
Kiloscremora minora05:16
Kiloshi chesedo 07:46
Kiloshi Wolfeyes Cryterion Na3iL 09:36
inetprogoeie more almal09:38
Kilosmore inetpro 09:38
Kilosinetpro talk here man then i hear you if im close10:07
Kilosand tab complete works here10:08
Kilosthat thing is nice but im still an irc user by heart10:09
superflyYou need to use @ in mattermost then the tab completion works 10:19
Wolfeyesafternoon everyone10:46
Kiloshi boy10:50
kulelu88hey tumbleweed , do you use libvirt? 10:57
kulelu88superfly: I can't seem to expose my librvirt container to my network for some reason11:10
superflykulelu88: usually you bind a port on the host machine to a port on the container11:10
superfly(at least that's what you do with docker's LXC implementation, before they veered away from LXC)11:11
magespawngood afternoon11:28
Kiloshi magespawn 11:29
kulelu88superfly: I used these debian instructions: https://wiki.debian.org/LXC/LibVirtDefaultNetwork11:42
kulelu88I'm not sure if I am missing something in the middle11:42
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn
superflykulelu88: you're not creating an externally accessible network interface12:10
kulelu88so it's still internal, just using a localized network IP?12:10
superflyyes, you're just setting up your networking yourself, from what I can tell12:12
superflykulelu88: there's one place where you actually specify the IP range to be handed out via DHCP12:12
kulelu88shit, this was much easier with docker IIRC12:13
superflykulelu88: well, you can still route traffic, it's just not quite as simple. you have to tell the host where to route traffic for the internal network12:18
kulelu88superfly: If I am understanding correctly, my libvirt setup has just assigned a network IP to my container that is still only accessible to my workstation. I need to still route it from my workstation to the network itself?12:19
superflykulelu88: no, other way round. your container probably has access to the host's network, but your host's network can't route traffic to the VLAN because it doesn't have a rule to do so12:22
superfly(as far as I understand what I'm reading)12:23
kulelu88aah. I wonder if I need to do something within my router settings12:23
superflykulelu88: I think you want this: https://wiki.debian.org/LXC/SimpleBridge12:23
kulelu88i'm going to try logging in to see if the router has the IP in existence12:23
* superfly needs to go AFK for a while12:25
kulelu88thanks superfly !12:25
magespawnhome time, chat later13:35
inetproKilos: https://mattermost.popey.com/ubuntu/pl/a8orqnotz7fkdmmeaugyrywq4o15:23
Kiloslemme see inetpro 15:24
Kilosinetpro ?15:29
KilosMaaz coffee on16:09
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:09
Kilosinetpro coffee time16:09
inetproMaaz: coffee please16:09
Maazinetpro: Righto16:09
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!16:13
KilosMaaz ty16:14
MaazYou are welcome Kilos16:14
magespawngood evening16:29
inetprowelcome back magespawn16:41
inetpromagespawn: seen our latest conversation on mattermost yet?16:41
pavlushkaHello Kilos!16:58
Wolfeyeshey pavlushka17:00
Kilosho pavlushka 17:00
pavlushkaHi everyone!!!17:00
pavlushkahi Wolfeyes !17:00
pavlushkahello Kilos l!17:00
pavlushkaHow are you guys???17:01
Kilosok ty and you17:01
Wolfeyesso so ....lol..... battling to get my car right...17:04
Kilosinetpro ping18:31
Kilosohi superfly 18:31
superflyhi Kilos18:32
magespawnhi all18:51
magespawnno inetpro, i'll check now18:52
Wolfeyeshey magespawn18:53
pavlushkahi magespawn 18:55
Kiloshi magespawn 18:55
magespawnright up to speed inetpro 19:04
inetpromagespawn: haha... :-)19:05
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:41
inetprokulelu88: did you get it going?20:06
kulelu88inetpro: yeah, I settled for port-forwarding. Some kind soul explained to my noob mind about how docker does it, and then I understood more clearly (used the same port-forwarding for my LXC)20:08
kulelu88with that being said, you have any recommendations for a light-weight server? int20:16
kulelu88inetpro: 20:16
* inetpro still learning about the new LXD20:16
inetprokulelu88: or what do you mean with your question?20:17
kulelu88I'm trying to render a few static files and pythons built-in server is absolute shit20:17
inetprohave you seen, "The LXD 2.0 Story"?20:18
inetproit's still a work in progress but looks promising20:19
kulelu88what is the diff between LXD and LXC?20:20
inetprosee https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/20:20
inetproor http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/lxd20:21
kulelu88interesting. so it's a manager20:22
kulelu88or rewrite of the vanity tools20:22
inetprocertainly there to make life a huge lot easier20:23
inetproLXD crushes KVM in density and speed https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/05/18/lxd-crushes-kvm-in-density-and-speed/20:25
superflykulelu88: just static files? nginx20:28
superflykulelu88: or lighttpd20:28
kulelu88superfly: it is basically 3 files20:38
magespawninetpro how do you find out how much time is left on the free AWS?21:04
inetpromagespawn: I don't know21:04
magespawnthe website is less than clear, all that i can find is 12 months after sign up21:06
* magespawn goes to bug support21:07
magespawninetpro: have you shut yours down?21:08
inetpronot yet... got myself ready to pay one or two months21:09
inetprobefore I shut it down21:10
magespawni see there is a message on my dashboard saying i am eligible for the free tier, not too sure why they would be telling me that21:18
magespawnmaybe it just continues until you decide to either close it or upgrade21:18
magespawnthat would benice21:18
magespawnbe nice too21:18
inetpromagespawn: as long as we don't get a backdated bill a few months down the line21:24
kulelu88I doubt AWS would give anything away for free beyond 12 months21:25
inetpromagespawn: perhaps time to look at affordable localised VPS options again21:26
superflyinetpro: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA21:29
superfly"affordable localised VPS options"21:29
superflywhat a great joke21:29
inetprook, ok superfly,,, I get the point21:29
superflyLove your optimism :-D21:30
inetprosad reality I guess21:30
magespawni like this http://www.clickworks.co.za/vps-hosting/ about right for me21:32
inetprosuperfly: that's not bad?21:33
kulelu88I bet the virtualization used there is the crappy 1 where the servers are overloaded21:35
kulelu88if it's not KVM, it's not worth it21:35
superflyinetpro: firstly, they use Xen, which is not bad, but KVM is better21:35
superflyinetpro: secondly, on my Linode VPS I have 3TB of bandwidth monthly 21:36
inetprotrue, thanks for checking that21:36
superflyanyway, I need to get to bed21:36
magespawngood night superfly 21:36
superfly(and ubuntu repos don't contribute to that)21:36
inetprogood night everyone21:37
magespawni like the 50GB drive space21:38
magespawnbut i see what you mean superfly, linode is also nice21:38
magespawni was also looking at these guys http://www.elitehost.co.za/,but ironically the website is offline21:40
magespawndefinately bed time,good night all22:01

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