[00:01] sigh - no - I'd take this, but not for *all* button [00:01] or [00:01] neutral :p [00:01] hmm? [00:07] there's more than 1 for sure [00:07] than one what? :) [00:20] been socialmediaed [00:20] pleia2, ta [00:26] flocculant: woot! [00:28] bluesabre: yea - pleased there :) [00:29] looking pretty good now :) [00:32] bluesabre: so just some 'really small subsubsubscript' menulibre things I think [00:33] one at least I think can be 'opinion' d :) [00:33] bug 1513590 - pretty sure we said that wasn't a bug ? [00:33] bug 1513590 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "unable to delete items in menulibre" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1513590 [00:34] bug 1515184 - can't confirm now - perhaps close it [00:34] bug 1515184 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "Crash when selecting a category in a new entry" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1515184 [00:35] then thunar [00:35] if we still get all these bugs there - should we start looking elsewhere when we move to 16.10? [00:36] and how many are really thunar and not elsewhere like gvfs etc? [00:36] stuff to think about [00:41] if xubuntu is about giving people xfce and tools - when is one as broken as thunar is off and on - perhaps we should think outside the box here [00:42] until somethinks about nautilus ofc ... [00:42] then thunar \o/ [00:43] * knome thinks outside the box and goes to bed [00:43] good night everybody and catch you later :) [00:44] flocculant: yeah, thunar has been not so great for a while now... not sure if the same issues are seen in pcmanfm, and probably not in caj [00:44] a [00:45] well [00:46] with pcmanfam I don't get the usb3issue iirc [00:46] I shouldn't have to really quickly yank the cable :) [00:47] :D [00:48] it would be really swell if we could get more code contributors to xfce to fix these things :) [00:48] well [00:49] bluesabre: sigh .... I know ;) [00:49] but yes, we are getting to the point that we should consider alternatives [00:50] asmuch as I would love to be able to say "omg I CAN fix this' I can't ... [00:50] same here [00:50] unfortunately [00:50] so if xfce can't - we are xubuntu not xfce [00:51] and do that whole - this is Xubuntu - thing [00:51] yup, agreed [00:51] a whole cycle to think those things :) [00:52] there's lots of options out there now, so this is something we should look into for 16.10 [00:52] for sure [00:53] I'd really like for team to look outside now - I'd rather test foo now :p [00:53] !team | up dudes [00:53] up dudes: bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit193 [00:54] do we need a meeting soon so we can decide how to vote? [00:54] it's been... a contentious topic [00:55] * Unit193 looked outside, too dark to see things. [00:55] I have pcmanfm installed, but as I don't use the filemanager all that much thunar does pretty well for me. [00:56] I use thunar, it crashes, I restart and remember to rename things from a terminal [01:00] Just played around with it for a bit, finally got one. [01:01] I'm guessing we already had a good stacktrace though? [01:02] good stacktrace probably, but no good debuggers to figure out how to fix it [01:02] I'm ok at coding, terrible at debug [01:03] thunar crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___libc_free() [01:05] https://paste.unit193.net/?ecacb0305f88cf72#vK6jNpzOl7F3I16cDi7luRjyZ7E/EV1mhnVCpShQwp8= ? :D [01:06] night peeps === flocculant_ is now known as flocculant [01:06] https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-10/26/6/enhanced/webdr08/enhanced-14836-1414320930-8.jpg [01:06] night flocculant [01:07] Mhmmmm! :D [01:07] Soo, do we have anyone on thunar over in Xfceland? [01:09] nope, not really [01:10] for me, it'd probably be easier to port caja/nemo to xfce than fix thunar [01:10] ...ali? [01:10] could be a good person to hand it to [01:10] sidi?! ;P [01:11] he can sandbox it, but that would make it less valuable [01:11] >.> [01:14] And http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/commit/?id=029012f4c39d9d3d9ae617491a69f76f54a4192f didn't even help (or all cases?) [01:15] Think it's worth it to at least push that? [01:17] could add a daily thunar to https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa and run with it [01:18] Meh. [01:18] Also, this does fix some bugs. :3 [01:19] bluesabre: Select a couple files → Ctrl+x → navigate to somewhere → ctrl+v thunar should crash. Update from PPA, repeat. [01:22] it's always hit and miss for me... I can usually go a few copy+pastes/renames before it dies on me [01:24] Using the method I outlined seemed to hit it more. Do you have the PPA one? [01:25] Should we push that, and hope it makes some of them go away (like it seems to)? [01:25] Unit193: I'll check it out, but yeah, I think it'd be good to include [01:41] OK, I'll wait your order. [03:11] :) [03:12] now I have to actually do it in reasonable time [03:12] I'll do that in the morning [03:12] This way flocculant can NACK it too. [03:13] :) [03:13] nighty all [03:14] G'nighty. [09:48] added featherlight popups for the submissions in the admin, so it's now easier and faster to get to see a preview [09:53] That's actually a lot of submissions... [09:57] quite, yeah [09:58] get voting :) [09:58] at the least, we need to make sure the team actually votes before the end of week [09:59] if we want to involve the community in a way or another, then we should get that done even faster [10:02] "Untitled"? And, on it then. [10:02] yeah, there are many untitled submissions [10:04] it all actually goes relatively smoowth with this interface [10:04] -w [10:04] i didn't time my voting, but it definitely didn't feel like too long [10:05] and now it should be even faster since you have the featherlight popups :) [10:05] (i used some time to check if photos were blurry) [10:06] So, this voting to let them in or chose winners? [10:06] i don't know; either way, i think the team needs to pick a shortlist [10:06] eg. if the community votes, it can't be 50 options [10:07] so, either voting for things people can vote on, or if we don't end up with community voting, then it's for inclusion [10:07] i voted up anything i would be okay being included [10:07] eg. more than 6 [10:09] that'd make it 11 [10:12] Why are there planes strafing? [10:13] how would i know? :) [10:13] !team | wallpaper contest voting is open; get your votes in now! [10:13] wallpaper contest voting is open; get your votes in now!: bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit193 [10:14] I have come to the conclusion I don't use normal wallpapers. Also, I like that I can review and change my choices later, and really should. [10:14] what is "normal" anyway... [10:16] from what i've seen, many people like to use a photo they are emotionally connecting with, or some kind of mountainy view, or then just some solid color [10:16] mountainy view being something to dream of [10:16] could be a photo of a quiet beach somewhere too [10:17] you get the gist [11:31] ok, bbl [13:31] flocculant: If I ping you, you won't get it will you? [14:39] Unit193: we could make an offline forwarding bot [14:39] every time there is a ping to an offline person, they get an email :D [14:39] Howdy, bluesabre. [14:40] hi Unit193 [15:23] Hi there [15:23] Is it only me, or no one cannot upgrade his 16.04 ubuntu? [18:21] Hello [18:21] hello