
installfailsHello everyone01:40
installfailsI am trying to install ubuntu gnome 16.04 beta 2, but it won't install. At the ' partitioning step' I chose 'Something else' and got stuck there. Thanks.01:43
installfailsI am installing ubuntu on a dell 5110 with an nvidia card.01:44
lindolhi all01:47
lindolhi all04:25
darkxsthi lindol04:27
lindolhaha :)04:29
lindolWhat do you do on this weekend? :)04:31
lindolI am trying to translate FAQ page to Korean :) haha04:31
darkxstnext you will want to translate the new website ;)04:33
lindoloh really?04:33
lindolWe will have new website?04:33
lindolCould i contribute there for Ubunt gnome community or Korean people? :>04:34
lindolWow ~.~04:34
darkxstlindol, yes its coming soon, but don't know if it will have translation capability04:36
lindolhaha Okay. :)04:38
darkxstlindol, its just in design phase atm04:39
lindolOh, I think I have seen it on the mailling-list :)04:39
darkxstsome recent mock-ups04:41
lindolIt looks good :)04:44
lindolI am expecting it. :-)04:45
lindolCould you check "We aim to provide a relatively pure GNOME desktop on top of the popular Ubuntu foundation." this mean?04:50
darkxstlindol, the text is all changed now04:51
darkxstcompared to that page04:51
lindolIt will be changed?04:51
darkxstthere are newer mockups, but patrik has posted them yet04:51
darkxsthas not04:51
lindolI think that sentence, "We aim to provide a relatively pure GNOME desktop on the Ubuntu Linux"04:51
lindolah... you mean mock-up design :) haha okay04:52
darkxst# About the operating system04:53
darkxstUbuntu GNOME is a modern, elegant operating system showcasing the GNOME desktop environment built on top of an Ubuntu base. It is a free, open-source and feature complete alternative to Windows and Mac OS X.04:53
darkxstIt has been designed to be easy to use and provide the best possible computing experience on desktops and laptops. There are many applications for all your daily needs, including the web, email, games, office, productivity, software development and more.04:53
lindolYou said that "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/FAQ" this page?04:54
lindolI have not found your sentence there :)04:54
darkxstoh though you were talking about the FAQ, you can use that above there04:54
lindolhaha Yes I have been talking FAQ wiki page  haha :)04:55
lindolsorry for confusing.04:55
darkxstthat sentance is there now ;) (in the FAQ)04:58
lindolhaha Okay. :) Thank you for your guide.04:58
lindolI will try to read and translate base on it :)04:59
lindolby the way04:59
darkxst"Why do you include Ubuntu Software Center instead of GNOME Software for installing software?"04:59
darkxstwe have gnome-software now!04:59
lindolI think FAQ page needs to update more latest information..05:00
lindolby the way, I have a question about wayland and MIR05:00
lindolWhat do we have plan in the future? :)05:01
darkxstits already working mostly, just not default05:03
lindolah... :) Okay.05:04
darkxstthat section needs updating also05:04
lindolThank you :) I am just reading FAQ page, Thinking about meaning :)05:10
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