
tsimonq2Can I make a metapackage with my snapcraft.yaml file, and if so, how?02:08
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oparozHello. How does one create a user using snapcraft?13:02
jospoortvliettsimonq2: a metapackage? you mean something that pulls in other stuff? no, snaps don't do dependencies13:18
jospoortvlietyou have to inclde everything13:18
jospoortvlietoparoz: with everything running as root (aparently) I guess you don't need to :D13:19
oparozjospoortvliet: This worries me... You may want to have writable files for the sysadmin, but make sure PHP can't read or worse write to those files13:20
jospoortvlietwell the way snaps work is that no, you don't have writable files for the sysadmin, the snap with the code is read-only13:20
jospoortvlietand only the actual datafiles are editable13:20
jospoortvlietand if you want to edit config you create a new snap13:21
jospoortvlietwith your new config13:21
jospoortvlietcorrect me if I'm wrong kyrofa13:21
jospoortvlietoparoz: so all the config files we're fscking with like httpd.conf are read-only13:21
jospoortvlietconfig.php of ownCloud is an exception but that's, well, of course.13:21
jospoortvlietnot different in any ownCloud installation13:21
jospoortvlieteven root can't doo much in a snap so it is safe to run as root13:22
jospoortvliet*SOMEBODY TELL ME I'M WRONG* ;-)13:22
tsimonq2jospoortvliet: but it pulls in stuff from GitHub?13:22
tsimonq2and Ubuntu packages?13:22
oparozjust checking the owncloud folder13:22
jospoortvliettsimonq2: aah ok, that is what you mean13:22
jospoortvlietyeah, when building13:22
jospoortvlietthe snap13:22
jospoortvlietnot when installing the snap13:22
jospoortvlietthis will all be included in the snap13:22
jospoortvlietthis is like a package build script13:23
jospoortvlietthe snapcraft.yaml I mean13:23
jospoortvlietI'm writing a blog about it, will try and get that finished... will drop what I have in a wiki page, gimme some minutes13:23
jospoortvlietreading over that should help you get an idea of this weird stuff :D13:23
jospoortvlietoparoz: I'll work what I wrote into https://github.com/owncloud/pi-image/wiki/Building-your-own-images13:24
jospoortvlietgood with you?13:24
oparozIt's now: Building your first image13:26
oparozWe need additional articles about the specific parts13:26
qenghooparoz: You can't create a user.13:26
oparozThanks qengho. Does it matter if a script has a non-existing user then or should we modify all generic scripts we use so that they use root or www-data?13:27
qenghooparoz: One package can't touch the files in another package or outside the system. As far as it's concerned, it is the only package installed on a whole simple machine that it has all to itself.13:27
oparozqengho: The problem is that if in a web app you have a mix of read-only and regular files, then you need to write some complex vhosts to only place those writeable files to the writeable "side"13:29
jospoortvlietoparoz: I have turned the call you guys had Friday into a extensive how-to13:29
jospoortvlietalso explaining the basics of snappy etc13:29
oparozOK jospoortvliet13:29
jospoortvlietwould love to hear from tsimonq2 what he thinks once I've formatted the thing :D13:30
qenghooparoz: it doesn't matter about the ownership, within reason. Don't use UIDs greather than 999 and you should be fine.13:30
oparozThanks qengho, I'll give it a go13:30
jospoortvlietoparoz: pls don't edit the file anymore13:30
jospoortvlietdamn I just lost all my changes :(13:30
qenghooparoz: Doesn't seem hard, but perhaps the usual Apache url=filesystem mapping plugin doesn't fit. Check if the resource is in one place. If not, check in another. If not, 40413:35
jospoortvliettsimonq2: here it is: https://github.com/owncloud/pi-image/wiki/Building-your-first-image13:39
jospoortvlietI sadly have to leave now, taking my wife out for a dinner & concert. Ok, that is far from sad but it means I won't be back here today ;-)13:40
jospoortvlietwill work more on this tomorrow13:40
jospoortvlietkyrofa: oparoz: please, review, check that wiki page13:40
jospoortvlietit is based on pretty much the first half of your conversation friday13:40
jospoortvlietshould be a newbie-introduction to snappy13:40
oparozThanks jospoortvliet! Enjoy the show!13:41
jospoortvlietI will. Just fixed a layout issue, now I'm really out of here :D13:41
jospoortvlietoparoz: there are some more layout issues with the page.13:42
oparozjospoortvliet: yep...13:43
oparozBut I'm writing a daemon...13:43
jospoortvlietgo write your evil spirit, I will be happy to fix the page tomorrow13:44
jospoortvlietor tsimonq2 fixes it while reading :D13:44
jospoortvliettsimonq2: you have access there?13:44
jospoortvlietif not, pls email your github account name to frank@owncloud.com with jos@owncloud.com in cc, asking for access to the pi-image repo and you can edit as soon as F adds you!13:44
tsimonq2jospoortvliet: :) I'll take a look13:45
tsimonq2(not a Snappy dev by any means, just an Ubuntu enthusiast and member :) )13:46
jospoortvliettsimonq2: thanks a billion times, believe me, right now any knowledge is super helpful :D13:46
jospoortvliettsimonq2: and email me if you're interested in a Pi drive :P13:46
oparozkyrofa: Where are you telling Apache to load php7_module. It's not listed anywhere in snapcraft or the Apache plugin15:58
oparozkyrofa: I'm guessing all modules are automatically loaded, so we have to prevent the build of mod_php16:03
forkerHello @here. Can someone help me to set forking type for service in package.yaml?16:26
forker- name: subutai-agent    type: forking    security-policy:       apparmor: meta/agent.profile       seccomp: meta/agent.seccomp    description: "agent service"    start: bin/agent-wrapper16:26
forkertrying like this http://pastebin.com/EsvZyBru but it does not work :(16:27
forkerhm, is there a way to configure forking service on 15.04 snappy or it work only in 16.04?16:59
oparozHow do you make a script executable in a snap?17:02
oparozWhy is this an invalid argument on Snappy, when used in a daemon? -> ulimit -HSn 3276817:45
qenghooparoz: "dmesg"19:32
qenghooparoz: ^ look for logged errors or warnings that the kernel facilities blocked.19:33
qenghooparoz: When you construct a snap, the execute bits that are set when you make the image are still on when you unpack and use the image.19:34
oparozThanks qengho. Regarding the execute bits. I'm worried that it's going to be lost when I'm going to push my changes via git19:35
qenghogit preserves x bits.19:35
qengho...pretty sure.19:36
oparozqengho: If Windows keeps it...19:36
qenghoSorry, never heard of it.19:36
oparozWe'll see19:37
oparozHow do you compile mod_mpm_event on snappy 16.04?  No rule to make target 'server/mpm/event/libevent.la', needed by 'httpd'22:30
oparozNeither libevent-dev or libev-dev work22:30
oparozIs it normal for ldd to report all binaries in an installed sna as broken?22:53
oparozApparently it's normal  as the missing libs are in the snap23:00

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