
magespawngood morning03:32
Kilosmorning all05:14
Kilosmorning superfly 05:19
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 05:54
Kilosand Cryterion 05:54
Kiloshaha star wars in text mode05:55
chesedohello Kilos thatgraemeguy Cryterion and others06:06
Kiloshi chesedo 06:06
Kiloshi anton_may 06:21
chesedohi anton_may... matters most currently :P06:22
anton_maymatters most currently? It's FRIDAY!!!!!! \0/06:23
chesedolol, Kilos will inform you - he has the link06:27
Kilosmattermost chesedo ?06:28
chesedoyeah Kilos06:29
chesedonew chat that we are testing out06:30
anton_mayKewl, ja saw you were discussing it yesterday06:31
Kilosi saw inna mail the kde guys have telegram linked to irc06:31
anton_mayWe have ditched sms notifications totally from Nagios and it's running completely over Telegram06:33
Kiloswho is we?06:34
anton_maythe okes who give me a pay cheque :P06:35
Kilosim waiting anxiously for an sms notification from the clearance peeps06:35
Kilosno the cops06:36
anton_mayOh, ok06:36
Kilosill cry they change over and dont sms me first06:36
Cryterion<anton_may> matters most currently? It's FRIDAY!!!!!! \0/, it's still a work day, could be fishing right now :(06:44
anton_mayalmost beer o'clock06:47
CryterionI wish07:25
Kilosso early07:25
Kilosyou gonna end up with a pot belly07:25
Kilosbear paunch07:25
inetprogood mornings07:36
superfly<anton_may> We have ditched sms notifications totally from Nagios and it's running completely over Telegram07:42
superflyanton_may: how are you achieving that?07:42
superflythrough a bot?07:42
* inetpro likes that idea as well07:42
Cryterionanyone know of any refrigeration wholesalers around besides Carrier and Kovco?07:52
anton_maysuperfly: took our weekend phone sim, registered with TG. Installed telegram on our nagios server and then added it to the cmd.cfg07:54
anton_maytelegram has a very good cli interface07:54
superflyAh, OK. We've written a bot. There's a very nice Python library for Telegram.07:55
anton_mayyea there are plenty ways to install it. Saves us now a crap load on sms07:57
anton_may# 'notifi-by-tg-host' command defination07:59
anton_maydefine command{07:59
anton_may        command_name    notify-by-tg-host07:59
anton_may        command_line    $USER1$/tg/scripts/./telegram.sh msg $_CONTACTTG$ "Notification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$    Host: $HOSTADDRESS$   Info: $HOSTOUTPUT$    Date/Time: $LONGDATETIME$"07:59
anton_may# 'notifi-by-tg-service' command definition07:59
anton_maydefine command{07:59
anton_may        command_name    notify-by-tg-service07:59
anton_may        command_line    $USER1$/tg/scripts/./telegram.sh msg $_CONTACTTG$ "Notification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$    Service: $SERVICEDESC$    Host: $HOSTADDRESS$    State: $SERVICESTATE$    Date/Time: $LONGDATETIME$    Additional Info: $SERVICEOUTPUT$"07:59
inetprooh and Happy Mailman Day as well!08:31
chesedoor just your april fools joke?08:32
anton_maySo whose knickers are they getting into?08:32
inetprochesedo: every 1st day of the month is Happy Mailman Day09:08
inetprochesedo: http://bill-owens.blogspot.co.za/2012/02/only-you-can-prevent-monthly-mailman.html09:10
anton_mayanybody with neotel dc in midrand?09:53
KilosCryterion you still here10:37
Cryterionwish I was home, but have to work :(10:38
Kilostry dishes or cups with some balsamic vinegar and apple cider vinegar and water10:38
Kiloslike half full10:38
CryterionI've heard about it, cleans them10:38
Kilosthen add 2 or three drops sunlight dishwashing liquid and stir10:38
Kilosthen leave all over where miggies pester you10:39
Kilosthe sour attracts them and they come to drink10:39
Kiloswith no soap added the walk on the moisture and drink then fly away10:40
Cryterionah, but normally vinegar chases, I know it keeps the flies out the biltong drier10:40
Kiloswith soap they sink and drown10:40
Kilosnot normal vinegar10:40
Cryterionhmm, will give it a go10:40
Cryterionhas to be balsamic?10:40
Kilosim using balsamic and water and soap10:41
Kiloscatches many10:41
Cryterionok kwl10:41
Kiloshavent got apple cider vinegar10:41
Kilosif you get get the one thats yellow in colour10:42
Cryterionthat's apple cider10:42
Kilosthey say with mother in over seas i dunno here10:42
Cryterionbalsamic is dark10:42
Kilosyes apple cider10:42
KilosMaaz google apple cider vinegar with mother10:42
MaazKilos: "6 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (No. 3 is Best)" https://authoritynutrition.com/6-proven-health-benefits-of-apple-cider-vinegar/ :: "12 health benefits of apple cider vinegar | MNN - Mother Nature ..." http://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/stories/12-health-benefits-of-apple-cider-vinegar :: "Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Book, Bragg Live Foods,10:42
MaazBragg Apple ..." http://bragg.com/books/acv_excerpt.html :: "Dynamic Health Organic Appl…10:42
anton_mayme think Kilos should change professions to as a medicine man10:45
Kilosthem things bite me so i try anything to get rid of them10:47
Kilosthey love going in eyebrows then walking down to eyes to drink10:47
Kilosive almost slapped myself blind already10:48
magespawngood day11:53
Kiloshi magespawn 11:53
magespawnhi Kilos11:55
Kilossomeone asked about neology12:30
Kilosim using it on desktop 12:30
Kilosthe repo that is12:30
Kiloshmm... are we quiet here today or what13:03
KilosMaaz coffee on13:31
* Maaz flips the salt-timer13:31
KilosMaaz hurry13:31
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed13:31
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:35
KilosMaaz ty13:35
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:35
magespawnhome time, chat later13:53
Kilosoooo yay15:31
Kilostouched some thing and backlighting wen dark15:31
Kilosbattled to see but could follow the cli way to set brightness from http://askubuntu.com/questions/57236/unable-to-change-brightness-in-a-lenovo-laptop15:32
Kilosworked like a charm15:32
Kilosi forgot where to set it in settings15:33
KilosMaaz tell cryterion http://src.easyhealthoptions.com/ego/dab21579-718e-4dd1-a318-d895284bd3f2/401863400/31069415:50
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell Cryterion on freenode15:50
KilosMaaz tell mazal http://src.easyhealthoptions.com/ego/dab21579-718e-4dd1-a318-d895284bd3f2/401863400/31069415:50
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell mazal on freenode15:50
Kilosi havent watched the video but we can discuss their findings15:51
* chesedo wonders who Kilos is talking to :P15:58
chesedo[17:51:17] <Kilos> i havent watched the video but we can discuss their findings15:58
Kilosoh haha some places just want to make money15:59
Kilosi dont have data to watch them so its up to each of them to decide15:59
chesedolol oky16:00
* chesedo wbb16:01
Kilosi go eat16:59
WolfeyesEvening everyone.17:17
dlPhreakHi Wolfeyes 17:19
Wolfeyeshow you doing dlPhreak?17:19
dlPhreakIt's a friday and I'm sober... Think that's good? LOL Yourself? 17:20
Kiloshi Wolfeyes 17:29
Kiloswell done dlPhreak 17:30
Wolfeyeshey Kilos17:32
dlPhreakKilos! Hi17:43
Wolfeyes_ishmmm ...17:51
=== Wolfeyes_is is now known as Wolfeyes
dlPhreakDoes anyone have an opionion on the Canonical Microsoft deal?17:53
magespawngood evening17:54
Kiloshi magespawn 17:54
Wolfeyeshey magespawn17:54
magespawnso whats up? interesting problems, ideas or discussions? or maybe a chilled friday?17:56
WolfeyesI need to finish my car first magespawn :-P, then I want to start with a rasberry pi.17:57
magespawnwhats with the car?17:57
KilosdlPhreak bad news on the brew i think17:58
WolfeyesI redid the valve stem seals and it seems to be sucking air in somewhere, so I need to find the leak so it can run properly.17:58
WolfeyesI think so too, dlPhreak17:58
magespawnWolfeyes: did you do the seals yourself?17:59
magespawnokay then, i took mine in for that18:00
magespawncan a pressure test show you where it is sucking in air?18:00
WolfeyesNext time I will do the same, although it was a nice experience.18:00
Wolfeyesmaybe a vacuum test on the head, but apparently the guys don't doit here18:01
Kilossucking below the carb and between there and the lock18:01
Wolfeyesand then it would only be for valves18:01
Wolfeyesnot the pipes or gaskets18:01
magespawnwhat car?18:01
Wolfeyesor air screw :-P18:01
Wolfeyesciti golf18:02
magespawni have found th seal between the carb and the inlet manifold is particularly easy to crack and not notice18:03
WolfeyesIt is a common problem on them18:04
magespawnnot that then, i take it?18:06
WolfeyesBut she works a lot for me so I am trying to replace a lot of the old parts as possible18:07
Wolfeyeshad her now close to a year and done close to 30 000 km on her18:07
magespawnthey are good cars, mine takes a hell of a beating, bad roads etc18:08
WolfeyesI have a small dirt road I ride on but not too bad.18:08
Kilosbest car on the road18:10
Kilosvee double you and me18:10
Wolfeyesnow to get back to the pi, I want to connect it to a relay or use the relay on it if it has one, to operate a siren for work hours and times, which can be programmed by the user from a pc and not a digital timer, because I am battling to find a digital timer that works in seconds.18:11
Kilosnot good when van der merwes have fiddled though18:11
Wolfeyesha ha ha ha ha18:11
magespawnseconds seems a little precise Wolfeyes 18:12
Wolfeyesif the siren runs for more than 4 seconds then it burns out18:12
Wolfeyesafter a while and totally annoying to hear it blast for so long18:13
magespawnahh right i see18:13
magespawni thought you wanted it to go at a specific time like 14:05:0918:13
Wolfeyesyes it must18:13
Wolfeyesbut just run, so everyone can hear and switch off18:14
superflyso how the flip do you log in to mattermost from another machine?18:17
Kilosoh my18:17
Kilossuperfly carefully18:18
WolfeyesIf you battling superfly, then we are a little more lost than you18:18
superflyWolfeyes: it's just unintuitive18:19
superflybut I figured it out18:19
Kiloslittle more?18:19
Wolfeyesokay a lot more18:19
WolfeyesI am sure unintuitivity comes from experience :-P18:20
superflyinetpro: where are you?18:28
inetprosuperfly: ?18:30
superflyinetpro: I figured that one out too18:31
* superfly moves on to other things18:31
inetprosuperfly: sorry for the disturbance in the force18:33
Kilosinetpro fix audio alerts there man18:36
kulelu88superfly: what is libvirt? 18:44
superflykulelu88: AFAIK it's a library for talking to virtualisation technologies like KVM And XEN18:45
kulelu88superfly: I am attempting to map my LXC container to a LAN IP using this info: https://wiki.debian.org/LXC/LibVirtDefaultNetwork18:45
kulelu88ooh fancy, it gave me an internalized IP :D18:46
kulelu88now I can browse my LAN via my phone with my stuff inside the container haha18:46
Trixar_zaDownloads are slow18:54
Trixar_zaDamn rainy weather -_-18:55
* magespawn goes to read about LXC18:58
magespawninetpro when running byobu on local and a ssh remote machine then you can disable local F keys with Shift+F12 so that the key strokes go through to the remote machine, depends on the local setup of course19:04
magespawna question i asked sometime ago, you did propose another answer19:04
inetpromagespawn: I am used to the screen commands like Ctrl+a and c and others and thus use the screen backend 19:07
inetproin stead of tmux19:07
inetproyou can switch the backend with 'byobu-select-backend'19:08
inetprothen 'man screen' to see all the many options19:08
inetproin other words I do not use the F keys19:09
magespawni got that, lol19:09
magespawneach to his own, and i am still learning what suits me best, so options are good19:10
Kilosi go sleep cant upgrade opera because something else is using the installer thing and i cant find it19:17
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:17
Wolfeyesnight dad19:17
magespawngood night Kilos 19:19
magespawnWolfeyes: what pi do you have?19:23
inetpromagespawn: I'm not sure whether that answered your question19:24
inetpromagespawn: what keys specifically are messing with your workflow? 19:25
magespawnit did, especially the first time, this was a continuation of the conversation19:25
inetproI'm asking because not all keys are specific to screen or tmux19:26
WolfeyesI don't have one yet, magespawn. I want to buy one and start playing. The basic one will do for now as it doesn't need to do a lot.19:26
inetprobyobu has come with more keys19:26
magespawnnothing in particular, i learnt byobu on my local machine and did not try to use it remotely from a session19:26
inetprosome keys have changed from version to version as well19:26
magespawnWolfeyes: maybe the smallest one will be good for you then, i have a pi B+ and i have found it to be remarkable capable19:27
magespawninetpro: those changes will be in the man so that should be okay19:27
WolfeyesI was even looking at the A model19:28
magespawnthats the one19:28
inetpromagespawn: sometimes documentation is not always up to date19:29
Wolfeyesit only needs to run an interface window where the changes can be made to times manually, maybe have a password to enter it and then, if it has a relay trigger the siren or if it doesn't have a relay then trigger a relay which triggers the siren.19:29
inetproin fact documentation is often not up to date19:29
magespawnahh, i will tread with caution then inetpro 19:29
WolfeyesWhere did you buy yours from again magespawn?19:33
magespawni didn't19:33
magespawnwife bought it19:33
WolfeyesMan she loves you......lol.19:33
inetpromagespawn: in (k)ubuntu 16.04 for instance you use 'Ctrl + A %' to split vertically and 'Ctrl + A |' to split horizontally 19:34
inetproand I think in the older version it's the other way around19:34
inetproor in fact Horizontal split = 'Ctrl+A S'19:35
inetproand Vertical split = 'Ctrl+A |'19:35
inetprosplits are really awesome19:35
magespawnyup i love running things side by side, i used to use Terminator with split screens a lot19:36
Wolfeyeswas quite surprised there is even a manual from Haynes now19:38
magespawnthat links just takes me to bid or buy search page19:39
magespawnwife says she got it from a local computer shop Wolfeyes 19:43
Wolfeyestype in rasberrypi 4 items come up of which one is the haynes manual19:45
magespawnheh cool19:45
WolfeyesI'll talk to Matrix when I get a chance, buy a lot from them and they give me good discounts for local things19:45
magespawnnice, my search has turned up a view other things19:49
WolfeyesYeah I see that too19:49
magespawnnice toys19:50
magespawnWolfeyes: dwho is the siren controller for?19:50
Wolfeyesso they will pay for my fun lol19:51
magespawndid they just ask for a solution?19:51
magespawnnice when people do that, just ask for a solution then let you find it19:51
WolfeyesI have a digital timer in already but the daylight saving has gone haywire, and I could just get another one, but I started talkign to the clients and finding out what they wanted. So they told me. Now I just apply what they said and put the pieces together and get it to work and sell it back to them.19:52
WolfeyesPlus have something which I now can sell to other clients19:53
WolfeyesBecause it doesn't exist.19:53
magespawncreating products19:53
Wolfeyesalways said I wanted to work smart and hard, not just one or the other.... there is always disadvantages in just choosing one.19:54
Wolfeyeswant to get kilos involved with making the relay boards maybe, if it is cost effective, give him something to do and a chance to make some money.19:57
magespawnnice idea19:59
Wolfeyeshttp://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-raspberry-pi.html <--- wondering how well these work....20:01
chesedoWolfeyes: something even smaller (and simplier) than the Pi is an arduino20:03
WolfeyesI have seen with the biometrics stuff the chinese quality has improved a lot, so much so that it is surpassing the other competitors.20:03
chesedooh and you in prt right?20:03
Wolfeyesclose to it, Rustenburg.20:03
magespawnand you can link a pi and arduino together20:06
WolfeyesI actually have another application where a client has asked me to create a fingerprint device to allocate rations to people, problem being there is a computer runnign constantly, with this it would...20:08
Wolfeyesisn't a computer*20:08
magespawnthe is also the pi zero20:17
magespawnsorry Wolfeyes, not getting that last one20:18
Wolfeyesthe website?20:18
magespawn< Wolfeyes> I actually have another application where a client has asked me to create a fingerprint device to allocate rations  to people, problem being there is a computer runnign constantly, with this it would...20:19
magespawn.:22:09:15:. < Wolfeyes> isn't a computer*20:19
WolfeyesI have a client that wants a biometric (fingerprint scanner) device, to register when people have taken and not taken rations they give out through fingerprint registration, it can be currently done on a normal computer but the site where they want it has no computers available, if I could connect the device to a pi, then it should work.  20:21
magespawnshould work, how does the reader connect to the computer?20:22
WolfeyesYou have two ways of it registering, either on a controller box which is expensive or via software which need to be continuosly running.20:22
Wolfeyesnetwork - rj4520:22
magespawnstatic ip?20:23
Wolfeyesor via normal communication points to the motherboard tx+/- and rx+/-20:24
magespawnso then you just need to see if the software will run on the pi. is the computer windows based?20:25
chesedoRustenburg, hmm... There is a place in city central and one closer to menlyn that sells electronics - just can't remember names20:25
Wolfeyesyes it is.20:26
magespawnahh and i suppose the software is closed source?20:26
Wolfeyeswill have to make my own there, hence another huge learning curve20:27
magespawnahh maybe be able to run the windows inside some sort of virtual setup on the pi20:28
Wolfeyesmaybe yes20:28
Wolfeyesjust trying to think of what I used to use in kde20:29
magespawnif you can get the technical specs of the reader then writing the software becomes easier20:29
magespawnbut that is also probably closed source20:31
magespawnhave found this https://www.adafruit.com/products/75120:31
Wolfeyescheck your dialogue lol20:33
WolfeyesOh that is interesting20:34
WolfeyesJust trying to think of the names, there will be someone even cheaper than them20:36
Wolfeyesand the sensors are good qulaity20:36
Wolfeyesyou got me thinking now20:36
Wolfeyesthat's a good indication of what needs to be done magespawn20:38
WolfeyesI would have taken that a step further with three leds, so when the finger is not read it shows, experience in the field, this is needed.20:40
Wolfeyesah they even put access control onto that, nice...20:41
Wolfeyesty for that magespawn20:42
magespawnno problem20:42
Wolfeyesnight everyone21:16
magespawnthat is my bedtime too, good night all22:08

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