
Len__Latest try to get qjackctl working fails :(23:10
Len__The real problem from my POV is that indicators have reduced functionality as compared to systray items. Indicators trade functionality for being able to change settings easy... not a great trade where settings get used once in the life of an install.23:12
flocculantLen__: have none of these things been changing for studio since 14.04 then? 23:14
* flocculant is just looking from outside here obviously23:14
Len__I think they have, but moving to qt5 seems to force some things.23:14
flocculantoh right23:15
Len__Also I am still running the last LTS as my daily23:15
flocculant*we* don't tend to see those things 23:15
flocculantI think the old way is still there - I guess you're seeing the result of Xubuntu choices23:16
Len__flocculant: I can't find any xfce bits for systray, just indicators.23:16
Len__indicators _is_ the future if I like it or not, but there is the messy crossover.23:17
flocculantpretty sure all the old stuff is still there - xubuntu just uses indicators* now23:18
Len__qjackctl happens to be a minor app in the linux ecosystem as a whole, but major in the Pro-Audio ecosystem.23:18
flocculantyea - I can at least understand that :)23:19
Len__Quassel does show any icon either, says no docmanager.23:19
Len__Hmm, but alltray can grab quassel and dock it...23:22
Len__I would be quite happy to replace the panel with Cairo-dock. (should work on any DE)23:58

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