
snizzo_appdevs I have this crazy idea about porting Panda3D engine into Ubuntu Touch15:16
snizzo_you think it's doable?15:16
popeysnizzo_: never heard of it :)15:57
snizzo_popey: https://github.com/panda3d/panda3d :)16:27
popeysnizzo_: neat!17:39
snizzo_popey: is it safe to put ubuntu armhf repos into ubuntu touch for a few dependencies?17:42
dobeysnizzo_: you mean on a device? or in the sdk chroot?17:50
dobeysnizzo_: but generally, no; the package would most likely need to compile and ship its own version of things which are not part of the SDK17:50
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maxedHi! A quick question: is there a complete list of X-Ubuntu-* flags for desktop files? I failed too find one, but maybe it exists in some secret hiding place? A link to source code responsible for handling all X-Ubuntu flags would work, too. Barring that, how do I hide status bar in my fullcreen app? Is it done through desktop file settings, or from code?17:59
popeygood question!17:59
maxed:) (I already compiled a small collection of X-flags from 3 sources, but I guess there are more...)18:00
popeyI'd imagine in the source for unity8 somewhere18:01
popeybut not sure it's well documented, sorry18:01
maxedOK, checking it out now. I'll report my findings, if any :)18:03
dobeyi think there is a bug in mir or unity8 about that actually18:07
dobeyabout the top panel still being visible on full-screen things18:07
snizzopopey: adb shell lsmod prints just headers? Am I missing something?18:11
maxeddobey, but how do I put my app into fullscreen mode, at least? I see some results in Google that show how to do it with QML, but that's not my case. Or are OpenGL apps fullscreen by default, and it's just that bug that prevents everything from working properly?18:16
maxedRe: X-Ubuntu flags in Unity8: a quick search of source proved fruitless. Unity8 only handles a few such flags directly, but I know for certain that there are more flags than what I can find in code.18:17
dobeymaxed: i presume the toolkit your app uses has some "make full screen" API. that's how you make the app full screen18:19
dobeymaxed: just because some data is written in the .desktop file, doesn't necessarily mean it is used by anything18:20
maxeddobey, No, but "X-Ubuntu-Splash-Color-Footer" certainly is used (I see result when I run the app), so something MUST be reading it.18:21
maxedAnd I don't see handler for that in Unity8 code. Either it is done indirectly, or outside Unity.18:21
snizzodobey: isn't possible to run lsmod on phone shell?18:22
dobeybut what are you trying to find out exactly? that is documented in the splash screen tweaks document, no?18:22
dobeysnizzo: sure, but the kernel on the phone has no modules18:22
dobeysnizzo: so running lsmod won't do anything useful :)18:22
snizzoi was looking for mali_drm & mali presence there18:23
maxeddobey, I'm trying to find all places where X-Ubuntu-* settings are handled and create a full list of such settings for myself and others to use.18:25
dobeymaxed: the only ones you can set are the splash screen ones, really; or the ones that already exist in the template (though you probably shouldn't change those)18:26
maxeddobey, at the very least, there is X-Ubuntu-Supported-Orientations which is not in template, and not in splash screen docs (though it is in rotation docs). That makes me wonder if there are others :)18:28
dobeywell, the ones in the docs are the only ones you can set :)18:28
dobeyalthough the supported orientations one doesn't really make sense18:29
maxedBut maybe I'm missing some docs! Maybe I just don't know what to search for! :18:29
maxedX-Ubuntu-Supported-Orientations actually works. I used it to force my app to launch in landscape orientation...18:29
maxedSeeing those flags spread through various bits of documentation makes me itchy :)18:30
dobeyi guess it's needed to tell unity8 to rotate the shell too18:30
dobeywell, they're spread because they're only relevant for certain things18:31
maxedIt's fint to have them in different places, but a centralised complete list would be very helpful. And maybe an build-in editor for desktop file in IDE, like one for application's plist in XCode, where you can see a list of all possible settings.18:33
dobeywell, file a bug against ubuntu-sdk that "editing .desktop files requires arcane knowledge" or something to that effect :)18:36
maxed"wontfix: mere mortals should not dabble in arcane arts" :)18:38
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mike00hi all19:10
mike00I don't understand which is the difference between qmlproject and qmake and why qmake doesn't work how I expect...19:11
snizzoarmhf emulator should work?19:31
dobeyarmhf emulator will be extremely slow19:35
dobeypossibly unusable; you should use i386 emulator19:36
snizzodobey: I'd like to cross compile, I know it's preferrable to use chroot for that purpose19:38
dobeyyes, it is19:39
dobeythat's why you create the "15.04-armhf" kit in the sdk19:39

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