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tuxdude143Ok so my surface pro 2 is running kubuntu just fine now after updating the kernel00:31
tuxdude143Seems that kernel 4.2 was the cause of my wifi crashing the whole system00:31
tuxdude143Only issue now is kubuntu thinks it can send audio over my mini display port and is using that as the defualt sound output source when I don't want that to be my default sound output source00:32
tuxdude143Is there any way to change that and remove the hdmi output entirely?00:32
tuxdude143For reference im using photon gstreamer00:33
tuxdude143Wait NVM I fixed it00:34
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mirko_Hey... :)01:33
mirko_Can anyone help me with fixing a problem in Kubuntu 14.04 LTS?01:35
mirko_Hey :)01:36
floownI search a task manager for Plasma01:36
floownmirko_: expose your problem, perhaps I can help you01:37
mirko_Okay flown. Problem is the "Shutdown" Command in the Terminal. When I execute that my Notebook doesnt shut down. It stop on the Kubuntu logo01:38
mirko_floown look here http://www.ubuntufree.com/download-ubuntu-15-04-flavors-kubuntu-lubuntu-ubuntu-mate-and-more/xubuntu-task-manager/01:43
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floownmirko_: sorry, I wanted to say : (for add several work tasks, to create a bill for my clients)01:44
mirko_Ahhh okay.01:44
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floownfor example, calculate the time I have pass to create a illustration in Gimp01:45
mirko_floown maybe this: http://nitrotasks.com/#01:45
floownmirko_: cool, thx01:46
mirko_I`m glad if this helps :)01:47
mirko_Already found something for my problem as well. :)01:49
floownmirko_: to shutdown a PC, you must use sudo shutdown now01:54
floownsudo reboot now       to reboot01:54
mirko_Yeah I know floown. The thing happened as I configured the shutdown for a specific time. Hours after I got up I found the Laptop with that Logo, still running.01:55
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tux|dudeJust curious as for what twitter client recommendations you'd have for something using kubuntu04:44
valorieI just use it on the web and my phone04:45
valorieI think there is a desktop client though04:45
tux|dudethere are quite a few desktop clients. I'm just looking for a good one for linux lol04:45
valorie!info choqok04:45
ubottuchoqok (source: choqok): KDE micro-blogging client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-2ubuntu2 (wily), package size 1523 kB, installed size 6396 kB04:45
valorieI've not tried it, but have heard good things04:46
tux|dudeI've had a little look at that. Should probably look at it again I guess lol04:46
taterfirst day of using kubuntu!05:00
valorienice, tater05:01
valorieenjoying yourself?05:01
taterjust moved from ubuntu due to the speed issues, valorie05:01
taterso far working super fast05:02
tateri am curious if kubuntu has the spyware that ubuntu is known for?05:03
valorieno spyware05:03
valorieno scopes05:03
taterok great05:04
tux|dudeubuntu has spyware?05:08
valoriewell, some people characterized the shopping scope that way05:09
valoriedunno, I never liked or used Unity05:09
valorieI like gnome people, but not the desktop05:09
taterjust watched a youtube video about stallman talking about it05:10
taterwhile ubuntu does make money from amazon for it; i am not sure if i like canoncial selling my searching info to amazon05:10
taterand other companies05:11
valorieof course it can be turned off05:12
valorieor not used05:12
tateryeah with a simple command line for sure05:13
taterstallman failed to mention that :)05:13
tux|dudeI see05:13
tux|dudeWell I'm quite happy with Kubuntu05:14
valoriewell, stallman is rather generally unhappy with Ubuntu IMO05:15
tateri sure do like the GUI eye candy05:16
KrampusIs there a mouse setting that causes a "halo" around the pointer when over light backgrounds?05:17
KrampusI'm trying to figure out if I turned on somethign weird or if I have a really weird monitor problem.05:17
valorietater: me too05:17
valorieI've never heard of that, Krampus05:17
tux|dudeKDE plasma 5 just looks amazing05:18
Krampusvalorie: it's a skylake NUC.  Maybe just a not quite supported chipset.  I'm in the process of jumping to xenial.05:18
valorieKrampus: I'm running xenial now, and am loving it05:20
taterah xenial is the beta?05:22
taterfor 1605:23
taterhow is it different from 15 valorie?05:23
valorienewer plasma05:24
valoriealthough we don't have 5.6 yet05:25
valoriethat will have to wait for backport, as it was released too late, while xenial was frozen05:25
tateris there a way to see what version of kubuntu i am running on my machine?05:27
tateri tried uname - r but it just says 3.190-56 generic05:28
Krampusvalorie: my sound doesn't want to work at the moment either.  Hopefully this'll fix that as well.05:29
valoriesound is a complicated problem, sometimes05:30
tux|dudeKDE 5.5 has been backported to 15.1005:30
tux|dudeI'm running 5.5 on 15.1005:30
tux|dudeBut 5.6 or 5.6.1 aren't backported to 15.1005:30
valoriewe were getting the LTS finished05:31
valorie15.10 is only supported for about 3 more months05:31
valorieI doubt backports will be done05:31
valoriewe don't have the hours necessary to do everything needful right now05:32
taterhow many people code for kubuntu?05:37
tux|dudeYeah, I'm planning on updating to 16.04 basically the day it comes out as I need the LTS05:38
tateri am looking at the screenshot for kubuntu it looks like this - http://distrowatch.com/images/cgfjoewdlbc/kubuntu.png - is this a special theme? i ask because my default theme is not matching this?05:40
valoriethat is the standard desktop for 15.10, yes05:42
tux|dudeKDE 5 looks like that as a standard05:42
tux|dudeQuite different to KDE 405:42
valoriePlasma 5, yes05:43
tux|dudeYeah plasma 505:43
tux|dudeI keep calling it kde 5 lol05:43
valoriekde is our community05:44
taterhow can i tell what version of kde i have?05:53
tux|dudeCheck the about menu05:53
tux|dudeShift F205:53
tux|dudeType about05:53
tux|dudeKDE plasma version05:53
taterkubuntu 14.04 kdelibs  4.13.305:54
valorieor plasmashell --version05:54
taterso i am running old version of kde?05:54
valorieyes, you have the LTS05:54
valorieyou'll be able to upgrade to the new LTS in a few months05:54
valoriecurrent regular version is 15.10 now05:55
tux|dudeYeah, LTS is on plasma 405:55
valorie16.04 comes out later this month05:55
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:55
tateroh ok so lts is using old version of kde05:56
taterbut lts catches up to it this month05:56
valorielts is all about stability05:57
taterah ok cool05:57
taterthat UX is very sexy looking05:57
valorieI love it05:58
taterto get the plasma 5 / kde 5 would i have to burn a new iso or can i upgrade while inside my lts version?05:59
valorieupgrade will be available at the 16.04.1 release06:00
valoriea couple of months after the main release06:01
valoriebut of course you can always get a current ISO06:01
taterok makes sense. if i wanted to write a widget for kde would i need to write it in python?06:03
tux|dudeI'm guessing I'll be able to update straight from 15.10 to 16.04?06:03
valorieyes, upgrade works well06:04
valorieI upgraded this laptop to the beta, no issues06:04
tux|dudeIs there anywhere I can download some plasma 5 login screens?06:08
valoriekde-look, I guess06:09
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Joneetried the backports update for 15.10.  both my monitors go blank or were not detected on login screen06:54
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Joneelots of bugs.  no sweat06:59
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isl_16.04 can not running creative sound blaster zx ( ca0132 )07:14
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:19
valorieI wonder if you lack the proper driver, isl_07:20
valoriedid you check the driver manager?07:20
valoriealt+space and type driver07:20
lordievaderGood mroning.07:34
tux|dudeClementine and kubuntu just go so well together09:24
lordievaderWell, it being a fork of Amarok, that is sort of to be expected ;)10:11
BluesKajHiyas all12:02
jonathan_zzHiyas mr. Blues.12:09
jonathan_zz16.04 seems the best experience since 14.10 for me.12:10
BluesKajhi jonathan_zz , and it's getting better all the time12:13
swipegood, really fed up with 15:10. 21st April can't come fast enough12:13
swipeI find 15.10 way more buggy than 15.0412:14
BluesKaj15.10 is hopeless in my experience12:15
jonathan_zzI just skipped the entire 15 thing.12:15
jonathan_zzWent to OpenSUSE in between lol.12:16
jonathan_zzthey still ran kde 4 in 13.2.12:16
jonathan_zzthen their background got me pulling my hair.12:16
jonathan_zzdidn't know how to get rid of it, it was everywhere.12:17
swiperunning antergos on my laptop. Got to say plasma 5.6.1 is beautiful12:17
jonathan_zzit was in the boot loader, initird, desktop, screensaver, login-prompt, everywhere.12:17
BluesKajyeah I went with fedors 23 for a short time , but it's media options are very restricted12:17
BluesKajfedora even12:17
jonathan_zzthat green scale weird gekko background.12:17
jonathan_zzit drove me insane lol.12:18
BluesKajanyway the OT cops will be here soon reminding us to stay ontopic12:18
jonathan_zzI like that haha.12:18
jonathan_zzThe way you say it.12:18
jonathan_zzIf the channel wasn't logged nobody would care probably.12:18
jonathan_zzThe moment you create a history of something you want it to be neat.12:19
BluesKajwell, we can continue in #kubuntu-offtopic12:19
jonathan_zzI feel like going offtopic now.12:23
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:23
r_riosHello, all. I've installed Plasma 5.5.4 from the Ubuntu backports, but, after I did that, I've got no audio.12:40
r_riosNo audio devices are detected. I think something may have gone misconfigured in the update, but how can I find out what it was?12:41
r_riosI'm running Kubuntu 15.1012:44
r_riosThe only audio output showing in KMix is "Fake output"12:44
r_riosActually, it's "Dummy output" (I think. In reality, it's "Saída fictícia", since my system is pt_br, so I'm not sure what's the original string in english for that)12:46
soeehmm this was known, there was sme workaroudn12:46
soeeBluesKaj: ^ do you remember this one ?12:46
BluesKajr_rios, what does aplay -l  show? need to know your audio chip12:48
soeesome fix was to add user to audio group i think12:49
r_riosBluesKaj: https://gist.github.com/romariorios/e90b9fba0e78de71e4db1310a743ec4812:50
r_riosI found this: https://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/ubuntu-13-10-missing-audio-fix-no-sound-only-device-is-dummy-output/12:50
r_riosCould it help?12:50
r_riosI did what the article said and I'm restarting now12:50
r_riosNo good. It didn't work12:56
r_riosBluesKaj: Here's how my audio cards show up: http://wstaw.org/m/2016/04/03/ransom1.jpeg12:57
BluesKajyea soee,  r_rios, this the command to add yourself to the audio group, sudo adduser your_user_name audio12:57
BluesKajr_rios, also make sure in alsamixer that automute is disabled13:00
BluesKajr_rios, then for safety's sake run, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, then reboot13:01
r_riosOkay, rebooting13:03
r_riosBluesKaj: It worked :D13:09
BluesKajr_rios, you're welcome, thank soee_ for the add user suggestion as well, these are known peoblems13:11
BluesKajproblems even13:11
Guest46012hey i made a  SONG  you can listen to it on Soundclound. Let me know if you like it! https://soundcloud.com/danielassayag/love-in-tahita14:23
abhishekI am new to kde and have just started using kubuntu15:04
abhishekhow does upgrading to new kubuntu version affect my kde?15:04
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abhishekdoes upgrading kubuntu automatically upgrade kde as well?15:06
rodolfojcjyes. It will update to the version of KDE present in the repositories of the Kubuntu version you are upgrading to15:11
abhishekrodolfojcj: what the version I am upgrading from has a kde version greater than that is already in the repos in kubuntu?15:12
abhishek*what if15:12
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rodolfojcjit would interesting to know how apt or dpkg commands deal with that situation15:13
rodolfojcjdoes the current Kubuntu version has some kind of "backport" repositories enabled?15:14
rodolfojcjwhat's the current kubuntu version?15:14
abhishekI am new to kubuntu and kde. Thus, asked15:15
abhishekSay I using kubuntu 15.10 and neon and install kde 5.6. Now I upgrade to kubuntu 16.04 which doesn't support kde 5.615:16
rodolfojcjare you using this http://neon.kde.org/ ?15:23
rodolfojcjI'm also using Kubuntu 15.10 (no neon) and I see it uses Kde Frameworks 5.15.015:25
rodolfojcjand I see the next Kubuntu 16.04 will use version 5.18.015:25
rodolfojcjand it seems to me both are newer than version 5.6.015:26
rodolfojcjthat's that I interpret after seeing http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=wily&searchon=names&keywords=kded5 and http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kded5&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all15:27
abhishekrodolfojcj: I didn't understand how is 5.18 newer than 5.615:36
abhishekYes I asking with respect to kde neon. :)15:37
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rodolfojcjtry to update the local metadata of the repositories in your computer. For example with 'sudo aptitude update'15:47
rodolfojcjand then try to update the packages you have installed. For example with 'sudo aptitude upgrade'15:47
rodolfojcjAfter that, check again with version is left installed15:48
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bufalo_1973abhishek: 5.6 -> 5.06 ;-)15:56
abhishekthat's weird naming!!15:57
abhishek5.60 and 5.6 are different ?15:57
rodolfojcjI don't know if there is a 5.60 version of KDE, however I suppose a 5.6 version is different from a 5.60 version of any software given15:59
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swipe5.6.1 is the latest16:02
bufalo_1973abhishek: what would you do? have a 5.006 version just in case? :-D16:11
stevenwntmy NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] driver will not work16:16
stevenwnt my NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] driver will not work16:20
stevenwnt my NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] driver will not work16:22
abhishekbufalo_1973: I am a bit to linux in general :). Where can I get info. of version-system followed by kde or linux software in general.16:24
stevenwnt my NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] driver will not work16:24
stevenwnt my NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] driver will not work16:26
BluesKaj!patience | stevenwnt16:27
ubottustevenwnt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.16:27
abhishekwhich version kde version is kubuntu shipped with?16:31
bufalo_1973abhishek: do you have kubuntu already installed?16:38
bufalo_1973apt show <name-of-the-package>16:39
abhishekSry, for not mentioning before. I wanted to know for kubuntu 16.0416:40
abhishekConsider I have kde-neon installed on 15.10. How should I upgrade to 16.04 without breaking anything?16:46
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BluesKajabhishek, upgrading to the next OS usually disables any ppas by default16:55
BluesKajabhishek, but just to make sure you coud comment them with # in front of the deb line in your /etc/apt/sources.list or uncheck them in your package manager sources.16:57
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stevenwntcan any one help me with my  NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog]17:21
bufalo_1973stevenwnt: maybe if you say what's the problem... ;-)17:28
stevenwntthe  NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] does not work as wfi17:32
stevenwnt the  NetGear, Inc. WN121T RangeMax Next Wireless-N [Marvell TopDog] does not work as wfi18:10
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oYASoHi!   I have a strange problem with the login on Kubuntu 15.10.   My laptop turned off due to a discharged battery in standby mode. When I turned it on appeared problems. When a window appears enter password there are two ways that can happen. If I enter the password within a few seconds of the window appearing I get to the tty console with a request to enter a username and password.  If I don't put in a password, then for a split seco19:03
oYASoIf I don't put in a password, then for a split second appears on the console (I don't have time to read anything), and then again with the login box. Now if I enter my password, I successfully log in, but I cannot turn on/off network interfaces and switching between tty (if you press ctrl + alt + f1..f7, nothing happens).19:03
oYASoIf now I will terminate the session KDE and login again, network interfaces and tty work well, but if I close my laptop's and open it again, the password dialog will not be displayed.19:03
oYASoWhat could be the problem and where to look?   Thanks in advance!19:04
taterwhats up. does anyone have any alternatives to jing for kubuntu - gist of jing is it records videos of your desktop and uploads it to cloud + provides shareable url for free20:21
tater(and loving that kubuntu comes with K torrent out of the box)20:22
Fritigerntater: OBS can record your desktop, your games, but can also stream to Twitch and some other streaming services. https://obsproject.com/download#linux20:27
taterthanks Fritigern i will check it out now20:35
tateri am getting a notification that a system update is available, and i get the notification on the bottom panel. i am used to clicking that message to open up the application to run the update - is that not possible in kubuntu?20:36
BluesKajtater, just run , sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade in the konsole/terminal20:52
veXxi just swapped over from an ATI card to GTX 960 using nvidia-352-updates. when i try to use a lower resolution than 1920x1080, the screen does not stretch/scale. i am not seeing any option for this in the nvidia software and only finding related stuff on this issue from years ago (google). am i crazy, doing something wrong, or just not supported?20:55
tux|dudeMorning al20:59
taterBluesKaj - a yeah duh thanks for reminding me20:59
taterseems in firefox i have selected 'remember to open file using XX every time i download a file of that type' and it never remembers. is that a bug with firefox itself21:00
tux|dudeWelp today is going to be a bit of a field test for me21:01
tux|dudeI'm going to be testing kubuntu out in the field (aka my school) to see how long my surface pro 2's battery lasts while using it.21:01
meenaanyone know if it's possible to assign kubuntu's default mail app to a chromium-browser --app?21:02
meenai just tried assigning it to the .desktop file, and that didn't work.21:02
tatertux|dude interesting. it's lasting about 2 hours on my dell laptop21:03
tux|dudeWell I had been using kubuntu for around 3 hours yesterday at my usual workload and the battery was at around 60 percent after21:03
tux|dudeSo I'll see how it lasts in the field today21:03
tateris that a tablet or a laptop?21:05
tux|dudeTablet laptop hybrid21:05
tux|dudeThe surface pro 2 is a tablet sized computer with high end laptop specs21:05
meenahrm… this shouldn't be happening. at all. https://gist.github.com/igalic/da6f42da422aa673dda121181598887b21:06
taterah i5 core that should hum21:07
veXxanyone around that uses nvidia 9xx gpu?21:07
tateri love how kubuntu shows the national event name for each day in the time window from bottom panel. does that stay in the upcoming lts?21:10
taterjust tested kubuntu with hdmi into a television screen and noticed a lot of green pixels all over the place21:44
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