=== flocculant_ is now known as flocculant [09:46] OvenWerks: mark it for 16.10 blueprint! [09:52] looks good! made we want to try it. OvenWerks how is it on ressources? looks a bit like gnome.. [10:31] I think cairo dock uses openGL and needs 3D acceleration in order to work [10:31] All this to fix qjackctl? [10:32] Isn't that like cirkling the sun to get to the moon? [10:32] We need to push for the qt4 fix for qjackctl. That's the only thing that works [10:33] Let's be reasonable [10:33] Besides, the whole world is not using UBuntu Studio with qjackctl [10:33] It needs to work everywhere [10:40] OvenWerks: If an app supports indicators, that is used before systray [10:40] Unfortunately, qjackctl has very poor support for indicators [10:41] But, it is there [10:41] And, that is where the problem is, completely [10:52] Looking at the bug report, I'm sure Dmitry will exhaust other possibilities first, and then use qt4 [10:52] Bug 1546328 [10:52] bug 1546328 in qjackctl (Ubuntu) "Systray option does not work." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1546328 [12:00] OvenWerks: would this be something for multidispla spanned? it's supposed to be used as a tile... [12:00] http://sakrecoer.com/ubuntustudio/1604tile-sakrecoer.png [12:00] i'm trying a few more settings where it's alla bit softer... [12:01] my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [12:01] :) [12:01] haha :) are they burning from the funky colors or soothed by it, cfhowlett ? [12:02] Perhaps with a softer focus but ... no logo? [12:02] i tried with logo, but it gets very "luis vuitton"-ish from the repetitino [12:03] repetition [12:03] its tile, so it repeats all over the screen [12:54] Don't take me too seriously on the cairo-dock thing, That is exactly oposite to DE agnostic, it is making our own DE in effect. [12:55] zequence: I agree that qjackctl's qt5 indicator implementation is just bad. Rui seems to be trying to make an indicator work like a systray item... [12:57] sakrecoer: I also think that backdrop is "too much". [12:57] OvenWerks: Ok. Well, we have discussed a multimedia panel in the past, and perhaps Cairo dock could be an alternative for that? [12:58] I haven't used it for many years myself [13:00] The colours are fine, but the shapes are too busy for me. I like a large shape that fills the screen... then if it spans well, it unifies the dual monitors without repeating itself. [13:02] zequence: really cairo-dock is almost like unity's dock in many ways (what I remember of it) just horizontal out of the box rather than vertical [13:02] OvenWerks: Think it's a lot more customizable though [13:03] now that unity has matured... making Studio on top of it almost sounds reasonable. [13:03] That said, not sure how moddable the Unity dock is [13:03] zequence: that may be true, I did not spend much time with it... and really we don't have that time either [13:03] Yeah, it does. But, I would then want to be able to offer the user other choices as well [13:04] No, we are way past making any changes at this point [13:04] Only artwork and bug fixes now [13:04] zequence: this cycle for sure, but even down the road, I think there are better things to focus on. [13:06] it is easy to get side tracked with shiny things. I was mainly trying different things to see if qjackctl worked any better on them... but it is just broken. [13:06] Yeah [13:11] really, xfce's ability to save a number of different panel setups would be something a good way of dealing with workflows, but again it uses time that could go somewhere else and moves away from our goal.