
LinDolhi all01:44
mhny /b 1207:13
chemanevhi people08:28
chemanevanyone chating?08:28
chemanevi need some help..08:28
freajHello everyone08:29
freajI'd like to download ubuntu gnome.. I'm probably blind08:30
freajBut, I'm here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME08:30
freajAnd I still don't see any link :/08:30
freaj(From there: https://ubuntugnome.org/ubuntu-gnome-15-10-is-released/ and then "Download Ubuntu GNOME 15.10")08:30
chemanevlast image08:31
freajSo is it advised to install directly the 16.04?08:31
chemanevis the final beta08:31
freajAnyway, how can I find the link myself following the website?08:31
freajLet's say I'm here: https://ubuntugnome.org08:32
freajHow can I download ubuntu-gnome without asking on IRC? :D08:32
chemanevforget that site08:32
chemanevits only informative08:32
freajOh okayyyyy08:33
freajWell, I'll try 16.04 in a VM08:33
freaj(I'm actually running arch, which is broken)08:33
freajI finally understood I needed something stable :P08:34
freajthank you a lot chemanev08:34
chemanevsome everybody is sleeping..08:35
freajWell it's 10:35 here in europe08:36
freajPlus it's the weekend08:36
chemanevi know.. :(08:36
freajUnlike me, people can go outside because they don't have to repair their computer setup :x08:36
freajDo you use the 16.04?08:37
chemanevi just install it, and i was looking how to change login background08:38
freajAre you a ubuntu gnome power user/contributor?08:40
freaj(hope you don't mind the questions :D)08:40
chemanevim not08:50
darkxstfreaj, we have a new website coming soon10:24
darkxstif you want 16.04 isos http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/ are the ones to use10:25
ricotzdarkxst, hi10:25
darkxstricotz, hey10:26
ricotzdarkxst, I hope the grilo transition is complete now10:26
ricotzwith the fixed totem10:26
darkxstit should be, unless I missed something10:27
ricotzdarkxst, you missed something ;)10:28
darkxstha ok10:28
ricotzdarkxst, there are several packages which should be synced to xenial still10:29
darkxstwhich packages?10:30
freajdarkxst: I'm already trying out gnome10:30
ricotzdarkxst, clutter-gst-2.0, clutter-gst-3.0, gnome-common, gnumeric, goffice, libchamplain, libdmapsharing, libgsf, pcre2, ryel10:32
ricotzdarkxst, the version which are pushed to the ppa10:32
darkxstI don't have upload rights to all of those10:33
darkxstbut I will sync the ones I can10:33
ricotzthere are ffe-bugs for pcre2 and libdmapsharing10:33
ricotzdarkxst, the gtk-doc merge would be nice too10:33
ricotzdarkxst, gnome-shell-extensions could be copied from debian to ppa too?10:34
ricotzdarkxst, caribou too10:35
darkxstricotz, ok will look tomorrow10:56
ricotzdarkxst, thanks11:02
BoyonfireJust installed UbuntuGnome 16.04 beta13:58
aiHey guys. Anyone mind helping me out? I have Simple scan on Ubuntu 14.04 that is version 3.12.1 but on Ubuntu 15.10 it is version 3.18. When I want to test mt all-in-one printer/scanner....my printer will work under 14.04 but scanner will not be detected. However, when I try 15.10 my scanner and printers are working. I did many tests with many different distros and EVERY single one that used Simple Scan 3.12.x did NOT work and higher than that did. So my18:02
aiquestion is: Is there a way to install 3.16/3.18 of Simple Scan on Ubuntu 14.04. I followed instruction on main site but when I do them it says something like it cannot be found or does not match.18:02
ricotzai, simple-scan is mostly just the frontend and the underlying libgphoto2 and sane-backends are doing the real job18:33
airicotz, for some reason I cannot update my SS to 3.18.x. I need 3.18.x minimum for it to work unless I have to update something else. Please kindly keep in mind for 5 days I have looked at distro to pic as I want to switch from Windows. I am NEW user.18:42
aiI managed to troubleshoot and repeat the issue with many distros that do not use SS 3.18.18:43
chemanevhi can someone helpme..20:12

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