
terrananybody out there? Oh, hello00:12
terranoh god, it IS the morning, lost track of time00:13
m0nkey_Monster hunter: http://imgur.com/0yYhBru00:16
daftykinsdigging the Cookie Monster's new hairdo00:17
terrandid she kill the cookie monster and wear its skin!?00:22
daftykinsyes ;_;00:23
mapppswhys there no shop near me open01:05
mapppsim hungry!01:06
zmoylan-pino 24hour garages that sell food?01:06
mapppsits like 25min walk01:07
mapppsi am tempted01:07
zmoylan-pialways fun to try and buy the biggest box of cornflakes to watch them fit the box through the tiny slot in armoured glass...01:07
mapppsi think he ctual building is open01:07
zmoylan-pieven tescos don't do 24hour here anymore.  they ended up a nice big place for drug deals and hookers to stay dry and warm01:08
daftykinsdid the managers wonder why there were so many folk just 'browsing' the shelves?01:10
zmoylan-pii think it was the baby oil and condoms aisle got _really_ busy...01:11
daftykinssurely such things don't go on in this modern world we live in, zmoylan-pi ?01:11
zmoylan-pii think some take bitcoin now...01:16
zmoylan-pididn't some garage in usa offer teslas for bitcoin01:17
mapppsis btc stable atm?01:18
zmoylan-pihell no01:18
ali1234actually bitcoin has been boringly stable for months now01:19
zmoylan-pimakes the asyrian empire look stable...01:19
zmoylan-pihaven't there been ddos and shurdowns of exchanges?01:19
ali1234not recently01:20
ali1234not important ones01:20
ali1234cryptsy shutdown but they were altcoin exchange01:20
daftykinsi thought that one guy said it had failed so everyone was going to slowly shut up shop01:20
ali1234me might be right01:21
ali1234but it will take a while before we find out01:21
zmoylan-pii just see the headlines... coinkite?01:21
ali1234yeah no-one cares about them01:22
zmoylan-piand bitquick?01:22
daftykinsg'night all \o01:22
* daftykins trots off01:22
ali1234never even heard of that one lol01:22
ali1234important exchanges/payment processors = bitstamp, coinbase, bitpay, huobi01:23
zmoylan-pias i say, i just see the headlines. not following closely. so could well be mickey mouse operations who jumped on band wagon01:23
ali1234one of those goes down and you'll see proper price mvement01:23
ali1234kraken, bitfinex, btc-e are also fairly large01:24
ali1234btc-e is i think the only remaining exchange from sub-$10 times01:25
zmoylan-pithat's a lot better than it was... https://www.coinbase.com/charts01:25
mapppsheres loads of other coins too01:26
ali1234altcoins, yes01:26
zmoylan-pii wonder if been the preferred payment for ransomware helps stabilise things...01:26
ali1234as of yet, none of them is even close to the adoption that bitcoin has seen01:26
ali1234zmoylan-pi: no, stability comes from the ability to do more complex trading than market orders, believe it or not01:27
mapppsi dont like the fact that it cant be recovered, so if i lost my wallet or whatever thats it tough01:27
ali1234even though margin trading looks like gambling, when a lot of people do it, it in fact stabilizes the price01:27
ali1234(and really it is gambling on an individual level)01:28
zmoylan-piuntil someone panics and starts a chain reaction... :-)01:28
ali1234but with margin trading the effects are limited01:28
ali1234and all that happens is the people doing it lose money01:29
ali1234while the people who bet the other way... they make money01:29
ali1234where as if you only have market orders, then everyone will try to dump at once01:29
mapppshmm morrisons opens 8am01:33
mapppsthink il ust go there at 801:33
mapppspetrol station too far;p01:33
zmoylan-piwow most shops here open at 701:34
zmoylan-piof course you have to step over every delivery service stuffing the shelves01:34
ali1234hmm why doesn't lynx support <pre>02:04
ali1234links supports it, but it doesn't support unicode02:05
ali1234ah, elinks supports both02:06
ali1234w3m also works properly02:10
zmoylan-pii thought elinks was dead at this point...02:10
ali1234no idea02:10
zmoylan-piwhen i first set up the pi i looked at a few console based browsers and lynx was most updated iirc02:21
zmoylan-piwas a few years ago mind02:21
ali1234yeah. it ignored <pre> though02:22
ali1234which is kind of ironic02:22
mapppsanyoe seen any good films recently?02:34
zmoylan-1ino, but i can list 3 ancient films you haven't seen that will make you laugh...02:38
m0nkey_you have 30 seconds..02:43
* m0nkey_ plays the countdown music02:43
zmoylan-1imalcolm, the gods must be crazy,02:43
m0nkey_BZZT. Time's up!02:45
mapppswhat fils zmoylan-1i02:48
zmoylan-1imalcolm, the gods must be crazy, real genius03:01
mapppsnevver heard of any of them!!03:18
zmoylan-1iand if you watch and don't laugh i owe you a pint03:18
mapppsil imdb them now03:19
zmoylan-1ithe only weapon dumber than the nuclear bazooka... http://imgur.com/gallery/8SNK8nm03:58
mapppsdo you hae a tablet?04:24
mapppslooking at getting a new android tab04:24
MooDoomorning all05:19
zmoylan-pithank crunchie it's friday...05:28
AuroraAvenueHappy Apr1st However it's also World Back up day .. https://twitter.com/lifehacker/status/71570995068156313705:32
MooDoooh yeah it's friday indeed, 1:45 finish today :D05:40
zmoylan-piof course everything you read on line is automatically suspect due to it been 1st april05:51
MooDooyes agreed05:53
zmoylan-piand worse with all the timezones it lasts nearly 2 days05:59
AuroraAvenueRight that's it I'm not moving all day |  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3516515/Villager-rock-won-t-roll-11-000-year-old-boulder-middle-road-not-moved-highway-chiefs-ruled-not-traffic-hazard.html06:00
DJonesthe strange thing is, that boulder story isn't an April fool, it's been around for a few days07:54
MooDooyeah it's been sat there for years07:58
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
foobarryi saw a thomas the tank engine episode about that09:05
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:16
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Walk to Work Day! 😃09:24
zmoylan-pii thought it was take your swan to work day... https://twitter.com/DLMarina_Dublin/status/715824196312555520/photo/109:47
MooDoowalk walk?  are you mad/09:49
bigcalmI have a 1 hour drive to work. Not sure I would want to walk it09:52
bigcalm(on the motorway that is)09:52
zmoylan-piwe'd provide puppies to amuse you on your walk...09:52
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: Obvious 'shop is obvious09:58
zmoylan-piits supposed to be a little obvious on 1st apr10:00
TwistedLucidityI prefer the ones that are less obvious10:01
diploJust had my first April fools joke played on me :)10:01
TwistedLucidityThe proposed "Quantum Astrology" 2016 Christmas lecture did make me giggle though.10:02
diploNew girlfriend saying she was pregnant :P10:02
TwistedLuciditydiplo: I hope you reacted in an acceptable manner. i.e. didn't run away screaming10:02
diploI replied with Wooohoooo!!!!!10:03
diploNot sure what was the funniest part, my reaction or her doing it, she wasn't ready for that :P10:04
TwistedLucidityIf you'd thought fast you could have said "Cripes! Not another one...oh...whoopsie"10:06
diploheh, I am not that quick :)10:06
zmoylan-pior a comeback how you just found out that you were related... :-P10:06
diplohah - I'll remember that for next time :)10:07
zmoylan-piwe'll call the child... flipper...10:07
bigcalmpopey: love your rebuttal to Pete Cannon. No like button on email though10:19
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: https://lkml.org/lkml/2016/3/31/110810:20
TwistedLuciditybigcalm: Pete been stirring again?10:20
bigcalmWolvs LUG mailing list. A discussion about _Ubuntu_ on Windows10:21
MooDooi'll be interested when it's windows on ubuntu ;)10:21
* TwistedLucidity ambles off to see if list is public10:22
TwistedLucidityThat's exactly where I am now...10:24
bigcalmAnd today's is in the 2016-April archive10:24
MooDooI'm just reading now10:25
TwistedLucidityIt's not BASH but a BASH-a-like? That makes more sense.10:28
TwistedLucidityI'll probably end up using it at some point, but I'd prefer to use Ubuntu (or CentOS or...) and simply not have MS' toxicity in the mix.10:30
TwistedLucidityThe remain hostile to F/OSS and any dealings with MS should be treat with utmost caution.10:31
MooDoohopefully they will do a switcharoo and bring visual studio/xamarin to linux10:54
MooDooinstead of the visual studio code thing that's available10:54
popey:) bigcalm10:59
TwistedLucidityMooDoo: Wasn't there some Xamarin announcement recently?11:06
MooDooTwistedLucidity: yeah microsoft bought them, and xamarin just release all their toos for free either with or without visual studio11:07
MooDoohttps://www.xamarin.com/platform - TwistedLucidity download now for free :)11:08
mallardXamarin.Android uses just-in-time compilation for sophisticated runtime optimization of your app’s performance, meaning your app is a native Android APK.11:10
mallardDoesn't this mean that the APK files are going to be massive?11:10
bashrc_if ms bought xamarin does that mean they bought mono?11:11
MooDooi'm guessing whatever xamarin own/created ms own now11:11
bashrc_if that's true then mono comes home at last11:13
zmoylan-pii always thought mono was an unwanted orphan?11:13
bashrc_it was, pretty much11:16
popeyI always thought it was very much a wanted orphan11:16
popeybut the free software community had a wasp up it's collective arse about it11:16
popeyno thanks to people like Roy on techrights11:16
popeyPeople fought hard to push Mono out of Linux distros.11:17
popeyShort sighted.11:17
bashrc_there were always doubts about mono, because its implementation went far beyond the ecma specification11:17
bashrc_so anyone distributing a mono app could have MS lawyers going after them11:17
popeyoh please11:18
popeythat was the story always spun by anti-mono brigade11:18
popey*nothing* ever happened11:18
popeyand mono and things built with it, were Free Software11:18
bashrc_ms have done plenty of stuff in relation to patents11:18
popeyyet the free software world didn't like it.11:18
popeynot mono11:18
bashrc_for me it was just too entwined with microsoft. Too risky11:19
zmoylan-piyou don't have to do legal action to cause a dampening of enthusiasm... see ms android patents...11:19
TwistedLuciditybashrc_: Yes, the patent threat is probably the biggest risk in any dealing with MS. Some deptartments (e.g. Azure) might like F/OSS, but the company still has a massive anti-freedom culture11:20
bashrc_that said, as a technology I thought mono was ok11:22
TwistedLuciditybashrc_: "Java done a bit better"11:22
bashrc_yes, that kind of thing11:22
zmoylan-pias a technology i heard some really nice things about it... but it felt... tainted...11:22
bashrc_like a trap :)11:23
TwistedLucidityUnless MS legal issued a notice that said "Mono is patent free and we will never sue" and I missed it, using it is a risk.11:23
zmoylan-pii think they did that in the end... but it was too late by then11:23
bashrc_I think they did issue a promise at some point, but promises aren't legally enforcible11:24
TwistedLucidityYeah, back in 200911:27
zmoylan-pilikewise i hope the ubuntu on windows doesn't hurt canonical as so many companies that do deals with ms get icky end of the stick11:27
foobarryis it a deal or just a project one guy did with an MS team?11:28
TwistedLucidityFound some stories about the whole patent promise thing. Yeah, seems like the concern was that Mono implemented some stuff that extended beyond the scope of said promise.11:32
TwistedLuciditySo whilst MS did nothing, what they /could/ have done and could still do is the issue.11:35
TwistedLucidityDisclaimer: I am a pessimist11:36
zmoylan-piand i think TwistedLucidity is an optimist... :-)11:38
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
dwatkinsI was looking up the meaning of PGP's "Alien-level encryption", and Google told me that MartijnVdS talked about this on here a while ago. Hello folks, long time no see.12:14
bashrcI think the mono ship has already sailed. Fortunately, other languages are available.12:14
bashrcdoes that mean I publish my public key to the mothership?12:16
dwatkinsbashrc: yeah, I think PGP talks about 1024-bit keys as being really difficult to break, suggesting it would need very advanced technology12:16
dwatkinsno, don't do that - someone might hack into it with an old Macbook.12:16
bashrcalso depends on the algorithm. ECC has shorter key lengths12:17
dwatkinsjust had someone ask about using a 2048-bit key, which seemed excessive to me, but I guess it depends on all sorts of factors and how you're using it.12:21
* dwatkins tries to get his head around Shibboleth12:22
TwistedLucidity4096 key, 8192 key...they all fall with a hammer to the knee caps.12:23
bashrcFor the last few years I've been using 4096bit RSA keys for PGP and general encryption (eg of backups)12:23
dwatkinsouch, yeah12:23
zmoylan-pirot13 for durability... if it was good enough for caesar... :-)12:23
dwatkinsdouble rot13 for extra encryption!12:24
bashrccaesar cypher :)12:24
bashrcbut I think most, if not all, the encryption we use today is vulnerable to any near future quantum cryptanalysis with enough qbits12:26
dwatkinsI fixed the colours in xmountains, is there any point me submitting my fork to the repos, seeing as it uses an outdated method of drawing to the desktop in X11?12:26
* zmoylan-pi parses all my important messages into ogham... :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogham12:27
dwatkins"The vast majority of the inscriptions consist of personal names." - so it was a language of graffiti12:28
bashrckilljoy woz here12:28
dwatkinssounds pretty neat to me, a language made up from people's names12:29
dwatkins"Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra"12:29
zmoylan-pithere's a bit in turkey that says olaf was ere essentially iirc12:32
zmoylan-pibut you can scratch server passwords on case of pc and it just looks like scratches... :-)12:33
zmoylan-pisaves a fortune on post its...12:34
dwatkinsnice idea, although you're a bit restricted in the character-set12:34
dwatkinsno letter 'p' either12:34
zmoylan-piirish works around lack of letters by substituting others12:35
zmoylan-piit all makes sense when you hear irish place names been pronounced correctly12:35
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledanfun new apple music advert: https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/71588094719586304014:19
daftykinsyou can't put 'fun' and 'apple' in the same sentence!14:33
diddledanyou can when it involves the tay14:35
zmoylan-pithat's just tacky... this gold plated... http://imgur.com/gallery/8SNK8nm14:57
zmoylan-piwhoops wrong channel....14:57
diddledanzmoylan-pi: even though it's the wrong channel it's still fun14:58
diddledanlol - just read the description talking about typo causing it to originally say termite cannon15:00
daftykinsthermite indeed15:01
daftykinsfor about 2 seconds i was imagining termites being explosive ;D15:02
daftykinsnow i want a DO hoodie :<15:03
diddledanDO EET#15:03
daftykinsi'm not sure you even can15:04
diddledanI can't "even". does that count?15:04
* daftykins blinks15:04
bigcalm"Maybe we should start a WLUG (not Wolves) But Windows and Linux user Group?"  -  most amusing thing I've read today :)15:30
daftykinswould be nice if folk from both 'camps' could just get along, all the childish comments i see about Windows are quite tiresome15:32
diddledandaftykins: windows is a fisher-price OS15:54
daftykinsXP sure was ;)15:59
diddledanblue plastic!15:59
daftykinsreet time to throw Kodi on this new Amazon FireTV :>16:00
daftykinsit's going in the clients' wee ones room16:00
daftykinshis nanny went to play a DVD the other day and the unit had locked up! impressive for just a player16:00
diddledanwhy does every business have to write a clause into their digital usage policies that disclaim all liability to everything evar? surely it would be better for lawmakers to clarify what is and isn't applicable rather than every business employing liars to reinvent the wheel every time a new service starts16:44
diddledanthe bbc store's is intriguing. they effectively state: "we won't pay nothing ever. oh, that is unless the law says we have to, in which case ignore the previous statement."16:46
diddledanthey even have wording that says "we're not responsible! oh there's a law that says we can't say that... we're not responsible except for things that says we're not allowed to say we're not responsible for."16:47
diddledanthat the law**16:48
daftykinsBBC store? is that the bit that flogs bluray sets etc?16:48
diddledanno, it's a digital equiv tho16:48
diddledanthey sell you a license rather than a disc16:48
diddledancomplete with DRM16:49
daftykinsdiddledan: nasty16:59
diddledanso much for being a "public service broadcaster" :-p16:59
diddledanthey'll even sell you stuff that is on the iplayer17:00
zmoylan-pion the other hand they created the hitchhikers show as a comedy...17:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
daftykinsdiddledan: moar duck - https://i.imgur.com/89nBsPJ.jpg18:07
ndf'predictable interface names'19:01
ndfEVERYTHING is predicting eth0, not en2984180502398uj19:01
ndfand now... replace every hardcoded conf19:02
ndfoh the irony19:02
ndfso annoyed19:03
daftykinsisn't it fun19:03
daftykinsnot sure who had the bright idea there19:04
ndfwell I can tell you it's not a bright one19:05
ndfhere I was scratching my head19:06
ndfthen all of a sudden ifconfig slapped me in the face with a "oh, wtf is this?"19:07
daftykinsin fairness it's the ideal day of the year for it19:07
ndfwell, they say it's bad luck after 12pm19:07
ndfjoke shoulda been over hours ago19:07
daftykinsthat's true19:07
ali1234that the default on 16.04 then?19:08
ali1234my eth0 is still called eth019:08
ndfdid you dist-upgrade from 15.04?19:09
ndfthat'll probably be why then19:10
ndfyou already had your NICs set up in 15.04 as per the old scheme19:10
ali1234i wish they'd make predictable v4l names19:12
ali1234its really annoying that all my devices get switched around on every reboot19:13
ndfif by predictable you mean enp0spoiqwjrf9uq23r then no, you don't19:13
ali1234that would suit me fine19:13
ndfyou call that predictable, too?19:13
ali1234it never changes, that is the only property i require19:14
ndfI would much rather that my configs still knew what cards they were talking about19:14
ali1234yeah, that's what i want19:14
ndfso we want to go back to eth0/wlan019:14
ndfthat's what /I/ call predictable, anyway19:14
ndfby predictable I mean every config I ever had was already predicting that19:15
ali1234you can't pedect what the device node for my capture card will be after the next reboot. nobody can19:15
ali1234it will be /dev/video0 1 2 3 or 419:16
ali1234completely at random19:16
ndfso now, do I try and find every config containing eth*/wlan* and edit them all? or do I find a way to rename the card back to eth0/wlan0?19:16
daftykinsmy understanding was that an upgrade from 15.04 -> 15.10 kept upstart no? so didn't change scheme19:16
ali1234you find a way to rename it back to eth019:16
ali1234daftykins: no, it definitely installs systemd19:16
ndfdaftykins: yeah he was saying his cards are still eth0...19:16
ali1234and uses it19:16
ndfmust be during setup then19:17
daftykinsmaybe i'm thinking 14.10 -> 15.0419:17
daftykinssee now i'm banned from giving help i'm rusting :)19:18
ali123415.04 doesn't use systemd at all19:18
ali1234at least i don't think it does19:18
ali1234i fresh installed 15.04 anyway19:18
ali1234and upgraded to 15.1019:18
ali1234wait actually that might be wrong19:18
ali1234i think i upgraded from 14.04 to 15.04 and then did a fresh install of 15.1019:18
ndfwell in that case your cads should be all enp0s*19:19
ali1234InstallationMedia: Xubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet" - Release amd64 (20150422.1)19:19
ali1234so i did upgrade19:19
ndfI hope a lot of people sent that bright spark some emails saying "B-b-but... my configs! =("19:20
ali1234lennart gets more hate mail than anyone in FOSS so i'm sure they did19:20
ali1234(most of it well deserved)19:21
ndfwell yeah, if this is the sort of thing he likes to do to all the poor devs19:21
ali1234i think systemd is great19:22
ndfit might be, but my configs!19:22
ali1234systemd vs wayland is a really interesting comparison19:22
ali1234they are both trying to fix years of technical debt19:23
ali1234systemd has been far more successful in a shorter amount of time19:23
ali1234that counts for a lot in my opinion19:23
ndfwell the only thing I've noticed through the change is a massive negative in my opinion19:24
ndfI don't know what else it does except ruin my configs19:24
ali1234the only change i noticed is that dmesg is now in colour19:24
daftykinschange when it doesn't seem like it's necessary is always going to seem like a pig though, right?19:24
ndfi don't mind change as long as there are a list of good points to outweigh ruining my configs19:25
daftykinsi thought a lot of folk suffered from interface ordering jumping about through upgrades, or such like19:25
ndfI just don't know what they are19:25
ali1234your configs suck19:25
ali1234sorry but they do19:25
ndf*OpenVPNs configs suck19:25
ndfI didn't make it19:25
ali1234if you have more than one interface and you are using  kernel device names, you are going to get burned eventually19:25
ndfhey tell that to the developers of all the configs I have looking for eth0/wlan019:26
ali1234maybe you should tell them :)19:26
ali1234open a bug report if something doesn't work with systemd19:26
ali1234systemd devs aren't going to listen to random users. but they will listen to developers19:27
ali1234same goes for wayland19:27
ndfbut the point is the system has changed but none of the other packages have19:27
ndfit's not a bug to file with systemd saying their system doesn't work19:28
ndfit's that the software running on it hasn't caught up19:28
ali1234it hasn't really changed if you did a fresh install19:28
ndfi.e: you're suggesting I submit a bug report about systemd to the developer of every software package that hasn't updated their configs to reflect that19:28
ali1234i can guarantee you that openvn or whatever will not get fixed nobody reports a bug19:28
ali1234no i am only sggesting you report it for the software that you actually use19:29
ali1234in any case, you can rename interfaces however you want now19:30
ali1234so just rename it to eth0 and everything will be fine19:30
ndfI just read that even if I disable the naming scheme on systemd I still can't use eth* it would have to be somethingelse*19:32
ali1234clearly not true since my eth0 is still called eth019:33
ali1234i don't know how it works but it does19:33
diddledanlol.. I'm watching pixels - cubert is cute19:33
ali1234pls no19:34
ndfbut if you just did a dist-upgrade from 15.04 you already had them named like that19:34
ndfmine have always been systemd names19:34
ndffresh 15.1019:34
ali1234ndf: right. so it is possible to have your ethernet named eth0 under systemd19:34
ndfyes you're totally missing what I'm saying19:59
ali1234what exactly are you saying?20:07
ali1234it sounds like you are saying that you can't rename your network card to eth020:08
diddledanif you have eth0 _before_ upgrading to an ubuntu which uses predictable network device names then it will remain eth0 after the upgrade20:10
ali1234thus proving that it is possible for the network card to be named eth0 under systemd20:11
diddledanI don't think it's related to systemd20:11
diddledanudev is the thing that renames them IIRC20:12
ali1234udev is part of systemd now20:12
diddledanso systemd actually _is_ turning into the BORG collective then? :-p20:12
ali1234at least it works20:13
ali1234i very much doubt that systemd has built in code which detects if you upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10 and allows you to rename your network card as eth0 in only that specific circumstance20:14
diddledanno the upgrader sets udev rules telling it to rename20:14
ali1234actually the udev rules come from the 15.04 installer, and they just continue to be honoured in 15.1020:15
ali1234so all you have to do is write a udev rule and you get eth0 back on a fresh install20:15
diddledanI _think_ that if you were to interrupt before udev rules get played then the kernel rules will take precedence which afaik are the predictable names20:15
ali1234that is what would happen on systemd/udev < 19720:16
ali1234on 197+ you get the new predictable name if you don't have any custom udev rules20:16
ali1234you can disable this behaviour with the kernel command line though20:16
ali1234or just write udev rules20:17
diddledanright, again I believe, the predictable names are a kernel feature but an uptodate udev can override to whatever you desire20:17
ali1234no they aren't a kernel feature, they come from systemd-udev20:17
* diddledan tries to commit that to the memory banks so I sound more clever-git next time I try to waffle :-p20:18
diddledanaah, good reference, thanks20:18
ali1234lists three different ways to stop it from happening too20:18
diddledanlol, I like that one of the fixes is to create a config file symlinked to /dev/null20:19
ali1234yeah not sure about that20:21
ali1234i wonder if just an empty file works20:22
ali1234i suppose the reason for linking to /dev/null is to prevent the file from accidentally getting created by a package manager or something20:28
ali1234so that's actually kind of sensible20:29
terranaurghh can't get past the terms and conditions of teamspeak on the terminal! typing 'yes' doesnt do anything, it's rather strange21:43
arunsWhich IRC channel is best for asking questions about problems with a specific application that I am running on Ubuntu?22:29
arunsThe application in question is AMPPS.22:29
directhextransferring data from old NAS to new one22:41
directhex500GB down, 2.5TB to go...22:41
daftykinsdirecthex: from one to the other or is a computer on the network handling it? :>22:53
directhexdaftykins: i didn't see an option on the new one to do samba mounts... but there *is* on the old ARM based one22:54
directhexso the new NAS is mounted on the old one22:54
directhex& the copy is a background task on that22:54
daftykinsah har22:54
daftykinswhat type do you tend to go for?22:54
directhexi went from a 1-bay synology to a 4-bay qnap22:56
daftykinshmm, how does it compare? i've always gone synology and just updated a couple to DSM 6.022:56
directhexds112j -> ts453mini22:57
directhexi think synology has a slicker experience. lots of the functionality on the qnap feels a bit bolted on. like... dnla settings spawns a different webapp in a new tab. so does youtube downloads22:57
directhexfunctionality seems *crazy* more powerful22:57
directhexlike... i can configure per-client auto-transcoding settings based on the client's MAC22:58
directhex(e.g. mp4 only for chromecast, mkv for xbone)22:58
m0nkey_heh, only a celeron for a nas?22:58
daftykinsto be honest i'd never use any of that22:58
directhexm0nkey_: that is *crazy* powerful compared to the normal single-or-dual-core-ARMv5 found in NAS22:59
daftykinsthe celeron name has actually been attached to some quite capable chips (for some HTPC duties)22:59
m0nkey_directhex, you'll hate my nas then :)22:59
directhexdaftykins: docker/kvm/lxc/xen management? :p22:59
diddledanm0nkey_: your nas is beastly22:59
daftykinshmm i think the RAM limitations would crop up too quickly22:59
daftykinsit's not a NAS if it's not an appliance really :P23:00
daftykinsat least in my head23:00
m0nkey_I consider mine an appliance23:00
daftykinsif it's got general purpose hardware, naaaaah23:00
m0nkey_That qnap is Intel.. it could be made to run Windows. Same concept. :)23:00
directhexactually, they support it23:01
directhexvirtualised, but still23:01
m0nkey_http://imgur.com/a/Ed2Sg <-- the nas23:01
daftykinswhy does my laptop think it's 11pm o023:02
* daftykins checks the island isn't floating away23:02
directhexdaftykins: dual boot?23:02
diddledandaftykins: you're further east?23:02
daftykinsno sir23:02
diddledanI suck at directions23:02
m0nkey_diddledan, I want to add more drives to my nas23:03
m0nkey_However, I'm low on SATA ports23:03
diddledanI always figure the planet is rotating in the opposite direction to facts23:03
directhexm0nkey_: add a 12-bay USB 3 caddy!23:03
diddledane.g. I always think rockets launched on the east coast of merrycar go over the mainland, when they actually go over the puddle23:04
m0nkey_I'll most likely move it to this case: http://www.lian-li.com/en/dt_portfolio/pc-q26/23:04
daftykinsdiddledan: never know, if they accepted the lowest bid... ;)23:04
directhexdaftykins: lots of NAS appliances support external expansion packs. this one "only" supports 8-bay USB3 expansion23:04
diddledanblinkin nora, m0nkey_ , that's huge23:05
directhexdaftykins: we have a synology at work with a many-bay Infiniband attached expansion23:05
m0nkey_it only takes a mini-itx board23:05
directhexwhen i were a wee lad i had a NAS in a http://img.tomshardware.com/us/2005/12/06/either_way_atx_or_btx_cases/stacker-for-back.jpg23:06
directhex8 disk raid5!23:06
* diddledan doesn't mention the shoving of disks into anyone's box23:07
daftykinsdirecthex: i still do XD23:07
m0nkey_Nobody does RAID5 anymore23:07
m0nkey_That died when >1TB drives came out23:07
daftykinsnah RAID6 minimum really23:07
directhexbut we did in 200623:07
diddledanI miss the days of nicely formed cases that have the sharp edges folded around and made safe23:08
m0nkey_I've got 4 drives in mine, RAIDZ2, that's RAID6.23:08
daftykinsi'm still running a 6 disk RAID5 :P23:08
directhexi've done 4-disk RAID10 in the new NAS23:08
m0nkey_directhex, that's good for IO23:08
m0nkey_But I'm storing family photos, home movies of my kids, etc23:08
directhexi went way over-spec, as the old NAS has serious IO issues23:08
m0nkey_So I didn't want the wrong two drives in a pair going bad23:08
directhexlike... i can't stream blu-ray rips realtime from it23:08
daftykinsas in 1:1 from disc?23:09
m0nkey_Heh, my old Synology was nice, but yeah.. was slow. Some Marvell processor I recall.23:09
directhexso i went craaaaaaaaaazy over my needs, to guarantee lots and lots of slack23:09
m0nkey_directhex, I hear ya23:09
diddledanm0nkey_: biggest issue you'll have in adding disks will be the decision of how to organise them all - i.e. you can't change the dimensions of your current raidz so the advice is IIRC to duplicate it with an identically-shaped second raidz223:09
m0nkey_My home built NAS is way overkill for my needs.23:09
directhexdaftykins: right. old NAS seems to max out at around 15mbit/sec transfer rate for reading large sequential data23:09
m0nkey_diddledan, exactly23:09
daftykinsdirecthex: wow23:09
m0nkey_4 more drives in a vdev, then add extend the existing pool.23:10
directhexdaftykins: 15mbit is not enough to watch a blu-ray, which can easily be several times higher23:10
daftykinsmight as well be sshfs mounts23:10
m0nkey_So, two RAIDZ2 vdevs in one pool23:10
daftykinsdirecthex: you're doing that thing where you preach to the choir23:10
directhexdaftykins: i believe that's called "manspaining" these days ;)23:10
m0nkey_Damn thing is fast :) Xeon rocks.23:10
m0nkey_But that's enough e-Penis waving.23:10
daftykinsin a home box? lulwat23:11
directhexm0nkey_: i am fine with what i spent building this23:11
directhexm0nkey_: about £1100 total including 4 5GB 7200RPM NAS disks, and 8GB RAM23:11
m0nkey_Heh, Think mine came to just shy of $2000.23:11
m0nkey_But that was two years ago23:12
directhexright. gone midnight. BED.23:12
directhexthis is not going to finish any time soon.23:12
m0nkey_A good NAS will be expensive, but it will last years. Mine has two years on the clock already, none of the disks are showing any signs of problems.23:12
directhexi had a DOA disk :'(23:13
directhexand qnap drop you in read-only as soon as your array isn't happy, so you can't start with pre-degraded RAID123:13
m0nkey_  9 Power_On_Hours          -O--CK   075   075   000    -    1831323:14
directhexLinux prismo 3.12.6 #1 SMP Fri Mar 11 04:40:28 CST 2016 x86_64 unknown23:14
directhexBLEEDING EDGE23:14
m0nkey_They've been spinning 24x7 for 2.09 years23:14
daftykinsi have a stack of 8 x 2TB WD RE2-GP's that've been spinning for 6 years solid, not sure what to even do with them now23:15
daftykinser at a clients* i forgot to add23:15
daftykinsdiddledan: you want some disks that'll last a week? :>23:15
directhexPower_On-Hours is....... 0xb!23:15
directhexso 11 hours!23:15
directhex 00:16:01 up 10:39, load average: 3.60, 2.98, 2.5923:16
m0nkey_[root@tardis] ~# uptime23:17
m0nkey_ 7:17PM  up 8 days, 11:55, 1 user, load averages: 0.54, 0.49, 0.4323:17
m0nkey_but that's only because i rolled back an update23:17

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