
tjaaltonffs, intel06:34
ubottuFreedesktop bug 94161 in DRM/Intel "[skl rc6] GPU HANG" [Blocker,New]06:34
tjaaltonso, disable rc6 it is then06:34
ricotzthat is the one :(06:36
tjaaltonis there a bug on lp?06:39
tjaaltonor bugs06:39
darkxstI still can't get modesetting to work at boot with nvidia-364 ;(06:42
ricotztjaalton, not sure, just saying I experienced this bug until disabling rc606:43
tjaaltonmind filing one?06:43
tjaaltonagainst the kernel06:43
darkxsttjaalton, speaking of intel bugs, have you seen this one elsewhere, bug 1548864 (seen comments #12 + #13)06:46
ubottubug 1548864 in casper (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu GNOME Xenial live image boots to tty1 and demands password" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154886406:46
ricotztjaalton, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/154780006:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547800 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "gpu stuck on render ring" [Medium,Incomplete]06:46
darkxst(the actual bug though seems to be a race condition unrelated to DRI failure)06:47
darkxsts/bug/bug report/06:47
tjaaltonricotz: that's haswell06:49
tjaaltondarkxst: doesn't look familiar06:50
darkxstnot sure how widespread it is, most ISO's work fine, apart from the obvious laggy UI from gnome-shell uner llvmpipe.  I can't reproduce it on my  same generation (I think) intel laptop06:53
darkxstnot to mention there is a bug probably in nvidia_drm preventing plymouth from picking up the current encoder09:36
darkxstI tried to trace it though libdrm, but it seems to just be a shim/wrapper around the kernel interface09:37
darkxstnot worth working around at this point, and I have no idea how one would actually file a bug report with nvidia!09:38
mamarleydarkxst: Make a topic on the NVIDIA forum or send mail to linux-bugs@nvidia.com.09:40
mamarleydarkxst: Also, not sure if you heard, but DRM KMS isn't enabled by default in the Ubuntu NVIDIA packages because it breaks PRIME (and SLI).09:41
darkxstmamarley, ok will do09:41
darkxstand yes aware of that, but I can't get it working with kernel options either09:41
darkxstdo the alias' get copied into initramfs?09:42
darkxstit did work with my super hacked, initramfs09:42
mamarleydarkxst: Did you change "options nvidia_364_drm modeset=0" to have a 1 in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf and then run "sudo initramfs-update -u"?09:43
darkxstmamarley, I commented that out, and then set nvidia-drm.modeset=109:43
mamarleydarkxst: On the kernel command line?  I don't think that obeys the aliases.09:44
darkxst(on kernel command line)09:44
mamarleyI know that "options modulename" and "modinfo" don't obey the aliases.09:44
darkxstmamarley, ok so I probably need to use nvidia-364-drm or so on the kernel?09:45
mamarleydarkxst: Or just change the 0 to a 1 in nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf.09:46
darkxstmamarley, I don't want it in the initramfs, its not ready yet, mutter crashes also09:46
mamarleydarkxst: That won't put the module in the initramfs, just the configuration for it.  (I think.)09:47
darkxstmamarley, the module is in there now, mutter won't run with modeset=109:48
mamarleyOK, well it probably won't run with that on the kernel command line either.09:48
darkxstalthough not sure the main nvidia-364.ko needs to be in the initramfs09:48
darkxstdrm/modeset should be enough09:49
darkxstI think tseliot did that, but here is not here right now ofc!09:49
mamarleyI don't know about that, sorry.09:51
tjaaltonhe's off this week09:51
darkxstmamarley, I don't expect it to run, which is why I dont want the settings in initramfs09:51
mamarleyIn that case just leave everything at the defaults and you won't get modeset.09:52
darkxstbut I need it for testing!@09:52
* mamarley confoozled.09:52
mamarleyYou want to temporarily boot the system with modesetting enabled?09:53
darkxstmamarley, yes exactly09:53
mamarleyIn that case, passing "nvidia_364_drm.modeset=1" to the kernel should work.09:53
mamarleyBut I haven't tried it.09:53
darkxstplymouth should work, but apart from the pre-mentioned bug09:55
darkxstmutter, just spits the dummy, but I don't think it should be failing where it is (i.e. there are no gbm buffers on X11)09:56
mamarleyBeats me, sorry.  I just use it like normal without Plymouth and with KDE and it works fine.09:58
darkxsterm, unless I was running wayland session at the time09:58
darkxstmamarley, this is my test case for now: https://github.com/dvdhrm/docs/tree/master/drm-howto09:59
darkxstthough I should probably try and run some of the libdrm tests09:59
darkxstbut if the first don't work, then well, its not working!10:01
darkxstmamarley, anyway don't worry about it, I'll sort it out some time when I have time, right along with my gjs port which is now 2 years in the making,,,,10:15
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tjaaltonricotz: wayland rejected, needs ffe20:27
tjaaltonwhich is unsurprising20:27

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