
trismB0g4r7_: it's there, but it is the other way around, gnome-session-flashback00:02
B0g4r7_trism, so it is, and indeed it has that same name on 14.04.  My bad.  Thx.00:59
tristan957Experiencing a bug where I am experiencing a double log in screen when waking from suspend01:47
tristan957how can I report it01:47
TJ-!bug | tristan95701:50
ubottutristan957: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:50
tristan957Robot I don't know the package name01:51
TJ-tristan957: sounds like a greeter issue, so if its standard Ubuntu I'd guess lightdm-gtk-greeter01:53
tristan957Ok I'm stupid. I should have known that. Thanks01:54
TJ-tristan957: it might be a related screenlock package though, not too sure since I don't touch Unity01:54
tristan957the package is actually unity-greeter01:56
tristan957i'll report it this way anyways01:56
=== cyphase is now known as Guest45121
de-factowhat is the livecd's live session users password ?06:43
flocculantde-facto: no password, just ubuntu or xubuntu or whatever as user06:44
de-factoim on the gdm login screen for ubuntu gnome (live session user), which password (empty is not accepted) should i enter there?06:45
flocculantthere isn't a password on the livecd06:46
flocculantusb/cd ?06:47
de-factowell after i logged out from gnome desktop (after compiling vbox guest additions). hmm i guess i should have set a password for the live user first then :-/06:50
de-factono password at first boot06:50
flocculantde-facto: check that the iso is good against the md5sum06:51
de-factowhy? this is probably the desired behaviour, if you say that there is no password set as per default06:54
flocculantyes - but you say that it's not letting you do what's desired :)06:55
flocculantnot sure why you'd do the guest additions on live tbh - when you do reboot - you'll lose the guest additions06:56
de-factoit boots right into the gnome desktop, but once logged out i cannot enter an empty password (since its not set as you said), so was my fault not to set a password prior to logout06:57
de-factoi logout for having the guest additions take affect after restarting gdm06:57
de-factonot the whole live session ofc06:57
de-factoyay that worked :)06:59
flocculantde-facto: bug 156130207:01
ubottubug 1561302 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm won't allow passwordless login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156130207:01
de-factoyup thats exactly it07:03
de-factohmm how come the gnome programs ship in different versions (e.g. nautilus from 3.14, gedit from 3.18 and so on)? Is there a way to get a consistent version of gnome on 16.04 (like all from one gnome version)?07:10
=== Hyllegaarrd is now known as Hyllegaard
flocculantI think they pick versions of apps which they want - not really sure - don't often look at it07:18
de-factook well at least gedit is on 3.18 branch now :)07:20
flocculantnautilus is 3.1807:20
de-factohmm not after pulling updates from livecd07:21
flocculant*shrug* as I said don't often look at it :)07:21
de-factoah its on the gnome3 team ppa07:23
flocculantmmm - seems ubuntu is 3.14 too07:26
flocculantanyway - have fun - off to work07:26
de-factothank you for your help07:27
flocculantyou're welcome :)07:27
=== Ian__ is now known as Ian_Corne
meenais anyone else experiencing this joyful bug with systemd, where shutdown and reboot takes >2min when you have encrypted partitions: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1620 ?08:03
phaidroshi, is probably something wrong with grep in Xenial? (I need to run grep with -a to get the same results as before, simple string operations .. o.O)09:20
phaidrosdid any default setting change?09:20
geekybodhiHi all. Just wondering about the status of the QML-based USB Startup Disk creator? Google couldn't help me find an update.09:52
cdiddhi, anybody knows will 16.04 support zfs root booting? Especially zfs luks mirror root booting?10:29
cdiddI'm in a process of making it work myself for Gentoo, and oh boy, I would prefer for someone else to do it for me...10:32
LogicalDashUnity seems to have lost its ability to switch to an already open app -- they don't show up in alt+tab and if I click on the app in the launcher, it launches a new instance.11:02
LogicalDashMaximized windows don't have their title bars, menus, or close/minimize/restore buttons either. But those show up if I restore by dragging the window.11:04
k1lLogicalDash: not for me. for me it works.11:05
k1lLogicalDash: try another account (guest account) and see if thats the same there11:05
LogicalDashk1l: okay, so I probably have some bad unity settings somewhere. how do I just reset those?11:05
LogicalDashk1l: you're correct btw. the guest account has unity working ok11:11
k1lrename that .config folder in the users home. tehn relogin and see if that cleared it already.11:12
LogicalDashwhat .config file?11:12
LogicalDashok, brb11:12
LogicalDashyeah that seemed to do it.11:14
k1lnow you can copy settings from other programs back from that old .config folder back to the new one.11:18
LogicalDashdone. thx k1l11:19
LogicalDashSometimes I hear a pop as for a notification but no notification appears11:39
LogicalDasht least not that I can see11:39
BluesKajHowdy folks11:53
BluesKajhey LogicalDash12:01
sruli am trying lubuntu 16.04 beta2 and have the problem where splash screen does not show passphrase entry screen, bug  launchpad 1530548 does anyone know of a workaround which shows the splash screen ?12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1359689 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "duplicate for #1530548 cryptsetup password prompt not shown" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135968912:15
daedricsruli: i press insert and it works for me, it happened a couple of time12:17
trijntjesruli: hit arrow up12:26
srulii know that, i am looking for soloution which will show the GUI12:26
sruliis there a solution for that?12:28
daedricsruli: the one I indicate shows the gui and according to what trijntje it seems that pretty much any hit to a non alphanum key is displaying the gui12:34
srulifor me inseret or any other key shows the text entry12:35
srulihow can i figure out why its not showing the gui?12:37
daedricno idea, did you look up the launchpad bug ubottu pasted12:38
Bluefoxicystuff still needs gstreamer0.10, even though gstreamer 1.0 is used by everything o.o12:38
srulithe workarounds there are to show text entry12:39
Bluefoxicyah it's only gir12:39
Bluefoxicybluez-gstreamer wine1.612:40
Royal_mchello, i have a problems with flash player in chromium, I`m using ubuntu 16.04.maybe someone can help me?14:19
k1lwhat issues? it works here14:19
k1ldont get confused with warez websites making fake errormessages wanting you to download a (windows) virus :)14:20
FranticHi guys, I've installed the 16.04 beta2 as an upgrade from 14.04. I run Ubuntu with i3wm (tiling window manager). Can anyone please tell me why now when I run unity-control-center most icons from there are gone?14:20
FranticAlso, my keyboard media keys no longer work, volume up/down used to work in 14.04, but not in 16.04. Any idea what to look for on that front?14:21
FranticI've verified that I'm getting the rigth XF86AudioRaiseVolume keys with xev14:21
Royal_mchello, i have a problems with flash player in chromium, I`m using ubuntu 16.04.maybe someone can help me?14:24
Royal_mcso nobody have the same problem?14:24
k1lRoyal_mc: i answered you.14:25
Royal_mck1l, yes some websites is working but some no14:28
Royal_mcPlease Update Adobe FlashOur site requires the latest version14:28
Royal_mcand it is not fake sites14:28
Royal_mclike bet365.com14:28
k1lworks here14:29
Royal_mcI`m just installed clean daily release, in bet365 is not working14:30
Royal_mcPlease Update Adobe FlashOur site requires the latest version14:30
Royal_mcmaybe i need to install some packages ?14:31
k1lRoyal_mc: is flashplugin-installer installed?14:31
Royal_mcI think no, because i`m just installed 16.0414:32
Royal_mcso maybe you can give me terminal command?14:32
k1lthen install that package14:32
Royal_mcflashplugin-installer is already the newest version (
Royal_mcflashplugin-installer set to manually installed.14:34
Royal_mc0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:34
Royal_mcand i cannot watch live sport streams14:35
Royal_mcAdobe Flash Player v10.1 or above is required for you to watch this video.14:36
Royal_mcso only me have this problem??14:36
k1lreload the browser after install14:36
Royal_mcthat package was already installed...14:37
FranticHi guys, I've installed the 16.04 beta2 as an upgrade from 14.04. I run Ubuntu with i3wm (tiling window manager). Can anyone please tell me why now when I run unity-control-center most icons from there are gone?15:24
FranticI really don't mind that, but some other gnome stuff is not working and I'm guesing something is not set up properly, but I have no idea what15:37
recon_dskFrantic: I did not read the "Why upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 is broken " message, but maybe you should :)15:54
Franticrecon_dsk: Right, I didn't upgrade per se, I just reinstalled16:07
Franticrecon_dsk: I realized that having a 2yr over upgrade will leave the system with a lot of junk files, so I just reinstalled16:07
recon_dskFrantic: haa, ok , I misunderstood what you where saying. But cant help regards the software center, xubuntu user here.  I can only suggest you look in some system logs to see if you can find some specific error messages.16:12
recon_dskFrantic: maybe something in var/log/syslog or something like  var/log/unity-control-center16:16
sruli am trying lubuntu 16.04 beta2 and have the problem where splash screen does not show passphrase entry screen, bug  1530548, the wrokarounds there are to show text entry, does anyone know of a workaround which shows the GUI splash screen ?17:06
ubottubug 1359689 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "duplicate for #1530548 cryptsetup password prompt not shown" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135968917:06
srulithat bug is for ubuntu vivid, the work arounds there did not help me17:08
nicomachusI'm getting an error from the Chrome repo (again) about an insecure hash algorithm (SHA1). Anyone else?18:39
daxnicomachus: error or warning? chrome as in the browser or as in chrome remote desktop or something else?18:54
nicomachusfrom apt during update18:56
daxthat's a non-fatal warning isn't it?18:57
Piciwarnings usually ar18:58
daxif so, it's been giving that warning since it stopped erroring on March 18th18:58
Pwnnaso i see that openjdk-7 has been removed20:57
Pwnnais there a way to install it still?20:58
Pwnnai need it to build android20:58
FritigernWon;t it build with Oracle Java 7?21:11
noobadminhi, people, I need help bringing up a new bridge interface. I'm on 16.04 and I edited /etc/network/interfaces to add 'br0' using dhcp and set 'bridge_ports em0', when I bring it up with 'ifup br0' it works but I lost connectivity22:20
noobadminand I can see on the router a lot of 'arp who-has' and 'arp reply' but nothing else... can somebody help me a bit? I don't know what else to check22:20
PwnnaFritigern: not afaik23:39
Pwnnahas to be openjdk-723:39
=== nelsk|gone is now known as nelsk

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