
xubuntu55wIt is fine that I select install updates' checkbox during install ubuntu?01:29
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tessioWill Xubuntu 16.04 come with Compton by default, like Linux Mint 17.3?12:31
krytariktessio: Nope.12:33
tessioThere is any reason for that? People everywhere seems to get rid of tearing with it..12:35
PetrGladHello, is there a straightforward way to share a folder via Samba in Xubuntu?13:41
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=== SphereLattice is now known as GridCube
xubuntu16wHi all, I'm trying to set a panel to autohide with xfconf-query, but when I set autohide-behavior value to true, it sets it to intelligent autohide instead. Is there a different parameter to make it always hide?16:28
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xubuntu08wHi my Xubuntu is taking a loooong time to boot, more than 30 seconds17:51
xubuntu08wIt wasn't like that some days ago17:51
xubuntu08wHardware is Dell Inspiron 14R 5421 , Xubuntu version is latest 15.1017:51
xubuntu08wAll updates and upgrades applied17:51
xubuntu08wI already tried Boot-Repair in a live usb, but the issue remains.17:52
well_laid_lawnxubuntu08w:  have you run   systemd-analyse  ?18:01
django_hey al19:41
django_where is "all settings" in xubuntu19:41
django_i cant find it19:41
knomedjango_, which xubuntu version are you running?19:42
django_no idea19:42
knomedjango_, and i guess you mean the settings manager19:42
django_i had ubuntu 14.04 then installed xubuntu19:42
knomedjango_, then you are running xubuntu 14.04 unless you have upgraded19:42
knomedjango_, to make sure, open a terminal and run "lsb_release -a"19:43
django_14.04 LTS19:43
django_knome, my laptop is hot for no reason idk why19:43
django_i have nvidia dual graphics card laptop19:43
django_i think thats why19:43
knomedjango_, in the menu you will have an item "settings manager"19:44
knomewell, there you go19:44
django_knome, http://i.imgur.com/YR2Ufqz.png19:45
django_it still gets hot :/19:45
django_im barely even running stuff19:45
xubuntu37wI went to the Unix stickers site to purchase some xubuntu stickers for my laptop, but they are super expensive. I wouldn't mind paying extra if more was going directly to the project, but the order amounted to just a few cents being donated. Is there anywhere to purchase xubuntu stickers directly from the xubuntu community?19:53
knomexubuntu37w, the xubuntu team can't make any money out of xubuntu, so nope, not really19:53
knomexubuntu37w, we are not receiving money from the stickers either; they do send us free stickers when we request though (and enough money has been gathered)19:54
knomexubuntu37w, we practically give those free stickers away to the community via contests and other stuff19:54
xubuntu37wOh, that's kind of a bummer for you guys.19:55
flocculantxubuntu37w: we do it for love instead19:55
xubuntu37wIt just seems that Unix stickers charges way to much for 1 or 2 stickers.19:56
xubuntu37wI'll keep an eye out for future contests and whatnot.19:56
knomexubuntu37w, they are our officially endorsed vendor, but if you want, you can use any vendor you want and send the xubuntu logo to them yourself19:56
xubuntu37wThat's a good idea, thanks.19:56
knomexubuntu37w, you can download the brand assets from http://xubuntu.org/resources/ to make sure you are using the most high quality/close to source source19:57
django_anyone know about Nvidia graphics cards?19:57
django_which driver to use?19:57
xubuntu37wThanks knome19:58
flocculantdjango_: depends on the card tbh19:58
knomexubuntu37w, np. and if you want to return a favor to the team, you can contribute back ;)19:58
django_flocculant, Nvidia geforce with cuda19:58
xubuntu37wOf course, I plan on contributing when I can19:58
django_GeForce GT 550M19:59
flocculantdjango_: check in additional drivers - 361 perhaps20:00
django_flocculant, http://i.imgur.com/YR2Ufqz.png20:00
flocculantso you're using the driver?20:01
django_flocculant, yeah but computer still gets hot20:01
flocculantyou could try the 352-updates one20:02
django_its at 69C and im only using chrome and xchat20:02
django_actually 74C20:02
flocculantmmm - not going to be of much help here - I assume this is a laptop20:04
django_yeah its a laptop20:04
django_its a really good laptop20:04
django_but if i run eclipse or android studio it gets got20:04
django_flocculant, ill try vacum it20:11
django_err wront person lol20:11

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