
maxedHello all. I want to add some in-app purchases in my Ubuntu Touch app. Is there any documentation for libpay/pay-service beyond test app, or should I just look at it and copy what it does?16:25
nik90maxed, canonical devs were running a reserved beta for app devs interested in using in-app purchases.16:41
nik90maxed, I cannot remember who to contact though.16:41
nik90popey, Do you remember? ^^16:41
maxedAh, so it's not quite public release yet?16:41
nik90maxed, not that I know of, but they were looking for interested app devs.16:42
nik90 maxed, you could join and provide early feedback to them before they make it public16:42
nik90dobey, ^^16:42
maxedHm, OK.That could be interesting :)16:43
popeyalecu: is the person16:43
nik90maxed, there you go..contact alecu on irc. Remember today is a weekend..so you might not get a response.16:43
maxedOK, thank you!16:44
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DerRiddaHello everybody. I'm looking at developing an Ubuntu app with Python but since I'm neither an experienced Python nor a QML dev I really need some pointers.22:51
DerRiddaNot really looking about tutorials for each language on its own but rather how to make them work together.22:52
popeyDerRidda: there's a couple of python apps in the store23:01
popeyDerRidda: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~checkbox-dev/checkbox/trunk/files23:02
popeypilot - an app in the phone store is python23:02
popeyi think that's the source for it23:02
DerRiddaThanks, I'll pick that apart.23:05
jerachi all23:10
jeraci want to change some system app in ubuntu touch23:11
jerachow to do it23:11
jeraci checked phablet and build a image23:12
popeyjerac: heya23:19
popeywhich app?23:19
popeythe source for all of the apps on the phone is in launchpad23:21
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers links to the individual projects for most of the apps23:21
popeyif there's any gaps, let me know23:21
popeyThat page is mostly focussed at people reporting bugs, but it links to the right placews23:22
jeracwell how to set dev env?23:22
jeracI am c# developer23:22
jeracso i imagine there should also be something as visual studio projects23:23
jeracbecause i want to change something in design23:23
popeyhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/ is the starting point for developers23:24
popeyMost of the apps are written in QML / C++23:24
jeracok but how to add it like a project?23:25
popeyWe recommend qtcreator23:25
popeythats what we use in our SDK23:25
popeyI've never used eclipse, sorry.23:25
jeraci have phablet folder on my disk and i searched for dialer and i get some png and java files23:26
jeracit doesn't mather which IDE it is23:27
popeythe apps are packaged separately23:27
popeyeach individually23:27
jeracsystem also?23:27
popeydefine system23:27
jeracthere are systeam and core apps for touch23:27
popeyright, they're all separate projects23:28
popeyeach one linked from that avengers page23:28
popeyhttps://launchpad.net/dialer-app for example is the dialer app you mentioned23:28
jeracbut if i checked out phablet folder and i create image for my phone they should be there23:29
popeythat's the base image, the apps are on top23:30
jeracthat "top" is not included in phablet folder then?23:31
jeracor are apps precompiled?23:31
jeracor i don't know23:31
popeyI don't know what phablet folder you mean23:31
popeyI assume that's the one that's used to build the linux kernel23:31
popeynot the full image?23:32
jeracsection:  Set up your development environment23:32
jeracor i landed on the wrong side?23:32
popeyso what's the goal here?23:32
popeyport to a new device?23:33
popeymodify existing apps?23:33
jeracexisting but change some system app and maybe a core23:33
popeyok, well the link I gave to the avengers page links to each app23:34
popeyso you can get the source for each one via that23:34
jeracand when i am done with changes how can i add it to image for the phone?23:34
popeySo lets say for example you wanted to change the UI of one of the apps, you'd grab the source, and modify it locally then build either a deb or click package23:35
popeywhich could be copied to your phone and installed23:35
popeysome (most) of the apps are packaged as click packages which are uploaded to the store23:35
popeya few are packaged as debian (deb) packages, i think dialer and webbrowser are examples of debs, music, clock, camera are examples of clicks23:36
jeracthansk, but if i want to create a image that includes that all?23:36
popeynot sure tbh23:37
popeythe scripts that build the image are run on a server somewhere, not seen those23:37
popeybut I'm sure we could figure it out23:37
jeracso system apps can be deleted?23:38
popeyduring the working week when people are around23:38
popeyfrom the image, sure23:38
popeyi have a phone here which only has dialer, message, contacts, webbrowser and system settings23:38
popeyand not much else23:38
jeracand you could delete dialer?23:38
popeyyes and no23:38
popeynot tried23:38
popeybut it's a bit different23:39
popeylet me see...23:39
jeracthat's waht i am thinking too (a bit different) ;)23:39
popeysure, sounds interesting23:39
popeyok, had a look23:39
popeydialer-app is a debian (deb) package23:39
popeyso the image that you get on your phone is read-only23:40
popeyit can be made read-write with one command23:40
popeyand you could "sudo dpkg -r dialer-app" and it's gone23:40
jeracthanks for info23:41
popeyany time23:41
jeracwhat i want is to see how dialer works, how the sound is transfered23:42
jeracand maybe try to change something23:42
jeracthat's why i am so borring now...23:42
jeracso 1st i could add dialer as a project to qtcreator and see23:43
jeracbut then if i find out that some changes are needed in the core.... i need to buil my own image23:44
jeracbut i need info how to do this23:44
jeraci don't know hot to add ubuntu touch as a project ....23:47
jeraccan you write down some directions?23:47
popeysorry, was afk for a bit.23:47
popeyso basically you need to add the ubuntu-sdk ppa and install the ubuntu-sdk, which is detailed at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/23:49
popeythen grab the dialer source, with "bzr branch lp:dialer-app"23:49
jeracjust did it23:51
jerachow to change the core and build it?23:51
popeythe core file system?23:53
popeythat's the bit I don't know, sorry23:53
jeracwell i just try to add phone-app to the ubuntu sdk23:53
jeracCMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:40 (find_package):   By not providing "FindQt5Core.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has   asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Core", but   CMake did not find one.23:54
popeywhat version of ubuntu you running?23:55
popeyand you install ubuntu-sdk ?23:55
jeracdon't tell me i need 14.0423:56
popeyno, no23:56
popeyyou dont23:56
jeraci just try to add phone-app to ubuntu sdk but cmake write error above23:56
popeytbh you're better off coming back during the EU/US working day when people are about, sorry :)23:57
jeracok, thanks for helping me23:58

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