
dholbachgood morning06:48
davidcalledholbach, staging back on track, morning =)06:53
dholbachwow wow06:53
dholbachso the pip cache update is reverted, but everything else is in?06:53
dholbachgreat work!06:55
dholbachshall I file a bug with an MP for the update, so we can track it?06:55
davidcallegood idea06:56
davidcalledholbach: let's make sure to test the importer on staging today07:22
dpmdavidcalle, dholbach, good morning! I haven't heard back from Peter to see if he can make it to the mojo spec meeting in ~30, but it was the only slot in his calendar. If he doesn't show up, let's use the time to talk about importing upstream docs in general07:28
davidcalledpm: good morning! +107:29
dholbachoh ok, in 30m07:31
dpmdholbach, yeah, as it was for the mojo spec I had not initially invited you. But seeing no one from the design team accepted yet, we might as well use the time07:34
dholbachdavidcalle, so https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/update-components/+merge/289937 right now is the only bit which hasn't landed yet or did we need to revert anything in trunk?08:04
dholbachdavidcalle, for showing examples maybe we could do something like https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/tree/master/examples/libpipeline - ie show the directory contents, maybe show a README.md that's in the directory - or something like that08:32
dholbachfrom a workflow POV I think that'd be straight-forward and well-understood - we'd just need to figure out how to do it in djangocms08:33
mhall119davidcalle: I'm testing the API docs release management now, if it all looks good can we file an RT to go to production?14:17
mhall119or do you and dholbach have things that still need to be tested on staging?14:17
dholbachdo we have recent data on staging?14:18
dholbachcan we download recent data somewhere?14:20
mhall119not in the CMS, I'm running an import of the API docs14:20
mhall119we can ask for a new database dump from production, like we did before the big django upgrade14:21
dholbachthat'd be great14:21
mhall119API docs release managment is working properly \o/14:23
mhall119davidcalle: do you recall which RT you asked for the last database dump on?14:23
davidcallemhall119: excellent! Nothing specific to test on my end, but I'm ahppy to help test anything.14:25
davidcalledholbach: mhall119 : it was rt #8690014:25
dholbachI need to test the importer14:28
dholbachbut for that it'd be good to have some live data14:28
davidcalledholbach: mhall119: any of you filed the rt yet?14:30
dholbachI'm in meetings right now14:30
davidcalledholbach: I know, sorry I can't join :/14:31
* davidcalle files rt14:31
dholbachno worries14:31
dholbachthanks davidcalle14:31
davidcalledholbach: mhall119 : rt #90254, forgot to put you on copy, will do if there are any follow-up messages14:34
dholbachthanks davidcalle14:35
mhall119davidcalle: not yet, had a dog emergency :(14:44
mhall119thanks for taking care of it14:44
davidcallemhall119: nw!14:45
dholbachmhall119, everything allright?14:49
mhall119dholbach: dog got out of the fence and was way down the street15:03
dholbachouch ouch15:04
mhall119found her, she's okay, but now I have a hole in my fence that I need to fix15:05
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