
ubottugreta: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:00
effectneti want to unzip some rar files00:05
lotuspsychje!info rar | effectnet00:05
ubottueffectnet: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:5.3.b2-1 (wily), package size 546 kB, installed size 1451 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)00:06
sruliEriC^^: i tried that, it gave a message "there is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth /path...... Nothing to configure"00:07
kenny__ /server irc.irchighway.net00:09
EriC^^sruli: try apt-get install --reinstall, it's getting kind of late here and i'm off to bed00:09
sruliEriC^^: tried that, did not help00:09
sruliEriC^^: sorry for wasting ur time, just found its a known bug in 16.0400:11
srulithaks for ur help anyway, atleast u solved the swap issue00:14
EriC^^no problem00:14
kenny__ /server irc.irchighway.net00:15
=== VInicius is now known as Guest13774
neldogzAnyone notice case and CPU fans frequently spinning up and down with Ubuntu 15.10 and Skylake CPU's?00:18
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VapezHello, is safe to apt-get autoremove 2.7GB with kernels?00:20
VapezRochvellon: http://pastebin.com/JX8Srvm700:20
Vapezthis is safe?00:20
k1l_Vapez: yes00:21
Marezzwhere is bashrc file located? i need to create an alias00:21
k1l_Vapez: just make sure  afterwards that "linux-generic" is still installed00:21
k1l_Marezz: its ".bashrc" and its in your users homw00:21
Vapezk1l_: i have linux-generic amd64  , so i can safely make a auto-remove, right?00:22
k1l_Vapez: no i meant make sure the "linux-generic" package is installed afterwards.00:23
Marezzk1l_, i just checked it, its not there00:23
k1l_Vapez: removing old kernels is fine00:23
RochvellonVapez: you could aspell, dictionaries, hunspell and the other packages other than the kernel packages reinstall after the autoremove00:24
k1l_Marezz: then create one in the users home00:24
VapezI should do this manual, or it's making automatic the change, Rochvellon?00:24
RochvellonVapez: you do it manually with "sudo apt-get install aspell aspell-en dictionaries-common enchant hunspell-en-us libaspell1500:26
Rochvellon  libenchant1c2a libhunspell-1.3-0"00:26
an0o0nymhello guys im having a problem. my unity doesnt load. i can see no dash no launcher. i tried everythin from lightdm restart through using compizconfig manager trying to enable unity plugin. but nothing seems to work. it does happen only on my root account, the other one is working fine. Can anyone please help me?00:27
k1l_Vapez: but you want to run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" since there are a lot of non installed updates00:27
Vapezk1l_: now it's runing the apt-get upgrade00:27
Vapezbut not with full option...00:27
k1l_Vapez: you need the full-upgrade to get new kernels etc.00:27
Vapezi am kind of paranoid because this is the production server, i still have snapshot just in case, but i want to be safe00:28
Vapezi will do "full-upgrade" after finishhing this operation00:28
an0o0nymsorry. i did not mentioned it ..im running Ubuntu 14.0400:28
j09Some of my games in Steam start with crackling distorted sounds, how would I go about fixing this?00:34
j09a google search throws up a few results but none of them work00:35
j09i don't really know where to go with this00:37
VapezThank you Rochvellon k1l_00:37
an0o0nymhello guys im having a problem. my unity doesnt load. i can see no dash no launcher. I can run no terminal. i tried everythin from lightdm restart through using compizconfig manager trying to enable unity plugin. but nothing seems to work. running dconf reset -f /org/compiz as suggested on askubuntu.com i got message saying compiz(core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.00:40
an0o0nymit does happen only on my root account, the other one is working fine. Can anyone please help me? I am running on Ubuntu 14.0400:40
Bashing-oman0o0nym: Indicates a config issue with your username . TRY ' rm ~/.config/dconf  ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.dmrc ' to rest to defaults .00:46
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=== Lengsdorfer is now known as Guest78748
an0o0nymBashing-om: when I try running your commands it return me message saying that there is no such a file or directory as ~/.dmrc. and that the other oneas are directories. should i remove them with rm -r?00:52
=== Guest78748 is now known as de-facto
Bashing-oman0o0nym: Ooopps .. yeah with the -r flag .. sotty 'bout that ..00:54
an0o0nymBashing-om no worries. ok i will give it a try, lets see what happends'00:55
EoinDHey guys , I am having an error with Ubuntu-make. I am running 16.04 beta 2 and whenever i go to install android or any other IDE I get an error00:55
EoinDumake android ERROR: A default framework for category Android was requested where there is none usage: umake android [-h] {android-ndk} ...00:55
EoinDumake ide idea-ultimate  usage: umake ide [-h] {visual-studio-code,datagrip,lighttable} ... umake ide: error: argument framework: invalid choice: 'idea-ultimate' (choose from 'visual-studio-code', 'datagrip', 'lighttable')00:55
=== satbuddhi is now known as sat-buddhi
gorgolath_hi, a got a problem conecting my computer with a wireless speaker via bluetooth00:56
an0o0nymBashing-om: unfortuantely it does not work00:57
an0o0nymBashing-om maybe that would help. when i run unity command, one of the return messages says Unknown job: unity-panel-service00:58
gorgolath_the computer reconize the speaker but at time to send a audio, send me a little windows of error conetion00:59
devslashMy Ubuntu install won't boot. It just gets stuck at the purple screen without an error message. What's the best way to troubleshoot it ?01:00
linociscohi all, i have downloaded videos and ripped videos on hard drive . I would like to know when they were originally shot or taken and by using which devices or something like that01:03
Rhorsedoes Ubuntu use GPT or LVM partitioning for 1 TB disks?01:03
Bashing-oman0o0nym: Have you rebooted to see the effect ?01:05
gcl5cphow do i upgrade a library from 14.04 to 15.04 or 15.10? just one.01:05
an0o0nymBashing-om: no. I did not. doing it right now01:06
an0o0nymBashing-om: still nothing.01:07
Bashing-omgcl5cp: Generally, do not . Fependeny issues with other libraries . do ' apt-cache depends <packag name> ; apt-cache rdepends <packagename> to see what all is effected .01:08
Bashing-oman0o0nym: A step deeper ' rm -rf ~/.gconf ~/.gconfd ~/.metacity ~/.compiz-1 ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.config/dconf ' .01:09
linociscohi all, i have downloaded videos and ripped videos on hard drive . I would like to know when they were originally shot or taken and by using which devices or something like that01:10
gcl5cplibfreerdp1 Depends on: libc6 libssl1.0.0 libx11-6 libxkbfile1. I guess i will get in trouble.01:12
Bashing-omglasnak: Uh HuH ! libc6 is at the heart of the operting system .01:13
gcl5cpBashing-om: yes, is about Remmina lacking sound support.01:15
an0o0nymBashing-om: that worked! dont know how to thank you. can you suppose what could cause such a problem? I did not do anything lately in my system what might have caused this problem.01:16
Bashing-omgcl5cp: That is out of me experience range , never used Remmina .01:17
devslash2My Ubuntu install won't boot. It just gets stuck at the purple screen without an error message. What's the best way to troubleshoot it ?01:18
gcl5cpwell, thank Bashing-om01:18
Bashing-oman0o0nym: Great that it worked . Nope, no idea of what might have caused it .01:18
Bashing-om!sound | gcl5cp maybe, tried these :01:18
ubottugcl5cp maybe, tried these :: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:18
an0o0nymBashing-om: ok, anyways. Thanks once again! You have a great evening01:19
Bashing-oman0o0nym: :) keep on keep'n on .01:20
onnz423Could anyone help me out?01:22
onnz423trying to burn iso to dvd but it does not allow me to do anything to the dvd, tried already with 2 different dvd's which are 100% working, but when trying to write, it does not write01:23
RhorseHi, what is the prevailing partitioning scheme that Ubuntu uses these days for 1 TB HDD's?01:23
onnz423and when trying to format it saays * 4.7GB DVD-RW media in Restricted Overwrite mode detected.01:23
onnz423* formatting 0.0\:-[ PERFORM OPC failed with SK=1h/ASC=00h/ACQ=03h]: Input/output error01:23
onnz423so is this some kind of permission issue or?01:23
onnz423tried already with brasero and k3b01:24
onnz423and i dont happen to have any 4gb usb sticks lying down eithr01:25
onnz423but i dont know if its possible to use android phone or external hard drive as bootable medium when trying to make it from windows  iso on ubuntu01:25
Bashing-omRhorse: GPT partitioning is faster and the more robust ( got to have a noot partition ) .. but msdos (legacy) should work just fine .01:27
onnz423and im trying to even force format, its not allowing me to do anything to the dvd01:28
onnz423and the weird thing is that it shows 970MB for size of both disks, when in reality they are 4.7GB each01:28
onnz423aand it just spins around01:30
RhorseBashing-om: just wondering what the Ubuntu installer (from Live DVD) uses as default...01:31
=== Mihai is now known as Guest49082
onnz423Do you think that01:32
Bashing-omRhorse: That would be legacy as ext4 for the file system unless this is UEFI ,, then it is GPT with ext4 .01:32
Guest49082why does linux suck?01:32
onnz423it could success if i tried to create bootable meduium from live cd01:33
onnz423i think01:33
onnz423doesnt hurt trying01:33
Bashing-omGuest49082: Does not for millions, what does that tell you ?01:33
Guest49082you know what bugs me?01:34
Guest49082every person i know tries to do stuff with their lives to make it better, simpler, easier01:34
Guest49082linux offers choices, but why still isn't a distro with just the right amount of everything?01:35
kelvinGuest49082: because what 'right amount' means different thing for different people01:36
NetUserhow to remove UEFI on ubuntu ??01:36
Guest49082no. then i used a wrong word01:36
Guest49082minimal install with just a desktop enviroment and a store01:36
Bashing-om!minimal | Guest4908201:37
ubottuGuest49082: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:37
onnz423Looks promising via the live usb01:37
\9NetUser: uefi is something native to your computer firmware. you don't just remove it like that01:38
Guest49082installing software which is not on the store is a pain in linux. after all theese years01:38
GlorfindelI'm having some problems building some software01:38
Glorfindel"CMake Error at doc/CMakeLists.txt:73 (RST2HTML):01:38
Glorfindel  Unknown CMake command "RST2HTML".01:38
devslashI need help i can't boot Ubuntu. It gets stuck  at a purple screen01:39
Bashing-om!nomodeset | devslash01:39
ubottudevslash: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:39
Guest49082i give up. after years of linux bullcrap, i give up.01:40
Glorfindeldevslash: did you check out that ubottu message?01:42
Bashing-omdevslash: ^^ See the bot's advise, try it and advise us on the result .01:42
kelvinGuest49082: why is it a pain?01:42
devslashWhat advise01:42
Glorfindeldevslash: send ubottu a message !nomodeset01:43
devslashOh nomodeset i tried that01:43
devslashIt doesn't make a difference01:43
NetUserUEFI can't be remove ?01:43
devslashGlorfindel i did that and it didnt help01:44
Bashing-om!UEFI | NetUser01:44
ubottuNetUser: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:44
devslashAny help would be appreciated01:45
Glorfindeldevslash: I'm here to get some help as well ;) sorry I can't help01:46
=== net-filter-32 is now known as gator-
Bashing-omdevslash: What release are you attempting to boot ? New install ? did you verify the download and the burn ?01:49
onnz423This is really shitty situation01:49
skinuxI want to install a python software that says to use setup.py, but I've been told many times before to never use setup.py01:50
onnz423Even  booting to01:50
devslashBashing-om It worked previously but stopped01:50
onnz423Live usb tells me that my dvd is 2tb...01:50
onnz423On both dvd's01:50
devslashI think its version 14.1001:50
onnz423And im 100% sure that they are perfectly fine01:50
onnz423Too bad i gave my laptop to my grandma xD01:51
devslashBashing-om what can i do?01:51
Bashing-omdevslash: The release matters as the boot process is changed .. and IF 14.10 .. no support as it is End_Of_Life .01:52
devslashHow so i check01:53
devslashI can get to a root shell prompt01:53
NetUserremove the windows EFI in ubuntu ?01:54
Bashing-omdevslash: Got a liveDVD(USB) ? .. then mount the install's root and ' cat /mnt/etc/issue ' . That will tell .01:55
devslashNo i dont have a live boot cd01:55
Bashing-omdevslash: Root shell will do also . ' cat /etc/issue ' .01:55
Glorfindelis there a better channel to ask building questions?01:56
Bashing-om!15.04 | devslash01:57
ubottudevslash: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid01:57
devslashIt was working perfectly until one day when this started. That was sometime last year but i just installed windows on a different drive01:57
devslashOk do now what01:57
devslashIm fucked because its EOL ?!01:57
Bashing-omdevslash: Well .. upgrade OR clean install 15.10 . Yo upgrade we must make sure that system is stable . Possible not worth the effort .01:58
devslashWhy is ubuntu so goddamned buggy01:59
onnz423Im going back to windows fully01:59
onnz423This is a gaming pc so... ;_;01:59
onnz423And i dont like dualbooting01:59
dylanWhy not01:59
onnz423Idk xD02:00
=== dylan is now known as not_here
NetUserhow to remove Windows EFI on ubuntu ??02:00
onnz423It just doesnt feel right02:00
NetUserbut my ubuntu in LEGACY mode02:00
not_hereThat's weird02:00
Bashing-omdevslash: It is not .. You do not inderstand the release schedule . 15.04 was an interim release for the next Long_Term_Support release .02:00
not_herewhat does dualbooting make you feel02:00
onnz423I have no idea02:01
onnz423Time to roll a ciggie02:01
not_hereciggie huh02:01
onnz423Kind of pisses me off that i cant get something as simple as burning dvd to work02:01
onnz423U know that feeling? XD02:01
not_hereon ubuntu?02:01
not_heresometimes yeah02:02
skinuxHow do I install software that tells me to install using setup.py? I've been told several times to never use setup.py because it puts all kinds of shit on my system.02:02
onnz423On live usb02:02
not_herethe simplest shit sometimes..02:02
onnz423And from main one too02:02
ZsparksNYYou need the dual boot that automatically knows which OS to load.02:02
not_heresetup.py is fine02:02
not_herepython setup.py install02:02
onnz423I wanna see the error it gives02:02
onnz423I thinn imma re try running that k3b as root02:02
skinuxnot_here: A year or so ago, I was getting told all the time to never run that.02:03
not_herewhat else is in the dir?02:03
not_herealso why specifically?02:03
skinuxPeople kept saying setup.py puts a whole bunch of stuff on the system and creates a mess.02:03
kelvinskinux: you may want to look at setup.py and see what it does02:04
not_hereOn my system it puts it right in site-pakcages02:04
not_herequite clean02:04
not_heredo a quick google I suppose02:04
dxxxxdis there any way to make ubuntu 14.. look like ubuntu 8.04-8.1002:04
not_herealso look at the code02:04
devslashCan i upgrade a non working distro with a bootable ubuntu dvd ?02:04
dxxxxd? me?02:05
kelvindevslash: why don't you do a clean install?02:05
not_herethe non working system being non-booting?02:05
devslashI want to keep what I had already set up if possible02:05
onnz423Could anyone look to the log if i post it to pastebin?02:05
dxxxxdi want my box to look like intrepid 8.10 splash screen and all02:05
onnz423I dont really understand a word of it02:05
dxxxxdwtf do i do for that02:05
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
kelvindevslash: what kind of setting do you want to keep? Very often you can just backup the config file02:08
onnz423If someone could check that, i would really appreciate it02:09
kelvinonnz423: are you trying to write multiple sessions?02:11
onnz423Im just using default and autosettings from k3b02:13
onnz423And brasero too02:13
onnz423And i tried with 2 different dvds02:13
onnz423Both same error02:13
kelvinare the dvds blank? or there is something already in it?02:15
onnz423Shows both as blank02:16
onnz423I have one empty hard drive attached02:16
kelvinyou are burning iso images?02:16
onnz423Could i possibly use that for mounting the iso?02:16
onnz423And booting windows installer from it02:17
onnz423Trying to burn windows 10 iso02:17
onnz423And its just me that is having this issue02:17
kelvinwhy would you want to install window like that?02:17
onnz423I need windows back for gaming purposws02:18
dm_compUbuntu 16.04 getting this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/139384202:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1393842 in libvirt (Ubuntu Trusty) "libvirt does not grant qemu-guest-agent channel perms" [High,Confirmed]02:18
dm_compcan anyone confirm?02:18
onnz423And i dont happen to have anything else to burn with02:18
onnz423Only those dvd's and usb flash drive which is 2gb unfortunately02:19
kelvinonnz423: you may want to try this: http://unetbootin.github.io/02:20
onnz423Unetbootin supports windows isos?02:20
kelvinnot sure02:20
kelvini've done this with linux only02:20
onnz423I have android phone too02:20
onnz423I could use the drivedroid but02:21
onnz423That would need windows pc i think02:21
onnz423For formatting, not sure if gparted can do that02:21
kelvinonnz423: because you already have the iso file, you can try using unetbootin02:26
onnz423Shows only usb and hard drive02:27
onnz423As options02:27
kelvinyou can choose disk image directly02:28
kelvinusb/hard drive is desintation02:29
onnz423But the hard drive it does not show anything else then "/"02:30
kelvindon't you want to try a usb?02:30
onnz423I dont have usb stick big enough02:31
onnz423I do have one 4GB02:31
onnz423But for some weird reason everytime i try to make it bootable02:31
onnz423It does not boot from it02:31
kelvinIf I remember correctly, you can still use /02:31
onnz423Yes but like02:31
onnz423What if it writes it to my main hard drive02:31
kelvinit doesn't remove everything in your drive02:31
onnz423Then i will have no working os02:32
kelvini think i've done this a year ago02:32
kelvinthere's a menu that you can choose from02:32
kelvinafter reboot02:32
kelvinbut if you want to be safe, you'd better use a usb of course02:32
B0g4r7_I'm preparing to install ubuntu 16.04 (beta 2) on a new box.  I'm gonna see if I can get lvmcache to work.02:32
onnz423Well i dont have usb ;_;02:34
onnz423I could try once on the 4gb one tho02:34
onnz423Maybe this time it works02:34
kelvindo you have an external harddisk?02:34
squintyonnz423,  might want to try dd command     dd bs=4M if=/path/to/distribution.iso of=/dev/sdx && sync02:35
B0g4r7_I prefer ddrescue --force /path/to/distribution.iso /dev/sdx && sync02:39
B0g4r7_It will transfer much faster, and give a nice progress display.02:39
onnz423I fucked it up02:39
squintyonnz423,  family channel here   swear words are taboo02:40
onnz423Ah sorry02:40
onnz423My apologizes02:40
onnz423will not happen again :)02:40
B0g4r7_My family digs #ubuntu.02:41
onnz423My family does not know what is ubuntu02:41
onnz423Or linux02:41
onnz423They think that mac os x and windows r only ones02:41
onnz423i did it, it finshed in 1 second02:47
onnz423... xD02:47
onnz423and didnt write anything02:47
devslashI'm so done with Ubuntu. I just downloaded the iso and burnt it to an external drive to do a fresh install over my non bootable install but the installer seems to be broken. Its been stuck on an all black screen for 15 minutes02:50
onnz423if you have 2 screens attached02:50
onnz423take another one off02:50
onnz423for installing02:50
onnz423that worked for me02:50
devslashI do have 2 monitors02:51
onnz423try taking another one off the hdmi or display port or what ever it is :=02:52
devslashI unplugged it02:52
onnz423i attached it back after installing nvidia official drivers02:52
devslashYoure a genius02:53
not_hereyou guys here about bash on windows02:53
devslashDo you think that that can cause my existing ubuntu install to hang ?02:53
onnz423it might be the iso02:53
devslashYea i did02:53
devslashOnnz i can get to theubuntu installation setup now02:55
onnz423devslash, nice to hear that your problem is fixed :)02:56
onnz423just install the graphic drivers and then you should be good to go02:56
devslashI will02:56
onnz423too bad i gotta go back to windows02:57
onnz423but it feels kind of waste to use ubuntu on gaming pc02:57
onnz423cnt play gta v, crysis or such so well02:57
devslashSo well ? You cant play it at all02:58
onnz423devslash, you can few games02:58
onnz423on steam02:58
onnz423mostly games with source engine02:58
devslashI think my gfx card is fcked02:58
devslashIm at the preparing Ubuntu screen and theres letters missing from the text on the screen02:59
onnz423its a shame that we dont have so good support for games for linux02:59
onnz423well if you press "try ubuntu" are letters sstill missing?02:59
onnz423when you browse through the menus03:00
devslashDo those games have native linux support ?03:02
devslashOnzz yes every screen in the setup is messed up03:02
onnz423devslash, yes, they do by valve03:03
onnz423there is a few03:03
devslashIm really surprised03:04
onnz423163 pages03:04
onnz423its something03:04
devslashGta5 is supported on linux ??03:04
onnz423nope :<03:04
devslashWhat about payday 203:04
onnz423there is some guide here but03:04
onnz423Its emulated03:05
waterCreaturehas anyone used ubuntu on raspberry pi?03:05
onnz423i tried it, but it didnt have any installation files03:05
onnz423i dont know why03:05
waterCreaturei got the NOOBS, but it's super irritating. can't install eclipse and the downloads takes hours.03:05
onnz423devslash, yo03:05
onnz423it was some error apperently03:06
onnz423now it can be installed :D03:06
devslashWhat was03:06
onnz42327603MB, last time i checked it was 370MB03:06
onnz423so i guess they had update or smthn03:06
devslashWgat are you talking about03:06
onnz423about the payday2, short answer is yes it can be installed03:06
waterCreaturei am thinking of switching to ubuntu, but from one website, the poll result was like 60 something percent for raspbian and 28% for ubuntu, although it doesn't say what the poll question is about.03:07
waterCreatureI need to make sure that before I swt=itch to ubuntu, that ubuntu is a better choice than raspbian .03:07
devslashI use raspbian on my pi03:07
waterCreaturedevslash, how has it been so far?03:08
devslashVery reliable03:08
waterCreaturewhat do you use it for?03:08
devslashWeb hosting03:08
onnz423I guess im getting rasperry pi too03:08
devslashI run a private cloud server03:08
[Saint]a very very slow one. :)03:08
onnz423i was thinking about running a tor exit node on rasperry03:09
onnz423for that reason i would buy it03:09
[Saint]there's a LOT of non-pi boards that aren't objectively terrible.03:09
[Saint]shop around.03:09
waterCreatureas for me, I need to link it with arduino and create a UI to display whatever arduino is sending, I installed kivy globally, on RP, but the same code that works on windows is not running on Rapsbian,03:10
waterCreatureI am devastated.03:10
onnz423I kind of want to learn C++ and create my own cryptocurrency03:12
[Saint]If you want a whole lot more board at a reasonably similar price, and don't care too much about the silicon vendor, check out Hardkern's ODROID boards.03:12
[Saint]The XU4 is a neat little board.03:12
waterCreatureI should have researched more before i bought raspberry pi..03:14
[Saint]They saturated the market with noise.03:15
[Saint]Then others blindly parrot it.03:15
[Saint]The only really compelling reason to get a pi is the cost.03:15
waterCreaturei paid 63 singapoer dollars.03:15
waterCreatureNow I just have to make it work03:16
[Saint]The C2 is also a neat little board.03:16
[Saint]And priced very pi-competitively.03:16
sabotagebeatsis there better boards than pi that are currently avail for similar pricepoint? :303:18
sabotagebeatsi really wanted to buy a pi but i can't find one shipped from USA for a non gouged price03:18
waterCreaturehttp://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php yeah, this one seems like it has better specs03:18
[Saint]sabotagebeats: C2 from Ameridroid.03:19
[Saint](since you're in the US)03:19
waterCreatureexcept rp3 has wifi and bluetooth built in, so no need to buy wifi dongle.03:19
[Saint]They're a hardkernel distribution partner.03:19
[Saint]That's a piss poor reason to prefer the Pi 3 IMO.03:19
sabotagebeats[Saint], is the C2 arm?03:19
sabotagebeats2 dongles = 10 bucks ?03:20
[Saint]Less, and, yes, it is.03:20
[Saint]aarch64 in fact.03:20
sabotagebeatswhat does tha tmean :)03:20
[Saint]"ARM 64 bit"03:21
[Saint]just check the link that waterCreature beat me to supplying by a few seconds.03:21
[Saint]Oh. They also run Android, which is something the Pi will never do in any of its current forms without Broadcom taking a digit out of an orifice.03:22
[Saint](which they have repeatedly displayed no interest in doing)03:22
[Saint]Well...raspi can "run Android", but it is a useless lagfest unaccellerated mess.03:23
=== N3X15_ is now known as N3X15
waterCreatureIt's ok actuallly< Because in SIngapore, it's really a pain to get my hands on those ys03:25
waterCreatureIt's ok actuallly< Because in SIngapore, it's really a pain to get my hands on those toys*03:25
onnz423I just flagged the external hard drive as boot03:32
onnz423And extracted iso to it03:32
onnz423And it booted, was it that easy?03:32
B0g4r7_What credentials can I use at the console login when using "Try Ubuntu without installing"?03:33
onnz423And password is ubuntu03:33
onnz423I think03:33
onnz423ubuntu and ubunti03:33
B0g4r7_I'm doing ctrl-alt-f1, and logging into the text console.03:34
B0g4r7_No love with ubuntu/ubuntu03:34
onnz423Uhmm root?03:34
onnz423and root03:34
B0g4r7_nope.  This is 16.04 beta 2.03:34
paladiumdo a ctrl-alt-f7 to gui and sudo passwd ubuntu ?03:35
onnz423try ubuntu without password?03:35
B0g4r7_there we go.  thx.03:35
B0g4r7_ubuntu/<no password>03:35
B0g4r7_gui might work if I had a mouse attached.03:36
onnz423Firetube is a really nice app03:37
onnz423For android03:37
onnz423It lists music only and it can be used as audio player for youtube03:38
onnz423So u can do whatever at sametime when playing music from it03:38
[Saint]YouTube already does this.03:38
onnz423They do support lock screen n stuff?03:39
sabotagebeatsonnz423, only if you pay for red03:39
onnz423Not paying lmao03:39
onnz423Would rather buy spotify omce again when i have cash03:39
[Saint]I got it with my Google Music subscription.03:39
[Saint]But you also have to be in a locale that doesn't suck...so, yeah.03:40
onnz423I got 6 months google play music with nexus 6p03:40
onnz423I dont think those red subscriptions are valid on finland03:40
RhorseI have everything. I like choice!03:40
onnz423I think its usa only03:40
[Saint]Google pretty much hates most of Europe and the Northern ZHemisphere I think.03:41
[Saint]EU licensing shenanigans and various locale-specific issues make it difficult.03:41
onnz423We have google datacenter03:41
onnz423Imma go there and cry about it03:41
onnz423I wonder why is that data center here03:42
onnz423Maybe it had something to do with that its close to russia03:43
[Saint]Don't put all your eggs in one basket, so to speak.03:43
[Saint]Its just about redundancy.03:43
[Saint]One goes down, there's more to take up the slack.03:43
[Saint]Scatter them around the globe to increase your odds.03:43
[Saint]data policy 101. basically.03:44
tsotfi install ubuntu 14.04 then i install vlc player, but when i play a video, i get a error "No suitable decoder module:" ?03:44
B0g4r7_tsotf, did you install updates?03:45
B0g4r7_if no, you should.03:45
tsotfyes i installed it03:45
nchambershey guys... I just installed ubuntu 15.04 32 bit server release on my physical server. I can ping, google.com, my vps, etc from it but whenever I run apt-get upgrade or apt-get update, it just says IGN <source> for each of the sources and does nothing. is there a way to fix this?03:46
tsotfit happen when i play video with video player then i get information to install driver then i install it, but when i play using vlc always show error03:47
nchambersnot_here, yeah I did it with sudo03:47
nchambersI'd imagine no03:48
nchamberscause I can do it from my laptop03:48
not_hereyou in your home network?03:48
aviswould someone port scan me ?03:48
not_herewoops that linked lol03:49
RoundDuckManI got an issue with swap, after booting, it says my PC has issues with my sda4 swap, though swap is still working and I see my /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 working. This is on Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with an encrypted home folder (I checked the "encrypt home folder" checkmark) and I didn't see that problem happen until after restoring my partitions via testdi03:49
RoundDuckMansk after accidently typing "sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sda" instead of sdb at the end, lol. XD03:49
RoundDuckManWell, my boot log says...03:50
RoundDuckManno windows popped out saying about swap03:50
Bashing-omtsotf: Have you installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package ? It contains some of the restricted codecs .03:52
RoundDuckManoutput of systemctl status dev-sda4.swap -l: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15595626/03:53
RoundDuckManI got an issue with swap, after booting, boot.log says my PC has issues with my sda4 swap, though swap is still working and I see my /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 working. This is on Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with an encrypted home folder (I checked the "encrypt home folder" checkmark) and I didn't see that problem happen until after restoring my partitions via03:54
RoundDuckMantestdisk after accidently typing "sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sda" instead of sdb at the end, lol. XD03:54
[Saint]could you not?03:54
RoundDuckManoutput of systemctl status dev-sda4.swap -l: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15595626/03:54
[Saint]Someone will answer if or when they're able to.03:54
tsotfBashing-om, i was installed it too, maybe i it's conflict ?03:55
nchambersnot_here, I appreciate the attempt to help, but I fixed it... for some reason ubuntu had apt set to only read a list of cdrom sources03:56
nchambersswapped it with a good one and it works \o/03:56
RoundDuckMan[Saint]: Swap still seems to be working, it's just it seems that Ubuntu's having problems with seeing the swap again. :/03:57
RoundDuckMan[Saint]: Swap still seems to be working, it's just it seems that Ubuntu's complaining about it.03:57
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RoundDuckMan[Saint]: Also partition type for my partitions in gnome-disks says "basic data." Why?03:58
Bashing-omtsotf: Do not know if still applys. but 14.04 we do : ' sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 ; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ; sudo renoot ' to install codecs for VLC .03:58
[Saint]RoundDuckMan: I have no idea why you're addressing me personally.03:59
[Saint]Someone will answer you if or when they're able to, but it won't be me.03:59
Bashing-omtsotf: renoot/reboot*04:00
RoundDuckMan[Saint]: I thought you were talking to me eariler, plus I'm a little desperate. :P04:00
[Saint]RoundDuckMan: I was, but only to say please stop needlessly repeating yourself and to be patient.04:01
[Saint]Nothing more, nothing less.04:01
RoundDuckMan[Saint]: ok, sorry...04:01
tsotfBashing-om, i will try.04:01
tsotfBashing-om, sudo renoot , i get error command not found04:03
[Saint]You didn't literally type 'renoot' did you?04:03
Bashing-omtsotf: Yeah ^^ typo .. should be ' sudo reboot ' . :(04:04
tsotfohhhh reboot :D04:05
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[Saint]noot noot!04:06
[Saint]*ahem*...sorry. Had to.04:06
Gallomimia!info nvidia-36104:07
ubottuPackage nvidia-361 does not exist in wily04:07
Bashing-om[Saint]: Worth a good chuckle .. where in the world did you find that ?04:08
Bashing-omGallomimia: 361 version will not be available 'til 16.04 .. usr our tristed PPA .04:09
Gallomimiaand how about 352.79?04:09
Gallomimiaxorg-edgers ppa?04:09
Bashing-omGallomimia: 352 is there .. but has some issues gaming .. that 361 fixes .04:10
Gallomimia352 is what i have installed, but it's not the latest version04:10
Gallomimiai mean, the packaged version is not the latest of 35204:10
Gallomimiaso. what ppa is it?04:10
Gallomimia!info libsdl2-2.0-004:12
ubottulibsdl2-2.0-0 (source: libsdl2): Simple DirectMedia Layer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2+dfsg1-6ubuntu2 (wily), package size 337 kB, installed size 1206 kB04:12
theoshi! i get ls: cannot access file.pdf: Input/output error. how can i delete the file without fsck? its ext4 fs04:12
ZoderUckinvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed04:12
ZoderUckhow to manually configure mysql-server ?04:12
Bashing-omGallomimia: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .04:13
GallomimiaZoderUck: it's under /etc/mysql isn't it?04:16
Gallomimiayep. conf files in there. i do believe updates tend to break the configs, and then you can't start it anymore04:17
onnz423windows 10 does not look taht bad tbh04:26
MannyLNJHow do I symlink /plex/tv to /media/emanuel/WD_Backup_Drive/Storage/TV?04:35
rypervencheMannyLNJ: You mean /media/emanuel/WD_Backup_Drive/Storage/TV to /plex/tv?04:37
rypervencheMannyLNJ: /media/emanuel/WD_Backup_Drive/Storage/TV is your backup drive.04:38
MannyLNJWhen I go to /plex/tv I want it to see /media/emanuel/WD_Backup_Drive/Storage/TV04:38
rypervencheMannyLNJ: ln -s /media/emanuel/WD_Backup_Drive/Storage/TV /plex/tv04:38
rypervencheMannyLNJ: /plex/tv should not exist before you do that.04:39
ZoderUck dpkg: error processing package mysql-server (--configure):04:39
B0g4r7_The regular Ubuntu Desktop installer still doesn't let me install onto dm-raid?   Bah.04:43
MannyLNJrypervenche, thanks04:43
B0g4r7_er..."linux software raid" using mdmam rather.04:44
B0g4r7_...and 16.04 has no "alternate installer" available yet.  The plot thickens.04:45
cfhowlettalternate installer was removed some time ago B0g4r7_04:49
Bashing-omB0g4r7_: ' sudo apt install dmraid ' :)04:49
B0g4r7_I can't do the apt install bit at install-time, it seems.04:50
B0g4r7_For the moment I'm installing onto a regular partition, and planning to later copy the install onto lvm on software raid.04:52
B0g4r7_and hope the initrd modules and bootloader business all shakes out.04:53
B0g4r7_"We're sorry.  The installer crashed."  :(04:55
B0g4r7_Wow, kernel Oops and everything.04:56
B0g4r7_If y'all wanted to install ubuntu desktop onto software raid, how would you do it?04:58
Bashing-om!raid | B0g4r7_04:58
ubottuB0g4r7_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:58
B0g4r7_Page says "If you're building a desktop then you need the "Alternate" install ISO for Ubuntu."04:59
B0g4r7_cfhowlett says "alternate installer was removed some time ago"04:59
cfhowlettconfirming now ...04:59
cfhowlett!alternate | B0g4r7_04:59
ubottuB0g4r7_: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD04:59
cfhowlettB0g4r7_, but the alternate text installer is still in the server .iso, yes??05:00
theosre: hi! i get ls: cannot access file.pdf: Input/output error. how can i delete the file without fsck? its ext4 fs05:00
B0g4r7_I don't have the server iso on hand to check...it probably is, but I'm trying to do Desktop on software raid.05:00
B0g4r7_I guess I could install Server and then convert it.05:02
B0g4r7_That would probably be the easiest route.05:03
RhorseHi, Does Ubuntu installer use GPT or LVM in setting up partitions?05:09
Gallomimiait can05:10
Gallomimiain order to get my installation done on a mdadm raid, i had to use the ubuntu server installer05:13
mngrifGallomimia, HI05:14
Gallomimiayou're not allowed in here!05:15
mngrifGallomimia, do a nickserv info on me...05:16
mngrifit's kinda ridic05:16
Gallomimiai was just pullin' your leg05:16
mngrif!call kb1eof05:27
theos!call help05:31
nchambers\o/ he did it05:44
Coffees4ClosersHow to make it so i don't have to type 'python' before launching a python program from the cmd line?  Do I add it to the path?05:51
wutfinstalled trusty on my Chromebook Pixel 2, no audio05:52
wutfanyone skilled in audio want to try to help me get it working?05:53
=== occult is now known as Occult
wafflejockwutf: wouldn't say I'm skilled in audio but can help you debug some probably05:54
wafflejockwutf: have you tried using the alsa-utils (arecord and aplay to test the low level audio stuff) ?05:55
wutfnot really, but as far as i can tell, no one has gotten it working05:56
wafflejockwutf: also you probably want to check out the following commands lshw, lspci -k, lsusb, each of those will list some hardware details typically if you find the device id can google that and the version of ubuntu to find details05:56
wutf...except for the strategy of migrating some chromium os code to linux and building a custom kernel05:56
wafflejockwutf: might be the case if none of the build in kernel modules support the audio chipset dunno the details of the pixel 205:57
wafflejockbuilt in*05:57
wafflejockwutf: should work as is if this post was true https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/chromebook-central/9VxEbNc0j9k/081Gtv1wvxMJ the intel hd audio is supported05:58
wutflshw: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f22ee1d3104ba94d10cd260e475a0ea805:58
wutflspci -k: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2f03cb3b9546863810335b9a5b98941406:00
wutfthat's an interesting post, but apparently nothing has come of it06:01
wutfchecking this out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:01
wafflejockwutf: yeah found a launchpad bug with that broadwell U audio chipset with some issues trying to see if it went anywhere in terms of workaround or details, people say they can grep for it in the dmesg and find errors about broadwell06:03
wafflejockwutf: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1441852 <-- if this seems familiar there is a workaround somewhere in there06:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1441852 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP Spectre x360 - 13-4010ca] Audio broken, broadwell-U audio controller" [Low,Incomplete]06:03
=== John is now known as Guest6946
Guest6946whos new to ubuntu06:05
Guest6946whos new?06:05
wafflejockGuest6946: I'm a few years in but if you're looking for general chat maybe join #ubuntu-offtopic since this room is just for support questions06:05
cfhowlettGuest6946, this is ubuntu tech support.  please stay on topic.  thanks06:05
Guest6946ok then, this has been on my mind for a while now, how do i get my primary screen to the right?06:06
wafflejockGuest6946: are you using Unity or a different desktop environment?06:07
buharinI go linux on my imac and got only one problem06:07
buharinmy youtube sounds not playing06:07
buharinthink it is stereo properties problem06:07
wafflejockGuest6946: well you have to be using some sort of desktop environment if you just went with default Ubuntu then it's Unity (I personally use Ubuntu Gnome edition so I have gnome in here you drag the little black bar in the displays from one monitor to the other)06:08
wafflejockbuharin: does audio in other applications work?06:08
Guest6946oh, how do i get unity06:08
wutfwafflejock getting hda intel working seems promising, thanks06:08
buharinwafflejock, yes I check skype, and also audio tests also work06:08
buharinwafflejock, the strange thing happens when add module to alsa hda_imac27 it works only with stereo4.006:09
buharinbut I need to change it because no headphones support there06:09
buharini used imac27_12206:09
buharinand it works fine06:09
buharinhowever I cann't choice mode stereo06:10
buharinand my youtube won't work06:10
buharinvimeo works :)06:10
wafflejockwutf: no prob good luck too06:10
buharinI tried with gnash but it also won't06:10
wafflejockbuharin: that is pretty strange06:11
buharinwhere can I find for ex. gnash audio settings?06:11
wafflejockbuharin: only sort of related things I've seen is if pulseaudio isn't running then YouTube will not play (will just show the first frame) until I get pulseaudio running again06:11
Guest6946anyone there06:11
* ecemm sex video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ehJrXd6QMs06:11
cfhowlett!ops | Guest694606:12
ubottuGuest6946: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:12
=== Petru is now known as Guest93248
buharinwafflejock, how to run pulseaudio?06:13
=== Guest93248 is now known as Petru7
wafflejockbuharin: typically it starts automatically during boot up I just had that issue because I was using JACK audio for some Midi stuff I was playing with and didn't have the pulsaudio jack bridge stuff so I was stopping pulseaudio manually with pulseaudio -k and then starting it back up manually06:14
wafflejockbuharin: as far as I understand it ALSA is the low level audio stuff that communicates with the kernel drivers for talking to the hardware, then typically Ubuntu uses Pulseaudio on top of that for controlling per application volume to go to ALSA and out to the hardware06:15
B0g4r7_Bah, Server installer also fails saying "Your installation  CD-ROM couldn't be mounted."  CD-ROM?  What is this 1997?06:15
wafflejockthen JACK is an alternative that can talk right to ALSA too or I think can go through pulse06:15
wafflejockhaha :)06:16
buharinwafflejock, yeah06:16
dm_comphi, so in a bug report it states this this should be fixed in libvirt 1.3.1-1ubuntu8 and when i do dpkg -s libvirt-bin i get this this Version: 1.3.1-1ubuntu606:16
buharinyou know I find some that there are some settings for defaul stereo06:16
buharinbut I don't where I can set this06:17
dm_comphow can i get the new version?06:17
buharinwafflejock, I think the problem is that by default youtube trying to use stereo4.0 but my audio not working in this mode06:17
wafflejockbuharin: not sure about that have used the alsa-utils (alsamixer) or pulseaudio volume control (pavucontrol) for adjusting audio things (also with JACK qJackControl and patchage but not really relevant here)06:18
wafflejockI dunno any of those let you change the stereo mode though06:18
wafflejockI have done some commands for adjusting audio output on raspi but again not sure about stereo mode just which hardware output to use06:18
buharinwafflejock, if I run pavucontrol06:19
buharinI can see how audio is playing06:19
buharinbut no sound here06:19
wafflejockhmm weird, it looks like the right output selected in pulse for where you see the vu meter too? usually a little drop down there if you have multiple outputs (bluetooth or whatever)06:20
buharinwafflejock, I dropdown all settings noone works06:20
wafflejockyah sorry think I'm out of ideas buharin will let you know if I think of or find anything06:22
B0g4r7_askubuntu.com tells me "Ubuntu Server Install has been broken for many versions. I don't think it will ever be corrected."06:22
wafflejockB0g4r7_: never had a problem with it really but lately I've just been using VPS services for Ubuntu Server06:23
buharinwafflejock, yeah sure it is okay, the solution right now is stop watching youtube06:23
B0g4r7_IDK man, I may be losing my faith in the whole linux on the desktop thing.  I might have to think about going back to os x.06:23
wafflejockB0g4r7_: well if you want to install desktop linux why use the server install disk?06:24
B0g4r7_Because I want raid, and the desktop installer won't let me do raid.06:24
tonyyarussoThe idea that the server installer is broken is news to me, since I run that...06:25
B0g4r7_Here's the page that tells me that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/671159/bootable-usb-needs-cd-rom06:25
B0g4r7_Seemingly broken if you're trying to install from some media other than a physical CD-ROM.06:26
tonyyarussoI think recent versions all let you just dd the image rather than using any of those utilities.06:27
B0g4r7_That's what I did.  dd'd the image.06:27
stylesI just wanted to come by and express my annoyance. I just apt-get remove protobuf* thinking I'd remove protobuf packages.... and it took half the OS with it06:27
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=== shellbot is now known as nchambers
cfhowlettstyles, it did precisely what you ordered.  no more no less.  ubuntu cannot protect users from themselves.  in future apt-get -s purge packagename will preview but not execute06:29
stylescfhowlett, -s purge gah I have to write this down06:30
cfhowlettapt-get -s will save you many a heartache06:30
stylesare there any tricks to backing up a home dir with encryption enabled?06:30
styles(I'm logged in as the user)06:30
stylesI assume I can just tar the whole folder?06:31
B0g4r7_I guess I'm going to have to burn a physical CD, and put an optical drive in this box temporarily.06:32
B0g4r7_771MB, won't fit on CD-R, must use DVD-R...06:35
B0g4r7_Well...it doesn't work even using a physical disc.  Same error.06:47
cfhowletttry a different USB06:48
B0g4r7_The optical drive (and the ssd I tried earlier) are attached to the internal sata.  No usb involved.06:49
cfhowlettdid you verify that .iso?06:50
B0g4r7_I downloaded it using a torrent client.  I assumed the client verified it...06:51
kulelu88how do I specify a specific port for lighttpd when it is not the root directory but a user directory? eg. After following these ubuntu instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/lighttpd . I now want to give a special port to: Enabling User Directories06:52
B0g4r7_e3d456d3351ddfedeeb0b0774c9d1e0fa24d3e5e  ubuntu-16.04-beta2-server-amd64.iso -- looks correct06:53
cfhowlett!md5sum  B0g4r7_, trivial matter to verify for yourself.06:53
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:53
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:53
=== Occult is now known as occult
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B0g4r7_Hmm, I may have goofed...06:57
huscurianHas anyone upgraded to 16.04 yet?06:58
huscurianI checked and I'm still on 15.1006:58
B0g4r7_I'm trying to install 16.04, and failing.06:58
B0g4r7_Official release date is 21-April, I believe.06:58
cfhowlettnot supported here. ask 3ubuntu Plus 106:59
B0g4r7_OK, yeah, it's working now.  I was doing it wrong.06:59
B0g4r7_The install disc wasn't in the drive.  The second install attempt was booting from the same ssd as the failed first attempt.07:00
B0g4r7_Hmm, dare I try XFS rootfs?07:04
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B0g4r7_XFS has done pretty great for me as a non-root-fs.07:05
cfhowlettB0g4r7_, ask in the correct channel #ubuntu+107:05
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=== JesperA- is now known as JesperA
Eiam_I'm trying to install systemtap on ubuntu trusty, but I keep getting E: Unable to locate package systemtap07:30
Eiam_It appears to exist though -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/systemtap07:31
baizonEiam_: is your "Universe" repository activated?07:34
Eiam_cat /etc/apt/sources.list07:35
Eiam_deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main multiverse universe restricted07:35
Eiam_deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main multiverse universe restricted07:35
Eiam_is that right?07:35
baizonEiam_: yes it should be right that way07:36
baizonEiam_: apt-get update report some errors?07:37
Eiam_Ah! that seemed to find the package, but it failed further on the line. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4edde8cb8f40beaae4f0e62d784e832407:39
Eiam_shouldn't apt do the cascading dependency install?07:39
poliHello all! I just dist-upgraded from 14.04 to 15.10 and I am not able to the my Atheros Killer E220x (alx driver) working on the 4.2 kernel. It works just fine on the old versin 3 kernel. How can I install the alx driver in this latest version?07:41
Eiam_let me try it again, it really shouldn't have that07:41
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Eiam_yeah, there it goes07:43
Eiam_baizon: thank you..07:44
baizonEiam_: np07:44
poliLet me rephrase that: seems like 15.10's 4.2 kernel is missing the atheros/alx driver altogether. What would be the best way to install it?07:45
baizonpoli: https://askubuntu.com/questions/616182/alx-on-ar8191-does-not-appear-to-be-working-15-0407:46
baizonpoli: http://cwang.me/blog/2015/05/30/how-to-fix-atheros-a8161-atheros-killer-e2200-ethernet-in-linux/07:47
polibaizon: seen that before, but thanks again. The alx driver isn't in the modules list, so I can't even get the ethernet to show up. That would be the second step. Had to boot the old 3 kernel to be able to get here.07:48
baizonpoli: or try newer ones?07:48
polibaizon: newer kernels you mean?07:48
polibaizon: I think I need something more basic: I want to find out the ubuntu way of installing a kernel module. I know what that modules is, I just have to find out how to install it.07:50
baizonpoli: have you tried that? https://askubuntu.com/questions/627287/ubuntu-15-04-eth0-is-no-longer-working-after-last-software-upgrade07:52
polibaizon: yes, downgrade works. But the reason stated there is not the same problem I am having. My driver is missing, not disfunctional.07:53
rustuptwist__I'm trying to burn Ubuntu 14.04.4 to a USB on a Mac to use on a Windows machine. Seems like the instructions on Ubuntu.com for Mac is to install in A Mac. Can some1 point me in the right direction07:54
B0g4r7_rustuptwist__, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx07:55
rustuptwist__B0g4r7_: yeah that's whewhere I am. So it will work07:56
rustuptwist__To install on Windows07:56
B0g4r7_I don't quite know what you mean "install on Windows".07:56
B0g4r7_Linux installs on a computer.07:57
rustuptwist__B0g4r7_: if that page results in a Usb with a .dmg file I'm assuming it won't install on a computer running Windows OS as .dmg is for OSX07:59
B0g4r7_rustuptwist__, you don't place the .dmg file onto a filesystem on the usb drive.  You write it directly to the USB media, replacing its filesystem.08:00
B0g4r7_The resulting USB stick should be identical to one made using Windows or Linux or some other OS, if done correctly.08:00
wafflejockrustuptwist__: see the note there says it may rename it with a dmg extension, when you do the dd operation it writes all the data from inside the file it created to the drive08:00
cfhowlettrustuptwist__, correct, windows based computers need an .iso08:00
rustuptwist__even though I'm using a Mac I want the resulting bootable Usb to be usable to install Ubuntu on a computer running Windows Not OSX08:01
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wafflejockrustuptwist__: yeah should work fine really ultimately your just telling the computer to boot from the USB and then Ubuntu is going to take over starting itself up from there so it shouldn't really matter what other drives or systems are on the computer08:02
wafflejockrustuptwist__: you shouldn't end up with a dmg file on the USB though it should end up with the install files after the dd operation is done08:03
lolhi, i need to install gui in ubuntu server in my VPS server with 1GB ram ... which one should i install, KDE, GNOME, XFCE or anything else lighter? thanks08:03
cfhowlettlxde lol08:03
rustuptwist__Alrighty then. Thank you!08:03
yellabs-r2hello all08:04
rustuptwist__and '~/path/' being The name of the folder where the downloaded  file is located?08:04
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B0g4r7_rustuptwist__, make darned sure you've chosen the correct target disk.08:05
yellabs-r2i am trying to search in multi pdf on the command line with : pdftotext -layout bb.pdf -|grep -i -C 19 searchterm , now when in this command i do *.pdf , it does not work-- all tips are more then welcome08:05
yellabs-r2what could be wrong ?08:08
yellabs-r2that the use of a wildcard does not work in : pdftotext -layout  *.pdf -|grep -i -C 19 searchterm08:09
cfhowlettyellabs-r2, see man pdftotext for proper protocol08:10
yellabs-r2that does not say anything about *.pdf ( wildcard ) use08:11
cfhowlettsuggesting that wildcard support is unavailable08:12
chemanevhi !  Anyone using ubuntu-gnome 16.04?08:27
RageLtManwhat sort of black magic is required to get udev to properly run LVM inside of an LXC container?08:29
RageLtMani've set it to unrestricted, removed all cgroup mounts, still nada08:29
RageLtManthe vg folders under /dev arent there, even on vgscan --mknodes08:30
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Drac0_Hi im runing ubuntu mint 15.10 and sometimes me screen goes like this http://i013.radikal.ru/1103/ba/1630cbbc99a7.jpg, so i had to reboot. Think its Xorg crash right? is there any way to debug it?08:37
EriC^^Drac0_: try cat /var/log/dmesg.0 after it happpens08:41
Drac0_it happend 5 min ago08:42
Drac0_just before i enter here after reboot08:42
Drac0_but when i type ur command: no such file08:42
effectnetso does linux need an antivirus?08:43
EriC^^Drac0_: odd08:44
EriC^^!av | effectnet08:44
ubottueffectnet: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:44
Drac0_cat /var/log/dmesg returns nothing has been logged yet08:45
EriC^^try an older syslog maybe08:45
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pycerIm running vbox. how do I mount shared folder in an Ubuntu guest? (host is ubuntu too)..i have done the guest additions and shared folder setting stuff. just mounting remains. thanks.09:14
pycer a google search returned "mount vboxsf *sharename* *mount point* " but it didn't do. old guide i guess.09:14
wafflejockpycer: you manage to figure it out?09:17
wafflejockpycer: instructions here should work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/SharedFolders personally have only had shared folders configured via vagrant recently not using VirtualBox manager so I'm fuzzy on the details09:18
pycerwafflejock: Thanks.09:20
azizLIGHTsomethings wrong with my keyboard? the media shortcut keys (volume up/down and next/prev track)  wont work, and neither does the shortcut ctrl+alt+t to open terminal?09:26
azizLIGHTthey were working fine before09:29
ZaitzevazizLIGHT: Open System Settings, go to Keyboard and select the Shortcuts pane. Have a look there and see if those shortcuts has been cleared or not09:30
azizLIGHTi checked open terminal in there, and its still ctrl+alt+t09:30
azizLIGHTand i even set it again, and it recognizes im poressing ctrl+alt+t09:31
azizLIGHTyet when i press it outside the dialog box, nothing opens09:31
azizLIGHTthis wasnt like this before.09:31
azizLIGHTnot sure what happened09:31
ZaitzevYou could try and search for it on ubuntuforums.org, or post there if there's no hits. Wait a little while and see if you get a response?09:33
aq2azizLIGHT: Which kernel are you running?09:33
aq2Check with uname -r09:33
azizLIGHToh great, i cant even paste09:33
azizLIGHTctrl shift v isnt working09:33
azizLIGHToh nvm09:34
azizLIGHTit is09:34
azizLIGHTi didnt copy anything then09:34
aq2That's quite old09:34
aq2Run sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-wily if you want to try a newer one09:34
azizLIGHTive not updated kernel intentinoally09:34
azizLIGHTive been on the same kernel since this was working, and also now the same kernel where its not working09:34
aq2and maybe that's your problem?09:34
azizLIGHTprobably not09:34
aq2the kernel communicates with your hardware09:35
aq2but if you can type its not probably its fault09:35
Zaitzevwhat if you tried it and rolled back to the one you're on, just to test? If that's possible (I have no idea)09:35
azizLIGHTthats not relaly possible right now09:35
azizLIGHTi dont have space in my /boot and its complicated for me to make space because of encryption09:36
azizLIGHTthats why i havent updated the kernel09:36
aq2I never make a separate /boot partition09:36
azizLIGHTive probably updated software, except for the kernel09:36
azizLIGHTand rebooted09:36
azizLIGHThow do i see whats been recently updated09:37
ZaitzevYou can go through update history in the software center09:37
azizLIGHThmm whats the command that lets me see keypresses09:42
azizLIGHTto see if the system recognizes what im presing on the keyboard09:42
azizLIGHTi looked through the updates, doesnt look like anything shouldve done anything to my keyboard09:43
Zaitzevtry screenkey09:43
SCHAAP137I upgraded my 15.10 installation to 16.04, because MATE had an issue starting. Now everything is working fine again, but built-in OSD notifications seem a bit off now09:46
SCHAAP137ah wait, #ubuntu+1 , got it09:46
azizLIGHThm well i can see keypresses with screenkey09:46
azizLIGHTso whats ubuntu's problem that its not honoring the keyboard shurtcuts...09:47
azizLIGHTthe keypresses are recognized, the keyboard shortcuts are set properly... so whats the problem09:47
azizLIGHTuhhhhhhhhhh i did kill -15 -1 and now everythings working09:50
azizLIGHTwhat the hell09:50
azizLIGHTwhy did that work when a restart didnt work09:51
azizLIGHTquite bizarre09:51
Zaitzevso something was blocking the keystrokes or something?09:52
azizLIGHTseems like it09:53
azizLIGHTwhatever it was, could block keystrokes even after a reboot09:54
azizLIGHTonly kililng it stopped it09:54
Zaitzevso it's a software that is trying to override the default keystrokes with its own, or something09:54
Zaitzevguess you're going to have to do some detective work trying to find the culprit09:55
azizLIGHThmmm it must be my music player09:55
azizLIGHTthat makes the most sense09:56
azizLIGHTill try to verify09:56
azizLIGHTi am running a nightly version of it, so its entirely possible09:56
Gnjuraci installed Win7 in virtualbox (dont flame i hate it too) anywey now need to enable guest addons so i need to download cd shoud i download 1 marked for win or linux09:58
k1l_Gnjurac: virtualbox already ships a cd with guest additions in the settings of virtualbox. use that10:01
SCHAAP137Gnjurac, use the menu of the VM to insert the disk. Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD10:02
k1l_Gnjurac: if there are issue ##windows and #virtualbox will help10:02
Gnjuracfrom where to download guest additions CD, dident know there waz #virtualbox10:03
Gnjuracfound it it autodownloads10:06
Gnjuracwhen you start vb10:06
buharinhey got problem with keyboard logitech k38010:17
buharinno keys Fs available10:18
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OnkelTemHi all. Ubuntu 14.04 here (with KDE). Question: Ctrl+F1 seems to be mapped to display a kind of application menu. How to unbind it? I can't this shortcut in System Settings10:20
baizonOnkelTem: i recommend asking on #kubuntu10:22
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dokjasdhow do i poweroff the device,adn automaticallly unmount directories and delete them10:31
dokjasdand to mount within directories10:31
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lotuspsychjeaxel_: no random links here please10:37
dokjasdaxel lotuspsychje  how do i generate Pictures Desktop folder with icon on it, after i delete the pics videos folder10:40
EriC^^dokjasd: mkdir ~/Pictures10:40
dokjasdno not regular folder, it should have that icon image,10:43
EriC^^it generates it itself i think10:43
dokjasdok thx, one more query10:45
dokjasdhow does nautilus poweroff the device,which cmd does it use internally10:45
lotuspsychjedokjasd: do you mean mount and unmount devices?10:46
k1l_dokjasd: do you mean "umount" and "eject" ?10:47
dokjasdk1l_, yes10:49
EriC^^dokjasd: i think it uses gvfs-mount or something similar to that10:51
EriC^^you want to automount it like it does?10:52
adham128hello iam using canonical is this official? the question i wnated to ask is how can i reset my forgoten keyring?11:02
k1l_adham128: you mean you use ubuntu?11:04
k1l_adham128: see if this helps: http://askubuntu.com/a/65294/3126011:06
adham128ok will try it11:07
adham128i tried to use the hidden keyring file trick didnt find it in .gnome211:10
adham128just one file called accels....11:12
adham128iam using ubuntu 14.04 LTS11:12
wodimhello my dear friends11:20
wodimwhere do I get some sort of a nightly ISO11:20
k1l_wodim: nightly of what?11:20
wodimof ubuntu, because this is #ubuntu, right?11:21
wodimdon't you have something that builds ISOs each day with latest software from whatever your testing version is?11:21
k1l_wodim: yeah. but ubuntu is a stable release distribution. so i guess you want  daily build form the development 16.04 release?11:21
wodimI just don't want to download it to find out I have to download 1GB of packages to update it11:21
wodimyeah, sounds fine11:21
k1l_wodim: ok, that is a task for #ubuntu+1 . look at the topic there for the daily builds11:22
wodimthank you11:22
adham128how do you paste something in a command line?11:27
sewerrator the scrollwheel click.11:27
adham128now i know what was wrong i couldnt reset my keyring coz i ddint know how to paste in a command line hehe11:28
adham128so it says in the command line11:29
adham128cannot remove no such file or directory11:30
adham128rm ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring11:30
adham128when i paste this11:30
adham128maybe i should try it without adham?11:31
SchrodingersScatadham128: so the file doesn't exist?11:35
ChunkzZhow can I get dhcp working with i3 wm and WIFI? it works with enternet....11:36
PaulVernI have a raspberry pi setup with openvpn, and ip forwarding, which i use for all my devices to connect to the Internet through a vpn.11:36
PaulVernsometimes that vpn connection dies/resets, or I reboot that raspberry pi11:36
PaulVernafter this happens, my Ubuntu PC starts accessing the internet without going through the rapsberry pi11:37
PaulVernI think it must be going through my router11:37
PaulVernI set the default gateway of my PC to the raspberry pi, which is how I'm using the VPN11:37
PaulVernis it possible that my PC is falling back to the router even though the default gateway is the raspberry pi?11:38
Bluekingnot easy to receive help on dhcp dhclient lease renew ip issues :/11:39
adham128maybe that is what encryption is?11:40
adham128i think i will use seahorse...11:47
rolhahi everyone11:48
rolhaI'm doing a hobby website, with a barebones C HTTP server (learning purposes) and hosting it in Ubuntu. Can I use upstart to restart it automatically when it crashes?11:50
adham128i guess i will try wireless without passwords11:50
rolhaikonia: thanks :) what's the best place to lear upstart? is it http://upstart.ubuntu.com/?11:51
rolhaikonia: ah, nevermind, found the docs and they look good11:51
adham128didnt work =/11:55
BluesKajHiyas all12:02
adham128is there is a way to reset my linux?12:12
adham128without damage to the harddisk?12:12
adham128i tried recovery.. =)12:12
ikoniawhat do you mean reset it ?12:12
adham128well i want to install it12:13
adham128new one12:13
ikoniaok - install it then ?12:13
ikoniathats totally different to the word 'reset'12:13
adham128well i just want to rest that password lol12:13
ikoniawhat password ?12:14
adham128keyring one12:14
ikoniawhat keyring one ?12:14
ikoniaI have no idea what you're referencing12:14
ikoniaif you explain, I maybe able to help you better12:14
adham128lol i just want to install linux12:14
ikoniayou're not making sense12:15
ikoniayou said you want to reset, then install, now password reset, now install again12:15
adham128i want to go with the version of linux to a time12:15
adham128where i didnt make the keyring12:15
ikoniawhat ?12:15
ikoniawhat's funny ?12:16
ikoniahow about just explain the real problem, and lets see if we can fix that12:16
adham128i cant remember my keyring12:16
adham128i tried to reset the passwrod12:16
ikoniawhat password12:16
ikoniathe keyring doesn't have a password, the keys in it do,12:16
adham128ok i couldnt remeber the passwrod for my keys12:17
adham128or the keyring12:17
ikoniawhat keys12:17
ikoniathe keyring doesn't have a password12:17
ikoniathe keys do12:17
adham128yes i couldnt open my keys12:17
ikoniaadham128: what is your native language ?12:17
adham128or to enable wireless12:17
ikoniayou may want to try to explain this to one of the arabic ubuntu locos12:18
adham128i couldnt enable wireless it asks me for the password12:18
ikoniaas I think a lot of your problem is getting lost in translation12:18
ikoniaadham128: if your wifi is password protected, it will prompt you for a password12:18
adham128i dont know the passwrod12:19
adham128i got electrocuted as part of a psycological therpy12:19
adham128and forgot the password12:19
ikoniaI think you're just wasting my time now12:19
ikoniawith nonsense stories12:19
adham128ok so i forgot the opasswrod12:20
adham128and i have no option but to reinstall linux12:20
ikonialooking at your comments in ##programming - it appears you are trolling making silly statements12:20
ikoniaso I ask you to stop now12:20
akhileshI need some help with grub12:20
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adham128dude i just want to make my laptop have linux12:21
adham128without passwords12:21
adham128how can i reset my linux password12:23
adham128i trid everything on the internet12:23
adham128doesnt work12:23
j09For some of my Steam games sound plays all horribly scrambled. It seems to be a problem for a few games so I was hoping someone hear might be able to help? Google hasn't thrown up any useful results.12:24
ikoniait's not your linux password adham12812:24
ikoniait's your wifi password12:24
ikoniawhich is nothing to do with linux12:24
j09I'm on 15:10 64bit with some USB headphones12:25
naimatsuhi !12:26
j09Can someone point me in the right direction for this at least, it seems other have had this with pulse audio before but none of their solutions have worked for me.12:27
v0id09is it possible to install ubuntu net edition on an usb flash drive?12:30
ikoniaa usb is just a disk12:30
j09great help there12:31
downlwilDOes any one knows how to convert Ruby to python12:33
BluesKajdownlwil, ask in #ruby or #python12:34
kalexycoil y a comme une sorte de régression quand même, devoir passer par un système de 2014 pour une machine sortie en 201612:45
jaws_anyone here know how to sync xchat ubuntu  irc cloud12:46
k1l_!fr | kalexyco12:47
ubottukalexyco: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:47
kalexycoi'am sorry12:47
Roge152Hi, I'm runnin ubuntu 14 here and trying to get some webcam audio working. The video is fine, and in alsamixer on the command line I can see the cam microphone and turn it up all the way. However, the cam mic is not availabe in any recording programs nore is it listed in pacmd list-sources. Any hints on what I can try ?12:48
kalexycoI’ve bought a skylake zenbook pro from Asus and ubuntu 16.04LTS refuse to boot on my laptop12:48
SchrodingersScat!16.04 | kalexyco12:49
ubottukalexyco: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+112:49
Roge152running 15 rather*12:49
kalexycowhile ubuntu 14.04.4 works fine12:49
kalexycothere is a paradox12:49
jaws_kalexyco did you create a flashdrive specifically to dualboot the computer and have you partitioned the harddrive12:50
SchrodingersScatkalexyco: it is possible that that is because 14.04.4 is a released version.12:50
kalexyco15.10 do not want to boot to (from usb stick)12:51
jaws_look online for pendrivelinux and download it as well as the linux image, load the pendrivelinx then drag the iso to it and it will create a bootable image12:52
jaws_you wint boot from every time. just the first time12:52
jaws_look up how to dualboot linux and your computer brand12:53
kalexycoto upgrade to 15.10, i've done the first install from 14.04.4 and i've done a dist-upgrade to 15.10 with 4.3 kernel to work fine12:53
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...12:54
kalexycothere is no feedback on zenbook ux501vw on the internet with linux12:54
jaws_partition your disk drive12:56
jaws_thats step one12:56
aq2That test was nice12:57
jaws_step 2 create a bootable usb installer12:57
jaws_for that youll need pendrivelinux and the ubuntu version.12:58
jaws_step three run pendrive linux and drag or browse for the location of the linux iso12:59
jaws_restart your computer and some how boot it into the menu where you can view different options. basically this is the computers pre boot grub13:00
jaws_if you dont see usb, or uui. you did everything wrong13:01
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BluesKajkalexyco, the best method to go from 14.04 to 15.10 is a clean install13:09
aq2why to go from lts to testing??13:10
aq2doesn't make any sense to me13:10
aq2a new kernel to 14.04 fixes many problems13:10
aq2sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-wily13:11
aq2that'll get 15.10's kernel in 14.0413:11
Zaitzevmaybe that'll fix some issues that my laptop has..13:11
Zaitzevthen again, it spews all kinds of errors just after a clean install13:11
aq2No, you're not supposed to manually compile it13:11
aq2and if it doesn't work hold down left shift on startup, go to advanced options and boot with the old kernel13:12
aq2that simple13:12
aq2Usually it works without any trouble though13:12
BluesKaj15.10 is not a testing release13:13
aq215.10 is not an LTS release13:14
aq2!lts | BluesKaj13:14
ubottuBluesKaj: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)13:14
BluesKajso what he didn't ask about LTS13:14
aq2i don't want recommend non-lts to anyone13:14
aq2because its not as stable as lts13:14
BluesKajwell , that's your call, but that's just your opinion, not a fact13:15
aq2I think its a fact13:16
aq2More bug fixes are done before another version is released13:17
* BluesKaj shrugs, you think ..heh13:17
Guest65822whatsup ubuntu people13:20
tinyhippodoes the raspberry pi ARM build work on raspberry pi 3?13:21
aq2Try it and find out.13:22
aq2I'm no raspberry pi expert though13:22
tinyhippoaq2: I have tried, and it doesn't boot past the colourful screen13:22
tinyhippoputting the same SD card into a pi2 does boot, however13:22
tewardtinyhippo: I'm not sure the exact same SD card will work; in theory it should work (armhf still supported on the processor), but I don't have the hardware to do that test13:23
teward(right now013:23
tinyhippoteward: well, by 'exact same', I mean I downloaded the img from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi, dd -> sd card, put it into pi2, it boots fine, dd img -> sd card again, put it into pi3, and nothing13:24
tewardtinyhippo: ah, I'm not sure 14.04 will have the support, I've heard good things about MATE's images though working13:25
tewardon 15.10 :/13:25
tinyhippoyeah, speaking to some people in #raspberrypi say that there is some kind of trouble porting bits of the kernel13:26
tinyhippowell, the 64bit kernel13:26
aq2ubuntu mate seems to support raspberry pi's well13:26
tinyhippoI dont really want it as a desktop, but I guess I could either remove MATE and associated packages, or just use 15.10 ARM?13:27
aq2is there really no mini isos for raspberry pis?13:28
tewardtinyhippo: I'd use 15.10, or install MATE then strip it down13:28
tewardtinyhippo: I don't know if there's a 15.10 image though.13:28
aq2stripping it down may not be that easy though13:28
aq2but ubuntu mate tends to have nothing but 15.10 images13:29
tinyhippoaq2: ubuntu 14.04 server for rpi2 is relatively small13:29
aq2but no mini isos?13:29
tinyhippobut large microsd cards are cheap13:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:29
aq2Yes, i know it and i installed this system from one13:29
tinyhippoyeats: that doesnt really answer the question :)13:29
aq2which was fun because i got to choose what i wanted13:29
yeatstinyhippo: sorry - didn't read back far enough ;-)13:30
tinyhippodelays > mistakes :}13:30
slavka`hey all, how can i set my current date and time to melbourne/au13:34
k1l_tinyhippo: arm hardware might need some special isos due to the fact we dont have generic drivers like on pc hardware. so best is to ask in the device community how to boot ubuntu on that device13:43
BluesKajslavka`,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata13:50
jpmhI am running standard ubuntu 14.4 - service dovecot status, shows me a running dovecot, service --status-all, does not show it.  What am I missing here13:55
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DrDuckHello. I was wanting to see if I could get some advice on what Ubuntu distro would best suit my laptop: http://www.amazon.com/Dell-Inspiron-i3552-4041BLK-Laptop-Celeron/dp/B019TTJ8BE14:07
DrDuckWould the latest be fine? http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10/14:07
DrDuckIs there a 32-bit image for Intel processors?14:09
baizonDrDuck: well i would recommend xubuntu or lubuntu14:09
DrDuckbaizon: Why and which one in particular?14:09
cfhowlettlubuntu is optimized for older and lower spec hardware DrDuck14:09
baizonDrDuck: they are more lightweight on resources, check out both and decide by yourself14:09
\9ubuntu mate also works fine for lower end computers14:10
\9though it isn't as extremely lightweight as lubuntu or xubuntu14:10
gizmo_I downloaded the latest ubuntu and its in Chinees mainly, any reason?14:11
cfhowlettgizmo_, are you in china?14:11
baizongizmo_: you picked Chinese as main language?14:11
cfhowlettand where did you download from?14:11
gizmo_no UK14:12
cfhowlettgizmo_, either you chose chinese language or you grabbed ubuntukyllin14:12
gizmo_I picked english but when browser first opens its Chineese14:12
DrDuckI think I will go with Lubuntu. With my specs, what type of image would I want? http://lubuntu.net/14:13
DrDuckx86 or 64-bit14:13
baizonDrDuck: x8614:13
gizmo_it was ubuntu kylin whats the latest then ?14:13
cfhowlettgizmo_, kylin is meant for chinese users.  that what you want?14:13
DrDuckThanks, baizon and everyone else!14:14
gizmo_no I want englis but I thoght ubuntu Kylin was lates14:14
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cfhowlettgizmo_, kylin is a version of ubuntu.  ubuntu 15.10 is the latest.14:15
gizmo_ok thx14:15
gizmo_is it much different from verson befor it14:16
cfhowlett"much" different is subjective.  it's still ubuntu so ...14:17
dryblowOn ssd is it best to use the swap file or swap partition? Who manage better over provisioning from samsung firmware?14:29
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sergey__sudo apt-key y-adv--keyserver.ubuntu.com--recv-keys 78A7ABE114:36
effectnetgood morning14:41
MetalHeadhey geek person, i made a  SONG  you can listen to it on Soundclound. Let me know if you like it! https://soundcloud.com/danielassayag/love-in-tahita14:45
cfhowlettMetalHead, this is spam.  don't spam here.  thank you.14:46
Ardani don`t like.14:46
artwizardHey, I'm trying to install ubuntu touch to nexus 7(2012) and I've hit a problem preparing my desktop for this.14:48
cfhowlett!touch | artwizard14:48
ubottuartwizard: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch14:48
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
|\nhello, is it possible to use ubuntu without plymouth at all?14:50
k1l_|\n: yes, its just eyecandy14:50
k1l_|\n: remove "quiet splash" from the grub kernel line14:51
|\nk1l_, mountall and cryptsetup depend on plymouth package14:51
|\nso i can't remove it?14:51
j09Hi, can someone take a moment to help me fix this sound problem I've been having. I've raised it here before but no-one seems to be interested, but this is dricing me mad. Some of my games start with very garbled sound, like it's sped up and distorted. I've tried to record it but all my recording software picks up is this: https://youtu.be/P6odV_Oj14:51
j09Fbk . I've tried a lot of googling but none of the usual solutions work. Can someone please offer some assistance, this never used to be a problem on Arch.14:51
baizon|\n: yes, add noplymouth to your grub parameter14:52
dryblowYou can use too nospash on grub to remove from shutdown process.14:52
|\ni would like to remove plymouth from my distro since i don't need it14:53
baizondryblow: that doesnt disable plymouth14:53
baizon|\n: you cant remove it, because there are dependencies which will break when you remove it14:53
baizon|\n: so i recommend to disable it14:53
dryblowbaizon, I know, it work well only for splash screen to boot and shutdown processes14:54
|\nbaizon, how comes that eyecandy thing makes a vital portion of base system14:54
|\nit is disabled but i experience issues14:54
baizon|\n: what issues?14:54
|\nfor example i see "Wait ofr plymouth boot screen" on systemd startup14:54
|\nfor eternity, only upstart option makes instance still alive14:55
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baizon|\n: its because of driver + systemd issues, disable plymouth and they will go away14:55
|\nbaizon, so "noplymouth" right?14:56
baizon|\n: yes14:56
|\nmany thanks baizon14:56
baizon|\n: np14:56
kuzetsaoh :(14:57
|\nhowever it is still weird in terms of dependencies14:57
kuzetsaplymouth makes me sad, I just remembred why I went back to "basically anything other than ubuntu" last time I tried ubuntu... I wasn't aware it could be disabled O_O14:57
baizonkuzetsa: yep, one easy step to do this14:57
|\nkuzetsa, that is my current intention =)14:57
kuzetsaso I recently heard there's now a handy ubuntu-based distro without a linux kernel which is still based on ELF-binaries, yet somehow runs on windows 10... but I heard about it on April 1st and was convinced it was a joke14:59
|\nGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noplymouth" exactly?14:59
baizon|\n: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15599329/14:59
j09export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=6014:59
j09Can someone help me please, the sound on my games is still messed up.14:59
|\nyep may thanks baizon14:59
akikkuzetsa: it's called windows subsystem for linux and it's not a april fools joke14:59
kuzetsalike... did microsoft really come up with a replacement for interix which can run ELF binaries & supports ubuntu userland with full apt-get support and everything?15:00
cfhowlettyes but off topic here15:00
zykotick9baizon: do you know of any documentation for this "noplymouth" option?  are you sure it's not because you've removed "splash quiet"?  |\n15:01
kuzetsawait, so if this is #ubuntu and ... ubuntu userland using the ubuntu apt-get distro stuff seems on-topic, is there a channel where that would be less off-topic then?15:01
j09There must be a way round this15:01
akikkuzetsa: it has full apt support and uses the same elf binaries as your normal ubuntu installation15:02
|\nzykotick9, i did remove splash quiet ages ago15:02
kuzetsaakik: right, so the only difference is not using an ubuntu-provided kernel15:02
SchrodingersScat!offtopic | kuzetsa, but they may not want it either.  And the way I heard it it was a like a linux-compatibility layer, much like what's in bsd, etc. windows being the only os without such a thing.15:02
ubottukuzetsa, but they may not want it either.  And the way I heard it it was a like a linux-compatibility layer, much like what's in bsd, etc. windows being the only os without such a thing.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:02
cfhowlett!ot | kuzetsa because your discussing windows stuff15:02
ubottukuzetsa because your discussing windows stuff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:02
j09Is this not the support channel? I could really use some help, I've been trying to fix this for 2 days15:03
zykotick9|\n: interesting...15:03
cfhowlett!patience | j09,15:03
ubottuj09,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:03
akikcfhowlett: come on, it's ubuntu supported by canonical15:03
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:03
cfhowlett^^^ this15:04
zykotick9|\n: you are aware you need to run "sudo update-grub" after making changes right?  just checkin'15:04
|\nzykotick9, sure, the current issue characters: nvidia optimus, plymouth, systemd, plymouth dependencies15:05
j09I'm sorry but this is the third time I've been back here and this is literally the first time I've got a response and it's basically for me to shut up and sit down. There's nothing in the forums that works, nothing on Google and I feel completely lost.15:05
zykotick9|\n: "nvidia optimus" = i have no freakin' idea.  i'm out, best of luck.15:06
cfhowlettj09, that was absolutely not telling you to "shut up".  It was a gentle reminder to be patient15:06
kuzetsafor lack of a better place to try ,is #ubuntu-offtopic a good bet?15:06
|\nzykotick9, just saying =)15:06
|\nokay i'll get back i hope with systemd and noplymouth to tell if it worked for me15:07
paco_what is the purpose of executing apt-get update and how often should i do this?15:08
cfhowlettpaco_, man apt-get update             for details.15:08
j09cfhowlett How many days should i expect to wait?15:08
paco_tks cfhowlett15:09
fubHi. I'm connected to a vpn to get access to a specific network. This works. When I try to access the internet now, it does not work, because it tries to reach it via the vpn.15:09
cfhowlettpaco_, happy2help!15:09
k1l_paco_: it gets a updated package list from the ubuntu servers. afterwards you need to run "sudo apt full-upgrade" to install those updates15:09
fubHow can I tell my apt-get for example to use a specific interface instead of tap0?15:09
baizonpaco_: if you have scheduled checking for updates enabled, then there is no need to run that command15:09
zykotick9k1l_: re: ".. apt full-upgrade" with apt, 9 times out of 10 full-upgrade probably isn't required.  ".. apt upgrade" *will* install new packages (unlike ".. apt-get upgrade").15:10
k1l_zykotick9: are you sure about that?15:11
zykotick9k1l_: yes.15:12
cfhowlettapt upgrade and apt full-upgrade ?15:12
zykotick9k1l_: note, "full-upgrade" can remove things... while "upgrade" will NOT.15:12
k1l_zykotick9: ok. so far on apt-get upgrade didnt install updates that needed new packages installed15:13
Dewinfub: I don't know your specific setup or the best fix, but my guess is that your VPN setup is either altering routes (such that all traffic is being routed through its own route rather than a default) or altering resolv.conf (such that your system is trying to use your VPN's DNS servers to locate things on the internet at large).  You can easily test for the latter by trying ping while connected to the VPN -- if it succeeds, your routing is fine and15:13
Dewinit's just DNS.15:13
Dewinso, in absence of a better answer, hopefully that helps you troubleshoot.15:13
zykotick9k1l_: lets use a kernel update as an example... "apt-get upgrade" won't work, while "apt upgrade" will!15:13
fubcant ping15:13
|\nnoplymouth works15:14
baizon|\n: see ;)15:14
k1l_zykotick9: ok, thanks15:14
j09Some of my games start with very garbled sound, like it's sped up and distorted. I've tried to record it but all my recording software picks up is this: https://youtu.be/P6odV_OjFbk . I've tried a lot of googling but none of the usual solutions work.15:16
|\nbaizon, somehow i missed the moment where everything was switched to systemd and plymouth became *that important*, maybe you could also give some direction on what should i read through to rule the systemd start jobs in terms of timeouts and stuff?15:16
baizon|\n: nope sorry, im not into systemd :(15:16
|\nstill many thanks baizon15:17
link0802hello. my Internet work only if I paste to /etc/resolv.conf -> nameserver How I can fix it?15:20
link0802ubuntu 15.1015:20
DrDuckI've installed Lubuntu. Is there a easy way to decrease laptop touchpad sensitivity?15:37
j09Is there anything I can do to work on this problem at all? I don't know if my error is to specific for a general support forum, but there doesn't seem to be success in the forums and I don't really knwo where else to look.15:38
j09This error seems reasonably easy to fix on Arch by adjusting a latency setting in PulseAudio, but the same fix didn't work here.15:42
ikoniaj09: the reason you're not getting any help from anyone with any solid technical ability is your attitude15:43
jlbejhello. I dont know how to delete the .Trash-1000 folder on Ubuntu15:43
jlbejdeleting does nothing15:44
ikoniajlbej: how are you deleting it15:44
jlbejdelete Trash folder via nautilus15:44
ikoniathe trash folder, or the .Trash-1000 folder15:45
jlbejdelete key - delete all - nothing happens15:45
jlbej.Trash-1000 folder on my SD card15:45
ikoniawhat file system is on the SD card15:45
jlbejhow do I find that out?15:46
ikoniaok, so a fat file system15:46
ikoniawhy eww ?15:46
jlbejisnt that microsoft? ;)15:46
ikoniaso ?15:46
j09ikonia I'm sorry to be a nag. I really am, but I feel so defeated when I have to work on an error or a bug for days before I can find any help.15:47
jlbejno, everything is fine15:47
ikoniayou can't get help as you ask - then rage quit when someone doesn't help you in 5 minutes15:47
ikoniajlbej: then you come back and tell people to shut up15:47
ikoniajlbej: sorry - not you15:47
ikoniaj09: then you come back and tell people to shut up15:48
zykotick9jlbej: now that canonical and microsoft are partners... probably best not to bad mouth them here ;)  </OT>15:48
ikoniait doesn't inspire anyone to invest any time in helping you - it's certain why I've been ignoring your requests for help15:48
j09ikonia I'm sorry, I don't think I told anyone to shut up.15:48
ikoniajlbej: so the fact that you can "see" a .trash file system15:48
ikoniaj09: not word for word, I grant you,15:49
ikoniamy apologies, I miss-read that15:49
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Nh3xusthat is shiiiiit15:49
ikoniaNh3xus: please don't swear15:50
ikoniajlbej: are you comfortable using a terminal at all ?15:50
jlbejI am.15:50
Nh3xusasking that to a Ubuntuoooooo user ?15:50
ikoniajlbej: what happens if you delete it in the terminal15:50
Nh3xusI'm having a jiggle15:50
ikoniaNh3xus: please stop messing around15:50
jlbejikonia: yea now its gone15:52
jlbejI tried it on another SD card, It didnt work there.15:52
ikoniacheck it in nautlius now, is it gone still ?15:52
jlbejyea, on another SDcard, I can't access the file tree15:53
dbuggerHey fellas. I have some trouble. With LAN cable I get speeds of 50Mbit, but with my WiFi card I dont go past 17Mbit, even though Im quite sure my card support the proper protocols. It is a "Qualcomm Atheros AR9287". Do I need special drivers?15:53
jlbejls shows nothing .Trash-1000 doesnt seem to exist15:54
gizmo_Iǘe just set up chat in Thunderbird is it working?15:54
j09is there an ubuntu games support channel that might be more familiar with the problem?15:54
jlbejikonia: yes, it was away in nautilus as well15:54
zykotick9jlbej: are you using "ls -a" just checkin'15:57
jlbejls -a is showing . and ..15:57
zykotick9jinie: ok.15:57
jlbejapparently I dont know how to use the terminal :(15:58
jlbejso what happened was that I used tab autocomplete to get into the folder.15:59
jlbejbut there were many folders with the same name except for the last letters15:59
jlbejso I cded into a folder that does not exist. how is that even possible?16:00
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jlbejcan you do things like that in /media/?16:00
jlbejthough I wonder whats going on with nautilus16:01
j09Should I come back later with my error?16:02
jlbejso I'll be fine for now16:04
jlbejthanks for you support16:04
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SteveBurI have an old mother board with one pcie x1 and one pcie x16 slot.  From a command line, can I find out which slot is used (the x1 or the x16)?16:06
fastone_workshophi all))16:06
SteveBurfastone_workshop: Nice to be friendly, but do you have a question?16:09
SteveBurfastone_workshop: or an answer?16:09
=== Saulo is now known as Guest39778
stacy-does wordpress need to be resolvable for it to be added as part of ubuntu?16:13
ikoniastacy-: wordpress.com or your site URL ?16:14
stacy-ikonia.. inside joomal as an extension16:15
ikoniastacy-: wordpress is a CMS16:15
stacy-ikonia..does wordpress site need to be viewable ? can worpress be added to ubuntu as a cms16:16
ikoniastacy-: what are you talking about ???16:16
Picistacy-: you mean wordpress.com?16:16
ikoniastacy-: what EXACTLY are you trying to do16:17
Picistacy-: no, you can run a wordpress instance on your server without wordpress.com being viewable.16:17
ioriaSteveBur, have you tried   sudo dmidecode --type 9   ?16:17
stacy-pici... anyway around that?16:17
ikoniaPici: she appears to be trying to use it as some sort of joomal plugin16:17
ikoniastacy-: anyway around what ?16:17
Picistacy-: around what?16:17
ikoniastacy-: what EXACTLY are you trying to do16:17
stacy-ikonia.. i am trying to use wordpress templates16:18
SteveBurioria: Not yet. I'm a newbie at this16:18
ikoniayou don't have a wordpress install16:18
Picistacy-: okay, so you need to install wordpress to do that.16:18
ikoniaso how are you trying to use templates16:18
stacy-pici.. pici.. if i install wordpress do i need to be able to view the wordpress site?16:18
Picistacy-: no16:18
stacy-i guess i cant use wordpress as a cms :(16:19
ikoniastacy-: again, as I've said 10+ times to you over the last few weeks, you are running before walking16:19
ikoniastacy-: you do not understand web hosting, web design or the software you are looking at using16:19
Picistacy-: er. Thats appears to be the opposite of what I said.16:19
stacy-ikonia.. i am trying to get a template with easy configeration16:19
ikoniayou will fail with this level of knowledge16:19
ikoniastacy-: template for what ?16:19
stacy-ikonia..any webstore template16:20
stacy-for testing16:20
ikoniastacy-: for what16:20
ikonia(for what application)16:20
true_techiei just installed python from source but i forgot to add a flag to "configure". how can i do a recompile?16:20
SteveBurioria: All the reactions to that command come back "Current status : Available"16:20
stacy-ikonia... for joomal16:20
ikoniatrue_techie: clean it, reconfigure, recompile16:20
Picitrue_techie: also, why are you installing python from source?16:20
ikoniastacy-: then why are you looking at wordpress templates for jamoola16:20
ioriaSteveBur, so not in use16:21
stacy-ikonia..if its possible yes.. from wordpress16:21
ikoniajommla sorry16:21
ikoniastacy-: no no no no no no16:21
ikoniastacy-: you are causing problems for yourself16:21
true_techiePici, this version of ubuntu has a python version that keeps cause an SNIWARNING whenever i make a request16:21
stacy-ikonia.. i could not find a basic simple template from joomal... it seemed all were news templates16:22
true_techieikonia, how do i clean it?16:22
SteveBurioria: What is not in use?  I thought that my video card used either a pcie x1 or x16 slot.  I can only see that the only slot used is a simple pci slot, then?16:22
stacy-any webstore templates for joomal?16:22
ikoniastacy-: again, I've told you 10+ times - you are making a mess because you are just rushing in with no understanding of what you are doing or what you are using or why16:22
ikoniastacy-: talk to the guys in #joomla about how to use jaoomla16:22
j09I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 64bit with some USB headphones. Many of my steam games are playing with distorted sounds which seem to be a pulseaudio error. I've tried to record an example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdmMSQNvWA .16:23
stacy-i downloaded templates from free joomal templates sites.. and it caused module problems ..i have opened up a can of warmes.. are there any store website templates for joomal free for testing?16:24
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ikoniastacy-: talk to the guys in #joomla - it's clear you will not do the required research, and #ubuntu is not here to support your web development16:25
Guest94217i need to use atom editor for android developing i see this link do it very well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNURJuxSdO0 but my atom in ubuntu doesnt has this feauture16:26
Guest94217what should i do?16:26
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SteveBurioria: You may or not be used to this, but ... Thanks for your help16:27
Guest94217i need to use atom editor for android developing i see this link do it very well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNURJuxSdO0 but my atom in ubuntu doesnt has this feauture16:28
Katronixhi all, can anyone help me with a bind issue? the #bind channel seems to be away :(16:29
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=== Fuchs is now known as goodfox
Katronixor Iis anyone here?16:32
ikoniamany people are here16:32
ChunkzZhow do I get dhcp working with wifi?16:33
ikoniaChunkzZ: it needs to do the wifi handshake before making a dhcp client request16:33
ChunkzZikonia, how do I do that mate?16:33
ikoniaChunkzZ: you need to make sure you wifi connection is setup first16:33
ikoniaChunkzZ: what version of ubuntu are you using ?16:33
ChunkzZikonia, it's setup and working. 14.04.0416:33
Guest94217i need to use atom editor for android developing i see this link do it very well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNURJuxSdO0 but my atom in ubuntu doesnt has this feauture16:34
ikoniaChunkzZ: if it's setup and working, why are you asking me how to do it ?16:34
ChunkzZikonia, I'm asking how to get dhcp working...16:34
ikoniaChunkzZ: how did you setup the wifi16:34
ChunkzZit was done auto...16:34
ikoniait can't be done auto16:34
j09I still have problems with crackling game audio, is anyone available to help please? I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 64bit with some USB headphones. Many of my steam games are playing with distorted sounds which seem to be a pulseaudio error. I've tried to record an example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdmMSQNvWA .16:34
ChunkzZI put my password in, of course.16:34
ikoniaso how did you do it ChunkzZ16:34
ikoniaChunkzZ: so you used the little network manager app in the top right of the screen ?16:35
ChunkzZthrough networkmanager16:35
ChunkzZyeah ikonia16:35
KatronixIf we are using the server version of Ubuntu (or using Ubuntu on a server) is there a better channel to ask qs in?16:35
ikoniaChunkzZ: so in that connection if the IP address is set to dhcp - it will make a dhcp request for you after it connects to the wifi16:35
ikoniaKatronix: you've not asked a question so far16:35
Katronixikonia: okay :) for a new domain I've added I'm being told there isn't a SOA record, however I do have the following: http://pastebin.com/aqPiR9e7 isn't that an SOA record?16:36
ikoniaKatronix: where are you being told this ?16:37
Katronixikonia: http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools#dnsReport|type=domain&&value=humetricspiq.com16:37
Guest94217i need to use atom editor for android developing i see this link do it very well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNURJuxSdO0 but my atom in ubuntu doesnt has this feauture16:37
ikoniaKatronix: where are you being told you don't have an SOA16:37
Katronixikonia: on that last URL I gave you plus if you go to the domain, it comes up saying err_name_not_resolved in chrome16:38
ikoniabecause you have no records16:39
DaveNJSo I have 14.04 and I'm having an issue with NVidia drivers. Wondering if someone could help me out? I've kinda exhausted what I'm able to do with the brain I'm given ;p16:39
Katronixikonia: http://pastebin.com/F7yfevM1 here is the full bind9 configuration, I previously only pasted the first part16:40
DaveNJI'm running a GTX 950 with 352.xx and there just seems to be some level of screen draw lag. It's mostly visual effects. They just kind of stutter. It wasn't an issue in my GTX 660 (which was my previous card that just died)16:41
ikoniaKatronix: your DNS server is refuing to be SOA for that record16:41
ikoniaquery the domain against the SOA server16:41
ikoniait looks like it's not terminated with a . but I obviously can't see that config16:41
DaveNJI've run GLXgears and the frame-rate is well over 1k so there's no problem with that. I'm thinking maybe I should try connecting the monitor via HDMI16:42
Katronixikonia: just to be sure, the SOA server should be the DNS server?16:42
ikoniaKatronix: the SOA should be the host acting as SOA16:42
ikoniaKatronix: the two servers you have listed as name servers do not know about that domain16:43
Katronixikonia: okay16:43
LectusHey guys16:48
Katronixikonia: any suggestion which file needs to be updated?16:49
ikoniaI'd look at the dns server logs - find out why it doesn't know about that zone16:49
LectusI have an ASUS laptop and I want to completely remove windows from it and install Ubuntu... how can I configure the keyboard so all keys work like they do on Windows?16:49
ikoniaLectus: the OS is different, so very few keyboard short cuts are the same or relevent to each other16:50
LectusI want the keys like question marks to work properly16:50
ikoniaquestion mark is not a shortcut16:50
LectusI don`t mean shortcuts... i mean normal keys that are in different positions16:55
virtual_zhi I have windows installation on 2nd hdd and I want to install ubuntu on ssd (main drive connected to pc) but I wonder where to install grub loader while installing ubuntu to have dual boot ?16:55
|\nLectus, maybe it would help https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/extra_keyboard_keys16:55
j09|\n could Lectus's issue be in setting the correct regional keyboard?16:56
|\nj09, could be, let us ask Lectus if it is16:56
Bashing-omvirtual_z: Install grub to the Master Boot Record sector of the SSD (sda). once installed, run terminal command ' sudo update-grub " to pickup the Windows operating system and chaninload onto ubuntu's grub boot menu .16:57
virtual_zBashing-om: I mean here http://www.linuxbsdos.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/UbuntuExt1-600x414.png16:59
virtual_zBashing-om: should I do something else except from a fresh install to make ubuntu's grub can boot both ubuntu and windows ?17:00
LeptospireHey folks, I am having trouble setting up my network on a lubuntu server in my home. When I connect the computer via ethernet, I have networking but no internet. When I connect the computer via wifi, I have internet. Can anyone help me out? http://pastebin.com/vWVjzyEX17:00
Bashing-omvirtual_z: Yepper, ya want it as is presently. 'sda' . But be carteful what you are doing . as the sdb is marked as unknown . Is Windows installed in EFI mode AND you are installing ubuntu in legacy ??17:02
virtual_zBashing-om: I don't know about them.. EFI and legeacy modes17:02
Bashing-om!uefi | virtual_z17:03
ubottuvirtual_z: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:03
virtual_zBashing-om: the picture is not mine, I just wanted to show you which screen I'm talking about. it says "device for boot loader installation"17:03
Bashing-omvirtual_z: Then show us what is yours / ' sudo parted -l ' in a pastebin site .17:04
virtual_zBashing-om: no no17:04
virtual_zBashing-om: I'll install not yet installed17:04
virtual_zBashing-om: I just want to make things true17:05
virtual_zBashing-om: I installed windows on 2nd hdd and I'll install ubuntu on ssd. so what I try to make is that I want grub welcomes me when I power on pc and I can select wheter to boot in ubuntu or windows..17:06
virtual_zso you're saying I should install grub loader into ssd not 2nd hdd, Bashing-om ?17:06
virtual_zthen it will auto detect my windows installation and all goes well do you think?17:07
virtual_zor I must run sudo update-grub ?17:07
virtual_zBashing-om: hello ?17:13
=== Guest39778 is now known as sarcastic
Bashing-omvirtual_z: Back .. Yes ! install grub to the ssd. set the boot priorory in bios as the SSD as 1st priority . Yhe boot code on the Haed drive will not be touched . You chaninload wWindows to ubuntu . IF for any reason rhe SSD fails to boot, changing the boot priority will boot Windows .17:16
virtual_zok Bashing-om do you think ubuntu installation I mean grub will auto detect windows installation on the other drive and add it to the grub menu ? so that I can select which one to boot.17:17
LectusI on the ubuntu installation I choose to automatically wipe out everything will it create a separate /home partition?17:17
tylerhi there17:18
Lectuswhat's the best partition scheme for a 750GB hd?17:18
tyleris there anybody in ?17:18
Bashing-omvirtual_z: Yes. there is the tool, 'os-prober' that when invoked will pickup Windows on that Hard deive, and add it to the boot menu .17:18
EriC^^Lectus: let it do partition by itself17:18
EriC^^Lectus: it'll just make a "/" with no boot or home17:19
virtual_zBashing-om: I'm sure my bios supports UEFI and I have legacy enabled on BIOS. do I need something to arrange about them to install Ubuntu ?17:19
LectusEriC^^: yeah. but having a separate /home is better. my question is if the automatic method will do it17:19
EriC^^Lectus: no it wont17:19
BluesKajLectus, separate / and /home partitions are , best to use manual partitioning17:20
BluesKajkak "something " else in the partitioner17:20
Lectusok... so how much space for / and /home on a 750GB hard disk?17:20
Bashing-omvirtual_z: You want ubuntu installed in the same mode as Windows is installed . Makes life MUCH simpler .17:20
LectusI probably need /,/home and /swap... how much for each one?17:21
EriC^^Lectus: root about 20gb, swap as much as ram, and the rest home17:21
BluesKajLectus, yes and a swap if needed17:21
EriC^^Lectus: if you're using uefi then you need an efi partition etc, the installer will say17:21
Lectusyes... using uefi... this asus note came with windows preinstalled and a recovery partition17:22
Bashing-omvirtual_z: EFI == GPT partitioning. much better scheme than the legacy .17:22
LectusI want to wipe out everything and install ubuntu17:22
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EriC^^Lectus: ok, create a 300mb efi partition too17:22
Guest4567i did sudo apt-get purge atom , how can i have a fresh install of atom when i do sudo apt-get install atom it installs very soon without process17:24
Guest4567i see my before project on atom while i have purged it what should i do for fresh install ?17:24
Guest4567i did sudo apt-get purge atom , how can i have a fresh install of atom when i do sudo apt-get install atom it installs very soon without process17:24
Guest4567EriC^^, hello17:25
k1l_Guest4567: remove the hidden folder for atom in your home folder17:26
Guest4567k1l_, do you know what is difference between atom and atom 4 ?17:28
k1l_!info atom417:28
ubottuatom4 (source: atom4): Original two-player color puzzle game. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1-6 (wily), package size 46 kB, installed size 164 kB17:28
Bashing-omGuest4567: Reason ot os fast in re-installing, the .deb is in residence ' ls -al /var/cache/apt/archives/ ' .17:28
k1l_atom4 is not the atom editor.17:28
seaduscHi, anyone there? Need some help please17:36
BluesKajseadusc, yes, just ask your question17:37
seaduscI have problem with GRUB, first I change my mainboard and it make me stuck at grub loading whenever i put on both SSD and HDD17:38
seaduscthen i tried to fix, change priority into HDD over SSD, it show grub rescue17:38
seaduscI change back, it doesn't stuck at grub loading anymore, but stuck at black screen instead17:39
seadusci use dual boot ubuntu and windows17:39
V7Hello there !! :D17:39
V7seadusc: As 90% :D17:39
lotuspsychjeseadusc: wich hd are you going to use? hdd or ssd?17:39
seaduscactually both, i use ssd for OS and hdd for data17:40
V7seadusc: Right !17:40
V7As me !17:40
seaduscit has no problem when i remove hdd though17:40
Guest4567k1l_, can i do android programming in atom ?17:40
Guest4567i saw a link on youtube but that person did android programing on mac with atom i cant see his options here in ubuntu17:41
V7Guest4567: Go #android, #java17:42
Tin_mandoes mono have android support, just asking, don't know my ownself17:43
Tin_manmy phone is antique17:43
V7mono ?17:45
Tin_manlinux version of .net17:45
ChunkzZthanks ikonia sorted it, you're a star.17:45
lotuspsychjeseadusc: did you change bios from IDE to AHCI17:45
seadusclotuspsychje: yes it's on AHCI17:47
seaduscif you mean by SATA17:47
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wellickhi, I can't open a directory that exists :/17:50
B0g4r7_So, when booting with root on lvm, grub appears to look for the lv based on its "lvmid", as shown in grub.cfg.  Where does this ID come from?17:50
MonkeyDustwellick  what happens when you ry17:50
wellickoh wait17:50
wellicktouch creates a file not a directory17:50
wellicksilly me17:50
Tin_mani might be behind, but what is touch? wellick ?17:52
wellicktouch file117:53
wellickcreates an empty file17:53
KatronixTin_man: touch is a command that creates a file with 0 bytes17:53
Tin_manok, learn every day..17:53
Tin_mandidn't know that17:53
Tin_mangive it a try17:54
Fleuvhilx, how do I add a restart application option at the launcher icons?17:55
Tin_manby God your right, .txt file i guess, have tried opening it up with nano17:55
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Tin_manhave'nt *17:55
B0g4r7_I'm trying to use lvmcache on rootfs, and when I add the cache, the rootlv's ID changes.  I need to know how to determine the new ID.  blkid is not it, it's some other id.17:55
B0g4r7_touch will also update the "modified" timestamp if used on an existing file or directory.17:57
Tin_manwouldn't you want that behavior ? otherwise might screw up a bunch..17:58
B0g4r7_OK, I found the IDs needed.  lvdisplay and vgdisplay show me.18:00
seadusclotuspsychje: any update?18:00
lotuspsychjeseadusc: need more details on it mate, was this an existing dualboot? fresh dualboot? when did things start to go wrong?18:01
seaduscok, from the start, i just get my mainboard change, before it work fine18:02
ddrjhey guys, I want to uninstall rtorrent and rutorrent but NOT its dependencies through terminal. from what i've read online the apt-get remove command removes the dependencies...18:02
lotuspsychjeseadusc: same mobo? or another brand?18:02
seaduscsame mobo, laptop mobo18:02
seaduscchange from factory18:02
seaduscafter changed, i can't get into GRUB anymore whenever i install both SSD and HDD18:03
seaduscwhen i hold shift, it appear that it stuck in GRUB loading18:03
aiIs anyone here?18:04
seadusci tried boot-repair and reinstalling but it's still the same18:04
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k1l_ai: just ask :)18:04
MonkeyDustai  type   /names18:04
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | seadusc perhaps try this?18:04
ubottuseadusc perhaps try this?: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub18:04
seaduscbut it work fine when I remove HDD18:04
aiI asked this in Gnome channel but no response.....18:04
aiHey guys. Anyone mind helping me out? I have Simple scan on Ubuntu 14.04 that is version 3.12.1 but on Ubuntu 15.10 it is version 3.18. When I want to test mt all-in-one printer/scanner....my printer will work under 14.04 but scanner will not be detected. However, when I try 15.10 my scanner and printers are working. I did many tests with many different distros and EVERY single one that used Simple Scan 3.12.x did NOT work and higher than that did. So my18:04
aiquestion is: Is there a way to install 3.16/3.18 of Simple Scan on Ubuntu 14.04. I followed instruction on main site but when I do them it says something like it cannot be found or does not match.18:04
seaduscubottu no, it's not after installing Windows18:05
ubottuseadusc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
MonkeyDustai  simpkle scan sits in the repos, use apt install18:05
aiI did use it but did not work18:05
aiIt does not allow me to upgrade...I even uninstalled 3.1218:06
seadusclotuspsychje yep i've18:06
MonkeyDustai  sudo apt install simple-scan18:06
aiThe only thing it allowed me to do is to upgrade from 3.12.1 to 3.12.318:06
aiI did18:06
seaduscthen i tried swap priority, from ssd first to hdd first18:06
seaduscit show grub rescue instead18:07
seadusci tried to fix rescue and it's still the same, so i change back to ssd first18:07
Bashing-omseadusc: lotuspsychje Compare ' sudo blkid ' and ' cat/etc/fstab ' that the UUIDs match .18:07
seaduscthen it doesn't stuck at grub loading anymore18:07
lotuspsychjeseadusc: not sure i understand you correctly..why do you swap hd priority when main Os is ssd?18:07
seaduscbut stuck at black screen18:07
k1l_!info simple-scan trusty18:07
ubottusimple-scan (source: simple-scan): Simple Scanning Utility. In component main, is optional. Version 3.12.1-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 628 kB18:07
seadusci don't know, just try everything18:07
thinkyis it possible to disable timing for GRUB2?18:08
thinky8 seconds is too short18:08
uriel_lhi there18:08
lotuspsychje!grub | thinky18:08
ubottuthinky: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:08
lotuspsychjeseadusc: keep ssd on 1st boot, if you cant enter grub to load Os anymore, recover grub or reinstall?18:09
virtual_zBashing-om: which one do you advise? 1 install windows with uefi mode and install ubuntu on another hdd and grub can boot on both ? 2 install windows with legacy mode and install ubuntu on another hdd and grub can boot on both ?18:09
seadusclotuspsychje i've tried both recover and reinstall, but it didn't work for some reason18:10
lotuspsychjeseadusc: perhaps factory reset of mobo scrambled your uefi settings for dualboot?18:10
seaduscand it's weird that there's no problem when i remove hdd18:10
lotuspsychje!uefi | seadusc18:10
ubottuseadusc: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:10
aiDoes anyone know?18:10
effectnetwhat does 'live' mean with the cd? that you can boot from it?18:10
k1l_ai: i still dont know what the issue is? you have 14.04 and want another version of simple-scan?18:11
lotuspsychje!live | effectnet18:11
ubottueffectnet: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.18:11
aiYes. I am stuck with 3.12.x18:11
aiI need 3.18 in order for it to work18:11
k1l_ai: yes. the programs in the repos are not updated.18:11
Tin_manbut you have access to the web, and the grub rescue..18:11
k1l_ai: so either you update your ubuntu release or you look out for a  PPA or you build it your own18:12
virtual_zinstalling windows on uefi mode or legacy mode is advised so that ubuntu install on the other hdd can easily handle either booting two os ?18:12
aiI am a Windows user willing to switch to Linux....for past 5 days looking what distro to get and Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 sounds good as that is VERY stable for my PC but cannot get my scanner to work with SS 3.12.x. In other words: I know noting about Linux nor I know how to do it. I followed the instructions and it did not work.18:13
effectneti am having trouble getting an old sony vaio machine to boot the usb18:14
MonkeyDust!manual | ai18:14
ubottuai: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:14
k1l_ai: ubutnu 15.10 ships with simple-scan 3.1818:14
B0g4r7_seadusc, check the SATA controller mode in the bios, AHCI vs legacy or IDE.18:14
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: there is a handy 'plop boot manager' cd that can force old machines to boot from usb18:14
effectnetoh wow18:15
effectnetthx i might have to do something like that18:15
effectneti am just trying again now, had the wrong image anyway :P18:15
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: but normally vaio's should be able to boot ubuntu usb..18:15
aiYes I know but 15.10 does not work for me. :( not stable. Heck 16.04 is more stable than 15.10.18:15
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: sure you made the usb correctly?18:15
effectneti hope i did somelthing wrong18:15
effectnetthx working on it now18:16
seaduscB0g4r7_ it's AHCI18:16
k1l_ai: no18:16
effectnetwow it was easy to install ubuntu on this box18:16
k1l_ai: 15.10 and 14.04 are both stable. ubuntu only relases stable versions.18:16
B0g4r7_AHCI is what I like.  You can try it the other way and see if it makes a difference.18:17
k1l_ai: the difference is, that 14.04 got 5 years support. while 15.10 is only supported until july 201618:17
aiI understand...but 14.04 gives me no issue whatsoever (other than SS issue) but 15.10 does not like my nVidia card. It does not work.18:18
lotuspsychjeeffectnet: lookup your laptops boot keys, in most cases F12 to choose usb18:18
aiThat is for me and my system (not in general).18:18
lemurcikasHi. I installed Ubuntu 16 and after trying to apt-get update I can't update, because http://lt.archive.ubuntu.com is unreachable. What to do? Maybe I need to change mirror?18:18
lotuspsychjelemurcikas: ubuntu 16.04 support in #ubuntu+118:18
MonkeyDustai  ok, so you have an nvidia issue, start there18:19
virtual_zhttp://linuxbsdos.com/2014/05/31/dual-boot-ubuntu-14-04-windows-7-on-a-pc-with-2-hdds-and-uefi-firmware/ < here they advise to create EFI partition for dual boot but doesn't grub installation make its own partitions or something? do I need to make a partition for EFI partition for a normal ubuntu installation ?18:19
seadusclotuspsychje where should i place GRUB? all disks?18:19
lotuspsychje!grub | seadusc18:20
ubottuseadusc: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:20
aiI am new to Linux not an expert. Last thing I need is my nvidia issue on 15.10. I do not know how to updtae/install simple app without instructions and yet to fix a bigger problem. Anyways, if it is not possible to install/upgrade SS on 14.04 then I guess I will have to wait 16.04.18:20
virtual_zdo I need to make a partition for EFI partition for a normal ubuntu installation ?18:22
k1l_ai: there is a 3.12.3 update waiting for 14.04. it should come in the next days18:22
MonkeyDustai  were you able to try/use SS in 15.10 ?18:22
aiSpeaking of 16.04....I got no issues other than nVidia and some random "crash" msg that does not effect me. Speaking of nvidia...that is ONLY if I install nvidia drivers but if I use those "free" drivers (whatever they are called) it works fine.18:22
aiYes it works on 15.10 and  16.0418:22
MonkeyDustai  ok, then deal with the nvidia issue in 15.10, yu can come to this channel for it18:23
aiThe reason t works it's because 15.10 has SS 3.18 and 16.04 has 3.2018:23
django_is there a ubuntu shooter i can play18:23
django_not graphic heavy18:23
aiCan I tell you what problem I have with nVidia so maybe there is a link to follow?18:24
django_ai, just ask18:24
B0g4r7_I'm really disliking grub today.18:24
k1l_!games | django_18:25
ubottudjango_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/18:25
aiI have used FULL disk to install Ubuntu 15.10. I used encryption as well as encryption for Home folder. Once installed and all updates are applied I get no problem (I can use the system). Once I go in to get my nvidia drivers 358.xx installed and try to reboot i get that screen before the boot to put my password in but nothing hapens. if i let it sit for a time it will give me an error msg that cannot boot. i tried to follow the instructions to manually remove18:27
aiand install latest 361.xx drivers and that did not fix it but I managed to install. In other workds...I have to do full reinstall for it to work.18:27
aiHowever, If I do not install my nvidia drivers then at that screen that is asking for my pass before log in it is BLANK. I put my password and hit enter and then it will go to my desktop. This does not happen with my 14.04.18:29
MonkeyDustai  my advice: don't use encryption if you're just starting to learn things18:32
aiThe reason I install nvidia drivers is because without it I get heavy screen tearing while browsing, youtube and movies.18:32
seadusclotuspsychje done it, it's back stucking at grub loading18:33
aimay I ask what is the reason?18:33
aiIs there something specific about it?18:33
afrokarlssonhi do you know that churchpolice has left human leg in right leg and driver have r18:35
Bashing-omvirtual_z: You are making this more difficult than it is . How about .. disconnect the hard drive, set EFI to boot the installer in EFI mode, and let the install wizard take care of all the details ?18:35
RustyShacklefordtoo early to try 16.04 LTS?18:39
RustyShacklefordshould be pretty stable right now i'd think18:39
Bashing-om!16.04 | RustyShackleford18:39
ubottuRustyShackleford: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+118:39
k1l_RustyShackleford: if you need to ask dont use alphas or betas :)  support for 16.04 in #ubuntu+118:39
RustyShacklefordhah beta for another 3 weeks18:40
RustyShackleforddude I can't wait that long!18:40
RustyShacklefordsuppose I could try it in a VM18:40
alexandre__hi guys18:41
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:42
alexandre__whats up here?18:43
EriC^^ubuntu support18:43
j09I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 64bit with some USB headphones. Many of my steam games are playing with distorted sounds which seem to be a pulseaudio error. I've tried to record an example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdmMSQNvWA .18:43
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MonkeyDustalexandre__  this channel is for ubuntu support18:44
alexandre__i see it.. thank's MonkeyDust,, by18:45
effectnetyeah this sony viao doesn't wanna boot usb from what i gather.  so i guess i'll just use a dvd.18:52
=== san is now known as Guest96854
effectneti download the iso and use unetbootin ritght?18:55
Urs0Hello. :)18:56
aiMy user account is set to normal user with diff. password than the root/admin. Is there a way to run within my account a terminal in root? I ask because I am trying to do something and it is asking for a password in terminal for the admin (that I am not).18:58
craptalkai: you forgot your root pass?18:59
craptalkor did you ever changed it before?18:59
k1lai: there is no root login.18:59
k1l!sudo | ai18:59
ubottuai: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:59
aiNo I know it but it is asking for my "ai" user password and when I type I get this...19:00
ai[sudo] password for ai:19:00
aiSorry, try again.19:00
k1lai: its your own password19:00
k1lai: the same that you use to login.19:01
aiai is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.19:01
k1lai: is ai the user you created on installation process?19:01
aiI have separated my user account and made it the same as it is in Debian (separate users from root). Yes it is.19:02
k1lai: ok, so you messed with your system19:02
aiI am learning :)19:02
aiNot when I try sudo command it does not ask for my root user but for myself. however, when trying to run UNetBootIn it will ask for root password and I will provide it ad program will start. Not sure why terminal is not doing the same.19:04
k1lubuntu is setup to use it the ubuntu way. if you want to leave the ubuntu way there are things that might not work anymore.19:04
eferreirahey, I'm having a bit of trouble installing some 32 bit libraries, can anyone help me?19:12
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j09I'm going to go and see if I can solve this problem on my own then. I'm just letting you know that I'm leaving so you guys don't shout at me like you did the last time.19:13
eferreirawhats your issue19:14
eferreirai just got here19:14
j09eferreira I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 64bit with some USB headphones. Many of my steam games are playing with distorted sounds which seem to be a pulseaudio error. I've tried to record an example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdmMSQNvWA .19:14
k1leferreira: what issues do you have? put the output into paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here19:14
CapsAdminis anyone having a problem where you can't watch a youtube video (or in this case listening to music through youtube) (in html5 not flash) and then not be able to watch another video somewhere else without the audio crashing almost instantly?19:15
CapsAdmini don't remember this happening before19:15
CapsAdminif i play two youtube videos at the same time one of them will probably stop playing and or the audio will disappear19:16
eferreirajust gimme a sec19:17
antiPoPI'm trying to connect a laptop to  a wifi. The laptops works fine with other routers, and I can connect with the same laptop running windowze to the same router. But I cas't make this specific connection to work. How can I troubleshoot this?19:18
circ-user-H9BBxhey guys, i have a question. According to Ubuntu team announcement, in Ubuntu 16.04 they would have supported Vulkan, but today I installed beta version of 16.04 and I can't execute my vulkan samples, it says incompatible driver19:24
EriC^^!ubuntu+1 | circ-user-H9BBx check here19:25
ubottucirc-user-H9BBx check here: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:25
victmHelp me ! Google chrome browser freeze my ubuntu it happened to me more than 10 times on watching video on youtube.19:26
eferreiraThis is it, I'm running 15.1019:26
T_AlouiHi my mouse suddenly stopped running, how can I fix that ?19:26
k1leferreira: why do you want to install that package in 32bit?19:27
k1leferreira: what howto are you following?19:28
aukhi everyone, i'm having a difficult time installing ubuntu with full disk encryption (install wont boot afterwards).19:29
aukGoogling around i'm seeing a lot of instructions about chrooting in and updating initramfs, also grub and crypttab... but is there any ubuntu release that will just install correctly by itself?19:29
eferreira@k1l It's a guide my teacher sent us, I need the package to do some db2 database stuff19:30
eferreiraIt has to be in 32 bit cause the executable I'm running asks for it19:30
auk...and is this maybe architecture dependent / ... something else? most of the info i find online is old, 2012-13 etc19:30
k1leferreira: is this howto for 15.10?19:31
k1leferreira: because it looks like its 14.04 howto. in 15.10 there is libgtkmm-3.0-1v519:31
k1leferreira: (that is what the errormessage tells you)19:31
aukT_Aloui: first steps for your mouse would be unplugging/replugging and if it has batteries, checking that... have you done that already?19:32
victm Help me ! Google chrome browser freeze my ubuntu it happened to me more than 10 times on watching video on youtube.??19:32
Akkimsg chanserv REGISTER #stcetcse ubantu CSE16_group19:33
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k1lvictm: start chrome from a terminal and see what error you get when its crashing19:33
aukAkki: to let you know, you sent a public message19:34
eferreiraIt doesnt say, but I was guessing that it was for 14.04. I tried doing the following too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15603220/19:34
victmK11] it only happenes ocasionally19:35
victmK1] it only happenes ocasionally19:35
k1leferreira: sudo apt install libgtk-3-0:i38619:36
k1leferreira: see why its not working19:36
eferreiraThis happens19:38
=== doebi is now known as [o___o]
j09I have the most unusual error. I've recently spent the last few days trying to get my Steam games working on 15.10. The sound came through very distorted. I fixed it my launching Steam from the terminal after running PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 however I've noticed that the sound effects are delayed by about a second. Has anyone else experienced this and19:39
j09/or can help?19:39
eferreiraAnd when I try to install  that (libepoxy0:i386) this happens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15603294/19:40
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virtual_zi've installed ubuntu on my first drive and installed windows on my 2nd drive.. after installing ubuntu first it didn't recognize my windows on the other drive..19:40
eferreiraLast time I said yes and it left me with a broken system, but I'm running from a VM and had a snapshot so I just rolled back19:40
virtual_zI did sudo update-grub and now it can recognize windows but not booting to windows.. whan can I do now?19:41
virtual_zit freezes on a blank ubuntu purple screen. no error messages.19:41
virtual_zany rapid ideas please?19:42
=== richard is now known as Guest95464
Guest95464are there any casino, black jack or other poker games out there for Linux besides pokerth and solitaire?19:44
MonkeyDust!games | Guest9546419:44
ubottuGuest95464: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/19:44
j09virtual_z I've been trying to find help on here for the past 2 days, with no luck. Keep at it, but I'm not sure weekends are the best time for the support channel.19:44
virtual_zj09: ok thank you19:45
virtual_zI decided.19:45
virtual_zleaving it till it can work full compatible with my pc.19:45
virtual_zgood bye! eh19:46
Guest95464MonkeyDust: what does !games mean?19:47
MonkeyDustGuest95464  open the links ubottu suggests19:47
j09goodbye virtual_z I hope you can get it working soon19:47
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Guest95464MonkeyDust: OK19:47
k1leferreira: seems like that system has issues before that installation. please run a "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" first19:52
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k1leferreira: does it want to remove anyhting?19:58
k1leferreira: please answer here so others can help20:00
k1leferreira: so there is already a lot going wrong on your system20:00
eferreirak1l: where?20:01
k1leferreira: what did you do, so it wants to remove all the packages?20:02
eferreiraokay so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15603763/ shows all the steps, first I try to install the library I need, second I try to install the dependency of that, third I try to install the dependency of the dependency20:04
antiPoPI'm trying to connect a laptop to  a wifi. The laptops works fine with other routers, and I can connect with the same laptop running windowze to the same router. But I can't make this specific connection to work. How can I troubleshoot this?20:07
^Lestatdidnt realize this container was still running. Thats kinda cool.20:07
MonkeyDusteferreira  there's also libgtkmm-2.4-1v520:08
eferreiraMonkeyDust Oh, thanks, maybe that will work! Itś installing right now20:09
j09Traditionally how much of a problem have repos like GetDeb and PlayDeb been with the overall stability of Ubuntu? I've got them installed and I suspect they're the reason my audio is lagging being what's being shown on my screen for 3d programs and flash videos.20:10
akshay_arch or ubuntu?20:11
Myrttiakshay_: whatever rocks your boat20:12
j09akshay_ I'm on Ubuntu 15.10 64bit20:12
Myrttiakshay_: it's a totally your own choice, you're not going to get an unbiased opinion from here.20:12
k1lakshay_: ubuntu, since you ask in #ubuntu20:12
j09although admittedly, I didn't seem to have not nearly as many issues with Arch.20:13
Akki@k1:  :p20:13
dontknowakshay_, trisquel20:13
DirtyCajuni have changed my primary group but when i make a file it still gives the file my username as the group. what am i doing wrong20:14
eferreiraThanks for your help k1l and MonkeyDust It seems this will work20:14
Akkii installed arch today for the first time20:14
Akkimanjaro plasma one20:14
Akkialongside ubuntu 15.1020:14
k1lAkki: we focus on ubuntu support in here :) #ubuntu-offtopic for regular chat20:15
Akkioh, sorry. Aye aye captain20:15
j09I don't suppose I'd be able to beckon somone over to take a look at my issue with audio delay.20:15
j09this must be one heck of an issue if no-one here can help.20:18
k1lj09: its possible that there are not that much usb-headset steam gamers i here. i personaly dont use that setup. if no one can help in here you could try askubuntu.com or ubuntuforums20:20
MonkeyDustj09  if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio20:21
j09k1l thanks for getting back to me. I've tried the asubuntu.com site and the #ubuntu-steam irc but to no avail. This wasn't an issue until a few days ago, I suspected it was either a bad 3rd party PPA or something else completely random.20:21
sune1337I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 in on a fully encrypted disk (cryptsetup luksFormat ... /dev/sda), but when i run update-initramfs -u after creating /etc/crypttab i don't get the cryptsetup file installed in the initrd image; so it can't boot. I do get it to work if i create separate partitions for root and swap and encrypt them separately.20:25
Paul^^nobody here ?20:29
pokmoi'm trying to read the value of the variable env.VLC_PATH20:29
pokmois echo ${env.VLC_PATH} correct?20:30
pokmoi get bash: ${env.VLC_PATH}: bad substitution20:30
Paul^^I have some old iomega zip disk, my reader is the parallel version of iomega zip, but it don't go20:30
Paul^^I must rescue some old data from these disks20:31
k1lpokmo: without the { }20:31
Paul^^jazip don't found nothing iomega20:31
pokmok1l: but that returns .VLC_PATH20:32
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k1lpokmo: you might want to ask in #bash20:34
squintyPaul^^,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IomegaZIPDrive  might be of some help20:39
drmagooDoes anyone here know of a rdp-client (to access a win7 machine) that supports seperate windowsize (The program/client itself) and resolution? Windowsize is 2560x1440 and resolution is 1920x1080 for example...20:46
solairehow do I search for a package with apt-get?20:52
tewardsolaire: apt-cache search PackageNameHere20:52
tewardor rather, search term goes where it says PackageNameHere20:52
solaireok.  probably a stupid question to someone who knows, but why cache for uninstalled package?20:52
tewardsolaire: it searches the entire repository list that was last downloaded - i.e. from `apt-get update`20:53
tewardsolaire: installed or not, it lists packages that match the search string20:53
tewardalso, you may wish to search on packages.ubuntu.com as well20:53
solaireok so i always want to run apt-get update && apt-cache search blah20:53
tewardsolaire: you can just run `sudo apt-get update` once a week, and still use `apt-cache search` any time after that20:54
upphello, i'm looking for the name of this ubuntu theme? https://vimeo.com/13713383720:54
tewardsolaire: it isn't necessary to update every time you're running a search20:54
solaireyeah, fair enough.  thanks.20:55
=== foffolirium is now known as Superfario
=== Superfario is now known as SuperFario
uppany one know the name of this theme?21:00
drmagooupp> Icons look like numix21:00
SuperFariocan't change my brightness, tried itsfoss manual but didn't help at all21:01
drmagooupp> http://www.noobslab.com/2014/05/numix-theme-for-ubuntulinux-mintother.html21:02
SuperFarioany1 who is up 4 it?21:02
uppdrmagoo: you're right, thanks you ;-)21:02
drmagooupp> np!21:03
SuperFariomy screen freezes when i unplugg the cable to the battery, running ubuntu 14.0421:03
solaire /etc/sources.list.d is my repository directory right?21:04
SuperFarioany1 dealing with this problem?21:04
tewardsolaire: /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* will comprise the list of repositories you have21:04
uppdrmagoo: are you sure the one on the video is numix?21:04
solaireteward: what is the diff between the two?21:05
tewardsolaire: but yes, for 'additional' repositories outside the standard Ubuntu ones, then it's in individual files (typically) in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*21:05
drmagooupp> quite sure, atleast the icon-theme.. Looks like my icons and I use numics-icons...21:05
solaireoh and /etc/sources.list is for distro officiale?21:05
tewardsolaire: sources.list is the 'ubuntu' repositories, created on install; the files in the sources.list.d/* directory area are all individual lists for individual repositories, designed to make it 'easier' to manage21:05
uppdrmagoo: yes now i check it, thank you so much ;-)21:06
SuperFariocan someone help a new guy in need?21:06
\9!ask | SuperFario21:06
ubottuSuperFario: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:06
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drmagooupp> =)21:06
drmagooupp> you are welcome!21:07
* solaire pats \9 on the head for being so diligent in forcing his vision on the channel :P21:07
SuperFarioThanks! So here is the thing. I recently installed ubuntu 14.04.21:07
SuperFarioSorry, i can't change the screen brightness, and i googled it and used itsfoss.com guide, but did not help me.21:08
SuperFarioanyone dealing with this type of problem? i have a geforce and intel21:09
DekkardSuperFario:  no display?21:10
emelecno puedo abrir mi gestor de paquetes synaptic.......me sale se ha producido un error....21:10
emelecE: Tipo «sudo» desconocido en la línea 17 de la lista de fuentes /etc/apt/sources.list21:10
emelecE: No se pudo leer la lista de fuentes.21:10
emelecVaya al diálogo del repositorio para corregir el problema.21:10
emelecE: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:10
veXxanyone around that uses nvidia propriety driver with gtx 9xx series gpu mind helping me out?21:10
SuperFario@dekkard what did you mean?21:11
Dekkardblack display?..21:11
Dekkardno picture21:11
drmagooveXx: I do... whats the issue ?21:11
k1l!es | emelec21:11
ubottuemelec: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:11
veXxdrmaggo: if i go below native resolution, screen does not scale/stretch21:12
SuperFarioi have picture, but the brightness is at max, can't change it21:12
SuperFariotried this http://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/ but was not helpfull21:12
drmagooveXx: You get black borders ? How are you changing the resolution ?21:12
veXxdrmagoo: correct, black borders. i changed it using the nvidia software21:13
Dekkardhmm.. different problem than what i had.. sorry21:13
drmagooveXx: did you restart the computer or just login/logout ?21:13
veXxdrmagoo: "nvidia x server settings"21:13
veXxdrmagoo: restarted21:14
roseysdaddycan anyone point me in the right direction?  fresh install of ubuntu server 15.10, but I have only a blank screen.  The only way to see anything is after it is finished booting, to press CTRL-ALT-F1.21:14
drmagooveXx: are you using Unity ?21:14
veXxdrmagoo: currently using kde but i have xfce, and lxde installed if you think that would make a difference21:15
veXxdrmagoo: i doubt this makes a difference, but i just swapped over from ati but I did uninstall all the fgrlx software21:16
drmagooveXx: Any broken dependencies ? Check if there is anything in KDE settings (should be under System, then display) or try to change the resolution using xrandr...21:18
veXxdrmagoo: interesting, if i use the display manager for kde, while limited (in options) it scales properly21:20
drmagooveXx: the dm's dont mix well with the wm's. I currently use i3wm, with lightdm and use xrandr to change the resolution if needed.21:21
roseysdaddycan anyone point me in the right direction?  fresh install of ubuntu server 15.10, but I have only a blank screen.  The only way to see anything is after it is finished booting, to press CTRL-ALT-F1.21:21
drmagooDoes anyone here know of a rdp-client (to access a win7 machine) that supports seperate windowsize (The program/client itself) and resolution? Windowsize is 2560x1440 and resolution is 1920x1080 for example...21:22
veXxdrmagoo: too explain a little about what i am doing, i like my desktop at native 1980x1020. but when i game i play at lower resolution for higher fps.21:22
squintyroseysdaddy,  might want to ask in #ubuntu-server21:24
drmagooveXx: Then I would use xrandr to change the resolution.. Then you dont need to login/out or anything.. should just the current session to the wanted resolution21:24
veXxdrmagoo: ill look into that, thanks21:26
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drmagooveXx: np! you're welcome21:29
dczhello guys, how can we go to certain line in terminal like in vim ?21:30
dczfor example i typed ls -all then ls21:30
dczlets say it is 100 lines output at total21:30
dczlets say i want to go backwar to 93rd line21:30
k1ldcz: "ls" doesnt support that.21:31
dczor how can i direct a command to search in terminal keyboard combination21:31
Ben64ls -al | head -n93 | tail -n121:32
dczno no21:32
dczBen64, lets say i ve already executed those commands21:32
Ben64then too bad21:33
k1ldcz: the terminal is not interactive like a editor21:33
dczinstead of using touchpad or mouse , i want to go back to last command's line that already executed21:34
dczscrolling upward21:34
k1ldcz: use shift+"pageup"21:34
readonlyomgwhats the url i can use with nc 9999 to paste from terminal again?21:34
k1lreadonlyomg: nc termbin.com 999921:35
dczit doesnt go upward to last commands line with shift page up21:35
k1ldcz: what you want is not possible21:36
dczhow terminal knows a command executed at which line21:36
k1ldcz: the terminal is not interactive like vim21:36
dczat least i knows which command executed at last :D21:36
readonlyomghttp://termbin.com/mkac my HDD is remounting as read only but i dont understand enough to know if its my MAIN HDD or if its another one. can someone help?21:37
dczdoesnt it logs the command execution line ?21:37
=== M4dH4TT3r is now known as Guest27988
mercerhi hello, I have a problem... I have a external data drive that (I guess) has been disconnected without being remounted, the problem is it has been renamed 3 times automatically under /media   as /media/New Volume1  and  /media/New Volume2  how can I change it back to /media/New Volume  so I can get everything to work properly?21:40
akikmercer: is it a ext3/ext4 file system?21:42
mercer1 sec i'll check21:43
mercerit's ntfs21:44
akikwith ext3/ext4 it is the volume label that is used21:44
mercerlike my internal drives21:45
akikmaybe you need to change its volume label to New Volume in windows21:45
k1ldcz: press "uparrow". that will show the last commands21:45
merceri don't run windowsw21:45
akikmercer: maybe you can change it in gparted21:47
mercerI'm in gparted now21:47
mercerthe label is New Volume but it is mounted to /media/New Volume2  so I get all kinds of problems with programs21:48
akikoh there's ntfslabel in ubuntu21:49
akikntfsprogs package21:50
mercerwould changing the UUID help or do I not know what I am talking about?21:50
akikit is most probably the label, not uuid21:51
akiki have no idea why it keeps changing on you21:51
mercerok the device and the label are the same but it is remounted to a different directory under /media21:52
mercerso do you think remounting the drive back to the /New Volume  directory might work?21:55
akikmercer: it should be /media/username/foo ?21:55
merceryes thats it21:55
akikmercer: umount it, change the label and then remount21:55
mercerok bb in a fw21:56
bubba_is Bash included with Ubuntu and if so how do I start it ??21:56
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akikbubba_: bash is the default shell in ubuntu21:57
k1lbubba_: open a terminal?21:57
mercerit's like this sda1 is mounted to the wrong directory, is there any easier way to command line it and change it to another directory?21:58
bubba_how do I start Bash?21:58
Guest31316ctrl + alt + t21:59
bubba_with the gui please21:59
k1lbubba_: what do you want to do at all?21:59
bubba_thanks for nothing :(21:59
squintysearch in the dash for "terminal"21:59
Guest31316applications > terminal22:00
k1lok, dont mind the trolls22:00
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mercerhow do i determine all volume id numbers from the command line?22:07
k1lmercer: sudo parted -l22:08
mercerk1l: that didn't give me the device id number...22:10
k1lyou mean the uuid?22:11
k1lsudo blkid22:11
=== Guest31316 is now known as rrfbr
=== rrfbr is now known as raj1098
B0g4r7_Well I finally got this system working using lvmcache on the rootfs.  It still feels sluggish.  Maybe it'll be nicer when the raid finishes synchronizing.22:13
mercerall I need to do is change a directory back to it's original mount'd directoru... /media/superuser/New Volume  has been changed to /media/superuser/New Volume   and it's causing problems22:14
fooIn OS X, in Terminal, connected to a screen on a Linux machine, in a venv, in python CLI, I press up arrow and I see this: ^[[A    ... how do I fix this so the up arrow actually works? I forget if it's Terminal, or screen, or python, heh.22:14
merceri mean changed to /New Volume222:14
B0g4r7_foo, have a look at the TERM env variable maybe.22:14
B0g4r7_Try setting it to some different values and see what happens.22:15
B0g4r7_mercer, the quick hack would be a symlink.  ln -s "/media/superuser/New Volume2" "/media/superuser/New Volume"22:17
B0g4r7_Just remember to remove the symlink later when you no longer need it.22:17
mercerok what is a symlink?22:18
B0g4r7_symbolic link.  Called an alias on os x, and a shortcut on windows.22:18
fooB0g4r7_: thank you22:19
mercerI don't run win or osx22:21
mercerbut KI think I need to logon and log back in22:21
drale2kcan o setup a ubuntu server in virtualbox locally, install and configure everything i want and then create an .iso (or something else) and use that to deploy to an online server? Is that a good idea?22:22
drale2ki want to create something i can re-deploy easily22:22
Spinraddrale2k, search Ansible, it will do the job22:23
drale2kSpinrad: thanks!22:23
mercermy question is now this how can I remove a directory under /media/superuser/  ???22:25
readonlyomgcan ANYONE help me with my read only mounting issues?22:25
B0g4r7_readonlyomg, sudo mount  -o remount,rw /mnt/foo22:27
B0g4r7_mercer, the rmdir command will remove an empty directory.22:27
k1lreadonlyomg: is this a live system? or the recovery?22:28
mercersudo: unable to resolve host 127-0-0-122:28
mercerrmdir: failed to remove ‘New’: No such file or directory22:28
mercerrmdir: failed to remove ‘Volume’: No such file or directory22:28
readonlyomgkil its a live system22:28
readonlyomgit boots. but boots with / being read only.22:29
k1lreadonlyomg: that is not an issue22:29
B0g4r7_mercer, if there are spaces in the name you'll need to enclose it in quotes or escape it using backslashes or such.22:29
k1lreadonlyomg: a live system is not writable.22:29
readonlyomgwait.. i dont mean live as in cd22:29
readonlyomgi mean live as in this is my active system22:29
Bashing-ommercer: Space in the file name ? linux sees a space as a delimiter , and must be 'escaped' .22:30
B0g4r7_readonlyomg, have you checked dmesg and the system log for clues about why it's mounting readonly?22:30
mercerit says the directory is not empty but I have the volume unplugged and I can't cd into it22:30
k1lreadonlyomg: "mount | nc termbin.com 9999"22:30
readonlyomgB0g4r7_: yessir and it only states that ATA6 was having issues. which is my sdd not my sda22:31
mercermaybe there is a gui util besides gparted that can remove stuff like this22:31
B0g4r7_mercer, so something's still mounted that you want unmounted, it sounds like.  Explore the 'mount' and 'umount22:31
B0g4r7_' commands.22:31
B0g4r7_The easy answer is to reboot.22:32
lesley http://m.imgur.com/ZGAJvwY What the fuck!?22:34
ikoniaplease control the language22:34
B0g4r7_Hmm.  I wonder if I should click that.  Let me consult my magic 8-ball...22:34
ikoniathere is no need for it, and it's not welcome22:34
lesleyI'm sorry, but ... what the -22:35
ikoniawhy don't you just explain the problem calmly22:35
lesleyI took a photo.22:35
ikoniawhy don't you explain the problem22:36
k1llesley: we need way more info. the picture doesnt show enough. describe what you are doing and what error is there?22:36
mercerso dees anyone know of a GUI that can erase mounted directories and mount volumes easily?22:36
lesleyOh, sorry, let me try again.22:36
ikoniamercer: nautilus22:36
Tin_manmercer: sudo22:36
k1lTin_man: stop.22:36
k1lTin_man: sudo is not an program, and it is not to be run with gui at all. so dont give bad advice22:37
Tin_manjust kidding, it is a gui, letters and such22:37
mercernautilus ... ???22:38
ikoniamercer: yes, the default file manager22:38
k1lmercer: what is the issue at all?22:38
ikoniamercer: that can delete directories and files within a mounted directory just fine22:38
B0g4r7_He wants a gui frontend for mount and umount.22:39
ikonianautius coupled with the automounter will do that22:39
foouname -a #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux - does this mean I need to install 64bit versions of packages?22:39
k1lthat is nautilus. it can mount and unmount partitions. but i think he got another issue there22:39
Tin_manchill out22:39
mercermy external volume of information keeps remounting to a different directory and is causing problems22:39
k1lfoo: that is a 64bit system. yes22:39
fook1l: that's what I thought, thank you22:40
ikoniaTin_man: no - stop messing around, there will be no more warnings22:40
B0g4r7_Automatic mounting, no doubt.22:41
B0g4r7_Something permanant in fstab would probably suit better.22:41
ikoniait should only mount in one place, even with the automounter22:42
ikoniabased off volume label22:42
k1lmercer: "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"22:42
k1lmercer: "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"22:42
=== bonsairoot is now known as koppler
Dinner4Breakfastis there a way to turn off 3D in unity without losing any of the functionality?22:43
k1lDinner4Breakfast: no22:43
mish41is anyone here successfully running dropbox on their ubuntu 14.04?22:43
k1lmish41: there are plenty22:44
mercerok k1l22:44
mish41k1l: i have no luck in getting it to start, and keep getting permission errors. haven't found a fix for it yet.22:44
Dinner4Breakfastis there a desktop or window manager that can grid *child* windows like unity?22:45
V7Is here anyone who's using Krusader ?22:45
k1lmish41: sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox22:46
k1lmish41: eventually run "dropbox start -i22:46
k1l" afterwards22:46
mish41k1l: so with my current dropbox should i just stop running it, or remove it?22:46
Dinner4BreakfastI've tried lxde and kde, and they can grid main/parent windows, but not child windows22:46
V7Or ... guys ... which app are u using for SFTP ?22:46
V7Gui *22:46
V7Except Filezilla22:47
k1lV7: nautilus22:47
mish41k1l: also fyi i installed dropbox from a .deb package i downloaded from dropbox, instead of through apt-get22:47
k1lmish41: i dont know about that 3rd party package22:47
V7k1l: nautilus o.o ? Really ...22:48
k1lV7: yes, "connect to server" in the menu22:48
V7If we'd not joking :D ?22:48
lesleyThe contibue button in the installer was greyed out on the format type screen (format everything/something else) was greyed out. Is this a known issue?22:51
=== Ezra is now known as Guest48807
k1llesley: that sounds like the choosen setup was missing something.22:51
V7lesley: Ctrl+Alt+5 and dmesg22:52
dummy9Is there a Linux podcast that's recorded live apart from mintcast?22:54
k1ldummy9: better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic22:55
BroEzraI just installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS yesterday along side Windows 10. After initial installation grub showed both options. Now Windows 10 is not listed. All I have done is download updates and my nVidia driver and a few apps. Is there a way to add Windows back in with Grub Customizer? Thanks!22:55
k1lBroEzra: run a "sudo update-grub"22:56
BroEzrak1l: I did and then rebooted. Still nothing.22:56
lesleyI'm sorry that just causes the system to crash and reset.22:56
V7What da fu** ... windows 10 ?22:57
V7lesley: What exactly ?22:57
k1llesley: so did you enter all the needed things on that installation page?22:57
k1lBroEzra: can you show the output on paste.ubuntu.com ?22:58
lesleyNever mind.  Uhm... I can't tell which of th dmesg errors is related to the installer button.22:59
BroEzrak1l: Here is the output for sudo update-grub. https://paste.ubuntu.com/15605481/23:00
Madhumper69ufw seems to be enabled all is fine in terminal however when i open gufw the application wont open i get no errors?  any direction into this issue would be helpful thanks23:13
tewardMadhumper69: try running `gufw` from the terminal, see if there's any errors going there23:14
Madhumper69good call, that gives me something to work with23:15
BroEzrak1l: I think I am going to try and use boot-repair and reinstall grub. Hopefully that will help. Thanks for you help23:15
RhorseI just received my preinstalled 15.10 laptop. What happens when 15.10 is eol? Do I need to do fresh install of another version?23:16
k1lRhorse: you can upgrade from end of april to july with online upgrade23:17
Madhumper69http://paste.ubuntu.com/15605560/ error i got teward23:17
Madhumper69ill do some googling.. thanks23:17
Rhorsek1l: is this upgrade to another 9 month cycle or to an LTS?23:17
k1lRhorse: 16.04 is an LTS with up to 5 years support23:18
Rhorsek1l: thanks!23:18
Sazpaimon_How can I get gparted to allow me to shrink my ntfs volume? It's complaining that I don't have ntfs-3g, but I absolutely do have it23:19
k1lSazpaimon_: sudo apt install ntfs-3g23:20
Sazpaimon_" It's complaining that I don't have ntfs-3g, but I absolutely do have it"23:21
k1lSazpaimon_: what is the output when you run my command?23:21
Sazpaimon_already installed and newest version23:22
Sazpaimon_and I confirmed that I have ntfsresize, ntfsfix, etc23:22
TJ-Sazpaimon_: have you considered the report may be misleading; the real issue may be that the NTFS volume dirty flag is set so the ntfs tools won't touch it23:23
Madhumper69Turns out I was missing a package called python-gobject; installed it and gufw works flawlessly.23:23
k1lSazpaimon_: what is the exact errormessage?23:23
Sazpaimon_the windows install was cleanly shut down23:23
k1lSazpaimon_: windows doesnt "cleanly unmount" on shutdown since some time. due to simulate a faster boot time23:24
Sazpaimon_Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. The cause might be a missing software package. The following list of software packages is required for ntfs file system support: ntfsprogs / ntfs-3g.23:24
k1lSazpaimon_: so please dont think we think you are dumb. but we just need to work through all known issues23:24
Sazpaimon_so if this is the system partition, how do I cleanly unmount it when shutting down windows?23:25
Sazpaimon_will I need to boot to a windows PE and chkdsk it?23:25
k1lSazpaimon_: what windows is it?23:26
TJ-Sazpaimon_: are you able to mount/read the file-system manually in a terminal?23:27
Sazpaimon_mounted as fuseblk on /mnt, so ntfs-3g is being used23:27
lesleyWhy is Ubuntu so slow?23:28
Sazpaimon_ntfsresize -i /dev/sdc2 says that the volume isnt clean though23:28
k1lSazpaimon_: there is ntfsfix23:28
lesleyWhy does it hang when I log out?23:28
Sazpaimon_i ran ntfsfix on it, too23:28
k1lSazpaimon_: is it still moounted?23:29
brycemlSazpaimon_ try http://www.howtogeek.com/129021/how-to-do-a-full-shutdown-in-windows-8-without-disabling-hybrid-boot/23:29
lesleyHow do I log in as root?23:29
Sazpaimon_but i said I'm on windows 723:29
Sazpaimon_k1l, nope23:29
k1llesley: you dont23:29
brycemlsame principle I think, I can't remember when they introduced hybrid boot.23:30
lesleyWhich Linux distro is on par with Ubuntu?23:30
k1llesley: if you need root permissions in terminal you use sudo23:30
Sazpaimon_oh I ran ntfsfix with -b not -d23:30
Sazpaimon_still didn't change anything23:30
Sazpaimon_though now ntfsresize -i is saying there are cluster mismatches23:31
lesleyOr better yet...23:31
Sazpaimon_so I guess i'll schedule a chkdsk on it23:31
lesleyHow do I make it so I don't have to enter my password all the time?23:31
k1llesley: you dont have to all the time. it keep the password for 15 minutes in terminal23:31
lesleyWhy do I get a system problem on startup on a nearly fresh install?23:32
lesleyHow can I stop Ubuntu from locking up whenever I log out?23:32
k1llesley: that seems to depend on your exact hardware  and software setup.23:33
lesleyIs there any way to extend that time period?23:33
k1llesley: on terminal?23:34
lesleyHow do I fix it then, by buying a new laptop?23:34
brycemlyou can remove the password requirement from sudo, I don't recommend it though http://askubuntu.com/questions/192050/how-to-run-sudo-command-with-no-password23:34
Sazpaimon_okay, i scheduled a cluster check, time to reboot and see if that fixes it23:34
k1llesley: that is just a plain stupid idea23:34
k1llesley: because its a big part of the security setup on ubuntu23:34
lesleyAgainst whom?23:35
B0g4r7_Wow, this system boots way quicker when it's not trying to also synchronize the underlying raid.23:35
k1llesley: against anyone haveing hardware or software access to your machine.23:35
lesleySo, ssh?23:36
k1llesley: i wonder what you are doing all the day that needs root permissions23:36
lesleyNone of your business.23:37
TJ-lesley: "sudo -i"23:37
lesleyTJ- I what about window prompts?23:37
TJ-lesley: huh? what do you mean?23:38
TJ-lesley: sudo is for use in a terminal shell, not in the GUI23:39
TJ-lesley: pkexec/gksudo are/were the things to use in the GUI23:39
B0g4r7_Maybe there's a pam module that lets you auth using a smartcard or something.23:42
lesleyMaybe... or maybe I should choose another distro, one I can actually use.23:44
lesleyInstead of having to autjenticate myself all the time.23:44
k1lif you dont like the ubuntu way, ubuntu is the wrong distribution to start with.23:44
B0g4r7_Don't all the OSs ask the user to authenticate fairly routinely these days?23:45
TJ-lesley: you can add an entry to the sudoers file to not require a password, with NOPASSWD23:45
lesleyDefine "routinely".23:45
B0g4r7_Depends what you're doing, but at least daily.23:45
B0g4r7_I suppose you could run MacOS 9.  That won't ask you to auth all the time.23:46
lesleyOh, can I?23:46
effectnetwhats a good program to burn dvd's?23:47
Sazpaimon_alright, looks like a full chkdsk seemed to do the trick23:47
k1li still wonder what one needs to run with root permissions on the gui all the time. but there are ways to use NOPASSWD.23:48
lesleyWays to use NOPASSWD - huh?23:49
k1llesley: you are way to vague to get specific help. i told you that right on your first partial picture screenshot, that didnt give any informations to help you.23:50
brycemlxfburn works good for me for burning discs, or do you mean video dvd's?23:50
B0g4r7_There are probably ways to have a system that never asks for a password ever, but the system will probably give a bit of resistance to any efforts to make it like that, and will surely warn that doing so is a bad idea.23:50
k1leffectnet: brasero?23:50
B0g4r7_brasero works wall for me for my disc writing needs.23:51
B0g4r7_works well too23:51
slavka`hey guys... i want to have a little script running in the background to watch all files, directories and subdirectories for file size changes and then run a command on those files..23:55
slavka`how can i do that?23:55
brycemlslavka: I would look at inotify23:57
k1lyep, inotify is for looking at changes of files.23:58
TJ-slavka`: in a script, inotifywatch or inotifywait depending on exactly what you need23:59

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