
codepandatrying to install ajenti in 16.04 server, but it complains about python-support and python-reconfigure pacakges... trying to figure out where to file a bug00:57
codepandaor, if there is a straightforward fix00:57
salamanderrakesudo apt-get install windows-10 is not working02:44
Beelsebobsalamanderrake: what does it do?02:44
salamanderrakeE: Unable to locate package windows-1002:44
BeelsebobClosed | Behaves Correctly02:44
salamanderrakedoes microsoft have a ppa?02:44
salamanderrakecan we now have cmd.exe run natively on ubuntu yet?02:45
shurtagulIs there a reason there isnt much software in the new center yet other than its beta?05:26
lordievaderGood morning05:43
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k1l_all xenial PPAs have been resigned, so the apt warning should be gone now. only left for me now is the google repos and they said they fix it  with the next chrome update08:31
BluesKajHiyas all12:43
erle-is the ZFS in 16.04 a port of  Solaris code or a different implementation?12:45
johnjohn101should i report this bug?  changing background to default in 16.04.  it shows i think the 15.10 background in the thumbnail.15:21
sveinseJust upgraded my server (yes, test server) from 15.10 to 16.04. Yeah!15:55
sveinseHowever my lm90 thermal device is no longer found by (lm-)sensors. Anyone knows why?15:56
lotuspsychje!info lm-sensors xenial16:03
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.4.0-2 (xenial), package size 83 kB, installed size 367 kB16:04
lotuspsychjesveinse: maybe try a reinstall?16:04
lotuspsychjeof lm-sensors16:04
sveinselm-sensors seems to work. The CPU temps are reported16:04
lotuspsychjesveinse: another test would be installing 16.04 clean + lm-sensors to make sure its not a bug16:05
sveinseBut the MB lm90 sensor is missing. Suspect a kernel-land thing16:05
lotuspsychjesveinse: as 16.04 is still in develop mode, things can still break16:05
lotuspsychjesveinse: uname -a plz?16:05
sveinseyes yes, this is why we are asked to test it, isn't it :D16:06
sveinseLinux eva 4.2.0-34-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 10 22:13:01 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:06
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial16:06
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB16:06
lotuspsychjesveinse: this is why i dotn recommend upgrade yet16:06
johnjohn101even 3 weeks out :(16:07
sveinsekernel isn't frozen yet, I know that16:07
johnjohn101true.  did you see what i reported?  wondering if that is a bug16:08
lotuspsychjesveinse: you still in wily kernel16:08
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: reported what?16:08
sveinselotuspsychje: right, let me see if I can upgrade it16:09
johnjohn101when you go to change the backgrounds. on the picture to the left, it doesn't show the xenial default wallpaper16:09
johnjohn101when you click on it16:09
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: upgrade or clean install?16:09
johnjohn101clean install.  it looks like the wiley default16:10
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: daily or beta2?16:10
sveinseI think the zenial repos are still stuck on kernel 4.2.0. I find no 4.4.0 available yet16:11
johnjohn101lotuspsychje: http://imgur.com/ikSTX5y16:12
sveinsehmm. my xenial desktop has 4.4.0, weird16:12
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: what you mean by, picture on the left?16:13
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: the one with the white icon on?16:13
lotuspsychjesveinse: clean install on your desktop?16:13
johnjohn101lotuspsychje: the one in the computer screen16:14
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: you mean it doesnt apply to your desktop, xenial wallpaper?16:14
johnjohn101all the other wallpapers are correctly thumbnailed. that one isn't16:14
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: holdon, lemme go test on my desktop 3min16:15
johnjohn101well wait16:15
johnjohn101you can sort of see that same shadow in each picture16:15
lotus|xenialworking here wallpaper16:20
johnjohn101so it's some sort of gradient in the preview?16:21
johnjohn101i never noticed it before16:22
lotus|xenialjohnjohn101: ah you mean those lines/shadows?16:23
lotus|xeniallemme ask a trusty guy16:24
johnjohn101i can pull up trusty16:24
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: also on trusty16:28
johnjohn101that's fine.16:28
johnjohn101not sure why it bothered me.  might have been a rough day16:29
dougncan anyone confirm whether the lxc/d container services will be on by default in the base install/cloud images when xenial is released?16:30
johnjohn101why were new wallpapers added with xenial, btw?16:30
lotuspsychjejohnjohn101: think there will be others on final16:30
Oderushello. i have noticed that periodically while logging into kubuntu xenial that sometimes my volume meter is missing until i log out and back in again. any ideas what i should do about this?16:48
lotuspsychjeOderus: clean install or upgrade16:49
Oderuslotuspsychje: hmmmm ok thanks :)16:50
lotuspsychjeOderus: was a question, sorry :p16:50
Oderuslotuspsychje: oh, xD gotcha. It was an upgrade16:51
lotuspsychjeOderus: from wich to wich16:52
Oderus15.04 to 16.0416:52
lotuspsychjeOderus: 15.04 is eol, you mean 15.10?16:52
Oderushowever everything was fine for the longest time, seems to be a new issue16:52
lotuspsychjeOderus: i would suggest a clean install in this stage mate, to make sure its not an upgrade bug16:53
jubo2Happy April Fools day Phools17:20
jubo2Is happyzeit17:20
rasteroidis anyone else having problems with the nvidia driver? i can log in but it freezes five seconds later. nouveau works fine.17:21
jubo2If the Kubuntu16.04 just got the drawing issue and the volume control not moving fast enough17:21
jtaylorrasteroid: which graphics card?17:22
rasteroidquadro1000m - a dell with optimus17:26
rasteroidjtaylor: it _completely_ locks up so it's not easy to figure out what's going wrong17:27
jtaylorI also have a machine with quadro 285 and its unusuable17:27
jtaylorbut thats also a super crappy card17:28
jtaylorfwiw xfce works (but I really don't like it ...)17:28
jtaylorrasteroid: completely looks up in you can't even ssh to it or get a tty via ctrl+alt+fx?17:29
rasteroidjtaylor: i'm using xubuntu, so it would seem that it doesn't always work17:29
jtaylorfor me its kind of locked up but not fully, its just spending all cpu in compiz17:29
rasteroidjtaylor: didn't try that17:29
jtaylorand compiz is stuck in some nvidia function17:29
jtaylormy guess is the card is simply not capable to work with unity817:29
rasteroidjtaylor: what version nvidia driver?17:30
jtaylor3.31 which is the newest that works with the card17:30
jtayloror maybe it is evven 3.0417:30
rasteroidi'm wondering if i should try 352 instead of 36117:30
rasteroidand i see that nvidia released 361.42 yesterday. hmm...17:32
lotuspsychjerasteroid: upgrade or clean install?17:42
lotuspsychjerasteroid: many users have good performance on 352-updates17:46
rasteroidthanks, i'll try it17:47
lotuspsychjerasteroid: but depends on card also of course, what drivers are listed your additional drivers17:47
rasteroidnouveau and 36117:47
lotuspsychjeno others?17:47
rasteroidthis is a brand new dell with skylake. dell will be releasing it with xenial in the future, but presently it only comes with windows17:48
BluesKajwhich nvidia gpu, rasteroid?17:49
rasteroidquadro 1000m17:49
lotuspsychjerasteroid: got nvidia-prime installed also?17:53
lotuspsychjerasteroid: or try 361-updates + nvidia-prime?17:54
rasteroidlotuspsychje: i expect it was installed. i have it installed now, but querying returns 'unknown'17:54
lotuspsychjerasteroid: was nouveau not working well for you?17:54
rasteroidlotuspsychje: cuda17:55
BluesKajhybrid optimus ?17:55
lotuspsychjerasteroid: if your card has optimus, youl need nvidia-prime to activate performance mode17:55
rasteroidlotuspsychje: and i have it installed. but if i install nvidia and restart it will freeze five seconds after i log in17:56
lotuspsychjerasteroid: uninstall and try 361-updates?17:56
rasteroidlotuspsychje: will probably try, however it is a work laptop so i need to work at least until the end of the day17:57
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lotuspsychjeok good luck rasteroid17:57
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lotuspsychjeInifaisal: ubuntu 16.04 will support radeon and amgpu19:12
Inifaisalgood, i ask that because i read this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/ubuntu-drops-amd-catalyst-fglrx-driver-16-0419:16
lotuspsychjeInifaisal: 16.04 will support amd cards with radeon & amdgpu drivers19:17
Inifaisaloke, thanks 4 ur info19:19
ake_i get dbus exception with apt (not apt-get or aptitude).21:10
ake_dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.614" is not allowed to own the service "org.debian.apt" due to security policies in the configuration file21:10
ake_ok.. quick google reveals it may be because i ran atpd by accident.. i see no process named like that. how can I fix that?21:13
coffeeguyhi can i change from ubuntu 16.04 to ubuntu MATE 16.04 without fubaring my system and then swtich back?23:31
coffeeguybtw guys really enjoying ubuntu 16.04 love it23:32
recon_laphi, just had an issue, not sure if it anything to do with 16.04 though, was trying to setup php5 on a apachy2 server, on a restart of the apachy2 server there was a crash and afterwards my user is no longer in the sudoers file :(23:40
TJ-recon_lap: that sounds ... serious23:43
recon_lapbit of a pita all right !!!23:43
TJ-recon_lap: but, why was your user in the sudoers file to begin with?23:43
squintycoffeeguy,  you could always try installing ubuntu-mate-desktop and choose which desktop to run at logon.  As for fubaring, there is always a chance that things can get a bit buggy when installing multiple desktops (not a big fan of doing so to be honest).  Then again there is always the option to (if your system has enough resources) to download the mate release of 16.04 and run it in a vm like virtualbox23:44
TJ-recon_lap: usually any additions should be in files under /etc/sudoers.d/23:44
recon_lapit was the admin and only user on the system23:44
TJ-recon_lap: or, do you mean your user is no longer a member of the 'sudo' group, as shown by "groups" ?23:44
recon_lapaccording to the UI I'm still in the sudo group23:46
TJ-recon_lap: how about "groups" in a terminal shell?23:46
recon_lapTJ-: no, no sudo when I do groups on the cml23:47
TJ-recon_lap: that's a weird one23:51
TJ-recon_lap: what packages did you install (I'm wondering if one has a bad post-install script)23:51
recon_lapyep, never came across anything like it before myself23:51
TJ-sounds almost like one of them did "deluser sudo $USER" sort of thing23:53
recon_lapI'd just done a sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 ; sudo a2enmod php523:53
recon_lapthen is exploded when I "sudo service apachy2 restart"23:54
recon_lapit tried to submit a crash report but I could not enter the admin password, said I was not a sudoer23:55
TJ-recon_lap: as you're no longer in sudo you might not be able to do this, but try these: "getent group sudo" and "getent group adm" to check system group memberships. if you're in 'adm' then you should be able to view the security/audit log /var/log/auth.log23:59

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