
mhall119ahoneybun: nothing yet, I've been asking 02:03
mhall119ahoneybun: sadly I have friends coming in from the UK (not Ubuntu friends though) and we're hosting a get together at my house on Sunday02:03
ahoneybunoh that's ok mhall119 02:04
ahoneybunthanks for checking in on the request02:04
ahoneybunthe stable images for the N7 are not that amazing02:07
ahoneybunbluetooth has been a real pain for one and main one02:07
mhall119ahoneybun: using the Canonical images or ubports?02:09
ahoneybuncanonical as it is a official device still02:11
ahoneybunmhall119, I do like sidestage thing02:16
ahoneybunbut I wish I had a way to go fullscreen with settings02:16
ahoneybunat least on portanit or whatever is the long way02:16

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