
yrayhello there everyone00:05
yrayI am trying to getsomething of a rule, like that group policy editor of windows, to from now on, do not allow connecting any new usb devices, and only allow the three usb devices that have been connceted to my ubuntu machine and NOTHING else, I also want to not lose access to my usb devices the next time i restart the sytem.00:06
yrayany ideas?00:06
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yrayi read somehwre online, that i can use udev, but i really don't know how to use it00:08
yrayam i muted??00:09
TJ-yray: it's a tall order, and would be very involved, but it is doable if you have a LOT of time to develop it.00:10
yrayTJ- : my man, you mean it is not implemented for ubuntu as of yet?00:11
yrayyou mean not letting new usb devices getting connected to the machine is not available for ubuntu?00:11
TJ-yray: the system is designed to be user-friendly so it is designed to get things connected without drama00:12
TJ-yray: for what you describe you'd need to develop udev rules to implement an arbitrary security policy.00:13
yrayI have no friends, neither does my laptop, and I am not looking to make any new friends.00:13
TJ-yray: try using a security-oriented distro00:13
yrayTJ- : because of badusb00:13
yraycan't I am already stuck with ubuntu on my laptop mate00:13
yrayand I love it00:13
yrayI mean ubuntu works way better with my lenovo laptop than any other distro00:14
TJ-yray: exactly: user-friendly00:14
yraymost of other distros make life in the 3rd millenium so much harder00:14
yrayTJ- : yes I know my man, user friendly, but I seriously can not go to sleep knowing that my box is not protected against badusb00:15
TJ-yray: well, good luck with it. If you do it, it sounds like a package that some ubuntu-server users may find interesting00:16
yraywhat do you mean?00:16
TJ-yray: if your need is strong enough, you'll write it... so share it :)00:16
yrayi don't have enough knowledge about it00:17
sssooouuulllhallo community00:17
l3h4hello world00:18
sssooouuulllich möchte mit windows 10 das ich in virtuelle maschine hab00:18
sssooouuulllzu meinem raspberry drauf per ssh bzw. mit rdp00:18
Bashing-omyggdrasil: Open source, if you have the want-to you will make the how-to .00:18
sssooouuulllmit ssh geht es schon also in den terminal komme ich schon aber nicht halt grafisch mit remotedesktopverbindung...00:18
Bluekinganyone that can help me with networking question ?00:19
Bluekingit's about routing00:19
Bashing-om!de | sssooouuulll00:19
ubottusssooouuulll: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!00:19
sssooouuulllok mach ich danke00:19
TJ-!ask | Blueking00:19
ubottuBlueking: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:19
Bluekingquestion are  if ip are   and gateway are     on eth0    then what would destination   be on same interface ?00:21
TJ-Blueking: that sounds like a CIDR of
TJ-Blueking: something like "ip addr add dev eth0; ip route add default dev eth0 via"00:22
BluekingTJ why mine ubuntu persist keep destination at ?00:23
TJ-Blueking: what do you mean by 'destination' ?00:23
Bluekingline 1: 0-00:23
j1mchas their been any kind of community pushback over the bash-on-windows deal?00:23
j1mci haven't seen anyone say a word on planet ubuntu00:24
Bluekingline 1:  UG 0   0   0  eth0, line 2  U 0 0 0 eth1, line 3  U 0 0 0 eth000:26
Bluekingwhat route -n shows00:27
TJ-Blueking: so you have 1 default route, and 2 specific routes (1 for each interface). Absolutely normal00:30
Bluekingline 3, destination doesn't match 3 first numbers on routers ip addr ?00:31
TJ-Blueking: you actually have 2 /24 sub-nets, one for each interface00:31
BluekingTJ- bad ?00:32
TJ-Blueking: looks normal to me00:32
Bluekingone nic for out on net and the other nic are for local net in my house00:33
TJ-Blueking: are both interfaces using DHCP?00:33
LoshkiWhy is one mask .255 and the other .254 ?00:33
Bluekingisc-dhcp-server on eth100:33
TJ-Loshki: because it's probably a /2300:33
Bluekingjust an example00:34
LoshkiAh, ok00:34
Bluekingstatic ip given by isp  set on eth000:34
Bluekingnot sure if I need dhclient on eth0 tho00:34
LoshkiBlueking: if not dhclient, where does eth0 gets its ip address from?00:35
Bluekingstatic in /etc/network/interfaces00:36
Bluekingordered static ip from ISP 3 days ago00:37
Bluekingbut when I hook ubuntu 'online' I only get destination host unreachable00:38
Bluekingwhen ping
BluekingTJ- and Loshki   not easy to debug networking stuff :/00:40
BluekingI want mine router back online :/00:41
Loshkino, not easy. Sorry I'm not better at this for you.00:42
john38Whats more stable 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu00:44
john38if i install 14.04LTS can upgrade to 16.04 from update manager00:45
Bashing-omjohn38: 1) 4 Gig and > ram then 64 bit . 2) Not till the 16.04.1 release, else terminal will do it .00:49
TJ-Blueking: so use DHCP on the ISP interface00:49
TJ-Blueking: for a 'static' it just means they've configure their DHCP to allows give your account the same public IP00:49
john38Bashing-om, what version of ubuntu are you running and are having issues like computer freezes, internet browsers act haywire slow to react freezing manuevering around folders00:55
Loshkijohn38: at one time, there was a difference in stability between 32 and 64 bit, but no longer, I would say, so use 64 bit LTS with its improved performance, and don't worry about it.00:57
Bashing-omjohn38: Not a support question. But .. I run a core install of the 14.04 kernel. Rock solid absolutely no issues or problems .00:58
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phanes_got  bad issue here, xubuntu fresh install will not talk to my router00:59
phanes_static ip of 0.10, router ip of 0.101:00
john38Bashing-om, im on 12.04lts now and i get many freezes and slow to react processes, my update manager tells me to upgrade to 14.04LTS but im on 32bit and i want to switch to 64bit  im assuming 1404 will probably be able to upgrade to 16.04LTS 64bit with no problem01:00
phanes_ipv6 disabled01:01
phanes_default gw set to router ip01:01
phanes_pinging router from xubuntu gets me unreachable host  error01:02
phanes_all other devices working fine01:02
Hydr0p0nXwhat does arp -an show ?01:02
Bashing-omjohn38: How good is your hardware ? Good graphic's card . then yeah 14.04 64 bit clean fresh install. Good 'till April 20219 .01:03
phanes_netmask matches01:03
FuriousGeorgehi all01:03
Hydr0p0nXheya FuriousGeorge01:03
phanes_arp an gets me "? ( at <incomplete> on enp6s0" hydro01:04
FuriousGeorgethe tech at my server farm had to install the default version of my distro of choice cuz the canned modified version was not "autoinstalling" from the cpanel.   so i got lvm for / and /data  like from the factory.  now im worried ill lock myself out01:05
Hydr0p0nXphanes_ : ifconfig shows the interface is up  ?01:05
FuriousGeorgeis there any way to back up this partition table so it can be restored to a mounted partition?01:06
phanes_hydro yes and dmesg confirms01:06
FuriousGeorgethe pv and vg have a sdb to themselvcs\01:06
phanes_I just do not see an issue and this was working solid on fedora01:06
TJ-phanes_: the PC with the problem is not the one you're currently using for IRC I assume (which is using IPv6) ?01:07
phanes_I'm on my phone for irc01:07
phanes_through the modem01:07
phanes_that the pc won't talk to01:07
TJ-phanes_: OK. is the router configured to do DHCP for both IPv4 and IPv6 ?01:08
TJ-phanes_: I'm wondering if the router might be configured in the firewall to reject any IP addresses outside the DHCP ranges it issues (as a security measure)01:08
phanes_y yes it is but IPv6 is disabled on the PC01:09
phanes_TJ no it is not I've been using new IP addresses for a long time on this router with no changes01:09
TJ-phanes_: can other hosts on the same network ping the router using IPv4? if so, are they also statically configured, or using DHCP from the router?01:09
phanes_TJ yes I can ping it from every other device on the network they are all on ipv4 and they are all statically configured01:10
TJ-phanes_: have you tried a different Ethernet cable?01:10
phanes_TJ I was actually on the table with no changes or even touching the system I rebooted and installed xubuntu over a working Fedora that had been working for several years01:10
TJ-phanes_: always worth doing the simple checks first.01:11
phanes_TJ if we can get past trying to blame everything but those been to configuration I think we'll make a lot of progress here01:11
phanes_this is an Ubuntu issue01:12
TJ-phanes_: I'm giving you the steps I've learnt can catch even the most experienced people out, by making assumptions instead of checking01:12
phanes_same cable same router no change reinstalled operating system only01:14
phanes_PlayStation 4 settings confirmed to be identical01:14
phanes_phone settings confirms to be identical01:14
phanes_how do I disable the firewall and selinux01:15
TJ-phanes_: next I'd do "ethtool enp6s0" and check the link is active01:15
phanes_that command shows the link detected option says leak detected yes01:16
phanes_Lync no Lync01:16
phanes_God I hate this phone01:16
phanes_I know hours behind schedule on this project Ubuntu can't Network01:18
TJ-phanes_: right, so how about considering if the Ethernet interface requires firmware. If it did, you should see mention of it in the kernel's 'dmesg' log output. You can also check via the driver itself, by first doing "lspci -nnk" to identify the kernel driver name, and then with that name doing "modinfo -F firmware <module-name>" to see if the driver declares needing firmware. If it does, you can check that01:18
TJ-firmware file exists with "find /lib/firmware -name <firmware-file-name>" and then look in dmesg for reports from the driver about firmware loading01:19
phanes_here we are again blaming everything but the cause this PC has been in use in this place with this Hardware with no changes until 20 minutes ago01:19
TJ-phanes_: there are known issues with some ethernet chipsets/firmwares01:19
Hydr0p0nXyep, I have to recompile my network driver w/ each kernel change01:20
phanes_I do not have time for this kind of thing01:21
TJ-phanes_: if you want my help then engage in constructive diagnostics; otherwise solve it yourself01:21
Hydr0p0nXphanes_ : what network adapter are you using ?01:21
phanes_baby going back to Fedora or maybe stalling Debian might be the way to go here01:21
Hydr0p0nXthat's one of the ones with issues01:22
Hydr0p0nXgo download the driver from realtek, compile it01:22
phanes_it's not that it's not the card it's the software so I mean if it's a driver issue that's an Ubuntu issue other distros are not having this issue01:22
phanes_sorry autocorrect got me there I meant to say that there if there's an issue then it's going to be something specific to you too are they patching there drivers or something01:23
phanes_not you too I meant Ubuntu01:23
Hydr0p0nXnow, do an lsmod |grep r801:24
Hydr0p0nXis it loading r8168 or r8169 ?01:24
phanes_it is loading the driver and the link is up01:25
Hydr0p0nXyea, but the driver has had enough stability issues that compiling from source has been a better option for me01:25
phanes_oh ffs01:25
Hydr0p0nXyou can entertain the option or not, just telling you my personal, first hand experience, on multiple distros01:25
Hydr0p0nXgoogle seems to agree01:26
phanes_not had this issue ever on this machine been in use for years01:26
phanes_and even reinstalled several other districts on this machine in the last 2 months01:26
Hydr0p0nXnobody is saying you have to stick with ubuntu01:26
Hydr0p0nXand it's probably fixed in a newer kernel01:26
phanes_this was a mistake01:27
Hydr0p0nXbut, how are you going to get the newer kernel if you can't get on the network ?01:27
phanes_I have a shared mount with win 8.101:28
TJ-bug 154715101:29
ubottubug 1547151 in linux (Ubuntu) "10ec:8168 r8169 won't connect" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154715101:29
TJ-Upstream problem in recent kernels01:29
phanes_wish it was my fedora still, could have copied the drivers over from the same dam kernel01:29
TJ-interestingly, a user affected says "...By the way, the bug happens only with GIGABIT NETWORKS and with MEGABIT CABLE"01:30
TJ-phanes_: does ethtool report the link up at Gigabit speeds? if so, a workaround may be to force it down to 100Mb/s01:30
phanes_what kernel packages do I need to download to local install from shared mount?01:32
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TJ-phanes_: which xubuntu release is it, 15.10?01:33
phanes_linux-image-4.2.0-16-generic?  yes it's 15.1001:34
phanes_I will need fglrx later so I have to watch kernel version01:35
phanes_not radeon. not radeon.01:36
Hydr0p0nXphanes_, I'd suggest following the workaround to enable it @ 100Mb then let apt-get handle it01:36
TJ-phanes_: the bug specifically says the workaround command is "ethtool -s <IF> autoneg off speed 100 duplex full"01:36
phanes_I'll try that first01:37
TJ-realtek has been a pain for Linux for years, unfortunately01:37
phanes_not really.01:37
Hydr0p0nXadd it to /etc/rc.d/rc.local so that it's run on boot when you update kernels, comment it, see if you have network after reboot01:38
phanes_I suspect this is a result of downstream kernel patching01:38
TJ-I've got devices going back over 10 years that have that chipset and its a constant break/fix/break/fix as the rtl drivers change01:38
Hydr0p0nXphanes_, you do realize the ticket indicates it's UPstream, right?01:38
phanes_never had this issue01:38
Hydr0p0nXEvery realtek chipset i've ever had has been a crapshoot01:39
Hydr0p0nXphanes_ : that command work ?01:45
phanes_ethtool enp6s0 autoneg off speed 100 duplex full01:45
phanes_does nothing01:45
phanes_ethtool enp6s0 then shows autoneg still on01:46
steven_hello, I am studying the LINUX. Nice to meet you01:46
TJ-phanes_: did you prefix it with 'sudo' ?01:46
phanes_I'm in a root shell01:47
Hydr0p0nXlooks like you missed an -s01:48
Hydr0p0nXethtool -s enp6s0 autoneg off speed 100 duplex full01:48
phanes_that changed the settings finally01:50
sabotagebeatshow do i install .deb files01:50
phanes_however issue did not resolve01:50
TJ-sabotagebeats: "dpkg -i <file.deb>"01:50
sabotagebeatsTJ-, does that have the same effect as installing with "ubuntu software center"01:51
votlonIs it possible to have two different desktop environments on separate monitors, such as xfce on the left and i3 on the right?01:52
TJ-sabotagebeats: no. a standalone .deb file is what is downloaded via apt/software center. But dpk cannot solve dependencies whereas apt/software center will fetch all the .deb files that are required to satisfy the dependencies01:52
phanes_kernel is 4.2.0-16-generic01:52
TJ-votlon: yes, with separate isloated X servers, or with 1 X server with 2 X sessions01:53
sabotagebeatsTJ-, no i've already downloaded the .deb now when i double click it, it will open the ubuntu software center01:53
TJ-sabotagebeats: oh, I rarely use the GUI for such things, they get in my way01:53
sabotagebeatsTJ-, i'm assuming it does the same thing?01:54
sabotagebeatswhatever it is it's doing it lol01:54
Ben64sabotagebeats: well installing a deb still doesn't fix dependencies or get updates or anything01:54
squintysabotagebeats,  you could also install  gdebi  from the repos to install debs01:54
TJ-sabotagebeats: I would hope so, software center is a GUI front-end to apt01:54
sabotagebeatsi'm just trying to install google chrome01:54
votlonTJ-: Would i be able to transfer files or program windodws over the two x servers?01:55
TJ-sabotagebeats: you know Ubuntu has the open-source chromium-browser version of that?01:55
TJ-votlon: no01:55
sabotagebeatsTJ-, yea but it doesn't work the same for some reason01:55
TJ-votlon: you need the same X session to do that01:55
votlonTJ-: okay! thx for the response, how would that work with a mouse though? Would it be able to go between the two servers?01:56
TJ-sabotagebeats: maybe S.C. is doing what gdebi was used for then - just installing that .deb without doing any dependency resolution01:56
sabotagebeatsTJ-, it looks like it01:56
sabotagebeatsit's not downloading stuff01:56
TJ-votlon: for 2 X servers you'd need separate xorg.conf with separate input devices for each... it is basically a proper MultiSeat setup01:56
squintygdebi checks for dependancies before installing... it won't install if all dependancies are not satisfied01:56
TJ-votlon: whereas a single X server with multiple X sessions, input devices are shared across them, as is the X clipboard01:57
FuriousGeorgehow is this possibly when everything i read suggests the former does not support latter  "pve-manager : Depends: systemd but it is not installable."01:57
TJ-squinty: correct; but it won't resolve/fetch dependencies. I rather asssumed if S.C. is the .deb handler it would use it's 'apt' side to d that01:57
RhorseHey guys, new user here. Just installed 15.10. Pretty impressed. What is the recommended procedure when going into suspend mode for connected usb drives? Should I unmount them prior to putting computer to sleep, or will they be automagically unmounted and remounted when resume?01:57
squintysabotagebeats,  if you have gdebi installed, right click on the deb you want to install in your file manager and select "open with"  that will bypass the software center01:58
phanes_provided your network works01:58
sabotagebeatsok thanks01:58
phanes_which contextually is a real concern01:58
votlonTJ-: so basicly I need two keyboards and mouses01:58
FuriousGeorgei maksed systemd as a matter of fact because i read proxmox was not compativle01:58
Hydr0p0nXphanes_:linux-headers-generic should get you the kernel headers and http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=4&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#92 has realtek's published driver01:59
votlonJust so i'm understanding correctly, i wouldn't be able to use two different window managers in a single x server instance?02:00
TJ-votlon: in separate X sessions on 1 server, yes, but it'd be a pain to figure out how to configure!02:01
TJ-votlon: mainly due to the standard *buntu display-manager/Xsession configurations shipped as standard that assume 1 user, 1 desktop02:02
votlonTJ-: Eh i'm free for a week, I really wanna get this working :P At least theres a chance!02:03
votlonTJ-: You think two seperate x sessions would be better or If i just nested two X instances?02:05
phanes_oh.  no, I'm trying debian first I'll be back in if I ever see this issue again on another distro before I die but thanks again for the info, I just can't be doing that on a fresh install of a major release.02:06
Hydr0p0nXwow, what a douche02:06
votlonthe phanes guy?02:07
TJ-votlon: I'd think 2 X sessions, and not use the Ubuntu display manager. work with startx and configure things via the scripts for /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ etc02:08
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votlonight will do02:09
TJ-Hydr0p0nX: some support people get paid to accept abuse... we do it for free :D02:09
votlonOn that topic though, I was told some time ago your never supposed to startx as root but I was reading a book the other day that had root startx to log into kde, is sudo startx bad or was i just told wrong?02:10
TJ-votlon: well X needs root access to do its job02:10
Hydr0p0nXeh, I work SCM in a dev shop02:11
TJ-votlon: but having the user sessions as root isn't going to help for a general purpose desktop02:11
squintskiidoes ubuntu have screensavers?02:11
squintskiicuz i cant find them02:11
TJ-squintskii: modern displays don't suffer burn-in :)02:11
squintskiiTJ-, they do suffer image retention though02:12
squintskiiless severe but still annoying :P02:12
Hydr0p0nXI get real abuse @ work02:12
squintskiiso my question still stands02:12
squintskiidoes ubuntu have screensavers?02:12
votlonwait is retention and burn not the same thing?02:12
squintskiiburn in is permanent, retention isn't neccesarily permanent02:12
squintskiiand usually isn't on LCD displays02:12
votlonah kool to know02:13
TJ-the solution to image persistence on LCDs is to turn the damned thing off for a while, not a 'screensaver'!02:14
Hydr0p0nXI think so squintskii, but I haven't honestly checked in a while, my linux box is a myth server and plugged in to the tv02:14
TJ-!find screensaver02:14
ubottuFound: gnome-screensaver, libxcb-screensaver0, libxcb-screensaver0-dbg, libxcb-screensaver0-dev, boinc-screensaver, cinnamon-screensaver, gnome-screensaver-flags, libopengl-xscreensaver-perl, mate-screensaver, mate-screensaver-common (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=screensaver&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all02:14
TardisTravleranyone here?02:15
Hugohi all02:15
TardisTravlerhi hugo02:15
TardisTravlerdid you get this/02:15
votlonNo i can't read anything you say02:15
TardisTravlerthen how do you know if i sent it or not? ;-)02:16
votlonTardis who?02:16
votlonThx for the help again though TJ02:16
HugoAm from East Timor02:16
Hugo& Ubuntu User02:16
Hugoi need help02:16
Hydr0p0nXwhat do you need Hugo ?02:18
Hugohow to close Apport notification in ubuntu?02:19
Hydr0p0nXtry: sudo service apport stop02:21
HugoHydr0p0nX: Obrigado Amigo :)02:22
SuperBOPubuntu 14.04lts sometimes two finger scroll on trackpad brings up alt-tab app switcher instead of scrolling up and down... any ideas on how to fix?02:30
SuperBOPcant find option in keyboard shortcuts or mouse and trackpad in system settings or unity tweak tool02:33
julian_what the hell is this chat room?02:33
SuperBOPquiet apparently02:34
Hydr0p0nXSuperBOP, if it helps, I have the same problem in windows02:35
SuperBOPwindows 8 or 8.1?02:36
Hydr0p0nXI think it's down to sensitivity around the corners and/or mouse buttons02:36
SuperBOPdidnt windows have a 4 finger horizontal scroll app switch?02:36
votlonSuperBOP: U using unity?02:36
SuperBOPvotion: yes02:37
SuperBOPcant pinpoint whats causing it doesnt happen all the time02:37
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=== Derek_ is now known as Guest79239
Guest79239Was wondering if someone would be willing to help a complete lost noob on something02:40
votlonSuperBOP: Test it in xev02:41
Guest79239I kinda got stuck having to set up something that Is way out of my paygrade02:41
votlonAsk the questions and we can help :)02:42
Guest79239Okay I am in another country right now and a company donated a media server for the medical team here02:43
Guest79239(Dr's without borders)02:43
Guest79239it was sent down by plane...02:43
Guest79239Its a server with 6 x 1 TB hard drives running ubuntu02:43
SuperBOPvotlon: u want output or do i look for something should i specify an option ?02:44
Guest79239it has a large repository of movies etc to be like a media server02:44
Guest79239We have wifi in our living area with is a bunch of trailers.. it has like a DSL service here .. I have access to the router (Mikrotik) and the root of the ubuntu server02:44
Guest79239I ran a Cat 5E cable about 35 feet to this thing in hopes I could hook it up to the Mikrotik router and make it shareable to all clients via wif02:45
Guest79239I plugged up the cable to the back on the two Gigabit ports on the back and Gigabit 1 says "unmanaged" when I look at it in network services... port 2 if I plug up I see it saying connecting and the turns off connecting and turns off02:46
votlonSuperBOP: I'd say replicate the event and see what xinput says is happening02:46
Guest79239So I am stuck at that point for now. I also don't understand why there is a switch in the case it came with.. it had its own switch with the cable coming from the back of the computer to port 24 of this cisco switch.. and 3 premade cat 5 cables in ports 1 2 and 3... I can't understand what the people who built this were going with or what their intent was02:47
SuperBOPvotlon: ill try that next time... it seems to happen at random thx for suggestion02:47
Hydr0p0nXGuest79239: can you take a picture of it and post somewhere we can see it ?02:50
Hydr0p0nXwhat i'm picturing doesn't seem like it'd be right02:51
Guest79239sure thing wait one02:51
votlonGuest79239: also run "ifconfig -a"so we can see the network links02:52
votlonGuest79239: Use http://paste.debian.net/ don't post it in chat ;)02:55
Guest79239this is picture02:55
Guest79239gimme a second I gotta take my laptop down to the server02:56
SuperBOPthats a beast02:56
Hydr0p0nXyea, that's not what I was expecting at all02:57
dimmequick question, are there apps that let you dim the screen below the minimum that is available in the brightness settings found within Unity?02:58
votlonGuest79239: So the key to getting the correct answer is asking the right questions, are you just having networking issues?03:00
theguythatreallyhey its me03:02
theguythatreallythe guy asking about the ubuntu server03:03
theguythatreallyi got disconnected03:03
theguythatreallymedia server03:03
votlontheguythatreally: So the key to getting the correct answer is asking the right questions, are you just having networking issues?03:03
theguythatreallybecause at the moment03:03
theguythatreallyi am not getting a connection03:03
votlonWhat os is on ur laptop03:03
theguythatreallywin 703:03
votlonu have any live boot cd's for a linux os?03:04
theguythatreallyi do not03:05
dimmecan you ping host?03:06
theguythatreallyone sec03:06
dimmeor loopback w/e03:06
theguythatreallyi am plugging in the ethernet cable i made to my laptop to see if I can make sure i am even getting anywhere there before i get ahead of myself03:07
theguythatreallywell i have plugged up the cable to my laptop..03:08
theguythatreallyI am getting on my laptop no network access03:09
theguythatreallyhowever I don't know for sure if this port is enabled on the Mikrotik router03:09
theguythatreallywhere the wifi etc is hooked up too03:09
votloninstall an app called zenmap03:09
votlonOn ur windows comptuer not the server03:10
theguythatreallyi am @votlon03:12
eloszI am running sshd on port 22. But I do nc -l -p 3333 -c 'nc localhost 22' on my server03:17
eloszand on client side, I do nc serverip 3333. I can see OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2.6 but no bash access03:17
eloszany idea why? if I type anything, I get protocol mismatch error03:18
thatguythatneedhits me again i keep loosing connection03:20
thatguythatneedhi downloaded the program03:20
votlonuse zenmap to scan the network from your laptop useing the ip's
Hydr0p0nXelosz, what version of ubuntu ?03:24
Hydr0p0nXper the man page, at least 14.04.1, doesn't have -c support03:24
eloszHydr0p0nX: ubuntu 14.0403:24
thatguythatneedhdoing so now #votlon03:24
eloszHydr0p0nX: I installed nc.traditional03:24
votlonthatguythatneedh: i'd do a fast scan if i was u, -F -T403:26
gnuxwho are you ?03:26
votloni am who i am03:26
Hydr0p0nXelosz: what exactly are you trying to accomplish ?03:26
Hydr0p0nXit looks like your trying to proxy ssh over 3333  ?03:27
gnuxhave a tutorial about hacking ?03:28
eloszHydr0p0nX: yeah kinda. clients can connect to port 3333 which will tunnel traffic to port 2203:28
Jordan_Uelosz: Why?03:29
eloszJordan_U: just experimenting03:30
votlongnux: any tutorial about hacking would just make you a script kiddie and we wouldn't want that, now would we03:30
gnuxvolton: i just want to learn how to hacking but I confused how i begin, can help me ?03:31
SuperBOPgnux: what do you want to hack?03:32
davidoIs the "What's New" section of Ubuntu Software Center ever actually updated?03:32
gnux<SuperBOP> wordpress site03:32
RhorseHi,  What is the recommended procedure when going into suspend mode for connected usb drives? Should I unmount them prior to putting computer to sleep, or will they be automagically unmounted and remounted when resume?03:32
Jordan_Ugnux: This channel will not help you with cracking or trying to gain access to websites by exploiting vulnerabilities. Please don't ask again.03:33
votlongnux: No one here would help you knowing that, Mods are gonna banhammer thinking ur trying to blackhat03:33
jbirkyI am thinking about trying Ubuntu Linux again03:35
Hydr0p0nXelosz: any reason not to just use -x  ?03:35
votlonjbirky: no time for think, only do03:35
jbirkyI used to use Ubuntu way back at 7.10 or so03:36
eloszHydr0p0nX: i am trying to get it to work using only nc.traditional03:36
gnuxjbriky: try to update03:36
jbirkyIt was good until some NVidia drivers broke03:36
jbirkyRight now I have Windows 1003:37
jbirky, and I really don't like it03:37
zykotick9Rhorse: i was kinda curious about your question - so i tried it: i had an externally mounted usb drive, suspended/resumed, and the drive was still mounted upon resuming.03:38
jbirkyAnyway, my predominant concern is Unity and drives03:38
jbirkyWill it likely work with my Xerox Phaser 6125?03:38
votlonzykotick9: i think he was asking if its okay for the drive to unmount and remount if it suspends03:38
jbirkyDoes anyone have any suggestions?03:39
votlonUbuntu's binaries are gonna be on windows for bash03:40
votlonu could just wait if u don't like linux enough to switch03:40
jbirkyJust wait for what?03:40
votlonBash on windows 1003:40
jbirkyWhy would I want Bash on Windows 10?03:41
votloni'm assuming ur a gamer since ur worried about the nvidia drivers03:41
jbirkyThat just makes no sense... I bet it doesn't even support drive letters03:41
jbirkyNot a gamemr03:41
Jordan_Ujbirky: Try all of the major flavors, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu via LiveUSB and see which desktop environment(s) suit you.03:41
jbirkybut last time I used Ubuntu I had hell with NVIDIA drivers03:41
votlonu can pretty much just apt-get the drivers now03:42
jbirkyI would have to re-install the nvidia drivers before starting X each time I booted03:42
Rhorsezykotick9: thanks.03:42
davidoNVIDIA drivers are among the best available for Ubuntu these days.03:42
jbirkyOh, cool.03:42
jbirky, so I don't have to turn on all these crazy metaverse repositories?03:43
jbirkyDoes it still run Compiz?03:43
Jordan_Ujbirky: Nope. Just use the "Additional Drivers" tool to enable the proprietary Nvidia drivers, and you may even find that the Free nouveau drivers are good enough now that you can just happily stick with them.03:44
jbirkyOh, cool03:45
Jordan_Ujbirky: Unity still uses Compiz, no other major flavor does by default.03:45
jbirkyAh okay... is there anything better than Compiz currently?03:45
Jordan_Ujbirky: Depends on what you're looking for. I find Gnome Shell's effects to be practical and beautiful, but they don't add effects just for the sake of it like a spinning cube or wobbly windows.03:47
jbirkyAh, okay03:47
jbirkyCan I still run Gnome?03:47
jbirkyI used to use that last time I used Ubuntu03:47
votlonluls widnow03:48
Jordan_Ujbirky: KDE can wobble its windows but doesn't by default. Again, I recommend just trying all the major DEs yourself.03:48
jbirkyOkay, so like KDE, Gnome, and Unity?03:48
Jordan_Ujbirky: Yes. And maybe XFCE for a modern but still "traditional" DE.03:49
RhorseJordan_U: some people just have too many cpu cycles to spare. That's my take of desktop effects.03:49
lotuspsychjei tested wobbly windows on unity7 with compiz plugins extras, and working like a charm on 14.0403:49
jbirkyI used to use something that added a macintosh like Dock03:49
jbirkyI would sort of like something like that at the bottom03:49
jbirkyand/or a start menu like Windows 703:49
jbirky... without the START button03:49
lotuspsychjejbirky: 16.04 with unity wil be able to set dock at bottom, you can install docky also03:50
jbirkyapt-get install still?03:51
lotuspsychje!info docky | jbirky sudo apt-get install docky03:51
ubottujbirky sudo apt-get install docky: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version (wily), package size 609 kB, installed size 3329 kB03:51
jbirkyHow is the new Kernel?03:51
jbirkyLast kernel I used was 2.6.x03:51
jbirkyIs Kernel 4.x still stable, reliable, etc.03:52
lotuspsychjejbirky: lets not generalize things, focus on your specific issues03:52
jbirkyIt sounds like it will be okay03:52
jbirkyThe only other support I need is to be able to run Microsoft Office and to print03:53
jbirkyI have a Phaser 612503:53
trento_fanhello all03:53
jbirkyIf not, I guess I could buy a new printer03:53
lotuspsychjetrento_fan: welcome, how can we help you?03:54
jbirkyWell, I am going to give it a try thanks03:55
lotuspsychjejbirky: some older versions of ms office you can install via wine/playonlinux03:55
trento_fanthanks, no help needed. just wanted to see what everyone is up to03:55
jbirkyAh okay03:55
lotuspsychjejbirky: printing, in most cases will be able by default, some need drivers03:55
lotuspsychjejbirky: libreoffice is a nice alternative and recommended03:56
jbirkyI have tried Libre on Windows03:56
jbirkyIt was just alright03:57
jbirkyReminded me of Office 200303:57
lotuspsychje!discuss | jbirky03:57
ubottujbirky: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.03:57
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february /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER february blrhnamcvpzw04:14
Hydr0p0nXoops ?04:15
Hydr0p0nXgood thing passwords show up as X's in chat04:15
februarythis is not my password. it's register pin04:16
februaryi mean it's a verifying code04:17
februarythanks for that! Hydr0p0nX04:19
ShutterBCHas anyone had issues with Chrome completely hanging after a recent update?04:29
Hydr0p0nXI don't use Chrome all that much, sorry04:30
=== ruenoak1 is now known as ruenoak
nikolamHi, Does Ubuntu LTS (14.04) samba (4.1.6) received and receives security updates?04:48
Hydr0p0nXhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS , yes it receives updates04:50
Hydr0p0nXfor another 3 yrs +/-04:52
Gallomimia!info teamspeak305:04
ubottuPackage teamspeak3 does not exist in wily05:04
Gallomimiahey is there a TS3 package?05:04
Gallomimiaor i gotta download from site?05:04
M-alex_mayorgaGallomimia (IRC): Looks like the bot already said there isn't.05:05
=== christopher_ is now known as protoss
baizonGallomimia: from the website05:05
GallomimiaM-alex_mayorga: the bot doesn't tell you if you spelled it wrong or it's some wild other name05:07
lotuspsychje!info mumble | Gallomimia or try this one?05:09
ubottuGallomimia or try this one?: mumble (source: mumble): Low latency encrypted VoIP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.8-2ubuntu1 (wily), package size 2457 kB, installed size 5237 kB05:09
Gallomimiayes, i have mumble05:10
M-alex_mayorgaGallomimia (IRC): Fair point.05:10
Gallomimiabut it really doesn't seem to agree with the windows userbase05:10
lotuspsychje!teamspeak | Gallomimia05:10
ubottuGallomimia: teamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/05:10
Gallomimiacan't tell if its cause they're stupid, or if it's genuinely hard to use on windows :/05:10
Gallomimia*insert fry squinty meme face here*05:11
M-alex_mayorgaI'm trying to install 16.04 on my sister's laptop and got stuck as described at http://askubuntu.com/questions/750229/attempting-to-re-install-ubuntu-results-in-blank-gray-screen/ Anyone here knows how to workaround?05:11
lotuspsychjeM-alex_mayorga: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 support please05:12
M-alex_mayorgalotuspsychje (IRC): Seems to be a problem since 14.04 days it seems so I wonder if anyone here knows a fix.05:14
M-alex_mayorgalotuspsychje (IRC): But thanks! Will ask there too.05:14
lotuspsychjeM-alex_mayorga: if you tried it with 16.04 plz join #ubuntu+105:14
protossI don't seem to be able to install updates, Software Updater crashes when it flashes "Configuring Samba", and sudo apt-get update doesn't appear to actually update anything. Any suggestions for how to fix?05:16
daxGallomimia: nothing wrong with Mumble on Windows, I used to use it regularly05:34
daxGallomimia: so the former I guess05:34
GallomimiaI'm going to blame windows for dumbing them down then... cause it's happened more than once. And from people who I consider smart with computers.05:35
Gallomimiaaside from their windows affliction :/05:35
daxanyway. If I recall correctly Teamspeak's Linux client's license is a mess05:35
daxDiscord is another option, I think it works on Linux05:35
Gallomimiayeah uhm... license. i read it. sure05:35
daxthat explains more why it isn't packaged :P05:36
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest89103
Guest89103How to play mp3 and others video file in xubuntu 14.405:37
Gallomimiai prever mpv05:37
Gallomimiaothers vlc05:37
Gallomimiabut most require some library to be installed. also for general music use, i prefer amarok05:38
Gallomimiause software center or apt-get to install them05:38
Guest89103which distribution best for old pc "intel duel core processor 3gb of ram and no on board 256mb graphics"05:42
Guest89103sj3530il model no..05:43
Guest89103compaq sg353oil model no..05:44
Guest89103which os best for use05:44
baizonGuest89103: i recommend xubuntu or lubuntu05:44
Guest89103i try to install ubuntu 14.405:44
Guest89103but 1080p video play very slow..05:44
Guest89103730p play good why..?05:45
baizonGuest89103: use vdpau, then it will work05:45
baizonGuest89103: vdpau/vaapi05:45
Guest89103how to use05:45
m0j0FreeBSD 🙂05:46
RhorseGuest89103: lack of video memory?05:56
Guest891031080p video play slow in ubuntu 14.4 my pc have no graphics card. but 730p video run well. what to do now..?05:56
=== Petru is now known as Guest33279
Guest89103how to fix this problem05:57
m0j0Buy new video card?05:57
lotuspsychjeGuest89103: try smplayer also, i found it playing smoother then vlc on some cards05:57
Guest89103but when i try xp or 7 1080p video run well why..?05:58
m0j0What is your video card chipset?05:58
Guest89103Intel G31 Express06:00
Guest89103The MS-7525 (Boston) motherboard06:00
Guest89103now what to do ...?06:01
=== anonymous is now known as Guest45997
Guest89103Intel G31 Express chipset06:01
lotuspsychjeGuest89103: try what baizon suggested, more lightweight: lubuntu or xubuntu06:02
Guest89103i like ubuntu...06:02
lotuspsychjeGuest89103: but maybe ubuntu desktop doesnt like your specs06:02
fedoenGuest89103: Ubuntu doesn't like old comps :)06:02
Guest89103ok thanks06:03
fedoenI guess with new versions ubuntu will get more overkill?! I just swapped my comp last year, got a ssd and now it runs smooth (15.10)06:06
yufwi was trying to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04, but always failed to download groff-base, it says size mismatch, what should i do?06:23
octavian_E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:35
octavian_W: Failed to fetch http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/True-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found06:35
=== badon_ is now known as badon
madhuriHi, How can I delete a lv?06:43
fedoenoctavian_: http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/  - True-backports doens't exist06:43
madhuriI am getting error "is used by another device"06:44
octavian_fedoen, sohow can I fix it?06:44
madhuriI have tried deleting it forcefully also06:44
madhuriBut it didn't work06:44
fedoenoctavian_: you use desktop?06:45
octavian_fedoen, yes06:45
fedoenI didn't get your ubuntu version...06:45
octavian_fedoen, 16.0406:46
fedoenI'm not there yet06:46
fedoenoctavian_:  but you can use software and updates on your desktop to check other software to see if you don't have there anything added by hand06:47
fedoenoctavian_: also on ubuntu software page you can select a different server (main server) as beta version might not be yet available on ro servers06:48
lee_G750jmhello is anyone here07:02
lee_G750jmmy question is  what am i getting  NetworkManager[1102]: <warn> error requesting auth for org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.open: (3) GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get UID of name ':1.30': no such name07:04
lee_G750jmall through out my syslog07:04
=== badon_ is now known as badon
exalthello, when is do sudo ufw allow 53, does this mean that port 53 is open on both udp and utp ?07:09
lee_G750jmif so is that error something i should be concerned with07:12
=== metalcamp_ is now known as metalcamp
luk22Could someone help me with selected items, in ubuntu?07:28
davidobest chances are to just ask, rather than asking to ask.07:29
luk22Is there any way to turn off icons on my desktop being selected AFTER I execute them, and not have to deselect them manually?07:31
walter-jsomeone can help me to fix this error : QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded07:33
=== Simran is now known as davikaur
vaccineHi, I tried running Econnman on my ubuntu 14.04 host and now my wireless isn't working.. rfkill shows a soft block but I'm not clear how to get it running again.  Any suggestions?07:41
Archwhat is nat07:46
Seveasvaccine: try this: nmcli radio all on07:47
vaccineSeveas, says it's not installed =(07:48
Seveasthen you're not running stock ubuntu :)07:48
Seveasah, 14.04, missed that. nmcli didn't exist back then I think07:48
vaccineShould I go to 15.10?07:49
SuperBOPArch: network address translation07:49
Seveasvaccine: well, if you prefer LTS, I'd wait a month and upgrade to 16.0407:49
Seveasvaccine: if you rightclick on the network-manager icon, don't you get an option to enable wifi?07:50
vaccineSeveas, when I open the network prefs I get a pop-up that says "The system network services are not compatible with this version" =(07:51
Seveasthat sounds like you've been messing with PPA's07:51
SuperBOPArch: yes07:51
Archok thanks07:52
SuperBOPArch: welcome07:52
vaccineYeah, a little.. I was messing with Econnman, and it barfed07:52
Archok thanks SuperBOP07:52
SuperBOPArch: np did that help?07:52
vaccineSeveas, I can hook up an ethernet cable and get nmcli if you think it would help07:53
SuperBOPArch: awesome! im out have a good weekend07:53
Archone thing i have to know.07:54
Archok peace07:54
Seveasvaccine: neh, you'll need to upgrade network-manager for that, and that won't work. Though it will help to disable the ppa's and reinstall network-manager from the ubuntu repos07:54
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:54
SuperBOPArch: peace these guys know everything they can prob help07:54
SuperBOPgood luck07:55
Archill take it thanks, right back.07:56
vaccineWell, I used some of the PPAs to install enlightenment07:56
meridelAnyone not indleing ? ^^07:56
geirhameridel: If you have a question, just ask07:57
meridelSo I got a problem just at the post-install of Ubuntu: I can't login in graphical mode07:57
meridelIt justs brings me back to the login area07:58
meridelI can login in command line tho07:58
meridelI searched on the forums and a lot of people said the solution is to rm the .Xauthority file: sadly, it didn't work and the file keeps beeing generated07:58
Seveasmeridel: xauthority seems unlikely. Check for errors in ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:59
meridelThank you, trying that07:59
Ben64meridel: the problem isn't that the file exists, but that it might exist and not be owned by you08:02
meridelYeah, that's what I red08:02
vaccineSeveas, any recommendations what to do from here?  I need the PPAs for enlightenment, but I can always reinstall it. But my wifi still won't be working.08:02
vaccineI could just reinstall with 15.1008:02
vaccineand go from there08:02
Seveasvaccine: well, with enlightenment the network is managed differently anyway, and I have no clue about how it does its things.08:03
meridelI dont really have any error message in the logs, it just says that a lot a procs were TERM08:06
meridelWell I guess i'll reinstall T_T08:08
haltI expect this channel is busy so if you have any better suggestion for my question please feel free, I have a Thinkpad x260 with Siera 4G modem, and I fail to make it work, I can see the modem, even the SIM in the modem but can't turn it on08:20
haltby default the ubuntu certification is valid only for the LTS, and I'm running latest, and also the 4G card is not listed even on the certification page, but I hope I can make it work08:21
haltI tried it with mbim-networks modem-manager network manager but no luck08:23
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TJ-halt: most issues with USB modems is due to needing a special rule in usb-modeswitch to recognise and switch the USB device from it's initial identity as a virtual CD device, into another identity as a serial-port based modem, OR an Ethernet network device08:31
haltok that's something so usb-modeswitch as a package has a config which I will need to experiment with I guess08:37
Lumia930has any one used collabnet Edge ?08:41
Lumia930Collabnet Edge am unable to set permission for users.. any one hands on this ?08:41
TJ-halt: not so much no, but you need to identify *which mode* - Ethernet or Serial Port Modem - the Sierra 4G is in. If it is presenting an *Ethernet* interface modem-manager will have nothing to do with it, and instead you treat it like any other wired Ethernet connection08:52
TJ-halt: so, check if you've got an unexpected Ethernet link: "ip link show"08:52
halt I do have a wwan0 interface if that's you asking08:54
TJ-halt: well, then that is probably it. Check if it has been given an IP address "ip add show dev wwan0"08:56
exaltdoes this mean my firewall is blocking bind ? Apr  2 08:43:35 ns2 kernel: [391115.276717] [UFW BLOCK] IN= OUT=eth0 SRC=y.y.y.y DST=x.x.x.x LEN=65 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=60124 PROTO=UDP SPT=63897 DPT=53 LEN=4508:56
TJ-halt: it's VERY possible the device has an internal DHCP server, and issues your PC with an address. That will suggest there is an embedded web server on the modem, and you connect to it via your browser to log-in and enable the connection08:56
TJ-exalt: yes; blocking outgoing DNS UDP requests08:57
TJ-halt: if my hypothesis is correct, you need to check the modem docs to find out what IP address it'll be presenting. You may find it via "ip neigh show"08:58
haltTJ-: I can't see any IP on the interface, nor found any webinterface ( yet ) if this help the device iteslf is a build in 4G model, to be more specific ( usb:0 Sierra Wirelsee EM7455 Qaulcomm Snapdragon X7 LTE-A )09:01
haltcheckount neigh now09:01
haltip neigh show give me an empty respond09:02
TJ-do you know if the device is EM or MC series? see http://www.sierrawireless.com/products-and-solutions/embedded-solutions/em-and-mc-series/09:03
exaltTJ-: i have been able to fix the firewall problem, how do i chech wheter my setup works09:05
exalti guess it can take a while untill the nameservers are adapted, am i right09:06
haltTJ-: based on the component list I expect it's EM but not sure... I got the EM7455 from the lshw09:07
exalthmm what does "The parent nameservers do not have your nameservers listed" mean ?09:08
baranutarhacker crazy team09:08
TJ-halt: this forum post linked from the Sierra tech docs section for that EM7455 indicates you need to take special measures to get it to work: https://forum.sierrawireless.com//viewtopic.php?f=117&t=961109:08
baranutarhacker by dart frog09:09
TJ-halt: the Seirra tech docs area seems to confirm the device can do either serial or ethernet interfaces09:10
ubottuTrucio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:10
exaltTJ-: http://www.buddyns.com/delegation-lab/noxor.nl <-- how do i fix this09:11
exalti guess i have to make ns5.dns.nl point to my authority09:11
TJ-exalt: if you're using a 3rd party DNS service, then the SOA can be set to one of their servers, and you configure your DNS server with the 3rd party's servers as slaves to allow zone transfers to them09:13
exaltno i have set the dns servers up myself and pointed the nameservers of the domain to mine09:14
exalthmm i toke a second view and i guess it is configured okey, i guess09:14
exaltjust wait09:14
TJ-exalt: that graph looks to be telling me that dns.nl are operating as the advertised name-servers for noxor.nl. I'd expect ns1.noxor.nl to be the SOA in that case with it configured to do zone transfers to the dns.nl network09:16
haltTJ-: so you suggest if I let it switch to enternet interface ( or force it somehow ) then I will be able to connect to like a client and the connection will be not managed from the OS itself but the firmware on the device, if I got the idea right ? in the meantime I'm reading up the forum you just posted it's super fresh, comments are just from yesterday09:17
TJ-exalt: it looks like you've got a mistake in the SOA admin contact email address09:19
TJ-halt: yes, that is the general way it works. I have a device like that from Huewai09:20
TJ-exalt: it shows as "admin.noxor.nl.noxor.nl." which tells me you entered the full domain-name without a "." suffix, so it has appended the zone name to it09:22
rindolfHi all! 1. I'd like to report than in an Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64 VM connected to bezeqint.net in Israel, "apt-get update" often gets stalled on a line for many seconds. 2. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases - what does "HWE" mean here? I cannot find it here - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=HWE&ia=meanings09:24
HyperbyteHi!  After some recent updates on 14.04 LTS my laptop suddenly turns on numlock after login (it's off on the login screen).  I've Googled for this and found 1849 articles about how to turn numlock on by default, but how do I turn it off? :-)09:24
rindolfHyperbyte: let me see.09:26
HyperbyteThis is XFCE btw.  I should've mentioned that.09:26
HyperbyteIn fact, maybe I should ask there or file a bug report there?  Since it happens after login.09:27
rindolfHyperbyte: maybe use numlockx off?09:28
rindolfHyperbyte: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145782409:28
HyperbyteHm, I didn't know numlockx could also turn numlock off... that's useful.09:29
HyperbyteOkay that's a nice workaround...09:30
rindolfHyperbyte: you're welcome .09:31
mhahehello all, Having issues with my network and packet loss. running ubuntu 14.04. getting lots of erratic packet loss09:32
mhaheany similar cases recently? This problem started last week after an update. I fixed it by reseting my mac address for the wifi ssid in the network manager. seemed to do the trick until today.09:32
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rindolfmhahe: hi! Is the mac address ok now?09:35
mhaheit wasn't set until I set it and it remains there unchanged. the issue is similar to before in behaviour but obviously the previous fix isn't the solution this time around09:36
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rindolfmhahe: ah, do you have any other system on that machine? Does it work ok there?09:38
mhaheits not dual boot. I have my wife's laptop. windows 10. working perfectly09:39
mhaheI'm getting packet loss pinging my gateway/router from ubuntu. no packet loss from windows09:39
mhahealso tracert working to from windows. traceroute on ubuntu works some and then not for some09:40
mhaheI think i'm going to do a fresh install. dont have time for this bs. :S09:41
rindolfmhahe: bye! I'm going for a walk.09:41
rindolfmhahe: good luck in fixing the problem.09:41
tuxdude143So im having an issue in ubuntu 15.10. im using a surface pro 2 and after the os has been up for around 15 minutes with the wifi on the whole system locks up. I hear updating to kernel 4.3 may fix it but Im not sure if 15.10 uses kernel 4.3 already09:58
tuxdude143anyone else had experience with 15.10 on the surface pro?10:00
vbotkatuxdude143, it doesn't, latest update of kernel in 15.10 is 4.2.0-3410:01
tuxdude143Oh i see. That might be why. I hear a lot of surface related fixes got added in 4.3 so updating to it would probably fix my problem. Ill try that tomorrow10:02
vbotkatuxdude143, or give a try to 16.04 if not in production ?10:03
tuxdude143Eh, i dont mind waiting for 16.04. If i can fix the issues in 15.10 then that will surfice me until 16.04 stable rolls out10:04
vbotkatuxdude143, tes, that's the trade-off10:05
tuxdude143I'll just update the kernel and see if that fixes my issue10:06
JennyBlueBirdHi guys. In xubuntu Is there any easy way to disable the mouse settings daemon/applet as I prefer to use my xorg.conf.d directory to set the mouse configuration ?10:06
JennyBlueBirdPresently it seems to override the xorg settings ( I assume it reads xinput or something )10:06
vbotkaJennyBlueBird, in 15.10 I redefined the buttons in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/11-mouse.conf and didn't have to disable any daemon. You just have to restart X after you change configuration.10:12
JennyBlueBirdvbotka, I've done that, and it works as expected in the login screen, but once I log in my mouse acceleration is higher than I want10:12
JennyBlueBirdvbotka, specifically, I want to set it at lower than minimum10:13
JennyBlueBirdvbotka, so, is there an easy way to simply kill whatever app or service controls it ?10:13
JennyBlueBirdI just want it to not mess with the settings at all10:13
vbotkaJennyBlueBird, you might want to try and run xfce4-settings-editor, select pointers and edit the acceleration manually.10:18
JennyBlueBirdvbotka, it does not go down far enough, and yes that was the first thing I tried10:19
JennyBlueBirdI want to decellerate it10:19
JennyBlueBirdand no, the default controls don't do it10:19
JennyBlueBirdI am using unusual features that the default GUI does not support, so I need to make it not mess with my setings10:20
JennyBlueBirdfrankly, all these gui settings managers should have a checkbox that's just "honour default configuration" or something10:20
meridelI still have a problem on my fresh install, the font is totally messed up10:21
meridelI have black, white and invisible letters in any word, and changing the gnome theme doesnt change anything10:21
The_Flyhello, everything was working fine until a recent update, now nvidia-settings gives me a blank error dialog when i switch from intel to nvidia graphics10:22
The_Flyn56vm laptop with hybrid graphics10:22
meridelAnyone ever had this problem before ?10:22
The_Flyanyone able to advise10:22
meridelNo idea sorry The_Fly10:22
The_Flyi think the kernel version was updated10:23
The_Flynot sure actually10:23
The_Fly3.19.0-51 to 3.19.0-56 possibly10:24
CookieMyou may pick previous kernel while booting10:24
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue10:24
The_FlyLinux version 3.19.0-56-generic (buildd@lgw01-10) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #62~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 11 11:03:15 UTC 201610:25
The_Flyi think it updated recently, and switching to nvidia broke10:26
The_Flygraphics is GT 630M10:26
The_Flyi had issues before and did a full reinstall10:26
The_Flynow ive done NOTHING other than upgrade from software centre or apt10:26
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  i can see it's 14.04.1 ... first upgrade to 14.04.410:27
The_Flyis this the cause of the issue?10:27
JennyBlueBirdvbotka, gonna try to explicitly set the acceleration profile too and see if that is what is messing with it , wish me luck10:27
The_Flyany way to get better diagnostics than an empty error message MonkeyDust ?10:27
The_FlyMonkeyDust: back, sorry10:30
vimeshello! I Am trying to kill a process and make it stop autostarting, but I cannot for the love of god figure out how. any help? :) http://hastebin.com/uhebeliyoj.sm10:31
vimescan't find the process in htop10:33
haltvimes: because it's not running10:34
haltthe only match in grep is the grep itself10:34
haltor it is running then under a different name not minecraft for sure10:35
vimesoh, my minecraft server cant start because it says it is already running too. must be something else, thanks10:35
vimesso ps x | grep <something> will ALWAYS yeld at least one result?10:36
haltvimes: check the sockets and PID's the init script might check that10:36
haltunless you trick him not to "[m]inecraft "10:37
haltthat will search for the same but does not match himself10:37
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  first upgrade to 14.04.4 ... sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade10:38
haltvimes: or instead of ps | grep you can use pgrep and that will do that by default10:38
vimesthanks, there must be a fault in the script I'm trying to run10:38
The_Flyhave done apt update and upgrade, do i need to do dist-upgrade to get to 14.04.4?10:39
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  yes, or full-upgrade10:39
Bluekingare this normal ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15586424/10:40
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vimescould you guys take a look at the script? It's not ubuntu specific though10:40
MonkeyDustvimes  better ask in #bash10:41
The_FlyMonkeyDust: wait.. Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l10:41
The_Flyalready there10:42
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  ok, great10:42
MonkeyDustThe_Fly  as for the rest, i'm not familiar enough with nvidia or hybrid graphics10:43
meridelAnyone has an idea of why my fonts are completely messed up ? Like I said, some letters are invisible, I deactivated an option called "Hinting" and it's better but it's not perfect :/10:43
The_FlyMonkeyDust: i had issues before and reinstall helped, im not willing to do that again10:44
The_FlyMonkeyDust: or i could, but it is a waste of time, i suppose i want to discover what has broken behind the scenes this time. it's a little disconcerting10:44
ernoldHow can I mount an encrypted drive? My laptop died recently and I want to try recovering data from the HD. Also, will it be possible to recover the data with the user credentials I was using on the laptop and no other information?10:44
The_FlyMonkeyDust: all I get from nvidia-settings (on startup) is (nvidia-settings:2602): IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/the_fly/.config/ibus/bus is not root!10:45
rindolfernold: hi, how did you encrypt it? Do you still have the password?10:50
rindolfernold: which partitions are there?10:50
ernoldrindolf: I can't remember, TBH (I realise this is unhelpful!). It was my first Linux machine, a few years ago, and I just followed the Ubuntu 12.04 setup, and decided to encrypt then.10:53
ernoldrindolf: I think there are root, boot, home and tmp partitions; maybe not exactly that, but something similar.10:54
ernoldthough I'd be very happy getting just the contents from my home directory10:54
rindolfernold: ah.10:55
rindolfernold: well, it's probably encrypted with your login password.10:55
ernoldrindolf: Ah, OK, that would be perfect! Can I just mount it with `mount` and decrypt? I tried mounting before and wasn't able to see any files10:57
rindolfernold: perhaps see this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line10:57
moojuiseG'day peeps, new to using Linux and Ubuntu – set it up on a W10 pc and used a 150gig partition for it just so I could try before I buy so to speak – ive kinda fallen for Ubuntu and now really want to expand the partition – or even have it installed as the only OS and completely remove W10 – is this possible?10:58
cfhowlettit is10:59
moojuisecheers man - ill start the search now11:00
jpmhI am confused:  I have a 14.4 system with doevcot running.  All is good.  If I do: service dovecot status it works well but if I do service --status-all, it does not show up.  What am I missing here?11:00
cfhowlettmoojuise, boot the live ubuntu, open gparted, delete your unwanted windows partitions. then join all freed space as an unallocated partition. install ubuntu there11:00
moojuisethanks cfhowlett11:01
ernoldrindolf: thanks! I'm currently running Debian in a VM on Windows 10; is that likely to complicate things at all?11:01
moojuiseappreciate it11:01
cfhowlettmoojuise, happhy2help!11:03
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rindolfernold: I think it will.11:04
ernoldrindolf: will it be impossible? Or will I just need to mount it in the VM like with a normal USB drive?11:06
TJ-ernold: how did you encrypted the data originally? Was it so-called 'full disk' encryption (entire block device) or user home directory (which uses ecryptfs) ?11:06
ernoldTJ-: pretty sure it was encryptfs now you mention it11:07
zxdI have Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) , using xubuntu 16 beta  When X loads I get corrupted display if I goto console ctrl+alt+f1  and back alt+f7  the screen becomes clean again11:08
zxdwhy does this happen11:08
TJ-ernold: OK, then you can use "ecryptfs-recover-private <${MOUNTPOINT}/home/.ecryptfs/${OLD_USER_NAME}/.Private"11:09
meridelThe proprietary driver for nvidia is fglrx right ?11:10
auronandace!ubuntu+1 | zxd11:10
ubottuzxd: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+111:10
cfhowlettmeridel, nope.11:10
ernoldTJ-: thanks, I'll try that11:10
TJ-ernold: replace ${MOUNTPOINT} with the directory where you have mounted the original file-system. eplace ${OLD_USER_NAME} with the username you used on that old file-system. If everything goes well you'll be asked if you know the original passphrase. Answer yes, and then you'll need to give the old user's account password. Then it'll unlock and mount the user's file-system under the /tmp/XXXX/ directory11:10
zxdauronandace, it happens the same in xubuntu 15 and 14  only going to console and back dosen't fix the problem in the other ones11:11
zxdit freezes completly11:11
meridelMh, I have a problem with my graphic driver (for a GTX 750 Ti), that makes trouble with fonts (invisible letters...), does someone has any idea of how I could fix this please ? It would be much appreciated, i'm on this since a few hours :/11:11
meridelWell I think it's the driver anyway11:12
ernoldTJ-: if I don't know the original passphrase (but do know the user password), is it impossible?11:12
TJ-ernold: the user password is what you need11:12
anttomy wallpaper gets messed up on ubuntustudio 14 with lxde in certain conditions, like after suspend11:12
ernoldTJ-: perfect,OK. Thanks11:12
TJ-ernold: the way ecryptfs works is it creates an encryption key which is itself encrypted by your user's password. That is calle 'wrapping' the passphrase11:13
meridelDo you think I should update my driver in unstable ?11:13
ernoldTJ-: ohh, I see11:13
TJ-ernold: so your user password is used to gain access to the key that is actually used to encrypt11:13
TJ-ernold: that way you can change your user password without messing up the encryption. If your password were used directly to encrypt and you changed it, your data would be gone :)11:13
rindolfmeridel: fglrx are the proprietary drivers for ATI cards.11:14
rindolfmeridel: which driver are you using - nvidia or nouveau?11:15
meridelI installed the proprietary driver so I guess it's the nvidia11:15
meridelI had the same problem with the free driver tought, that's why I'm not sure it comes from the driver11:15
meridelBut I have no idea what else could do that ^^11:16
zxdhow do I disable 3d acceleration ?11:22
zxdI only need 2d11:22
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ellipsis753Hello. Any recommendations for a $600 ubuntu laptop at the moment?11:41
MonkeyDustellipsis753  #ubuntu-offtopic11:42
TJ-don't we have a bot 'certified' hotlink?11:44
TJ-!hci | ellipsis75311:46
TJ-!hardware | ellipsis753 strange, factoids claims 'hci' does hardware11:47
ubottuellipsis753 strange, factoids claims 'hci' does hardware: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:47
fenecois there any way to use skype for group video calls on ubuntu?11:47
cfhowlettfeneco, msft has apparently disabled that function for linux11:50
fenecocfhowlett: yes, and the web version is not compatible with linux yet11:54
amincdhi, I used boot-repair-disk and now I have a bunch of extra stuff on my grub when booting up12:00
amincdcurious as to why those extra options might be there, and how to remove them12:00
amincdI'm a relative Ubuntu novice12:00
TJ-amincd: in general "sudo update-grub" that runs scripts under /etc/grub.d/ generates the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file, so what are the entries you're not liking? For the Ubuntu install, for other OSes on the same PC?12:01
hicoleriIs there any place where I can 'request' the building of binaries from particular sources? I want the binaries of aseprite (>1.0, not the repository version).12:01
amincdTJ-: for the Windows installation on the same PC12:01
TJ-hicoleri: the only option is to find someone who has built the packages you want in a Personal Package Archive (PPA) on Launchpad12:02
MonkeyDusthicoleri  do you want to develop apps? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-app-devel12:02
amincdTJ-: I'll have to reboot and take a photo of the grub screen to show you the extra boot options12:02
amincdA possibly related problem: I'm getting E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  when trying: sudo apt-get install python-flup12:04
hicoleriMonkeyDust:I *can* program, but I only need the tools right now.12:04
instigatorHello is there a way to find out at what time a specific daemon rotates logs?12:05
instigatortried looking in /etc/lograte.d/ but didnt find a specific time12:06
instigator* /etc/logrotate.d12:06
TJ-amincd: just "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"12:06
bekksinstigator: So look at sudo crontab -l and see when logrotate is triggered.12:07
pavloslogrotate runs daily at 4:17am12:07
amincdTJ-: there's no sensitive information in the config file?12:09
amincdpasswords, browsing history, etc?12:09
amincdjk about the second item..12:09
lolare you hacker12:11
MonkeyDustlol  this is ubuntu support12:11
cfhowlettlol topic for this channel is ubuntu support.12:18
thinkyi wanna dual boot with windows and ubuntu but grub2 doesnt work12:18
thinkyhow can i fix that?12:18
thinkyis there anybody?12:21
MonkeyDust!details | thinky12:22
ubottuthinky: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:22
thinkyi installed windows and after i installed ubuntu. but it seems grub2 doesnt work that it directly boots to windows without asking me which one to boot.12:22
thinkyis it clear now?12:23
TJ-thinky: sounds like you have a UEFI based PC, and the default boot entry is set to Windows in the PC's boot manager12:26
thinkyyes TJ-12:27
harisankarwassup ppl12:27
TJ-thinky: so, it is possible Ubuntu installer was unable to add its entry to the PC's boot menu due to Secure Boot, or a buggy firmware.12:27
thinkynow i booted from usb flash disk to ubuntu12:27
thinky` Try ubuntu `12:28
TJ-thinky: there are also some manufacturers that ship known buggy UEFI firmware that fails to accept new boot menu entries12:28
TJ-thinky: what make/model is the PC?12:28
thinkyi downloaded ubuntu iso from ubuntu website12:28
thinkymy laptop is ThinkPad X20112:28
anddamI'm looking with interest at the upcoming Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition, couple questions: does USB cable charge the device? I'm looking at a "dock" solution where I can connect it home to my display with usb hub and have it charging while working12:29
cfhowlettanddam, go to the website for hardware specs.12:29
anddamalso is there an "official" cover with builtin stand and an official keyboard?12:29
anddamI went already, thanks12:29
Mathisenthinky, then mount your ubuntu install to /mnt for this example then 1. for i in /sys /proc /run /dev; do sudo mount --bind "$i" "/mnt$i"; done  2. sudo chroot /mnt  3. update-grub  4. grub-install /dev/sd???? 5. update-grub12:29
cfhowlettthen you know what we know12:30
Mathisenthinky, should work after that12:30
anddamoh, the cover is there12:30
anddamcfhowlett: well not necessarily, there could be someone with specific knowledge of that12:30
anddambut I see the point, this is a channel of end users12:30
thinkyMathisen:  what exactly should i type in terminal?12:30
leptospireHey folks, I need some help with a script to download the latest local weather radar image12:31
anddamI wonder if there's a keyboard with builtin track, à-la-IBM trackpad12:31
anddamthe concept is really nice12:31
leptospireI am new to bash scripting and I am struggling with the syntax around variables and combining them with strings12:31
leptospireCan anyone take a look and help me out? http://pastebin.com/hjW5dXME12:31
anddamanother thing I wasn't able to figure is if the external display connected via HDMI is going to only support the builtin display size12:31
cfhowlettanddam, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic12:31
Mathisenthinky, show me output from " lsblk "12:32
anddamcfhowlett: didn't seem that OT but sure12:32
anddamleptospire: do you have an actual issue?12:33
thinkyMathisen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15587573/12:33
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anddamleptospire: if that script is supposed to be run standalone you should add a shebang line, the first one starting with #!12:34
Mathisenthinky, is sda4 your ubuntu install ?12:34
MonkeyDustthinky  now lsblk -f12:34
thinkyyes Mathisen12:34
leptospireanndam, I have an issue. My script doesn't work as it should. I will add the #! to the start12:34
Mathisenthinky, > sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt12:34
anddamleptospire: I wouldn't recommend using bash as interpreter as much as sh, but if that's what you actually want or need #bash is quite active12:34
Mathisenthinky, then folow steps i wrote before12:35
thinkyMonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15587579/12:35
Mathisenthinky, step nr.4 is what drive you want grub to be on12:35
leptospireanddam, I don't know the difference between bash and shell12:35
anddamleptospire: but that's just for having it working as "executable", if you're sourcing the script or passing it as argument to a shell that won't matter12:35
Mathisenthinky, so think before you do that12:35
^Lestathi. I'm running an instance of ubuntu-php5 on docker (first try at docker). Im getting a 404. I know the server is running because I'm getting the 404. I have run ocker run -tid -p 80:80 -v ~/Dropbox/docker/my_sites:/var/www nimmis/apache-php512:35
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anddamleptospire: well shell is a general term, bash is a program implementing a shell12:35
^Lestat...to map the volume to my dropbox12:35
leptospireanndam I will be running this as an script through cron.12:35
anddamleptospire: also I find bash escaping a bit of a PITA to work with12:36
thinkyMathisen: 1. for i in /sys /proc /run /dev; do sudo mount --bind "$i" "/mnt$i"; done12:36
thinkywhat s that?12:36
Mathisenthinky, yes12:36
TJ-leptospire: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/15587589/12:37
thinkywhat exactly should i write in terminal for 1) ?12:37
TJ-leptospire: I've corrected all the obvious problems but there may be errors in your logic :)12:37
Mathisenthinky, for i in /sys /proc /run /dev; do sudo mount --bind "$i" "/mnt$i"; done12:37
^Lestatso Im assuming theres a setting in my server instance that I neeed to set?12:37
thinkyi did that Mathisen12:38
leptospireHey TJ-, thanks! I will take a look and see if it works12:38
TJ-leptospire: as a stand-alone script it helps to add a first line that is #!/bin/sh    (called a she-bang line)12:38
Mathisenthinky, then >> sudo chroot /mnt12:38
TJ-leptospire: with a she-bang bin-format can automatically execute the script using the correct program12:38
thinkynow Mathisen step 412:38
thinkygrub-install /dev/sd12:39
anddamTJ-: or will die trying12:39
thinkysd4 is the ubuntu partition12:39
Mathisenthinky, what drive do you want grub on ?12:39
thinkysd4 not?12:39
thinky1-2 is for windows12:39
thinky4 ubuntu12:39
thinky5 swap area12:39
thinkyno idea what is 312:39
Mathisenthinky,  grub-install /dev/sda12:40
thinkyjust sda ?12:40
^LestatDunno how you guys remember all these commands. I guess I'm slowly learning them. Very slowly.12:40
anddamleptospire, TJ- : I admit I haven't yet got the logic of the script12:40
thinkyroot@ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/sda Installing for i386-pc platform. Installation finished. No error reported.12:40
yeats^Lestat: slowly is the only way to really learn imho12:40
Mathisenthinky, >> update-grub12:40
TJ-anddam: grab the latest weather radar map12:41
Mathisenjust in case12:41
^Lestathehe. I break things, ask for help rinse. repeat.12:41
thinkydone Mathisen12:41
thinkylet me restart and check if boot works12:41
Mathisenthinky, now if everything has been done right grub should boot you on next reboot12:41
anddamTJ-: so it checks for a 2xx or 3xx HTTP status for every minute from 1 to 30 at once?12:41
thinkythx Mathisen i ll restart now12:41
thinkysee u later12:41
^LestatGood luck!12:41
^LestatIm trying irssi on docker hehe. It's an experiment12:42
TJ-anddam: it's looking for an existing file (which are timestamped but not predictable) that was updated in the last 30 minutes12:42
^Lestatboth the docker AND irssi12:42
anddamTJ-: I figure that means that the script is supposed to run every 30 minutes12:42
anddamI'd have run a single cron job per minute12:43
MonkeyDust^Lestat  with lxd/lxc ?12:44
thinky_Mathisen: thanks a lot12:45
thinky_it works12:45
Mathisenthinky_, no worries , have a nice day12:45
thinky_thank you :)12:45
MonkeyDustMathisen  +112:45
^LestatMonkeyDust: With docker12:45
thinky_i will install gnome12:45
^LestatDunno if that answers your question. I dont understand what lxd/lxc is12:45
^Lestatis there a "good" or preferred reference for cmdline commands?12:46
MonkeyDustlestat, it's hard to autocomplete your nick, with that sign in front ... iirc, docker is an extension to lxd/lxc12:46
TJ-^Lestat: "man <command>"12:47
^LestatBecause docker examples often have me running eval() and such. But I don't know what it means. Im just copying.12:47
cfhowlett^Lestat, man man12:47
^Lestatso 'man eval' ?12:48
^Lestatheh that doesnt work so well12:50
^Lestatwait. eval isn't a bash command is it. It's a unix?12:52
TJ-^Lestat: eval is a built-in of the shell. Try "man bash" and the search for it in the SHELL BUILT INS section12:52
^Lestatso confusing.12:53
TJ-^Lestat: 'man' uses the pager 'less' to present, so once you've got it started you can use all 'less' functions to search. E.g. type /^SHELL BUILT and press Enter and it'll grep for that regexp and take you there, then you can scroll down to 'eval'12:53
leptospireTJ- and anddam, thanks. I got my script working! http://pastebin.com/p4vwS36S12:54
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^Lestatomg thats a lot to read12:55
^LestatI think I should take a course just on the cmdline hehe12:56
^LestatOf course I only need it the 6x/year when I need to tweak a server12:56
^LestatI REALLY like that its so much faster than pointy clicky12:57
Zaitzevfor some dumb reason, every time I right click the trash icon and select Empty Trash, it opens a new nautilus window as it empties..weird. Any fix on that?12:58
clvxDoes anyone know if Xenial(16.04) will permit to encrypt full rootfs(not only /home) on installation?12:59
clvxThis is a nice feature CentOS has it12:59
TJ-clvx: 14.04 does so I can't see why 16.04 won't12:59
^Lestatshould I be in this channel or is there an ubuntu server channel12:59
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | clvx12:59
ubottuclvx: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:59
TJ-clvx: full disk encryption using LUKS/dm_crypt and LVM is used12:59
Luke1922I found a way to remove crackling on thinkpad l440 if anyone is interested12:59
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server12:59
clvxTJ-: 14.04 only encrypts /home directory12:59
yeats^Lestat: on a machine you can break without problems, just start running commands to see what they actually do - then the man pages will start making sense12:59
TJ-clvx: I thought the latest 14.04.x ISOs offered FDE?13:00
^Lestathehe can do...gotta love vm's ;)13:00
TJ-clvx: certainly all recent releases have done13:00
clvxTJ-: interesting, I'm gonna make a double check.. I've been doing dist-upgrade since 14.04, probably this is one of the things of how good this distro has achieved.13:01
TJ-clvx: I notice on the wiki it also says since 12.10  Ubiquity GUI installer has a "Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security" checkbox13:02
^LestatI kinda like this irssi.13:03
clvxTJ-: I'm gonna spin a vm and check.. thanks a lot.13:03
The_Fly^Lestat: irssi is nice13:04
^LestatI'm more used to a gui/ pidgin13:05
^Lestatall thumbs baby13:05
The_Flyit can get annoying when you want to connect to multiple servers /connect vs /server13:05
The_Flybut you can configure for autojoin etc.13:05
TJ-clvx: scroll down about 3/4 of the page for a screenshot for 12.10: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/09/how-to-install-ubuntu-1210-quantal.html13:05
The_Flybehind `screen` and running in the cloud it's also nice13:06
MonkeyDusti also use screen /irssi13:06
TJ-I find weechat more flexible, not sure why13:07
^LestatI wonder if I can split the channels in my iterm13:08
^Lestatoh soo much better that opt+arrow to change windows13:09
=== marius is now known as Guest18502
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest25240
^Lestatthis is hawt13:14
Guest25240hi, i cant run synaptic, nm-applet, sofware upgrade any many others after reboot13:14
Guest25240Naruszenie ochrony pamięci (zrzut pamięci)13:15
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:16
^Lestatdang. You can just keep splitting panes hahahaha13:17
Guest25240its memory allocation error (memory dump)13:18
Guest25240for many many applications13:18
Guest25240can some1 help me fix it please i cant work normaly13:18
^Lestatmemory dump? Sounds like a RAM issue to me.13:19
=== keon is now known as keonkim
Guest25240im not sure if im translating it ok for you13:20
Guest25240Naruszenie ochrony pamięci its something like Memory Protection failure like im trying to do something with protection13:21
Guest25240synaptic[2317]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fd88e2514bf sp 00007fffd9e789d8 error 4 in libc-2.21.so[7fd88e1bb000+1c0000]13:28
MonkeyDustGuest25240  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue13:29
Guest25240Ubuntu 15.10 \n \l13:29
meridelDoes anybody knows why Ubuntu doesnt detect my second screen ? Even xrandr doesnt :o13:36
BluesKajHiyas all13:36
meridelHello !13:36
Guest25240hello? can some1 help me please?13:36
^Lestatdocker volume --help13:36
^Lestatheh oops?13:37
=== ross is now known as Guest86767
Drac0_can some1 help me with segfault at 0 ip 00007f2a35c264bf sp 00007ffe03412f98 error 4 in libc-2.21.so[7f2a35b90000+1c0000]13:43
Drac0_ ?13:43
MonkeyDust^Lestat  this may interest you https://www.upguard.com/articles/docker-vs-lxc13:46
keonHello, I am using ubuntu on lenovo u31 with qualcomm QCA6164 Network Adapter,13:46
keonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1436940 I followed this line by line but cannot fix the problem13:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1436940 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Qualcomm Atheros QCA6164 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0041] is not supported" [Medium,Confirmed]13:46
meridelHow can I force my buntu to detect my second screen ?13:46
anontpxqualcuno è italiano?13:47
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:47
Daekdroom!it | anontpx13:47
ubottuanontpx: please see above13:47
Drac0_Can some1 help me with segfault after http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588272/ ?13:47
TJ-keon: which ubuntu release do you have, and which kernel version ("uname -r") ?13:53
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=== KindOne is now known as enOdniK
TJ-meridel: "xrandr -q" will show you all the detected outputs and modes/status13:56
keonTJ:  i got  Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS and my Kernel version is 4.2.0-34-generic13:57
TJ-keon: did you follow the instructions to download and install the updated firmware?13:57
keonTJ: Yes i did13:57
=== gigi is now known as Guest90608
keonTJ: I ran sudo lshw -C network  and it gave me *network UNCLAIMED so it is not properly installed right?13:59
TJ-keon: that means the kernel ath10k module hasn't claimed the device. Can you show me the result of "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk )" ?13:59
Abhijitin which group i have to add my newlly created non root user, so that he can download files from internet?14:00
keonTJ:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588460/ here you go14:01
TJ-Abhijit: all users should be able to do that14:01
keonTJ: the card version is correct14:01
AbhijitTJ-, i want to run passenger-config build-native-support which works as root but as non root user it says cant download 40414:01
TJ-Abhijit: HTTP 404 error means "page not found", so that suggests the URL it is trying to fetch is wrong14:02
TJ-Abhijit: the 404 error is returned by the web server14:02
TJ-keon: OK, if you do "modinfo -F firmware ath10k_pci" you should see a list of paths/files the kernel driver recognises. Those paths are relative to /lib/firmware/  - check those files you downloaded match those path/filenames14:05
kdfmshello, how can I put the close window button on the right?14:05
TJ-keon: assuming they do, then try "sudo modprobe ath10k_pci" and then "tail /var/log/kern.log" to see if the module loaded correctly, or reported a problem14:05
keonTJ: when i do "modinfo -F firmware ath10k_pci", i see http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588592/ I suspect that QCA988X, which was already there when i installed ubuntu, might be a problem? the following two commands reported problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588607/14:12
TJ-keon: that last looks like the Wifi has started. "cfg80211" is the Wifi region configuration tool :)14:15
TJ-keon: so, try "iwconfig" see if you now have a WiFi interface?14:17
=== pietro is now known as Guest10025
keonTJ: I am getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588662/14:19
keonTJ: but I cannot scan wifi14:20
TJ-keon: that was "ifconfig" not "iwconfig"14:20
TJ-keon: 'iw' is for Wireless14:20
keonTJ: eth0      no wireless extensions. lo        no wireless extensions.14:20
keonTJ: :(14:20
TJ-keon: OK, so let's see the end of the log file. "pastebinit <( tail -n 500 /var/log/kern.log )"14:21
keonTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588689/14:22
TJ-keon: you did do "sudo modprobe ath10k_pci" ?14:23
keonTJ: yea but it doesn't return anything14:23
TJ-keon: check if it is loaded: "lsmod | grep ath10k"14:24
keonTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588814/14:24
TJ-keon: so the module has loaded. Let's check if it claimed the device: "lspci -nnk -d 168c:0041"14:26
keonTJ: I think it is loaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588862/14:29
TJ-keon: no, it'd say "Kernel driver in use: ath10k_pci"14:29
keonTJ: Oh,14:30
kdfmshow can I put the close window button on the right?14:30
TJ-keon: ahhhhhhhh! can I just noticed that for that 4.2.0 kernel that "modinfo -F alias ath10k_pci" does *not* show the 0041 device14:32
TJ-keon: confirm you have the same thing: "pastebinit <( uname -r; modinfo -F alias ath10k_pci )"14:32
keonTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588884/14:33
keonTJ: so I should upgrade kernel?14:33
TJ-keon: you see the cryptic codes? the aliases? you can decode them into Vendor:Device because there is v{xxxxxxxx} d{xxxxxxxx} and you only have 168C:003E and 003C claimed14:34
pauljwkdfms, you can do that with the Unity Tweak Tool that is available in the Ubuntu Software Center14:34
=== King is now known as test134
=== test134 is now known as King
keonTJ: all i see is this -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588884/14:37
keonTJ: I did not understand what you just mentioned, could you describe it a little more? ;/14:38
TJ-keon: lets tell the driver to bind to the device's ID shall we? "echo '168c 0041' | sudo dd of=/sys/bus/pci/drivers/ath10k_pci/new_id "14:38
TJ-keon: now do "tail -n 20 /var/log/kern.log" and tell me if you see any ath10k messages14:39
TJ-keon: if you do, check again for an interface with "iwconfig"14:39
keonTJ: oh god i think there was an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/15588940/14:40
keonTJ: iwconfig still shows the same14:41
keonTJ: no wireless extentions14:41
TJ-keon: yes, so it isn't sufficient to tell the 4.2.0 driver to recognise the device's ID; you will need a later kernel14:41
TJ-keon: I'd suggest manually adding in the 16.04 kernel for now14:42
kdfmsunity-tweak cannot change that option14:42
keonTJ: gotcha I will upgrade my kernel and try it again14:42
=== Netmage is now known as Netmage_afk
kdfmsam i stuck with that stupidity?14:42
keonTJ: Thanks for helping me out, I really appreciate it14:42
TJ-keon it seems that bug report about working with the 4.2 kernel isn't accurate14:43
TJ-keon: if you wait a couple of minutes I'll give you the URLs to pull the xenial/16.04 kernels from. What architecture are you using, amd64/64-bit ?14:44
CrackerJackkeon nikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F14:45
CrackerJackSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.6.0-040600rc1-generic x86_64 (64 bit)14:45
CrackerJack           Desktop: Unity 7.4.0  Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial14:45
keonTJ: yup amd6414:45
CrackerJackrc 4.614:45
pauljwkdfms, i guess, i never actually tried until now and see that it doesn't work.  sorry, if there's another way, i'm not aware of it.14:48
TJ-keon: this should pull the .deb packages in locally: "wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-{image,image-extra,headers}-4.4.0-17-generic_4.4.0-17.33_amd64.deb"14:48
TJ-keon: do it in a new directory: e.g. "mkdir ~/Downloads/kernels; cd ~/Downloads/kernels"14:48
TJ-keon: then, after they're arrived you can simply install them with "sudo dpkg -Ri ." (don't miss that final 'dot' )14:49
Rhoarinhello, how to i convert .bin to .iso?14:49
TJ-Rhoarin: you mean rename a file, or alter the file format?14:49
RhoarinTJ-: alter it14:50
artmixHelp me please, how to translate the interface pidgin ?14:50
TJ-Rhoarin: it would depend on what the .bin is. .iso implies an ISO9660 file-system14:50
keonTJ: ok doing it14:51
TJ-keon: hopefully I didn't give you any typos :)14:51
RhoarinTJ-: is there any convert i could try?14:51
=== enOdniK is now known as KindOne
TJ-Rhoarin: not that I know of. As I said it depends what the .bin is. If you simply want it inside an ISO9660 file-system then any CD/DVD ISO image creator tool can do that14:52
zykotick9Rhoarin: be aware, .bin/.cue-type images _can_ contain more and/or different types in information than a .iso can...14:52
RhoarinTJ-: zykotick9: i just wanna try Chrome OS on VM and it comes as .bin file14:53
Rhoarini'm on Ubu 15.1014:53
TJ-Rhoarin: maybe it's a raw (mass storage) image ? best to check out the Chrome docs14:53
TJ-Rhoarin: "file <filename.bin>" might tell you more14:54
RhoarinTJ-: ok i'm checking14:54
teriiudfndIs there a way to broadcast wireless from ubuntu that appears as wifi, not ad-hoc?14:54
TJ-teriiudfnd: yes, if the wifi chipset/firmware supports Managed mode, Network Manager can configure it for 'connection sharing' a.k.a hostap14:55
RhoarinTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15589043/14:55
TJ-Rhoarin: good news, no need to convert it. It's a raw 'hard disk' image. just configure it as a raw device on the VM guest and boot from it14:56
RhoarinTJ-: sweet i'm gonna try14:56
TJ-keon: You'll need one additional file I didn't spot earlier: "wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-4.4.0-17_4.4.0-17.33_all.deb"14:58
TJ-keon: I hope those URLs are OK for you; when I posted them I see them with the http://... part duplicated twice!14:59
keonTJ: yea I figured that out14:59
jacoHi, is it possible to hide auto-mounted drive in the Unity launcher?15:00
TJ-keon: strange, seems my client is treating those /'s as a regular expression search/replace :D15:00
=== parduse is now known as Guest40910
keonTJ: do I restart after installing it?15:02
TJ-keon: when installing the kernel packages they should cause an update-grub to add it to the boot menu, and it should become the new default as its the latest version, then you reboot15:02
keonTJ: yup I think the installation was successful I'll reboot15:04
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
keonTJ: oh my god it works now15:06
keonTJ: Thank you so much :)15:06
TJ-keon: great news :)15:06
keonTJ: you saved my life15:08
TJ-a little over-dramatic, methinks :D15:08
effectnethi how do i start a term in ubuntu?15:09
TJ-effectnet: from the GUI? usually Ctrl+Alt+T15:09
effectnetheh thanks15:09
TJ-effectnet: or type "term" in the dash/menu15:09
=== Netmage_afk is now known as Netmage
xothedHi i have problem with pipelight after adding repo15:18
drellokHi guys, I have a HDD where write speed for ex4 is considerable slower than for ext2, i.e. for ext4 I get 14-15MB/s where for ext2 I get 60-70MB/s.. any help?15:18
xothedand sudo update15:19
xothedstill doesnt see pipelight15:19
xothedto be installed15:19
xothedXenial Xerus 16.0415:19
effectneti have to install this video driver with no x server running, how do i do that?15:19
TJ-drellok: is it a spinning disk, or sold-state?15:20
TJ-drellok: remember that ext3/4 use a journal log for updates, which would have some impact, but not to the degree you've described15:20
drellokTJ-: it is a spinning drive, HGST Travelstar 7K100015:20
xothedany idea why I cant install pipeligt15:20
TJ-drellok: so not a TRIM issue then15:21
TJ-drellok: how is the disk connected to the PC? SATA? USB? something else?15:21
gvoI have in my /etc/networks/interfaces file this line dns-nameservers however the /etc/resolv.conf file is a link to /etc/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf and contains nameserver plus a warning to not edit the file.15:21
drellokTJ-: SATA15:22
TJ-drellok: the only thing I can think of is that the writes to the ext4 are small random writes, requiring lots of head seeking15:22
drellokTJ-: it is a dd if=/dev/zero ... conv=fdatasync15:23
drellokTJ-: full command - dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/sda1/test2 bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync15:24
TJ-drellok: hmmm, I'm not sure then. ext4 has a reputation for being very fast, generally15:24
drellokTJ-: it is the same with ext3 and vfat, I tested it15:24
xothedHi i have problem with pipelight on Ubuntu 16.04. Cannot get package after adding repo15:25
drellokTJ-: only ext2 seems to be fast there15:25
auronandace!ubuntu+1 | xothed15:26
ubottuxothed: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+115:26
xothedok tnx15:26
TJ-drellok: well the big difference is ext4 will by default have a journal. maybe using dumpe2fs on both may show some obvious difference15:27
TJ-drellok: does the drive use Advanced Format (large sectors)15:27
drellokTJ-: yes, it does.. logical sector size 512, physical - 409615:28
compdocme thinks Advanced Format means smaller sectors15:28
TJ-drellok: if so, then if the partition/file-system is not aligned correctly on a physical sector boundary, that could halve the speed15:28
compdocooops, nm15:28
TJ-drellok: use gdisk or fdisk or parted to check the alignment of the test partition15:28
drellokTJ-: that was my thought too, I've created it with fdisk -cu /dev/sda, fdisk showed no warnings regarding the alignment15:29
TJ-drellok: check the starting sector of the partition: "sudo parted /dev/sda unit s print"15:29
drellokTJ-: start 2048s15:29
TJ-drellok: is it a multiple of 8 (512-byte sectors) ?15:30
TJ-drellok: OK, that is correct then15:30
drellokTJ-: should I try 4096 maybe?15:30
TJ-drellok: that was my best guess! can't think what else could cause such a difference, unless the target file-system is heavily used and fragmented15:31
drellokTJ-: it is freshly created, for the test purposes.. nothing else uses that disk15:32
drellokTJ-: I will test starting sector of 4096 just for the sake of the test15:32
drellokTJ-: well no, it didn't help15:35
lesleyCan I make the "file" menu be on the window not on top of the screen?15:45
nicomachuslesley: yes. with Unity Tweak Tool, I believe.15:45
lesleynicomachus you were wrong.15:50
awsomo1971no thank you oi wpoijcr atyrhten feioty habweqwihjt yout thanky ivouew rtyt fcxx15:52
lesleywhat the fuck15:52
awsomo1971my keyboard was messed up15:52
kdfmscan I restart ubuntu services?15:53
lesleyAre those real IP addresses?15:53
Birchywhy is no.archive.ubuntu.com routed to some phishy site?15:56
AlexPortableI'm looking for a touch interface for debian/ubuntu, I've tried Unity but it's too heavy for my system. Is there anything more lightweight?15:56
popeyBirchy: ooh, that's not good15:56
Birchyit gives off bad SSL certificates and all15:57
popeyBirchy: have told mirror admins in #ubuntu-mirrors15:57
nicomachuslesley: I was wrong? about what?15:59
kdfmswhy would mirror use https at all?15:59
kdfmsnicomachus: unity-tweak cannot disable menubar hijacking15:59
nicomachuslesley: and also, please use family-friendly language.16:00
TJ-mirror doesn't; the admins have misconfigured the HTTP side and its redirecting internally16:00
lesleyIt's not the tweak tool.16:00
iorialesley,  try System Settings -> Appearance -> Behavior16:01
lesleyGuess how I found out that it is not the tweak tool.16:01
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
nicomachusno thanks. so long as you found it.16:05
vijuHi, is there any SAFE ubuntu torrents? I am looking for 64 bit version of LTS16:08
nicomachusviju: yes, see here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads16:09
nicomachusUnder the "BitTorrent" section.16:09
nicomachusThose are all safe. But--as always--you should verify the MD5sum after downloading.16:09
vijuOkay, when is 16.04 going to be launched?16:09
vijuI am eagerly waiting for it16:10
popeyend of april16:10
asbrI am having trouble with sound on raspberry ubuntu mate: very often I'll get a 'hisssing' sound. And always if trying to listen to netradio in firefox. I do not have these problems in rasbian. Where can I set up proper sound settings?16:16
kdfmsthis channel is quite dead, isn't it?16:21
xanguado you have a support question?16:22
kdfmsfor the last 2 hours, yes16:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:23
jackcomhow much storage must i use on ubuntu?16:23
BluesKaj2 hrs is not repeating his question quickly :-)16:24
popeykdfms: what's your question?16:24
kdfmspopey: to move window buttons to the right16:24
ioriakdfms, on Unity i think is hardcoded16:24
xanguakdfms: you don't, in Unity16:24
popeydepends on the release of ubuntu16:25
kdfmsso gnome shell is th eonly option?16:25
popeyno, there's a lot of options16:25
popeythat's one16:25
ioriakdfms, any other i guess16:25
popeyUbuntu MATE is another, KDE, XFCE etc16:26
BluesKajkde/plasma-desktop is an option16:26
vijuBut I think you'll get used to it. There's no such standard requirement as the windows control buttons should only be on the upper right side.16:26
phanes_so I bought a new nic,  Intel 82541pi R5, after setting static ip and netmask and gateway it now says I am connected, however I can not reach even the router with a ping.  it is the same issue I had with the realtek so is there a nic that exists that Ubuntu will not blame on drivers?16:26
phanes_using this fine in fedora just an hour ago16:27
phanes_same for win16:27
popeyphanes_: interesting, not had an issue with Intel NICs before...16:28
popeyphanes_: do the kernel versions differ between the distros you tried?16:28
popeyphanes_: what version of Ubuntu you on?16:28
phanes_I'm on Wiley 15.1016:29
phanes_kernel versions certainly differ16:29
phanes_this release was tested right?16:29
ioriaphanes_, ping ? no dice ?16:30
popeyphanes_: not with every possible device combination, no.16:31
phanes_I'm not even really sure what to do here.  can't ping or even the router, dest host unreachable16:31
popeyphanes_: what is in "dmesg | grep eth" ? or maybe grep em?16:31
popeydo you have multiple network cards in it phanes_ ?16:31
popeythere's a known routing bug I have seen16:31
phanes_it is finding the I face and renaming from eth0 to enp4s616:32
phanes_I too suspect routing bug16:32
popeyis it a desktop?16:32
popeyas opposed to a server with no gui16:32
ioriaphanes_, Network manager or using /etc/network/interfaces ?16:32
popeyok, and how many network cards?16:33
phanes_net man and also ifconfig and route16:33
phanes_1 network card.  onboard realtek disabled in bios16:34
phanes_I want ipv4 addressing on LAN16:34
BluesKajip4 is usuallydefault16:35
phanes_so ipv6 is on ignore and ipv4 is set static16:35
phanes_address is on same subnet as router16:35
phanes_netmask is matched16:35
BluesKajit should also be set to static in the network interfaces file iirc16:35
popeyyou don't need to maintain /etc/network/interfaces at all on a desktop16:35
popeythat's what network manager is for16:36
popeybut if you do, get the settings right. :)16:36
phanes_I just don't see it16:36
popeyphanes_: maybe pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces, and the output of "route" ?16:36
zxdHaving glitches with intel gfx driver , if I set nomodeset kernel parameter it fixes it, but X performance becomes slow16:36
BluesKajin the old days we used to remove NM for a static setting, guess times have cjanged16:36
BluesKajchanged even16:37
popeynot really. you never needed to do that16:37
popeyif you maintain static in /etc/network/interfaces, nm just ignores the device16:37
popeyif you don't maintain it in interfaces, nm manages it16:37
BluesKajwell ,iot worked fine without NM, and didn't with NM16:37
phanes_how do I disable nm16:39
zxd[  413.821674] [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 3:0:0x0207c082, in chrome [1863], reason: Ring hung, action: reset16:39
zxd[  413.880288] [drm:i915_set_reset_status [i915]] *ERROR* gpu hanging too fast, banning!16:39
zxd[  413.880368] drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang16:39
vijuHow do I check what gnome version I have?16:39
* phanes_ is on day 2 of a 20 min operation16:39
metroinsI used the find command to find a folder; how do I cd to the folder if I don't know it's location?16:40
EriC^^metroins: cd ./path/it/gave/you16:40
BluesKajphanes_, http://xmodulo.com/disable-network-manager-linux.html16:41
popeyphanes_: add a stanza for your network card in /etc/network/interfaces, and nm will ignore your card16:41
metroinsEriC^^: It didn't give me the path though....which was odd16:41
EriC^^metroins: what'd it give you?16:41
|\nhello good sirs, when i'm trying to purge plymouth it says it will take to void my cryptsetup, why is that some plymouth want my cryptsetup to be removed?16:41
EriC^^metroins: maybe it's in the current dir16:41
metroinsEriC^^: Nevermind.  I had a file named that in the folder by accident.  Thank you for your help16:41
metroinsEriC^^: Yea, I wasn't paying attention.16:42
EriC^^metroins: oh ok16:42
|\ni'm in desperate since currently i experience issues and i didn't touch qnything related to boot process, for now i can only boot using upstart option16:43
BluesKajphanes_, you need your network card , just disable network-manager16:44
ioria|\n, apt-cache rdepends plymouth16:45
phanes_can someone link me to that interfaces file configuration16:45
MuNcH_MarcelI could really use some help with a really weird issue. My password is not working, and I am %100 certain that I am not remembering it wrong16:46
|\nioria, looks very close to my current situation however i migrated a long time ago with release upgrade and i really didn't touch anything, with systemd it waits for plymouth boot infinitely, but is it normal that cryptsetup depends on that?16:46
EriC^^MuNcH_Marcel: try ctrl+alt+f1 and try to login, alt+f7 brings you back to the gui16:46
MuNcH_MarcelThis is happening after a Windows 10 upgrade16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1432265 in systemd (Debian) "does not ask for LUKS passphrases without plymouth" [Unknown,New]16:46
ioria|\n,  seems so16:46
ernoldI've mounted an ecryptfs-encrypted drive using ecryptfs-recover-private, and can see the home directory mounted but can't access it. What do I need to do now? The readme says run ecryptfs-mount-private, but this gives me an error (Encrypted private directory is not setup properly), even when I run the command as a user with the same old name/password16:47
phanes_munch mount in rescue drive, remove hash from etc passwd done16:47
MuNcH_MarcelEriC: ok, I'll try it16:47
|\n"Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background." how is that related to cryptsetup at all ioria ?16:47
MuNcH_Marcel<phanes_>: Rescue drive?16:48
ioria|\n,  idk exactly, but if you think that with fde you'll be asked for your passphrase during boot ...16:49
phanes_OK so this interfaces file uses some Ubuntu specific Language instead of an established working standard, where can I find config details?16:49
MuNcH_MarcelEriC^^: Didn't seem to work16:50
phanes_I am on my phone for irc can someone please link me I need this link up16:50
EriC^^MuNcH_Marcel: maybe the password is changed, or maybe the keyboard layout is different16:50
EriC^^MuNcH_Marcel: try typing the password as a login to see what letters you get16:51
MuNcH_MarcelAll the correct letters and numbers show up16:51
EriC^^MuNcH_Marcel: ok, boot into recovery mode and type mount -o remount,rw /16:52
MuNcH_MarcelEriC^^: Alright16:52
EriC^^then type passwd <your user> and change your password16:52
EriC^^MuNcH_Marcel: after you boot into recovery mode press on drop to root shell, then type the stuff16:52
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phanes_God this was a mistake16:53
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
BluesKajphanes_, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html16:54
MuNcH_MarcelEriC^^:  I'm getting a menu showing me available options for passwd16:56
phanes_it has auto lo in there, that doesn't sound right16:56
explosivewhat options? MuNcH_Marcel16:56
popeyphanes_: thats normal, the default16:56
popeyphanes_: the /etc/network/interfaces file is well documented and a standard layout16:57
phanes_yeah and realtek drivers are buggy too16:57
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: delete, keep tokens, status16:57
|\nhow can i remove plymouth without removing cryptsetup package? since this list of bugs is something i can't survive with my instance on daily basis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/ and cryptsetup package depends on plymouth somehow16:57
explosivepasswd <your user> gives you that MuNcH_Marcel ?16:58
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Yes16:58
wellickWhen I do "ls -a" besides the files I also get "." and "..", why is that?16:58
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: that's really odd16:58
explosivewellick: those are links to the current dir and parent dir16:58
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: try pressing status16:59
puffapport-gtk is at 100% CPU and bogging my machine down.  What's going on?16:59
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puffAnd can I safely kill that process?16:59
popeypuff: something crashed and it's writing a crash dump out in /var/crash usually16:59
popeypuff: yeah, if you're not bothered about uploading the crash17:00
puffThat is, if I kill that process, will it cause problems?17:00
popeyjust kill it17:00
puffpopey: It's been stuck at 100% for 20-30 minutes now.17:00
popeyit happens sometimes17:00
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: The same thing comes up. Shows the command I just entered, and underneath shows all the different options for passwd17:00
popeypuff: kill it then remove everything in /var/crash17:00
puffHm, and gdb is also at 100%.  I have no idea what would have run gdb.17:00
popeypuff: for a clean start17:00
wellickexplosive: thanks17:00
popeypuff: teh pop up which tells you something crashed runs apport and gdb17:01
gde33how do I find/gather all images on/in a disk/folder?17:01
puffSo I can safely kill gdb too.17:01
phanes_these instructions are bad17:01
|\nwell i guess this explains everything https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/138600517:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386005 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Password not accepted graphical boot for encrypted root system" [Critical,Triaged]17:02
Mathisengde33, >> find . -name '*' -exec file {} \; | grep -o -P '^.+: \w+ image'17:02
|\nalongside with this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/55637217:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556372 in cryptsetup "Please remove the plymouth dependency from mountall / cryptsetup" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:02
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: what does grep <your user> /etc/shadow /etc/passwd show?17:02
popeyphanes_: there's very little you need in the file. only 4 or so lines.17:02
gde33Mathisen: ah nice, I would prefer an application to find/organize images17:02
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: dont paste here the hash17:02
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: cause it can be cracked17:03
popeyphanes_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/214170/whats-the-default-etc-network-interfaces is very clear17:03
puffpopey: Do I need to restart apport?17:03
popeypuff: no17:03
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puffpopey:  so apport is still running, right, all I killed was the gtk process that was the apport popup? (and the gdb process that apport started about the crash)?17:04
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive /etc/passwd:munch:x:1000:1000:username,,, :/home/munch:/bin/bash17:04
phanes_I have followed these instructions yi the letter17:05
lesleyWindows key + arrow key window snapping to sides?17:05
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explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: what about /etc/shadow?17:05
popeypuff: you can kill them all17:06
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: post the first few characters17:06
* gde33 investigates shotwell...17:06
Guest36641Barcelona - R. Madrid? :)17:06
popeyphanes_: right, and you could provide us with some detail, rather than a commentary17:06
iorialesley, ctrl+win+arraow17:06
popeyphanes_: what's working, what isn't? Pastebins ask requested17:06
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puffpopey: Thanks, much better now.17:06
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: I'm just using grep Username /etc/shadow, and it's not showing anything17:07
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: aha17:07
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: that'd be the problem then17:07
phanes_OK I'll say it again.  I can't even ping my router. I can ping loopvack17:07
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: is your home dir still there? try ls /home17:07
phanes_I have an up assigned statically in I face file default gw is set, nm is disabled17:08
MuNcH_MarcelDoesn't give me an output either17:08
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ls /home ?17:08
phanes_route shows default gw17:08
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Correct. Doesn't show me anything either17:08
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: that sucks17:08
MuNcH_MarcelSo my home directory got deleted?17:09
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: do you have lots of stuff, or do you have stuff backed up?17:09
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive:..... No17:09
explosiveno to what17:09
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: To having my stuff backed up17:09
explosivedoes the stuff matter?17:10
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Yes. I need to put in my hours or I won't get paid17:10
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: do you have separate home partition by any chance?17:10
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: No.17:10
|\nhow can i remove plymouth without removing cryptsetup package? since this list of bugs is something i can't survive with my instance on daily basis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/ and cryptsetup package depends on plymouth somehow17:10
phanes_do you guys use your network? or is xubuntu like a vm sandbox tool17:10
explosive!recovery | MuNcH_Marcel17:11
ubottuMuNcH_Marcel: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode17:11
explosive!undelete | MuNcH_Marcel17:11
ubottuMuNcH_Marcel: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery17:11
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: try photorec17:11
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: for now, boot a live usb and work on the system, the more you use it the more your stuff will might disappear17:12
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: OK, thanks. BTW, what is the purpose of /etc/shadow?17:12
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: it saves a hash of the password17:12
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Did me upgrading to Windows 10 cause this?17:13
MuNcH_MarcelOnly happened afterwards17:13
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: once you get your stuff back, create a new user with adduser , and add him to the sudo group with usermod -aG sudo,adm <user>17:13
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: no, unless you do have a separate home partition and it messed with it17:13
explosivecat /etc/fstab should show that17:13
phanes_I am so frustrated.17:14
phanes_I need this to work17:14
phanes_this was a mistake17:14
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Fstab showing /home on sdb317:15
|\nphanes_, okay just to clear it up, if you will try `service networking restart`, `iptables -F`, `killall dhclient`, `service nm(not sure how its called in there?) stop`, `ifconfig eth0 blah.sub.net up`, `route add default gw yourrouterhere`, `echo "nameserver">/etc/resolv.conf` it still doesn't work?17:15
MuNcH_MarcelNot where it should be, nor where I set my grub to be with grub-repair17:16
nitegreenI ran the folling on my ubuntu 14.04 and it went horribly wrong, it hung.17:17
nitegreenlvextend --size 240GB --resizefs /dev/mapper/root_vg-root17:17
nitegreenWhen I finally boot from a Ubuntu 15.10 USB stick, the root file system/logical volume was inaccessible. The lvm metadata seems to be intact but none of the lvm-file system related utilities I have tried so far seem to be able to read the root file system.17:17
nitegreenHere is the result of my unsuccessfult attempt to recover http://pastebin.com/uQ1iXWmZ17:17
nitegreenAny help or pointers would be appreciated as I really have data on the drive I need to salvage.17:17
popeyphanes_: re-enable the onboard network while you work on getting the intel one working.17:17
phanes_driver issue with realtek that seems to only impact Ubuntu.  let's not pretend it's the nice given I just had it working on vanilla install of fedora just to download the ISO.  preparing logs and then trying your command soup17:19
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, type parted -l17:19
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: might be lucky here17:19
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: press ctrl+d , then press enable networking17:20
kdfmsis it posisble to give unity windows some thinker border?17:20
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: then drop down to root shell again17:20
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: OK, I'm in root17:21
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:22
malluI'm using ldapscript and it is not working. I can use ldapadd to create user but when using ldapadduser I am getting "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)   -> Cannot resolve group Admin to gid : not found"17:23
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: ok17:23
mallubut I have verified that the bind password is good17:23
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: did it give you a link back?17:23
malluI can't use any of the ldapscript tools17:24
malluany help would be really appreciated17:24
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MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Showing nc is from netcat-openbsd package, and stating an alternative is available17:25
MuNcH_MarcelAlso explains the usage17:25
MuNcH_MarcelWit a list of switches17:25
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: type which nc17:25
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: do you have a live usb you could boot?17:26
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Alternative in the netcat-traditional package17:26
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Yes17:27
explosiveok boot that17:27
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: booting into it now17:28
malluanyone has any idea why ldapscript is not working for me?17:29
|\nphanes_, okay just to clear it up, if you will try `service networking restart`, `iptables -F`, `killall dhclient`, `service nm(not sure how its called in there?) stop`, `ifconfig eth0 blah.sub.net up`, `route add default gw yourrouterhere`, `echo "nameserver">/etc/resolv.conf` it still doesn't work?17:31
|\nwring channel17:31
kdfmsshould rhythmbox have a menubar in ubuntu?17:32
keonhello which irc shell providers are you guys using ??17:33
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: did you want me to do something specific?17:34
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:35
phanes_Jesus it worked and then it stopped working17:36
phanes_no change made17:36
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: says a link. http://termbin.com/0c5o17:37
phanes_I have done the commands above17:37
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt17:37
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: done17:38
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ls /mnt17:38
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: lost+found munch17:39
explosivels -lh /mnt/munch17:39
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: shows a bunch of my folders, including Playonlinux virtual drive17:40
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, cd && sudo umount /mnt17:40
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: OK17:42
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=== Guest78182 is now known as Petru7
kallo82i have a problem on ubuntu 14.04 when i connect it to external monitor via HDMI it works, when i connect it via VGA connector (d-sub) it dies, any idea ?17:43
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt17:44
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Done17:45
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: sudo chroot /mnt17:45
explosivethen mount -a17:45
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: 1 sec17:45
explosivebefore sudo chroot /mnt17:45
explosivefor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:46
|\nhow can i remove plymouth without removing cryptsetup package? thanks in advance, since this list of bugs is something i can't survive with my instance on daily basis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/ and cryptsetup package depends on plymouth somehow17:46
|\ni would also like my upstart and mountall to still be there without it17:46
transistor47explosive: hi17:46
transistor47explosive: sorry17:47
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Mount - a said a particular UUID does not exist17:47
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, type blkid /dev/sdb317:47
MuNcH_Marceland sudo chrome /mnt just said /bin/bash no such directory17:47
explosiveand grep home /etc/fstab and compare17:47
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: hmm17:48
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: type ls /mnt17:48
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: not showing anything17:49
MuNcH_MarcelNeither did blk command17:49
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt17:49
explosivemake sure it's mounted using "mount"17:49
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: gives me "sudo: unable to resolve host Ubuntu17:50
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, 1 sec17:51
explosivefirst type exit17:51
MuNcH_Marceland Mount: you must specify the file system17:51
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: I'm really sorry dude17:51
explosiveno worries17:51
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: OK, used exit17:53
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt17:53
kdfmsis rhythmbox supposed to have a menubar in ubuntu?17:54
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: mounted17:54
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: try ls /mnt17:54
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: shows computer folders (etc, bin, boot)17:56
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, type17:56
explosivefor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:57
lesleyHow do I make the file explorer's path string editable by default?17:57
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Mo0Ohi do you know how to install flash player from CLI on 14.04?17:58
explosive!flash | Mo0O17:58
ubottuMo0O: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:58
Mo0Othx explosive17:59
phanes_ok updates i can now ping google.com but cant access anything in browser17:59
* phanes_ wants blood18:00
Mo0Oexplosive: by the way I'm looking for a way to install it from CLI, is "Ubuntu Software Center" is available from CLI?18:00
explosiveMo0O: no, use apt-get18:01
explosivesudo apt-get install <package>18:01
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=== keonkim is now known as keon
Mo0OI know, but `apt-get install -y flashplugin-installer` return: E: Unable to locate package flashplugin-installer18:02
=== keon is now known as keonkim
explosiveMo0O: you need to add the restrictedextras repo first18:02
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=== help is now known as keonkim
Mo0Oexplosive: ok, that was the point I was looking for, thx explosive :)18:03
viju1My screen froze. I am currently logged in through terminal. Gnome shell won't respond. What to do?18:04
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Didn't work. Says mount point doesn't exist18:04
viju1Please, help!18:04
Tin_manvijul have you tried rebooting?18:04
younesscan i find any one here18:05
younessi'm a new user of ubuntu mate18:05
viju1Tin_man: I have a couple of programs running there, can't risk corrupting the workspace.18:05
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: i think there's a typo18:05
viju1Gnome shell was a bad idea.18:06
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: make sure it's $i /mnt$i; done at the end18:06
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: it might be missing from the install, try ls /mnt | nc termbin.com 999918:07
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Same thing. Mount point done doesn't exist18:07
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: oh,18:07
viju1Tin_man: Is there a way to stop the program without corrupting them?18:07
viju1the workspace*18:07
explosivemind the ";" at the end before done18:07
Tin_manrun top from terminal see if it's there ,then someone else with more experience might be able to help18:08
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, run it again18:09
Tin_manyou can kill it if you know the bad one..18:09
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Same thing, Mount point done does not exist18:10
Tin_manexplosive: doesn't it have to be in fstab? i'm still learning myself18:10
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: type echo !! | nc termbin.com 999918:11
phanes_pretty safe to say the ubuntu review effort is not going well compared to the three other distros in this pilot18:11
explosiveTin_man: not in this case no18:12
phanes_we cant get it to connect to a network lol18:12
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, type it word for word18:12
Mo0Ohmm, strange: E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras18:13
explosivefor i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done18:13
explosiveboth are ";" semi-colons18:13
kdfmsphanes_: "we"?18:13
dodoloadIs this channel appropiate to ask about ubuntu touch app developement?18:14
explosivedodoload: no18:14
explosive!touch | dodoload ask there for more info18:14
ubottudodoload ask there for more info: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:14
kdfmsis it possible to give unity windows some thicker border?18:14
keonkimmsg kdfms test18:14
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: ran it, doesn't produce a message18:14
kdfmsis rhythmbox supposed to have a menubar in ubuntu?18:15
dodoloadah ok thanks18:15
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, that means it worked18:15
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: type sudo chroot /mnt18:15
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: done18:16
=== CateJesus is now known as RaptorJesus
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: grep home /etc/fstab18:16
explosiveand blkid /dev/sdb318:16
guest-tHItweHi All18:16
Tin_mankdfms, go to the top and click and type rhythmbox18:16
kdfmsTin_man: and?18:17
Tin_manleft can't remember the name, i'm not in ubuntu now18:17
Tin_manshould show up if not click on software center18:18
Tin_manand install it18:18
BluesKajphanes_, what's, route -n, show under gateway 2nd destination ?18:18
kdfmsthat was not what i asked18:18
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Shows /home on /dev/sdb3 and also shows UUID18:19
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: do they match?18:19
Tin_mankdfms: it's the very top left icon.. searches the whole system and the internet for anything you need18:19
kallo82i have a problem on ubuntu 14.04 when i connect it to external monitor via HDMI it works, when i connect it via VGA connector (d-sub) it dies, any idea ?18:19
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Match with what?18:20
kdfmsi asked whether rhythmbox in ubuntu has a menu bar18:20
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: oh18:20
Tin_manbut you to have move your mouse over the top bar, it shows18:20
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999918:20
mattttttttbkallo82: what dies?18:20
kdfmswell it doesn't18:21
kallo82means freezes and shows black screen18:21
explosivekdfms: the very top18:21
Tin_manubuntu has there menu bar , unless you tweak it  at the top of your screen18:21
kdfmsi know where it should be, but there is only the window name... do I miss something18:21
kallo82mattttttttb: and then i have to keep clicking power button to restart18:21
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, blkid | nc termbin.com 999918:22
mattttttttbkallo82: Wait, so the machine stops or the screen?18:22
kdfmssame with firefox18:22
Tin_mandon't know i don't use it..18:22
Tin_mani'll be back i'll reboot.. and go to ubuntu18:23
xanguakdfms: you can enable/disable the global menubar in appearance settings18:23
kallo82mattttttttb: the machine stops and on monitor it shows D-SUB no signal18:23
mattttttttbkallo82: are you using an integrated graphics card?18:23
kallo82mattttttttb: i tried to login to ubuntu and then i connected my VGA connector and ubuntu freezes18:23
kallo82No its a dell latitude laptop18:24
mattttttttbkallo82: what sort of graphics card are you using (dedicated or integrated?)18:24
kallo82mattttttttb: integrated18:25
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: http://termbin.com/zoyx18:25
iskonu lol18:26
kallo82mattttttttb: i think ubuntu doesnt see that vga port, does this make a sense ? one time it gave a message while loading to ubuntu that platform failed to start18:26
iskokak hotite18:26
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, try mount -a18:26
kallo82mattttttttb: when i connect using HDMI port it works on the same monitor18:27
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: so all your data is there, just seems to be a user name issue18:27
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: really?18:27
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: after you run that command check that the stuff is in /home/user and then create a new username to login i guess18:28
kdfmsinteresting, it was turned on. now it's off, the topbar has gray text but rhythmbox still have to menus18:28
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: yeah18:28
mattttttttbmattttttttb: Could you boot with the HDMI, run  dmesg --follow > dmesg.txt then connect the cga18:28
mattttttttbkallo82: *vga18:28
kallo82when i connect the vga connector i can do anything it freezes and gives blank page18:29
kallo82mattttttttb: black screen18:30
kallo82mattttttttb: then i have to hold the power button to restart18:30
mattttttttbkallo82: But you can boot with HDMI18:30
kallo82mattttttttb: yes i can boot with HDMI18:30
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mattttttttbkallo82: So boot with that then pipe the output of dmesg18:31
kallo82mattttttttb: so after i boot i open up the terminal and write that command and see the pastebin the output ?18:31
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mattttttttbkallo82: yeah it will save it dmesg.txt then you can pastebin that18:31
kdfmsnow things are getting weird18:31
kdfmsi disabled a global menu bar and restarder the app, but it still has no menu bar18:32
MonkeyDustkdfms  yes, that's really very weird ... try logout/in18:32
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: Would the command be different from what I would run in terminal?18:33
MuNcH_MarcelRunning it from recovery as root?18:33
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: you could do it from right here18:34
explosivesudo adduser <username>18:34
squintykdfms,  not running 16.04 by any chance are you?  no menu bar in rthymbox included in 16.04 here either18:34
kdfmssquinty: no, it is old rhythmbox without a cog button18:35
zxdwhat is review and queue ?   in linux-3.16.y.z-queue/ and linux-3.16.y.z-review18:35
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: also usermod -aG sudo,adm <user> to add the user to sudo18:35
squintykdfms,  ahh  ok  just a thought18:35
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MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: heh...... saying please enter a username matching the regular expression configured via NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM] configuration variable18:36
MuNcH_MarcelIs that normal?18:37
dkslwi relogged but ehythmbox still have no menus when compiz is used18:37
mattttttttbzxd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/ExtendedStable18:37
phanes_ok.  i am -finally- on a legit 2nd PC so i can actually type.  sorry about the earlier frustration, the phone thing was not doin' it lol18:37
explosivewhat was the username?18:38
squintykdfms,  fwiw, logging out and restarting app after logging back in the menubar is now there18:38
Mo0Ohere's my /etc/apt/sources.list -last line added by myself- but even after an `apt-get update`, `apt-get install -y ubuntu-restricted-extras` return: E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras18:38
Mo0Ohere's the file ^18:39
dkslwi logged out but still nothing18:39
dkslwwhy doesn't the global menu work?18:39
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: try without the capital M18:39
Mo0Owhat do you have in your /etc/apt/sources.list to enable patner repo?18:40
zxdmattttttttb: so which is newer review or queue  not very clear18:40
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: that worked18:40
phanes_result of route -n is U 1000 0 0 enp5s018:40
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ok, usermod -aG sudo,adm <user>18:41
phanes_169.254.* is a completely foreign place to me, i dont know where that comes from18:41
dkslwwell i killed compiz and RB has a Gnome App menu18:41
kallo82mattttttttb: http://pastebin.com/NY3kNSU518:41
dkslwwhat do I need to install for gnome app menus to work in unity?18:41
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: there's a bunch others you need to add for default ubuntu18:41
kallo82mattttttttb: Now i should connect the VGA ?18:42
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: these are the groups i have in my ubuntu 4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)18:42
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: give me a bunch of other groups?18:42
mattttttttbkallo82: sure, then post the dmesg again18:42
squintyMo0O,   make sure you have the multiverse repo enabled   Software and Updates  toggle it on there18:43
kallo82mattttttttb: the laptop will freeze, so i print it again after i reboot ?18:43
mattttttttbkallo82: yep18:43
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: I think I'm just going to get rid of Ubuntu18:45
MuNcH_MarcelAppreciate the help though18:45
explosivewhy though?18:45
MuNcH_Marcelexplosive: at this point I saved some emails by archiving on the Thunderbird and I can't get to them even with this new username18:46
Mo0Osquinty: same error with multiverse repo enable in /etc/apt/sources.list, I can't access to "Software and Updates" because it's a docker container18:46
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: oh ok, type sudo nano /etc/shadow18:46
explosiveand add a line for the old username using the new one ( so they'll have the same password )18:46
Mo0OI guess the error came from the partner repo, but I don't know what to put to enable those repo, and can't find any documentation on the subjet18:47
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: copy the same line, except change the username to the old one18:47
kallo82mattttttttb: http://pastebin.com/PGGXdG3E18:47
Mo0Owhat do you have for enabling partner repos in you source.list?18:48
dkslwhow can I fix the missing global menu in unity?18:48
explosiveMuNcH_Marcel: ctrl+shift+c to copy and ctrl+shift+v to paste in nano18:49
johnnyCacheI did an install of LTS 14.04, everything went ok no errors, but when I try to boot I get a black screen, not sure what to do next18:50
kallo82mattttttttb: the moment i connected the vga ubunutu has stopped responding18:50
explosive!nomodeset | johnnyCache18:50
ubottujohnnyCache: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:50
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johnnyCacheok, will look at that18:51
explosivenice nick btw18:51
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explosivecachey :p18:51
phanes_is fglrx on LTS 14.04?18:51
johnnyCachedon’t know18:52
explosivephanes_: yes18:52
Mo0Ook, I thought my question was easier to answer :D18:52
johnnyCachelet me look at that link you gave and I will get back, thanks for the info !18:52
mattttttttbkallo82: Do you have any specific drivers for intel-gfx?18:52
ioriaMo0O, which question ?18:53
kallo82mattttttttb: How do i obtain that ? the OS is preinstalled by dell18:53
Mo0Oioria: what do you have for enabling partner repos in you /etc/sources.list?18:53
mattttttttbkallo82: have you updated?18:53
ioriaMo0O, you mean this ? deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu trusty partner18:53
Mo0Oioria: looks like :)18:54
Mo0OI try18:54
JazzFox_Hey folks. I'm probably being an idiot but I think I'm having a bit of a Python issue in 14.04, if anyone gets a second.18:54
kallo82yes i did, had many issues and then had to update the kernel to 14.02 instead of 13.9 to solve some issues after the update18:54
Mo0Oioria: this is what you have actualy?18:54
kallo8213.19 sorry \18:54
ioriaMo0O, you ca enable canonical in Software & Update18:54
ikoniakallo82: ??18:54
mattttttttbkallo82: have a look here for the graphics installer for linux: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads18:55
ioriaMo0O, yes, disabled18:55
Mo0Oikonia: I can't I'm in a docker container18:55
ikoniaMo0O: you can't what ?18:55
Bashing-omphanes_: The better question is " does ATI support my card ? " .18:55
Mo0Oikonia: dorry fail completion18:55
ikoniano problem18:55
dkslwhow can I fix the missing global menu in unity?18:55
Mo0Oioria: I can't enable canonical in Software & Update I'm in a docker container18:56
ioriaMo0O, oh18:56
mattttttttbkallo82: Looks like you have the same driver that causes this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/149263218:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492632 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "[Ubuntu 15.10] Intel Display i915 driver crashes, Asus Zenbook 303LA" [High,In progress]18:56
kallo82mattttttttb: i take the ubunti 15.10 driver  ?18:56
ioriaMo0O, also this then deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu trusty partner18:56
squintyMo0O, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15591808/     Had to grab my wife's trusty sources list18:57
mattttttttbkallo82: get the graphics driver installer18:57
Mo0Oioria: squinty thanks a lot :)18:57
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ioriaMo0O, you're wlc18:58
squintyMo0O, yw18:58
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x-NaHi guys19:01
zxdis there a tool, to tell which kernel grub has as default to be loaded?19:02
zxdand also how to change the default19:02
x-NaI just recently upgraded my mb/cpu/memory and now it seems that for reasons unknown to me, my external USB drive is not seen as a storage device19:02
MuNcH_MarcelOk, I have to ask, so I need to read a certain book, or take a certain class to figure out how to work in Ubuntu, or any Linux OS?19:02
Bashing-om!manual | MuNcH_Marcel No, but this may help ::19:03
ubottuMuNcH_Marcel No, but this may help ::: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:03
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: also, you could just start using it as well.19:03
x-NaIt is seen as one usb device, but not as a disk19:03
x-NaThe new mb is with UEFI bios, if that has any matter in the case19:04
MuNcH_MarcelI have. Daily normal operations aren't 's problem, it's the weird stuff that I need help with that require intimate knowledge19:04
Bashing-omzxd: ' ls -al /vmlinuz* ' will show what your booting kernel is .19:04
Bashing-om!grub | zxd19:04
ubottuzxd: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:04
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: well then there is a lot of learning involved if you want to know the weird stuff :)19:05
ioriax-Na,  sudo parted -l19:05
x-Naioria, shows only my HDD's19:05
MuNcH_MarcelWish I knew that before installing Ubuntu. A user cannot get by with just basic knowledge19:06
x-NaNot the external USB3 connected disk19:06
ioriax-Na,  unplug, replug  dmesg | tail19:06
x-Naioria, [  930.160730] usb 2-4: new SuperSpeed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd19:07
x-NaAnd it's the disk19:07
kallo82mattttttttb: cant install that its for ubuntu 15.1019:07
x-Naioria, and the disk is seen on a Windows machine, so the disk itself is not broken19:07
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: not sure what you mean, the is just as much weird stuff in windows. what exactly do you want to know. you know that computers are probably the most complicated machines that humans have produced, and you expect them to be simple to understand ?19:07
ioriax-Na,  file system of the external disk ?19:07
kallo82mattttttttb: and running intel graphics installer gives me intel-linux-graphics-installer: command not found19:07
x-Naioria, one partition of exFAT, one of ext419:08
ioriax-Na,  yes, partition table ?19:08
x-Naioria, what you mean? I can't check it now as it's not seen by the new hardware as a disk19:09
x-NaAnd yes, it worked with the old hardware19:09
MuNcH_Marcelrecon_lap: I never came across an issue and windows I wasn't able to resolve myself, Ubuntu however it's a completely different story19:09
ioriax-Na,  msdos or gpt ?19:09
MuNcH_MarcelI'm a PC technician I tend to fix issues myself19:09
rain1I acidentially installed a bunch of stuff into /usr/lib and now no Terminal commands work19:09
rain1iis there a way to repair it?19:10
ikoniarain1: what did you install exactly19:10
ikoniaand how19:10
ioriax-Na,  ok, but it's mounting  ?19:10
ioriax-Na,  can you access it ?19:10
x-NaIt's not even seen as a storage device19:10
x-Naaka, not accessible as a disk from fdisk/parted19:11
x-Nalsusb does see it thoguh19:11
kallo82mattttttttb: any idea ?19:11
x-Naioria, Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0bc2:3320 Seagate RSS LLC SRD00F2 [Expansion Desktop Drive]19:11
ioriax-Na,  sudo lshw -C disk19:11
dkslwhow can I fix the missing global menu in unity?19:12
x-Naioria, lists only my HDD's and my external memory card reader19:12
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: so , your an expert windows user and you're not so comfortable with linux, I can understand that.19:12
ioriax-Na,  how big ?19:13
x-Naioria, if I plug in my usb3 memory stick, it works19:13
x-Naioria, 2TB19:13
xanguadkslw: repeating the same question over and over without any details is not very helpful19:13
MuNcH_Marcelrecon_lap: exactly I have to read where and how everything works on one operating system that's completely different from what I'm used to using19:13
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: how long you been using windows?19:13
x-NaPartitions are ~1,5TB ext4, 500GB fat19:13
ioriax-Na,  what works , sorry ?19:13
MuNcH_Marcelrecon_lap: Since I was like 1219:13
x-Naioria, if I plug in my USB3 memory stick19:14
MuNcH_MarcelSo, 16 years, give or take19:14
kallo82mattttttttb: tried again it says OS is not supported :-(  (intel graphic installer gui)19:14
dkslwxangua: what kind of details?19:14
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: and you using the straight ubuntu + unity distribution ?19:15
MuNcH_Marcelrecon_lap: yeah but that's not the desktop environment that's throwing me off actually prefer unity19:16
x-Naioria, and the disk doesn't work even if I plug it in the usb2 portg19:16
squintydkslw,  System Settings -> Apperance -> Behaviour  and/or  Restore Behaviour Settings19:16
kallo82mattttttttb: http://imgur.com/BKX8kYd19:16
ioriax-Na,  the leds on the case ?19:17
x-Naioria, on the usb disk, do not light up when plugged in the ubuntu box (they should light up normally)19:17
x-Naioria, the light pops up if plug it in a windows machine19:18
recon_lapMuNcH_Marcel: well, I recently had a PITA experience with a win10 install , finishing with a system backup that would not restore and no way to reinstall windows.19:18
ioriax-Na,  power ?19:18
Archnet work atuecation type 17mos in space. + = )19:18
x-Naioria, what about it?19:18
x-Naioria, it is powered up, if that is what you mean19:19
ioriax-Na,  sometimes you need a double usb cable ... idk if it's the case ... but if the leds are dead...19:19
x-Nait does work when using the same power outlets etc and just switching the usb cable to a windows machine19:19
ioriax-Na,  the win machine it's the same machine ?19:20
dkslwsquinty: i just did, still menubar is empty19:20
x-NaOnce again, it works when plugged in a windows machine, with the same cables, though19:20
x-NaIt has external power19:20
x-NaIf that is what you're after19:20
ioriax-Na,  the win machine it's the same machine  or another ?19:20
x-NaExternal power plugged in, usb plugged in19:20
squintydkslw,  may have to log out and then back in again19:20
squintyArch,  please stop19:21
x-NaThat is a different machine, but the disk is seen by lsusb19:21
x-NaIt's just not recognised as a storage device19:21
Archmy /dev/sda works ...19:21
squintyx-Na,  maybe see if Disks recognizes it.  if it lists it, you can mount it from there19:21
ioriax-Na,  maybe if you paste  dmesg | tail after replugging could help19:22
fldsewell my global menu bar is always empty, any way to fix it?19:22
x-Nasquinty, no disks does not see it19:22
x-NaNone of the disk utilities see it as a disk19:22
ioriax-Na,  you know how to paste ?19:23
ioriax-Na,  install pastebinit or paste.ubuntu.com19:23
owenHow to concat 2 videos? one is ISO Media, MPEG-4 for SonyPSP and the other is Matroska data19:23
kallo82mattttttttb: are you still there ?19:23
mattttttttbkallo82: could you open additional drivers19:23
squintyx-Na,  did you safely unmount it from your Windows box before hooking it up to your linux box?19:23
x-Nasquinty, yes19:24
x-NaAnd it did work with the old hardware (old-fashioned bios)19:24
squintyx-Na, weird :-(19:24
kallo82mattttttttb: i did19:24
x-NaWell tell me about it19:24
x-NaIt's only my backup disk19:24
x-NaWhich is really handy as I would of liked to take a backup today :D19:24
mattttttttbkallo82: what options did you get?19:25
ioriax-Na,  do you have an entry for it in fstab for any chances ?19:25
x-Naioria, no19:25
kallo82mattttttttb: http://imgur.com/APC5Eom19:26
x-NaIt's a disk that I take to work for safekeeping (in case of a fire or similar) and then I take it home whenever I need to take new backups19:26
ioriax-Na,  you said changed mb ?19:27
x-NaAnd cpu/memory, but the mb is the culprit here, I guess19:27
recon_lapx-Na: plug the usb drive out, then plug it in, wait a min, then pastebin the output of "sudo tail /var/log/syslog"19:27
ioriax-Na,  keep a look in the efi bios then...19:27
ioriax-Na,  first see the recon_lap comment19:28
x-NaI do get these lines19:29
x-NaApr  2 22:28:05 candy mtp-probe: checking bus 2, device 7: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:09.0/0000:02:00.0/usb2/2-4"19:29
x-NaApr  2 22:28:05 candy mtp-probe: bus: 2, device: 7 was not an MTP device19:29
x-Nabus 2, device 7 would be the usb disk19:29
kallo82mattttttttb: any idea what to do next ?19:32
x-Narecon_lap, but the full tail of syslog -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15592221/19:32
mattttttttbkallo82: It looks like its a known bug; https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/149263219:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1492632 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "[Ubuntu 15.10] Intel Display i915 driver crashes, Asus Zenbook 303LA" [High,In progress]19:33
mattttttttbkallo82: it looks like it gives the same dmesg output19:34
ioriax-Na,  well, on tomshardware said to change 'e SATA configuration to IDE and boom, works.? ... idk19:34
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x-Naioria, there is no esata on this mb19:35
Madhumper69i had mass issues with 14.04 and i915 drivers i had to upgrade to 16.04lts and it was flawless... 14.04 does not support i915 apperently it was straight from intel19:35
ioriax-Na,  e = typo19:35
nuxilso. ubuntu mate.. https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/ why this resize?19:35
x-NaWell I'll fiddle around19:35
lapyois there an easy way to rip songs from dvd videos on ubuntu?19:36
ikonia14.04 oes support i91519:37
ikoniait supports it very well19:37
nuxilwhen i boot up mate it freezes on the "welcome to ubuntu mate" dialog19:37
nuxilhow to fix?19:37
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BluesKajlapyo, this tut is a little old , but it might work. http://askubuntu.com/questions/24326/how-do-i-rip-audio-from-a-dvd19:37
mattttttttbkallo82: As Madhumper69 just mentioned, a dist-upgrade could solve your issues - it isn't fixed on launchpad but people have suggested that 4.3-rc3 solves things19:37
lapyoBluesKaj: thx, I should've used search engines before asking tho lol19:39
kallo82mattttttttb: you mean upgrade to 15.10 ?19:39
ikoniado not upgrade to 15.1019:39
ikoniawhat value do you expect to get out of it ?19:39
BluesKajlapyo, np19:40
kallo82mattttttttb: the problem is i cant connect my dell laptop to dockstation19:43
kallo82Ubuntu 14.04.4 freezes19:43
mattttttttbkallo82: 15.10 is still using the same kernel (4.2). It looks like it was addressed in kernel 4.3 but to get that you either have to be on 16.04 lts (which is on kernel 4.4) or upgrading the kernel from source to 4.319:44
recon_lapx-Na: nothing springing to mind. sry19:44
mattttttttbkallo82: other than that I'm out of ideas19:45
kallo82mattttttttb: can you help me how to upgrade the kernel from source ?19:45
ikoniado not do that19:45
ikoniaor rather "do not attempt to do that"19:46
kallo82ikonia: why if its gona resolve this issue ?19:46
ikoniayou have no idea if it's going to resolve the issue, and you have no idea of the implications it will bring to your system19:46
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Archmy Kingston 60 GB ;)19:48
jattyou don't need to compile the kernel from source19:48
phanes_whats wrong with compiling from source19:51
phanes_it's not like you've so overpatched the kernel from upstream that its not interchangeable anymore19:51
ikoniawhat ?19:51
phanes_just pointing out that if there aren't dangerous patches to the kernel in distro provided packages then compiling kernel from source is fine19:52
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ikoniano it's not19:52
phanes_why do you think this19:52
phanes_who told you this19:52
ikoniaI did19:53
phanes_ok well then everybody dont compile your kernel because some random guy on irc said so for no real apparent reason19:53
ikoniagood advice19:53
phanes_nothing wrong with it (provided dangerous patching isn't taking place in distro)19:53
ikoniathere are many things wrong from it19:54
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ikoniaphanes_: take it to an offtopic channel19:54
phanes_i suspect that you heard this from someone once for a specific repair and are merely regurgitating it and dont know why building a kernel vanilla from source is actually a great idea19:54
phanes_ill drop it, but that's stilly19:55
ikoniaphanes_: you suspect wrong - please take it to an offtopic channel19:55
phanes_please dont misinform users19:55
ikoniaI'm not19:55
phanes_i just called it -- you told someone its bad to compile a kernel and wont say why -- this is ontopic19:56
* phanes_ checks19:56
phanes_yep this is #ubuntu19:56
ikoniaphanes_: drop it - there is zero reason for him to compile his own kernel and a huge risk to him19:56
phanes_what risk19:56
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ikoniaif you want me detil I'll be happy to discuss it in an offtopic channel19:56
wyrewhere can I download 16.04?19:56
ikoniadetail even19:56
wyreit's LTS release?19:56
ikoniawyre: ubuntu.com when it's released19:56
ikonia it is an LTS release, yes19:56
wyreikonia, and when would be?19:57
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+119:57
wyreok :D19:57
wyrety :P19:57
* phanes_ is not really sure what the topic is for #ubuntu now except "whatever the op doesnt want to talk about"19:57
ikoniaphanes_: the topic is ubuntu support and helping the user solve their problems19:58
phanes_right, so, as i said, unless you have any justification at all, please dont misinform users by telling them compiling their kernel will cause damage to their system19:58
phanes_because its fine19:58
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall19:59
dfsegfrhythmbox doesn't have any menubar but the global menu is empty too, how to fix?20:01
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x-Narecon_lap, no luck with fiddling with settings20:09
x-Narecon_lap, UEFI does see it too as it is listed as a boot device20:10
jinettehello everyone, I have installed postgresql for the first time, and got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15592638/, what do I need to do to make it work correctly?20:12
x-NaI'll retreat to playing GTA and venting out my anger on some unsuspecting NPC's20:13
recon_lapjinette: did you setup an admin account while installing postgresql20:13
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effectnetso yeah i got unknown display and i want 1280x102420:14
effectnethow do i run a program without x server20:14
recon_lapx-Na: did find some old stuff regarding the not a MPT device, but nothing that looked promising, I agree a bit of mindless violence  is called for !!20:16
yeatsjinette: if you haven't created a user yet, do "sudo -i -u postgres" then as postgres "createuser -P myuser"... if you have already created "myuser" try "psql -U myuser"20:16
yeatsjinette: (substituting "myuser" with the actual username you want to use, of course"20:17
jinetterecon_lap, no, I hadn't done it yet20:17
jinetteyeats, thank you very much, I'm applying them now20:17
yeatsjinette: if "psql -U myuser" doesn't work, you'll need to adjust /etc/postgresql/<version number>/pg_hba.conf to allow it - see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/auth-pg-hba-conf.html for how that file workds20:19
jinetteyeats, apparently it didnt work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15592733/ so I'm adjusting it as you informed20:21
yeatsjinette: if this is not a production server, you can just set those to "trust", just to get something working, but you'll probably want md5 in a production instance20:22
designbybeckI seem to be messing up my dd command. When I try to open up the USB, it says no media20:26
designbybeckhere is what I used: sudo dd bs=4M if=xenial-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdd20:26
effectnetso how can i run something without x server running?20:26
designbybeckthe usb had another distro on it20:26
=== PrincessLuna is now known as mniip
samir-piI'm Online with Raspberry Pi 3 with Ubuntu Mate20:36
samir-piWhy are yout quit ?20:37
Bluekinganyone with knowledge about networking how to debug issues  with dhcp/dhclient and lease renew, expire and so on ?20:38
Bluekingif some could have a look at log files ?20:39
sludgefrog I tried booting Ubuntu via virtualbox this morning and it takes me to initramfs.   My /dev/sda is not available when I type ls /dev/[hs]da*   help?20:40
nexace_what is the best way to upgrade latest python from 2.7.6 on ubuntu command line?20:41
sludgefrog okay, I'm running a rescue cd.  I get kicked into initramfs and my /dev/sda isn't available. what should I do to recover my boot?20:45
Archbroke my rist.20:48
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recon_lapsludgefrog: maybe do a google search on repairing grub, not sure if thats you problem though20:48
sravanzI have IRC connection established from my vps ubuntu20:48
sravanzAnd its also logged into a server & channel20:49
sravanzIs it possible that I send messages to that channel from command line?20:49
Crystofolalguien me lee?20:51
Crystofolsomebody reads me?20:51
k1l_!es | Crystofol20:51
johnnyCacheto the folks that gave me info on nomodeset, finally got the machine to boot with a screen showing finally ! Yah !20:51
ubottuCrystofol: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:51
Archso i have chrome20:52
johnnyCacheas soon as I got the proprietary ndvidia driver in, it works nicely20:52
recon_lapgoogle is watching !!!20:52
k1l_johnnyCache: yes, some cards need nomodeset if the nvidia driver is not installed.20:53
Archlook at me look at me! ;)20:53
johnnyCacheya, that caused me so much grief, I’ve got 3 machines that need to have that done, now I know what is going on finally20:54
johnnyCacheI thought something was wrong the the boxes but it is the stupid video driver20:54
jinetteyeats, I cannot open the file, error says it is of an unknown type20:55
jinetteI mean pg_hba.conf20:55
johnnyCacheI heard from someone that there is some kind of app called lense in Ubuntu that is logging keystrokes, is this true ?20:55
DiamondSwordhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error << I have exactly this problem.. they advise to install nvidia drivers via apt (nvidia-current) and ppa.. which one should I follow?20:55
k1l_johnnyCache: the online search is searching online. like the search bar in your browser. if you dont want that you can set that to off in the privacy settings in system settings20:57
johnnyCacheno, besides that searching thing20:57
k1l_johnnyCache: no20:58
johnnyCachehmmm, wonder why this one guy told me that….20:58
k1l_johnnyCache: some people call that online search "spyware". but i doubt they call the browser or other search tools spyware. so this is some kind of "FUD". but there is no hidden keylogger or such in ubuntu.20:59
mlvmhnis somebody good at open vpn?20:59
johnnyCacheso after I turn off that searching thing, there is nothing else that is logging keystrokes or doing telemetry, right ?21:00
johnnyCachemaybe that person is refering to if you use the amazon store thingie…wonder if that’s doing something…21:01
k1l_johnnyCache: the amazon store search is part of the online search. if you shut that down everything is stopped21:03
johnnyCacheok, thanks a bunch for clarifying that…21:03
johnnyCacheone last thing, in one of my machines I have 24 GB of ram, when I do virtual machines, do I set it up 64 bit or 32 bit based on the ram the host machine has or how much ram I set in the Vbox settings ?21:07
k1l_johnnyCache: you dont want to run 32bit OS in 2016 :)21:08
sludgefroghow am I supposed to read the contents of dmesg from initramfs if it scrolls by and less and more do not work?21:12
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wandersondamasceboa tarde21:14
recon_lapsludgefrog: maybe  "cat dmesg | more" might do it21:17
jinettehello again, I just noticed that after having installed postgresql, my terminal turned to be shown as 'postgres@pcname:~$' ..do I need to return it to its original form to run 'psql' command?21:18
jinetteI also have the current problem that the terminal rejects my correct password repeatedly21:22
jinetteok, solved, I guess21:26
sludgefrogrecon_lap: nope, it just scrolls right past like I never piped to more21:27
SchrodingersScatthat doesn't seem normal21:28
jinetteI have another question, while the terminal was in postgres (showing postgres@pcname:~$ as I mentioned) I installed two packages before I noticed that. these will be healthy installations, I presume?21:29
SchrodingersScatjinette: I guess that would mean user postgres has sudo privileges? then yes, should be fine21:30
jinetteSchrodingersScat, I'd run the installs without sudo (with 'brew' and some "ruby -e.." command) but I'd given 'sudo -i -u postgres' to get into postgres. that should be fine?21:32
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CrowX-Is there a trick or w/e to make ubuntu boot faster?21:33
SchrodingersScatjinette: then not sure21:33
CrowX-My new laptop boots from SSD for 16 seconds. I see people on youtube booting for 9 seconds or less21:33
CrowX-I remember my hdd machine was booting for like 20 seconds21:34
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lotuspsychjeCrowX-: wich ssd brand?21:35
designbybeckI seem to be messing up my dd command. When I try to open up the USB, it says no media21:35
jinetteSchrodingersScat, I see, thank you..I hope it to work well, then :)21:35
designbybeckthe usb had another distro on it21:35
designbybeckhere is what I used: sudo dd bs=4M if=xenial-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdd21:35
CrowX-lotuspsychje, intel aparently21:36
lotuspsychjeCrowX-: ubuntu version?21:36
k1l_CrowX-: make a plot of the booting and look at what is taking "so long"21:36
lotuspsychjeCrowX-: do you count post boot also?21:36
k1l_CrowX-: you can reduce or shut off the grub menu21:36
CrowX-k1l_, what plot? the screen is either dark or has a splash screen on it. Is there a way to disable the splash screen?21:37
CrowX-grub menu is 021:37
designbybeckAnd when I plug it back in in Disks, it shows the USB drive, but says No Media, and I can't format it or anything21:37
CrowX-lotuspsychje, I count from bios screen ending until I see desktop icons21:37
designbybeckAm I damaging the USB drive with  the dd command?21:37
lotuspsychjeCrowX-: ok good21:38
k1l_CrowX-: install "bootchart" and then look into /var/log/bootchart21:38
lotuspsychjeCrowX-: you can do the following tricks also: install preload, disable unwanted startup items,try 'quiet splash' off in grub, check lightdmlog for lags21:39
k1l_first look at bootchart whats going on. if there is a blocker or a long wait21:39
luminoso_hi if this is here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/python-wxgtk2.8 why can't i find this package in ubuntu 16.04beta?21:40
CrowX-thanks guys, I'll try following your advice.21:41
KimseIs it possible to extract a single file from a tar archive and move it to a specific location ?21:41
KimseI have tried something like this: tar -xf archive.tar myfile -C /where/i/want/myfile21:41
k1l_luminoso_: its not in xenial21:41
Kimsebut myfile is extracted to current directory21:41
luminoso_but i says "Binary package “python-wxgtk2.8” in ubuntu xenial21:41
luminoso_thanks k1l_21:41
k1l_luminoso_: its only in xenial for s390x architecture.21:42
trismluminoso_: it was deleted in favor of the 3.0 version because of this debian bug, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=78507921:43
ubottuDebian bug 785079 in ftp.debian.org "RM: wxwidgets2.8 -- ROM; Unmaintained upstream; newer release packaged" [Normal,Open]21:43
Rustedi accidentally overwritten my usr/bin/env21:44
Rustedany idea how to restore21:44
FManTropyxis there a release date for 16.04?21:44
explosiveRusted: sudo apt-get install --reinstall coreutils21:45
explosiveFManTropyx: april 2121:45
k1l_trism: nice spot.21:45
tpanarch1stgood evening all, just helping someone to sort out a few issues, he had a failed install of phpmyadmin on his ubuntu computer, he has installed joomla into mysql21:54
tpanarch1stcan he come back and make phpmyadmin work21:54
tpanarch1stor is he onto a sticky wicket please?21:54
wyrehi guys! would works fine if I create EFI partition manually?22:02
explosivewyre: yeah22:02
effectnethmm my second monitor has a bad aspect ratio.  been messing around installing drivers for my video card.22:08
tripelbelementary download takes over an hour. is there something I coud do to make it faster?22:11
explosivetorrent it maybe22:12
k1l_tripelb: ask the elementary guys?22:12
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lotuspsychjeeffectnet: ubuntu version? graphics card chipset? driver versions tested?22:16
effectnet14.04 geforce9600 gt22:16
craptalkis there any channel talking about android?22:17
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: can you tell us wich drivers showup your additional drivers section?22:17
k1l_craptalk: #android22:17
tripelb14.04 Folders cannot be named or renamed. At first it works and then, it wont work. New forlder, cannot change it's name from Untitled Folder. Please help.22:18
phawq123noob question: is tehre a music player I can copy from a usb device onto a computer (in this case a raspberry pi) with a unix system on it?22:18
MonkeyDustphawq123  how is that ubuntu related?22:19
phawq123i.e. is installing a music player from a usb a possible way to install?  @MonkeyDust because ubuntu is a unix system, and my question is unix22:19
k1l_phawq123: your question doesnt make sense22:20
bazhangphawq123, ##linux22:20
MonkeyDustphawq123  macos is unix too, try and ask there22:20
bazhangphawq123, this is ubuntu LINUX support only22:20
phawq123kll_ that's a shitty way to answer a question. Most normal people would explain why something didn't make sense22:20
bazhangphawq123, its not unix22:21
MonkeyDustphawq123  you're in the wrong channel22:21
bazhangphawq123, its offtopic here22:21
tripelb14.04 KDE: Folders cannot be named or renamed. At first everything find, then changes. Some keyset changes a status.--- Works in Terminal of course.22:21
k1l_phawq123: do you want to copy a hardware usb mp43 player? do you meant the music saved on that player? or do you mean a music player app?22:22
phawq123the music player app22:22
lotuspsychjeCrowX-: getting any faster yet?22:22
=== Guest2937 is now known as sarcastic
=== Emanuel is now known as MannyL
lotuspsychjetripelb: can you rename folder on another user?22:23
=== MannyL is now known as MannyLNJ
lotuspsychjetripelb: or with gksu nautilus?22:23
k1l_phawq123: why do you want to "copy the music player app" from the hardware mp3 player to another os? why dont you use the musicplayer ubuntu ships or offers in the repos?22:23
k1l_tripelb: where is that folder? what ubuntu is that exactly?22:24
MannyLNJTrying to use apt-get update and I'm geting a failed to fetch for chrome-remote-desktop causing apt-get update to end early. How do I resolve this?22:24
=== explosive is now known as EriC^^
k1l_MannyLNJ: can you show the output in paste.ubuntu.com ?22:24
MannyLNJk1l_, Can you remind me how to send cli putput to paste?22:25
EriC^^MannyLNJ: add | nc termbin.com 9999 to the command22:25
k1l_MannyLNJ: add a "|nc termbin.com 9999"22:25
CrowX-k1l_, lotuspsychje, I can't get anything meaningful out of bootchart's data. Mind taking a look? maybe you could get something out of it22:25
MannyLNJhttp://termbin.com/pq9e but it displayed that URL prior to the completion of the command22:26
k1l_MannyLNJ: than copy the text with the mouse and put it onto paste.ubuntu.com manually22:27
k1l_CrowX-: upload the chart to some picturehoster like imgur or such22:28
triciadI'm not having a problem, just curious about something. I downloaded Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 7 VM. When installing it kept hanging about halfway through. I literally left the install up for over 10 hours. So, I opened the task manager and clicked on processes. Just when I clicked on it, it started finishing the install. Weird.22:28
k1l_triciad: sounds like a issue for ##windows :)22:29
MannyLNJk1l_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15593830/22:29
CrowX-k1l_, lotuspsychje http://i.imgur.com/6sPC5XI.png22:29
k1l_MannyLNJ: are you on a 32bit OS?22:29
guitaristrue2016hello all :)22:30
guitaristrue2016im new irc user22:30
MannyLNJk1l_,  I belive 64 Linux ToshSatUbuntu 3.19.0-56-generic #62~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 11 11:03:15 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:30
Squarismis it just me or do other people think stuff is moving along to slow with ubuntu/linux desktop? Some problems seems near unfixable keyassignments (even with CCSM sometimes), theres no way to route notifications from chrome -> libnotify as of 2016, etc.22:30
Squarismlike keyassignments22:31
lulcatwhat are those ?22:31
akikMannyLNJ: google stopped distributing the 32-bit chrome for linux22:31
k1l_MannyLNJ: ok. seems like google killed the 32bit packages of that packages too.22:31
MannyLNJakik, and k1l_ I thought I was using a 64 bit install. Is there a way to "upgrade" from 32 bit to 64?22:32
lulcattriciad: that happens sometimes when the output isn't being flushed accordingly22:32
lulcattriciad: and it only refreshes when you click it22:32
k1l_!chromerepo | MannyLNJ adjust this to your chrome remote repos22:32
CrowX-k1l_, any ideas?22:33
k1l_!chrome-repo | MannyLNJ adjust this to your chrome remote repos22:33
ubottuMannyLNJ adjust this to your chrome remote repos: Google recently deprecated 32-bit Chrome, which causes errors on 64-bit multiarch Ubuntu systems. To fix this, run:   sudo sed -i 's/deb http/deb [arch=amd64] http/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome22:33
effectnetk in additional drivers it says, A binary driver - version 340.96 from nvidia-340 (proprietary, tested)22:33
k1l_MannyLNJ: no, you just need to make the repos point only to the 64bit versions.22:33
MannyLNJk1l_, sed: can't read /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list: No such file or directory22:34
MannyLNJ  sed: can't read /opt/google/chrome/cron/google-chrome: No such file or directory22:34
k1l_MannyLNJ: you need to adjust it to your actual repos you use there22:34
k1l_MannyLNJ: dont just run commands blindly using sudo22:35
MannyLNJk1l_, how do I find what reops I am using?22:35
k1l_CrowX-: is it starting apache webserver etc?22:35
k1l_MannyLNJ: look into the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder22:36
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: did you test them all?22:36
CrowX-k1l_, yes22:37
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: worth a try until you find one that works, and after play with xrandr/arandr22:37
effectnethmm k22:37
k1l_CrowX-: are you running several scripts at startup?22:38
MannyLNJk1l_, thanks I found the correct file. It's content is only deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome-remote-desktop/deb/ stable main not sure where to make the needed chnage22:39
CrowX-k1l_, what do you mean? None set up by me, except mysql and apache22:39
CrowX-everything else was kubuntu's default22:39
V7Guys ...22:40
V7How to kill Krusader which is trying to reconnect to server ... incycled22:40
squintyMannyLNJ,  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/fix-failed-to-fetch-google-chrome-apt-error-ubuntu22:41
MannyLNJsquinty, I will try that althouhg issue is for chrome remote desktop not chrome22:42
akikMannyLNJ: i'm pretty sure you'll get the error also when you run "apt-get update" until you fix that repository config22:43
k1l_MannyLNJ: adjust that 2 paths given in the command to your google-chrome-remote oaths22:43
wutfDOS/MBR boot sector; partition 2 : ID=0xef, start-CHS (0x3ff,254,63), end-CHS (0x3ff,254,63), startsector 2842860, 4736 sectors22:44
wutfthis is the MBR of my thumbdrive. is DOS/MBR correct?22:45
k1l_CrowX-: seems like the start of apache is blocking because its waiting for the network to connect (is it wifi?).22:45
wutfi ask because i can't boot from it22:45
srulii installed ubuntu dualboot with windows, i used luks, i have a problem booting, firstly normal boot just hangs, i have to boot in recovery, when i resume Normal boot it complains about "dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device" after a few min it gives up and gets to login screen, i am using LVM, how can i resolve this?22:45
wutfis there a special MBR for linux that is different than DOS/MBR ?22:46
MannyLNJk1l_, I took the "nuclear" optaion and just removed the files from the folder. Without a display I don't really need a browser22:46
CrowX-k1l_, yes, it's wifi22:46
V7Is here anyone using Krusader ?22:46
CrowX-k1l_, but I use apache only internally, so I don't need it to wait for network, if it could be done22:46
k1l_CrowX-: its a webserver. it waits for network.22:47
k1l_CrowX-: you could start it only then if you need it.22:47
CrowX-k1l_, how do you see that it's apache blocking stuff?22:48
squintyV7,  better to just state your problem and there is a specific channel for #kubuntu22:48
akikCrowX-: make it listen on the loopback address?22:48
V7I'm not using Kubuntu22:49
CrowX-akik, how?22:49
V7I'm using Krusader to enter my SFTP servers folder and copy here a remote file ...22:49
akikCrowX-: "Listen" in a config file22:50
srulii installed ubuntu dualboot with windows, i used luks, i have a problem booting, firstly normal boot just hangs, i have to boot in recovery, when i resume Normal boot it complains about "dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device" after a few min it gives up and gets to login screen, i am using LVM, how can i resolve this?22:51
V7squinty: Look ... which file manager with sftp support are you using ?22:51
=== [Saint_] is now known as [Saint]
EriC^^sruli: pastebin sudo blkid /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab22:52
V7pistolpete: Nice joke ... you want tell us that Ubuntu is a file manager :D ?22:53
V7squinty: Also I wrote my problem earlier22:53
pistolpeteEriC^^: whatever22:53
EriC^^pistolpete: ikr22:54
CrowX-akik, thx22:54
sruliEriC^^: i think i found a issue in fstab, rebooting will see it its solved22:55
RhorseHi, I have a hard drive with a distro taking up a partition the size of the entire hard drive - 1 TB. Is it possible to reduce the size of this partition and create more partitions for a gentoo install? Can I used parted or gparted for this?22:57
k1l_Rhorse: load a live-usb for that. you cant resize partitions while using them22:58
sruliEriC^^: plymouth screen still does not show but left arrow shows text to enter luks pass it still comlains there about same thing. (will post what u requested when it finishes booting in a moment) after install in livecd update-grub complained about lvmetad so i disabled it, i now enabled it again and updated grub and noticed it was also complaing in boot about lvmsocket not found23:01
sruliEriC^^: all 3 in paste.ubuntu.com/1559403723:03
sruliEriC^^: i added to grub "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD=auto" but plymouth screen still does not show23:05
V7I can't install nethogs ...23:07
V7apt-get isn't connecting to a server xD23:08
skinuxI've been told by a reliable source that .NET has become completely OSS and that RedHat already has .NET available. Anyone have any information on ETA availability on Ubuntu?23:08
squintyV7:  Software and Updates -> Download From -> click on triangle arrow -> Other -> Select best Server    that will find the best server to use at this particular time  (assuming your apt problem is server related)23:12
V7squinty: I did it xD Also ... I find out what have been causing it by that time ...23:13
MannyLNJHow can I tell what purt on Ubuntu my PLEX server is listening on?23:13
V7Firewall ...23:13
V7squinty: btw thank you !23:13
squintyV7,  yw   and great to hear your problem is fixed23:14
sruliEriC^^: did u see the paste?23:14
kulelu88what light-weight webserver can I use for rendering a few static web files from /user/path/to that isn't /var/www/ ?23:15
EriC^^sruli: reading23:22
SuperBOPif i have kodi fullscreen and i use a hot corner to show all open windows in ubuntu and my system freezes is that a kodi or ubuntu issue?23:23
EriC^^sruli: paste sudo parted -l23:25
sruliEriC^^: i sorted the swap issue by mkwap /dev/mapper/vg1-lvswap and put new uuid in crypttab, however plymouth boot screen still not showing and now it asks for swap passphrase aswell as regular passphrase on each boot23:26
EriC^^try to update the initramfs and reinstall plymouth maybe23:28
sruliEriC^^: parted -l paste.ubuntu.com/1559421423:28
EriC^^the uuid in crypttab is for another swap23:29
EriC^^you can delete the crypttab line for cryptswap123:30
V7Who's know how to get a total network traffic in nethogs ?23:30
fenecohi, my ubuntu 14.04 64-bit just froze, I could listen the audio and see the screen, but couldn't do anything else, which logs should I check to see what happened?23:32
V7feneco: try dmesg23:33
sruliEriC^^: if i delete it, what will it use for swap? how do i reinstall plymouth? just apt-get install plymouth? on boot its now complaining "/run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: no such file or directory. WARNING: failed to connect to lvmetad" i gues this is since i reanabled use_lvmetad do i need it enabled?23:33
V7Before it try Ctrl+Alt+123:33
fenecothanks V723:34
new2ubuntucan anyone tell me how i can get my nvidia hdmi video card to work with ubuntu 14.0423:34
V7new2ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/529911/hdmi-with-nvidia-propietary-drivers-on-14-04-1 ?23:36
new2ubuntuso i shouldnt get mad at it?23:38
V7new2ubuntu: At what :D ?23:38
k1l_new2ubuntu: what did you try? what idd not work? what was the error?23:39
V7I'm mad here cuz noone here using Krusader and nethogs23:39
sruliEriC^^: i reinstalled plymouth and update-initramfs still does not show plymouth screen23:40
new2ubuntui want it to show under additional driver icon so i can use the nvidia control panel23:41
fenecoI don't even know what these things are23:41
new2ubuntui want the colors to be brighter and more crisp than they are now when using windows 10 it was so clear and crisp23:41
utnubuist unity 8 immer noch geplant für 16.10?23:42
xangua! Xenial | utnubu no23:42
ubottuutnubu no: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+123:42
new2ubuntui have a geforce 210 but when i installed ubuntu it just installed generic drivers23:42
EriC^^sruli: it should use the other swap in /etc/fstab, i dont know about the lvmeta, i don't know that much about encryption to be honest23:50
sruliEriC^^: thanks, what can i do regarding plymouth? reinstall did not solve it23:51
EriC^^sruli: try this23:52
ubottuPlymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »23:52
mac^^^anyone have a problem with google-chrome not playing sound (as in youtube) but firefox has no problem?23:54
lotuspsychjenew2ubuntu: best to re-ask your issue here once in a while, all in one line and be patient23:54
wutf_yo, there is something wrong with my thumb drive - i can't boot from it. i'd like to change from DOS/MBT to something else. how do i do that?23:54
new2ubuntuim having problems with nvidia23:55
=== wutf_ is now known as wutf
fenecome too23:57
fenecoI'm suffering with my nvidia gpu on ubuntu23:57
* goodfox waits for !list23:58

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