
jjfrv8bluesabre, I can confirm the fix for local time vs. UTC in catfish-daily00:01
bluesabrejjfrv8: awesome, thanks!00:02
Unit193bluesabre: BTW, going to make it at a time I can make the meeting this time? :P00:14
Unit193Just now seeing that there's a new xfdashboard, I'm on it.02:07
bluesabreUnit193: :)02:30
Unit193I should likely just drop the dbg package ni that one.03:07
bluesabreproductive night03:46
bluesabreI'll update PPAs this weekend, definitely done for now03:46
Unit193Well good job then!03:47
bluesabreknome: which article is published tomorrow? I'll give it another review as needed03:47
* bluesabre expects to wake up to news about GTK4, Webkit Firefox, and an Xfce phone03:48
bluesabrenight all03:49
knomebluesabre, the schedule is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-x-community; so, menu  editing09:26
Unit193bluesabre: xfwm4 4.12.3-2 uploaded to Debian.09:56
bluesabremorning all10:27
bluesabreknome: ok10:27
bluesabreUnit193: actually saw this time :D10:27
bluesabreknome: the menu editing article looks good to me10:46
knomebluesabre, did you want some screenshots there? :P10:47
bluesabreknome: want to use any of the screenshots on https://smdavis.us/2015/08/20/menulibre-2-0-7-and-2-1-0-released/ ?10:48
knomei guess i'd prefer wallpaperless10:49
bluesabregive me a bit, got a nice non-standard setup that I don't want to re-setup10:50
knomenew user :P10:50
knomenew user10:50
knomethat's what i use for translation stuff10:51
knomewhen i need to check something..10:51
bluesabreknome: what would you like screenshots of? how many would you like?10:58
* knome shrugs10:58
knomelooks good10:59
bluesabreoh wait10:59
knomehaha :)10:59
bluesabrethat does not have transparent rounded edge10:59
bluesabresomething you want?10:59
knomedon't think that's a huge issue, but if you want to take the time..10:59
knomewant to use both or just the other?11:07
knomeoh, it's a search11:07
knomewp says you are editing the article - are you?11:08
knomemight be some cache too11:08
bluesabreno longer editing11:11
bluesabretwo more pics in a sec11:11
bluesabrethat should be everything you might need11:12
knomeno nice urls yet?11:16
bluesabrenope, been busy with other stuff11:23
knomeboo :)11:23
knomenot even mice urls?11:23
bluesabrenope, too cheesy11:24
bluesabrearticle looks good11:24
bluesabretime to get ready for work, bbl11:25
Unit193xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 1.5.2-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)12:54
knomeUnit193, that black on black looks very... black13:25
Unit193xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 1.5.2-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)13:25
Unit193knome: See -ot, noticed but hoped if I stayed quiet nobody else would notice. >_>13:25
Unit193xubuntu-community-wallpapers should just be a dep package. >_>13:42
knomeslickymaster, one thing it could be about is the website translations proposal15:23
knome(the same i did before)15:23
knomeslickymaster, this one: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-web-translations15:23
* slickymaster checks the pad15:24
slickymasterso just the local pages will be translatable, right?15:27
knomeyes, just that one paeg15:28
knomepage too15:28
slickymasterand pretty much close to the flyer, content wise15:28
knomeat least in the beginning15:29
knomeas long as we make sure the page isn't release-specific or mention too many time-based things, it doens't matter if some languages have an "old" translation15:29
slickymasterdo you have any idea of the universe of local pages there is now, knome 15:31
slickymastermost of local pages are mainly about Ubuntu15:32
knomei don't think there is a centralized effort like this15:32
* slickymaster never come across with a Xubuntu one15:32
knomeeverybody is doing what they feel like is the best for their local audience15:32
knomeand now puckz has registered xubuntu.se15:33
knomei am pretty sure there was a russian page too, but at least xubuntu.ru isn't working right now15:33
slickymasterI was doing a quick search on Google just got this → http://xubuntu.br.uptodown.com/ubuntu15:36
slickymasterwhich isn't even Xubuntu solely15:36
knomeyeah, there are a lot of "generic" pages15:36
slickymasterthat was a search in PT.pt and PT.br15:36
slickymasterI can start a draft of that local page next week knome 15:38
slickymasterlittle one will be in school then, so I'll have more time to do it15:38
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=== SphereLattice is now known as GridCube
Unit193flocculant: Trying out Core again, hopefully the installer doesn't crash. :/20:05
flocculantlet's hope so :)20:05
flocculantit did the other day 20:05
knomeflocculant, crashed?20:09
flocculantsame issue as before20:11
Unit193flocculant: Waaaait, it didn't crash!20:30
Unit193(It finished fine, gave the option to reboot, I clicked, vbox ate ram like a fat guy after a box of cookies and froze.  Resetting the VM still worked fine.)20:36
knomeUnit193, D:20:37
* flocculant has a go20:39
flocculantin a bit when I have the iso ... 20:40
Unit193...Keyboard layout?20:47
flocculantyea 20:48
Unit193Just the normal one in the installer.20:48
flocculantsomething new on me :p20:48
flocculantwhen it's cooked I'll start it off again and screenshot it :)20:48
flocculantcos when I said No - no uk keyboard layout in the list ;)20:49
flocculantinstalled - did the normal vbox thing of failing to restart :p20:52
flocculantI'll just grab these screenshots 20:53
flocculantif I do the Detect layout it finds UK in the right pane from somewhere :) http://i.imgur.com/6X5c050.png20:56
flocculantUnit193: but it does install :)20:56
Unit193Wut?  That's weird, I did not see that at all.  I was in the live session though.21:16
flocculantI think I booted to install21:18
flocculant2 seconds 21:18
flocculantor a biiit longer ... 21:18
flocculantno different - same thing21:19
flocculantUnit193: try telling it you're not in the US21:20
flocculantI tried pretending to be a yank in yankland - don't see it then21:20
Unit193But that's a lie!21:20
flocculantwell I lied too 21:20
flocculantso if you pretend to be a russki in yakutsk - it thinks you want a US keyboard :p21:21
Unit193...Doesn't everyone want en_US?!21:21
flocculantpick India - and you get the message - but it assumes you want US21:22
Unit193Heh, well at least it installs. :P21:22
flocculantso something is wrong somewhere there - maybe tied in with bug 21:23
flocculantyea for sure :)21:23
flocculantbug 154952921:23
ubottubug 1549529 in casper (Ubuntu) "The keyboard is still installed as US-English even if another language is selected during the installation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154952921:23
flocculantoddities with languages 21:23
flocculantanyway - sorry :(21:23
Unit193Noo, that's fine, considering Desktop never had the installer problem.21:24
flocculantcertainly looking better for 16.04.1 I guess :)21:25
flocculantyou'll notice I hope the certainty in the .1 :D21:26
Unit193Well, everything seems good for the "community" release of it still!  I'm just happy about that, really.  Was thinking it'd not be easy to install.  So that, and a bug in something else from all of last cycle is fixed too.21:27
flocculantI just really would like to see it brought into the warm really - makes setting testing up so much simpler21:28
flocculantand I'd like to see it available via 'canonical' for people too 21:28
flocculantbut as you say - it's working again so that's good :)21:29
* flocculant starts upgrade 14.04 test off 21:31
Unit193flocculant: That's also to say, thanks very much for helping to test it, more so since it's not an official build.  And have fun with the trusty upgrade. :321:36
flocculantyw anytime :)21:36
flocculantlet's see if it get's past udev 21:36
bluesabreevening all21:42
bluesabreknome: is it voting time now?21:42
Unit193bluesabre: Did you see -session now favors light-locker in Debian?  (Or, will with the next upload.)21:43
Unit193Likely due to that bug I linked.. :/21:45
* bluesabre high fives Unit19321:51
* bluesabre is left hanging!21:53
* Unit193 admits to having no idea what's going on now.21:53
* bluesabre is freaking out now21:57
flocculantcalm down dear21:58
Unit193https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=819703#109 to be precise.21:59
ubottuDebian bug 819703 in xscreensaver "xscreensaver: please disable "This version of XScreenSaver is very old! Please upgrade!" message" [Normal,Open]21:59
flocculantha 22:01
flocculantnot seen that for a long time :)22:01
Unit193I meant the specific message.22:04
flocculant*I* meant  "This version of XScreenSaver is very old! Please upgrade!" 22:06
Unit193Yeeeeah, nice to not see that one.22:07
knomepleia2, helloooo! social media time :)22:37
knomepublished article and tweeted22:39
flocculantbluesabre: ^^ might please you23:07
Unit193That seemed to have worked.  Also, that's a GUI thingy.23:07
flocculantupdate-manager -d -c23:08
flocculantbeing the one which has consistently failed and caused me to go finding the wiki warning thing :)23:08
flocculantknome: just so you and ochosi know - I still think we should let communiyt vote 23:57
flocculantjust saying23:57
flocculantknome: appears you have to login an pretend to get the vote option? 23:59
flocculantno other way to login23:59
knomeyes, you have to login23:59

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