[06:47] good morning [08:13] Morning! [13:10] dholbach: dpm: hey! I think we are ready to start the Call for Contributions today for UbuCon Eu. I've added http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/talks/ and http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/wishlist/ [13:10] so we could post the announcement on fridge [13:21] svij, excellent! [13:21] also, here's the announcement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16AMWwK_cpFY4zr5HYB-CKkGQAHp36dhRNZMTkOQPvLA/edit [13:22] svij, dholbach and I are about to start a meeting, so we might not be too responsive in the next ~30 mins to 1h [13:22] ok! [13:22] * dpm starts looking at the announcement [14:30] dpm, hey can I send you a pm? [14:45] philipballew: no, I need him first. :P [14:56] svij, you cant always get what you want!!! :) [14:56] hahaha [14:57] philipballew: pff [15:04] dpm: dholbach: I need to go off for an hour in a couple of minutes. If it's okay for you, than I would like to post the announcement today (or I can ping someone else to post it there on the weekend) [15:05] svij, I was in calls all afternoon - let me check the draft in 20 mins [15:05] double-check rather :) [15:05] yep! [15:05] I'll give you feedback [15:05] and yes, just talk to folks in #ubuntu-news-team to get it on the fridge [15:06] ok [15:06] or their mailing list [15:06] I'll need to go now, will check in ~one hour [15:06] cool [15:06] thanks svij! [15:12] dholbach, got a second for a quick pm? [15:13] in a call [15:13] no worries. maybe later [15:13] feel free to PM - I'll respond later [15:34] can a English native speaker take a look at https://docs.google.com/document/d/16AMWwK_cpFY4zr5HYB-CKkGQAHp36dhRNZMTkOQPvLA/edit too? [15:34] svij needs a review [15:35] who can edit it dholbach [15:36] The UbuCon Europe is an event for everybody: for beginners, developers and experts. The main topics will covers hopefully everything about Ubuntu and Open Source Software. Be sure to join the conference [15:36] should be [15:37] the main topics will hopefully cover bla bla [15:37] i read further [15:37] Kilos, svij will pick it up once he's back (in half an hour I think) [15:37] I will need to run [15:37] thanks a lot Kilos! [15:37] ok ill be here [15:37] my pleasure to be able to help [15:39] <3 [15:59] all right - weekend time - have a good one everyone! [16:00] cheers dholbach [16:00] have a good one [16:00] thanks [16:11] Kilos: thanks! fixed that one [16:12] then when you done dholbachs changes it looks fine to me [16:12] yep, done it [16:12] cool [16:17] dpm: popey: mhall119, have a nice weekend o/ [16:18] mhall119, I need to run now. Would you mind assisting svij if he needs help with the ubucon EU announcement? [16:18] you too davidcalle! [16:18] dpm: have a nice weekend! [16:19] thanks svij, have a good one too! [16:23] no problem, I'm here if you need me svij [16:41] Good morning all. A most happy Friday to you [17:02] mhall119: I just need someone who can publish it on fridge [17:02] I can [17:02] #ubuntu-news please :) [17:02] I'm working on some stuff but will do so shortly [17:02] yay [17:48] svij: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/4cwymi/announcing_ubucon_europe_and_call_for/ [17:48] mhall119: upvotingā€¦ :) [17:48] thx! === nhandler is now known as StaffUnicorn [18:07] svij: do you have a facebook page for ubucon europe? [18:07] yes [18:07] https://www.facebook.com/Ubucon-Europe-1099898853356780/?fref=ts [18:07] and twitter too: https://twitter.com/ubuconeurope [18:09] I don't have access to the Twitter account, but I've posted on the Ubuntu FB and G+ accounts for you [18:09] the FB one should syndicate to Twitter [18:09] ah great, just saw it, thanks! :) [19:35] mhall119: I've removed the UbuCon Summit focus from ubucon.org homepage. It now links to UbuCon Europe. Doesn't make sense to still show old ubucon summit information on there [19:50] svij: agreed