
Bob2016hey. i just reinstalled kde 5.4.  plasmashell and krunner don't start automatically, but run fine if i launch them manually.  also, the application list is empty and doesn't want to rebuild. can someone help?00:01
=== ghazi is now known as Guest12386
Guest12386Hi, all!02:12
Guest12386I've got a problem after upgrading to Kubuntu 15.10 in wifi icon in systray....it's always there, but everytime I log in, I can not find it, so i have to remove from the systray and put it back again...02:14
tux|dudeDoes anyone know what version of the linux kernel kubuntu 15.10 is using?02:20
krytarik!info linux-generic | tux|dude02:25
ubottutux|dude: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB02:25
Guest12386@tuxdude: open ur console and type "uname -a"....you'll the kernel version...02:25
tux|dudeAh I see, neat02:25
tux|dudeHopefully that version of the kernel doesn't cause problems with my surface pro's wifi02:25
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tuxdude143Ok the wifi actually works pretty well on this latest build02:36
tuxdude143Only issue is my second screen isn't quite detecting properly02:36
tuxdude143Can't set it to 1280x1024 resolution02:36
tuxdude143Max is 1024x768 for some reason02:36
tuxdude143Anyone else had this problem before?02:39
tux|dudeWelp, this will be interesting. Dual booting Kubuntu and windows 10 on my surface pro 204:03
Bob2016hey. i just reinstalled kde 5.4.  plasmashell and krunner don't start automatically, but run fine if i launch them manually.  also, the application list is empty and doesn't want to rebuild. can someone help?04:24
emvalorie: yes ive locked it many times. It unlocks itself as part fo the random stuff.04:32
valorieem, that makes me think that you have a permissions problem somewhere04:56
valoriepossibly by running an application as root by using sudo (instead of kde-sudo)04:57
valorieto find out and possibly fix, do chown -R username folder/ or in this case, `chown -R ~/` without the ticks04:59
streetanyone home?06:04
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Joneejonathan@jon-kubuntu:~$ telegram07:30
JoneeThe program 'telegram' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:07:30
Joneesudo apt-get install orville-write07:30
Joneealready installed it07:31
Joneesaying hi. not sure where i am, but i know it's good07:34
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lordievaderGood morning.09:12
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BluesKajHiyas all13:36
anton_phi. i have a problem with kubuntu 15.10. something is strange with my video: i can't start kde session _without_ my secondary "monitor" -- plasma tv. it works only with tv on,15:02
anton_phow can i reset x-server config?15:06
anton_pi guess something wrong is stored somewhere15:06
=== struk|desk|away is now known as struk|desk
nesciushello, do you know how to find information necessary for bugreport of a plasma applet16:21
BluesKajnescius, open dolphin help, choose report bug then find the app in the dropdown16:47
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franzjoyhey folks! has somebody experience with m.2 SSDs and UEFI?17:29
Bob2016hey. i just reinstalled kde 5.4.  plasmashell and krunner don't start automatically, but run fine if i launch them manually.  also, the application list is empty and doesn't want to rebuild. can someone help?18:08
BluesKajsudo apt install plasma-desktop kubuntu-desktop , Bob201618:10
Bob2016blueskaj: I tried that18:14
BluesKajasume you've updated and upgraded using the package manager or apt18:17
Bob2016See - I just tried it again, same thing18:23
BluesKajBob2016, which kubuntu ?18:31
BluesKaj15.10 or 16.04?18:32
=== StaffUnicorn is now known as nhandler
arm1eHi, running kubuntu beta 2 and cant play videos through samba. Any ideas how to fix it?18:51
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Bob2016blueskaj:  15.1018:59
Bob2016blueskaj: if you tell me I should upgrade to 16.04 I might... I figured it was safer to stick with 15.10 for now, especially since I run cuda19:00
BluesKajBob2016, did you add a ppa to get 5.4 or is available in the backports ..I'm on 16.04 so I'm not quite up to date on 15.10's latest plasma availability19:10
Bob2016blueskaj: I added kubuntu-ppa, but not backports19:38
Bob2016the backports have 5.5 now.   Is 16.04 stable enough to take the plunge?19:39
BluesKajBob2016, that depends first on whether you use the pc for work and then the hardware drivers etc19:40
Bob2016blueskaj: i'm trying to copy my system to a spare partition, and I'll try to upgrade that to 16.04 and see what happens.  but can you help me with my 15.10 issue?19:41
BluesKajBob2016, and  if you don't mind being adventurous19:41
BluesKajBob2016, copying with dd?19:42
Bob2016blueskaj: copying with rsync19:42
Bob2016blueskaj: I figure I just chroot in and run update-manager.  no?19:44
BluesKajdunno , never tried rsync for copying asystem installation19:45
Bob2016blueskaj: well it should work, everything's a file on unix, all that19:45
BluesKaji just used dd  , simple and easy19:45
BluesKajI'm sure it can work, just a whole lot of files to copy19:46
Bob2016blueskaj: yeah but my current system is spread across 4 partitions; /, /usr, /usr/local, /home19:47
Bob2016blueskaj: do i need to do anything about the extra repos i have enabled that are all set to wily?19:47
BluesKajbod once you logon to the other kubuntu just upgrade via the net  with sudo do-release-upgrade -d19:49
Bob2016instead of update-manager?19:49
BluesKajBob2016, I have to confess I've never used update manager for anything19:50
Bob2016blueskaj that's ok, i've never updated a linux from one release to the next19:51
Bob2016i'll tell you, though, once i'm on LTS - I've learned my lesson, I am never going to a non-LTS release again19:51
BluesKajBob2016, dunno if update -manager has the option to ugrade to a dev OS19:52
Bob2016blueskaj well i'll find out... but can you help me with my 15.10 issue?19:52
BluesKaj15.10 is clunky and terrible in my experience , a stopgap measure OS at best19:53
Bob2016blueskaj ooooooh i totally get the issue now... i guess i can see how i might have given the impression that I came here for a lit-crit interpretation of 15.1019:54
BluesKajwell that's my opinion of course ...others may have a different view19:56
Jonee84BluesKaj, you may be right.  i'm a new user of 15.1019:59
BluesKajI had 15.10 on a partition beside this one, and I gave it a try but after 2 weeks the gpu drivers ( recommended) crapped out , couldn't get a desktop no matter what I tried , so i concluded after wasting a whole day that it wasn't worth any more of my time20:02
Bob2016anything i need to mount-bind before chrooting besides /dev /proc /sys?20:04
BluesKajBob2016, dunno , I've only chrooted to reinstall grub20:07
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=== christoph_ is now known as christoph
Bob2016hey - my install is messed-up and reinstalling hasn't fixed it.  plasmashell and krunner don't start automatially, but work fine if i launch them manually.  also the applications list is empty and refuses to rebuild.  can anyone help?  versions 15.10 and 5.421:32
valorieBob2016: when you reinstalled, were there any error messages of note?21:52
valorieand I'm unsure what you mean by "applications list"21:52
myname_alguém fala portugues?22:27
Unit193!pt | myname_22:27
ubottumyname_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:27

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