
KingsmereBanana ?00:17
Smurphybanana ...01:07
tux|dudeMan clementine and kubuntu just go together so well01:27
SmurphyI got used in using amarok by now ...01:32
SmurphyWonder when the next plasma will be available for kubuntu :) Looks neat :)01:32
tux|dudeI've given amarok a look but ehhhh.....01:33
SmurphyIt has its advantages, once you get used to the special usage.01:35
tux|dudeIt's a little... mental01:36
tux|dudeI mean clementine is based off amarok 1.4 actually01:36
SmurphyI know. they have however rewritten the internal engine from scratch.01:37
moody_hey yall01:37
moody_was hoping to get some help. i just installed kde 15.10 on my desktop and the propietary bcm4352 driver and i've been getting random desktop freezes after about 10 minutes01:38
moody_i can't get to the tty either01:38
moody_via ctrl alt f101:38
moody_so i have to restart my pc every time01:38
moody_i've got a gtx 680 but didn't install nvidia drivers and i'm wondering if that's the issue01:38
SmurphyWe'd need more info on that. You tried checking the kernel ring buffer -> check sysreq interaction in google.01:40
moody_no i haven't i'm a linux novice so i don't know what the kernel ring buffer01:41
SmurphyI got a very old copy of a text-base version of this -> http://stargate.solsys.org/bin.php?bin=get&bin_id=27901:41
SmurphyThat's where the linux kernel writes down all errors.01:41
Smurphyusually - if the system works and suddenly freezes hard, memory gets overwritten.01:41
SmurphyIf it was an IRQ error, it would release the IRQ after a while - reason I rather think it is memory or a driver behaving bad.01:42
moody_interestingly, i can move my mouse during these freezes01:42
moody_so they're not hard freezes01:42
moody_i just can't inetract with the desktop or get to the tty01:42
moody_also fwiw i can get to the tty before freeze with ctrl alt f1-601:42
Smurphybcm is a network-card driver, right > so the graphic-card driver should not be the issue here.01:43
moody_right, but i think the freeze happened even before i installed the network card driver01:43
Smurphynext time you boot your system, before it crashes, open konsole or go to the console (ctrl-alt-f1) and type in: dmesg01:43
moody_so far that's all i've done on the fresh install01:44
Smurphyit will dump you the kernel-ring buffer to the screen.01:44
moody_i'm actually on the pc right now01:44
moody_hoping i don't get disconnected01:44
moody_and i ran dmesg-any idea what i should look for?01:44
SmurphyPaste it somewhere -> pastebin or so.01:45
SmurphyIn fact, we're looking for kernel oops messages etc.01:45
SmurphyDid you tell the system to update all packages during install ?01:45
moody_no, i tried to update after the install but it crashed while downloading01:46
moody_i should do that now01:46
SmurphyNo errors I can see.01:47
moody__so this last crash came with graphical artifacts too01:48
moody__like a bucket of paint was spilled over the windows01:49
moody__i'm thinking i might try the proprietary nvidia driver and see if that fixes it01:49
Smurphycould be the nouveau drivers then. Ubuntu does not have the latest. install the Nvidia provided drivers.01:49
SmurphyCould make it better.01:49
moody__wish there was a good way to see my gput emps01:50
Smurphygput emps ?01:51
Smurphygpu temps?01:51
SmurphyThe nvidia tools have something for that.01:51
SmurphyWell, the proprietary nvidia drivers.01:51
SmurphyBut I have not used them in a very long time -> mostly Intel GPU's now.01:51
moody_soo everything is much snappier after i installed the proprietary driver02:01
Smurphyfaster ? it should.02:03
SmurphyCheck for the nvidia panel (dunno how it's called anymore).02:04
SmurphyClick on the start-button, and start typing: nvidia02:04
Smurphyit will show you everything that has nvidia. The control-panel from nvidia should show.02:04
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General_MartokHi, can somebody tell me how I can set the window position permanently? Thunderbird ever opens in a small window09:05
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hateballGeneral_Martok: You can create window rules, rightclick the title09:36
soeeGeneral_Martok: hi09:36
soeeah hateball was first :)09:37
hateballGeneral_Martok: That is, the titlebar of Thunderbird. Then you can set advanced rules for placements or whatever you desire09:37
soeeright click on title bar and pick: More Action -> Additional Applicaton Settings -> Size & Placement [tab]09:38
General_MartokThank you! It works. It was so easy, but I didn't see :-)09:41
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yossarianukhi - what version of plasma will 16.04 be using ? the beta still have 5.5.4 I belive10:19
soeeyossarianuk: shoudl be 5.5.511:05
soeethan newer through backports11:05
BluesKajHowdy folks11:53
mirko_Hey guys. I have a problem with login screen in Kubuntu 14.04. When I select an own image there, I just get a white background...11:53
BluesKajmirko_, what's the file extension of the image?11:57
mirko_BluesKaj: It`s a .jpg... Don`t tell me it`s that easy and I just need it into another extension... :D11:58
BluesKajno it's not that easy , that's the correct file type alright11:59
mirko_That`s weird then. :( I tried it with a few pictures now, and always the same result. Logging out - white Background. Rebooting - white Background. After that I checked if the pic is still saved in the settings - yes, it is...12:00
mirko_I checked it just with the User Bar though. Maybe it`s different in Classic...12:01
BluesKajoh the kmenu12:02
mirko_Yes. The Screen that appears after booting where it asks for your password. :)12:02
BluesKajlogin screen12:03
mirko_Exactly. :) Maybe it`ll work with a .png-extension? Or is it impossible?12:04
BluesKajyou don't have the pics wrapped in a compressed file using ark or some such ?12:05
mirko_BluesKaj: Nope. Got a large, uncompressed folder of Wallpapers in my personal folder.12:06
mirko_I will check it just for fun with an png-Image. Or do you have something specific in mind that could fix it? :)12:07
BluesKajmirko_, did the background change setting ask for your password ?12:08
mirko_BluesKaj: Yes. Password is needed to save the settings there.12:09
BluesKajno I don't have a particular fix in mind because my experience with login screen backaground choice has always worked iirc12:10
hateballmirko_: do you have an encrypted home folder?12:12
hateballthe user that runs the login manager needs to be able to read the file from whatever path you defined12:12
mirko_hateball: Yes. I encrypted my folder on the installation process.12:12
hateballThat'll be it then12:13
mirko_hateball: Ahhh. Yeah, makes sense. When it`s encrypted before decrypting it with the personal password it can`t work.12:14
mirko_Let me check that. I`ll be right back... :)12:17
hateballmirko_: yeah, so place the images somewhere unencrypted :)12:22
mirko_Hmmm... Weird. I tried a wallpaper of my external HDD now there that isn`t encrypted, logged out, still same result, white background...12:23
hateballmirko_: Have you mounted the drive in /etc/fstab ? Otherwise that wont be mounted until you're logged in12:24
hateballWhich would produce the same result12:24
mirko_hateball: I don`t think so... Can you name me an unencrypted location on my System where I can place the wallpaper to retest?12:25
hateballmirko_: Well I don't know how your system is setup, but if you only encrypted ~/, then everywhere else would be unenecrypted12:25
hateballSo you could "mkdir -p /opt/wallpapers" and copy an image there for instance12:26
mirko_hateball: Okay, let me try that...12:26
mirko_Okay, retesting now. Brb. :)12:31
mirko_hateball: Bingo, that fixed it.12:32
mirko_hateball: Thank you very much for your help. This support here is awesome! :)12:38
BluesKajencryption of regular non critical files is obviously a pita :-)12:39
mirko_BluesKaj: Normally you`re right. I got an encrypted container on my external HDD where I save all my "critical" stuff.12:41
yossarianuksoee: thanks12:45
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timetrexwerd up15:52
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mirko_Can someone help me? Kubuntu is trolling me with Update Popups. When I open Muon and searching for Updates there is nothing. Neither with terminal-commands. It`s getting really annoying cause it pops up all few minutes... -.-16:21
catbadgerwhat terminal commands did you try?16:43
mirko_catbadger: sudo apt-get update / sudo apt-get upgrade / sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:46
catbadgerthat should do it.16:48
catbadgerTo stop the pop-up run update-manager16:49
catbadgerThen in settings, set Update automaticly to 'Never' and Notify of new version to 'Never'16:49
catbadgerwell i feel like he was ungrateful16:50
catbadger.j edm16:50
JunkHunkhello at startup lately my kubuntu does this: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=101647 is there a way to fix it?17:12
BluesKajJunkHunk, could be a graphics problem, got the recommended gpu driver installed ?17:18
JunkHunk358.16 for Geforce GTX 750 Ti17:19
Bob2016that does't look like a video driver problem at all17:20
BluesKajJunkHunk, what about your OpenGL /GLX settings17:24
JunkHunktell me the command17:25
JunkHunkI ll post the output17:25
BluesKajthere's no command17:26
BluesKajlook in system settings>display and monitor>compositor17:26
JunkHunkI dont see compositor17:35
JunkHunkscreen config and screen saver17:36
JunkHunkthats all under display and monitor17:36
JunkHunknow I remember I switched to lightdm17:38
JunkHunkin order to get free login at startup17:38
JunkHunkcould be it?17:38
JunkHunknvm it is not an unbearable problem17:39
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VlanZheyyy peoples17:55
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cstelzHey everybody!19:04
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andybrineHey Everyone20:45
andybrineI have installed skype and it starts when I boot my laptop. Does anyone know how I can turn that off?20:45
BlueProtomanI can't run synaptic as root!  When I try, I get this error message, despite having been able to run synaptic as root for months.  http://pastebin.com/f2tDyKrD  Any tips?20:49
BlueProtomanKubuntu 15.1020:50
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tux|dudeMorning all21:02
bpromptafternoon here21:03
tux|dudeNew Zealand time is weird21:04
FritigernBlueProtoman: Try using kdesudo synaptic21:06
BlueProtomanFritigern: Same error21:07
FritigernDid you try a reinstall yet? sudo apt-get purge synaptic && sudo apt-get install synaptic21:07
BlueProtomanFritigern: Yep, same error21:09
FritigernI am out of ideas. For one thing, dunno why it would want to use Mir when Kubuntu never has.21:10
FritigernYou are stuck with muon I'm afraid21:10
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