
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest6946)06:12
FlannelApproximately 24h until IRCC voting ends. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2016-March/001844.html07:00
valorieoops, thanks for the reminder, Flannel07:03
Flannelvalorie: That's what reminders are for :)07:04
Phaneshello.  please remove the ban on my user19:47
k1lPhanes: hi, since i will not remove any bans set on you and there was just another incident with your behaviour i doubt any other op will do now. so you might want to file an appeal to the ircc deciding about your bans.20:04
k1l!appeal | Phanes20:04
ubottuPhanes: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.20:04
Phanesim not appealing the ban20:37
Phanesi agree with it20:37
Phanesim asking for it to be lifted20:38
Phaneshowever i did have an issue just last night where i was banned for offtopic discussion that was not actually offtopic and called out an operator for misinforming your users (you are welcome)20:38
PhanesOne of your ops is telling your channel that compiling a kernel from source will break the stability of your system due to libc and gcc version mismatching.  I have corrected him on this but the ban is still in place.20:41
Phaneshowever if it is your contention that lifetime bans are appropriate for anything like what the original ban in place was for or the ban last night, I can save some time and just join through a different bouncer proxy.  Look, I'll follow your rules, but they have to be reasonably manageable, you can't manage this process like a DMV.20:43
PhanesAnd I say that with loose appeal to process because apparently your operators can decide what's ontopic or not despite it being clearly listed as a topic in the channel guidelines you yourselves posted.20:44
Phanes* Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned).20:44
Phanesok, proxy it is.  sorry that you would not be reasonable.20:45
k1lThat attitude is just astonishing. He really thinks he is helping with trolling, making drama and threatening users and ops.20:46
daxmy favorite part of it is that he says he's going to use proxies and evade. okay. two possibilities there. either he evades and acts fine and doesn't get banned, or he evades and gets banned again because changing your IP address doesn't change your behavior21:11
daxi'm not sure why he thinks we'd much care either way21:11
valorieFlannel: I just emailed you21:11
daxtakes people longer to evade than it does for us to set a second ban :\21:12

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