
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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Dubstar_04Good morning!!08:44
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snizzo_appdevs hi!12:34
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sverzegnassipopey: o/ i can't open the presentation you shared. i've requested the access, could you approve my request?13:08
popeysverzegnassi: its not my doc, have pinged them to open it up13:09
sverzegnassipopey: ok, thanks!13:09
Dubstar_04popey who do I need to talk to about pageheaders?13:11
* popey points Dubstar_04 at faenil or zsombi maybe?13:11
* faenil appears13:11
faenilfemma: ^13:12
Dubstar_04faenil I'm on irc. Are you happy now?13:12
faenilDubstar_04: indeed13:12
faenilvery :)13:12
Dubstar_04I aim to please...13:13
Dubstar_04femma ping13:13
popeysverzegnassi: try now?13:13
femmahi Dubstar_0413:13
femmasorry, I've been in meetings all day and just spotted this13:14
femmahow can I help?13:14
faenilDubstar_04: timp is the engineer who implemented the component13:15
Dubstar_04Femma I'm having trouble with pageheaders and I'm on a web app so i cant paste a link. :(13:15
faenilthe UX designer who worked on it left, but I think femma can help you with that if you need design input13:15
sverzegnassipopey: now I can read it \o/13:15
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1540240 in Ubuntu UX "Automatic Header height adjustment should be optional " [Medium,Triaged]13:15
timpDubstar_04: it is still on my list, after a few other bugs13:16
timpfemma: ^ can you take the UX part of that bug?13:16
Dubstar_04Femma: So its being looked at?13:17
femmatimp I'll assign it to myself and Dubstar_04  yes I shall take a look :)13:17
Dubstar_04Amazing!!! Its driving me bonkers!13:18
Dubstar_04Femma: I would be really interested to be involved in any converstions about the pageheader. is that possible?13:19
femmaDubstar_04,  I shall keep you in the loop the best I can :)13:21
Dubstar_04Femma: Thank you. While you're here, if I have a toolbar in a pageheader is there any way to hide it and reduce the height of the header13:23
Dubstar_04is I set visible: False the tool bar is gone but the header height stays the same.13:24
femmatimp,  is that a bug ^^13:25
femmaif the toolbar is hidden, then surely the space should become available?13:25
femmaDubstar_04,  I need to dash to another meeting in 5 mins, can you raise that as a bug and assign it to me and I will take a look at it and get back to you asap13:26
Dubstar_04I can of course create a new header without the toolbar in but that would generally be a duplicate of code just with the toolbar omitted.13:26
femmaDubstar_04,  yeah that doesn't make sense to do that13:26
Dubstar_04Femma: I will create a bug report tonight. Thank you.13:26
timpfaenil, Dubstar_04: yes, that is this bug https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/invisible-header-topmargin/+merge/29065913:27
timpfix is in progress13:27
timpDubstar_04: the bug is about making the whole header invisible. Is that what you mean?13:27
timpDubstar_04: if you only want the extension in the header hidden, just set header.extension to null13:28
Dubstar_04Timp: I will try that. Thanks.13:28
timpDubstar_04: perhaps setting visible: false for the extension should also reduce the height. Can you report a separate bug for that?13:28
Dubstar_04Can do.13:29
mike00hi all15:13
mike00I've got a problem with the SDK15:13
mike00I want to install, execute or only build an app for my ubuntu phone, but I can't: in the device tab I can see that the network connection of my phone is off.. how can I do?15:15
mike00the phone is connected to the wifi...15:15
mike00and at the pc via usb15:15
dobeymike00: is developer mode enabled on the phone, and did you unlock the phone screen?15:15
mike00about one month ago, there weren't problems...15:18
mike00but recently the network connection is off and I can't do nothing...ù15:19
dobeydoes your phone show up in the list if you run "adb devices?15:22
dobeyi don't understand the message about network connection being off. sdk shouldn't care if the phone has a network connection or not15:22
dobeybzoltan, timp: ^^ do you know?15:22
timpmike00: does 'adb shell' log you in on the device?15:24
timpmike00, dobey: I think qtc uses ssh to connect to the phone15:24
timpzbenjamin: ^15:24
mike00what "adb shell" is?15:25
dobeytimp: it uses phablet-shell right? ssh-over-usb ?15:25
timpdobey: I don't know the details15:25
timpbut yes it would make sense if it uses phablet-shell15:25
zbenjamindobey: its using adb forwarding yes15:25
zbenjamintimp: its not using phablet-shell though. We adb forward the ssh port to a local port and connect to that local port15:26
timpmike00: adb shell should connect to the phone over the usb cable and login giving you the ubuntu shell on the phone15:26
mike00in the device tab, under control, when it says "Open SSH connection to the device"?15:27
zbenjaminmike00: open a terminal and type :  adb devices -l15:28
zbenjaminmike00: check if your device is listed there15:28
mike00I get this :"JU011324               device usb:1-1.3 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako"15:28
zbenjaminmike00: also check "adb forward --list"15:29
mike00but I haven't a nexus ... :(15:29
mike00I get this: "JU011324 tcp:10000 tcp:2215:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10001 tcp:1000115:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10002 tcp:1000215:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10003 tcp:1000315:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10004 tcp:1000415:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10005 tcp:1000515:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10006 tcp:1000615:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10007 tcp:1000715:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10008 tcp:1000815:29
mike00JU011324 tcp:10009 tcp:1000915:29
timpmike00: which device do you have?15:29
mike00Bq Aquaris E4.515:30
zbenjaminadb device always returns the wrong device15:30
zbenjaminyou don't need to worry about that15:30
mike00so, what's the problem15:31
zbenjaminmike00: "ssh -i ~/.config/QtProject/qtcreator/ubuntu-sdk/ubuntudevice_id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p 10000 phablet@localhost15:31
mike00in the terminal?15:32
zbenjamindoes it open a shell for you?15:32
zbenjaminor do you get a error15:32
mike00I'm in the phone...15:32
zbenjaminhm then there is no connectivity problem with the phone15:33
zbenjaminwhat happens when you try to run an app?15:33
mike00it's the same going in the SDK in the device tab and, under control, and click on "Open SSH key to control device", is correct?15:33
mike00when I run an app on the phone i get this: "17:33:21: Running steps for project tris...15:34
mike0017:33:21: Starting: "/usr/bin/rsync -avh --exclude .bzr --exclude .git --exclude .hg --exclude .svn --exclude '*.qmlproject' --exclude '*.user' --exclude tests --exclude Makefile --exclude .excludes --exclude '*.ubuntuhtmlproject' --exclude-from=/home/mike/Documenti/PC/App/tris/.excludes /home/mike/Documenti/PC/App/tris/ /home/mike/Documenti/PC/App/tris/.ubuntu-sdk-deploy"15:34
mike00rsync: failed to open exclude file /home/mike/Documenti/PC/App/tris/.excludes: No such file or directory (2)15:34
mike00rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at exclude.c(1179) [client=3.1.1]15:34
mike0017:33:21: The process "/usr/bin/rsync" exited with code 11.15:34
mike00Error while building/deploying project tris (kit: Ubuntu Device (GCC armhf-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-vivid))15:34
mike00When executing step "UbuntuSDK Click build"15:34
mike0017:33:21: Elapsed time: 00:00."15:34
zbenjaminplease use a pastebin to paste things15:35
mike00what is it?15:35
zbenjaminerr http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15:35
mike00ok http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15577629/15:35
zbenjaminwell the error says: rsync: failed to open exclude file /home/mike/Documenti/PC/App/tris/.excludes: No such file or directory (2)15:35
zbenjamindid you maybe delete that file?15:36
mike00there is no directory with that name...15:36
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mike00but with this app i had some problems: I have to copy every times the qml file in a directory before run the app also on the pc. but once the directory there wasn't15:38
mike00I tried with another app..15:38
zbenjaminmike00: is that your app?15:39
zbenjaminmike00: if so i'd suggest that you migrate to a qmake based template instead of qmlproject. We recently dropped qmlproject support15:39
mike00ah, I didn't know it...15:40
mike00because on ubuntu 14.04 there aren't choice and I continue with qmlproject...15:40
zbenjaminmike00: do you use the ubuntu-sdk-ide ?15:40
mike00yes, i think so...15:41
mike00i got this with another app in the application output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15577655/15:41
mike00and this in the compile output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15577667/15:42
zbenjaminmike00: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/11/19/here-comes-brand-new-ubuntu-sdk-ide-tools/15:42
mike00I'll have to uninstall the SDK I have now?15:43
zbenjaminmike00: no just make sure you have the correct one...15:43
zbenjaminmike00: apt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk-ide15:43
mike00http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15577687/ is the latest version?15:44
zbenjaminmike00: looks good15:46
zbenjaminmike00: well your device does not know the 15.04.4 framework as it says15:47
zbenjaminmike00: so you need to change the version you use in your manifest file15:47
mike00with the 2° app happend a very strange thing....15:47
zbenjaminmike00: the device tab tells you about the framework the device knows15:47
mike00framework version?15:48
zbenjaminmike00: yes15:49
zbenjaminmike00: every device supports a specific framework...   for example 15.04 or 15.04.415:50
mike00and I have to set it in the manifest.json file?15:50
zbenjaminmike00: the device tells you in the device tab which framework it supports. You cannot have a higher framework in the manifest.json file15:50
mike00but I have to set ubuntu-sdk-15.04 or ubuntu-sdk-15.04-qml?15:51
mike00or ubuntu-sdk-15.04-papi or ubuntu-sdk-15.04-html?15:51
zbenjaminmike00: i usually set the one without postfix15:52
mike00but I have a new directory in the app directory called ".ubuntu-sdk-deploy"15:54
mike00and every time I change a file I have to copy in that directory... why?15:55
zbenjaminmike00: yeah , thats where the SDK packages your application for the phone15:55
zbenjaminmike00: you should not need to copy the file there it should happen automatically15:55
mike00and always I have to copy files?15:55
zbenjaminmike00: but really. use qmake based projects. :D15:56
mike00what's the difference?15:56
mike00between qmake and qmlproject?15:56
zbenjaminmike00: qmake is a real tool to build projects. Its the default project type for QtCreator and is completely supported. Where qmlproject is only a format for prototyping qml UIs and does not have any idea how to actually package a project correctly15:57
zbenjaminwe did some hacks to make it somewhat work but as you can see its not really nice15:57
zbenjaminand breaks too easily15:58
zbenjaminmike00: if you want to learn more about qmake: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-tutorial.html15:58
zbenjaminmike00: or even better http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-manual.html15:58
mike00thanks very much15:59
zbenjaminmike00: ok, i will be off now.. Already sitting for too long in front of the screen today ;). But if you have more questions feel free to ask. I will check in randomly on the weekend and be back on monday16:00
mike00ok, I'll have to go too16:00
zbenjaminmike00: see you16:00
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matv1bzoltan ping19:32
mike00hi all. zbenjamin said me is better using qmake. now I created a new project with the SDK, but I can't run it on my phone... some help?19:39
matv1mike00 what r u seeing?19:40
matv1how are you doing it? is there any error message?19:41
mike00I click on the green arrow in the bottom-left corner19:42
matv1then what happens?19:42
mike00after selecting the phone as kit19:42
mike00appears a window saying "waiting for your device to get ready"19:43
matv1is the phone unlocked?19:43
matv1and is it in developer mode?19:43
matv1what device are you using?19:45
mike00bq aquaris e4.519:45
mike00but this afternoon it worked19:45
mike00with a qmlproject, not a qmake...19:46
matv1that's strange19:47
mike00now in the device tab there's a message: "there was a error  in the device detection, check log for details"19:47
mike00what can I do?19:47
matv1on the devices page, you can actualy click on the 'log' tab. it is next to the devices tab19:49
matv1what does it say there?19:49
matv1hmm it seems the sdk is looking for an emulator on your pc. not your phone19:51
mike00what can I do?19:52
matv1what does it say when you click on the kit selection button?19:53
matv1it's the ubuntu logo button. fourth from the bottom i think19:53
mike00I closed the SDK and reopened, now it's ok19:54
matv1haha so you have connection to your phone now?19:54
matv1gd luck!19:54
mike00but now I have another problem...19:55
matv1ok :)19:55
matv1what is it19:55
mike00when I click on Run, a essage saying Desktop file does not exist19:56
matv1thats also strange. if you start with a qmake template, it should automatically create a desktop file for your project?19:57
matv1is there a $PROJECTNAME.desktopfile in your build folder?19:58
mike00but in the manifest.json.in the path of the desktop file is right19:58
mike00under another directory, but yes there is19:59
matv1the directorypath  has to match what it says in the manifest20:01
mike00yeah, I already check it20:02
matv1and you say it is not the correct path20:03
mike00no, it is correct20:05
mike00I don't know where the problem can be20:07
matv1can you try importing it into your project?20:08
mike00is right that some directory are created automatically and called "build-Trampolino-Ubuntu_Device_GCC_armhf_ubuntu_sdk_15_04_vivid-Release"?20:09
mike00I don't understand what you mean20:09
matv1you say you have no desktop file in your project. but the file exists and is in the right place20:10
matv1in the edit page20:10
matv1on the left side, you have your overview of files and folders of your project20:11
mike00I have the desktop file in the right place, but SDK tells me there isn't any desktop file.20:11
matv1yes but is it visible in the list of files in the sdk?20:11
matv1on the edit page20:12
mike00I'll check20:12
mike00yes, but the directory I see there are different from the ones I see in nautilus...20:12
mike00I tried one thing now...20:13
mike00there is a directory called "build-Trampolino-Ubuntu_Device_GCC_armhf_ubuntu_sdk_15_04_vivid-Release"20:13
mike00I opened it and I saw that there are some files, but not the desktop one...20:13
mike00and I pasted it in places the manifest.json expect20:14
matv1thats not the folder you need. That is the folder that gets created on building the project20:14
mike00Now the app is running on the phone after lots of errors20:14
mike00these are the errors I got in the Issues tab: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15580560/20:15
matv1how are you runnimg your app? are you clicking "install on device" from the publish page? why are you not using debug mode?20:23
mike00I just press ctrl+R20:25
mike00I can't understand why he doesn't create the desktop file in the "build-Trampolino-Ubuntu_Device_GCC_armhf_ubuntu_sdk_15_04_vivid-Release" directory...20:26
mike00and the path he gives me in the second error doesn't exist...20:27
matv1I think I would just save your actual code. I mean the one you wrote yourself and start a new template. then paste your code back in.20:27
matv1youre build environment is a little messy20:28
mike00but I just created the project20:29
matv1yes but somehow  you lost your desktop file20:29
mike00I think with qmlprojects will be simple...20:29
mike00now I tried installing the app on the device20:30
mike00no error20:30
matv1you should no longer use those. that template will be deprecated soon20:30
mike00but on the phone I can't see the app20:30
mike00ok, another day I'll create a new one.. :(20:30
matv1ok good luck!20:31
mike00why qmlproject are deprecated?20:31
mike00they were so simply... less files then qmake20:32
mike00bye matv120:35
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