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touchyjust curious, how long is is supposed to take to flash a ubuntu touch to a nexus 5?02:11
touchytaking forever nearly02:12
duflutouchy: I don't know the exact causes, but sometimes a failure will mean it never finishes. Give it at least 30 minutes. Then just try again02:13
touchyit says it's pushing xxx file to the device02:14
touchyi'm a bit anxious about using it for the first time02:15
touchyit's like the time i first saw tits and wasn't nursing02:15
touchy2016/04/01 10:11:22 Done pushing /home/SomeUbuntuUsername/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/device-18a659f3cfe13a409a52815d2ef8dc71e99ab38d589e3272ceea40b43c3ae512.tar.xz to device02:16
touchyit got that far already02:17
touchybut on the phone, it just shows an ubuntu recovery menu...with no indication of activity02:17
touchydoing this through a VM, but i don't see any activity on the  hard disk, network, or the USB line....02:19
touchyis it decompressing some things on the phone itself?02:19
touchyi think it finished02:20
touchythe ubuntu icon is spinning02:20
touchyheh :P02:20
touchyi'm guessing the first boot takes quite a while02:23
duflutouchy: Sorry, was distracted. 20 minutes later has it booted?02:44
touchyno, much less...about 1002:52
touchyon the flashing tool... it doesn't really give much status indication other than if a particular file has been pushed to the device02:53
touchyi wasn't sure how many files had to be pushed to the device02:54
touchynor was i sure it was actually doing anything02:54
touchyapparently it was, and i have a nice ubuntu phone now :)02:54
touchyNexus 5  FTW :P02:54
dufluYes Nexus 5 is nice, although I've never seen Ubuntu on one02:55
touchythe only bug i can see so far is that it's not reading the battery level02:57
touchyor maybe i need to issue a setting somewhere to make it visable02:58
touchybut here's an interesting point....02:58
touchyin CM13 ...02:58
touchyi really hate the camera02:58
touchyit's always trying to decide what you're supposed to be focusing on02:59
touchyeven when you turn of autofocus02:59
touchyand so every few seconds it looses focus of the picture you were trying to take02:59
touchyin Ubuntu Touch..... no02:59
touchyit's perfect02:59
touchydidn't come with a terminal app, but that's installed now03:06
touchyapt-get update(ing)03:06
touchyi'll let you guys know if i can get  aircrack-ng and reaver + pixidust working on the Nexus 503:24
dufluI thought the terminal app was standard, but the design changes occasionally03:26
touchydidn't find the icon on the home screen03:29
touchyhad to install it from the app store03:30
touchyother than the battery thing....03:32
touchyi really like what i see so far :)03:32
touchyneed to put the system partition into rw mode so i can install some CLI stuff though03:32
duflutouchy: OK confirmed. You do get different apps depending on the device (even choosing the same channel). On MX4 I got no terminal but did get Cut The Rope. On Nexus4 I got a terminal but not Cut The Rope.03:33
duflutouchy: Just:   sudo mount -o remount,rw /03:33
touchydevz will be devz i suppose03:33
touchyyes :)03:33
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touchyit would be funny if the internal wifi could be put into monitor mode03:35
touchycompile pixidut WPS and run it as a system service .... add all those wifis to the wifi list in wpa_supplicant03:37
touchywould probably make it a bit more difficult for the powers that be to track the phone03:37
touchymonitor mode works out of the box with ubuntu touch03:48
touchygotohell android03:48
zergnmhi everyone03:51
zergnmis it possible to build an app for ubuntu phone?03:52
touchythere's some dev info about it on the ubuntu website03:52
touchytechnically, since ubuntu phone can have run python natively....03:53
touchyyou could write the core logic of the app in python, and have it setup a webservice on localhost:port  which then an HTML5 based UI running in a browser could access03:54
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zergnmpython? wasn't meant to be a system based on web apps?05:21
memyselfis it possible to install ubuntu on dell venue 8 pro?05:54
Dubstar_04Good Morning!!!08:34
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MasseRIs utouch supposed to shut down background applications almost immediately? For example I'm in the browser, and switch back to ureadit, it reloads the ureadit again and probably in the wrong page. After turning back to browser, it reloads the app after a couple of seconds09:12
jlkon13Hello, I try to get my ubuntu boot image working but I am not able to determine how to solve the problem. Is it possible to enable adbd in bootimage before everything else (or at least before the partitions are mounted)?09:15
peat-psuwitIs Android source server working properly? It seems to be very slow at the moment.09:29
matv1MasseR no that is not the case. apps are suspended when in background. But they shouldnt reload by default when they come back to the foreground09:39
MasseRwhat could be the reason for the reloading?09:40
matv1MasseR i have no idea actualy. Do all apps do that as far as you can tell?09:41
matv1what image are you using? stable?09:42
matv1I do not have flo. But I am surprised it is doing that09:44
matv1maybe oSoMoN knows more09:45
oSoMoNMasseR, matv1: apps are suspended when in the background, they shouldn’t be reloaded when brought back to the foreground09:47
oSoMoNthey may be killed by the OOM killer while suspended though, if the system is running low on memory09:47
oSoMoNin that case they would reload indeed09:47
MasseRare there some apps to show memory?09:47
oSoMoNbut that shouldn’t happen all the time (unless you have many memory-hungry apps open at all times)09:47
oSoMoNMasseR, not that I know of, but if you use phablet-shell to connect your device to a desktop computer, you can inspect the memory usage with tools such as `top`09:48
MasseRmeh, there is nothing especially memory hungry09:54
MasseRthe browser takes about as much memory as unit809:54
matv1MasseR I would in this case file a bug I guess.10:09
MasseRI'll wait a bit and note the behavior a bit longer :)10:10
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matv1MasseR allright gd luck10:11
MasseRIs there a tts system on the touch?10:19
MasseRAh, qt seems to provide something like it10:20
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oSoMoNloicm, I’m testing oxide 1.14.3 on arale, and seeing the following error:10:54
oSoMoNQObject::connect: No such signal QPlatformNativeInterface::screenPropertyChanged(QPlatformScreen*, const QString&) in ../../../../qt/core/browser/oxide_qt_screen_client.cc:10810:54
oSoMoNloicm, this appears to be code that you wrote (https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk/revision/1364), any idea what’s wrong there?10:54
oSoMoNdednick, what’s the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtubuntu/screen-info/+merge/286329 ?11:10
peat-psuwitIs Android  For me it seems to always produce error.11:12
peat-psuwitI can't sync Ubuntu's android tree.11:13
loicmoSoMoN: hey, I'll take a look after lunch11:26
oSoMoNloicm, nm I found the problem: it depends on https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtubuntu/screen-info/+merge/286329, which hasn’t been merged. Do you know why it’s "on hold" ?11:27
dednickoSoMoN: er, it was crashing the device.11:29
dednickoSoMoN: but that's greyback's i think.11:31
oSoMoNdednick, thanks11:31
oSoMoNgreyback, what’s the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtubuntu/screen-info/+merge/286329 ?11:31
greybackoSoMoN: as it says on the MP, work in progress, until we sort out the dpr/scaling stuff11:32
oSoMoNso it looks like the code that was merged in oxide to listen to the screenPropertyChanged signal was premature11:33
greybackoSoMoN: I'm afraid so11:33
oSoMoNalthough it doesn’t seem to be harmful either11:33
greybackyeah, since it is a runtime signal connection, it'll just print that error. Code should hopefully have a sensible default value11:34
jlkon13Hi there; Is it possible to enable adbd on boot without system being mounted? I want to debug the boot image but if adbd does not start, this is not possible …11:45
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SmurphyDid anyone manage to create a playlist for the music playback app ?12:45
ahayzenSmurphy, what do you mean by "create a playlist"? You can select a track, or set of tracks, and add them to a playlist. That then appears in the Playlists tab ?12:46
SmurphyYeah. Sorry. I remember I did that last year to create a script that extracted my playlist data out from a m3u text file, and wrote it into the playlist db ...12:52
Smurphydarn - yes. It's sqlite-3db ... :}12:55
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ahayzenSmurphy, yeah it is currently a sqlite database, i hope to move to m3u at some point once a few bugs are sorted :-)12:56
Smurphylol. I was wondering how it worked, and I had already wrote a solution for it :D12:56
SmurphyI should stop doing that.12:56
ahayzeni don't think our table layout has changed recently, so they should still work12:56
Smurphyyes - it does.12:57
ahayzenSmurphy, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/app/logic/playlists.js is the JS for it12:57
SmurphyHowever, having a UI to link in Owncloud (Calendar/Contacts) would be more important IMHO.12:57
ahayzeneventually i hope to use m3u, then assuming the paths were correct you could i guess import/export via content-hub12:58
Smurphyahayzen: This is my implementation: https://stargate.solsys.org/short.php?i=654f59e412:59
SmurphyIt takes m3u files out of the m3u Directory, and adapts it to be written into the sq3lite db.12:59
ahayzenawesome :-)12:59
ahayzenit'd be nice to have a place to documented that sortof stuff :-) ...13:00
SmurphyYeah. I got Kodi 16 here (running on 4 Raspberry PI devices for the family) and everyone has her/his playlists. So I needed to find a way to get at least mine on my ubuntu-touch :D13:00
ahayzenpopey, we don't have anywhere currently do we ^^ ?13:01
Smurphyhah - my script even checks if the file really exists before including it into the playlist. Must have had a good day :D13:01
popeyahayzen: not really13:03
popeythere's the bq book on github?13:03
ahayzenyeah that's all i can think of13:03
ahayzenidk if a Wiki page with hacks and scripts for coreapps would be useful or not..13:03
SmurphyI actually reverse engineered the DB layout - and just adapted the m3u stuff to the db format writing it into a SQL query, then dumping it into the DB.13:03
peat-psuwitIs Ubuntu's android source syncable at the moment? For me seems to hang and give me an error.13:10
mike00ha there13:24
mike00I would like to install an app from the Ubuntu SDK to my Ubuntu phone, but in the device tab I can see that my phone hasn't the network connection and so I can't install the app on the phone. the problem is that I connected my phone to the wi-fi, how can I resolve this problem?13:27
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dobeymike00: i think you need to connect the phone over usb for the sdk to be able to deploy to it13:33
mike00I connected the phone with a USB cable to the pc...13:34
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mike00some one can help me, please?15:05
dobeymike00: you might be better off asking about sdk issues in #ubuntu-app-devel15:10
mike00I have to ask the same question in that channel?15:11
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soorajhow to install ubuntu tuch on samsung galaxy s dous 216:00
lotuspsychje!devices | sooraj16:00
ubot5`sooraj: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:00
soorajhelp me16:00
soorajmy device is not officallu supported16:01
lotuspsychjesooraj: maybe try the XDA forums if there's an existing project?16:02
soorajmy whatsapp number is 9061400688.please contact me16:04
soorajany one online?????16:06
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lotuspsychje!info peperflash17:00
ubot5`Package peperflash does not exist in wily17:00
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Smurphysooraj: Whatsapp does not work under ubuntu-touch ...17:03
dobeySmurphy: person left a long while ago :)17:09
Smurphyyeah... can be.17:30
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matv1hahaha mariogrip20:00
matv1it had to be20:00
matv1mariogrip the real question is: will the windows ' so-called-converged' phone also do linux shell now :) ?20:03
dobeyUbuntu for Clones20:03
mariogripYES! :)20:03
mariogripyou can also get scopes on it20:04
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