
Kilosgreetings ZA peeps05:53
Wolfeyesmorning everyone06:01
Kiloshi boy06:02
pavlushkamorning Wolfeyes , Kilos 06:06
pavlushkamorning everyone!06:07
Wolfeyesheya pavlushka, Kilos06:07
pavlushkahi Wolfeyes !06:09
pavlushkaWebtricity, how are you?06:09
KilosMaaz coffee on06:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer06:13
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:17
KilosMaaz danke06:17
kulelu88anybody tinker with lighttpd here? 06:50
theblazehenkulelu88: I used to use it. Why are you looking at that rather than say nginx?06:53
kulelu88theblazehen: I've literally yack-shaved across 1000 things to get a simple http server running up via an LXC container. I cannot seem to get the userdirectory to use a special port06:54
kulelu88Currently, my static files exist under: /home/user1/public_html06:54
theblazehenkulelu88: Hmm, not sure about that. Pretty much used it enough to see that nginx is much easier to configure, and they have similar resource usage06:55
kulelu88When I go to: - I can reach the server. But I need to make it such that everything renders under port xxxx so that I can do port-forwarding06:55
kulelu88So when I do: . it takes me to:
theblazehenAnd you can't change the listen port globally or something?06:56
kulelu88hmmm, let me try I guess. Won't hurt, cause it's a container and I can destroy it06:57
kulelu88aah so its not the static files, its the stupid phone07:07
kulelu88theblazehen: I fixed it :D07:22
pavlushkayeha, fixed my display panel, now Iam back!!!08:59
Kilosi though it was fried08:59
pavlushkame too, but the mechanic didn't09:00
Kilosmechanics work on cars not ps09:00
Kiloswhat was wrong?09:01
pavlushkayou can say electronics&electrical mechanic09:01
pavlushkasome power related ic/chip they are saying.09:02
Kiloswell not a very good one if an amateur can fix what he says is fried09:02
Wolfeyeselectrical technician09:03
Kilosmaybe a varistor09:04
pavlushkaits not me, I let it to a electromechanical technician to fix, and its I though that the monitor is fried.09:04
Kilosi forget the name of the other things that pop when power surges09:04
pavlushkaanyway, its good! yeah!09:06
Kiloshappy for you09:06
Kilossomeone watch this and tell me whats happening please10:22
inetprogood mornings12:51
inetproKilos: they're running bash on windows that is what12:51
inetpro...that is whats happening12:52
pavlushkainetpro, what do you think, is it good or not?13:03
inetpropavlushka: it's just one tiny piece of Ubuntu on Windows, not something for us, we have the full scope of it in our hands13:04
pavlushkainetpro, no doubt about that, I think they are helping themselves.13:05
inetpromay introduce more people to the power the linux commandline which may be a good thing13:07
inetprooh but not just the commandline13:08
inetproimagine people running gcc directly on windows, that's quite something13:08
inetproand all of python right there by default13:09
pavlushkamay be, but not sure if they fork bash like dos to MSdos.13:09
pavlushkaI am guessing with my little knowledge, so correct me if I am wrong.13:10
inetproI understand that it is bit for bit the same bash as on linux13:11
pavlushkaif can confirm, that will be really great, but dont know which way it will lead.13:12
pavlushka**if you can confirm13:12
inetpropavlushka: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/03/ubuntu-on-windows.html13:16
inetpro" we're talking about bit-for-bit, checksum-for-checksum Ubuntu ELF binaries running directly in Windows"13:17
inetpropavlushka: make no mistake, the windows powershell is quite advanced as it is... but it is absolsolutely horrible compared to what we get on the Linux cli13:29
pavlushkaI can work with cmd but once tried powershell and got back to cmd and even better back in bash.13:33
pavlushkainetpro, you can call me stupid but bash is good even for stupids.13:37
inetprohaha, fortunately we're not even just limited to bash, some people here even avoid bash13:38
pavlushkadoes it includes you?13:39
pavlushkaKilos, waiting....13:42
pavlushkainetpro, I guess not.13:42
* inetpro is not a developer13:42
Kilosok caugt up13:43
inetproI'll admit that I also use bash, other prefer zsh or csh or even tcsh13:43
Kilosi dunno what bash is even13:44
inetproman bash13:44
Kilosor do i 13:44
Kilosused it somewhere i think13:44
Kilosbullied by others to use it13:45
Kilosi know what bash stands for13:45
Kilosi just been pumping water in the su n dont make me sweat now with man13:45
Kilostoo much to read13:47
inetprotechnically we actually use dash in place of bash these days13:47
inetprosh = /bin/dash13:48
Kilossh: 0: Can't open =13:48
inetprooops but hang on,... I see my login shell is still bash13:49
pavlushkainetpro, hanging on...13:50
inetproKilos: did you even read the DESCRIPTION part of the man page?13:50
inetpros/even/at least/13:51
Kilosyes bourne again shell13:52
Kilosand i looked some switches i think they are called13:52
Kiloslike -c13:52
inetproKilos: no, that was in the NAME part13:52
Kiloswell i read that13:53
Kilosyou are my man13:53
Kilosonly succesful thing i ever worked out there was adding -c to wget for bad connection13:54
Kilosman is written in a foreign language13:54
inetproKilos: how do you associate -c from bash with -c from wget?13:55
Kiloswell quite simple13:55
Kilos-c brings a memory13:55
Kilosso i member that one and dont read the other one otherwise ram overflows13:56
Kiloslike that `bla bla` thing13:56
Kilosdont work for me13:56
Kiloshow are you today inetpro 13:57
inetprohot but good, good13:57
Kilosi enjoyed 30 mins in the sun in shorts13:58
Kilosgot some UV's13:58
Kilosdid you check beetles13:58
Kilosall eggs now13:58
inetpropavlushka: http://www.slideshare.net/jaguardesignstudio/why-zsh-is-cooler-than-your-shell-1619469213:59
inetproKilos: leaves sprouting again14:01
Kilosinetpro you owe me14:04
Kilosremember 6 years ago when i asked how you made you pic thing and asked if you would help me make one you said later14:05
Kilosits now later14:05
Kilosnot today though head too sore14:05
* pavlushka laughs watching Kilos and his way, making my day!14:07
Kilosthe guys are used to me14:08
pavlushkaand gals?14:08
Kilosthey brought me from knowing nothing, to know a little bit more14:08
Kilosi have some lady friends here as well14:09
Kilosand belkie14:09
Kilosand melodie14:09
Kilosthey have all helped me14:10
inetproKilos: what pic thing?14:10
* Kilos thinks of its name14:10
Kilosprofile pic14:10
Kilossomething gaurd14:10
pavlushkainetpro, got any idea?14:11
Kiloshave you noticed his nice one pavlushka 14:12
Kiloshat and all14:12
Kiloshe really is that ugly14:12
* Kilos ducks14:12
pavlushkaKilos, I gonna die laughing, a good death though!14:13
Kilosoh and inetpro 14:13
Kilosyou also need to work on your wiki page14:13
Kilosand your membership application14:14
Kilosbefore i retire14:14
Kilosohi superfly 14:14
Kiloswb chesedo 14:15
inetproKilos: http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-aIpWT5bmxXk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAV8/1mz1oFHC07w/s80-c/photo.jpg14:15
inetprowhat's that ^?14:16
Kilosmy gotchi14:16
Kiloswhere you found that14:16
Kilosive been considering swopping drives here to get it14:16
Kilosis that big enough to put in the new chat thing14:17
Kilosthe popey thing14:17
inetproKilos: watch what you post online, it'll come back to haunt you14:18
Kiloswht did i post now14:19
inetprothat face of yours is to be found everywhere with google14:19
inetproyou're famous14:19
Kilosoh my14:19
inetprojust a simple image search with your name and... voila!14:21
Kilosi see you are there14:25
Kilosnuvolari ping14:28
Kilosdie outjie baie stout ne14:28
Kilosinetpro is 5+5 meg too little for you14:32
Kilostelkom having a special14:32
Kilos15g one too14:32
inetprohalf of what I have14:32
Kilos15g for 399 i think14:32
Kilosdont you get my broadband mail?14:32
* inetpro has 10+10 for 199pm14:33
Kiloswith who/14:33
inetprowith Telkom oom Kilos14:33
Kilosoh but contract hey14:34
inetproI can do with triple that though14:35
inetproplus more14:35
Kiloswhat do you do14:35
Kilosoh kids14:35
Kilosdont forget if im overseas to get fly guy to upgrade QA so she doesnt burp anymore14:37
inetproat 30mbps I can finish 10GB in less than an hour14:37
Kilosafter debconf of course14:37
Kilosbut what would you do14:37
Kilosother than movies what is there one can get use of14:38
Kiloswhew so much14:39
Kilosvideos ya eat data14:39
Kilosi dont like modern video music, all the flashing images bad for head14:39
inetproit's gone quick, quick before you realise it if you're not careful14:39
inetproand videos are everywhere these days... not just YT14:41
Kilosyes what a shame14:41
Kilosif i want a recipe i want text not some persong rusing through it live14:41
Kilosi cook at my own spead14:42
inetproif I watch TV I want to see what I want, not what some other people think I should watch14:45
inetproonline TV on demand is the way to watch it14:45
Kilosyeah but expensive14:46
Kiloswith mobile data man14:46
Kiloskeep up14:46
Kiloslike that bash video i wont even watch it14:47
inetproobviously, but only because we have so many people who are easily influenced by the BIG media 14:48
inetproit will come down eventually, there's no other way14:49
Kiloslets hope14:49
inetprojust way too many coach potatoes who still keep on paying14:50
inetprobecause they don't know that they have choice14:50
Kilosai! ek moet still bly ne14:54
Kilosnet nou het ek nog wek14:54
Kilosis it anton_may with knee problems14:55
KilosMaaz wb14:55
MaazThank you so much Kilos my good good friend14:55
KilosMaaz botsnack14:56
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!14:56
Kilosinetpro is it the T20 final now15:03
inetproKilos: yes, and with England on 155/9 after 20 overs... this can become a very interesting final15:06
Kilosyes the windies can whack a ball15:07
inetprowb MaNI15:09
Kilosnow you frightened him15:09
Kilosthis could be very interesting15:34
Kilosoh my what a turnaround17:06
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:57
Kilossee youall tomorrow18:57

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