charm-helpers/sysv-service-running/+merge/290729 >13:12
dosaboygnuoy: otp but yes13:13
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kjackalHey cory_fu, kwmonroe, what do you think about changing the default execution mode of spark from yarn-client to standalone?14:07
kjackalGood morning!14:07
kwmonroei'm ok with that kjackal, but let's get c0s' +114:09
kjackalIs is reasonable since spark can work out of the box, however there is a catch here, our bundles that use spark should add an option to set the old-default execution mode14:11
cory_fuThat's not a big deal.  +114:14
mbruzekPrabakaran: Hello, you mentioned you want to use juju 2.0 on 14.04 ppc64le.14:18
mbruzekIt should work, but I think you would have better results with 16.04.14:18
mbruzekPrabakaran: have you added the ppa:juju/devel14:18
Prabakaranyes i have added .. i am trying to take the error what i am getting14:21
kwmonroePrabakaran: what environment are you using?  local (containers), maas, or cloud?14:25
thedacjamespage: rabbitmq-server and percona-cluster do not need default extra-bindings, correct? I'll land those if that is the case.14:32
jamespagethedac, yeah - relations == network connections in which case extra-bindings are not required!14:33
jamespagethedac, I was also thinking about horizon14:33
jamespagei think the same is true there14:33
jamespagejuju deploy openstack-dashboard --bind "website=public identity-service=internal"14:34
jamespagethedac, I'll raise a README for that...14:34
PrabakaranHello Matt, I was getting "E: Unable to locate package juju2" on the Linux c277-pkvm-vm54 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP ppc64le GNU/Linux machine14:40
PrabakaranI followed the steps referring https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/getting-started14:40
mbruzekPrabakaran: Right but you need to install the ppa:juju/devel instead of the "stable" one.14:41
Prabakarank let me try with that14:41
mbruzekPrabakaran: https://launchpad.net/~juju/+archive/ubuntu/devel/+packages tells me that there is a package for 14.04.214:41
mbruzekPrabakaran: a juju2 package14:41
mbruzekPrabakaran: after you add the devel ppa you will need to do an apt-get update14:42
mbruzekand apt-get upgrade14:42
Prabakaranya it is getting installated..14:42
mbruzekThe error message you gave me listed 14.04.1, perhaps the system has not been updated in a while14:43
Prabakarani think i got this error because i have used ppa/stable instead of ppa/deve;14:44
Prabakarannow it is installaed14:44
mbruzekPrabakaran: OK great14:45
mbruzekPrabakaran: Juju 2.0 is *very* different than 1.25. You will need to set up a different directory.  ~/.local/share/juju14:46
Prabakaranoh k14:46
Prabakarancan you help me with that?14:46
mbruzekFollow the devel docs and report a doc issue if you have problems or suggestions: https://github.com/juju/docs/issues/new14:47
Prabakarani think i will have to instal lxd for local cloud right?14:47
PrabakaranThis link is asking me credential for GITHUB14:48
mbruzekYes that is where we keep our issues for documentation14:48
Prabakarani dont have github account14:48
mbruzekOh I see14:49
mbruzekPrabakaran: If you want to set up LXD you can look here: https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/config-LXD14:49
mbruzeklxd is pretty new and will work best on 16.0414:49
mbruzekPrabakaran: actually reading it now, I see 15.10 or 16.04 is a prerequisite14:50
mbruzekthat is because of the kernel features that are used in LXD14:51
Prabakaranoh k14:52
Prabakaranall machine what we are using is of Linux c277-pkvm-vm54 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP ppc64le and x86 only.. thats no problem let us swith to ubuntu 1614:53
mbruzekPrabakaran: It is a good idea to get acquainted with 2.0,14:54
Prabakaranbefore that let me check this using vm hypervisors14:54
mbruzekPrabakaran: you can use your cloud credentials on 2.0 and use AWS or something else, but LXD requires 15.10 or later14:54
Prabakaranya k sure.. let me try in ubuntu 15.10 or above14:55
PrabakaranThanks for your patience in helping me :)14:56
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thedacjamespage: network spaces meeting?14:59
jamespagethedac, yes14:59
mbruzekPrabakaran: not a problem15:07
LiftedKiltarosales: rick_h_: I really appreciate you guys helping with this. Here's a pastebin of the results http://paste.ubuntu.com/15577480/15:18
LiftedKiltrick_h_: arosales: juju can't ssh into the machine, but I can manually when using juju's private key and the ubuntu user. No idea what's going on there...15:19
rick_h_LiftedKilt: can yoilu try with --debug please?15:25
LiftedKiltrick_h_: I did run it with debug in the paste - you have to put --debug before the ssh command otherwise it get's passed to openssh15:30
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stormmoreLiftedKilt: I am looking at that output and it looks like it successfully sshed in15:41
LiftedKiltstormmore: the bottom part where it is successful is with me manually connecting15:42
LiftedKiltstormmore: the top portion up until the adding to known hosts is when juju tries, and it just hangs there and never connects15:43
LiftedKiltline 20 is where juju hangs, line 27 is me manually connecting15:43
stormmoreLiftedKilt: ah ok, I see that, usually when I see problems like that with services it is a network routing issue15:45
stormmoreLiftedKilt: what does your network config look like?15:46
LiftedKiltstormmore: I don't think it's a network issue because trusty and xenial images work - it's just wily that fails15:46
LiftedKiltstormmore: maas and juju are on the same box, sitting on a network for testing15:46
stormmoreLiftedKilt: log in manually and try and ping the maas server and vice versa15:47
LiftedKiltI'm logging in manually from the juju machine15:48
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LiftedKiltstormmore: I've narrowed it down to juju not being able to ssh, but on the same machine using the same credentials I am able to manually connect15:50
stormmoreLiftedKilt: one different I do see is juju is using the juju_id_rsa-cert and not juju_id_rsa (which it can’t fine)15:50
stormmorecan you try ssh ubuntu@ -i /home/toor/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa-cert15:51
LiftedKiltthat file doesn't exist15:51
LiftedKiltin the juju/ssh folder I only have a juju_id_rsa and a juju_id_rsa.pub15:52
stormmorewhich is what I would expect15:52
stormmorewhat about the permissions on the files?15:52
stormmoredebug1: identity file /home/toor/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa type 115:52
stormmoredebug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory15:52
LiftedKiltstormmore: 600 on both15:53
stormmorethat is what I believe is the problem15:53
LiftedKiltso why is it only failing on wily?15:53
stormmoreversion of OpenSSH maybe?15:54
LiftedKiltstormmore: openssh client version 1:6.9p1-216:00
stormmoredo you have a trust/xeniel in the environement that you can get a juju --debug ssh <id> -vvv out of?16:02
LiftedKiltstormmore: spinning up one of each now16:03
stormmoreLiftedKilt: idea would be to see what difference we are seeing between wily and them using the same commands16:04
LiftedKiltstormmore: right16:04
LiftedKiltstormmore: here's trusty http://paste.ubuntu.com/15578169/16:09
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stormmoreso doesn’t show anything different. ok how about doing ssh -vvv ubuntu@ -i /home/toor/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa?16:16
LiftedKiltstormmore: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15578241/16:18
LiftedKiltstormmore: also - I rebooted the machine, and now the juju ssh command is returning this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15578255/16:19
LiftedKiltrebooted node 0, that is16:19
stormmorejust that looks odd and definitely outside my knowledge16:20
LiftedKiltstormmore: apparently the macaroons message isn't related to the reboot, because the other wily nodes I didn't reboot are returning the same message as well16:21
stormmoreI am still thinking an openssh version compat issue16:32
stormmorelooks like it is getting stuck trying to determine the remote version16:33
LiftedKiltstormmore: but if that was the case, then wouldn't it fail when manually initiated outside juju?16:33
LiftedKiltalso the maas/juju server is running on wily itself16:34
rick_h_cmars: ^ any ideas on the "macaroon not found in storage" error?16:35
rick_h_cmars: is it a rm ~/.go-cookies kind of thing to try ?16:36
LiftedKiltwell this could be a problem16:36
LiftedKiltthe "wily" machine isn't wily, it's xenial16:36
stormmorethat is what I was wondering16:37
stormmoreI was seeing OpenSSH 7 on it16:37
cmarsrick_h_, sorry, i'm looking at the scrollback, what's the context here?16:37
LiftedKiltjuju status stopped working - no macaroon found in storage16:38
cmarsLiftedKilt, ah, ok. try rm ~/.go-cookies16:39
cmarsLiftedKilt, what version of juju client are you using?16:39
LiftedKiltI'm running locally on the juju server, which is juju2 beta316:39
LiftedKiltclearing go-cookies didn't resolve it16:39
cmarsLiftedKilt, you get this error message from the juju client when running `juju status`? or this is in the logs on the server?16:41
LiftedKiltfrom the client16:41
LiftedKiltstormmore: it looks like the problem is that juju ssh 0 is trying to ssh to the wrong machine16:43
LiftedKiltnode 0 is actually, which is running wily. the machine it is connecting to ( is a separate machine running xenial16:44
LiftedKilthence the mismatch16:44
LiftedKiltcmars: I've actually been running into the macaroon problem repeatedly, and I have to blow it all away and re-bootstrap to resolve it16:44
stormmoreyeah that is really odd16:45
cmarsLiftedKilt, what provider is this?16:45
LiftedKiltmaas 1.916:45
cmarsLiftedKilt, is the controller HA?16:45
LiftedKiltcmars: No, although when I tried making it HA on a previous deployment, it caused this problem. Had to blow it away and start over16:46
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cmarsLiftedKilt, i think this might be an issue with the MAAS provider, I see some bugs open on Juju 2.0-beta3 with MAAS 1.9.116:49
cmarsLiftedKilt, my suggestion is to open a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core16:49
cmarsLiftedKilt, include terminal output from running the juju status command, as well as machine logs off the controller machines16:50
cmarsLiftedKilt, also the controllers.yaml and models.yaml, with private keys scrubbed if necessary16:51
LiftedKiltcmars: I wonder if the maas database is getting corrupted, and causing the machine id to stop correlating with the correct node number16:51
cmarsLiftedKilt, it's possible. I know there are some other maas-related bugs right now impacting beta3, this may help provide a clearer picture16:52
LiftedKiltcmars: ok I'll start gathering some info16:53
cmarsLiftedKilt, thanks!16:53
thedacjamespage: anyt time for a finaly review? https://code.launchpad.net/~thedac/charm-helpers/apparmor/+merge/29009616:54
LiftedKiltcmars stormmore rick_h_: thanks for the assistance - I'll keep poking at it16:54
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cholcombehow do you get the JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT in a layers interface?18:11
marcoceppicholcombe: the conversation is the JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT typically18:24
marcoceppicory_fu: ^?18:24
cholcombemarcoceppi, i'm basically trying to recreate this with layers: https://github.com/openstack/charm-ceph-mon/blob/master/hooks/ceph_hooks.py#L54018:26
cholcombegetting the service_name out of the relation in the interface18:26
cory_fucholcombe: The conversation instance will have a "units" property that is a list of the units for which that conversation applies.  If the relation scope is UNIT, then it will be a list with only one element.  Otherwise, it may contain more18:28
cholcombecory_fu, hmm ok18:29
cory_fumarcoceppi: Relying on conv.scope to have a particular value was a mistake on my part and I never should have recommended it.  :(18:32
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cory_fuCan I get a review: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic/pull/5120:29
kwmonroe+1, merged cory_fu20:46
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