
xnoxcjwatson, cyphermox :13:42
xnoxin netcfg, we replace wifireconf question with "" (empty string)13:42
xnoxand hope to hide that choice, yet on serial console it still offers13:42
xnox4. ,13:42
cjwatsonThat sort of maybe feels like a cdebconf bug, perhaps13:42
cjwatsonBut it's been a while13:42
xnoxas a choice.... is there a way to substitute an empty choice? or is this a debconf bug/feature that empty choices are offered too13:42
cjwatsonThere's certainly no other way to do it13:43
xnoxcjwatson, shall i try to reproduce with debconf versus cdebconf?13:43
cjwatsonIf you like, dunno if that would be remotely helpful13:43
cjwatsonOr how it interacts with other things trying to do intentionally blank lines as separators13:43
xnoxwell, we ideally don't want it to show the empty choice. I'm pondering to play around with templates to like substitute the whole choice into it.13:43
xnoxfor a "ascii" screenshot13:44
cjwatsonThough I think partman does the latter with some kind of whitespace-only arrangement13:44
cjwatsonAnyway, I need to get back to SSO :)13:45
xnoxcjwatson, enjoy!13:45
xnoxi think i need to convert __Choices: ${choices}13:45
xnoxand then split all translations templates and substitute them all in.13:45
xnoxand that shouldn't break existing translations i don't think.13:45
xnoxalso, is it possible to unpublish some tasks that tasksel sees?14:35
xnoxe.g. i don't want Mate to be advertised on s390x =(14:35
cyphermoxxnox: preseed tasksel/skip-tasks ?15:40
xnoxoooh, i shall look into that!15:41
infinityxnox: Why would we make s390x a unique snowflake WRT task selection?  If the task is there...16:38
infinityxnox: The general goal should be to make all arches as similar as possible, not divergence.16:39
xnoxinfinity, because we do not support desktop on Ubuntu Server -only product.16:40
infinityxnox: We don't support MATE on any arch, where "we" is Canonical.  So what?16:41
infinityxnox: IBM has already asked us what desktop environments they can install, they clearly want them there, even if they're not supported.16:41
infinityxnox: Not everything is about contracts.  And we're not cutting down s390x to be "only the binaries we contracted to support".16:42
infinityxnox: Please, please, please don't turn s390x into some whacky unique snowflake.  It makes maintenance of everything else harder.16:42
xnoxinfinity, right. but here is the experience -> one boots ubuntu-server.iso on amd64 and sees only tasks shipped on the .iso itsle.f16:43
xnoxs390x is netboot only, and most of the time people are lazy and point it at the full mirror, rather than the server.iso export.16:43
infinityWhich is the same experience you get with amd64 netboot.16:43
xnoxif they did point at server.iso export the experience would be good - similar to what the experience is for the Ubuntu Server product.16:43
xnoxand hence i am sad16:44
infinityAnd arm64 netboot (which has no ISO currently).16:44
infinityThis is not an s390x problem.16:44
infinityPresenting all the tasks in the archive is how our current netboot works for everyone.16:44
xnoxhm, ok.16:45
infinityOne can argue if THAT is a bug, if we should be providing some example "this is for servers" preseed files or something, but don't fork one arch, that's all I'm asking.16:46
infinityAt the very least, I think we should indeed align netboot to match the ISO behaviour of preseeding minimal and standard.16:47
xnoxcan taskselect do sub-menus?16:47
infinityWhich I think doesn't happen right now.16:47
infinityBut that would be for all arches.16:47
xnoxi would totally understand Desktops/ sub-menu, for d-i. Cause I still belive d-i is an embedded/server/cli target environment.16:47
infinityxnox: Putting all the DEs in a submenu would be lovely if we could, I'd happily agree to that.16:47
infinityxnox: Your belief that d-i is for servers is totally wrong, though. :P16:47
infinityxnox: People (like Google, eg) use d-i to blat desktops to thousands of machines.16:48
xnoxdesktops are preinstalled anyway =)16:48
infinityNot everyone buys computers one at a time. ;)16:48
xnoxsilly people16:48
infinityAnyhow, I think we should fix d-i (if it needs fixing) to make sure an ISO install with *no* tasks selected gets the same packageset installed as netboot with *no* tasks selected.16:52
infinityBut the number of optional tasks offered is just a product of the archive you point it at.16:52
infinitySubmenus would be nice if we can do it, but not a blocker, IMO.  It's a misfeature we've had forever.16:52

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