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ronnocSo I'm confused...how can one install and test Beta 2, if the installer goes away before the install is complete? Is there a CLI-only way? I tried to install it on Beta 1 but I couldn't find a way to get it to install.01:27
ronnocSpeaking of bug 156105101:28
ubottubug 1561051 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity-DM dies on Kubuntu images" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156105101:28
=== syadmin is now known as VLanX
p0sitr0nhey i was lookign at kubuntu.  what (as a brief overview) would be the pros and cons of using kbuntu vs debian+kde ?02:46
p0sitr0nkubuntu i mean02:46
DarinMillerp0sitr0n I have never used Debian + KDE so I cannot say.  I really like Debian distibutions as the packagers go to a lot trouble to ensure solid packages.02:56
DarinMillerp0sitr0n I have tried Fedora, OpenSusa and ARCH. But I still like Kubuntu the best.03:00
p0sitr0nyah  i use debian a lot for servers03:02
p0sitr0njust never used linux as a desktop OS before03:03
p0sitr0nso thought i'd ask around a bit03:03
p0sitr0nill probably just try it out deb+kde03:03
p0sitr0nand kubuntu03:03
p0sitr0ni looked at ubuntu awhile back ... not an option with that desktop they use03:04
p0sitr0nwasnt a fan of ubuntus phone OS either !03:04
DarinMillerThese days almost all the major distro's have solid packages.  Back when the *ubuntu series was released, they ubuntu forums were (and still are) a great place for help-especially for newbs.03:05
p0sitr0nyah its not gonna be a problem .. they are all easy enough to deal with03:06
p0sitr0nwas lookign for some opinions out of the box03:06
p0sitr0nmy motivation to look at this again is due to me sitting here for a windows box to do its updates !03:06
DarinMillerBut now that so many drivers are in the kernel and many of the hw vendors including the drivers in the kernel, install and maint. is similar across the board.03:10
DarinMillerI only have to us windows for a few minutes to be reminded why I like the open source options.03:11
p0sitr0nwell i primarily use OSX03:18
p0sitr0nfor desktop03:18
p0sitr0ni just happened to have found this computer and just installing Win on it because i might sell it03:19
p0sitr0nbut then again could be handy for something else03:19
lordievaderGood morning05:42
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jubo2What is the dpkg name of the KDE screen grapture program package?09:55
jubo2"Save and exit" said one of the buttons with the preinstalled one, whatevs it's name. And then it doesn't ask for file name bye-bye user09:56
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: spectacle is the replacement for ksnapshot09:57
jubo2I could boot in Kubuntu15.10 and see what the screen capture program is called09:57
jubo2telegram1: yeah that's the one09:57
jubo2but it didn't bother to tell it is storing the little-endian-dated-files09:58
jubo2"Save and exit?" Why'd I want the program to exit?09:58
jubo2So I need to start it up the next time I need it09:59
jubo2No asking "Ma dame, messieur vous voulez donne un nom pour le fichier?"10:01
jubo2I want mah KSnapShot back10:03
jubo2"Save and exit?" "Yeah.. why not." ... "Hold on, you didn't give me a filename dialogue."10:04
jubo2I want KSnapshot behaviour back10:05
jubo2#1 incl. "Save and don't exit"-button10:05
jubo2"Save as"-button back and we can negotiate10:10
meenacan someone help me trace this down? i got lost after git clone plasma-framework… okay! this basically means we're ready to migrate brainsware.org soon! <310:39
* meena clones kio10:45
yossarianukhi - im tryning to import a root cert on kubuntu 15.10 - I click on the cert and the cert manager opens up but the 'import' window is greyed out ...11:05
meenafound: https://github.com/bryanl/webbrowser/issues/2#issuecomment-20434978611:05
yossarianukhow can I import it?11:05
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BluesKajHiyas all12:43
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shane_having trouble with multiple monitors and google isn't turning up any decent results - mostly kde4. Any ideas on how to get multiple monitors to work well? As in, connect an external monitor, then appropriate settings apply; disconnect monitor, appropriate settings take effect13:32
shane_this is for plasma 513:32
shane_sorry, new to kubuntu13:33
hateballshane_: what GPU are you using?13:33
hateballand what drivers13:33
shane_intel skylake Integrated Graphics13:35
shane_intel hd 52013:36
hateballhmmm, that should "just work"13:37
shane_i would think so too.  However, I can't go from non-external monitor, to plugging in a monitor and anything happening. Reboot is required13:38
hateballWhen you connect a new monitor and set it up, the settings are saved in kscreenrc in your home folder. So if you unplug, use something else, then plug it back it should remember the settings13:38
hateballshane_: Oh well you need to activate the second monitor, you should have a plasmoid in the tray13:38
shane_display and monitor settings show the external monitor, but it's faded and then I can try and click the Enable button and apply, but it simply reverts13:39
hateballlemme boot a plasma 5 machine and see13:39
shane_so, reboot and it works, but I still have to go into manage and ocnfigure monitor settings....13:39
shane_I don't have a plasmoid with monitor options13:40
shane_I'm probably doing something wrong13:41
hateballshane_: hmmm, well I booted this 16.04. connected an external monitor. opened kscreen (monitor settings) and then set laptop as primary, enabled external and pressed apply13:44
shane_and that worked without issue?13:45
shane_I'd love to dig into this and see what's going wrong with mine...how can I locate/capture debug information for kscreen?13:46
hateballand then you can adjust the alignment in that little dialog box, put the external monitor on left/right etc13:46
lordievadershane_: What is the output of 'xrandr'?13:47
shane_a lot13:47
shane_you want me to paste that here?13:47
lordievader!paste | shane_13:47
ubottushane_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:47
hateballshane_: if you run "/usr/bin/kcmshell5 kcm_kscreen" from a terminal it'll spit out what it does when you try changing stuff13:48
hateballthen you can paste that13:48
shane_that's a slick online app13:48
lordievadershane_: The way I read the xrandr output both displays are active at a 1080p resolution?13:50
shane_that's after I did the reboot and apply13:50
shane_however, if I go from just laptop to adding external display, it doesn't work13:51
shane_The system will also freeze if I go from sleep, add display, wake.  about 2 seconds after wake, complete freeze up13:52
shane_that's the  biggest bug I'd like to hunt down13:52
hateballat least that has a simple workaround :p13:52
shane_this is a new laptop, so I dont' expect everything to be perfect yet. thinkpad t460s13:52
lordievadershane_: What version of Plasma are you running?13:52
hateballshane_: you could try live-booting a 16.04, see if things are improved there... since it will be out soon13:53
shane_running 16.04 no other kde distros work on this laptop except kubuntu13:53
hateballso... you're not on 15.10 ?13:55
lordievaderHmm, here kscreen sometimes need a nudge in doing something by issueing xrandr.13:55
shane_right - not on 15.1014:09
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somekoolanyone found a good kf5 based web browser that supports either firefox or chrome extensions ?15:39
Hekpwhat's the difference between plasma 5 and 4 ?17:29
BluesKaj!plasma 517:30
BluesKaj!info plasma 517:31
ubottu'5' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed17:31
BluesKaj!plasma dektop17:32
BluesKaj!plasma desktop17:32
BluesKajok the info bot is asleep at the wheel again17:33
BluesKajHekp, the differences are too great and too numerous to describe here..google is your friend17:35
Jolusomeone can help me?17:43
BluesKajJolu, ask your quesion and we'll try to help17:44
* BluesKaj just shakes his head17:45
Bob2016hey.  i'm trying to use kubuntu 5.4.  When I login, plasmashell and krunner don't start automatically, but they run fine if i start them manually.  Except, krunner doesn't seem to know about any installed applications.  Can someone suggest what I need to reinstall/rebuild/etc.?17:48
TemporalBeing1Any one here know how to send CTRL+ALT+DEL over KDRC to a Windows client?17:49
TemporalBeing115.10 Kubuntu with all updates17:49
TemporalBeing1(b/c unfortunately WinServer2012 requires CTRL+ALT+DEL for some functions...)17:50
=== nhandler is now known as StaffUnicorn
braderhartHello all. I was hoping to get some help regarding dual monitors in KDE. xrandr shows HDMI1 as disconnected when it's not. Worked fine in Unity, but I did recently upgrade to 16.04 Beta 218:07
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shane_braderhart - I'm having issues as well. what have you tried?18:40
braderhartThat activates it18:41
shane_if you have external connected and restart, does it detect it?18:42
shane_i'm having a similar issue after a reboot18:43
braderhartSame here18:49
shane_I've had it work a few times, but I'm not certain what the combination is. I move from standalone laptop to dual monitors at least once daily18:50
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Bob2016hi.  i reinstalled 5.4.  plasmashell & krunner don't start automatically, but run fine if i start them manually.  but also, the application list in the apps menu is gone.  what should i do?20:46
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braderhartshane_: Sorry about earlier. I'm going to try 16.04 vanilla this time and see if monitors work so that I can rule that out20:59
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catbadgerhey doods!21:24
braderhartconfirmed my monitor issue is with 16.04 and not kde22:02
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linuxdes francais???23:19
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linuxquelques server stp23:23
p0sitr0nsi senor23:24
ZrenIs there a way to open a .zip as if it were a .cbr in okular/calibre?23:43
ZrenI could modify the desktop to copy the zip to /tmp/ with the new extension, but that sounds terrible.23:44
p0sitr0nsurely the cheezy application doing the extraction will accept the filename regardless of extension23:48
p0sitr0nshirley !23:48
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